Esposito History 106

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The battle in the Senate over the Treaty of Versailles centered around Article X, which was

a section of the League of nations' covenant that called for military action.

The Supreme Court decision to overturn Granger laws led to the

authority of the Interstate Commerce Commission.

In the United States of the 1950s,

consumption came to be seen as a social responsibility.

As secretary of commerce under Warren Harding, Herbert Hoover

supported expansion of the federal government through voluntary cooperation with business in the public interest.

Mugwumps were reformers who

supported smaller government.

The rejuvenated Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s

targeted Catholic and Jewish immigrants as well as African Americans.

The federal government's Civil War debt was paid off primarily through

tariff revenue

Protestant churches that espoused the Social Gospel

taught that Christians should fight for social justice and the public welfare.

Supply-side economics as practiced by the Reagan administration rested on the theory that

tax cuts would stimulate investment and eventually result in higher tax revenues.

All of the following items became part of middle-class consumer culture in the 1920s except


All of the following came about during the women's liberation movement in the 1970s except

a constitutional amendment creating a right to privacy.

P.T. Barnum and his traveling circus successfully promoted commercial domesticity in all of the following ways except

racially integrating seating for his shows, even in in the South.

President Johnson's Great Society called for all of the following except

reducing military spending

Between 1940 and 1960, church membership in the United States

rose to 70 percent.

The flapper, as an icon of American culture, represented

the emancipated woman of the 1920s.

If you get drafted and don't want to fight

Enlist voluntarily. Apply for exemption based on religious belief.

1972 Presidential election

Entire sweep by the Republicans. The entire south went republican. Only Massachusetts went to the democrats. The rest went to Nixon.

Title IX: 1979

Equal funding for men & women organizations (sports team). Title 9 changes sports teams for women.

Invasion of Kuwait

Hussein decides to invade Kuwait bc Iraq is broke. If Iraq can colonize Kuwait, it can draw out its resources & fix economic problems.

Which of the following world leaders was absent from the Versailles Treaty negotiations?

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin of Soviet Russia.

Loss of support for the war

Vocal minority against the war, but most Americans still supported. For many Americans it was seen as unpatriotic to criticize your country while it was at war. It was wrong to question the gov publicly. Over the course of the late 60s, opinion shifts.

Barry Goldwater's views on segregation

Voted against civil rights act of 1964 even though his family was progressive on racial issues. Thought this act was unconstitutional & straight up gov interference. Though he's not racist, this argument is the same as segregation so it codes as racist.

Which of the following was a blow to the agrarian reform movement?

Wabash v. Illinois.

During the late 1800s, an adult male immigrant from which of the following locations would be most likely to be a skilled worker?


Earl Warren view on Brown v Board

Wanted a unanimous ruling. Absolutely unambiguous is what the court said. Wanted just one opinion-wanted it short and concise. To be published & tacked in the newspapers-printing in FULL. Did not want to lose the essence. Did not want a 5-4 split. He worked on every supreme court justice until they call came around and agreed.

Which of the following is properly paired?

War Production Board-oversaw the conversion of industry to military manufacturing

Which of the following is least related to the other four?

Warsaw Pact

Howard University Law School

Was historically a black university in Washington, DC. Develops a strong focus for advocating for African American Civil Rights. Charles Hamilton Houston comes in & makes Howard a powerhouse. Becomes magnet for the best African American Students. Ending segregation was one of their top goals.

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)

Was inspired by CORE sit-ins-wanted an organization like this in the south. Initially partnered with SCLC but started to clash w/ them-frusterated they didn't get credit but were the ones actually putting their lives on the line trying to change things. Became very focused on black voter registration. Became more radical.

The "Daisy" Ad

Was only shown on television once. Caused such an outcry that it was never shown again. Little girl counting flower petals, countdown to a bomb. Said, "We must love each other or we must die." Basically says that Goldwater would cause death.

Which of the following most likely would have been a member of the American Federation of Labor?

a printer

Harding campaigned on the platform of returning to "normalcy," which meant

a strong probusiness stance and conservative cultural values.

A negative aspect of America's fascination with the automobile in the 1950s was

a tripling of oil consumption by the early 1970s

In the guerrilla war that followed the conquest of the Philippines

the conflict far exceeded the ferocity the war just concluded with Spain.

In the guerrilla war that followed the conquest of the Philippines,

the conflict far exceeded the ferocity the war just concluded with Spain.

The Free Speech Movement at Berkeley

arose when the university banned student political activity on university property.

President Truman's response to the invasion of South Korea was to

ask the UN Security Council to authorize a "police action."

White reformers who created the Indian Rights Association advocated the

assimilation of Indians into white culture.

The last great Indian "battle" was against the Sioux

at wounded knee

Roosevelt's initial response to the Supreme Court's declaring the NRA, the AAA, and other New Deal legislation unconstitutional was to

attempt to pack the court with his own men.

As a result of the Supreme Court's decision in the Standard Oil case (1915), the

attorney general sped up the pace of antitrust actions.

President Johnson's environmental reforms included all of the following except

banning offshore oil drilling.

The federal government responded to the problem of discrimination agaisnt the Chinese in nineteenth century California by

barring Chinese immigration to the U.S.

Which of the following sports was invented by YMCA instructors in the 1890s?


The Chinese came to the U.S.

because of poverty and upheaval in southern China.

Theodore Roosevelt's strategic thinking about U.S. foreign policy was shaped, in part, by his

belief in the duty of the "civilized" countries of the world to police and subdue "backward" peoples.

All of the following governmental precedents were established in the United States during World War II except

the creation of a professional, all volunteer military.

The first action F. Roosevelt took to help the crisis was to

declare a bank holiday that allowed only sound banks to reopen.

In Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court ruled against segregated schools on the grounds that they

denied black children "equal protection of the laws."

All of the following led to an urban crisis in the 1950s except


All of the following are true of travelling salesmen except they

did not emerge until after 1900.

A failure of the Social Security Act was that it

did not include national health insurance.

African Americans who served in World War I returned home to find

discrimination and race riots.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was

established to curb stock market fraud and abuses.

The most significant impact of the Korean War was that, throughout the remainder of the cold war,

even in peacetime, the United States kept a standing army activated.

When Eisenhower said, "We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes," he was referring to the

military-industrial complex.

In the 1860s and 1870s, Nevada's Comstock Lode, Colorado's Rocky Mountains, and the Cour d'Alene region in Idaho were all known for


As president, Woodrow Wilson successfully implemented reforms in all of the following areas except

protecting the rights of blacks in the South.

Between 1910-1917, all the industrial states enacted laws

providing insurance for on-the-job accidents.

A major impact of advertising and mass media in the 1920s and later was the

sense that all American were affluent and buying newly available consumer products.

A political consequence of the national Democratic Party's embrace of civil rights in the 1960s was

the departure of many southern whites to the Republican Party in the 1970s and 1980s.

From the 1860's to the 1880's, open-range ranching was feasible on the Great Plains because of

the availability of free land.

The modern environmentalist movement was reborn with

the publication of Silent Spring in 1962.

Busing to achieve racially integrated schools

was limited by the Supreme Court to busing within a district but not between districts.

The Battle of the Bulge

was the final offensive launched by the Germans in Belgium in December 1944.

Governor Alfred E. Smith, the Democratic presidential candidate in 1928

was the first major-party presidential candidate to reflect the aspirations of the urban working class.

When the United States joined Canada and Western Europe to form the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 1949, it

was the first peacetime military alliance the nation had entered into since the American Revolution.

President Ford

was unsuccessful in his attempts to curb inflation

In the 1968 election and during the Nixon administration, the expression "silent majority" was used to refer to Americans who

were hardworking and non protesting.

Black Nationalism

"Black is beautiful." Transcends white imposed borders- connects them together with Africa. Cultural pride- didn't straighten their hair anymore, started to wear aphro's.

George H.W. Bush

"Iraq's invasion of Kuwait will not stand"

Ella Baker

"Strong people don't need strong leaders." Worked for the Civil Rights movement. "Godmother of SNCC"- encourages the young students to not be tied to the SCLC.

Lesbian Feminists

"The Lavender Menace." Term coined by Betty Freidan. She was afraid if lesbian feminists got involved in the feminist movement they would derail it. Radical lesbians, The Furies, ALFA. Lesbian feminists support gay rights because they're gay but also identify w/ feminism.

Radical Feminism & Lesbian Feminism- Body Awareness

"The myth of the vaginal orgasm." Article by Anne Koedy. Demonstration of the feminist movement having a social angle.

Another name for Reaganomics

"Trickle-down economics"

Questions from the Clark Doll Experiment

"Which doll do you like the best?" "Which doll is the good doll?"

The "Great Migration" refers to

African Americans moving from the South to the North during the war.

New Deal administrators wanted to redefine the relationship between artists and the community through what became known as

Art for the millions.

The Sunbelt

California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas. The western sunbelt states developed a certain ideology called Libertarianism. States all across the South.

Operation Rolling Thunder

Campaign against the truth. Number of US troops in Vietnam skyrockets in 1965. Vietnam was terrain that American troops had never fought on. Swamps, jungles, etc. No front lines or trenches. Not fought for territorial acquisition. Hard to measure progress.

Herbert Hoover emerged from World War I as one of the nation's most admired men because of his leadership of the

Food Administration

Reaganomics- Huge cuts in entitlement programs

Food stamps, school lunches, welfare, housing assistance. Affect the poorest Americans the most. You either loved him (people on the right), or hate him (people on the left). The cuts he made disproportionally affected the poorest Americans.

The creator of containment who enumerated his fears in the "Long Telegram" was

George Kennan.

Which of the following groups would have been least likely to support prohibition?

German immigrants

The immediate cause for American entry into World War I was the

German resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare.

The single largest New Deal project in the West was the construction of the

Grand Coulee Dam.

Which is true of the America First Committee?

Its intent was to keep the nation out of war.

Mary White Ovington and W.E.B. Du Bois were both founders of the


Who didn't even appear at the 1968 Democratic Convention

President Johnson

In general, progressives differed from labor and farm advocates in which way?

Progressives were mostly middle-class, urban reformers.

"To Secure These Rights"

Report commissioned by Truman. Outlined racial problems. Suggested this was a potential diplomatic problem as well. Make US look hypocritical to the rest of the world. Supposed to be the moral alternative to communism.

The dominant northern Plains Indian tribe was the


Reagan's key points in 1964 campaign speech

Starts out stating the gov's spending is out of control. Immediately starts on economic issues (this is key). We are spending more than we take in-not sustainable. Moves to talk about Vietnam- we need stronger military position. References the founding fathers. He's incredibly popular- brings in most contributions of any speech ever.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes American business in the 1920s?

The two hundred largest corporations controlled almost half of the national non-banking wealth.

Student Activism

The use of college students was very important in MLK's marches.

Between 1880-1920 higher education for women was

most available in the Northeast at single-sex institutions

The "new immigrants" who entered the U.S. between 1880-1920

often planned on working and saving money for a few years before returning home.

The Dawes Severalty Act of 1887

promoted Indian assimilation.

The Reagan administration achieved all of the following except

shrinking the size of the federal government.

Roe v. Wade was decided on the basis of

the right to privacy.

When Woodrow Wilson became president in 1913, he

vowed that the U.S. would not seek further territorial gains by conquest.

Birth Control Pill

1960- approved by the FDA

Which of the following is properly matched

Committee on Public Information--George Creel

What was the outcome of the Korean War?

Korea remained divided.

Which of the following is an example of a trade union?

The American Federation of Labor

Which of the following contributed to the undermining of women's traditional roles in the 1960s?

Widespread availability of the birth control pill/ Laws making it easier for couples to divorce/ New government laws protecting women's civil rights

The baby boom in post-World War II America is most accurately explained as resulting from

a drop in age at marriage.

Title IX

benefited women athletes

President George H. W. Bush's greatest achievement was

organizing a military coalition during the Gulf War to liberate Kuwait.

The principles of freedom of the seas, national self-determination, and collective security were reiterated in

the Atlantic Charter.

Sandra Day O'Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsberg were

the first women appointed to the Supreme Court

My Lai was

the site of the massacre of nearly 500 villagers by American soldiers.

Harold Ickes and Bernard Baruch were

two of Franklin Roosevelt's chief advisers.

