ESS Exam 1

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agricultural fair and sporting practices found at it

An agricultural affair was a special leisure event on the farm families calendar, it featured men and boys and women and girls engaging in certain recreations that were compatible with their gender based expectations. Some of the sporting practices seen were plowing and mechanical arts, domestic arts, bread and butter making, equestrianism, and horse races Farming practice competition- physical skills for men Women cheered on men, pushed envelope for horse racing, domestic skills

new york colony

Both men and women played a game similar to handball. Kolf, skittles, cat scaring, winter sports and gander-pulling were other activities played. They prohibited activities on Sundays as it was a day for fasting and prayer

Briefly discuss the changing levels of consumerism and the patterns of leisure in colonial life at this time

Colonial Americans realized their cultural world would be differing from that of England and they would soon want to break away from English monarchy. The combined forces of urbanization, rapid population growth, and increased workshop production sparked a consumer revolution that made goods more available to families above poverty lines. Decreasing prices of British manufactured goods meant that more material objects found their way into America. Teapots, cups, silverware, furniture, and clothing marked new consumerism for middle class American colonists. Social things such as playing cards and drinking tea became consumption rituals. During hard times, consumerist seeking british goods decreased and became manifested in strained relationships between colonists and the British Empire. Cultural and sporting trends were defined in specific places for given social classes to perform.

cotton mather

Cotton Mather was the leading Puritan minister in New England in late 17th century. He had strong feelings about sports that he deemed healthful and beneficial as well as those that were sinful and prohibited. He felt strongly about respecting the Sabbath and not playing sports that day.

women and physical activity at this time (antebellum)

During this time, women were failing to to fulfill the gender based idea of the "true womanhood". Their primary roles were as child bearer, nurturer, wife, mother, and moral guardian. Catharine Beecher advocated for women's health. She recommended domestic work as part of the physical activity but the began pushing calisthenics Was acceptable to garden, walk, swim, ride horses, ice skating Womens activity was decreasing

frontier and back country sport

Frontier and backcountry sport included no holds barred fighting which held an important role in the culture. The brawls began in an outdoor space and ended when one participant could no longer continue. The fights were seen as a way for fighters to defend their honor and physical skills. Rough fighting allowed the men to show their physical skill and pride. It was not uncommon to meet someone who had had their eye gouged out during one of these rough fights

george washington on sports and fitness

George Washington advocated for sport and fitness. His soldiers played a variation of handball, as well as bowling, and engaged in horsemanship and swimming. He stated "games of exercise for amusement may not only be permitted but encouraged". Promoted physical activity for fitness and military, well fit man himself, athlete Advocated for horse sports

rise of agriculture and sport journalism

John Skinner was the pioneer and father of American farm journalism***** (1819). He was devoted to improving agriculture and focused his journal on aspects of agriculture and rural economy. He developed a sporting and a women's section. He included articles on sport, recreation, and physical health for farm men and women. He believed that such activities were essential to being a well rounded American. He provided articles on rural women's health, recipes, and food preparation for the family, outdoor exercise, and recreation. Later in the antebellum period, other farm journals began adding their own columns of advice on physical health and exercise of farm women and men Printing press came about

manifest destiny

Manifest Destiny was described as the destiny of Americans to succeed and fulfill god's plan for the American nation and gave them the divine right to conquer land and the native inhabitants Gold rush/westward expansion

muscular christianity

Muscular Christianity described a sound mind and body would enable white, urban middle class and upper class men to pursue important opportunities in business and politics. Physically and morally fit men could support their families with economic gains and had respected political positions Mind, body, and spirit are all related

women in new republic

Not much happening for women Nurturers, educators, child bearers, mothers

Describe the movement of sport for exercise in the New Republic.

Political officials encouraged people to engage in sport for well-being rather than for wagers or profit seeking. Sports deemed valuable for moral and physical health gained approval from republican leaders. Outdoor sports invigorated the body and engaged one in nature rather than violent activity.

