ENTO 3645 Practice Questions

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You are looking at an insect antenna through a scanning electron microscope you keep in your basement. You observe what appear to be hairs, but they aren't flexible, and they have pores all over their surface. What function would you expect these hairs to have?


What hormone initiates the series of events that culminate in molting


A patient who is a native of Georgia and who has not traveled abroad, presents with symptoms that include myalgia and a pronounced petechial rash. A presumptive diagnosis would be

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

A patient, who is a native of Georgia and who has not travelled abroad, presents with symptoms that include myalgia and a pronounced petechial rash. A presumptive diagnosis would be

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

In an African village, Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes (the main vector of malaria) feed exclusively on humans. After aid workers distribute mosquito nets and insect repellant, the mosquitoes feed on humans only 50% of the time, and use other hosts, which are not malaria reservoirs, the rest of the time. What term in the equation would you need to modify to calculate the impact of the bed net/repellant program on "C"


"C" is

a measure of the number of infectious vectors that will be produced by an infected reservoir in one day

Insect compound eyes are composed of a large array of individual light-sensing organs. Each individual component light-sensing organ in the compound eye is called

an ommatidium

A salivary enzyme that breaks down ADP and blocks platelets from aggregating is called


A mosquito carries a virus from a bird reservoir to humans. Humans can be infected, but they cannot transmit the virus to mosquitoes. In this scenario, the mosquito is a

bridge vector

The term "asthma" is characterized by

constriction of the bronchial tubes leading to impaired ability to breath

Which is not a characteristic of the Order Aranea?

mandibulate mouthparts

In chewing insects such as grasshoppers, palps are found on the

maxilla and labium

In chewing insects such as grasshoppers, palps are found on the:

maxilla and labium

In arthropods, both digestion and nutrient absorption occur in the


The term "myalgia" refers to

muscle pain

The term "myalgia" refers to:

muscle pain

Insect compound eye are composed of a large array of individual light-sensing organs. Each component light-sensing organ is called:


A structure that insects use to guide placement of eggs is the


A structure that insects use to guide placement of eggs is the:


What is not a characteristic of the Order Aranea?

ovipositor modified for stinging

Dermatophagoides (dust mites) cause disease in humans by

shedding antigens, which are inhaled and result in asthma

In arthropods, air enters the body through:


The costal, subcostal, and radial veins

strengthen the insect wing form the attachment with the body to the tip

What arthropod would you look for if you suspected a patient was suffering from tick paralysis

Dermacentor andersoni

What is the pathogen that causes relapsing fever in the Western USA?

borrelia hernsii

The best way to remove a tick is

grasp the mouthparts and pull it straight out

The best way to remove a tick is:

grasp the mouthparts and pull it straight out

Demodex mites can be found

-a+c -at the base of hair follicles -in the openings to sebaccous glands

Insect saliva contains an enzyme called apyrase. This enzyme

-breaks down ADP -blocks platelets from aggregating

Insect saliva contains an enzyme called apyrase. This enzyme:

-breaks down ADP -blocks platelets from aggregating

"Southern Lyme" disease (or Southern tick-associated rash-like illness [STARI]) is associated with what vector?

Amblyomma americanum

What name applies to the highest taxonomic group that fits the description "Arthropods with mandibulate mouthparts and one pair of antennae"?


What two groups of arthropods have celate appendages

Crustacea and Scorpiones

A patient, who is a native of Georgia and who has not traveled abroad presents with symptoms that include myalgia and a pronounced petechial rash. The patient reports experiencing a tick bite, but did not save the tick for identification. Nevertheless, you are confident that the tick was

Dermacentor variabilis

What does the term DALY stand for?

Disability Adjusted Life Years

Monocytic ehrlichoisosis is caused/vectored by which pathogen/vector:

Ehrlichia chaffeensis/amblyomma americanum

What name most specifically applies to the taxonomic group that fits the description "arthropods with mandibulate mouthparts, three pairs of legs and wings?


"Southern Lyne" disease (or Southern tick-associated rash-like illness) is associated with what vector?

Ixodes scapularis

You have a serious rodent infestation in your house, so you get rid of the rodents but neglect to clean up their nests. What arthropod and disease are you possible exposing yourself to?