Two of Nixon's greatest foreign policy successes were

SALT I and restoring relations with Communist China

Draft Dodging

Flee the country and go to Canada. Canadian immigration authorities were becoming and let resistors in. Hide out. Claim to be gay.

Nuclear reactors account for what percentage of all U.S. power generation today? 20%


the ancient capital of Vietnam and a center of Buddhist antiwar protest.


Between 1973 and 1992, the productivity of American workers grew at the rate of

1 percent a year.

An American Dilemma

1944 by Gunnar Myrdal. An argument that said the US had two contradictory impulses. American creed- created equal opportunity & treatment (belief in equality) & clash with racism invalidating all creed American ideals.

Desegregation of the armed forces

1948- Truman went over the heads of congress and issued an executive order to desegregate the armed forces.

Integration of Ole Miss/James Meredith

1962- Governor locking it, school board threatening to shut down the university. They refuse to let a black man, James Meredith, enroll in school. JFK sends in Federal Marshall's to integrate it.

Engel v. Vitale

1962. Outlaws school prayer in public schools. People would say, "They took God out of the schools, and put Negro's in."

Freedom Summer with the SNCC

1963. SNCC organized freedom summer, they recruited to come to Mississippi to get people registered to vote. Stayed in the homes of local back Mississippians. Wanted to get rid of disenfranchisement.

Freedom Summer

1964. College students came from the North & attempted to register blacks to vote. Very dangerous work, you could be arrested for small petty laws & in danger of being killed.

Malcolm X Assassinated

1965- His assassination was devastating to the people of the urban north civil rights movement.


1965-University of Michigan. Variation of a sit in. Instead of just sitting people would come in & learn about what is going on in the war. Speakers were against the war. For of protest, but looks more like a seminal. War didn't start hitting consciousness until around 1965.

Miranda v. Arizona

1966. Miranda Rights. Supreme court rules that suspects must be informed of their constitutional rights as they are arrested. Controversial- thinks it's ruling on the side of criminals, making the policeman's job more difficult.

Tet Offensive

1968. Tet was a Vietnamese holiday. People thought there would be a ceasefire. VC did many surprise attacks all over South Vietnam & the American embassy in Vietnam.

My Lai

1970. Small village in Vietnam. Been investigated but still unclear what happened. American troops went on a rampage & killed over 200 women & children. Photographs of dead women & children & the village burning down. Sometimes these troops lost their moral compass over there. This caused a huge controversy & the sense that what the troops were doing in Vietnam was not rights.

Women's Health Movement

1971- first printing of the book Our Bodies Our Selves. Book about women taking care of their bodies.

Pentagon Papers

1971. Internal military reports from throughout the 60s that were very critical of the war. Doubts about whether the war was winnable of if they should be in Vietnam. Disgruntled Pentagon employee started leaking memos to the NY Times. American people are starting to see the vigorous debate over whether we could win or whether we should be in Vietnam.

What did Roe v. Wade do

1973- Legalized abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Fall of Saigon

1975- Capital of South Vietnam overrun by North Vietnamese. Communist North Vietnam establishes itself in the whole country. People tried to get out on US helicopters. Desperate women handing them their babies to get on. Pictures of this became an image of the war that we lost. South Vietnam reunited w/ North Vietnam under communism. Big blow to US bc we couldn't follow through on what we said we would do. We couldn't guarantee that stability & freedom to South Vietnam. Part of a series of events that erode American self confidence.

International Women's Year

1977 Houston International Women's Convention & ERA rally. Betty Freidan gives a speech where she officially welcomes lesbians into the feminist movement. This was where the feminist movement really comes together.

Fall of the Berlin Wall

1989. 1991- Republic that were under the soviet union break off.

1968 Assassinations

2 major political figures. Martin Luther King and Robert F Kennedy. For them to both be killed one month apart was really traumatic and shocking.

Afghan Mujahidin movement

35,000 Mujahidin (holy warriors) motivated by jihad (holy battle) converged on Afghanistan to fight against the infidels. Some of them are trained by American forces & advisors & used American weapons. US supported mujahidin bc they were anti-communist (fighting against Soviet).

Moral Majority developed very fast

400,000 members in their first year alone & a $1.5 million budget.

Toll of the War in Vietnam

60,000 US troops killed. 300,000 wounded. Millions of Vietnamese killed. Many displaced people & refugees.

Operation Desert Storm

A coalition to push Iraq back in Kuwait. Repels Iraqi advance in less than 100 hours. Kuwait is liberated. Stops short of invading Iraq. It would not be wise to depose Hussein because it might destabilize the entire area.

"The problem that has no name."

A dissatisfaction that women in suburbia have. A feeling that Betty Friedan feels & write about in the feminine mystique. This isn't a problem for people in the lower class or blacks. This is a white middle class problem- getting a job to feel liberated.

Malaise- Jimmy Carter

A feeling of depression. Words that marks Carter's presidency. Malaise speech- talked about a crisis of confidence among the American people.

Young Americans for Freedom

A group that is the complete opposite of this. They believe in traditional american values. Held signs that said "God Bless America." It's membership in terms of numbers surpassed the numbers of CORE. Biggest Youth organization. Explicitly rejected the counter culture (hippies, long hair, drugs).

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes changes in the lives of middle-class American children in the last decades of the century?

A high school education became more common.


A militant defense of the country. Especially against communism. Against big gov, yet many worked for the Defense Industry (for federal gov) & got their paycheck form the gov. The state has 2 functions: enforce contracts & provide national defense.

Which of the following was not one of the consequences of the cold war in the 1950s?

A prolonged economic recession

Osama Bin Laden

A rich Saudi. 1 of 57 children. Involved in fighting Afghan Mujahidin. Very little evidence that he was actually involved in the fighting. No evidence that he ever actually received US aid. The conflict in Afghanistan did radicalize him very deeply. Very frustrated w/ stationing of US troops in Saudi Arabia. Meets w/ Saudi ruler. They didn't listen to him, angered Bin Laden.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the Red Scare of 1919-1921?

A series of bombings in 1919 led Americans to associate all radical or dissident political groups with violence.

Archibald Cox

A special independent prosecutor was appointed to look into it and authorized to gather information. Finds that Nixon taped everything that happened in the oval office.

Roe v. Wade concerning activists

A triumph for pro-choice activists. Outcry from the pro-life activists. Huge number of activists were created almost instantaneously the same day this supreme court decision was made. Went through several legal challenges.

Which of the following is correctly paired with his or her activity during World War II?

A. Philip Randolph-threatened to head a march on Washington to protest racial discrimination

Jane Fonda

Actress that travels to North Vietnam & makes statements on behalf of North Vietnamese. Speaking out in favor of the side that we were fighting. Great amount of anger by veterans & soldiers.

African Americans- An American Dilemma

African American GI's came back form the war feeling empowered. White southerners met that change of attitude by "putting them in their place" throughout public lynchings. They survived the war only to come home to a war on racism. Truman commissioned for an investigation into racism.

The Exodusters were

African American migrants to Kansas in the late 1870's, fleeing mostly from Louisiana and Mississippi after the end of Reconstruction and the withdrawal of federal protection.

The Influence of Seapower upon History was written by

Alfred Thayer Mahan

Greensboro sit-in

All CORE men and organized by CORE. One of the most famous sit-ins. Sat at a segregated lunch counter. Coffee & sugar poured on them. Were dragged out, beaten, & arrested. Strategy was nonviolence, we are simply going to sit here.

Which of the following television sitcoms starred the fictional character Archie Bunker, who gave voice to the unease many Americans felt about changes taking place in society?

All in the family

Which of the following is most directly associated with McCarthyism?

Allegations of communist spies working in the State Department

1968 Democratic Convention

Almost every segment of the 1960s protestors (from anti-war, feminist, back power) they all came to Chicago & cause a riot in the street. Richard Daley says don't hold back get these protestors out of here. Battles between the police & protestors. These images speak across the country. Mobs throwing balloons filled w/ urine & paint on the police. Police go out not in their uniforms & attack the protestors. In the minds of Americans there is a connection drawn between the protestors and the democrats.

Cold War concerns about civil rights- Ambassador of Chad

Ambassador of Chad traveled to DC for a diplomatic event. He stopped to get a cup of coffee & was denied service. He was so upset he brought it up w/ President Kennedy. It was an international & democratic embarrassment. Leaders of these African Nations were not being treated w/ respect when they came to the US. US had to make some sort of progress on civil rights otherwise it would not be able to call itself the leader of the free world.

At the Potsdam Conference,

America's possession of the atomic bomb bolstered Truman to use "tough" methods with the Soviets.

A crisis developed in American-Iranian relations in 1979 because of

American support for the deposed Shah of Iran.

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

Americans consume 30% of worlds oil. 1970- US goes from being the net exporter of oil to a net importer of oil- leads to the Oil Crisis.

Economic Recovery Act

Amounts to a 25% cut in taxes across the board for all income level and all federal taxes. Investment tax dropped. Stimulate the economy. Wealthy pay the highest taxes, get biggest benefit from tax cuts.

Jerry Falwell

An evangelical Southern baptist preacher. Has a church, radio program, founder of Liberty University. Goldwater people come talk to him & say they want to form a new organization & base it off his stuff.

Who, among the following, epitomized the American notion that through hard work even a poor immigrant could become tremendously successful?

Andrew Carnegie

Voting Rights Act of 1965

Animated the 15th amendment. 2 key provisions: Outlaws literacy test- had become extremely effective at preventing colored votes. Federal election officials could supervise elections- make sure elections were fair & everybody was getting equal voting rights.

Phyllis Schlafly (STOP ERA)

Anti-communist crusader & an activist for Berry Goldwater. Came to national prominence as an anti-feminist. That a woman proper place was home taking care of kids. Says women should stay home but is a high profile media figure. Then w/ 6 kids at home went back to law school to be a lawyer. States all these ideas she believed about the woman but lived a very different life. Drew strongly on a vase in the evangelical churches. Grass-roots campaign.

The Draft

Anti-war men would burn their draft cards. Make protestors are in danger of being drafted & sent to war. Starts again during Vietnamese conflict. Wanted an army comparable in size. Extremely poor didn't pass the physical test. Average age was 19. 1969- Lottery system based on birthday. 1971- Deferment only until the end of the semester.

Civil Rights Act of 1965- Public Accommodations

Any entity whose operations affect interstate commerce. Hotel w/ guests from other states, theater that displays a film made in another state, restaurant that uses food from another state- ALL public accommodations. Almost everything classifies as a public accommodation. Some closed down rather than serve blacks- didn't agree with Civil Rights movement.

Assassination of MLK

April 1968. King is still a revered figure by both blacks and whites. His loss is an incredible trauma.

Religious Right

As evangelicals because more politically active, they side on the conservative right wing side. They felt betrayed & when it came to the 1980 election they were going to make sure what happened w/ Carter didn't happened again & use their voting right correctly. Discomfort w/ the federal gov. Sense that gov was supporting secular values instead of religious values. Saying the gov has created a non-neutral climate. Against Christianity & for secularism. That it's actions are anti-Christian. A few key political elites realize these people are a powerful voting force.

George Wallace goes after liberal elites

As out of touch with ordinary peoples lives, elites. Wallace says their forcing this racial integration on working class, lower class, other people while they themselves send their children to private schools so they don't have to deal with the same problems. They are trying to force things on people. This is white backlash.

Of the 9,000 overseas Protestant missionaries in 1915, the largest percentage of them served in


Exemptions from The Draft

At first, deferments given to students until they graduate. After graduation, you can apply for an exemption. Richer & well-connected people could usually get exemptions.

Robert Kennedy

Attorney General. JFK put him in charge of Civil Rights. JFK eventually has to deal with it though.

Nixon resigns

August 8 1974

The outbreak of World War I was the culmination of a European crisis that began when a Bosnian recruited by Serbian terrorists assassinated the heir to the throne of


Which of the following was characteristic of fascist governments in the 1930s and 1940s, especially Nazi Germany?

Authoritarian dictatorships Militaristic governments Promoting racial superiority

Awareness of Sexual Harassment at work

Awareness of rape and domestic abuse. Influences by black feminism.

Freedom Rides

College students come down from the North & attempted to integrate busses through the south. Immediately arrested/attacked. Strong case for federal gov being able to intervene here. Involved a lot of CORE members.

