Everfi Identity Theft and Fraud Protection

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Which example shows a victim authorizing a scam or fraud?

Juan got a call saying he had unpaid parking tickets and they asked for his credit card number. He gave it to them to avoid going to jail.

What should you do if you suspect you are the victim of identity theft?

Review your credit report, alert your financial institutions, and change your passwords.

It may be safe to share some personal details on social media like your pet's name and the school you attend if you do what?

Set you account to private and only allow people you know.

True or false: You can use public Wi-Fi to do online banking as long as you visit encryted and secure websites.

False because you may be using a Wi-Fi access point and visiting a spoofed site.

Which of the following will make a weak password?

Repeating letters and numbers

Who do you contact to get your credit report?

The credit bureaus.

Which of the following is not true of spoofed, imposter sites.

They will never have a lock icon in the URL toolbar.

You have the best chance of getting your money back from a scam if what happened?

You didn't authorize the payment.

Which of the following are methods a criminal uses to get someone's money or personal information?

a. Over the phone. b. Through an email c. On a fake website d. All are correct d. All are correct. Criminals have several methods they can use to get your personal information.

If you are the victim of identity theft or fraud, you should contact the following places except _______.

a. Your local elected official like the mayor b. Your financial insitution c. Credit card companies d. Credit bureaus a. Your local elected official like the mayor. There is nothing they can do to help with identity fraud,

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