Liponyssoides sanguineus/Rickettsial pox

a disease associated with a rash termed "erythema migrans" is

Lyme Disease

The first scientific demonstration that arthropods play a role in transmission of some pathogens is attributed to:

Manson, who studied lymphatic filariasis

The term "vertical transmission" applies to a situation where

a pathogen is transmitted from mother to offspring

The term "horizontal transmission" applies to a situation where:

a pathogen is transmitted from one host to another by some form of contact

A patient, who is a native of Georgia and who has not travelled abroad, becomes very sick and goes to the emergency ward at the local hospital. The doctor on call (who fortunately took medical entomology before going to medical school) takes one look at the patient, asks if the patient had been bitten by a tick recently, and quickly gives a presumptive diagnosis of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. What did the doctor see that led to this diagnosis?

a petechial rash, even on the palms of the hands

The exocuticle is

a rigid layer formed of chitin crosslinked by protein

The exocuticle is:

a rigid layer formed of chitin crosslinked by protein

The ovipostor is:

a structure that insects use to guide a placement of eggs

The ability to feed on blood is

a trait that has evolved independently many times in arthropods

Ixodid ticks differ from argasid ticks in that

a+b -the mouthparts attach at the front in ioxdids vs on the underside in argasids -the opistosoma may have festoons in ixodids but not in argasids

What feature would you expect to see in an olfactory sensillum?

a+c -pores distributed over the whole surface and mainly located on the antennae

If you have a serious dust mite problem in your house, you should

a+c -vacuum thoroughly and frequently -turn down the heat and buy a dehumidifier

You go for a hike, and a couple of days later discover a small tick larva attached and has begun to feed. Although you remove it, several days later you develop a fever, muscle pain, and a spotted rash. This scenario involves

a+c+d -biological transmission, vertical transmission, horizontal transmission

What group of arthropods are characterized by having no antennae, four pairs of legs in the adult, and the head/thorax/abdomen fused into one unit without obvious segmentation:


The function of the spiracle is to

allow oxygen and CO2 to enter/leave the trachae

Suppose a scientist gentically engineers a strain of mosquitoes so that the probability that it will become infected with malaria after taking a blood meal on an infected host is reduced to 25%, compared to the wild type strain where the probability is 100%. What term in the equation would you need to modify to calculate the impact on "C"


Which properties apply to a dead end host

b+d is correct -is susceptible to infect and may show severe disease -is unable to transmit to vectors

Insects that feed exclusively on a nutritionally restricted diet, such as blood, rely on what mechanism to compensate

bacterial symbiotes

Insects that feed exclusively on a nutritionally restricted diet, such as blood, rely on what mechanism to compensate?

bacterial symbiotes

What is an important amplifying host for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever?


What name applies to the taxonomic group that fits the description "arthropods with mandibulate mouthparts, five or more pairs of legs, and two pairs of antennae"?


What two groups of arthropods have chelate appendages

crustacea and scorpiones

A mosquito ingests a blood meal that contains a hundred thousand West Nile virus particles (virions). The virions infect the gut, and subsequently cross the hemolymph to infect the salivary glands. After 10 days, the mosquito begins to shed virions (identical in appearance to the ones that it ingested 10 days earlier) in its saliva. Which term applies to the life cycle of the virus in this mosquito?


A mosquito ingests a blood meal that contains a hundred thousand West Nile virus particles (virions). The virions infect the gut, and subsequently cross the hemolymph to infect the salivary glands. After 10 days, the mosquito begins to shed virions (identical in appearance to the ones that it ingested 10 days earlier) it its saliva. Which term applies to the lift cycle of the virus in this mosquito?


A mosquito ingests a blood meal that contains a thousand microfilariae (immature nematode worms). The microfilariae migrate to the flight muscles and molt through several stages, but many are killed by the mosquitoes immune system. After 10 days, about a dozen L3 larvae migrate to the mouthparts, form where they can be transmitted when the mosquito feeds. Which term applies to the life cycle of the nematode in this mosquito?