Lyndon Baines Johnson Political Views

Became a strong supporter of civil rights. A political animal. Ambitious. Senses civil rights is going to be a key political issue. One of 2 who didn't sign the Southern Manifesto-aware if he has national ambitions he can't be seen as a racist/segregationist. Moral view & political/pragmatic view- Thinks they should be better treated & knows if they don't do anything it will cause problems.

Title VII

Banned discrimination based on religion, race, national origin, or sex. "Sex" was actually put in as a joke & hoped that it would torpedo the movement. Formed the basis for lawsuits about sexual harassment. Along w/ civil rights act, guaranteed 14th amendment.

Which of the following people most directly contributed to the rise of conservatism in American politics after World War II?

Barry Goldwater

Who told Nixon to resign

Barry Goldwater

Which of the following quotes is correctly matched with the person who said it?

Barry Goldwater-"a government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you have"

The Southern Strategy

Basically an effort by Nixon & other republicans to court the vote of southern democrats. The seeds of the republican party becoming dominant in the south in ways that it had not been since the civil war.


Because troop morale is low. They know the government is moving towards withdrawing them but they're still there. When troops throw grenades at their commanders if they are too serious about going out there. Troops actually attack their own commanders.

Iranian Revolution

Began in 1979. Since 1950s Iran had been led by a Shah or King who was supported by the US. In 1979 the Shah was overthrown & an Islamic Gov was set up. Iran was invaded by it's neighbor Iraq. To conquer territory & show its power in the area. Saddam Hussein.


Begins in 1972 when Nixon is running for reelection. Political scandal that exposed the lack of faith that people had in their government. Another event that eroded American self-confidence. Nixon was president and wanted to be sure he would be re-elected.

Which of the following was not a way in which various Native American groups were divided in the 1960s?

Between rich and poor

In 1963, Eugene "Bull" Connor was

Birmingham's commissioner of public safety

Margret Sanger is most famous for supporting

Birth Control

Clark Doll Experiment Results

Black children would overwhelmingly say they wanted to play with the white doll, it was the best & nice doll. Picked the black doll as the "bad" doll. Segregation was having a huge effect on self-esteem of children at such a young age. Identifying white as good & black as bad. Provided scientific backing to prove that segregation was harmful- unequal & needed to be changed.

Thurgood Marshall

Black lawyer. Trained by Charles Hamilton Houston at Howard University. Chief council of NAACP. Lead attorney in Brown v Board. Argued 19 cases before going before supreme court & won 14 of them. 1st African American supreme court justice.

In what way did American politics change during the mid-1890s?

Blacks were formally disenfranchised in the South/ Democrats became virtually the only polistical party in the South for decades./Republicans dominated national politics for the next forty years.

Woodward and Bernstein

Bob Woodward and Bernstein. Washington post. Do an investigative- publish it. Trace the money to a slush fund that was part of Nixon's campaign. Fund was used for a militate of immoral tactics. Sponsored burglary to democratic.

The protest that caused the biggest blow to Hoover's popularity was the

Bonus Army

Our Bodies Our Selves

Book about women knowing about their body. Out of this comes breast cancer awareness. How to take care of your body.

The Feminine Mystique

Book published by Betty Friedan in 1963.

Florynce Kennedy

Born in 1916. Goes to Columbia as nontraditional undergrad during WWII then applies for Columbia Law School. They weren't going to let her in, said there were white men coming back form war that they needed to educate. She said her grades were higher than some of theres, so she argued it, got in, was only black woman in a class of white men.

Which of the following statement accurately characterizes national politics during the Gilded Age?

Both Republicans and Democrats regularly engaged in various forms of electoral fraud. Proportionately more Americans voted during this era than any other time in American history. The presidents of this era are often remembered as weak, ineffective, and forgettable.

Which of the following countries first converted to the gold standard?


Black Power

Brown II: "With all Deliberate Speed." Brown II decision: schools would be integrated with "all deliberate speed." White southerners made it take as long as possible. 1968- Mexico City Olympics, 2 American athletes did not black power salute.

Massive Resistance

Brown v Board of Education and Montgomery Bus Boycott occurred during Eisenhower's reign. Forceful opposition to integration. Comes out particularly in response to integration of schools. Eventually had to take action because of massive resistance.

William F. Cody, the showman who promoted the idea of a "mythic West," was better known as

Buffalo Bill

CREEP (Committee to Re-Elect the President)

Bugs headquarters of Democratic Party & Watergate. Get caught planting bugs in the Democratic party headquarters. Looks like a burger but things were off bc these men were in suits, had sophisticated bugging technology, & had thousands of dollars in cash on them. People start to read b/w the lines. Burglars put on trial. One of them admits he'd been bribed to get a lesser sentence. Starts a congressional investigation. Implicates everyone below the President of knowing and offering hush money. "At what point did the president know & become involved?" Mantra about Nixon- People wonder if he was involved.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the economic consequences of the Vietnam War?

By 1968, the U.S. economy was entering a severe inflationary spiral that would last more than a decade.

How did Jimmy Carter set a new tone as President

By walking with his wife by walking down Pennsylvania Ave. Saying we don't need to ride in a fancy car we will by being more open and connected with the people. This transformed into Carter seeming weak & ineffective. He lost power & preset all over the country. Newly assertive congress.

Which of the following did not promote settlement of the Great Plains?

Cattle ranchers

Legacies of the Liberation Movements

Changed in academia- women's studies & black studies. Title IX: 1979. Women's Health Movement. Awareness of Sexual Harassment at Work. Roe v Wade.

Brown Pride

Chicano movement

What did people think was cruel that MLK used during his marches

Children & students. They wanted to volunteer. King argues w/o this movement/changes these children wouldn't have a future. The children often DID have a clear idea of what was at stake.

Barbara Smith

Combahee River Collective. Joined the national black feminism organization. Became very radical so she left. Her & her friends split off from this organization & formed the Combahee River Collective. This incorporated all of the same ideas (racism, classism, sexism, & imperialism) plus homophobia. Black lesbian feminist socialist.

Rockefeller Personal Life

Comes from wealthy NY family. Divorces his wife w/ his kids to be with a girl 20 years younger who is pregnant with his kid. He is now out of the running based off of his personal life only.

Gay Liberation Front

Comes out of Stonewall Riots. Gay activists are saying they want to live their life & be who they are. One of the first militant organizations to come out of Stonewall Riots. Inclusive of other movements (black, women, etc).

What changes occurred in American trade with the allies and the Central Powers between 1914 and 1916?

Commerce with the Allies rose nearly fourfold, whereas commerce with the Central Powers dwindled to an insignificant trickle.

Viet Cong (VC)

Communist insurgency within the South. Body Count of VC becomes a measure of how we are doing was the war. Becomes an unreliable number. "If it is dead & Vietnamese, its VC." Enormous pressure to get body count up. Causes commanders to lie & inflate numbers. Hard to tell friend from enemy. VC would go back to village & blend in as normal farmer. Hard style of fighting because you can't tell who's a friend & who's an enemy. Leads to quintessential statement of combat in Vietnam. "We had to destroy in order to save it." War of Attrition- war of wearing down the enemy.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes U.S. politics during World War II?

Congress narrowed Roosevelt's call in 1944 for a second bill of rights program to include only veterans.

CORE stands for

Congress of Racial Equality

In response to the OPEC oil embargo,

Congress passed a law limiting highway speeds to 55 miles per hour

Which of the following statements does NOT accurately characterize the struggle of organized labor from 1919-1929

Congress passed legislation making it much more difficult for workers to join labor unions.

The core values of conservation and the right

Conservative activism came out of the 60s. Core values: Militant anti-communism. Religious traditionalism. Libertarianism-Free markets, minimal government, low taxation.

Reagan Democrats

Continuation of the shifts that happened w/ Nixon. They are shifting to Reagan and his policies of Reagan. Reagan completes party realignment.

What was done to disable Francis Townsend's support?

Creation of the Social Security Administration

The Eisenhower Doctrine was issued in response to difficulties in


The massive Allied invasion of Europe was code-named


In 1988, President George H. W. Bush selected which of the following individuals to be his vice presidential candidate?

Dan Quayle

The agricultural technique known as dry farming

involved deep planting to bring subsoil moisture to the roots and quick harrowing after rainfalls.

The Vietnam War

Decolonization- European countries were letting go of their colonies, US concerned whether they would become democratic communist, Vietnam had been a French Colony. Containment- you cannot let communism spread & keep it contained, see how this plays out in Vietnam, Vietnam is an ex of containment in action. US role in the world- had the most dominant economy & military.

Irony of the Election of 1964

Deemed as a huge defeat for the radical right. After the defeat, all the idea he represented didn't go anywhere, in fact they became stronger. May have lost the election but it was actually a huge success because the radical right them controlled by the Republican party.

Jimmy Carter

Democrat elected in 1976. Came to power as an outsider candidate. Little gov experience. Deep religious Baptist.

Eugene McCarthy

Democrat who has been running for President. Big anti-war candidate. Says he'll end Vietnam war. Democratic party ignores him & backs Hubert Humphrey. The democratic party looks out of control which creates a bad media image. Getting associated w/ urban unrest, sexualize, black power & other protest movement. Democratic party changed internal rules about who gets to be a delegate. Internal division b/w Eugene McCarthy & Hubert Humphrey. Rewrite rules so the power base shifts more towards activists bc it says there needs to be an accurate proportion of African Americans, women, etc.

Election of 1968 Candidates

Democrat- Hubert Humphrey. Republican- Richard Nixon. Independant- George Wallace. Richard Nixon wins election.

Conversion of the Democratic Party in 1948

Democrats put a pro-civil rights statement in their platform calling for voting rights & better treatment. So upsetting to southern democrats that they left & made a new party. Why? Power of black vote. More blacks have moved to the north & have voting rights. Truman is concerned w/ winning reelection in 1948.

1963 Coup

Diem is overthrown by coup of his own. End of pretense of a functioning government- rotating cycle of leaders. LBJ takes a softer stance on the war during campaign. White he's campaigning, he's making preparations for an extended war. See's it as a test of the cold war. Soviet of China has to be involved. Inability to recognize nationalism as its own motivating force. Doesn't want to be 1st President to lose a war.

Southern Manifesto

Document opposing Brown v Board of Education- labeled it an abuse of judicial power. All but 2 southern congressmen signed it- would use every lawful means to overturn it.

The two main American military commanders in the Pacific theater during World War II were

Douglas MacArthur and Chester W. Nimitz.

Truman's desire to expand the New Deal was not stymied by the

military-industrial complex.

Malcolm X

Early leader of the Black Power Movement. When he gets released from prison he joins the nation of Islam. Definitely a northern civil rights leader. His message is about black liberation, not black equality (cultural pride, race pride, afraid that integration will cause cultural assimilation that will cause African Americans to feel inferior). Asserting their freedom by an means necessary- not really w/ the nonviolent movement. 1964-Breaks w/ the nation of Islam.

End of the Soviet Union

Economy is starting to crumble. Centralized & planned economy. If planners get it wrong, there's no fix. Under the hand of a dictator. Trapped in its own version of Vietnam in Afghanistan. Militant Islam took over Afghanistan (previously communist). Soviet entered to support a communist government. Insurgency movement came to set up an Islamic state. 1991- Breaks up into 15 different countries. Cold war is over.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the events surrounding the Suez crisis?

Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal and later built the Aswan dam with Soviet assistance.

Gay Rights Activism

Exemption from draft if they were gay & caused gay men to come out. Make it more normal. Before, gay men had wanted to serve in the military. Claiming every man has the right to serve. Straight deceivers- men passing themselves as gay to get out of the draft. If you didn't fit the stereotype you'd have to prove it. Had to go to a psychiatrist to convince them "I'm gay, don't want me in the army." Linkage of gay rights activism with anti-war activism. 1973- homosexuality removed form list of mental disorders.

Why does it seem that there were lackluster presidents during the period from 1877 to 1895?

Extremely close elections limited their ability to maneuver and take tough political stands.

What is the most important reason few African American men held factory jobs in 1890?

Factory owners found that they could satisfy most of their labor needs with immigrant workers, so they rejected most black applicants.

Toni Cade Bambara

Famous women in third world feminism. The Black Woman: An Anthology.

"The largest, longest-run agricultural and environmental miscalculation in American History" refers to

Farming on the great plains

Which of the following Progressive reforms was suggested by the Populists?

