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got drunk off money from sweater vest money (Shukumar)

pâté on his chin (Shoba)

What does Mrs. Sen love to do that is very distinguished and represents her house hold?

read books aloud to herself

What does the narrator of Fatal Light keep in his pocket?

A photograph of his girlfriend

What do the Dunmire household's children receive for Christmas?

A rope

What is the first thing that Twinkle finds in the new house?

A white porcelain statuette of Christ

Baby was a boy (Shukumar)

Moving into an apartment (Shoba)

"When she whipped out the hairbrush, the slip of paper with ________________ on it fluttered away in the wind"

Mr. Kapasi's Address

"They got the word out they'll cut you if you don't quit pesterin the girls"

Mr. Tinley

What makes a story true?

A "true" story is a story that is true to the feelings one has in his/her heart about an experience that one has had, regardless if the story has twist of character names or even plot.

What is a common scene that the soldiers see throughout the war.

A dog eating the body of a dead man

Definition of Sexy according to Rohin

"Loving someone you don't know."

What does Mrs. Das say Mr. Kapasi's job is?


"For now I am going to put it in the garage. Then tomorrow morning on my way to work I am going to take it to the dump"

"This Blessed House"; Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri; Sanjeev says this to Twinkle about the figure of The Virgin Mary that she found in the yard of their new home. He says this because he despises how tacky this and all the other miscellaneous Christian paraphernalia are, and despises the idea of it being in front of their home where everyone can see it. Twinkle loves them however, and wants to keep all of them and display them for all to see. Sanjeev does not want any guests to see, especially since they are not Christian and he does not want to have to explain it to them, and also because he thinks they are very tacky. This quote highlights the conflict between these two characters and their inability to get along in the wake of their new marriage as they get to know each other.

In "Brokeback Mountain" how long is the time lapse between when the men leave the mountain and when they finally see each other again.

4 years

the only story that isn't "someone goes on a journey or a visitor comes to town"

55 miles to the gas pump

"When you live a long way out you make your own fun."

Annie Proulx Close Range; 55 Miles to the Gas Pump; Unknown Narrator; Anything about Rancher Croon killing the missing women his wife finds in the attic, and how she feel about being able to keep this secret. Note that this is the last line.

How do Jimmy cross and Martha meet again?

At a college reunion

Where does Twinkle put the poster of Jesus crying?

Behind her door in her study

What is the name for a "coming of age" story?


where did Alma say Jack wanted to have his ashes scattered after being cremated?

Brokeback Mountain

What did Mr. Pirzada give to Lilia when he visited?


Dave Jensen

Carries toothpaste, floss, other hygiene items. Beats up Lee Strunk over a missing jackknife.


Cross and O'Brien refelect on their time during the war and Cross talks about his love for Martha and how he reconnected with her at a college reunion. O'Brien leaves talking about how he might want to write a story about what happened and Cross tell him to make him look like a hero.

What character had a terrible fear of the dentist?

Curt Lemon

"The Dentist"

Curt Lemon is afriad of the dentist and faints when it is his turn to be seen; He later claims that he has a toothache and although the dentist does not see anything, he takes out a perfectly good tooth to Lemon's request


Dave Jensen and Lee Strunk get into a fistfight over a missing jackknife that Jensen thinks Strunk has stolen. Jensen breaks Strunk's nose, hitting him repeatedly and without mercy. Afterward, Jensen is nervous that Strunk will try to get revenge and pays special attention to Strunk's whereabouts. Finally, crazed by apprehension, Jensen fires his gun into the air and calls out Strunk's name. Later that night, he borrows a pistol and uses it to break his own nose in order to even the score. The next morning, Strunk is amused by the news, admitting that he did steal Jensen's jackknife.


Dave Jensen and Lee Strunk learn to trust each other. They resolve that if one gets seriously wounded, the other will kill him to put him out of his misery. In October, Strunk's lower leg gets blown off by a mortar round. Jensen kneels at his side and Strunk repeatedly begs not to be killed. Strunk is loaded into a helicopter, and later Jensen is relieved to learn that Strunk didn't survive the trip.

