English 4 Exam 1

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foil character

a character who contrasts with another



give up, such as power, as of monarchs and emperors


servile flattery; exaggerated and hypocritical praise


a state of misfortune or affliction


characterized by an appreciation of beauty or good taste


someone who offers opposition


marked by care and persistent effort


Chaucers characters described by their job, _____, accessories, the way they act, their ____, their secrets, their ____, their slang or accent, and their mode of _____.

clothing, income, status, and transportation

work together on a common enterprise or project


a deep awareness of and sympathy for another's suffering


why does the pardoner tell his moral stories?

he is open about his greed; states it from the beginning

how is the old lady helping the knight to gain an understanding that goes beyond what women desire most?

helping him understand what makes a good man (manners and respect)


long robe, thick white neck; persuasive and manipulative; clergy


smudged armor; modest, honorable, wise, chivalry; highest/ruling class

would you say B is a static or dynamic character?

static b/c he never changed

what plan do the two remaining rioters make?

to kill the other man when he returns from town

the knight finds many different opinions of what women desire. what are they?

women want wealth, treasure, honor, fun in bed, pleasure, clothing, multiple husbands, freedom


yellow hair, buldging eyes; thief, little hoe, alcoholic, hypocrite; clergy

What are the four key values of the Anglo-Saxon religion?

1. bravery 2. loyalty 3. generosity 4. friendship

Setting- the main action of the story is set around 500 A.D. in _________ and __________ (a region in what is now Sweden)

Denmark; Geatland

What does Anglo-Saxon mean?

The Angles and the Saxons joined together invaded England, long period of era called Anglo-Saxon era.

What publication did King Alfred institute and why was that important?

The Anglo-Saxon chronicles. It contributed to England's culture

Which religion did the Romans introduce?


What was the position of women in this society?

Could own property, husband had to offer wife money and land, religious freedom

Describe the Celtic myths.

Fantastic animals, love affairs, strong,powerful women, magic

what goes Grendel do at night and describe how that serves to drive the plot and mood?

G murders people and it's building on the conflict of good vs evil

What did the Romans build in England?

Roads, defensive walls, public baths, villas

What is a scop and why are they important?

Storyteller, tells legends and epics in village halls (mead halls), viewed as extremely important in society as important as warriors. The scops provided entertainment and education. They also gave people hope and an example on how to live.

What kind of political system did the British have? How did this affect Americans?

They had a monarchy of and for the people. America adopted it and formed the democracy

how does Unferth serve as a foil to the epic hero B?

Unferth is negative, boast w/o evidence B is positive , humbly boasts with evidence

What is Stonehenge and what was it used for?

a circle of huge stones in England mysteriously set up by ancient people. It's used for religious rights and it reflects the reflection of the Sun and the Moon.


a desire for wealth; greed

What is an epic?

a long heroic poem passed down verbally tells tale of a hero or legend

where has the w of b travelled? what do these destinations have in common?

all over the world; popular for religious pilgrimages

showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding



big and muscular, red face with warts; tells nasty stories in bars, wrestles, gross; low class

The traits of an Epic hero are: a. ___________- risks his life for others b. ___________ - true to his people; his actions determine the fate of a _________ or group of people c. generosity d. friendship

bravey; loyalty; nation

host (harry bailey)

bright eyed, hot; good host, friendly, compliments; low class

harsh criticism or disapproval


the act of assembling


translate and explain "Radix malorum est cupiditas

greed is the root of all evil. the priest were basically stealing money from the people

what did they hear going through the streets?

hand bell clinking fro the coffin

Describe the warfare the Anglo-Saxons engaged in.

hand made weapons, defensive walls, shields, spears, fought horse back

what is the w of b's attitude towards husbands who are controlling?

neg. and hostile

how does the author characterize Welthow, H's wife?

rich, noble, independent, strong, helpful, loyal

first time in european history that people payed______ on their property.


characterized by friendship and good will


deviating from a straight course


Describe a typical day in the Anglo-Saxon life

dangerous, collected and spun wool, preparing food, protecting homes

who is the allegorical character in the story? who fears him? why?

