English FD ch 3-7 quiz

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How does Master Auld's prediction about Frederick and learning come true?

It comes true because now he understands how bad his condition really is without a way to cure it.

Why is it ironic that he bribed the little white boys to teach him to read?

It is ironic because the white boys are privelaged enough to know to read it's a standard.

What is a maxim?

a saying that is widely accepted on its own merits

How did Colonel Lloyd keep the slave boys from taking his fruit?

He covered the perimeter with tar so if they had tar on them they would get in really big trouble.

How does Frederick learn the meanings of the words abolition and abolitionist?

He got a city paper that had petitions from the north praying for the abolition and slave trade in the south.

What reason does Mr. Gore give for killing Demby the slave?

He had become unmanageable

Why is Mr. Austin Gore a "first-rate overseer"? What is the irony of this description of him? What is ironic about his name?

He is the first-rate overseer because he was very brutal and cruel. The irony of his name is it sounds like gory.

How does Frederick learn to write?

He learned to write by copying letters he saw on a ship port and then later on by copying Master Thomas' work book.

What plan did Frederick adopt to learn how to read now that Mrs. Auld was no longer teaching him?

He made friends with white boys that would teach him.

What is ironic about Colonel Lloyd's treatment of his horses compared to the treatment of his slaves?

He treats the horses extremely well but dehumanizes the slaves.

Why was it particularly difficult to be the slaves in charge of Colonel Lloyd's horses?

He would blame them if the horse went slower or didn't hold it's head high enough even though its something they can't control.

How does he trick the white boys into teaching him new letters?

He would write the four letters he knew and ask them to beat that.

How did Mrs. Auld change and why did she change?

She changed from being kind-hearted to more severe than her husband. At first she wanted to teach FD to read and then after her husband told her it was bad to teach a slave to read she would get extremely angry is she caught douglass with a newspaper

What irony does Frederick find in this statement: "It is almost an unpardonable offence to teach slaves to read in this Christian country." (p. 54)?

The irony is that fact that he knows how to read.

What did Frederick learn from the book "The Columbian Orator"?

The power of truth and conscience of even a slaveholder

What do the two Irishmen encourage him to do? Why does he not trust them?

They encourage him to run away to the North. He doesn't trust them because white men often do this to catch the slave and bring them back for reward.

What, according to Frederick, changes her?

being a slaveholder.

Why is Mr. Auld angry when he finds that Mrs. Auld is teaching Frederick his letters?

he knows that keeping slaves ignorant is the only power they have over them

Why does Frederick call Mr. Auld's forbidding his learning how to read "invaluable instruction" (p. 49)?

he unwittingly gives him the key to mental freedom

Why was Frederick so happy to be leaving the plantation?

he was getting a pair of pants and he'd heard baltimore is beautiful

Why did Frederick, who was seven or eight, not know the month or year of his sailing?

he was kept ignorant of everything, even time (dehumanizing)

Why did he particularly want to go to Baltimore?

his cousin had told him how wonderful it is

What relationship did his new master have to his old master?

his new master is his old master's brother

Who teaches Frederick why black men are not taught to read?

hugh auld

Why is this lesson so important to him?

it tells him he must learn

Why does inability to read keep men enslaved according to Frederick and to Mr. Auld?

knowledge is power

What was life like for Frederick on the plantation?

pretty easy since he was too young for field labor, although he was often cold and hungry

To what does Frederick attribute the kindness of Mrs. Auld?

she never owned a slave

What were Frederick's initial impressions of his new mistress, Mrs. Sophia Auld?

she was very beautiful and kind

What other examples does Frederick give of his statement "that killing a slave, or any colored person,... is not treated as a crime, either by the courts or the community" (p. 41)?

the girl who was killed for not getting to the crying baby fast enough. The slave that was killed for going onto someone else property by mistake

What does Frederick hope to gain by learning how to read?

the key to freedom, he would be able to write his own pass

What happened to the slave who told Colonel Lloyd the truth about his master?

the slave got sold

Why is the life of a city slave so much better than the life of a plantation slave?

there is a sense of shame in punishing a slave in the city

Why does Frederick relate the story of the slaves Henrietta and Mary?

to show that not all slaves were treated kindly

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