ENGR 104 Final

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Ensure minimal harm is done to the environment and living systems

When implementing new technologies:

net decrease

Whenever an energy transformation occurs from one form to another, there is a ___ ___ in energy value

Mechanical work

Work = Force applied to object × Distance moved


___ can be analog or digital


____ strength refers to the amount of stress it takes to bend a material to the point of failure.

External Combustion Engine

an engine powered by fuel burned outside the engine


are not carbon based materials.


determines properties.

Gantt chart

focuses on the sequence of tasks and shows them along a horizontal axis on an x-y chart.

Metals are

good conductors of electricity and heat.


having the property of becoming permanently hard and rigid when heated or cured


holds manufacturers responsible for products


Composites are formed by using materials of two types: one type is called the ____ material; the other type is called the reinforcement material.

Computer Control

Embedded Computers (small computers built in to the devices they control)

on-off control

is a switch that enables making or breaking an electrical circuit by hand

Public safety

is of paramount importance when designing products and processes.


materials that are carbon based.

Polymers can be

natural or synthetic.


partially decayed plant matter found in bogs

Fossil fuels

Oil, gas, and coal; Energy-rich substance formed from remains of plants and animals from millions of years ago.

computer numerical

One critical innovation that has enabled modern automated manufacturing is CNC or ____ control.

are part of the design problem-solving method

Research and development

Engineered woods

Made by combining particles and fibers of wood with adhesives: wood chips, plywood

four-stroke cycle.

Many spark-ignition and compression-ignition engines operate on a ___ - ___ ___.


May be transformed from one type to another type.


Metals that contain do not iron (example: aluminum)


Metals that contain iron (example: steel)

Water energy

Use of gravitational potential energy of water to generate power

internal combustion engine

Used to power automobiles, trucks, etc. Contains multiple energy transformations.


Vegetation is compressed over time to form ___.

Total Quality Management (TQM)

Continuous improvement through worker cooperation and focus on customer satisfaction.

Thermal energy

Created by motion of atoms and molecules within matter


Four-stroke cycle part 1


Four-stroke cycle part 2


Four-stroke cycle part 3


Four-stroke cycle part 4

Renewable energy resources

Often difficult to harness, are not always reliable, and have a low energy value compared to nonrenewable sources.

Properties of wood

- Thickness of cell walls determines density. - Color is a function of the chemicals in its cell walls. - Grain is the way wood fibers grow.

Conditions for combustion

-Ability to burn -Source of oxygen -High temperature

kinetic energy

Energy an object possesses because of its motion.


There are ___ forms of heat.

Proportional control

adjusts systems incrementally

Realistic constraints

Economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, legal, and sustainability limitations

Ecological design

Effective adaptation to and integration with nature's processes


A rapid reaction between oxygen and fuel that results in fire

design variable

A(n) ____ accounts for unexpected load conditions and property variations.

factor of safety

Accounts for unexpected load conditions and property variations


Accumulated vegetable and animal matter

Nonrenewable energy sources

Are being used up at a rapid rate.

Nuclear energy

Associated with a substance's atomic structure. Can be produced by fusion or fission.

Internal energy

Association with the molecular substance of a material.

Statistical process control (SPC)

Assure high level quality is maintained and reduces chance of unexpected failure.

Electrical energy

Caused by flow of electrical charge through electrical field. Accumulation of many electrons.


Central to ____ engineering is a multidisciplinary team all working together from the beginning to the end of the product life cycle.


Chemical compounds that include long chains of monomers (a small molecule that can become part of a larger molecule).

Mixed materials

Combination of natural and synthetic: plywood, paper


Creation of energy by joining the nuclei of two hydrogen atoms to form helium.

Several possible futures are identified; Potential impact is predicted

Cross impact analysis:


Design process is ___

Gravitational potential energy

Energy associated with a position relative to the ground

First Law of Thermodynamics

Energy can be transferred and transformed, but it cannot be created or destroyed.


Energy emitted from an object (e.g., sun, light bulb, etc.) Proportional to its temperature.

mechanical energy

Energy one person or object expends in moving another object.


Energy that is radiated or transmitted in the form of rays or waves or particles.

Codes and standards

Ensure products, structures, and environments meet safety and operational requirements


Entails establishing what is the best for a given criterion, quantifying it, and then comparing a given product or process.

Intake stroke

In the ____ stroke of the four-stroke cycle, the intake valve is open and the exhaust valve is closed, and the air/fuel is mixed. downward piston movement. 1/4

Exhaust stroke

In the ____ stroke of the four-stroke cycle, the piston goes up and the exhaust valve opens. upward piston movement. 4/4

Second Law of Thermodynamics

Indicates that not all heat energy can be converted into work. No energy system can be 100% efficient.


Has intrinsic energy associated with its internal structure, its velocity, and its height above the ground.

Intrinsic Energy

Heat and work result from changes in _____ _____


Heat transfer between a surface and a fluid (liquid or gas).


Heat transfer within a material or between materials that are touching

Assessment techniques

Help to make informed decisions about future technology developments


Helps engineers test for different conditions to which the product or process might be subjected.

Carnot cycle

Highest (ideal) theoretical efficiency of any power producing cycle. Can be used to model an ideal power plant.

Design constraints

Imposed limitations on the designer. Often limit resources and define parameters

higher compression ratio

In general, a ___ ___ ___ in an internal combustion engine will increase the engine's efficiency

Compression stroke

In the ____ stroke of the four-stroke cycle, both the intake and exhaust valves are closed, and the air/fuel mixture is compressed by the upward piston movement. 2/4

Power stroke

In the ____ stroke of the four-stroke cycle, both valves are closed, ignition occurs with downward piston movement. 3/4

Chemical energy

Internal energy associated with molecular and atomic structure of matter.

Kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy, internal energy

Intrinsic energy depends on the following:

Intrinsic Energy

Is the work it can do based on its actual condition without any supply of energy from outside.


Most ___ are made from petroleum


Not all ___ can be converted into work. Only a maximum amount can be converted

electrical energy to atomic energy, electrical to solar

Not all energy transformations can be reversed.


Organic materials are minerals and are not characterized by carbon-based structures.

Computer-aided design (CAD)

Programs used to design products and systems

human made materials; rubber, plastics, teflon



Testing is done scientifically by changing only one factor at a time. One should note the factors that affect the performance of your design; such factors are called ___.

Power plant

The energy from the heat added to the ___ ___ must be equal to the energy leaving the system.

Bituminous coal

The most common form of coal; produces a high amount of heat and is used extensively by electric power plants.


The rate at which work is done


The splitting of an atomic nucleus to release energy.


a material that softens when heated and hardens again when cooled


the cleanest-burning coal; almost pure carbon.


the least pure coal.

Risk assessment

tries to determine the probability of a negative event's occurrence.

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