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Chapter 1 The Humanities: An Introduction What happens when individuals have knowledge about a work of art? - It can lead to knowledge of the work of art True or false: the Mona Lisa has obvious historical surroundings to provide us with better understanding of the painting and the artist - false The Mona Lisa is a carefully structured painting that depends on a subtle but basic geometric form, the ____ - triangle The importance to think carefully about the composition of individual paintings is particularly true of paintings that ____ - do not evoke immediate response An ____ form is a composition or structure that makes a subject matter more meaningful. - artistic Which of the following is most likely to be true of the arts that refer to historical circumstances and personages? - they often demand background information if people are to appreciate them fully. The Mona Lisa, a painting by Leonardo da Vinci, has ___ - a tense pose and an enigmatic expression. Echo of a scream is a painting by Mexican painter David Alfaro Siqueros that ___ - -is highly emotional. - Seems to evoke strong emotions of shock and pity Which of the following are true statements about Robert Herricks life? - he placed great value on honor, but also on fame, he sided with King Charles during the English Civil War and His original professional was a clergyman. Works of art created in the 15th century - 19th century were valued for - How fully they expressed societal values, - Their beauty and proportion - Their representation of the artist's ideals and values Identify the features of art. Check all that apply. - Art clarifies or reveals values of an individual - Art reveals the essence of an individuals existence - Engagement with art enriches the quality of an individual's life significantly - Art may also include the painful and tragic sides of life The piano in Gabriel Okara's poem Piano and Drums signifies ___ - the European culture The humanities are broad areas of human creativity and study that are widely distinct from ___ - mathematics Who among the following is most likely to perceive the kind of emotions that Gabriel Okara talks about in his poem Piano and Drums? - Jim, an African who migrates to the United States after facing immense struggle in Africa. Robert Herrick's The Pillar of Fame has a ____ that illuminates its subject matter. - visual formal structure. Which of the following is true of the humanities? - they explore the reaches of human feeling in relation to values. What topics and themes did the artist David Alfaro Siqueiros's focus his paintings on? Check all that apply. - the Mexican revolution - His political convictions and his experience in prison - Turbulent emotions such as shock and sadness What topics and themes did the artist David Alfaro Siqueiros's focus his paintings on? - the Mexican Revolution What happens when individuals deepen their understanding of the arts? - they necessarily deepen their understanding of values. Identify an important theme in Edward Hooper's Early Sunday Morning - the subject matter is related to loneliness. The humanities are distinct from mathematics and other "hard" sciences mainly because ___ in the humanities - strictly objective or scientific standards are not usually dominant. Who among the following is most likely to agree with Gabriela Okara on his ideas and beliefs about the new culture? - Liam, who believes that the new culture is a mixed blessing. Which of the following sayings can be credited with making an individual feel righteous about his or her own taste in art? - matters of taste are not disputable. The drum in Gabriel Okara's poem Piano and Drums signifies ___ -african culture Jamie, who has studied the British invasion of African nations, has done extensive research on the cultural history and evolution of Africans. Which of the following works of art is he more likely to perceive? - Piano and Drums by Gabriel Okara. Identify a true statement about the humanities - they involve an awareness of those aspects of values that cannot be measured by objective standards.

Chapter 2: What is a work of art? Match the following basic terms related primarily to the perceptual nature of a work of art (in the left column) with their definitions (in the right column) Artistic form - the organization of a medium that results in clarifying some subject matter Participation - sustained attention and loss of self-awareness Content - the interpretation of subject matter Subject matter - some value expressed in the work of art Identify the true statements about Francisco Goya's May 3, 1808. Check all that apply. - The meaning of the painting involves ideas and feelings that lie beyond the painting. - The meaning of the painting seems to lie within the painting. What people can observe about an object or an event is known as ___, whereas what people know or think they know is called ____ - perception; conception Unlike Eddie Adam's Execution in Saigon, the ______ of Francisco Goya's May 3, 1808 is not immediately revealed in the painting. - subject matter On can always determine whether a work meets the criteria for being a work of art only by perceiving it. - false _______- _____ refers to a work of art's structure and meaning. - form, content Identify the true statements about the author's judgment about the Adams photograph Execution in Saigon and Goya's painting May 3, 1808. Check all that apply. - The author feels that Goya's painting can be considered as a work of art - The author feels that Adam's photograph does not require participation - The author feels that Adam's photograph is fascinating Match the following works of art with their respective subject matters Pierre-Auguste Renoir's Bather Arranging Her Hair - the nude as an earth mother Venus de Milo - the erotic ideal, the goddess of love Nude Descending a Staircase by Marcel Duchamp - a mechanized dissection of the female form in action Great American Nude by Tom Wesselmann - the nude as exploited The four basic terms that are primarily related to the ____ nature of a work of art are artistic form, participation, content, and subject matter. - perceptual ______ of works of art are communions, which are experiences so full and fruitful that they enrich people's lives. - participative experiences. Identify the true statements about the importance of unity and disunity in artistic forms. Check all that apply. - Disunity or playing against expectations of unity can be artistically useful at times - Some people think that the highly unified work of art is old-fashioned The female nude as a subject matter for a work of art is advantageous over shovels and soup cans as subject matters of work of art because the female nude has multiple facets to offer for interpretation. - true Which of the following are true statements about Gentileschi's Self-Portrait as the Allegory of Painting? - The painting is an allegory - it represents the classical idea of the painter - The painting was done for King Charles I The content of a work of art is the interpretation of some ____ - subject matter Identify the true statements about participation and artistic form in a work of art. Check all that apply. - Participation in a work of art indicates a strong form - A strong artistic form clearly identifies a whole or totality. Why were the shadows of trees on the road softened in Eddie Adams's Execution in Saigon? - to lead the eye inexorably to the hand that holds the gun Identify a true statement about Suzanne Valadon's Reclining Nude. - it is a traditional painting of a nude woman. Which of the following is true of Goya's May 3, 1808? - the uncertainty of the painting increases the intensity of a viewer's attention Which of the following cannot be considered a work of art? - the beautiful chirping of birds. To participate in Goya's painting May 3, 1808, one should ___ - give undivided attention and sustain the attention What are the possible themes for subject matter and content in Self-Portrait as the Allegory of Painting? - The power of a woman painter - The act of self-portraiture - The idea of painting Identify a true statement about Eddie Adams's Execution in Saigon - the photograph depicts the abstract idea of barbarity Identify the criteria for determining whether something is a work of art. Check all that apply. - The object or event is made by an artist - Recognized experts agree that the object or event is a work of art. - The object or event is intended to be a work of art by its maker. The significantly interpreted subject matter of a work of art is known as the ____ of the work of art. - content Which of the following statements is true of participators with a work of art? - their thoughts are dominated so much by something that they are unaware of their separation from that something In the given image, which of the following are paintings by Roy Lichtenstein? Check all that apply. Image C - crying lady Image A - I can see the whole room and there's nobody in it Why do Clive Bell and Roger Fry consider Francisco Goya's May 3, 1808 to be a work of art? - because significant form is evident in the Goya if the objects and events represented in it are ignored ____ is the necessary condition that makes possible people's insightful perception of artistic form and content of a work of art. - participation A disadvantage of Eddie Adams's Execution in Saigon over Francisco Goya's May 3, 1808 is that the Adams photograph ____. - has a lower degree of perceptive unity. How do viewers react to Francisco Goya's May 3, 1808? - they are prevented from separating the meaning or content of the painting from its form because the form is so fascinating. The meaning of the artistic form of a work of art is known as the ____ of the work of art. - Content According to Clive Bell and Roger Fry, what is only necessary factor to identify a work of art? - significant form Which of the following distinguishes a work of art from objects or events that are not works of art? - artistic form The difference between noises and music is that noises and random tones ____. - lack the order that most music composers impose. Eddie Adams's Execution in Saigon differs from Francisco Goya's May 3, 1808 in that the ____. - photograph, unlike the painting, has no content Which of the following statements is true of the author's perception of identifying a work of art? - if a work requires one's participation in order to be appreciated fully, then there is an indication that the work is art. A similarity between Eddie Adam's Execution in Saigon and Francisco Goya's May 3, 1808 is that both of them have ____. Visual fields with boundaries A work of art is said to have content if ____. - its meaning is fused with its form Which of the following is most likely to be considered a work of art? - a boy's painting of his mother Unless one participates with Francisco Goya's May 3, 1808, one will fail to ___ . - see how the details work together to form a totality. Margaret Evans Pregnant by Alice Neel differs from other paintings that portray female nude, which were painted by men, in that it does not _____. - show the alluring female. True or False: Is the environment in Eddie Adams's Execution in Saigon staged and carefully controlled? - false Identify a true statement about the shadows depicted in Eddie Adam's Execution in Saigon and Francisco Goya's May 3, 1808. - the long dark shadow at the bottom right of Goya's painting reinforces the ominous appearance of the firing squad. Identify a true statement about Jim Dine's construction Shovel. - it is described as "mixed media." Which part of Francisco Goya's May 3, 1808 underlines the line of the firing squad? - the long dark shadow at the bottom right. Which feature of Execution in Saigon particularly emphasizes the dramatic action of the foreground? - the background is out of focus and blurred. Identify the most opaque part of Francisco Goya's May 3, 1808. - the long dark shadow at the bottom right.

