Erikson Theology Chapter 1-9

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CH: 6 The 3 Loci of General Revelation

Nature, history, and constitution of the human being

CH: 6 God has given us an objective, valid, rational revelation of himself in...

Nature, history, and human personality

CH: 6 God reveals himself through...

Nature, history, and humanity

CH: 6 Scripture is ____ in nature


CH: 7 Sense experience provides the content, but the....

Rational structure of the mind provides the order or form

CH: 7 Our view of _______ affects whether truths are propositional or personal


CH: 6 Karl Barth

Skeptical of the view that human are able to know God apart from the revelation of Christ

CH: 7 God is not confined to _____ and _____

Space; Time

CH: 4 What is the basic theory of neoorthodoxy?

Special revelation is personal.

CH: 6 Natural Theology

Studies the way in which God's existence is known outside the biblical source, specifically through the use of reason; don't necessarily need the Bible itself to prove the existence of God

CH: 6 A personal God presents himself to persons by...

Telling us his name and entering into personal covenants with others

CH: 5 The two things which were regarded as sacred in the Israel of Jesus' day were the Scriptures and:


CH: 1 Which of the following starting points for theology is used within the Erickson text?

The Scriptures

CH: 8 Erickson begins chapter nine by listing two levels of problems, which make it beneficial to have a correct understanding of God. Which one of the following ideas does he categorize in the "sophisticated" level?

The conception of God as Creator

CH: 8 Erickson begins chapter nine by listing two levels of problems, which make it beneficial to have a correct understanding of God. Which one of the following problems does he categorize in the "popular" or "practical" level?

The conception of God as a grandfatherly being

CH: 3 What does Erickson call the type of law that Gentiles have apart from special revelation?

The internal Law

CH: 7 God draws on those elements in the human universe of knowledge that can serve as a likeness of or that partially convey _______

The truth in the divine realm

CH: 7 Propositional Theology converts....

The various genres of Scripture into a cognitive- propositional form

CH: 1 Exegesis is the process of identifying all the relevant biblical passages dealing with a topic to begin an investigation and a careful interpretation of those biblical passages.


CH: 1 The ability to express biblical truth at different times and places and to different audiences is vital for a theologian.


CH: 1 The primary authority in the study of theology is the Bible.


CH: 2 According to the author, it is important to communicate the gospel in terms that will be understood in the twenty-first century.


CH: 2 It is important to examine the historical treatment of doctrines in order to help determine the implications of a current view.


CH: 5 "Natural theology" studies the way in which God's existence is known outside the biblical source, specifically through the use of reason.


CH: 5 It is possible to have inspiration without revelation.


CH: 5 The New Testament authors recognized what they were writing was the Word of God.


CH: 5 What is the only verse in the Bible that literally claims the Bible is inspired?

2 Tim 3:16

CH: 4 What type(s) of human deficiency/deficiencies has/have made special revelation necessary?

All of the above

CH: 4 God reveals himself in:


CH: 8 Among the errors made in attempts to understand God are:


CH: 8 Which of the following is taught in Scripture?


CH: 7 Kant sought to combine _____ and _____ by maintaining that all genuine knowledge consists of two elements

Empiricism; rationalism

CH: 1 The study of theology should be considered something that is optional for people to consider.


CH: 1 Theology is based on feelings alone, and has little to do with objective study.


CH: 2 Doctrine is the whole of the permanent element within Christianity.


CH: 4 All ideological conceptions within the postmodern mentality should be rejected and resisted by Christian theologians.


CH: 4 General revelation is superior to special revelation.


CH: 8 It is possible for God's attributes to increase over time.


CH: 8 Similar to the US Constitution, the standards of belief and practice found within the Bible should be altered by man.


CH:2 One should accept uncritically whatever a theological master says.


CH: 5 With which of the following statements would Erickson most likely agree?

God inspired the human authors with varying degrees of specificity from passage to passage.

CH: 3 According to Erickson, what would God do if a person, who had no knowledge of Jesus, were to throw themselves upon the mercy of God?

God would consider them saved as He did the Old Testament believers

CH: 6 General Revelation

God's communicatuon of himself to all persons at all times and in all places

CH: 6 Special Revelation

God's manifestation of himself to particular persons at definition times and places, enabling those persons to enter into a redemptive relationship with him

CH: 7 Revelation is not the _____ (or propositions), but God presentation of himself

Communication of information

CH: 4 When God's revelation and inspiration are all merged into one mode, this is referred to as:

Consursive Inspiration

CH: 1 When "contextualizing" the message, the theologian must consider all of the following except:


CH: 8 If we overemphasize God's transcendence we may expect God to act through __________ all of the time.

Divine miracles

CH: 2 If one denies that Jesus is the Son of God, he can still hold the view that Jesus was a teacher of morality.


CH: 2 There are a number of biblical passages that do not actually have a point.


CH: 3 Applying biblical teaching in a contemporary setting is more important than retaining its essential meaning.


CH: 3 The author highlights Erasmus of Rotterdam as an example of a natural theologian in the history of the church.


CH: 3 The moral and spiritual qualities of humans have no correlation to the character of God.


CH: 7 God reveals his personality to man through...

Historical events; divine speech; and incarnation

CH: 6 Special Revelation was necessary because...

Humans lost the relationship of favor that they had with God prior to the fall

CH: 5 Which of the following theories of inspiration maintains that prophets had a temporary increase of their regular abilities, which enabled them to write on the spiritual level they did?


CH: 4 According to Erickson which of the following modes of revelation is the most complete?


CH: 5 Which of the following theories of inspiration maintains that prophets had a life-long spiritual gift, which enabled them to write on the spiritual level they did?


CH: 8 The "immanence" of God means that He:

Is present and active within His creation.

CH: 4 What does Erickson mean when he said that special revelation has an "anthropic nature"?

It is given in human terms, so people can understand it.

CH: 7 God is unlimited in His _____ and ____

Knowledge; power

CH: 7 Analogical Language

Midway between univocal (one sense) and equivocal (possess two meanings) language

CH: 7 Of revelation includes propositional truths, then it is of such nature that can be _______

Preserved - written down or inscripturated

CH: 2 Jesus bases the permanence of the marriage relationship on God's act and pronouncement recorded in Genesis 2:24.


CH: 2 There are expressions found in the Old Testament that are imperfect and incomplete anticipations of the final work to be done by God in the New Testament era.


CH: 3 "Natural theology" studies the way in which God's existence is known outside the biblical source, specifically through the use of reason.


CH: 3 It is possible to have a "postmodern" evangelical theology.


CH: 3 The anthropological argument sees some of the aspects of human nature as a revelation of God.


CH: 3 The cosmological argument for God's existence involves the idea of an "uncaused cause."


CH: 4 Erickson believes that special revelation is both personal and propositional.


CH: 4 In order to find the essence of a biblical doctrine, one must often look to principles that are not explicitly stated.


CH: 6 General revelation is general in two ways: ______ & _____

Universal availability; content of the message

CH: 1 Similar to the US Constitution, the standards of belief and practice found within the Bible should be altered by man.


CH: 2 What is the source of evangelical theology?

the Bible

CH: 1 It is important to examine the historical treatment of doctrines in order to help determine the implications of a current view.


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