Federal Reserve Act

Conversion of the Democratic Party

Federal government feels the need to assert its power. When a mob/white southerners were preventing the ruling of the supreme court & federal gov, it looked like the states could do whatever they want. The southern states going their own way & ignoring the federal gov. US trying to control its power over the states. Results in increased movement for states rights.

Angela David

Female in black panther movement. Not in the black panther party but communicates closely with them. An intellectual. Grew up in Alabama. Political activist- black power & anti-imperialism. Ronald Reagan & the FBI really want to get her in prison.

Domino Theory

First articulated by President Eisenhower. Nations are like dominos in the fight against communism. If one of them falls the rest of them will fall. Almost a doomsday scenario, if you don't contain communism what will happen. Vietnam is a critical piece in the struggle against communism.

Sandra Day O'Conner

First female supreme court justice. Nominated by Reagan. The Cosby show- was very popular & showed a middle class African American family in a good light- Bill Cosby was America's goofy dad.


First major attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor. Ultimate death toll was 3,000 people. $80 billion in economic loss.

Moral Majority

Formed in 1979. Makeup of people from the Christian right. Was originally going to be the Silent Majority but they're no longer going to be silent. 1980- Falwell claims to have registered 3 million new voters. Did it through the churches. Voter registration cards in churches on Sunday, get pastors involved. Organizational structure already in place. 1979- Jerry Falwell & other leaders meet w/ all the republican front runners. Grill them on religious beliefs. Decide to support Ronald Reagan. April 1980- Washington for Jesus Rally. 200,000 evangelicals come to DC to pray for a different direction for the gov.

Geneva Accords

French is defeated. Peace conference in Geneva. Part 1-France agrees to withdraw its troops from Indochina. Vietnam is going to be divided at the 17th parallel. Communist in North, US supported government in South. Part 2- agreement that the north and the south are going to hold free elections in 2 years that will unite the country.

Fannie Lou Hamer

From Mississippi. Worked on a plantation as a sharecropper. Involved in a grassroots civil rights movement w/ students from SNCC. Gets arrested, thrown in jail, is sexually assaulted by a white jail worker there. Ex of who the feminist movement embraces.

Who/What Influenced MLK

Gandhi/Nonviolence. How he could use nonviolence to enact social change. He wrestled w/ what it meant to be nonviolent. Nonviolence could look like you were giving in & being passive.

Brandenburg Gate Speech

Germany is still divided between communist east & democratic west. Separated by Berlin Wall. "Freedom leads to prosperity." Keeps repeating freedom. Freedom is the victor. Famous challenge to soviet union. To open the gate & tear down the wall. "Mr. Gorbechav tear down this wall!!"

By 1915, the Central Powers consisted of

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria.

Hubert Humphrey

Gets nominated by the democratic party after RFK is killed. Was Johnson's vice president. Hadn't run in any primaries.

Stokely Carmichael with the SNCC

Gets the memo that talks about the women in SNCC. Makes a comment about it. His response radicalized some of these women.

Griswold v. Connecticut

Going to legalize birth control. Up until this point certain states had banned certain kinds of contraception. This says there's a right of privacy that the gov can't interfere with. Laid legal groundwork for Roe v. Wade.

Montgomery Bus Boycott

Good ex. of role of the church. Walked, rode bicycles. Result of Rosa park's arrest. Church was the place to meet-rallied troops, sang songs. Nightly meetings to keep boycott together, sense of community. Went on for over a year until Supreme Court ruled segregated busses unconstitutional. White church played a role- interracial movement, James Reeves was killed when he came to Selma to help.

George Wallace

Gov of Alabama. Wildcard in Republican nomination. Against integration- picture of him blocking the school door so it can't be integrated, very popular in Alabama for this. Represents southern segregation & white blue collar workers. Candidate of white backlash. Runs under independent party. Gets about 25% union support. Gets 13% of the vote. His winning states were concentrated in deep south. Not surprising because he was a segregationist.

Which president most refashioned America's Indian policy?


By 1915, the Allied Powers consisted of

Great Britain, France, Russia, Japan, and Italy

The Truman Doctrine was implemented in response to Communist threats in

Greece and Turkey.

Little Rock Nine

Group of African American teenagers who tried to integrate Little Rock High School. Governor deployed Arkansas National Guard to blockade the school & not let them enter. Eisenhower sent US soldiers to escort them to class- compelled to act because of Cold War concerns & because this questioned the federal government's legitimacy. The school was finally integrated.

The concept that championed black racial pride and cultural identity in the 1920s was known as the

Harlem Renaissance.

The Reagan Revolution concepts

Have to understand two important developments in the 1970s. The dissatisfaction with the Carter presidency. The rise of the religious right.

Which of the following is an example of an institutional form of racism faced by African Americans as they migrated to urban centers in the 1950s?

Housing restrictions. Increasingly segregated schools White flight to the suburbs

Which of the following statements characterizes the emergence of César Chavez as a national figure during the 1960s?

He and the United Farm Workers union won national attention by organizing a grape pickers' strike in 1965.

What was Franklin Roosevelt's attitude toward the federal government providing welfare payments to the unemployed?

He found it distasteful, preferring to provide jobs over cash subsidies.

Which of the following statement most accurately characterizes Theodore Roosevelt's approach to the nation's natural resources?

He was a conservationist who tried to balance commercial and public interests.

Ronald Reagan as an actor

He was comfortable in front of the camera & knew how to present himself. RR was called the "great communicator." Really good at carrying himself well, projecting the right attitude, & making people believe in what he was doing.

Which of the following statements accurately characterizes President Lyndon Johnson?

He was in many ways the opposite of Kennedy.

Massive Resistance- Brown v Board of Education & Montgomery Bus Boycott occurred during Eisenhower's reign

He was reluctant to do anything- wanted to keep things stable & how they were. He didn't think you could change peoples minds & hearts through law. He sympathized with the efforts to keep segregation.

George H.W. Bush

He's in office at the time Iraq invades Kuwait. Bush had made his fortune in the Oil Industry in Texas. Attention to oil & middle east. His attention to this is more sharp & focused bc he already knows a lot about the oil business. "Iraq's invasion of Kuwait will not stand." Created a coalition to push Iraq back. Approved by United Nations. Operation Desert Storm. Bush makes the call not to remove Hussein from power, they got them out of Kuwait & that's what they wanted to do, so let them go back to Iraq.

The leader of North Vietnam during the late 1950s was

Ho Chi Minh.

Which of the following are correctly matched?

Hugh Hefner-founder of Playboy magazine

Teflon Presidency

Idea that nothing you threw at him would stick. Despite controversy & scandal, nothing ever stuck to him. Optimistic personality always shone through. Accusations of corruption didn't tarnish reputation. Focus on the big picture. He had a plan & seemed like a nice guy so no matter what he did the American people didn't care, they liked him.


Idea that the south Vietnamese army should be fighting the war. We would support their efforts & let them fight their own war. We would slowly withdraw troops & replace them w/ South Vietnamese troops. Criticized as changing the color of the corpses. A return to an older strategy. Not directly intervene but support local troops on the right side.

Young Lords

Identify as Puerto Rican. Make connections w/ racism, classism. Talked about wanting health care, food services. Health, food, housing, education- education about identity to show black & puerto rican history. Molded on black panther party.

The four college students killed by National Guardsmen at Kent State University had been protesting

Nixon's secret expansion of the Vietnam War into Cambodia.

Which of the following statements accurately characterizes U.S. immigration laws between World War II and the mid-1960s?

In 1952, the McCarran-Walter Act ended the exclusion of immigrants from China, Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia. k In late 1945, the immigration of Mexican bracero workers, which had been permitted during World War II, was officially ended, and not until 1964 were such workers again legally admitted to the United States.

What major change occurred in Mexican American activism during the 1960s?

In 1969, a large group of Mexican American students, calling themselves Chicanos, met in Denver to hammer out a national agenda on political and cultural issues.

Cold War concerns about civil rights- story that made world news

In Alabama a black man was sentenced to death for stealing $2. The employer said he had raped her but he claimed the money was a loan & he was going to pay it back.

Kennedy assassinated

In November 1963. Interpreted by some people as a response of southerners to JFK's Presidency. Huge shock to the nation when he was assassinated.

Stonewall Riots

June 1969. Normal for police to harass gay bars & arrest people. Less than a week after Judy Garland died. Police started arresting people, but patrons of Stonewall Inn fought back. Started a riot- makes that gay rights movement militant.

Which one of the following was not called for by the New Right during the 1980 presidential election?

Increasing federal spending on social welfare programs


Independant activist in India. Helped to successfully end British colonialism in India through nonviolence. Influenced MLK. Being loving will help you tap into this spiritual energy.

Which of the following saw the greatest amount of improvement in the 1920s?

Industrial output

Which of the following most transformed women's role in the "public space"?



Inflation is 12-17% during the 70s. Really high. Prices are going up by 17% every year. Sign of growing economy. Causes stagflation. Stagnant economy: economy that is not growing. Economy that's not growing plus inflation=stagflation. Worst of both worlds.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes consumer spending during the 1920s?

Installment buying boosted consumerism.

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)

Interracial group. 1/3 black 2/3 white at the beginning. Became predominantly black over time. Committed to nonviolence, Christian, did the Greensboro sit-in, becomes more radical. Big deal how when a white person is killed everyone is angry, blacks have been getting killed for years & no one cares.

Florynce Kennedy as an activist

Involved in Wednesday in Mississippi- civil rights movement. 1967- joins NYC chapter of NOW & brings to their attention the problems of racism. July 1967- Participates in first black power conference. SNCC & young white NOW members were there too. Connects feminism & racism. One of the roots of black feminism.

During the Eisenhower administration, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) helped overthrow the government of


In the late nineteenth century the American Catholic hierarchy was dominated by

Irish Americans

Agent Orange

Is a chemical that strips all the foliage in the Vietnamese jungles. Spray it & it causes the leaves to fall off all of the trees. Makes it easy to see & harder to hide. Causes cancer.

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Is what outlined racial discrimination and strike down the whole idea of Jim Crow

Military Advisors

Kennedy increases number of military advisors from 600 to 12,000. The fact that they're called advisors starts a pattern of willingness of administration to not be clear about what's going on in Vietnam. Not all 12,000 advisors can be giving advice. Obviously they're involved in some fighting to some extent. Some administrations not being quite clear as to what is going on in Vietnam.

Robert F Kennedy

JFK's younger brother who was his attorney general. He decided to run for President in 1968. Was the democratic front runner. Had just won California primary. Killed as he was leaving the stage.

Which of the following is properly paired?

Jack Kerouac-On the Road

In the late 1800s and early 1900s, which nation's growing power in East Asia surprised Europe and the U.S.


What did President Roosevelt call "a date that will live in infamy"?

Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor

Which of the following is not associated with Marcus Garvey?

Jazz Music

The first woman in Congress who voted against going into World War I was

Jeanette Rankins

The Moral Majority was founded by religious evangelical

Jerry Falwell.

"I will never lie to you"

Jimmy Carter - appeared untainted by government corruption

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Johnson asks congress for power to take all necessary measures. Act by congress that gives President a blank check on his ability to make decisions about the war. Never an official declaration of war by Congress like the constitution says. Many argue that this was an unconstitutional war.

Tet Offensive- Huge PR victory for Communism

Johnson saying that we were about to win & all of the sudden VC attacks us. Credibility gap between what he was saying & what was happening. Causes doubts about the war.

All of the following occurred in 1968 except the

perceived attack on American ships in the Gulf of Tonkin.

Effects of Integration of Ole Miss

Kennedy makes speeches that Civil Rights is part of the american tradition & all citizens should all be treated fairly. Took him awhile to address it, but he finally speaks out.

In the 1960 election,

Kennedy won by a slim margin; just a few thousand votes could have given the election to Nixon.

Clark Doll Experiment

Kenneth Clark gathered children & showed them two dolls that were black & white.

Shirley Chisolm

Kitchen Table; Women of color press. First African American women to be elected to congress-makes a name for herself early. Decides to run for president- says she proud to be a feminist but she's not only a feminist & proud to be black but she's not only black. Good political ex of what is happening & changing over time. Speaking to problems.

Tet Offensive- Johnson felt trapped

Knew he wouldn't win the war. He couldn't withdraw from the war because he didn't want to be the guy who lost the war. Therefor in March 1968 he announces he will NOT run for President again. His popularity has suffered.