Chapter 3: Being a Critic of the Arts Identify the keys to the beginning of high-level criticism. Check all that apply. - Perception - Patience Identify the type of criticism that is marked by an examination of the large formal elements of a work as well as the details in the composition. - descriptive criticism Match the following parts of a work of art with their descriptions. Detail - a small part in a work of art Region - a large part in a work of art The significance of buildings such as Le Corbusier and the Guaranty (Prudential) Building is expressed by means of the _____ - ______. - form-content Identify the type of criticism that is most likely to improve an individual's participation with a work of art. - descriptive criticism Examples of formal structures in Pollack's The Flame are _____. Check all that apply. - The central flame in orange-white - The triangular shape at the center, suggested by the red flames. What are the fundamental standards of evaluative criticism? Check all that apply. - Inexhaustibility - Insight - Perfection Leah, a ten-year-old girl, changes the programs on television until she finds an animation movie on a specific channel. She decides to watch that channel. Which of the following is most likely to be implied by Leah's act? - Leah is a critic. Match the three kinds of criticism with their characteristics. Descriptive criticism - aims at a careful accounting of the formal elements in a work. Interpretive criticism - focuses on the content of a work, the discovery of which requires reflection on how the formal elements transform the subject matter. Evaluative criticism - makes an effort to qualify the relative merits of a work. Examples of significant structures in da Vinci's Last Supper are ____. Check all that apply. - The white rectangular table cloth - The high white walls Interpretive criticism of a work of art helps people to ____. - understand how form transforms subject matter into content Identify the basic formal qualities of the poem "The Lake Isle of Innisfree" that a descriptive critic will notice. Check all that apply. - The steady meter - The rhyme An accurate statement about participation is that ______. - it is an essential act that makes art significant in people's lives. The judgment of the merits of a work of art is known as ____ criticism. - evaluative A relative merit ranking several works of art seems arbitrary because_____. - each work of art is unique - works of arts are often in different media and have different subject matters. Interpretive criticism of a work of art operates in a vacuum unless it is based on ____ criticism. - descriptive Why were religious New Yorkers alarmed by Chris Ofili's Holy Virgin Mary? - Because the painting included naked female bottoms in a depiction of the Virgin Mary. - Because elephant dung was part of the mixed media that went into the painting Examples of important details in da Vinci's Last Supper include _____. - The three open windows in the rear of the painting - The figure of Jesus as a geometric shape Identify a true statement about the Polish Rider. - some scholars of the Rembrandt Project believe that it was painted by Willem Drost. In the context of the poem "The Lake Isle of Innisfree," who among the following is most likely to be considered as a descriptive critic? - Jonathan, who notices the rhyme of the poem. Evaluative criticism of works of art may seem more arbitrary when the works ____. - are in different media -have similar subject matters. ____ critics, more than _____ critics, must be familiar with the subject matter of a work of art. - interpretive; descriptive What is the first stage of interpretive criticism of a work of art? - the elucidation of the subject matter Which of the following critics can be referred to as descriptive critic? - Nathan who exhaustively analyzes the important characteristics of the form of a work of art. A director of a museum decides to display only 160 works of art in the museum, although the museum owns about 200 works of art. The works of art that have been displayed are far more valuable and famous than the ones that are not on display. The decision of the director is most likely based on ____ criticism. - evaluative Examples of important details in Pollack's The Flame are _____. Check all that apply. - The intensity of the colors - The powerful contrasts between black, white and red Which of the following was considered as the most shocking work by churchmen and politicians who witnessed the show Sensation: Young British Artists in New York? - Holy Virgin Mary by Chris Ofili When the content of a work of art is strong, it indicates that ____. - viewers, when participating in the work, will be intensely involved A work that has perfect organization will still be evaluated as poor unless _____. - It satisfies the standard of insight William analyzes a work of art by concentrating on the form of the work and exhaustively explains the important characteristics of that form. What type of a critic is he? - a descriptive critic ____ criticism explicates the content of a work of art. - interpretive Which of the following scenarios best exemplifies evaluative criticism? - John, a museum employee, decides the monetary value of different paintings and categories them accordingly. Which of the following scenarios most likely exemplifies the fact that every individual is an art critic? - Liam admires the architectural complexity of a building which is next to his office. The process of losing oneself while contemplating, or experiencing, a work of art is referred to as _____. - participation Interpretive criticism differs from descriptive criticism in that in interpretive criticism ____. - the subjectivity and relativity of explanations are more obvious. The content of a work of art cannot be understood unless the ____ of the work is perceived with sensitivity. - form After reading the poem "The Lake Isle of Innisfree," Eric addresses the entire project of the poet. Eric is an example of a(n) _____ critic.- interpretive The smile in the Mona Lisa has been an enigma because it implies a (n) ____ between the painter and the model. - understanding. In the Last Supper, Leonardo da Vinci planned the fresco so that the perspectival vanishing point would reside in _____. - the head of Jesus The complexity of the detail relationships in Guernica has led to the loss of a clear structure in the painting. - false In the poem "The Lake Isle of Innisfree," what does the poet imply when he says that he hears the lake waters "in the deep heart's core?" - a simple life is absolutely basic to the poet. the figure of Jesus in Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper is a ______. - triangle identify a true statement about Pablo Picasso's Guernica. - it is more or less balanced with respect to detail, region

Chapter 4: Painting smart book test The tile of Mondrian's painting, Broadway Boogie Woogie, was inspired by the artist's interest in _____. - jazz music In painting or any other art, ________ refers to the ordering of relationships: among details, among regions, among details and regions, and among these and the total structure. - composition How is the power of the line expressed in traditional Asian artwork? Check all that apply. - Flexible brushes - Brushes of varying sizes and hairs - Inked brushes Match the types of lines with the type of movement they suggest. Horizontal line - lateral movement; emphasize stability Diagonal lines - express more movement; suggest tension Curving lines- flowing movement; suggest softness Vertical lines- up-and-down movement; can suggest staticity What are the shapes in painting? - they are areas with distinguishable boundaries Which elements of a frame can complement the painting? Check all that apply. - Purpose - Shape - Preciousness Modern painters have employed _____ which combines different materials including duco and aluminum paint, oils and even grit and sand. - Mixed media Match the following basic principles of traditional painting with their descriptions. Balance - refers to the equilibrium of opposing visual forces Gradation - refers to a continuum of changes in the details and regions Movement and rhythm - refers to the way a painting controls the movement and pace of our vision Proportion- refers to the emphasis achieved by the scaling of seizes of shapes Unity - refers to the togetherness, despite contrasts, of details and regions to the whole. In Gorky's painting Untitled 1943, the ______ ______ are ordered by the relationships between the regions of sensa. - rhythmic durations The term ____ simply refers to the name of a color. - hue The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, or PRB as they were known, included which four painters? Check all that apply. - Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Henry Wallis - William Holman Hunt - Arthur Hughes A characteristic of acrylic paints is that _____. - they do not fade, darken, or yellow as they age ______ _______ uses a mixture of pigment, linseed oil, varnish, and turpentine to produce either a thin or thick consistency, depending on the artist's desired effect. - oil painting Which of the following statements are true of Fragonard's painting The Swing? Check all that apply. - The painting was commissioned by a wealthy baron to depict his mistress and he in a pastoral scene - The small stone sculptures emphasize the erotic nature of the painting Matched the following types of line with their descriptions. Closed line - it most characteristically is hard and sharp Open line - it most characteristically is soft and blurry Which of the following is true of axis lines? - they are invisible vectors of visual force. Why is abstract, or nonrepresentational, painting difficult to appreciate? Check all that apply. - Because it seems to have no subject matter - Because the subject matter is the sensuous - Because no objects or events are depicted - Because sensa are used to portray events The most famous school of arts of all time is the ______ school, which flourished between 1870 and 1905, especially in France. - impressionist What are the main purposes of a frame for a painting? Check all that apply - To stabilize the canvas - To set it off from the wall - To establish the period of a painting ____ colors are opposite each other on the color wheel- for example, red and green, orange and blue. - complementary A "good" or appropriate frame should dominate rather than enhance the picture. - false _____ is pigment dissolved in lime water applied to wet plaster as it is drying. - Fresco What does abstract painting do? - it provides individuals with a peculiar relief from the future and the past. In the early days of painting, a ____ was required to keep the color in solution and allow for it to be applied to a surface. - binder Which of the following statements are true of Wang Yuanqi's painting? Check