🍡💜🍡Endocrine System🍡💜🍡

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The hormone oxytocin does all of the following except

is responsive to osmoreceptors. promotes uterine contractions. rises during sexual arousal. is responsible for milk expression from the mammary glands. peaks at orgasm in both sexes.

Define the prefixes hyper- and hypo- in the context of endocrine disorders. (Module 16.18A)

Hyper refers to excessive hormone production. Hypo refers to inadequate hormone production.

What effect would increased cortisol levels have on blood glucose level? (Module 16.10C)

Increased cortisol levels would increase blood glucose levels.

The pituitary hormone that triggers the release of thyroid hormone from the thyroid gland is


List the three phases of the stress response. (Module 16.17A)

alarm phase, resistance phase, and exhaustion phase

Which of the four hormonal effects are involved in a negative feedback response? (Module 16.14B)

antagonistic effects

The hypophyseal portal system

carries neurosecretions to the anterior lobe of the pituitary. does not transport ADH and oxytocin. has two capillary plexuses connected by short veins. All of the answers are correct.

Which of the following hormones increases production of red blood cells?


After a steroid hormone binds to its receptor to form an active complex,

gene transcription is initiated.

Excess secretion of growth hormone during early development will cause


The release of which pituitary hormone would lead to an increased level of somatomedins in the blood? (Module 16.7B)

growth hormone

The exhaustion phase of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS) is characterized by all of the following except

increase sweat gland secretions.

Activation of the renin-angiotensin system would result in all of the following except

increased urine production.

Each of the following is true of the pineal gland except that it

is a component of the hypothalamus.

List three functions suggested for melatonin in humans. (Module 16.12C)

maintain circadian rhythms, control the timing of sexual maturation protect against damage by free radicals

Regulatory hormones that control secretion of anterior pituitary hormones are released by neurons at the ________ of the hypothalamus.

median eminence

During the alarm phase of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS), there is

mobilization of energy reserves.

Name the hormones secreted by the heart. (Module 16.15A)

natriuretic peptides

The posterior lobe of the pituitary is also known as the


Identify the hormone-secreting cells of the pineal gland. (Module 16.12A)


The hypothalamus controls secretion by the anterior pituitary by

secreting releasing and inhibiting factors into a tiny portal system.

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