Went through phonebook (Shukumar)

Didn't like poem (Shoba)


Drowns by the river, carries moccasins, New Testament, hatchet, grandmothers distrust

"I built a life up in them years. Love my little girls...You and me can't hardly be decent together if what happened back there"

Enis, Close Range, Brokeback mountain, Annie Proulx 259, shows the struggle that the two went through to be together.

Rancher Croom

Falls off a cliff when he is drunk

"When this is all over and I am out and gone everybody will want to hear the story."

Fatal Light by Richard Currey, spoken by the unnamed narrator in the prologue. The situation he is talking about is the Vietnam War, as he is thinking to himself in the jungle at nighttime. One would typically think of the jungle as a dangerous place, particularly at nighttime, and would be frightened at the thought of lying there. However for the narrator, this is the only place where he can feel at ease and relax. He can listen to the sounds of the jungle and not have to concern himself with the typical day-to-day combat. He says "the story" rather than "my story". This is perhaps significant because he is not claiming Vietnam to be his own story, as it happened to many other people, and they all had a very similar experience, so one cannot claim the story of fighting in the Vietnam War as completely their own. This may also connect to how the narrator is unnamed, as he does not want to make the story about himself. He wants to tell a story about what the general experience was like, and wants to give the reader a perspective of what it was like for any given soldier.

where does Miranda meet Dev?

Filene's a department story


Finds many Christian things at the house

Henry Dobbins

Gunner, Wore his girlfriends pantyhose on his neck for good luck, carries insecticide,

How did O'Brian kill the Vietnamese man in The Things They Carried?

He blows him up with a grenade.

How does the narrator in Fatal Light feel when he is on the bridge as a boy?

He feels happy to be the pilot of the tallest air he can find; in a sense of control which is In contrast to how he feels in the war having no control at all.

In Close Range in the story "Brokeback Mountain" what does Ennis find hidden in Jacks closet?

He finds one of his shirts hidden within on of Jacks shirts hung in his closet.

Curt Lemon must get checked up by the dentist along with the rest of his company. Initially he was very anxious to go in the tent and ended up fainting. What did he end up doing after this incident?

He goes over to the tent in the night complaining of a monster tooth ache and gets a tooth pulled.

How does Ted lavender die?

He is shot in the head

Who is Joe Agguire?

He is the foreman of the ranch at Brokeback Mountain where Jack and Ennis meet.

Who is Bobby Jorgenson?

He is the replacement medic for Rat Kiley. He nearly lets O'Brein die after he gets shot and Jorgenson doesn't help him in time. He is spooked by O'Brein and Azar.

What is O'brien's job before he enters the war?

He packs meat

In "The Blood Bay," what did Dirt Sheets remove from the dead, young Montana boy and how?

He removed the pair of nice boots that the young boy was wearing, and he did it by cutting off the boy's feet with a knife.

In Fatal Light, how does the liquor store owner deal with the narrator and his two friends?

He uses a toy gun to try to scare them away.

In The Things They Carried what is the good luck charm Jimmy Cross receives from Martha and where does he keep it?

It is a pebble from the Jersey shoreline, and he keeps it in his mouth almost like he is kissing her; symbolic because its just like the beach, although they may be drifting apart just like the waves from the shoreline, they will still be together and stay connected.

What is the emotional nature of Bibi's illness?

Its caused by her desire to be needed by someone and while it is "all in her head" it is still very real.

"Me neither. A one shot thing. Nobody's business but ours"

Jack Twist

How does Jack die and how does Ennis find out?

Jack is believed to have died from a tire blowing up in his face while fixing a car. His wife believes he was beaten to death by coworkers who found out that he had a homosexual relationship. Ennis finds out when he sends Jack a letter and the letter comes back with a label that says, "Deceased".

"How to Tell A True War Story"

Kiley writes a letter to his friends sister pronouncing his death; Sanders tells a story about soldiers hearing chimes in the mountains like a cocktail party, they call an airstrike but the next morning they hear the same chimes; Sanders says the story is not true but O'Brien questions the truth about stories.

Who is Linda and how does she die?

Linda is O'Brien's girlfriend from elementary school, and she dies from a brain tumor.

What was the name of the prostitute that the narrator would come back to repeatedly?