death; the tavern knave, inn keeper, and townspeople are scared of death b/c plague happened and killed many people

harmful to living things


understanding and entering into another's feelings


strive to equal or match, especially by imitating


causing weakness or debilitation




what does B use to Kill G's mother and what is B's final revenge against G?

enormous sword hanging from her wall; cuts his head off

anything short-lived, as an insect that lives only a for a day


Beowulf is an _____ ____, a long narrative poem that celebrates a ______, deeds

epic poem; hero's

tending to vanish like vapor


a story that includes another story or stories

frame story

knighthood was grounded in a feudal idea of _____ and involved a complex system of _______ _____. A knight would never break one of these codes- would undermine himself and knights in general.

loyalty; social codes

what is significant about the challenge regarding B's experience?

made B look better and himself look worse

the young boys would get trained in good_____, singing, _____, and playing chess.

manners, dancing

Mead hall- buildings where ________ were held, places of _______, scops would recite _______ and play music, food and drink (mead), relaxing, safe places to unwind with friends and start to develop a sense of what makes a good person.

meetings; safety; poems

what are the reasons for the knight not being able to love his new wife?

she is old, plain, and poor

where does the old man tell them to find death?

under a tree

what does H promise B if he is able to kill G?

your ship will have treasure

The middle ages lasted from______ to _____


how many pilgrims are travelling together?

29 plus the host

how many husbands did she have throughout her life?


It is estimated to have been written between __________ the dark ages; written in __________?

700-1000 A.D.; England

this type of training wuld start at age _____. They also started to use their sword and _____.

7; shield

What is a mead hall?

A very important large building in center community owned and runned by the king. It was used for meetings, battle strategies, scops, and celebrations

What type of religion did the Celts practice? Describe that religion.

Animism- belief that all things have their own spirit and should be worshipped. (Ex: tree, wind, animals, humans)

what can you infer is B's reasoning for not wanting to fight G with a sword?

Beowulf thinks he is as strong as Grendel

why else is B willing to help H?

H helped B's father to regain his honor, so B is returning the favor

who is Hrothgar and what is Herot?

H is King of Danes Herot is a meadhall

_________- a synonym (or appositive), a descriptive phrase or ______ _______ that is used in place of a noun Ex: a large car= a gas guzzler, Jesus= Lamb of God, Mary= The Holy Virgin

Kennings; compound word

how does the poet contrast Hrothgar's kingdom to Grendel's liar?

Kingdom: happy, joyful, music, and laughter Liar: dark, evil, empty, gloomy

Beowulf is written in the Anglo-Saxon language (__________)

Old English

What was most Anglo-Saxon literature like?

Reflects no hope for afterlife, filled battles, sorrow and gloom; reciting poetry was an important as fighting battles

who stays to help B after everyone leaves and what persuasive argument does he make?

Wiglaf, said that when they were in the meadhall they talked a big game but in person they are wimps and what did B ever do to deserve this sad and lonely death.

what do they find there?

a pile of gold florins

the trait of refraining from something, especially alcohol


many important people traveled to Herot after B's victory. how does this add to his status as an epic hero?

adds to his status as a hero by it being spread

Stock epithets- _______ that points out special traits of a person. Ex: Wily Odysseus, swift-footed Achilles, grey-eyed Athena


who do the men meet along the road? how do they treat him? what does this reveal about the men?

an old man; they disrespect him and threaten to harm him; their disrespect underscores their ignorance

chronologically misplaced


short account of an incident


having no known name or identity or known source


lacking sufficient water or rainfall


what is a mail shirt and what does it symbolize?

armed garment made of interlocking metal rings; symbolizes bravery

a shelter from danger or hardship


why do none of Hrothgar's men challenge G and how long has G's terror last?

b/c they are terrified; lasted 12 yrs

what does B use to kill G?

bare hands to prove he is a real hero

the king appointed ____, giving the land in return for their ____ and military allegiance

barons; economic

Life was difficult; it was filled with bloody ______ to solve conflicts, ignorance due to lack of education, and ______

battles; barbarism

the characters are on a pilgrimage to St. Thomas _____ shrine


the quality of affording easy familiarity and sociability


magna carta- a document that the king signed that took power away from the ____. It put more power into the hands of the ____.

