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Which of the following is NOT among Aquinas' three "theological virtues?"


What is the difference between these two claims: Claim 1. "You shouldn't lie because lying will always come back to haunt you." Claim 2. "You shouldn't lie because lying always causes someone to suffer."

Claim 1. would be a counsel of prudence, but claim 2. would be a moral claim.

Which of the following pairs are the two main virtues emphasized in Confucian ethics?

Compassion and propriety

Label the following example of a reason for legal punishment as Consequentialist Deterrence (CD), Consequentialist Prevention (CP), or Retributivist (R): "At least while they are in prison they cannot do any harm to those outside the prison."

Consequentialist Prevention

Which of the following is not included in calculating the amount of happiness?


Which of the following types of crime will always be difficult to deter?

Crimes of passion.

What does Glaucon want to demonstrate by giving two people rings?

Even "good" people will do evil if they can act without consequence.

According to your text, the "animal welfare" approach ​may serve as an intermediate approach, between animal rights perspectives and more anthropocentric perspectives.


Adam Smith believed that economic self-interest produces the best general outcome.


Administering a lethal dose to a person who requests it is termed voluntary active euthanasia.


Animals are moral patients if what we do to them matters morally.


Autonomy literally means "self-rule".


Because human interests in a livable environment often compete with other human economic interests, many find cost-benefit analyses useful for judging, weighing, and comparing benefits and costs.


Civil disobedience assumes it is permissible to violate a law that goes against your conscience.


Cost benefit analyses involve both assessments and evaluations.


Divine command theory is a form of deontological ethics.


Ethics is that branch od philosophy that is concerned with how we ought to live, with the idea of the good, and with the meaning of such concepts as right and wrong


Ethics of care argues that there is a female moral perspective that contrasts sharply with the male moral perspective.


Ethics of care does not tell us how we are to determine what will help or harm particular individuals.


Evolutionary theory may present a challenge to natural law theory.


For Aristotle, eudaimonia is a kind of happiness.


For Locke every person has a distinct right to punish those who transgress the natural law.


If animals have value only in so far as they are useful for humans, then they have only instrumental, not intrinsic, value.


In doing metaethics one analyzes the meaning and function of ethical language


In his Utilitarianism Mill answers those who say that his theory is a crass pleasure theory, fit only for beasts, by suggesting ways that humans make qualitative (and not just quantitative) distinctions between types of pleasure.


In his work, Utilitarianism, Mill's test or basis for distinguishing higher from lower pleasures is the preference of those who have experience of both.


In most cases, GMOs are an example of an enhancement technology.​


In the reading from Utilitarianism Mill writes that we have learned by experience that murder and theft are wrong because they are generally injurious to human happiness.


In virtue ethics, the primary goal is to be a good person.


John Locke believed in toleration of religious dissenters.


Just War theory has an initial presumption against war that must be overcome by the fulfillment of certain requirements.


Kant's first form of the categorical imperative is derived from the idea that moral obligation as universally binding.


Locke argued all humans should be treated equally because we all have the same basic nature.


One long-standing element of both international law and just war theory is the inviolability of civilians or noncombatants.


One of the central issues in the debate over embryonic stem cell research is the moral status of the human blastocyst, a fertilized ball of cells that is smaller than a grain of sand.


One problem for achieving world peace, according to experts, is the reduction in the proliferation of weapons.


One problem for natural rights theory is that not everyone agrees on what human nature requires.


One reason that people don't always do what is best for them may be weakness of will.


Indeterminate sentences would be more likely to be favored by those with a retributivist than those with a deterrence viewpoint.


Mammals have never been cloned.


Nonvoluntary euthanasia means causing death in violation of the patient's consent.


Philosophical ethics is necessarily incompatible with religious conviction.


Psychologist Carol Gilligan interviewed both male and female subjects and found there was no difference in their moral reasoning.


Punishment is externally related to lawbreaking, according to the retributivist viewpoint.


Relatively common or standard measures of life support are always to be considered ordinary means of life support.