all that apply. - Varying tones, ranging from almost translucent to intensely dark, are used to depict structures and create perspective. - different types of brushes are used to paint the natural and manmade structures in the work. Match the following qualities of color with their descriptions Saturation - it refers to the purity, vividness, or intensity of a hue. Value- it refers to the lightness or darkness of a hue, the mixture in the hue of white or black. Identify the painting in which the sharp diagonal figure of a woman is presented in contrast to the strong horizontal lines of the window. - Childe Hassam's Summer Evening Which of the following were the stated purposes of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood? Check all that apply. - Respond deeply to medieval and renaissance art - Authentic ideas - To study nature very closely Which of the following are true statements about Giotto's Madonna Enthroned? Check all that apply. - Giotto depicted the figures with a level of realism - Giotto created the illusion of depth in the figures - Giotto used an extraordinary level of detail with gold leaf. A(n) ____ _____ is an imaginary line that helps determine the basic visual directions of a painting. - axis line Abstract painting can provide ____ because we enjoy the sensa and focus less on practical concerns. - restfulness A true statement about the element of line is that it is _____. - usually fundamental in the overall composition of a painting A difference between tempera and watercolor is that _____. - watercolor usually does not lend itself to precise detail Abstract painting, more than any other art, gives us an intensified sense of here-now, or _____ ______. - presentational immediacy. A characteristic of Edouard Manet's A Bar at the Folies-Bergere is that ____. - it highlights the impressionists' preference for everyday scenes with ordinary people and objects Which of the following statements are true of de Kooning's Woman I? check all that apply. - Lines and color work together to define the composition of the work - de Kooning worked for a long time on the painting, creating multiple sketches and reworking the canvas again and again - the painting is enormous, standing at more than six feet high The ___ are the basic building blocks of an art medium. - elements Which of the following statements are true of woodcuts? Check all that apply. - The subject matter frequently was nature - The process is very complex - The medium involves and wood and ink The painting that represents an ordinary scene of people dining on a warm afternoon, all blissfully unaware of the painter, is ____. - Pierre-Auguste Renoir's Luncheon of the Boating Party Which of the following is true of painting? - there is a freedom of routes in seeing paintings. The element of painting that is the surface "feel" of something is ____. - texture Identify a true statement about Claude Monet's Impression, Sunrise. - the scene has a spontaneous, sketchy effect, the sunlight breaking on glimmering water. How can the illusion of depth (perspective) be made in a painting? Check all that apply. - By setting a single vanishing point - By darkening and lightening colors The painting that was shown at the first show of the impressionist painters in Paris in 1874, and it lent its name to the entire group is ____. - Claude Monet's Impression, Sunrise Identify a feature of Mary Cassatt's Autumn. - in the painting, line may be less significant than the vitality of the brushstrokes that seem to attack the canvas. Identify a feature of tempera. - the colors of tempera have a marvelous precision of detail The past and the future are relevant in an individual's experience of representational paintings because the individual is _____. - seeing representations of objects and events Which of the following are true of Mondrian's painting Broadway Boogie Woogie? Check all that apply. - Mondrian lived and worked in New York at the time he created the painting - Only vertical and horizontal lines are used - Blocks of intense color are interspersed with the vertical and horizontal lines, suggesting rhythm and movement A characteristic of paintings is that _____. - they are capable of freeing people from worrying about the future and the past A feature of representational paintings is that___. - they situate the sensuous in objects and events In her painting Autumn, Mary Casatt used intense autumn colors to create a brilliance almost unexpected. - true An accurate statement about Pierre-Auguste Renoir's Luncheon of the Boating Party is that _____. - the use of light tones and reds balances the darker greens and grays in the background. Which of the following is true of Edouard Manet's A Bar at the Folies-Bergere? - it is more three-dimensional than Claude Monet's Impression, Sunrise. _____ is pigment bound by egg yolk and applied to a carefully prepared surface. - tempera The medium of painting that is fundamentally a form of plastic resin that dries very quickly and is flexible for an artist to apply and use is ____. - acrylic Identify an accurate statement about sensa in paintings. - there is a depth of luminosity about the sensa of paintings that rivals nature. Which of the following is true of sensa in paintings? - they shine forth in paintings, especially in abstract paintings. Cimabue's Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels uses tempera to create what type of effects? Multiple choice question. Radiance and brilliant colors Which of the following is true of the medium of fresco? Multiple choice question. In the case of wet fresco, the color penetrates to about one-eighth of an inch and is bound into the plaster. A property of watercolor is that _____. Multiple choice question. it is slightly translucent Select all that apply Identify the characteristics of oil painting. (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. It offers the artist remarkable control over the final product. It dries slowly and can be put on in thin layers. It has been the dominant medium in easel painting since the Renaissance. It is very flexible and its colors are highly rich. Identify a true statement about hues. Multiple choice question. Red, yellow, and blue are the primary hues. Identify an accurate statement about line. Multiple choice question. It outlines shapes and can contour areas within those outlines. How is a high value of a color obtained? Multiple choice question. By mixing the color in white Which of the following is true of the element of line? Multiple choice question. It is usually the main determinant of shapes. Which of the following is true of texture? Multiple choice question. Distinctive brushstrokes produce distinctive textures. True or false: Artists always use organizing principles deliberately to create forms that inform. True false question. False The most famous school of art of all time is the______ school, which flourished between 1870 and 1905, especially in France. - Impressionist What are shapes in painting? Multiple choice question. They are areas with distinguishable boundaries. An accurate statement about complementary colors is that _____. Multiple choice question. when two complements are equally mixed, a neutral gray appears In the context of the principles of traditional painting, _____ refers to the contrasts of details and regions. Multiple choice question. variety How are sensa used in abstract painting? Multiple choice question. They are freed and depicted for their own sake. In Fragonard's painting The Swing, what does the swing symbolize? Erotic opportunity and sexual freedom

Chapter 9 MUSIC Which of the following is true of the blues? - the term "blues" describes a range of feelings. When more than one instrument is involved in a musical composition, the composer can contrast _____. - timbres Which of the following statements is true of the second movement in Beethoven's Eroica Symphony? Check all that apply. - The second movement is a funeral march. - The melody is melancholy and the tempo is very low Match the following movements of the symphony as it evolved into its conventional structure in the time of Haydn and Mozart with the forms to which they were related. The first movement- sonata form The second movement - A-B-A or rondo The third movement - Minuet ______ music was originally designed for dancing, though the emphasis stayed on the second and fourth beats of the measure and syncopation was used extensively. - big band Jazz began in the city of ______, and later moved up the Mississippi River to _____. - New Orleans; Chicago Identify a true statement about the blues. Multiple choice question. The blues has given rise to jazz, which has players all over the world. Which of the following are characteristic of hip-hop and rap music? Check all that apply. - Lyrics that are political and often countercultural - Both music forms have their basis in blues and gospel - A simple chord patterns Match the following movements of the symphony with their characteristics. The first movement - it is often written in 4/4 time The second movement - greatly varying rhythms with no discernible pattern The third movement - it usually is a dancelike minuet What type of music was known to use the blues scales, a powerful rhythm emphasizing the second and fourth beat of each measure, and virtuoso solo players? Multiple choice question. hot jazz A sound with one definite frequency or a sound dominated by one definite frequency is a ______. - tone Which of the following statements about secondary themes in symphonic movements are true? Check all that apply. - Secondary themes can be played by upper woodwinds, such as flute and piccolos. - Contrast, with the primary theme, is always emphasized in the secondary theme Identify a true statement about repetition in music. - the refusal to repeat musical structures in a musical composition may be effective since listeners expect repetition. In the waltz, the _____ is heavy on the first note in each musical measure. Multiple choice question. accent Identify one true statement about rondo. - the rondo may be slow or it may be played with blazing speed The ______ of music do not attempt to perceive accurately either the structure or the details of the form. - hearers Identify the true statements about harmony. Check all that apply. - The harmony is the vertical dimension, as with a chord. - The harmony that most people hear is basically chordal Many of Frederic Chopin's piano works featured ______. - folk melodies and forms The listener is usually presented with a clear statement of the _____. - theme From its beginnings, the symphony was noted for its development of __________. Multiple choice question. harmonic structures The first section or refrain of a _____ will include a melody and perhaps a development of that melody. Multiple choice question. rondo The descriptive names of _____ in music