church; people

someone who can perceive things not present to the senses


an accommodation in which both sides make concessions


what did the king plan to do to the knight as punishment for the act?

condemned the knight to be beheaded by law

characteristic of those who treat others with arrogance


imposing or depending on or containing an assumption


what mood is created in this section by the images used to describe the kingdom and the liar?

conflict between good and evil

someone who follows established standards of conduct


the act of coming closer


what is a pardoner?

crook, not holy, worries about himself, greedy, women in every town

a leader who seeks support by appealing to popular passions


a message that departs from the main subject


quietly and steadily persevering in detail or exactness


what will the winner receive?

dinner at inn paid for by all others

the state of being held in low esteem


lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike


tending to move apart in different directions


what idea does the host have to pass the time while the pilgrims travel to canterburry?

each tell twos stories with a moral message there and back and the host will pick a winner

explain the biblical allusion in reference to Cain and Abel and say what symbolic purpose it has here.

evil spawned from evil ancestors

the feudal system did not always work, but it did create a sese of ____ and ____ that started showing up in art, literature, and life.


based on a religious hierarchy with _____ as the supreme overlord.


knights codes of chivalry 1. true to his ____ and defender of the faith 2. true and ____ to his lord and king 3. true to his lady 4. ______ and _____ in daily actions 5. brve and fierce in ____ and adversity.

god loyal humble and modest war

nun (prioress)

graceful and attractive, wise forehead, jewelry (she was a rich nun which is weird); normal nun; clergy/highest class

how does B prove his victory over G?

hanging G's arm from the rafter

what choices does the knight's wife give him?

have her old, ugly, but loyal OR young, pretty, and unfaithful

what proof does Beowulf offer that he is up to killing Grendel?

he explains that he can do it with his bare hands/epic boasting

what did B leave to his people?

his legacy; he's the perfect example of being brave

what happens in this battle that has never happened before

his sword breaks and allows dragon to kill him

Scops (pronounced shopes)- very important positions in society, their poems contained ________ ________, moral sermons, ________ pride, and examples of how a true hero behaves. Their _______ _______ were memorized and performed not ________

history lessons; cultural; epic poems; written

to be knight, a young boy needed to come from a rich, noble family who culd afford their own_____, ______, and ______.

horse, armor, and weapons.

Chivalry- a system of ___ and social ____ that govern the behavior of knights and ____-___.

ideals; codes; gentle women

what do the rioters decide to do?

kill death

the death of becket angered the __ and they let Henry know he did a bad thing. he felt bad, so he made a pilgrimage, a holy journey, to Beckets tomb in _____ to seek forgiveness. After that it becam a sort of english tradition to pilgrimage to Beckets shrine to show ____ ___

king; canterbury; religuous devoation

women- a womans value remained tied to the value of the ___ she brought into the marriage. She remained subservient to her father, brother, and husband.


king william took an iventory of all property in england-____ &______, and buildings.

land and cattle

knights- the primary duty of males above a serf was a military service to their _____(this was still a time in which defending yourself and your land was a big deal), there was a great need for _____.

lords; knights

courtly love: a Medieval tradition; of nobility engage in ____ ____ according to specefic rules.

love affairs

in the canterbury tales, chaucer usues satire to write about: social tensions, courtly ___ and the corruption of the ______ ____. written in middle english

love; catholic church

The _______ of this epic poem is a __________ narrator telling a story of pagan (non-Christian) times

narrator; Christian

oxford cleric

nicely dressed; reads alot, not social, donates money; middle class


no physical description; most loved one, poor, modest, dedicated to the people; clergy

were all pardoners ethical?

no, they were selling indulgences and keeping that money

Knights adhear to an ___ of ____ to their overloard and observed specefic rules of _____, such as nver attacking an _____ opponent.

oath of loyalty; warface; unarmed


open sore on knee; good cook; low class

how will the host decide the winner?