Removing a person from a respirator after he has been declared dead according to whole brain death criteria is a case of passive euthanasia.


Retributivists always support a lex talionis view and, thus, always will support the death penalty for murderers (as being a life for a life).


Secular ethics are only for atheists.


That violence can never lead to peace is a deontological reason supporting pacifism.


The Human Genome Project was designed to alter and perfect the human genetic code.


The Roe v. Wade 1971 Supreme Court ruling on abortion asserts that a woman should always have a right to abortion if she so chooses.


The fallacy that criticizes the source of an opinion, instead of critiquing the reason given for it, is called begging the question


The idea of "equal consideration" refers to an equal consideration of moral rights.​


The natural state of human liberty is a state of license according to Locke.


The naturalistic fallacy says that you cannot derive a descriptive claim from a normative claim


The opposite of virtue is weakness.


The paradox of toleration is no longer relevant to today's global culture.


The view known as deep ecology is most essentially concerned with the idea that people depend on their environment in many ways.


To be a pacifist is the same thing as to be a conscientious objector.


To give pain medication in order to relieve pain, knowing that there is also a chance that the patient might be so weakened as to die from the medication, is generally considered a case of active euthanasia.


To say that a wilderness has prima facie value means that it must be preserved no matter what the cost to do so.


Traditional moral philosophy has been favorable to women as evidenced by the views of Rousseau and Aristotle.


Utilitarianism is a relativistic moral theory, for it recognizes that what is good in some circumstances is not always good in others.


Utilitarianism is an egoistic moral theory.


Utilitarianism says that utility is identical to pleasure.


Virtue ethics emphasizes how we should determine what is the right thing to do.


War crimes are defined differently by various nations who each have their own doctrine of universal human rights.


We have duties toward animals only if they have rights.


One reason why male and female morality may differ from each other is biological differences between males and females.


Physician-assisted suicide is suicide that results from a physician's prescription of lethal medication.


Punishment is externally related to lawbreaking, according to the deterrence viewpoint.


Ecocentrism relies on what form of moral reasoning?

Natural law

Which moral approach is the "playing God" objection based upon?​

Natural law ethics

Which of the following philosophers does your text describe as a proponent of perspectivism?


Retributivists would support a not guilty plea for persons who are in fact "insane" for, because of their mental dysfunction, they then are not responsible for what they do.


According to the Human Genome Project, human beings' genes are 99.9% identical, regardless of race or sex.


According to the Roe v. Wade 1971 Supreme Court ruling, there is a fundamental right to privacy.


According to the text, moral skeptics hold that it is difficult or impossible to know what is good or bad, right or wrong.


According to the text, one reason we study ethics is to see whether we can justify the beliefs we already hold


According to utilitarian reasoning, abortion is morally unjustified if it will lead to more unhappiness than happiness.


Richard Rorty argues that there is no algorithm to determine precise answers about which beliefs are better than others.


Social contract theory assumes that human beings are psychological egoists.


Social or cultural relativism holds that what is right is whatever one's society or culture holds to be right.


People who argue that abortions are wrong because they lead to a lack of adoptable babies are basing their argument on

Utilitarian concerns.

From the anthropocentric perspective the idea that we should curtail human activities to preserve a nonhuman species is generally anchored in which of our ethical theories?


To base the justification for legalized abortion on the fact that there were thousands of women dying as a result of illegal abortions, is to make an argument based on


Which moral approach best represents the precautionary principle?​


Which of the following moral perspectives best represents Singer's approach to animal ethics?​


Which of the following is NOT an example of ethical egoism?

We should treat others well so they will treat others well.

What is akrasia?

Weakness of will

Most terrorists are

Well educated and middle class.

According to your text, which of the following was one of two main questions Kant asked?

What I ought to do?

According to Rachels, if the motive is morally appropriate,

active euthanasia is not morally worse than passive euthanasia.

In her book Gender Trouble, Butler elucidates the ways in which gender norms

are socially constructed

According to Noddings the language of ethics has primarily been the language of the


Which virtue does Philippa Foot identify as benefiting community rather than self?