Briefly describe what was going on in the southern colonies with the Great Awakening and its effect on sports and pastimes

Preachers rode on horses to pass along their message of religious conversion to the various people throughout the region. They tried to emphasize that no social distinctions existed in the eyes of God and all needed to engage in religious experience. New light preachers challenged traditional beliefs and focused on individualism. Ordinary white men and women, free and enslaved blacks, and lower rank farmers engaged in sports, gambling, and other leisure activities practiced by plantation owners. Supporters of the Great Awakening desired to decrease the intense enthusiasm for sport and gambling. Religious leaders criticized sporting and public activity such as drinking and frivolity.

health status concerns of rural and urban women

Rural women were allowed to participate in swimming, walking, and horseback riding. Farm women spent long hours doing indoor, domestic chores. They were inhaling many harmful cleaning chemicals Urban women- didn't have time to take part in physical activity outside because they spent a lot of time in factories- hired others to do their housework


Scottish brought long jump, high jump, running, sack races, blindfolded wheelbarrow races, vaulting, putting heavy stones, caber tossing, tug of war, and dancing Caledonia clubs******* Formed to hold on to scottish cultural activities

slaves and plantations

Slaves engaged in fishing to supplement their diet, fishing, gardening, while also gambling at bowling, cards, and dice games. They competed in horse and boat races, foot races, and jumping contests as well as swimming skills they learned in their native homeland

growing sport of horses and horse racing

Some farmers worried that men and women attending the horse track would be faced with temptations of gambling, drinking, and other immoral behaviors. The south bred horses for speed for racing whereas the north bred horses for endurance. The addition of women's horse races increased the number of patrons and fanned some controversy that it was not a woman's right or place to ride horses for prizes Regional competitions between north and south Thoroughbred racing was still popular but started to slow down. Trotters/harness racing picked up, considered first modern sport. Trotters boomed because it was a middle class/low class sport. You could take your working horse out and go race, wasn't thoroughbred/expensive horses

new republic

Sport was promoted for health and moral reasons Was promoted because our leaders thought we won the war because we were more active and physically fit Needed healthy young men to come up and be leaders

puritans of new england

Sport, games, and popular amusement had restraints for the Puritans. Dice, card games, quiot, bowls, ninepins, and other games were prohibited. Gambling was seen as evil and frivolous. Leaders did allow fishing, fowling, archery, and hunting because they provided food and wholesome body recreation

sporting during revolutionary war

Sporting practices during the Revolutionary War were highly regulated. Moral and political patriots allowed little room for gaiety, recreations, and sport. They focused on work ethic rather than play ethic. Patriotic leaders believed citizens needed to pursue virtue and self-improvement for moral activities rather than offensive and wasteful pastimes Cautious attitude towards play and recreation, saying energy and resources for wartime

antebellum period

The Antebellum period was a time when the United States was striving to define itself as a separate nation. The transformation to modern, urban, and industrial from traditional, rural, and agricultural shaped the movements for physical health and sporting. A growing number of immigrants made their way into America. The expansion of land and people was marked by the growing belief of Manifest Destiny in white middle class Americans. Strong urbanization, moving to cities at a rapid rate Between war of 1812 and civil war

Describe the continued interest on horses and horse racing during this time

The Morgan horse was a breed that was coined to "have the strength of a beer wagon brute and style and speed of a thoroughbred". The horse could haul loads greater than its weight as well as win races on weekends. The horse was prized a stud. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson took pride in their horses and bred them to improve bloodlines. Washington organized races and Jefferson rode horses for exercise. Breeding for specific purposes started

puritan attitude toward sport

The Puritans prohibited sports and games that they saw as immoral or failed to serve as useful. They banished improper dancing, drinking, prostitution, violent sports, games, and wild festivals. They thought that those physical activities and sport distracted from their devotion to God and from being involved with the community.

bloomer costume controversy

The bloomer costume controversy was that the dresses that women were wearing previously prohibited them from bending, moving much, and being in any way active because of the tight waist corsets and large bell skirts. The new bloomer costumes made it easy for women to improve their health and participate in outdoor exercise for mobility and health Pant style dress for more freedom (movement) Deemed as inappropriate dressings Rebellious move for women

southern colonies

They had sport divided groups that served as sites of conflict between slaves and their owners. They engaged in horse racing, cock fighting, cards, and gambling

What was the Enlightenment and how was it important in promoting sport and physical activity in the nation?