indicate the general time value. Multiple choice question. tempos The _____ of music concentrate their attention upon the form, details as well as structure. - listeners Chords are particularly useful for establishing _____. Multiple choice question. cadences Which of the following statements describe the rhythm, tempo, and melodic material of Chopin's Prelude 7 in A Major? Check all that apply. - The rhythms indicate a waltz feeling - The tempo is very slow - There are two themes-an introduction and a rising passage that resolves Match the following descriptive names of tempos in music with their respective meanings. Presto- at a very fast pace Allegro-at a fast pace Andante- at a walking pace Moderato- at a moderate pace Lento and largo- at a slow pace Repetition in music is particularly important because of the _____. Multiple choice question. Serial nature of the medium When two or more tones are sounded simultaneously and the result is easeful and pleasing to the ear, the resultant sound is said to be _____. -consonant _____ refers to the temporal relationships of sounds. Multiple choice question. Rhythm Which of the following statements are the Formalists of music most likely to agree with. Check all that apply. - Music is by its very nature essentially powerless to express anything at all - Music has no connection with nonmusical situations A difference between tragic drama and tragic music is that tragic drama is about ____ . - what causes painful feelings, whereas tragic music is about the structure of painful feelings. Which of the following statements are the Formalists of music most likely to disagree with? (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. There is a strong association of music with feelings. The similarity of structures is the basis of the association of music with feelings. A composition written mainly in one scale is said to be in the key that bears the ____ of that scale. - tonal center The ____ is a specialized structure of counterpoint and was developed in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. - fugue The most powerful dissonance is achieved when _____. Multiple choice question. notes close to one another in pitch are sounded simultaneously Which instruments comprised the rhythm section in jazz? Check all that apply. - Bass (or guitar) - Drums - Piano The third movement is a _____, which is a lively and dancelike rhythmic tempo. - Scherzo Identify one true statement about hearers (as opposed to listeners) of music. - they cannot related to minute details such as chord progression in music. An accurate statement about the fourth movement of the symphony is that _____. Multiple choice question. it is usually a sonata form or a rondo ______ are emotions elevated to great intensity. - passions What is unique about the recapitulation (fourth movement) of Beethoven's Eroica Symphony? Check all that apply. - The recapitulation is twice as long as the first movement - A long coda added to the end of the recapitulation - The coda features complex harmonic development Rock and roll music was aided by the invention of the _______ in 1931. - electric guitar As the symphony evolved into its conventional structure in the time of Haydn and Mozart, the fourth movement was usually the _____. Multiple choice question. sonata form or rondo Identify a true statement about the first A in the overall structure of the sonata form. - it is the exposition, with a statement of the main theme in the tonic key of the composition. No art reaches into an individual's life of feeling more deeply than _____. - Music Cadences move from relatively stable chords to unstable ones. - false ______ and _______ are the two ways in which music can be experienced. -hearing -listening Identify one true statement about consonance. Multiple choice question. What sounds dissonant often becomes more consonant after repeated hearings. A gradual buildup in loudness is called a(n) _____, whereas a gradual reduction is called a(n) _____. - crescendo; decrescendo Identify the features of listeners of music. Check all that apply. - They focus on the form that informs, that creates content - They would be aware of the details and structure of works The blue notes were identical to the standard C major scale. - false Tempo of a musical composition is perceived in terms of ____. - beats Identify one true statement about tones. - different groups of music may play the same sequence of tones. _____ are overtones produced by every musical instrument that help people identify one instrument from another. Multiple choice question. Harmonic partials In the context of the tones and notes on a piano, it has been observed that _____. Multiple choice question. each of the overtones will grow fainter than the primary tone _____ is usually defined as a group of notes played one after another, having a perceivable shape or having a perceivable beginning, middle, and end. - melody Which of the following relates to counterpoints in music? - powerful musical effects obtained by staggering the melodic lines Which of the following statements describe the tone and harmonies of Chopin's Prelude 7 in A Major? Check all that apply. - The harmonies are simple in the beginning, become more complex, then resolve at the conclusion. - The tonality stays in A major During the _____ section of sonata form, the themes are often played in closely related keys. - B, or development The proponents of the Expressionist theory of music deny the connection between music and feelings. - false Identify a feature of music. - sound can be thought of as one of the subject matters of music. A _____ is a group of notes sounded together that has a specific relationship to a given key. - chord The instability that people perceive in dissonance is caused by ______. - wave interference and a phenomenon called "beating" Identify a true statement about moods. Multiple choice question. They sometimes arise from no apparent stimulus. The roots of rock and roll are in ____. Rhythm and blues The perception of rhythm is controlled by ____. - the accent or stress on given notes and their duration. From its beginning, the symphony was noted for its development of _____. - harmonic structures Beethoven wrote his Symphony in Eb Major, No 3 to celebrate the greatness of ____. - napoleon A _____ is a melody that undergoes significant modifications in later passages. - theme In most jazz music, the stress falls on the ____ and ______ notes in each measure. - second; fourth The structure of the blues is _____ measures with a constant pattern of chord progressions. Multiple choice question. twelve In the context of La Mer by Claude Debussy, which of the following statements are true according to the author? Check all that apply. - Listeners who do not know the program of La Mer can still respond powerfully to the music - Listeners who know the program of La Mer will experience thoughts about the sea. Which of the following is true of hearers (as opposed to listeners) of music? - most hearers of music prefer richly melodic music Which of the following relates to counterpoint in music? - powerful musical effects obtained by staggering the melodic lines Which of the following is true of the sonata form? - the overall structure of the sonata form is A-B-A What are the two terms used by composers to identify the desired dynamics at a given moment during a composition? - Piano and forte The speed at which a musical composition is played is known as _____. Multiple choice question. tempo Identify one true statement about tonal relationships in music. - music that does not emphasize tonal relationships can give people an insight into sounds that are noises rather than tones. Which of the following is true of melody? - it is easily recognizable when replayed The subject matter of tragic drama is the _____ world, whereas the subject matter of tragic music is the ______ world. - outside; inside In theme and variations, the variation(s) is a completely new melodic motif than the original theme. - false What are cadences? - progressions to resting points that release tensions A listener perceives the tonic as the basic tone because it _____. - established itself as the anchor A _____ is a vague melody, without a clear beginning, middle, and end. - melodic line The melody which is set forth clearly at the beginning of a composition in most fugues is called the _____. Multiple choice question. statement The early rock and roll bands were popular with and widely accepted by white audiences. - false Playing one or more themes or melodies or motives against each other is called ______. - counterpoint Which of the following is true of music? - music is capable of clarifying and revealing the feelings of individuals. The sounding of tones simultaneously is called _____. Multiple choice question. harmony La Mer, by Claude Debussy, is an interpretation of the _____. Multiple choice question. sea In the third section, the recapitulation, the tonality usually returns to the ____. - tonic or home key A composer's use of contrast helps to value dynamics in a given composition. True false question. True Identify a feature of the Expressionist theory of music. - composers communicate their feelings through their music to their audiences. A ______ is the briefest intelligible and self-contained fragment or unit of a theme. - motive According to Susanne Langer, the basis of the association of feelings with music lies in the ____. - similarity of structures _____ refers to the loudness and softness of music. Multiple choice question. Dynamics