Election of 1968

LBJ says he isn't running. MLK assassinated. Robert Kennedy assassinated in his presidential campaign. Ms. America protest. Richard Nixon wins election.

The first magazine with over one million subscribers was

Ladies' Home Journal.

Black Panthers

Late 1966. Huey Newton & Bobby Seale started it. Eldridge Cleaver joined quickly. Urban movement. Talk about armed self-defense & problems of class. Other side of the black panther party- community outreach. Free breakfast program, people's free food program.

Saddam Hussein

Leader of Iraq. Wants to bring back Iraq's past greatness. Starts the Iran Iraq war which lasts 10 years until 1988. After the war Iraq is broke. So he decides they will invade Kuwait. Established a bio-weapons program, tried to develop large weapons.

Ho Chi Minh

Leader of nationalist movement. Vietnamese native who spent lots of time in Europe (London, Paris). Attended the Versailles & became more radicalized & eventually became a communist. Became tied up in Vietnamese nationalism- communist movement tied to Vietnamese Independence. Starts a revolt against Japanese. Declared independence after the war. Opening lines taken from the American Declaration of Independence. Sites French Revolution. Ideas of liberty, equality, and paternity. A communist document but talks more about France as a colonial occupier & oppressor rather than revolt of the workers.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes urban leisure in post-Civil War America?

Leisure became a commercial commodity enjoyed outside the home.

Which of the following is properly matched?

Lend-Lease-allowed the distribution of arms and equipment to nations whose defense was vital to the security of the United States

A symbol of the postwar housing boom was


All of the following industries became an important part of the economy of the Great Plains and the far West by 1890 except


The War Powers Act, the Freedom of Information Act, the Fair Campaign Practices Act, and the Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act were passed as a result of

Nixon's imperial presidency

Harvey Milk

Lived in San Fransisco. Becomes the first openly gay elected official in San Fransisco. November 1978- is assassinated w/ the mayor who was his ally- vital to movement for gay rights. Becomes a martyr among gay activists.

States and the federal government encouraged railroad building through which of the following ways?

Loans and subsidies Land grants Financial assistance

White Citizens' Council

Local organizations made up of leading citizens & business people who want to fight integration. Very popular throughout the south. Often implicated w/ all kinds of crimes against people of color (civil rights organizers). Photographed African Americans going to vote & showing their bosses to get them fired. Used this to scare them into not registering to vote. Represented itself as an organization of concerned citizens.

Watts riot

Los Angeles, 1965. Often riots are sparked by instances like police brutality. Started w/ African American motorist pulled over for drunk driving. Turned into an altercation & then into a riot. Over 14,000 were mobilized. Curfew zone over 45 miles established to attempt to return to order. Almost 4,000 arrest. 33 people died. Unrest because of people not having jobs, schools, etc

War in the late 1960's

Loss of support of war. People begin questioning the war. It was one thing to have doubts about the war, it was another thing to actually protest. Sense that America's leaders were not being honest.

First Southern President since the Civil War

Lyndon Baines Johnson

Who wins the election of 1964

Lyndon Baynes Johnson wins the election in a landslide.

Chicago Freedom Movement Effects

MLK & them start to do marches but are unprepared & dismayed that the violence in the north is if anything worse that that in the south. "The people in Mississippi aught to come to Chicago to learn how to hate." Had some success, but made little progress on housing issues. MLK wraps up Chicago movement & becomes more radicalized & moves more towards a socialist position.

Chicago Freedom Movement

MLK's attempt to go to the North & bring the civil rights movement. Shows nonviolence can work throughout the nation, not just for the south. More focus on economic issues-moves to poorest part of Chicago. Focused on housing (redlining).

The philosophy of nonviolent disobedience was first espoused by

Mahatma Ghandi.

1979 March on Washington

March on Washington for gay rights. In preparation, they hold a conference for other groups to come talk about their issues. Had gay activists from every state- Texas was the main leading state. Phyllis Frye.

Which of the following authors rejected romanticism and Victorian sentimentality in their works?

Mark Twain Stephen Crane Theodore Dreiser All of the above

To forestall economic difficulties, which could foster the rise of communism throughout Europe, the United States gave nearly $13 billion to a European recovery program nicknamed the

Marshall Plan.

Who was awarded the Nobel Peace Price

Martin Luther King

The Reagan Revolution- Tax Cuts

Massive increase in military spending. Particularly in the context of the cold war.

Homophile Movement

Mattachine Society; ONE, Inc. - Homosexual Magazine. The thrust of these early movements was to say that these gay men & women could fit into society & look normal.

Al Quaeda

Means "The Base." Started in a loose form in Afghanistan. Turns Al Quaeda to plans to attack US & Saudi Power. Wants to liberate entire area. Also wants Jews & Israel out of the region. Religious idea. Sense that America dominated the world. Undermines base of Islamic morals. US supported Israel. Attracted recruits. Arab men who had spend time in Western countries & reject it. Culminated in 9/11.


Means moving jobs to cheaper areas w/ lower wages. At first this means moving from norther cities to the south. Globalization- moving factories of production to cheaper countries abroad. Lower wages & unemployment.

The Great Society and war on poverty has many parts

Medicare- health insurance for the elderly. Medicaid- health insurance for the poor. Housing- department of housing & urban development.

In 1975, Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded


French Indochina

Modern day countries of Vietnam, Laos, & Cambodia (all French colonies). French was occupied by the Nazi's. Whole area moved from French control to Japanese control during WWII. 1945- France returns to Indochina to try to reestablish power. Ho Chi Minh starts a Guerrilla War. US gives aid to France- matter of allegiances, sends military advisors, Domino Theory.

Which of the following influenced the growth of a youth culture in the 1950s?

More years in school. Importance of peer groups.Teen consumer patterns

Which of the following statements accurately describes rationing during World War II?

Most Americans complied with rationing

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Most prominent leader in the SCLC. Very religious. Drew from 3 traditions- Southern Christian Tradition (emphasis on exodus-God being someone who will provide freedom to his people eventually), Northern Liberal Protestantism (Drew on European theology, how God manifested his will in society, encountered these ideas when he was in seminary & got his doctorate, ideas of social sin & social helped him), & Gandhi Tradition of Nonviolence.

Gloria Steinem

Ms. Magazine- Ms was a feminist statement. Saying her identity is not attached to a man. As assertion of personhood. Talking in a social way about women's issues. Works with black feminists.

A result of the Berlin Blockade and Berlin Airlift, the coup in Czechoslovakia was the creation of


Which of the following New Deal projects was not involved in conservation.


The New Deal program most applauded by union labor was the

National Recovery Act.


New 3rd party made by white southerners who had left the democratic party because they were pushing for civil rights. "Dixiecrat" refers to a southerner who is opposed to civil rights. Foreshadowing of white southerns leaving the democratic party.

In the summer of 1975, which city was loaned money by the federal government and granted a three-year moratorium on municipal debt in order to stave off bankruptcy?

New York City

In the 1950s, most Puerto Rican immigrants settled in

New York City.

Earl Warren

New chief justice. Was like Eisenhower (moderate, friendly, middle of the roader, everyone liked him-but very uncanny politician). Popular republican gov. of California. Regretted enforcing the Japanese internment under Eisenhower's order. Wanted a UNANIMOUS ruling on Broad v Board.

U.S. vs Nixon

New independent prosecutor. Motto is "No man is above the law." Learns there are more tapes & tries to get them but Nixon refuses. Takes it supreme court. Supreme court rules that executive order doesn't protect Nixon from having to hand over tapes.

"Peace with honor"

Nixon campaign slogan. Said he would end the war honorably & prevent future Vietnams by looking at the foreign commitments of the US.

Nixon's resignation

Nixon knew the last tapes proved him guilty & showed he knew & advocated it & asked the FBI not to investigate.

Saturday Night Massacre

Nixon orders attorney general to fire Cox- refuses and resigns. Order deputy attorney general to fire Cox- refuses and resigns. Eventually finds someone to fire him. Seen as a gross abuse of presidential power.

Barry Goldwater wins the republican nomination

No good contender, has a lot of volunteers. Not a conventional politician. Very quickly seized upon by mainstream media. When asked a question he says how he feels. Lots of people link him to McCarthy. Says if you vote for him he'll roll back on social security, civil rights, ...

What held MLK's movements together

Nonviolence. Students who came to volunteer were trained to be nonviolent- stay limb, don't strike back, don't use angry words. Nonviolence would just DRAMATICIZE what segregation looked like.

Was Freedom Summer successful

Not successful right away but in the long run was extremely effective. 1966 7% were registered to vote. 1969 69% were registered.

Oil Crisis- 1973

OPEC is a group of oil rich mostly Arab nations. Impose an embargo on oil to US as a response to US's supporter of Israel. Price of oil goes from $0.34 to $1 a gallon- tripled. Disruption of US economy. Lines at gas station were 2-3 hour wait sometimes.

Kent State & Jackson State shootings

Ohio. Campus protest in response to Nixon invading Colorado. Called in National Guard. Not well trained w/ these situations, accidentally shot passerby's & killed them. Student just walking to class. Jackson state shootings- 3 were killed. Public opinion shifting against the war.

Where was the focus of Freedom Summer

On Mississippi because that state had the lowest number of blacks registered to vote. Because of the impossible literacy tests & violence.

Stokely Carmichael

One of the SNCC leaders. Used rhetoric of black power. Members began to reject white members & become more radical. 1969- Changed name, Student NATIONAL Coordinating Committee. Decided nonviolence wasn't an effective strategy & they needed to do something different.

Daughters of Bilitis

One of the first lesbian organizations to be established. As the DOB gained members, their focus shifted to providing support to women who were afraid to come out. Were subject to raids and police harassment.

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

One of the main organizations founded during Montgomery Bus Boycott. Come out of Montgomery improvement association-primarily black ministers but well dressed respectable adults, providing a face of respectability to the movement. Marches, demonstrations, grounded in religion. "It's not an organization, it's a church." Held the group together. Flexible & able to respond because they didn't have a formal hierarchy.

What does libertarianism object to

One of the main things it objects to is the New Deal the of spending and programs. Not necessary or helpful. Immoral- taking tax dollars from certain citizens & giving them to others. Want to cut government spending as much as possible.

Key factor for the Civil Rights Movement

Opposition because it's the anger and opposition that puts a face on segregation

Roosevelt's Democratic coalition included which of the following groups?

Organized labor White southerners African Americans

National Organization for Women (NOW)

Original chapter in NYC. Betty Friedan started it. Responding to discrimination against women. Sexual harassment, women couldn't lease an apartment, buy a car or do anything w/o a man signing too. Consciousness-raising grouped. Groups of women all over the country meet & talk about their lives. They start talking about constitutional equalities, gender relationships, access to birth control, autonomy.

Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)

Originally proposed in 1923. Congress finally passed in 1972. Not ratified. Was a new constitutional amendment that was proposed that would ensure equality between the sexes. Needed to be passed by 2/3 of the house of congress then ratified by 3/4 of the states. Passed by congress in 1972, but never ratified by the states.

The Blac

Panther Tank Battalion and the Tuskegee Airmen werek all-black units that fought in World War II./widely praised by military commanders such as George Patton./unable to stop segregationist slander toward black veterans of World War II.

The Reagan Revolution- Reduction in the size of the federal government

Particularly regulatory functions. Functions that are aimed at regulatory business. Idea that you'd try to reduce the flow of power to Washington & then try & return it back to the states. Instead of doing away w/ the department, he would appoint heads that were less interested in or against what the department was for. This was controversial. Reagan was anti-union. Shifted government away from minorities. Shifted focus on government back to the white middle class. Minorities felt left out, but in culture & in the bigger picture.

The largest Protestant denomination, which grew 23 percent between 1970 and 1985, is the


Reaganomics- Economy shifts to service economy

People losing their factory jobs are taking service economy jobs instead. These jobs pay less & job security is less. These are jobs like working in a restaurant. Lower wages & less job security/stability.

The counterculture's idealism was best represented by the music of

Pete Seeger.

The election of 1964

Pitted Barry Goldwater (republican) against Lyndon Baynes Johnson (democrat). LBJ wins.

George W. Bush

Plan to invade Afghanistan. Identifies Afghanistan as the training ground. Doesn't take long to destroy Taliban regime. Strong connections to oil industry. Not as prudent or cautious as his father.

Audre Lord

Poet & black lesbian feminist activist. Points out white feminists racism. They are unresponsive to race issues.