The enlightenment was a period in the 17th century where scientific investigators emphasized belief in human reason and the scientific method. This movement forced an age of reason and pursuit of scientific discovery. It helped promote sport by emphasizing health of mind and body as part of the enlightenment mindset.

what factors influenced the 3 groups in sporting traditions

The factors that influenced these groups sporting traditions were Religion, social class, race, gender roles, ethnicity, and regional environment

native america favorite pastime

The native Americans favorite pastimes were Archery, running, horse riding, lacrosse

sport pastime of african americans

The pastimes of African Americans included singing, making music and dancing, slave boxing matches**** organized by owners, being involved in horse racing, informally organized or with their slave owners as trainers, jockeys, or spectators, swimming competition, and blood sports such as wrestling alligators and sharks. Free blacks in the north lacked sporting opportunities


The pilgrims engaged in building houses, clearing land, making clothes, planting crops, and preparing food so they had little time left to play. Eventually, walking, fishing, hunting, and boating were termed innocent as they could fortify the mind and body for work

purpose of native american pastimes

The purposes of some of their sporting pastimes were Sustenance and war training

Briefly describe what was going on in the New England colonies with the Great Awakening and its effect on sport and pastimes

The religious and civic leaders worried about the decline of Calvinism and adhering to religious principles. Jonathan Edwards used a fire and brimstone approach to urge the young to seek salvation only through God's grace rather than human abilities and good works. Clergy members intensified calls to lessen boisterous pastimes and unwholesome sports. They emphasized devotion to the soul rather than amusement and sport. The clergy frowned upon horse racing. They viewed sport and recreation, tavern activities, and animal sport as sinful. They declared that no one shall do anything physical, labour, business, or sport for the first day of the week, or "Lord's day".

women and motherhood in new republic

The revolution's promise of freedom did not include women and involved many gender based constraints on sporting and pastimes. During the revolutionary war, women engaged in boycotts, signing petitions, and aiding men in managing businesses but did not gain rights in the new republic. Women's roles in the republic emerged as educators, nurturers, and child bearers. Education in female academies emphasized attributes of becoming mothers and wives.


They did not engaged in public sporting displays or military training. (pacifists)

Jamestown, Virginia

They engaged in hunting and fishing for sustenance. They also engaged in bowling, cards, horseback riding, and gambling1

native american women and sports

Were allowed to play sports Were respected, not seen as equals Different rules, not against men Needed women to be strong

what was developing as public spaces for health and sport

With an increased pace of urbanization, sports played in the city streets came under criticism as a potential threat to persons moving about in the walking cities. Providing proper grounds for sport and play in growing urban areas became a key for civic minded public officials. Central park was built to promote physical and moral health in a wholesome setting and to promote political power, urban boosterism, and real estate Needed space because it was unsafe for sports in the street

womens recreation

Young women were banned from attending upper class colleges where white males might engage in sport and physical activity. At this time, women experienced restrictions from the patriarchal culture and religion. They were assigned domestic roles, and possessed no legal, political, or economic rights. Non-competitive physical activities such as walking, gardening, bathing, and horseback riding were seen as practical, healthful, and active recreations for women that could be used for supporting domestic care of children.


brought boxing, cycling to caledonian games, baseball, and football Came during gold rush, CA Discriminated against Didn't bring true sporting forms with them Adopted white American sports


brought outdoor gymnastics- charles follen was an instructor

revolutionary war

focused on work ethic rather than play Had to prepare for battles Cut out frivolous activity to save energy and resources

sylvester graham

graham crackers, vital force theory, studied effects of different foods on the body- start of nutrition (upset the stomach/nervous system)

ben franklin

hailed advantages of turning to strategy and reasoning rather than influences from divine aspects

what three groups shaped colonial sport

native americans, white europeans, and african



dr. alcott

self help books

thomas higginson

supported athletics, abolition, women's rights, and promoted robust health and benefits of sports

ben rush

supported physical education in private schools for boys. Physical education became part of training for young white men of the upper class to fulfill their prescribed gender roles

sport pastime of native americans

the pastimes of Native Americans included hunting, dances, stickball games (lacrosse), and some long distance running rituals for some tribes of the southwest

great awakening

was a period of time in the 18th century where religious revivalism swept the colonies. It involved religious inspiration and new ideas about colonial American society, power, equality, and individualism. It touched all races, ages, and classes.

william penn

was a reformer and ardent Quaker. He received land in payment for large debts the king owed him. He wanted to provide the Quakers a colony where they could practice religious freedom and establish a model community. He established an earlier colony in North America in 1674, West New Jersey.

mary nicholas

water therapy- hot and cold baths (hydrotherapy)

catherine beecher

wrote books on calisthenics womens physical health

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