In most cases, prosthetic limbs are an example of an enhancement technology.​


Which of the following sayings is commonly used to express cultural relativism?

"When in Rome, do as the Romans do."

The key moral principle for the Stoics was to

"follow nature."

Mercy Killing is the same as _____________ euthanasia.

Active involuntary

The ratio of boys to girls in some sections of China today is


The Human Genome Project was completed in:


About how many animals are used for experiments each year in the US?

25 million

According to your text, of the 20,000 human genes, how many are unique to humans and not found in other animals?


Since 1989, there have been _____________ convicts who were found innocent due to DNA testing.


According to your text, how many black high school dropouts are prisoners or ex-convicts by the time they reach their mid-thirties?


What does a biocentrist/ecocentrist believe?

A biocentrist believes that intrinsic value is not limited to humans

Which of the following is true of vivisection, as it is practiced today?​

A conscious being is dissected.

The ring of Gyges can best be described as which of the following?

A ring that can make the wearer invisible

According to psychological egoism people

Act in the way they perceive to be best for them.

According to Kant, the highest moral activity happens as a result of

Acting out of a will to do the right thing.

Your text indicates five distinct criteria that the so-called Method II arguments may use to determine the moral status of a being (such as a fetus): 1. Being Human, 2. Being Like Human, 3. Potentiality, 4. Evolving Value, or 5. Actuality. For the following Method II claims, determine which of these five criteria is being employed. ​ "Some human beings simply do not have full moral status, because they do not actually have the ability to think and communicate (for example, those in a persistent vegetative state)." ​Which Method II is assumed by this claim?


A common ethical objection to human reproductive cloning is

All of these choices.

Globally, how many animal species are considered to be endangered?

Almost 20,000

What is the meaning of "lex talionis"?

An Eye for An Eye.

According to your text, what is a straw man?

An argument that sets up an easy-to-defeat version of an opposing position

According to Thomas Aquinas (in your reading from the text), "Good has the nature of _____________, while evil has a contrary nature."

An end

In light of the discussion in your text, which of the following gives the best reason to believe that animals have intrinsic value?

Animals are interested in their own survival.

Label the statement as Anthropocentric (A) or Ecocentric (E): "We ought to be concerned with the "greenhouse effect" and the resulting climate changes that may make the world uninhabitable for future generations."


Label the statement as Anthropocentric (A) or Ecocentric (E): "We ought to preserve the tropical rain forests because they are the sole source of certain lifesaving medicines"


The article by William Baxter utilized primarily _____________ reasoning.


The old Native American saying, "before you act, consider the consequences on the next seven generations," is best described as what kind of thinking?


Rule Utilitarianism asks that we consider the consequences of each act

As a general practice

Which of the following in not a reason given for developing our natural moral reasoning skills?

As we develop our skills we will be able to win more ethical arguments.

Which of the following is a nonconsequentialist consideration for active voluntary euthanasia.


The argument that human personhood begins at conception and, therefore, human embryos should not be used for scientific research is founded in

Categorical imperative.

Your text indicates five distinct criteria that the so-called Method II arguments may use to determine the moral status of a being (such as a fetus): 1. Being Human, 2. Being Like Human, 3. Potentiality, 4. Evolving Value, or 5. Actuality. For the following Method II claims, determine which of these five criteria is being employed. ​ "Taking the life of an innocent human being is morally impermissible. Therefore, abortion is morally wrong." ​Which Method II is assumed by this claim?

Being human.

Your text indicates five distinct criteria that the so-called Method II arguments may use to determine the moral status of a being (such as a fetus): 1. Being Human, 2. Being Like Human, 3. Potentiality, 4. Evolving Value, or 5. Actuality. For the following Method II claims, determine which of these five criteria is being employed. ​ "Because dolphin species can think and communicate, they have the same full moral status as members of the human species." ​Which Method II is assumed by this claim?

Being like humans.

According to Martha Nussbaum, the central capabilities

Can each be concretely realized in different ways.

The idea that killing is wrong, but my killing is OK violates which of our ethical theories?