Chapter 10 Dance Which of the following is true of repetition in dance? - it is one of the most important structural features of dance Identify the floor pattern of the ritualistic rain dances of the Southwest region of the United States. Multiple choice question. Modified spiral Match the popular dance styles with the time periods in which they were most popular. Charleston- early 20th century Swing dance- 1930s and 1940s Rock dancing-1960s Break dancing-1980s Hip-hop - 1990s Which of the following statements are true of Susan Stroman's dance piece Contact? Check all that apply. - There is a general narrative for each segment, but no traditional pretext - There are three segments in the production In the 1940s, _____ was an extremely popular dance style. Multiple choice question. jitterbugging The meld of story and movement constitutes the dance form of ______. -ballet Which of the following statements are true of Chopin's piano cycle of Preludes? Multiple choice question. There is one prelude in each of the major and minor keys Since all cultures have the basic requirement for dance, the art of dance ______. - probably precedes all other arts Which of the following are true of act 2 of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake? Check all that apply - Siegfried learns that he can free Odette from her enchantment if he vows his love to her and keeps his vow - Siegfried falls in love with Odette, whose motions are characterized by the softness and grace of a swan - The opening scene is on a moonlit lake, with the arch magician Rothbart tending his swans A ______ is a narrative line or story around which a ballet is built. - pretext In the third section of Alvin Ailey's Revelations, a sense of __________ is projected. Multiple choice question. triumph and redemption During the 1920s and 1930s, the public preferred ____ during theater performances. - lavish dance revues The subject matter of a ballet is interpreted by means of stylized movements such as the _____. Multiple choice question. arabesque A true statement about social dance is that _____. Multiple choice question. it is a form of recreation and social enjoyment. Identify the vies of Isadora Duncan on ballet. Check all that apply. - She stated that ballet placed very less emphasis on the torso - She felt the emphasis placed by ballet on the movement of the arms and legs was restrictive According to the psychologist Havelock Ellis, ______ is the loftiest, the most moving, and the most beautiful form of art. - dance _____ is an almost-pure dance theater piece, created by Susan Stroman. - contact How does act 1 of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake open? - it opens with the principal male dancer attending a village celebration Match the gestures of the southwest American rain dancers with their symbolic interpretations. Loud screams- to awaken the gods Drumbeats- to denote thunder Rattles - to suggest the sound of rain Identify the views of Isadora Duncan on ballet. (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. She felt that the emphasis placed by ballet on the movement of the arms and legs was restrictive. She stated that ballet placed very less emphasis on the torso. Which of these statements are true of the second section of Revelations? Check all that apply. - The title is "Take Me to the Water" - There are three, distinctly different dances in the second section - The pretext suggest baptism and affirmation of faith in God Match the types of court dances with their notable features. The volta- a dance that involved the male dancer hoisting the female dancer in the air from time to time The pavane- a stately dance popular in the 17th century The minuet - a group dance performed by four dancers popular in the 18th century The allemande- a dance performed by couples who held both hands, turning about one another without letting go A shape that is often seen in shells, plants, and insects and is one of the favorite shapes for dance is the _____. - spiral nautilus What happens in act 3 of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake? - the black swan successfully seduces Prince Siegfried Identify the characteristics features of dance. Check all that apply. - It is mostly accompanied by music - It is often incorporated in opera Martha Graham's dance Night Journey is an interpretation of Sophocles' work _____. - Oedipus Rex The creator of a dance is referred to as its _____. - choreographer Which of the following L'Allegro, il Penseroso, ed il Moderato, the title of Mark Morris's first major dance, refer to? Check all that apply - Happiness - Restfulness - Melancholy Tchaikovsky's ______ is a popular ballet that as composed from 1871 to 1877 and was first performed in 1894 (act 2) and 1895 (complete). - Swan Lake Which of the following is true of social dance? - it is a form of recreation The Batsheva Dance Company derived from Martha Graham's teaching in _____. - Israel In the third section of Alvin Ailey's Revelation, a sense of ______ is projected. - triumph and redemption Identify a true statement about court dances. - they were not as openly energetic as folk dances. The details and structure of a dance that gives an individual an insight into its subject matter is known as the _____ of the dance. - form The choreographer, ______, for West Side Story created an innovative blend of ballet, modern dance, and theater. - Jerome Robbins Identify a feature of dance. - it is rhythmic, unfolding in time, and thus has common ground with music. Identify a feature of folk dance. - the dancers often wear the peasant costumes of the region they represent Identify a feature of dance. Multiple choice question. Some dances have sexual origins and are often a ritual of courtship. Which of the following is true of dances across cultures? - dances of most cultures have a religious connection In the first section of Revelations, the general pretext is the ______. - suffering of African Americans How does Rothbart successfully trick Prince Siegfried into breaking the vow that he made to Odette? - by disguising his daughter, Odile, as Odette to seduce the Prince The origins of _____ are usually traced to the American dancers Isadora Duncan and Ruth St. Denis. Multiple choice question. modern dance Gaga movement, which was developed by Ohad Naharin of the Batsheva Dance Company, is based on ______. - imagining the spinal column to slither like a snake. Participating in court dances signified ______. High social status The final dance, "Rocka My Soul in the Bosom of Abraham," features ____________. Multiple choice question. the entire company A species of folk dance that has traces of ancient origin and is performed in specific relationship to special periods in the agricultural year is called ______. - country dance How does act 3 of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake commence? - with the ball the Queen has arranged for presenting to Siegfried a group of princesses from whom he may choose Tchaikovsky's _____ is a popular ballet that was composed from 1871 to 1877 and was first performed in 1894 (act 2) and 1895 (complete). Multiple choice question. Swan Lake Identify the most pervasive subject matter of dance. - feeling The innovative modern dance act of _____ was performed by Diana Vishneva, one of Russia's finest Mariinsky ballerinas. Multiple choice question. For Love of Women A characteristic feature of dance is that _____. - it often builds tension by withholding movements the audience wants to have repeated The ______ of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake were Leon Ivanov and Marius Petipa. - choreographers Contact is considered an almost-pure dance theater piece because it ______. - has no continuous narrative Identify a true statement about act 1 of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake. - Siegfried drunk tutor interrupts the prince's pas de trois with two maids An accurate statement about dance is that ______. - dance of all kinds draws much of its inspiration from the movements and shapes of nature The court dances were popular and were favorites at courts primarily because they served religious purposes. True false question. False ______ are the dances of the people - whether ethnic or regional in origin - and they are often carefully preserved, sometimes with contests designed to keep the dances alive. - folk dances The origins of _____ usually are traced to the early seventeenth century, when dancers performed interludes between scenes of an opera. Multiple choice question. ballet The form of dance is as clearly perceptible as the form of other art forms such as painting, sculpture, and architecture. - false Dance shares a common ground with _____ as it involves moving bodies shaping space. - kinetic sculpture Which of the following is true of the character Odile? - Odile is more angular and less delicate than Odette ______ is the subject matter of dance at its most basic level. - abstract motion The classic modern dance of ______ by Alvin Ailey was based on African American spirituals and experience. - revelations. Identify the only requirement needed for dance. Multiple choice question. A body in motion Which of the following is true of the subject matter of dance?- a state of mind is a subject matter or disposition of a dance that cannot be easily superseded An accurate statement about Isadora Duncan's performances is that ______. - they differed greatly from ballet The most important dancers in a dance are usually present ______ of the stage. - at the center In Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake, what happens after Siegfried comes upon Odette and her group of swans? Multiple choice question. He learns that Odette's enchantment will prevent her from attending the Queen's ball. Martha Graham's dance technique is reminiscent of _____ in its rigor and discipline. - ballet The innovative modern dance act of ______ was performed by Diana Vishneva, one of the Russia's finest Mariinsky ballerinas. - For Love of Women Identify a true statement about Alvin Ailey's Revelations. - the dance was refined by Ailey over the years. What does the The Moor's Pavane represent? - an interpretation of the states of mind that Shakespeare dramatized. The _____ was formed reluctantly in 1980 because its founder could not do the dances he wanted with other existing companies. Multiple choice question. Mark Morris Dance Group Isadora Duncan's dance movements were abstract and rarely came to a complete rest. - true Which of the following is true about balancing on a dancing stage? - centrality of focus helps in unifying the overall shapes of a dance. Which of the following moods does L'Allegro, il Penseroso, ed il Moderato, the title of Mark Morris's first major dance, refer to? (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. Restfulness Happiness Melancholy Identify a feature of Martha Graham's form of modern dances. - the sudden pulling in of the diaphragm with the resultant relaxation of the rest of the body is a common movement in her dances. The specialty of the Pilobolus and Momix dance companies involves placing moving bodies in ______ positions. - acrobatic Most of the music in Stroman's dance production, Contact, was original and played by a live band. Multiple choice question. False