person with most moral message

people of all classes often took _____ to holy sites to get spiritual help and finances, medical needs, etc.


the black death: also called the Bubonic _____; killed thousands of people very quickly in a short period of time. passed through by rats.


what does the youngest rioter buy from the apothecary?

poisen to kill the other two rioters

feudalism- the new social system ine enlgand- a social system, a saste system (class status), a ____ system and a ___ system

proper and military

why does the pardoner admit his own corruption?

proves corruption can reach anyone even a man of the church. he makes the indulgences seem more essential

Describe the weather of Great Britain. How might that have played a role in the mood and behavior of the people living there?

rainy and foggy which would set a sad, down vibe and people would feel depressed and be negative


red and white clothes, strongly built but girly; lover and honorable; ruling class


red face, zits, narrow eyes, scabby eyebrows, bad breath; takes money from criminals instead of arresting them(bribes), little hoe, finds out secrets to blackmail, clergy

why visit st thomas beckets shrine? well _____ played an important role in medieval life, and canterbury was a religious hotspot.


the use of humor, wit, irony, and sarcasm to point out flaws or ridiculousness in something


chaucer- considered greatest poet in his time, currently considered second only to _____. He held ______ ____ positions. SUrvived the black ____. began writting the canterbury tales in 1387 but ____ before finishing it.

shakespere; high government; plague; died

when he agrees with her and kisses he, what happens?

she turns young and beautiful


short jacket; helps neighbors, gives $ to church, plows the land; low class

kennings for grendel

sin stained demon, guardian of crime

where are the three men and what are the doing?

sitting in the tavern having a drink

why is the dragon attacking B's Geats?

someone stole a jewel cup from his tower

at 14, a boy became a ____, a personal servant to a knight. when training was complete, he was tapped on the shoulder and dubbed a ____. He now had the title of ___.

squire; knight; sir

what mood is present as Beowulf enters the monster's lair?

suspenseful, prepared, ready to fight, confident, anxious

how does this act conflict with the chivalric code?

the code states that he must respect the honor of women and this conflicts by women getting raped

what deal does the knight make with the old lady he meets and how does he keep his bargain?

the knight will do whatever the old lady asks of him in exchange for the queen's question. she demands that he marry her in return

how does the opening of the w of b's tale illustrate an extreme case of a man who has no understanding of women?

the man disrespects her

where does the group gather?

the tabard inn in southwark

how does the rioters' end support the lesson that desire fro money is the root of all evil?

they are all dead because of their greed

what are they doing and why?

they are gathering to start a pilgrimage to canterburry to get healing

why does the wife's story digress to tell the tale of King Midas and his wife?

to build suspense, provides comic relief, and acknowledges that we has women are not perfect which no one is and hat women can't keep secrets

what does the queen require of him so so he can avoid the king's punishment?

to live; has a year and a day to answer what women most desire

new city classes: as population grew sciety moved away from castles an into ___ or ____. City classes developed according to the land and housing one could afford: _____,____, and _____-____.

towns or cities. lower, middle, and upper-middle

crusades- knights went to war to kill those who were not of the ____ faith. these are called ____ wars.

true; holy

what Anglo-Saxon values does B reveal?

value traits of a hero- bravery, loyalty, friendship, bold, confident, courage, generosity

Beowulf wants to battle the dragon alone like he has always done, what does this reoccurence suggest?

wants to reach hero status on his own

why were the pilgrims happy to be welcoming spring?

warmth, rain, and pilgrimage

Were the Celts warriors or peace-lovers?


what is the wife of bath's physical infirmity?

wide hips

wife of bath

wide hips, gapped teeth, hankercheif, bright clothes, red nose; world traveller; married 5 times bc she kills men with her good sex; flirty; knows mens secret; middle class but rich

The last Anglo-Saxon king was King Herold. _______ _____ waged a war against him and took over as a ruler of ______. He changed anglo saxons lives.

william the conqueror; england

what is the key to an understanding of women?

women want power over husband

what details let you know that greed is the main subject of the story?

youngest rioter is only thinking of the gold coins caring less about sin he is about to commit

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