Categorical imperative

What kind of reasoning is found in the just cause principle?

Categorical imperative

Which of our moral theories is most likely to be used in support of the retribution argument for capital punishment?

Categorical imperative

The difference between teleological and deontological is that

Deontological is focused of intention and teleological is focused on consequence.

According to individual ethical egoism one should

Do what is in one's self interest.

Which of the following best paraphrases Kant's second form of the categorical imperative?

Don't use people unless it is in their best interest.

Which of the following terms refers to the administering of medication with good intended effect but bad foreseen effect?

Double effect

Label the statement as Anthropocentric (A) or Ecocentric (E): "If there is no overriding reason to pluck the flower then I ought to let it be for its own good."


Which of the following is NOT a deontological theory of ethics?


Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai said that we all should be feminists because "feminism is another word for _____________."


Your text indicates five distinct criteria that the so-called Method II arguments may use to determine the moral status of a being (such as a fetus): 1. Being Human, 2. Being Like Human, 3. Potentiality, 4. Evolving Value, or 5. Actuality. For the following Method II claims, determine which of these five criteria is being employed. ​ "Early-term fetuses do not have as much moral value as late- term fetuses." ​Which Method II is assumed by this claim?

Evolving value.

"Laws of nature" always refer to a natural law theory of ethics.


A theodicy is an argument that seeks to discredit belief in a deity.


A utilitarian would necessarily be opposed to the restorative justice approach to criminal justice.


According to Kant the moral worth of an act is determined by its consequences.


According to Kant, an obligation or "ought" is categorical when it is something we ought to do in order to achieve some ends or goals that we have.


According to Kant, moral obligations are hypothetical in nature.


According to Kant, the shopkeeper who charges an equal price of all her customers because she likes them is acting "out of duty."


According to Kant, to act with a "good will" means to do what will benefit others.


According to Thomson's argument, based on the analogy of the violinist, if a fetus is a human being, then its abortion cannot be morally permissible.


According to Thomson, if one has a right to life one has a right to whatever is necessary to sustain that life.


According to a broad definition of euthanasia, only so-called active euthanasia or mercy killing should be called euthanasia.


According to ethics of care, the female moral perspective takes a more universal and impartial standpoint in reasoning about what is morally good and bad.


According to natural rights theory, moral requirements cannot be grounded in human nature.


According to the Roe v. Wade 1971 Supreme Court ruling, abortion is not permissible beyond the 12th week of fetal development.


According to the Roe v. Wade 1971 Supreme Court ruling, the right to privacy is absolute.


According to the deterrence argument for legal punishment, any kind of punishment is justified no matter what the consequences.


According to the last resort requirement, we should try "everything" short of war first.


According to utilitarian moral theory, happiness is an instrumental good.


According to utilitarianism, an act that makes some people happy and others unhappy can never be morally right.


All forms of pacifism hold that violence is always wrong.


All successful cloning produces a genetically identical reproduction of a full animal or plant.​


All vegetarians are vegans.​


Anthropocentrists value nature for its own sake.


By calling something a moral agent, we mean that it is a being that has rights.


Cooperation cannot be explained from an egoistic perspective.


Descartes thought animal consciousness was equivalent to ​human consciousness.


Descriptive relativism necessarily implies metaethical relativism.


Embryonic stem cells are called omnipotent, because they can develop into many different kinds of tissue.


Ethical egoism is a descriptive theory.


Ethics is exclusively a descriptive discipline


Eudaimonia is identical to pleasure.


Existentialists like Sartre believe that essence precedes existence.


For Baier the best moral theory must not be a cooperative product of women and men but must primarily focus on an ethics of care.


For Baier the tradition of rights has only worked against women and not for women.


For Thomas Aquinas all laws created by humans are derived from natural law.


From a utilitarian perspective, animals have rights so long as they may suffer.​


If a person asks to be disconnected from certain life support equipment, and this is done, this would be a case of voluntary active euthanasia.


If people disagree about some moral matter, their disagreement will always be due to their having different moral values.


If some action is immoral, then it follows from this alone that it ought also to be illegal.