Chapter 5 Sculpture Match the following types of sculptures with their examples. Sunken-relief sculpture---Stele of Maety Low-relief sculpture---Giufa, the Moon, the Thieves, and the Guards High-relief sculpture---Mithuna Couple Sculpture in the round--- Growth Adam visited an artistic display and was immersed in the sculptural space of a particular work of art. He could also enter inside the sculpture through two openings. Identify the sculpture that Adam was most likely to have witnessed. Multiple choice question. Sequence by Richard Serra Identify a feature of sculpture in the round. - It brings out the voluminosity and density of things less certainly than does any other kind of sculpture. - It often gives people an objective image of their internal bodily awareness as related to its surrounding space. From which material is most African sculpture created? Multiple choice question. Wood Each place setting in Judy Chicago's The Dinner Party has embroidery, napkins, place settings, and a plate with a butterfly design that alludes to _____. Multiple choice question. female genitalia A feature of relief sculptures is that _______.—they are best viewed from a frontal position. Picasso's experiments in the ____ style were strongly influenced by African sculpture.—Cubist The primary subject matter of Jean Arp's Growth in neither an object nor an event.—true What are significant differences between Falling Man and Bronze Crowd? Check all that apply. - The figures in Bronze Crowd are headless and unaware; the figure in Falling Man has a head and is aware - The environment of Bronze Crowd is the outdoors, whereas the figure in Falling Man stands in a clean factory or office. Match the two types of abstract art with the features that they emphasize. Abstract painting - surface sensa Abstract sculpture- depth sensa A type of avant-garde sculpture in which the earth itself is the medium, the site, and the subject matter is _____ _______. - earth sculpture. The Luba Helmet Mask is a facial sculpture constructed of _____. - wood What features make the sculpture Queen Mother Pendant Mask unusual and distinctive? Check all that apply. - Female masks of royalty were quite rare - The use of white ivory is very unusual Identify a true statement about the Temple Carving.- the density of the sandstone is evident in the sculpture. Identify a similarity between abstract painters and abstract sculptors. Multiple choice question. Both emphasize the play of light that brings out textural nuances. The space between a painting and a participator is _____, whereas the space between a sculpture and a participator is _____. Multiple choice question. transparent; translucent Match the following types of sculptures with their respective characteristics. low-relief sculptures - they project slightly from their backgrounds medium-and high-relief sculptures - they project farther from their backgrounds sculptures in the round - they are freed from any background plane sunken-relief sculptures - they do not allow their materials to stand out from their background plane Identify the new species of sculptures that have taken hold, apart from the traditional species. Check all that apply. - Protest against technology - Accommodation with technology - Earth sculpture - Machine - Space Why was it feared that Maya Ying Lin's Vietnam Veterans Memorial might stir public antagonism? - because the Vietnam War was both terribly unpopular and a major defeat Identify the true statements about the space around sculptures. Check all that apply. - The space around sculptures is invisible - The space around sculptures is felt A characteristics of low-relief sculpture is that _____. -its depth dimension is very limited Identify a true statement about the impact of technology on the modern world. Multiple choice question. Reverence toward natural things has receded. Which of the following is true of Danaïde by Rodin? Multiple choice question. When people participate with the sculpture, they find something of their bodily selves confronting them. How can the principle of "truth to materials" be best described, according to Karl Knappe and Henry Moore? Check all that apply. - The sculptor must have an active relationship with his/her material, so it plays a role in the shaping of an idea. - Each kind of material has natural laws of its own David and Danaide present ______ ______ - images that are objective in the sense that they are "out there" and yet correlate or are similar to subjective awareness. - objective correlatives Identify a characteristic feature of the Mithuna Couple. - the rhythms of the lines of the figures emphasize the tenderness of the figures. Which of the following is true of figural distortions in African sculpture and its influence on principles of art? Check all that apply. - Picasso and other artists had a new way to conceive of proportion, shape, and beaty - Early twentieth century artists felt liberated from realistic representation in their work Which of the following works of art contains explicit social protest that is unequivocally directed at technology as part of its subject matter? - Study: Falling Man (Wheel Man) by Ernest Trova David Smith's Cubi X illustrates _____. -truth to technological materials. Identify a feature of Jean Tinguely's Homage to New York. -the mechanical parts of the sculpture were collected from junk heaps. How can imitations of primitive sculptures be easily identified? - by their lack of truth to the materials. Identify true statements about Maya Ying Lin's Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Check all that apply. - The list of names engraved on the sculpture grows with each step down the slope. - The sculpture was controversial when was first unveiled. When can Robert Smithson's Spiral Jetty be seen? - when the water level is low The ___________ in African sculptures is what most interested Picasso and other artists in the early twentieth century. Multiple choice question. figural distortion What distinctive facial and bodily features in African sculptures represent a source of power? Check all that apply. - Oversize head - Enlarged eyes - Prominent genitalia In Abakanowicz's Bronze Crowd, the figures are _________, which signifies they have been stripped of their dignity and individuality. headless A difference between sculpture in the round and relief sculpture is that sculpture in the round _____. - brings out the density of things more certainly than does any other kind of sculpture. Why are sculptures in the round more typically sculpture than are the other species? - because sculptures in the round are more of a center of actual three-dimensional space. Which of the following sculptures is made of four huge torqued Cor-Ten steel plates? - Sequence by Richard Serra Which of the following is true of Danaide by Rodin? - when people participate with the sculpture, they find something of their bodily selves confronting them A difference between architecture and sculpture is that architecture _____. - has usable inner space, whereas sculpture does not have such space. Identify a true statement about sculpture.- at no instance in time can an individual conceive the wholeness of a sculpture When a person sees a sculpture, he or she will have a good idea of _____. -what its surface would feel like What do the huge, solidly implanted feet of the emaciated figures in Alberto Giacometti's City Square (La Place) suggest? - Nostalgia for the earth A difference between a sculpture and a painting is that _____. - the convexities of the sculpture are actively outgoing into the between Identify a similarity between the Temple Carving and Jackson Pollock's The Flame.- their surfaces are similar Identify an accurate statement about Judy Chicago's The Dinner Party. - it was the work of many women. Which of the following is true of sculpture? - it is a mass extending into space inviting people to walk around and view it from several positions. All sculptures always evoke ___ in people. - outward sensations In primitive cultures, painting has usually preceded sculpture because it can be accomplished with simple, primitive tools. - False A difference between the Temple Carving and Jackson Pollock's Autumn Rhythm is that _____. - the Temple Carving does not project into space, but Pollock's painting, in some spots, projects into space. Why is the depth dimension of a low-relief sculpture limited? - because it projects relatively slightly from its background plane Identify the similarities between Arshile Gorky's Untitled and Jean Arp's Growth. Check all that apply. - Both the works of arts are abstract - Both the works of art lack specificity of reference - Both the works of art neither have objects nor events as their primary subject matter Which of the following is true of the Orissa temple sculpture, Mithuna Couple? - it was made in a very rough stone The Temple Carving is typical of the _____ funeral sculpture of ancient Egypt.- sunken-relief A characteristic of low-relief sculpture is that _____. Multiple choice question. its depth dimension is very limited What is the subject matter of Degas' The Little Fourteen-Year-Old Dancer? - The dancer's body and its position - The nature of dance itself Relief sculpture, except _____ relief, allows its materials to stand out from a background plane. - sunken The work of art that is substantial because the female shape, texture, grace, sensuality, sexuality, and beauty are interpreted by a form and thus clarified is that____. - Danaide The art of separating inner from outer space so that the inner space can be used for practical purposes is known as ____. - architecture Which of the following statements are true of Degas' The Little Fourteen-year-Old Dancer? Multiple choice question. While Degas was better known as a painter than a sculptor, this sculpture of a dancer is one of the most admired modern sculptures. When the human body is portrayed in the form of _____, people have the most vivid material image of their internal feelings. Multiple choice question. sculpture in the round Identify a true statement about David Smith's Cubi X. - the cubes barely touch one another What is the one fairly pervasive characteristic of contemporary sculpture? Multiple choice question. Truth to materials Based on the author's perception, identify a similarity between the sculptures David and Danaïde. Multiple choice question. They clarify inner bodily sensations as well as outward appearance. Identify a true statement about Jean Arp's Growth. -the marble is relevant to the sculpture. Which of the following sculptures was a machine sculpture and a onetime sculpture performance? - Homage to New York by Jean Tinguely Identify a true statement about Study: Falling Man (Wheel Man) by Ernest Trova. - it portrays inhuman mechanical purity in which no free will is left to resist What does the soaring upward of the elongated bodies in Alberto Giacometti's City Square (La Place) suggest? - aspiration for the heavens Which of the following is true of Spiral Jetty by Robert Smithson?- it is constructed of "mud, precipitated salt crystals, rocks, water," and colorful algae. Identify a similarity between abstract painters and abstract sculptors - both emphasize the play of light that brings out textural nuances. A similarity between Alberto Giacometti's City Square (La Place) and Magdalena Abakanowicz's Bronze Crowd is that the figures in both the works of art _____. -are extremely isolated When people participate with very high-relief sculptures such as the Mithuna Couple, their bodies tend to get stabilized in one favored position. True false question. False _____ is an absolutely essential factor for the creation of earth sculptures. Multiple choice question. The proper spatial selection Abstract sculptors are different from abstract painters because they ______. -emphasize light to bring out the inherent textural qualities in things Identify a feature of abstract painters. Multiple choice question. They can represent density but, unlike sculptors, they cannot present it. What is the difference between the habitats of Ernest Trova's Study: Falling Man (Wheel Man) and Alberto Giacometti's City Square (La Place)? - the habitat of Falling Man is clean, whereas Giacometti's people seem to be in the grubby streets of decaying cities. A difference between Alberto Giacometti's City Square (La Place) and Ernest Trova's Study: Falling Man (Wheel Man) is that the figures in City Square (La Place), unlike the figure in Falling Man, seems to ____. - know that they stand in an utterly alienated space True or false: The primary subject matter of Jean Arp's Growth is neither an object nor an event. True false question. True David and Danaïde present — images that are objective in the sense that they are "out there" and yet correlate or are similar to subjective awareness.- objective correlatives When a person grasps or handles a sculpture in the dark, he or she will have some idea of _____. Multiple choice question. what its shape looks like Arshile Gorky's Untitled differs from Jean Arp's Growth in that _____. Multiple choice question. Untitled has sensa, especially colors, abstracted from objects