Massive Resistance- Forceful opposition to integration

Police officers using jails to punish civil rights activists, white mobs threatening African Americans, etc. Violent people were the minority, but were still a problem. To be elected to power in the south it was almost a requirement that you had to be anti-integration & pro-segregation.

Which of the following statements most accurately describes changes in the lives of Mexican Americans during World War I?

Political instability in Mexico caused many Mexicans to relocate to the United States.

The Second Reconstruction

Political victories. Why the reconstruction amendments come to mean something in practice rather than just in theory.. 14th amendment-equal protection. 15th amendment-right to vote regardless of race. This is when these amendments finally began to mean something.

Great Society

President Johnson feels like he has a mandate to.. trying to end poverty in the US. Medicare, medicaid, housing. All of this happened in 1965, right after Johnson wins the election. Gov spending went up 500% in first 10 yrs after these programs were implemented. These are going to seem more controversial when the good will of the poor is questioned in series of race riots and campus/student unrest. Argument that we're giving these people too much money & they're dangerous & a menace- running our country into huge debt to support this kind of disorder.

The growth of YMCA in American cities resulted from

Protestant efforts to promote "muscular Christianity" for white-collar workers.

In 1916 the largest religious group in the United States was


Radical Feminism & Lesbian Feminism

Protested Miss America Pageant. Put bras & girdles in trash cans. The Red Stockings- "radical" feminism. Talking in revolutionary terms- exploding patriarchy, more militant language. Saying if you're truly feminist you will only sleep with women bc men are the enemy- lesbianism, very extreme.

Which of the following steps was not taken by the Hoover administration in its attempts to counter the Great Depression?

Providing direct federal relief for unemployed Americans

In the early 1950s, which of the following was segregated by custom or law in the South?

Public transportation/ Public parks and libraries/ Drinking fountains

Helen Gurley Brown

Published Sex and the Single Girl. Worked for Cosmopolitan magazine.

The Conscience of a Conservative

Published by Barry Goldwater. An attack on the state & social welfare. Government is wasteful and ignorant.

Ms. Magazine

Published by Gloria Steinem

Sex and the Single Girl

Published by Helen Gurley Brown. Made the single life of a girl look very fabulous. Growing dialogue about sexuality. This book says women can enjoy newfound sexuality as well. Unmarried woman's guide to career, sex, & life. Then she gets married but had fun before that.

The Young Lords Organization fought primarily for the civil rights of

Puerto Ricans.

Cold War concerns about civil rights

Racism made a mockery of American ideals & reputation. After WWII, Britain & France were getting rid of colonies. New independent countries that were not white. Propaganda to make it seem like race relations were good. Racism in the US was the major propaganda theme for the Soviet Union.

Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars)

Reagan believed they needed a huge & fearsome army. 1985- Reagan spent $300 million. This was more than the combined administrations of the 1970's (more than carter & ford presidency's combined). Space based missile defense system. If soviets launched missiles, we would have missiles from space to defend us. No scientists believed it could work. Reagan poured a lot of money into it & talked about it all the time in his speeches. Talked about the power of freedom.

Evil Empire

Reagan uses the terminology good & evil. Characteristics Soviet Union as evil empire in speech to evangelical organization. Sets up US as the good.

Rosa Parks

Refused to give up her seat to a white person. People say she wouldn't give up her seat because she was tired from a long work day- not true. "The only tired I was, was tired of giving in." Spurred the beginning of the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

Southern Strategy

Republican effort to get the Southern vote. Capitalize on the issue of race w/o seeming to appear racist. Suggest that gov is doing too much to help blacks instead of whites. Same language as Goldwater. In favor of equality but gov shouldn't be included in it. Ideas catching bigger sense that most people were in favor of the goals of civil rights, but changed their minds w/ how it was implemented.

Law and Order Strategy

Republicans presenting themselves as the party of law & order. Thought to bring them in & they will restore peace to the streets.

By increasing America's arms buildup in defense against communism, President Reagan abandoned the diplomatic policy of former president

Richard Nixon

The Wisconsin governor and progressive leader who helped give his state's voters the right of recall and referendum was

Robert La Follette

The advertisement represents which of the following? Mother, when will you stay home again?

Rosie the Riveter

In 1867, the United States bought Alaska from


Which national figure was upheld as a model of the Victorian ideal of domesticity in a biography published in the 1870s.

Rutherford B. Hayes

Iraq War

Saddam Hussein had tried to build nuclear weapons in the past. Arousing suspicion with UN. Fear he would give some of these weapons to Osama bin Laden. This would be very dangerous. 1988- Influential group of republicans write an open letter to President Clinton to tell him that removing Hussein from power is necessary. Tell him to invade Iraq. President Clinton says no & ignores them. After 9/11, George Bush is more willing to listen. Not approved by United Nations. Done specifically to remove Saddam Hussein from power. Threat to American security. This is a preventative war. Departure from past US policies. Fail to discover weapons of mass destruction. Reason for going. 2011- killed Osama bin Laden.

In March 1965, the effort to pass the Voting Rights Act gained impetus after violence occurred in Alabama at


Barry Goldwater

Senator from Arizona, served 5 terms (30 years) in US Senate. Father was Russian, was raised in the episcopal tradition of his mother. Had Jewish family background. Considered himself religious & Christian. Thought religion was personal & private & it wasn't the role of the state or gov to deal with it. Religion was a private matter.

The Reagan Revolution- Ronald Reagan

Sense that Reagan brings a new hope to America that he symbolized & embodied the best soul of America coming back. Breath of fresh air from Carter. He promises a change for the new from Carter- gets a lot of advantage. He started as a very popular movie actor. Initially had little political experience. Was a member of the democratic party. 1962- became republican. Brings sunny optimism no matter what.

James Meredith

Sent to integrate Ole Miss. Caused riots to break out. Mobs attack. This is the type of stuff the soviet union loves for their propaganda. JFK now eventually had to deal with it.

What else did Women's Christian Temperance Union chapter do in addition to fighting for temperance?

Set up soup kitchens/ Establish free libraries/ Introduce kindergartens

Senator Huey "Kingfish" Long from Louisiana was one of Roosevelt's largest threats with his

Share Our Wealth plan.

Phyllis Frye in the March on Washington

She was a member of the core at Texas A&M and went by Philip. She was at the front of the march holding a Bible and flag.

The first federal law ever passed to regulate trusts was the

Sherman Antitrust Act.

The leader of the Sioux warriors who annihilated the forces led by Colonel George A. Custer on June 25, 1876 was

Sitting Bull

Ngo Dinh Diem

Some saw him as a puppet of the US. Diem was supported almost entirely by US support. US supports him because he is against communism. Unpopular ruler- corrupt, favored catholics & discriminated against buddhist. Decides not to hold the elections. It would probably result in Ho Chi Minh winning. US supports this. Guerrilla war breaks out because of this.

What caused violence sometimes during the MLK's movements

Sometimes being nonviolent would provoke others to be violent. While others are being more violent and you are being nonviolent you come out looking better in the news.

Which of the following nations was not overrun by Germany in June 1940?

Soviet Union

The turning point of World War II in Europe came when the

Soviets halted the German advance at Stalingrad in the winter of 1942-43.

Ronald Reagan's 1964 Campaign Speech

Speech for Goldwater. It was through this speech Ronald Reagan gained political fame. Goldwater wasn't always the best spokesperson for libertarianism.


Stands for Counter intelligence program. Purpose was to infiltrate these "radical organizations." FBI agents would go undercover & try to make members suspicious of each other to try & break them up. Trying to make them self destruct. Worked for the black panthers. Subsection of FBI. 1969- killed Fred Hampton. Rising star of Black Panther Party. FBI agents raided his house & killed him in bed w/ his 8 month pregnant girlfriend. They did a number on these movements.

Civil Rights Act of 1965

Started as Kennedy's effort but Johnson was key to success. Controversial act. Knew the democratic party would pay a price (white southern voters). Infuses 14th amendment w/ meaning. Banned discrimination in public accommodations. Defined public carefully to stay within federal governments reign of power.

The Civil Rights Movement

Started in 1930s. Both a top down and bottom up process- elite working their way up, President and congress played important role, working class people protesting & making a difference, interplay b/w elites & grassroots activists.

NAACP Legal Defense Fund

Started in 1939. Provide a voice in courts to represent poor blacks or those suffering from racial injustice. 1st strategy-to go after graduate schools. Easier to make the argument that segregation is wrong. Integrating grad schools in the 50's. Targeted northern and border states, not in the deep south where segregation was the worst. Decided to target Plessy v Ferguson.

Women at Freedom Summer

Started to reflect on their position in SNCC. A lot of the men they were working w/ treated them like secretaries. Many said they felt pressured to prove themselves for the cause. Women felt discriminated against because their women- women in SNCC.

When the Chinese Communists defeated the Nationalists in 1949, the United States

State Department was accused of "losing" China by conservative critics.

Which of the following U.S. industries was most badly hurt by deindustrialization in the 1970s?


Which of the following civil rights supporters was not assassinated in the 1960s?

Stokely Carmichael

Children's Crusade

Strategy by MLK. Used children & students in marches- they didn't have commitments or jobs to lose. Looks worse when children get attacked by police dogs or sprayed w/ fire hoses. Student activism.

Furious with the national Democratic Party's endorsement of civil rights goals in its 1948 platform, southern Democrats set up the States' Rights (or Dixiecrat) Party and nominated which of the following for president?

Strom Thurmond

SNCC stands for

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)

Student movement active throughout the 1960's. 1962 manifesto-Port Huron Statement. Begins to move to forefront of student activism when anti-war movement heats up. Call for racial equality, economic justice-all citizens to get to participate. Begins to shift & take a more revolutionary stance. Becomes more and more involved in anti-war organizing. Move from peaceful teaching to more militant rallies.

The core values of liberalism and the left

Student movements, anti-war movements, other liberal movements. Direct political movement. Core values: Unions & an advocacy for the working class, government action to help the poor, government action to promote racial justice.

John F. Kennedy when MLK was arrested

Supported appeasing blacks. Kennedy calls King's wife Loretta and said I support you. Kennedy was a friend, offering support. Actually he just made a phone call, and didn't do anything.

Brown v Board of Education

Supreme Court decision-1954. Lasted 4 yrs & consisted of 5 cases. Segregation in public schools declared unconstitutional. Most important court case of 20th century. Shows black Americans the supreme court is on their side-more fair treatment & equality.

Roe v. Wade

Supreme court ruling in 1973 that decided on a constitutional right to privacy that had been first articulated by Griswald v Connecticut. Ruled that there was a constitutionally protected right to privacy. The word privacy is never in the constitution. Said other parts of the constitution added up to the right of privacy.

Gunnar Myrdal, An American Dilemma

Swedish sociologist. 1944-published a report called An American Dilemma. One of the first studies on race relations in the US. Subject to criticism. Some thought he had no place because he was a foreigner.

Third World Feminism

Talking about racism, classism, sexism, & imperialism. Incorporates a more radical ideology that speaks some to the black power movement. Famous Women: Toni Cade Bambara & Barbara Smith.

The Nixon tapes

Tapes had everything in the oval office that was said recorded. Conscious of his place in history & wanted to leave record of the great things he would do. Cox asks for the tapes & Nixon says no. Eventually, Nixon hands over highly edited tapes w/ long laps and edited out bad words. Asks for more & Nixon is resisting. During this, Nixon's VP resigns for taking bribes. Makes his administration look like crooks.

Freedom Summer- Freedom Schools

Teach them things that were not being taught in segregated or recently desegregated schools. Like black history.

A major scandal in Harding's administration named after the national oil reserves it involved was

Teapot dome

Which of the following is true about life in the United States during the cold war?

Tension over communism abroad fostered a period of domestic repression and fear at home.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the Nixon administration's domestic policies?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was signed into law by Nixon and had broad, bipartisan support.

During the late 1940s and early 1950s, the United States and the USSR came closest to war over

The Berlin Crisis

The largest mass executions in American history took place as a result of

The Dakota uprising

Betty Friedan's 1963 boo

The Feminine Mystique k described the middle-class domestic ideal that suburban housewives were supposed to embrace.

Which of the following was not part of the Fair Deal agenda?

The Korean War

In what way did the U.S. government change immigration restrictions in the 1920s?