If two people have the same moral values, then they will always reach the same conclusions about what is right and wrong.


In Aristotle's theory, each virtue corresponds to exactly one opposing vice.


"Act only on that maxim you can will to become universal law" is known as which form of Kant's categorical imperative?


Which amendment of the US Constitution proclaims religious liberty?


According to data used by the White House in its campaign to reduce violence against women, one in _____________ women will be sexually assaulted in college.


According to Kant, we are morally responsible for which of the following?

For our motive to do good or bad.

Immanuel Kant defined enlightenment in terms of what?


Who thought that women were inferior to men morally?


Which of the following is another word for telos.


Virtue Ethics helps us determine

How we ought to be.

According to anthropocentrism, what has intrinsic value?

Humans only.

Pride is the virtue between _____________ and _____________.

Humility and vanity.

Label as Hypothetical (H) or Categorical (C) imperatives. I should vote for this proposal so that the others will later vote for mine....


This type of ethical relativism holds that ethical judgments are the result of the moral outlook and attitudes of particular persons:

Individual relativism.

The paradox of toleration questions whether which of the following should be tolerated?


Which of the following is NOT true of Hobbes' social contract theory?

It assumes that the outcome of the social contract will be a democratic government.

How has nearly all the food we eat been "genetically modified" in the broadest sense of the term?

It has been cross-bred for centuries.

What does it mean for ecocentrists to regard a tree or a fish as a moral patient?

It means that we must care for these life forms for their own sake, and not just for the sake of how it might ultimately impact us.

What does the proportionality principle require?

It requires that, before engaging in war or the use of force, we consider the likely costs and benefits of doing so, as opposed to choosing alternative courses of action (or no action).

Which of the following is NOT among the five basic moral virtues emphasized in Hinduism?


Which thinker did NOT promote civil disobedience as a method for protesting and reforming law systems?


Hypothetical imperatives are

Like suggesting we should use what works to arrive at a goal.

The Declaration of Independence draws on the theory of


In which society did tolerance and pluralism originate?

Many societies across the world, throughout history.

Which of the following viewpoints necessarily implies that there are no universally applicable moral norms?

Metaethical relativism

Which of the following is among the intellectual virtues included in Buddhism's "noble eightfold path?"


Ecocentrists are distinguished by their rejection of the anthropocentric idea that _____________.

Only humans have intrinsic value.

Which of the following is not a rationale for pacifism?

Pacifism encourages the enemy to lay down its defenses.

Terri Schiavo's medical condition in 2005 can best be described as

Permanent vegetative state.

According to Kant, which of the following has the highest intrinsic value?


According to utilitarianism which of the following is an intrinsic good?


Stem cells are


Your text indicates five distinct criteria that the so-called Method II arguments may use to determine the moral status of a being (such as a fetus): 1. Being Human, 2. Being Like Human, 3. Potentiality, 4. Evolving Value, or 5. Actuality. For the following Method II claims, determine which of these five criteria is being employed. ​ "Though human, this fetus does not have the potential to develop the abilities of a person, for it has no upper brain. Thus, it does not have full rights to life." ​Which Method II is assumed by this claim?


The first Geneva Convention was formulated in 1864 to

Protect the sick and wounded.

To suggest that capital punishment is a different moral question for nomadic peoples living in tents, or other temporary shelters, than it is for societies with maximum-security prisons, involves what kind of reasoning?


Which of the following is NOT among Nussbaum's "central capabilities?"


Which approach is aimed at finding common ground between world religions and cultural traditions?

Religious pluralism

Which of the following was not one of the founders of utilitarianism?

Rene Descartes

In the story questioning Lincoln's ability to be selfless, Lincoln

Rescued a pig.

Which of the following approaches to legal punishment best describes Davis' decarceration argument?​

Restorative justice.

Label the following statement about legal punishment as Consequentialist Deterrence (CD), Consequentialist Prevention (CP), or Retributivist (R): "Punishment ought to fit the crime."


How, in Aldo Leopold's ethics, are right actions to be distinguished from wrong ones?