"The Sweetheart of Song Tra Bong"

Mark Fossie is a young medic and he sends a letter and his elementary sweetheart, Mary Anne Bell, arrives. She learns Vietnamese, how to cook, shoot morphine and drops her fussy feminine habits and cuts her hair short. Fossie suggest she goes home but she disappears on an ambush, she comes back only to disappear again. When she return Fossie talks to her and she leaves in her cullottes, pink sweater and a necklace of tongues

Significance of Mary Meade in Fatal Light.

Mary Meade is the narrator's girlfriend from back home. She loves him so much that she said she couldn't wait for him when he went off to war because she couldn't handle it. Her name, particularly "MM" alludes to two biblical figures- Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary (Virgin Mary). Although Mary Magdalene is a prostitute, which is considered very sinful, she is loyal to Jesus Christ and is considered a good person and respectable figure in the Bible. Mary Meade does not stay loyal to the narrator, but it is out of her love for him- as far as we know, she probably does become involved with other men. Despite this, she loves him. She is a sweet and comforting girl to the narrator, but in terms of a relationship, she is not bound to one person. Mother Mary is considered to be one of, if not the most important figures in the Bible, as she is the mother of Jesus Christ, through the Immaculate Conception, because she was a pure virgin. She is the ultimate mother figure and symbol of good and charity. This also relates to how Mary Meade is such an admirable and comforting figure for the narrator- someone he can look to in times of trouble, and rely on.

How would Ted Lavendar respond To "How was the war today?"

Mellow, man. We got ourselves a nice mellow war.

What does Mero say he can out run and how does this characterize him?

Mero claims that he can out run an Emu. This is extremely irrational and nearly impossible for an athlete to do, let alone an old man. This shows how Mero is overly confident in himself and even slightly delusional with his perspective towards himself and the world.

Who did not die in the war?

Mitchell Sanders

"I felt remote, too small for the sky"

Narrator, fatal light, Richard Curry 59, The narrator feels small and insignificant in the chaos of the war which is in contrast to the prelude which depicts him in a sense of control.

"The truth, is that I let him go"

Norman Bowker

In The Things They Carried the short story "Speaking of Courage" is written at the suggestion of which solider?

Norman Bowker

"On The Rainy River"

O'Brien gets the notice after he graduates that he is drafted into the war. He contemplates while going into the meat packing business; his community wants him to go but being opposed of the war he considers fleeing to canada; He goes to Minnesota and meets Elroy Berdahl and they spend 6 weeks together; it is then where he decides he will go fight in the war.


O'Brien reflects on the Alpha Company and on Curt Lemon's death. Ted Lavendar adopts a puppy and Azar kills it using immaturity as an excuse; O'Brien starts to see dead people and Kiowa explaining it's not his fault.

What is the historical conflict in Mr. Pirzada's home country in the story?

Pakistani civil war

What is a meta-fiction story?

Playful writing that addresses the conventions and nature of writing itself

Such things live together here, _______ and _______. Alive and well in a single body.

Poetry and shotguns

What happens to the baby water buffalo in The Things They Carried?

Rat shoots it several times, and then it is dumped into the village well.

What is the significance of secrets in relationships?

Secrets represent a person's care for a loved one which is seen in the couples in the collection "Interpreter of Maladies." They all have secrets that they share, but in some cases keeping secrets actually attests to the value of the relationship because if you care about someone, you care about what they know about you

What did Mrs. Croft call the narrator and why?

She called him "a gentleman" because she really likes the narrator as his appearance and manners set him apart from other young men she has met.

What does Lilia do to ensure that Mr. Pirzada's family is safe in Dacca?

She put the chocolate that Mr. Pirzada gave her in her mouth and let it melt a little before chewing it slowly and prayed that his family was safe.

How was Bibi Haldar cured?

She was cured through the having her son, the only man in her life.

In Interpreter of Maladies in the short story "A Temporary Matter", what is the first set of secrets Shoba and Shukumar share with one another?

Shoba says that when they first started dating she checked his address book to see if Shukumar had written her down. Shukumar says that the first time they went out, he forgot to tip the waiter because he was distracted because he somehow knew he was going to marry Shoba

How did the two of them first find out that Jack had any feelings for Ennis?