Chapter 6 Architecture Architecture that is ________suggests or is symbolic of a world as the generating agency that enables people to project their possibilities and realize some of them. - sky-oriented Why is the Pantheon in Rome considered one of the most internally centered architectural? Check all that apply. - The round eye in the dome emphasizes the centrality - Nearly all the inner space can be seen from a central location - The enclosing shell is very symmetrical The _____ is the tallest building in Scandinavia. - Turning Torso What can an iconographer trace from the icons and symbols found on the surviving panels and sculptures of Chartres Cathedral? - the fundamental values of the society that created Chartres Cathedral Which of the following architectures serves as an excellent example of the combined use of manufactured and raw materials that helps set forth the earth? Multiple choice question. Wright's Kaufmann house ______ ______ is the feeling of the comfortable positioning of things in the environment, promoting both liberty of movement and paths as directives. - living space Match the following types of architecture with their relationships to the earth. Earth-rooted architecture-"Hugs to" the earth Earth-resting architecture- "Sits on" the earth Earth-dominating architecture-"Rules over" the earth True or false: The textures in Antonio Gaudí's Sagrada Família vary greatly. True false question. True Identify a true statement about sky-oriented architecture. Multiple choice question. It de-emphasizes the features that accent the earth. Which of the following are true statements about The Alhambra? Check all that apply. - The original function was as a fortress - Construction began during the Middle Ages, and continued through the fourteenth century According to the authors, the Long Island Federal Courthouse in New York is a combination of ______ and ______ architectures. - earth-rooted, earth-resting Early civilizations often express a need for a world by centering themselves in relation to the sky by means of a(n) ______ ______. - axis mundi Identify a true statement about the buildings in Hong Kong and Shanghai. - inside Hong Kong, the skyscrapers are usually more earth-dominating than sky-oriented. The arrangement of things around some paramount thing- the place at which the other things seem to converge-is known as _______ ________. - centered space. Identify the characteristics of a well-designed building. Check all that apply. - It causes people to become aware of the power and embrace of space - It strikes a bargain between what it lets people do and what it makes people do. What natural feature is emphasized in every room and all the surfaces of The Alhambra?- the intense sunlight The entablature of the Parthenon in Athens supports the _____ and the roof. - pediment What is/are the primary functions(s) of the Taj Mahal? Check all that apply. - Mosque - Mausoleum The term _____ refers to a structural principle in architecture in which one end of a horizontal form is fixed, while the other end juts out over space. - cantilever Identify the basic and closely interrelated necessities of architecture. Check all that apply. - Functional requirements - Spatial requirements - Revelatory requirements - Technical requirements Identify the feature of earth-dominating architecture. Check all that apply. - Earth-dominating architecture usually rests or "sits" on the earth - Earth-dominating buildings generally are easily identified Identify a true statement about the Parthenon. - there is no place in the Parthenon to come to an unequivocal standstill Identify an accurate statement about Frank Lloyd Wright's Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. Multiple choice question. Wright was not completely successful in relating the museum to the surrounding buildings in a spatially satisfactory way. Identify the true statements about the dome of the Cathedral of Florence. Check all that apply. - The eight outside ribs repeat the circle of mountains outside Florence - The dome of the Cathedral of Florence is precisely as high as it should be in order to organize its sky - The dome of the Cathedral of Florence is the most powerful structure ever build in seeming to defy gravity Chartres Cathedral is dedicated to Jesus. - false A place that is a gathering point around which a field of interest is structured is known as a ________ __________. -configurational center Earth-resting architecture seems to ____ the earth. - sit on According to the author, Frank Lloyd Wright's Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum does not comply with the ______ requirements of architecture. - spatial ______ architecture accentuates the natural symbolism of nature's security and mystery more than any other art. - earth-rooted Which architectural components define the Acropolis as an earth-rooted structure? Check all that apply. - The line of the entablature emphasizes the ground - The density of its stone columns - The stones that surround the building What are the five sections within the floorplan of the Chartres cathedral? - Aisle - Crossing - Transept - Nave - Choir Identify the raw materials that are generally used in architecture to help reveal the earthiness of the earth. Check all that apply. - Stone - Wood - Clay Identify a true statement about centered space. People perceive centered space as a context energized by the positioned interrelationships of things. Identify the roles that an architect should ideally presume. Check all that apply. - The role of an economist - The role of a psychologist - The role of an engineer Richard, a professor of architecture, visits a museum for the first time. He notices that the architecture of the building reveals that the building had definitely been constructed to serve as a museum. This scenario reveals that the building has met the _____ requirements of architecture. - functional _______ _______ is the feeling of the comfortable positioning of things in the environment, promoting both liberty of movement and paths as directives. - living space. Why is the Radcliffe Camera building considered an example of earth-rooted architecture? Check all that apply. - The large Renaissance-style dome - The large diameter of the building - The density of the classical columns Identify a feature of earth-resting buildings. - they are usually cubes that avoid cantilevering structures Identify a true statement about Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. - unlike the Pantheon in Rome, the great masses of Hagia Sophia seem to rise Identify a true statement about Chartres Cathedral. Multiple choice question. It shows that the society of its architect believed the Virgin to be a heavenly queen and a mother. The Betakin Cliff Dwellings are built ________ the earth, providing a sense of rootedness in their setting. Multiple choice question. into Nothing in nature is more suggestive or symbolic of security and mystery than _____. Multiple choice question. the earth The portioning of space by an architect during the creation of a building allows us perceive spaces that are invisible. - true Identify a true statement about the Seagram Building in New York City. - the endless boxes add to the unearthliness of the structure Why is architecture considered to be a public art? Check all that apply. - Because buildings generally have a social function - Because many buildings require public funding Which features of the Taj Mahal could define it as earth-resting? Check all that apply. - The sky as a dramatic, continuous backdrop - The absence of any nearby buildings that would create severe boundaries - The optical illusion that the building sits on the ground The platform of the Hearst Tower in New York City has a(n) _____ effect. - earth-resting Which of the following buildings is considered the most internally centered? Multiple choice question. The Pantheon What type of architecture is more suitable when a site is severely bounded by other buildings? - earth-resting architecture Chartres is considered an historically significant example of a _______. - Gothic cathedral ________ is an example of a city where development and growth has been carefully planned and controlled. - Dubai True or false: The glass areas of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul are dominated by stained glass. True false question. False Identify a true statement about Antonio Gaudi's Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. - Antonio Gaudi developed its structure based on organic forms of nature Which of the following types of architecture has a sense of power and aggression? Multiple choice question. Earth-dominating architecture According to the revelatory requirements of architecture, what should an architect take into consideration? - the values of the architect's society _____ is the creative conservation of space. - architecture The Betakin Cliff Dwellings are built _______ the earth, providing a sense of rootedness in their setting. - into For an architect to succeed, his or her structures must _____. Multiple choice question. adjust to the four necessities of architecture A difference between sky-oriented architecture and earth-resting architecture is that the earth-resting style _____. - does not strongly organize the sky around itself What are the principal value areas of the medieval region that are revealed by Chartres Cathedral. Check all that apply. - The special importance of Mary - The doctrines of the cathedral