Right actions tend to preserve the stability and beauty of nature; wrong actions tend to do otherwise.

Which of the following philosophical movements does your text associate with American Transcendentalism?​

Romantic idealism

Who argues that it is because women spend too much of their lives mothering that women develop a morality consistent with this experience?


Which of the following philosophers does NOT agree that there is such a thing as human nature?


According to your text, which of the following is sometimes criticized for expressing Eurocentric ideals?

Secular humanism

The term 'altruism' refers to

Selfless action

MacKinnon listed all the following as stages of fetal development except

Sensory awareness

The cost of life in prison without parole compared to an execution is

Significantly lower.

Which of the following is not a reason for supporting ethical relativism?

Social cohesion

Sentience refers to an animal's ability to


According to your text, which of the following is NOT a view that Aquinas and Aristotle shared in common?

That human nature is radically evil.

According to W.D. Ross, the fact that there are several prima facie duties means

That there will be conflicts of values.

The trolley problem is used to illustrate which of the following?

The complexity of calculating morality using a cost-benefit analysis.

According to Cicero, which of the following is true?

The natural law is timeless.

What are the two principles to the jus in bello part of the just war theory?

The principle of proportionality and the principle of discrimination.

A key issue in the reading by Hume concerns:

The problem of deriving an ought from an is.

According to utilitarianism which of the following is useful for evaluating the morality of an action?

The result of the action

The era known as the Enlightenment occurred during which time period?

The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

Strong ethical relativism holds that

There is no objective right and wrong.

In Deep Ecology, through what means is happiness gained?

Through simple communion with one's local ecosystem.

Which of the following is not necessary to act morally according to utilitarianism?

To act as the majority wishes.

According to your text, what is the most immediate goal of terrorism?

To create fear.

"People often find it difficult to do what they believe is right" is a normative statement


A "Durable Power of Attorney" is substantially the same as a living will, for they both are documents designed to enable one to write in advance what treatment one wants and what one doesn't want when dying and unable to speak.


A prudential argument for vegetarianism would be that it is a healthier diet for humans.


A retributivist would uphold a just punishment for certain crimes even if the imposition of this punishment did not deter anyone from committing such crimes.


A so-called "right" refers to a strong and legitimate moral claim.


A value neutral definition of terrorism is the use of force to destroy property or kill people who are not directly involved in the matters being protested.


According to Aristotle, virtues allow a person to fulfill essential human purposes.


According to Bentham, some pleasures may be more valuable than others but only in so far as they are of greater quantity.


According to Kant, because persons are ends they ought not to be used as means to ends.


According to Kant, it is wrong to lie in order to prevent a murder.


According to Kant, one can do what is right and that action still may not have "moral worth."


According to MacIntyre, virtues depend on the practices of a culture.


According to Mill, the only evidence we have that something is desirable in itself (as an end) is that people do, in fact, desire it.


According to Thomas Aquinas, reason naturally inclines human beings to be good.


According to act utilitarianism, if it produces more net utility (or "happiness") to give money to famine relief, even though I had promised to payback a friend with that money, then I ought to give the money to the relief fund.


According to consequentialist reasoning, if other measures than imprisonment work better to deter or prevent crime then we ought to use these other measures.


According to individual ethical relativism, I cannot be objectively mistaken in my moral judgments.


According to the "divine command" theory of ethics, certain actions are right because God wills them for us. We therefore have a duty to find out exactly what God wills and distinguish it from what is merely a fallible human wish or interpretation of what God's will might be.


Some ecofeminists believe that the source of our environmental problems lies in the fact that we relate to nature by trying to assert dominance over it.


Some laws in the United States allow for nonvoluntary passive euthanasia.


Some opponents of stem cell research argue that the early undifferentiated cells of the blastocyst have the full moral status of a person, and thus cannot be used in medical research.


Some questions have been raised about the ethics of care including the idea that not all mothers are caring and nurturing.


St. Augustine was one of the first we know of to write in support of the justification of some wars.