The National Origins Act of 1924 set immigration quotas at 2 percent of each nationality as measured by the 1890 census.

Which of the following was the most grievous attack on civil liberties?

The Palmer raids

Which of the following contributed to America expanding its markets into Latin America and Asia in the 1890s.

The Panic of 1893

Which of the following parts of Truman's Fair Deal actually earned congressional approval?

The Social Security program was extended.

The Teller Amendment promised that the United States

The Teller Amendment promised that the United States

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes U.S. foreign policy during the 1920s?

The U.S. actively sought to facilitate American economic expansion abroad.

Which of the following is true regarding the 1991 Persian Gulf War?

The United States acted with the approval of the UN Security Council.

Which of the following is true of the United States in the mid-1980s?

The United States registered a negative balance of international payments

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the energy needs and resources that the country faced in the late 1960s and early 1970s?

The United States, once the world's leading producer of oil, had become heavily dependent on imported oil.

Which of the following is true of Lyndon Johnson's administration?

The Vietnam War undermined his presidency.

What is the reason for the bubble between 1940 and 1950 in the figure?

The baby boom

Which of the following least contributed to the cynicism that many Americans felt in the mid-1970s?

The civil rights movement

Which of the following is most responsible for Congress' approval of the Interstate Highway Act?

The cold war


The core values of conservation: Libertarianism- Free markets, minimal government, low taxation example


The core values of conservation: Militant anti-communism example

Scopes Trial, Moral Majority

The core values of conservation: Religious traditionalism examples

New Deal, Great Society

The core values of liberalism: Government action to help the poor examples

Civil rights legislation

The core values of liberalism: Government action to promote racial justice examples

Progressivism, New Deal

The core values of liberalism: Unions and an advocacy for the working class examples

Three themes (Civil Rights Movement)

The courts (the legal side, Brown v Board of Education). The Role of Religion (the moral side). The role of students (the social side).

What allowed the Republicans to win the presidential election in 1980 and bring about a generational change in American politics?

The emergence of Ronald Reagan/The Iran hostage crisis/ The economic crisis of the 1970s

Which of the following was not a legacy of the Vietnam War?

The energy crisis

Nixon takes all of the blame

The fall of Nixon shows all of the lying that's taken place in past administrations about Vietnam. They don't tell the truth about what's going on in Vietnam or political stands. Nixon is the only one actually caught. Watergate was such a petty crime but behind the crime was the cover up which was worse. The sense that the president is above the law. If he just fired the people in his campaign who did it it probably would've been fine. But he continued to lie & cover it up over & over.

What was a major weakness of the economy of the 1920s?

The lack of credit The soaring cost of farm products The unequal distribution of wealth

Which of the following is true of discrimination in the armed services during World War II?

The military segregated African Americans and assigned them menial duties.

From the American perspective, what precipitated the cold war?

The most significant impact of the Korean War was that, throughout the remainder of the cold war

Which of the following is true of the Reagan presidency?

The national debt tripled

Which of the following statements accurately describes the state of American military preparedness in 1898?

The navy was better prepared than the ground forces.

The silent majority

The other Americans who Nixon says have failed out of discussion. "They give steel to the backbone of America, their good decent people, they pay their taxes, and they care." Saying you can be opposed to some of this government action w/o being racist. Nixon is saying things are okay & not bad & the vast majority of Americans are good people. Nixon wins the election.

Which of the following is not an enduring legacy of World War II?

The practice of integrated military units

Which American ideal caused many Americans to blame themselves for their plight?

The self made man

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the Scopes "monkey trial" of 1925?

The trial quickly became a media circus.

Which of the following is true of Republicans in the 1980s?

Their core was upper-middle-class white Protestants.

Withdrawal of US troops form Vietnam

Troop morale is low in the late 60's and early 70's-really declining. 1/2 million in 1969. 40,000 in 1972. He wants to withdraw but we are still supporting the non communists & giving them what they need. Ho Chi Minh wants US completely out, not supporting. Last troops are withdrawn in 1973.

Air traffic controller strike

These were technically federal employees bc they work for the civil servant. Air traffic controllers went on strike. Technically federal employees. Provisions that federal employees cannot strike. Reagan fired them all & replaced them. Some people saw this as bold & necessary, while others saw it as cold & brutal.

Which of the following accurately characterizes many of the newly built suburban communities in the 1950s?

They had regulations such as maintaining lawns and not hanging laundry on weekends. They were generally homogeneous in their population.They often refused to allow sales to minorities.

Barry Goldwater's Parents

They owned a department store & desegregated & integrated their store. Led efforts to desegregate their community in Arizona.

KKK influence on Freedom Rides

They would slash tires of integrated busses and set them on fire and beat the freedom riders as they would try and escape the busses.

Roe v. Wade abortion laws

This divided pregnancy into 3 trimesters. Cannot restrict abortion in the 1st trimester. Can restrict it in the 2nd and 3rd.

Lyndon Baines Johnson

Took Presidency after JFK was assassinated. Had been a congressman from Texas. Showed similar ambiguities as JFK. Brought democratic party with him. Had sympathy for the underdog because he grew up poor.

Gulf of Tonkin Incident

US ships are moving up the coast of Vietnam into the Gulf of Tonkin. Ships report that they had been fired upon by the North Vietnamese. Details of what actually happened are unclear. Claim to have been fired at, but they weren't hit.

Saudi Arabia

US troops stationed in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia asks US troops to stay there to prevent an attack from Iraq, they want them there. Saudi Arabia is sacred & holy land. Considered bad to have these soldiers on their land, considered humiliating. Why are there AMERICAN troops protecting our soil why can't we protect ourselves.

Germany and its capital city of Berlin were each divided into four zones after World War II. Which of the following did not control one of those zones?

United Nations

Civil Rights Act of 1965- "Johnson Treatment"

Used bullying as flattery, treats, etc to get congressmen to bend to his will. Pushes for what he wants. "Great overpowering thunderstorm that consumed you as it closed around you"

John F. Kennedy

Very slippery on civil rights- on one hand poses as a friend to civil rights, on the other hand is afraid because he doesn't want to lose white southerners.

Robert F. Williams

Veteran of Korean War. Leader of local North Carolina Chapter of NAACP. 2nd Amendment rights for African Americans. "Negroes w/ guns." Makes connection between radical & economic issues- economic edge to the things he is talking about. He fled & escapes the country- meets w/ Castro & China.

Harry S. Truman was nominated as Roosevelt's vice presidential running mate in 1944 because

Vice President Wallace was considered to be too liberal by many party leaders.

WWII- Double V Campaign

Victory abroad and victory at home (civil rights)

Fannie Lou Hamer surgery

Went in for a surgery & when she left finds out she was given a hysterectomy. This was very common. Women were forced to become sterile without their knowledge.

Betty Friedan

Went to Smith college & got a degree in journalism. Didn't use her degree- got married & had kids. Names this feeling she has "the problem that has no name."

Party Realignment

When the major constituencies within a major party change. From civil was until 60s, white southerners were democrats. Late 60s: South is becoming more receptive to republican candidates- Goldwater, In part because of his vote against civil rights act. Slow process: Begins in 1964 with Goldwater, 1968-1972 moves more & more, Culminating in the election of. White ethics in Northern cities: Response to new deal, Opinion shifts into republican camp bc democrats don't represent them anymore. Richard Nixon.

Phyllis Schlafly not a feminist

Where feminists saw discrimination, she saw privilege. Women enjoyed the privilege of the right to watch their children or be supported by their husband. Husbands don't get this. Believed women should have different rights than men bc of this, not equal ones. This was not discrimination it was protection for women. If ERA passed women would be in the draft, women & men would have to use the same bathroom (if everything was equal).

Reaganomics (trickle-down economics)

While cutting taxes for wealthy the whole economy gets stronger. If the wealthy had more $ they can invest & the econ will have more $. Have money to invest in businesses & spend in the econ. A rising tide lifts all boats. Economy improved. To lower inflation, Reagan was much more comfortable w/ unemployment. Debt grew during Reagan's presidency.

School busing controversy

White parents might support integration of school but didn't like the way it was implemented. Take white children & put them on buses & send them to black neighborhoods. Put black children on busses & send them to white neighborhoods for school. "Hell no bussing must go" "The whites have rights too." Loss of sympathy for African Americans. Seen as threatening & not as entitled.

Bush Doctrine

Whole new idea of how America will act in the war. Act preventatively & unilaterally to protect America interests. Major departure from previous US policy. One of the big things that marks the difference from Cold War foreign policy to this new foreign policy in the 9/11 era. Winning the hearts & minds of other countries. UN is not involved in the decision anymore.

Which of the following presidents most easily won election to the White House and was seen as a powerful presence in the Oval Office?

William McKinley

Ronald Reagan elected president

Wins by a landslide in 1980. 69 years old when assumed Presidency. Oldest person to become president. Was known to fall asleep during meetings. Developed alzheimer's- they think he already started developing it during his second term as president.

Which of the following statement most accurately characterizes women's political participation during the 1920s?

Women did not vote as a bloc.

Goldwater Girls

Women dressing up & handing out flyers, example Hillary Clinton. Was attracted to Goldwater's ideas & even campaigned for him. Goldwater was an incredible moment for the teenagers & youth. The editor of the National Review magazine also supported Goldwater.

Which of the following is true of both the reform movements in the 1880s-1890s and those between 1900-1920?

Women played an integral part in both.

In the 1936 presidential election, Franklin D. Roosevelt

Won by a landslide

Michele Wallace

Works with Gloria Steinem and Ms. Magazine. Write Black Macho.

Many historians consider the most important event in the emergence of the Mexican American civil rights movement to be

World War II.

In 1973, two hundred Sioux, organized by AIM to dramatize their cause, engaged in several gun battles with the FBI for over two months at

Wounded Knee.

The Moynihan Report

Written by Daniel Patrick Moynihan. Official title is "The case of national action.." Arguing about black poverty. Women of color- saying that children of black single mothers grow up to be criminals & start an urban cycle of poverty & crime, they grow up have kids go to jail leaving more black single mothers.

Black Macho and the Myth of the Superwoman

Written by Michele Wallace. Foundational text of black feminism. Says male leaders in black power movement are sexist.

The Soviet "sphere of influence" in Eastern Europe was affirmed by the

Yalta Agreement.

In 1872, Congress established ____ as the first national park.


The Moral Majority favored

a ban on abortion

The rapid progression of scientific discovery in the decades after the Civil War had brought all of the following scientific understandings by 1910 except

a belief in the big bang theory.

Throughout Carter's administration, the central theme of its foreign policy was

a commitment to human rights.

After the explosion of the battleship Maine, a U.S. naval board of inquiry blamed the sinking on

a mine.

Modern Republicanism was

a party philosophy that emphasized moderating rather than dismantling the New Deal state.

Restrictive covenants refer to

agreements allowing only Caucasians to live in an area.

At the time of the stock market crash in 1929, which sector of the American economy was in the worst shape?


Executive Order 9066

allowed for the forced relocation of Japanese Americans on the West Coast to detention camps.

Deciding that Roosevelt had not done enough to alleviate suffering, Francis Townsend called for

an old-age revolving pension plan.

On March 31, 1968, President Johnson shocked the American public when he

announced that he would not seek reelection.

A Progressive-era reform that was undermined by the government's action during World War II was

antitrust prosecution.

The "cash-and-carry" provision of the 1937 Neutrality Act stated that

belligerents could buy nonmilitary goods from the United States under certain conditions.

For southern black sharecroppers, the New Deal's AAA often meant that

blacks were pushed off their land

During the 1932 presidential campaign, Franklin Roosevelt promised

bold, persistent experimentation.

All of the following were main goals of the prominent political movements between the end of Reconstruction and World War I except

bringing full equality to blacks.

In 1934, the Liberty League was organized by

business leaders and conservative Democrats who opposed New Deal reforms.

The most divisive educational issue of the 1970s was

busing to secure racial integration.

The strike at Homestead demonstrated that

by the 1890s, economic power had shifted from workers to large corporations.

In the "long hot summers" of 1964-1968,

charges of police brutality often sparked riots.

According to the textbook, the twentieth century social movement with the greatest overall impact was the

civil rights movement.

In their efforts to improve working conditions, the Knights of Labor stressed

cooperative factories owned and managed by workers.