Slept together in the same tent and ended up cuddling with each other which also lead to them having sex for the first time with the same gender.

In The Things They Carried, which soldier died first?

Ted Lavender

"the notice had informed them that it was a _________"

Temporary Matter

What does the blackout symbolize in the story a Temporary Matter?

The black out is the temporary matter that the couple is working on fixing but there is also a deeper meaning to this. The black out signifies that there is nothing left in their relationship and that the light between them no longer exist.

In "This Blessed House" what is the final Christian object found, and how does Sanjeev feel about it?

The final object is a metal bust of Jesus. Sanjeev acknowledges the beauty of the bust, which makes him dislike the sculpture even more.

Ted Lavender

The first to die in Alpha Company. Was shot in the head doing a pee break; always carried tranquilizers, weed, black jacket, because he was so scared.

Analyze the figurative meaning of the half-skinned steer in "Close Range." What does it imply about Mero, what does it represent, and why is it significant?

The half-skinned steer represents death because since it was skinned and dying, it followed Mero to show that he was also near death. Mero encountered a series of unfortunate events that placed him in a sticky situation on a mountain road. He was on his last leg when he decided to walk through the snowstorm even though he was defeated. The steer followed him to show that death was right around the corner.

Jimmy Cross

The lieutenant of the Alpha Company; carries pebble, photos of Martha,

"It is improper for a lady and gentleman who are not married to one another to hold a private conversation without a chaperone!"

The quote is from the short story "The Third and Final Continent" in Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri. Mrs. Croft said this to the narrator and her daughter Helen. The narrator and Helen have a conversation in the room that narrator rent from Mrs. Croft. Mrs. Croft is lonely and wants to join their conversation. Therefore, uses this as an excuse to make them come down to join her.

"'Gentlemen, you are about to be reborn. You are about to become soldiers, like it or not.'"

The recruiter warned the men about the strenuous process they will be put through. These are also the last kind of words they will ever hear.

What is the significance of the symbolism of the monkeys?

The significance of the monkeys is that they are showing the brutality that could be pointed towards Bobby, if Mr. Das were to find out that he is not his biological son. Also, the monkeys could symbolize society, and how they would treat him if they were to find out that he was a product of an affair.

What is the reason Elliot stops going to Mrs. Sen's, and what is the reason his mother gives him for not going to Mrs. Sen's.

The unspoken reason for Elliot not going to Mrs. Sen's is that she crashed her car with Elliot in it, and is not seen as a safe caretaker. The reason Elliot's mother tells him he can stay alone is because he's "a big boy now"

"... but nothing could be done about it, and if you can't fix it you've got to stand it"

This is the very last line of the story and it signifies that Jack and Ennis have a true love story and want to be together. However, they are married and Joe Aguirre caught them making love which shattered their confidence and hope of a potential relationship in the future. When they see each other after some time they are so happy and realize how much they love each other. Since they cannot do anything about their relationship, they have to "stand it.

In "The Things They Carried" what does the narrator tell us "humping" is?

To carry something

In Fatal Light what is "the oldest opener, a man heard it everywhere in-country"?

You got a girl back in the world?

Mitchell Sanders

brass knuckles, condoms Likable character; fatherly

Norman Bowker

carried a diary, and thumb; committed suicide at a YMCA

Lee Strunk

carried tanning lotion, sling shot (as last resort); got into a fight with Jensen, stole Jensen's jack knife that's why they fought

went out for drinks with a friend during visit from mother(Shoba)

cheated on oriental exam (Shukumar)

carried picture of women in books (Shukumar)

didn't like poem (Shoba)

Curt Lemon

fainted during a trip to the dentist, dies when he stepped on a land mine

What does Mero leave in his wrecked car that he could have used later?

flares, car phone, AAA card, flashlight, matches, candle, Power Bars, bottle of water, wool cap


has a mistress who he calls sexy

2 types of stories

journey- someone goes on a trip visitation- stranger comes to town These are simply two different perspectives of one story- every story that is told can be described as one or the other (or both)

Rat Kiley

medic; carried comic books, morphine, plasma, malaria tablets, surgical tape, M&M's, brandy

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