What arthropod would you look for it you suspected a patient was suffering from tick paralysis?

dermacentor andersoni

A vertebrate host that can be infected with a pathogen, but which does not support transmission to vectors is called a:

dead end host

A vertebrate host that can be infected with a pathogen, but which does not support transmission to vectors, is called a

dead end host

Considering the scenario in question 39, the human is

dead end host

What arthropod would you look for if you suspected a patient was suffering from tick paralysis?

dermacentor andersoni

In the absence of juvenile hormone, insects will

develop an adult exoskeleton

What is the function of ecdysone in molting

directs the epidermis to secrete a new exoskeleton

Which description best describes the Chilopoda

distinct head, many body segments, one pair of legs/segment, predators with venomous fangs

What description best describes diplopoda

distinct head, many body segments, two pairs of legs/segments, feed on organic detritus, have cyanide for defense

What region of the exoskeleton is largely composed of wax?


what region of the exoskeleton is largely responsible for waterproofing the body


A disease that only infects rodents, or for which rodents are the most important reservoir host, and is rapidly increasing in frequency in a particular population is called an


The interval of time between when a vector takes an infectious meal, and when it begins to transmit the pathogen, is referred to as the

extrinsic incubation period

The interval of time between when a vector takes an infectious meal, and when it begins to transmit the pathogen, is referred to as the:

extrinsic incubation period

The interval time between when a vector takes an infectious meal, and when it begins to transmit the pathogen, is referred to as the

extrinsic incubation period

What term applies to the 10 day developmental period of the nematode in the mosquito?

extrinsic incubation period

What term applies to the 10 day developmental period of the virus in the mosquito?

extrinsic incubation period

Sarcoptes mites

form a burrow into the skin and feed on lymph fluid and inflammatory cells that respond to the irritation

Sarcoptes mites:

form a burrow into the skin and feed on lymph fluid and inflammatory cells that respond to the irritation

The term "Chelate" refers to:

having an appendage modified to form a claw

Juvenile hormone:

initiates formation of a new cuticle

What is the vector of Lyme disease in California?

ixodes pacificus

"Questing" refers specifically to the host-finding strategy of:

ixodid ticks

Granulocytic ehrlichiosis is caused/vectored by which pathogen/vector

phagocytophyllum/ixodes scapularis

What feature can be used to identify a female ixodid tick

presence of a scutum

What hormone starts the molting process?

prothoracicotropphic hormone

What would be the impact of this change on "C" (assume nothing else is changed about the mosquito)

reduced by 1/4

Juvenile hormone

regulates the type of cuticle that is produced

The house mouse mite, Liponyssoides sanguineus, is associated with transmission of what disease

ricketssial pox

The house mouse mite, Liponyssoides sanguineus, is associated with transmission of what disease:

rickettsial pox

What group of arthropods are characterized by having no antennae, four pairs of legs in the adult, and the head/thorax/abdomen fused into one unit without obvious segmentation


You find an arthropod that has no antennae, four pairs of legs (the front ones chelate), the head and thorax fused and the telson modified to form a stinger. What group does this arthropod belong to?


Insect compound eyes are conspicuously pigmented. The pigments that give eyes their color function as

screens to ensure photons can't cross from one eye element to adjacent ones

Insect compound eyes are conspicuously pigmented. The pigments that give eyes their color function as:

screens to ensure photons can't cross from one eye element to adjacent ones

The costal, subcoastal and radial veins

strenthgen the insect wing from the attachement with the body to the tip

Which is not true for ticks in the family ixodidae?

there are multiple nymphal stages

The Malpighian tubules have what function?

they carry out excretion of metabolic wastes

The malpighian tubules have what function?

they carry out excretion of metabolic wastes

What is not a true statement? Demodex mites

transmit Orienta tsutsumagushi

Which is not a true statement? Demodex mites

transmit orientia tsutsumagushi

Doxycycline is a tetracycline class antibiotic, used for

treating borrelia infections

Deoxycycline is a tetracycline class antibiotic, used for

two of the above

What feature or features are found in both the crustacea and the scorpiones

two of the above

Factors used by many arthropods to find hosts for blood feeding include

two of the above -carbon dioxide and lactic acid

Factors used by arthropods to find host for blood feeding include

two of the above -carbon dioxide and lactice acid

In Southeast Asia, Chigger mites

vector orientia

In this model, C stands for

vectorial competence

A drug that is widely used to treat mite infestations is


A disease that can infect humans, but in which rodents are the primary reservoir, is called an


A disease that can infect humans, but in which rodents are the primary reservoir, is called an:


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