The "third wave" of feminism addresses the problem of diversity in dealing with women's issues.


The Golden Rule is followed by most of the world's major religions.


The concept of a single moral community that is not bound to cultural or religious traditions is known as cosmopolitanism.


The following is an example of normative ethics: "Capital punishment is wrong because it is wrong to directly take a human life."


The following is an example of the reasoning of a rule utilitarian: "If the practice of lying is bad, then one ought not to lie now, even if in this case to lie would actually bring about better consequences."


The fourth feature of the Gilligan challenge to liberal orthodoxy according to Baier is a challenge to its typical rationalism.


The idea that the basic moral law can be known by human reason is a fundamental tenet of natural law theory.


The idea that we know what the basic moral law requires by looking to human nature is a tenet of natural law theory.


The principle of double effect used by the principle of discrimination holds that there is a difference between directly intending some end and foreseeing that one's actions might result in that end.


The reason that Mill believes pleasure is the only intrinsic good is because he believes it is the only thing that everyone desires for its own sake.


The reason why it is wrong to make a lying promise, according to Kant, is because this act cannot be willed as a general practice without contradiction.


The two parties to the relation of caring for Noddings are the "one-caring" and the "cared-for."


The virtue of courage should enable one to face danger.


To say that Sue has a right to know the truth is to give a consequentialist reason for being honest.


To say that something is a normative theory is to say that it tells us what we ought to do.


Today feminist ethics is distinguished from an ethics of care that is sometimes called feminine ethics.


Value pluralism argues that there are multiple and conflicting goods in the world, which cannot be reduced to some other good.


Virtues are positive traits of character.


Weak forms of ethical relativism hold that there are objective moral principles, even though they will need to be applied differently in different contexts.


While emotions or feelings may play some role in moral considerations, in an Ethics course one is also expected to give reasons for one's moral judgments.


The word environment comes from an Old French word meaning

Turning around in.

Which country has the highest incarceration rate in the world?

United States

Justifications for animal experimentation typically appeal to __________ reasoning?


To agree that the reduction of privacy rights to gain greater security is an example of ________ reasoning.


According to statistics from the Guttmacher Institute, cited in your text, the women least likely to have abortions are


What is the condition the American Medical Association has defined as dead?

Whole brain death has occurred.

According to Philippa Foot a virtue is a perfection of


Singer begins his argument by comparing animal rights to

Women's rights.

After which major international conflict was the United Nations formed?

World War II

All the following are recognized as legal grounds for withdrawing life support except

Written request by minor patient.

Another name for a good argument is

a sound argument

The view that moral rules or principles have no exceptions and are context-independent is known as


Which of the following thinkers is associated with the so-called "second wave" of feminism?

de Beauvoir

The process of activating, replacing, or changing malfunctioning genes before a baby is born would be an example of​

gene therapy.

RU486 induces abortion by

inducing uterine contractions.

Which of the following claims that our ideas about ethics rest upon some sort of intuitive knowledge of ethical truths


The idea of the "wisdom of repugnance" is a form of​


Which of the following terms describes an economic system with minimal government regulation or intervention?

laissez-faire capitalism

G.E. Moore held that goodness is a specific quality that attaches to people or acts. This is a form of

moral realism.

Which of the following is considered by many to be a problem for naturalistic explanations of ethics

natural law theory

The reasons supporting a conclusion in an argument are called


Ethical theory does which of the following

provides reason for judging actions to be right or wrong

Moral "oughts" are all of the following EXCEPT

supported by laws.

Confucius' ethics is presented in a text known as

the Analects

Sex-selective abortion is legal in

the United Kingdom

Ethics requires skillful reasoning. Which of the following is not important to making a good argument

the argument leads to the right decision

Metaethics is largely about studying

the meanings of ethical language

Critics of the distinction between ordinary versus extraordinary measures have complained that the idea of what counts as extraordinary is​


Which of the following considerations determines whether a measure is ​ordinary or extraordinary?

whether the measure is likely to benefit the patient

According to Kass, "yuck factor" arguments are grounded in

​a wisdom of repugnance.

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