Which of the following jobs was not generally available to women at the end of the nineteenth century?

corporate manager

A severe recession occurred in 1937 and 1938 when Roosevelt, Congress, and the Federal Reserve

cut spending and attempted to balance the budget.

All of the following were policies of the Reagan administration except

cuts in defense spending.

The New Right

disliked a powerful federal government and feared declining social morality.Ronald Reagan was victorious in 1980 partially due tok the frustrations of many Americans over the loss of American economic and political supremacy in the worldQuestion 19. Question :

All of the following were skilled workers in the 1870s except

domestic servants.

All of the following marked the early years of the Great Depression except

double-digit interest rates.

Late nineteenth-century farms on the Great Plains were much larger than eastern farms because

dry-farming techniques required about 300 acres to support a family farm.

Henry J. Kaiser was

dubbed the "miracle man" for revolutionizing the production of naval vessels during the war.

The GI Bill of Rights provided

education, medical care, pensions, and mortgage loans to veterans.

All of the following were accomplished by the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s except the

elimination of racial separatism in urban America

Advocates of free silver believed it would

encourage borrowing and stimulate industry.

In the United States, World War II brought all of the following changes except

ending legalized, racial segregation.

The Open Door Notes called for

equal access for all countries seeking to trade with China.

The New Deal's greatest legacy is that it

expanded federal presence both in the economy and people's lives.

Chinese immigrants to the U.S. in the nineteenth century

faced more severe discrimination than European immigrants.

President Reagan's most important achievement was .

facilitating the end of the cold war

Teddy Roosevelt's New Nationalism proposed all of the following except

federal pensions for retired workers.

As progressives, Josephine Shaw Lowell and Florence Kelley concentrated their efforts on

female and child laborers.

All of the following led to the collapse of the cattle boom in Texas except

fierce Indian attacks that decimated the herds and killed many cowboys.

In the Bonus Army incident in Washington (1932), federal troops

fired on the assembled veterans and burned their encampment.

The National Association of Colored Women's Clubs was effective in its efforts to improve the life of African Americans because it

focused its attention on community issues such as public health.

President Kennedy decided to as

for civil rights legislation after thek demonstrations in Birmingham

Korematsu v. United States legitimized the

forced internment of Americans of Japanese descent into relocation camps.

The American victory at San Juan Hill in Cuba can be credited largely to

four African American U.S. regiments.

The typical American middle-class family in 1900 consisted of husband wife and

four children

In his "Fourteen Points" speech to Congress in early 1918, Woodrow Wilson articulated which of the following postwar goals?

freedom of navigation on the seas establishment of a multinational organization to guarantee mutual protection of political and territorial rights the right to national self-determination

In the late nineteenth century the Womans' Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)

gave support to demands for woman suffrage; many members believed that only through women's votes could the liquor traffic be controlled.

In 1941, President Roosevelt issued an executive order banning racial discrimination in defense industries primarily because

he wanted to avoid a protest march by a black labor union.

President Ford pardoned Nixon because

he wished to spare the country the agony of rehashing Watergate.

Alan Freed

helped to introduce white America to the new black sound by playing rhythm and blues records on the radio in 1954.

Between 1876 and 1892, Americans were

highly partisan and politically active.

One of Ronald Reagan's most significant legacies was

his conservative judicial appointments.

President Roosevelt differed from President Hoover in

his personal charisma and willingness to experiment.

Schecter v. United States struck down the NRA because it said the NRA

illegally regulated commerce within individual states.

The chief political virtue of Calvin Coolidge, who became president on Harding's death in 1923, was his

image of unimpeachable morality, which dissociated him from the scandals of the Harding administration.

E. Howard Hunt, John Dean, G. Gordon Liddy, and John Mitchell were all

implicated in the Watergate scandal.

The liberal "rights revolution" challenged Americans to thin

in new ways aboutk race.gender roles./sexual morality.

John F. Kennedy's policy toward South Vietnam included

increasing the number of American troops on the ground to 16,000 by November 1963.

Vice President Spiro Agnew was forced out of office because he was

indicted for accepting kickbacks while governor of Maryland.

Operation Rolling Thunder

intensified North Vietnamese nationalism and hardened their will to fight.

In 1947, the Truman administration reacted to the growing anti-Communist fervor in the country by

issuing an executive order initiating a comprehensive investigation of all federal employees' loyalty.

President McKinley and the Republicans jumped at the chance to hold the Philippine Islands because

it provided the United States with a major foothold in the western Pacific and access to Asian markets.

All of the following were examples of the racial overtones of World War II except

kamikaze attacks

The Haymarket incident in 1886

led to the downfall of the Knights of Labor.

In order to build the Panama Canal, the United States

lent covert assistance to free Panama from Columbia.

During and after the Civil War, the Republican Congress implemented its economic vision for the United States by doing all of the following except

lowering tariffs on foreign goods

Montgomery Ward and Sears became famous for

mail order catalogs.

Christian activists in the late 1970s and early 1980s were concerned about all of the following except

maintaining the separation of church and state

Following the stock market crash of October 1929

many of the middle class who had not speculated in the stock market lost thier life savings when banks failed.

John Wesley Powell, in his Report on the Lands of the Arid Regions of the United States (1878), famously stated that

massive cooperation under government control was the only was farming would succeed on the Great Plains.

The ideal family as presented in the media of the 1950s, with a stay-at-home mom and a father as the breadwinner, was

not representative of African American families

The Voting Rights Act of 1965

outlawed the use of literacy tests and together with the Twenty-Fourth Amendment allowed millions of blacks to register and vote for the first time.

Michael Harrington's The Other America exposed

poverty in America.

In 1966, the slogan "blac

power" was first used byk Stokely Carmichael.

The Emergency Banking Act of 1933

prevented all banks from reopening until treasury inspectors could examine their books and ascertain that they had sufficient cash reserves.

While William Jennings Bryan promoted free silver, McKinley

promised to restore order and bring a return to prosperity.

Richard Nixon campaigned for the presidency in 1968 by doing all of the following except

promising to strengthen LBJ's Great Society programs.

Following the Sioux victory at Little Bighorn, the United States

pursued the various bands of Sioux until they surrendered.

Between 1935 and 1943, the Works Progress Administration (WPA)

put unemployed workers directly on the federal payroll.

From 1969 to 1972, Richard Nixon's strategy to end the Vietnam War was to

reduce American troop involvement and turn over most of the ground fighting to the South Vietnamese army.

The Neutrality Act of 1935 and its 1936 and 1937 amendments

required belligerent nations that wanted to buy nonmilitary goods from the United States to pay in cash and supply their own shipping.

When Japanese troops occupied the northern part of French Indochina in fall 1940, the United States

restricted trade with Japan, including fuel and scrap metal vital to Japan's war effort.

The strike by steelworkers at Homestead, Pennsylvania

resulted from Andrew Carnegie's desire to eliminate the union.

The Indian Reorganization Act of 1934

reversed the Dawes Severalty Act and promoted tribal self-government.

In 1978, California voters began a national trend by enacting a ballot initiative called Proposition 13 that

rolled back property taxes and required future tax measures to pass the legislature with a two-thirds vote.

In 1924, the Democratic Party convention

showed that the party was deeply split between rural and urban interests.

A result of mass production was that

skilled workers gradually lost their autonomy.

In the late nineteenth century

social Darwinist such as William Graham Sumner believed, millionaires were the fittest American.

In the early years of the twentieth century, an increasing proportion of immigrants to the United States came from

southern and Eastern Europe.

During John F. Kennedy's administration, the Peace Corps

spread American ideals abroad and was intended to show developing countries that there was an alternative to communism.

All of the following steps were taken by FDR and Congress between 1939 and 1941 to prepare the United States for the possibility of war except

starting a massive government propaganda campaign to encourage Americans to support U.S. involvement in the war.

The Supreme Court's Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) decision

stated that legal segregation was acceptable under the "separate but equal" principle.

The Southern Manifesto was a

statement by 101 southern congressmen denouncing the U.S. Supreme Court's Brown decision as "a clear abuse of judicial power" and encouraging local authorities to defy it.


stop taking women's privileges

As a moderate Republican, President Eisenhower signed all the following bills that expanded on New Deal programs and ideology except

strengthening the rights of organized labor.

The GI Bill stimulated the American economy by

subsidizing higher education and financing millions of mortgages.

An effect of the Great Depression was

that unemployment was double for black men vs white men and triple for black women vs white women.

The most famous symbol of the cold war was

the Berlin Wall.

The Grapes of Wrath and Okies are most directly associated with

the Dust Bowl

A result of Rosa Parks' arrest was

the Montgomery bus boycott

An achievement of the Johnson administration was

the National Endowment for the Humanities.

All of the following are true regarding the forced relocation and incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II except

the Supreme Court ruled the policy unconstitutional in 1944, after fear of a Japanese attack had subsided.

During the Cuban missile crisis

the United States and the Soviet Union came closer to nuclear war than at any other time.

The National Security Council's (NSC) 1950 document known as NSC-68 held that

the United States must significantly increase its defense spending.

In the years immediately following World War II, Britain's influence and power in the world began to decline for all of the following reasons except

the United States no longer trusted competent British leadership of world affairs.

In the 1880s

the WCTU controversially threw its support behind the, Prohibition Party.

After the Civil War, Republican economic policies led to

the dominance of large corporations.

According to the textbook, the most decisive American factor in determining World War II's outcome was

the immense production of war material and other needed supplies.

The greatest civil rights abuse(s) during the war was (were)

the internment of Japanese aliens and Japanese Americans.

The Gibson Girl of the 1890s personified

the middle-class "new woman."

In Roosevelt's second term, New Deal legislation passed scrutiny by the Supreme Court more easily because

the retirement of several elderly conservative justices and their replacement by liberal justices altered the Court's position on New Deal legislation.

During World War I, the National War Labor Board supported all of the following except

the right of war workers to strike.

The growing influence of religion in post-World War II American society was evident in all of the following except

the sentencing of the Rosenbergs to life in prison instead of death for giving U.S. atomic secrets to the Russians.

Why has it been so difficult for conservative politicians to shrin

the size and scope of the federal government?k The government is entrenched in the social, economic, and defense welfare of Americans.

In the 1920s, jazz

the tremendous growth of cities from immigration and rural migration.

The Scottboro case

was a clear example of a legal system that was biased against blacks in the south.

Hoover was hated during the Depression, partially because of the public perception that he

was insensitive to people's suffering and was a "do-nothing" president.

An outgrowth of the rights revolution of the 1960s and 1970s was

the widening of the belief in the federal government's responsibilities.

When the jobless marched on Washington in 1894,

their leader was arrested and their demands were not met.

All of the following are true of the United Daughters of the Confederacy except

they donated framed copies of the U.S. Constitution to schools across the South

Welfare capitalism emerged in the 1920s in part

to stop unionization.

When Willian McKinley became president in 1897 and had to deal with the rebellion in Cuba, he

took a tougher stance against the Spanish than Cleveland had taken.

The collective search for national order in the mid- and late 1970s

ultimately led to the rise of the New Right.

What most caused the growing emphasis on male masculinity?

urban life and work

After the Japanese invaded China in 1937, President Roosevelt

urged peace-loving nations to "quarantine" Japan and other aggressors.

In its major initial contribution to the war effort of World War I, the United States

used armed convoys to secure Allied shipping against submarine attack.

Why did Congress abandon efforts to enforce blac

voting rights and fair elections in the South after 1892? k In the elections of 1890 and 1892, voters largely rejected Republicans and their policies, giving control of Congress and the presidency to the Democrats.

The Nye Committee report stated that

war profiteers had maneuvered the nation into World War I for financial gain.

The War on Poverty

was President Johnson's single biggest goal, even more than civil rights advances.

One of the most rapidly growing job categories in America during the 1950s was

white-collar managers.

By the early 1900s

why did many business leaders encourage their male workers to participate in sports?,To help foster a loyal workforce./To instill a sense of team work./To increase company pride.

The greatest irony of America's involvement in World War I was that it fought for democracy

with a racially segregated army.

A lasting legacy of America's participation in World War I was

woman suffrage

In their 1892 Omaha Platform, Populists called for all the following except

woman suffrage.

In 1949, according to Betty Friedan, she and other radicals were concerned about all of the following except

women's rights

Oliver Kelly founded the National Grange or the Patrons of Husbandry which did all of the following except

work with state and national banks to end inflation.

The labor movement supported all of the following except

yellow-dog contracts.

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