school - The value preferences of the main patrons Which of the following is the most obvious necessity of architecture? - technical requirements A difference between earth-dominating architecture and other types of architecture is that earth-dominating buildings _____. Multiple choice question. demand attention Architecture that is earth-rooted discloses the earth by drawing people's attention to the _____. - site of the building What is/are the names of the inner court(s) of The Alhambra? - there are three inner courts: The Court of the Myrtles, The Court of the Lions, and a court of justice. Identify a feature of a building that lacks artistic qualities. Multiple choice question. It makes people blind to the building and its space. Identify a true statement about the usage of inner and outer spaces by architects. Multiple choice question. Architects typically shelter inner space from outer space so that the inner space can be used for practical purposes. Who among the following is most likely to decipher the meaning of the symbols from the structures found in the surviving panels of Chartres Cathedral? - the iconographer A building was constructed by taking into account the essential values of contemporary society. The building is most likely to have met the _____ requirements of architecture. - revelatory What are the earth-resting features of the Long Island Federal Courthouse in New York. Check all that apply. - The sky being used as a backdrop - The earth having a platform character Compared to the Seagram Building, the Turning Torso in Sweden _____. - reduced the use of steel about 20 percent The fact that buildings must stand and withstand emphasizes the _____ requirements of architecture. - technical According to society in which Chartres Cathedral was created, identify the subjects that were taught in the quadrivium of the cathedral school. Check all that apply. - Arithmetic - Astronomy - Music When an individual participates with Chartres Cathedral, what does he or she learn about the society in which Chartres Cathedral was built? Check all that apply. - A society that believed God to be transcendent - A society that believed the Virgin to be both transcendent and immanent Which of the following buildings is most likely to have met the functional requirements of architecture? - a church, the architecture of which reveals that it is a religious place A type of construction that makes architecture that uses the cantilever principle possible is _____ beam construction. Multiple choice question. steel Which of the following buildings is more centered in its site when compared to the others? - the Parthenon, Athens From outside, the buildings of Hong Kong as a conglomerate appear overwhelmingly ______. - sky-oriented What is perhaps the basic deficiency of Frank Lloyd Wright's Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum? - the site is severely bounded by other buildings Which of the following buildings reaches up like an axis mundi? Multiple choice question. Chartres Cathedral, Chartres According to society in which Chartres Cathedral was created, identify the subjects that were taught in the trivium of the cathedral school. Check all that apply - Grammar - Logic - Rhetoric As earth-resting architecture does not relate to its environment as strongly as the other types of architecture, this type of architecture usually tends to _____. - draw to itself more isolated attention with reference to its shape Architects are the shepherds of ______. - space A difference between earth-rooted architecture and earth-resting structure is that in earth-resting architecture_______. - the earth does not appear as an organic part of the building Select all that apply Identify the features of earth-dominating architecture. (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. Earth-dominating architecture usually rests or "sits" on the earth. Earth-dominating buildings generally are easily identified. Identify a structure that exemplifies earth-resting architecture. - Farnsworth Residence, Illinois What was the technique used in the construction of the Parthenon in Athens? - post-and-lintel True or false: The partitioning of space by an architect during the creation of a building allows us to perceive spaces that are invisible. True false question. True Identify an architecture that completely lacks significant inner centering. - the Seagram Building, New York City According to the authors, the Turning Torso is an extraordinary example of _____. Multiple choice question. a combination of sky-orientation and earth-domination architecture In which of these urban settings could one feel a sense of intimacy and welcome from the architecture? - Amsterdam According to the locals, what does the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao in Spain look like when it is viewed from the south? - like a blooming flower In cities, ______ is often the setting surrounding interesting buildings. - conglomerate architecture. According to the authors, the Hearst Tower in New York City is most accurately described as _____. Multiple choice question. sky-oriented The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao in Spain looks something like a(n) ______ from across the Nervion river that cuts through Bilbao. - whale

______ is the most powerful color in Gorky's painting Untitled 1943. Multiple choice question. Red Gorky's painting Untitled 1943 is characterized by a _____________. Multiple choice question. color field A feature of representational paintings is that _____. Multiple choice question. they situate the sensuous in objects and events Which of the following is true of Edouard Manet's A Bar at the Folies-Bergère? It is more three-dimensional than Claude Monet's Impression, Sunrise. A characteristic of Edouard Manet's A Bar at the Folies-Bergère is that _____. Multiple choice question. it highlights the impressionists' preference for everyday scenes with ordinary people and objects The Impressionists' approach to painting was dominated by _____. Multiple choice question. a concentration on the impression light made on the surfaces of things Which of the following is true of Childe Hassam's Summer Evening? Multiple choice question. He created a relaxed moment, a sense of the ordinary in life. Which of these statements are true of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood? (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. They wanted to move away from realistic portrayals of life. Most of their subject matter was spiritual and religious. In William Holman Hunt's Awakening Conscience, which of the following statements are true of the narrative implied by the composition? Multiple choice question. The woman is the man's mistress because she does not wear a wedding ring Identify a feature of a good frame. Multiple choice question. It harmonizes the painting. Chapter 1-3 True or False Question True or false: Painters must make their paintings interesting because people often respond to artistic form without being conscious that it is affecting them. True false question. True Reason: This is true. Painters must make their paintings interesting because people often respond to artistic form without being conscious that it is affecting them.

The enlarged and distorted head, wriggling out like a jack-in-the-box, in Peter Blume's The Eternal City represents _____. Multiple choice question. Benito Mussolini What modern incident is depicted in the center of the painting The Eternal City? Multiple choice question. Fascist Blackshirts beating people Identify a feature of artistic form. Multiple choice question. It usually has a high degree of perceptible unity and order. True or false: The artistic effects achieved by a lesser degree of unity succeed only because people recognize them as departures from their well-known, highly organized forms. True false question. True A difference between perception and conception is that _____. Multiple choice question. individuals often recognize an object because it conforms to their conception of it In an object or an event, _____ is the interrelationships of part to part and part to whole. Multiple choice question. form Select all that apply Echo of a Scream is a painting by Mexican painter David Alfaro Siqueiros that _____ Multiple select question. is highly emotional seems to evoke strong emotions of shock and pity Identify a true statement about Eddie Adams's Execution in Saigon. Multiple choice question. The photograph depicts the abstract idea of barbarity. A person can come close to a full awareness of what a painting is about only by means of _____. Multiple choice question. participation Eddie Adams's Execution in Saigon is similar to Francisco's Goya's May 3, 1808 in that both have _____. Multiple choice question. negative values as their subject matter The participative experience of a work of art is induced by _____. Multiple choice question. artistic form A similarity between Large Odalisque by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres and Bather Arranging Her Hair by Pierre-Auguste Renoir is that _____. Multiple choice question. both have the female nude as their subject matter Identify a characteristic feature of a work of art. Multiple choice question. The subject matter should never be presented directly. Which of the following critics can be referred to as a descriptive critic? Multiple choice question. Nathan who exhaustively analyzes the important characteristics of the form of a work of art. An accurate statement about descriptive criticism is that _____. Multiple choice question. if individuals carefully attend to descriptive criticism, they can develop and enhance their powers of observation Match the following relationships observed in a work of art (in the left column) with their descriptions (in the right column). Structural relationships- Significant relationships between or among details to the totality. Detail or regional relationships- Significant relationships between or among details or regions Stella reads the poem "The Lake Isle of Innisfree," and she talks about the imagery in the poem such as the small garden with bean rows, the beehive, and the sounds of the linnet's wings. What kind of a critic is Stella? Multiple choice question. A descriptive critic Evaluative criticism of a work of art is similar to _____ criticism. Multiple choice question. prescriptive How does knowledge of the functions of buildings such as Le Corbusier and the Guaranty (Prudential) Building affect an individual? Multiple choice question. It deepens one's appreciation of the structures. Select all that apply A relative merit ranking of several works of art seems arbitrary because _____. Multiple select question. works of arts are often in different media and have different subject matters. each work of art is unique

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