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True or False? A protein targeted to the nucleus would have contained a signaling sequence that first targeted it to the RER before it eventually makes its way to the nucleus a) True b) False c) Not enough information

b) False

True or False? Carbon dioxide is considered an organic molecule a) True b) False

b) False

True or False? Regarding the phylogenetic relationships, analysis of rRNA sequences revealed that Bacteria and Eukaryotes are more closely related than Archeans and Eukaryotes a) True b) False

b) False

Shown below is a molecule of glyceraldehyde. it is classified as a type of a) Polysaccharide b) carbohydrate c) amino acid d) lipid e) both A and b

b) carbohydrate

Disulfide bonds are formed under which type of condition? a) oxidizing b) reducing

a) oxidizing

True or False? Sickle cell anemia results from a change of polar uncharged amino acid in the wild-type protein into a non-polar amino acid in the mutant protein. a) True b) False

b) False

True or False? Zacharias Jensen is credited with coining the term "cell" based on observations of cork slices with a light microscope a) True b) False

b) False

True or False?: The mitchondria is the site of photosynthesis in cells a) True b) False

b) False

True or false? Large cells have a greater surface area to volume ratio relative to small cells a) True b) False

b) False

Which of the following amino acid pairs could contribute to protein structure by forming ionic bonds? a) Glycine and Leucine b) Glutamate and Lysine c) Phenylalanine and Tyrosine d) Lysine and Arginine e) both B and D

b) Glutamate and Lysine

Organic macromolecules are synthesized by ----- reactions a) dehydration b) condensation c) hydrogenation d) polyhydration e) hydrolysis

b) condensation

Galactosemia is a genetic disorder in which afflicted individuals are unable to metabolize galactose. Symptoms include low blood sugar levels, lethargy and jaundice. A person suffering from galactosemia should avoid ingesting anything containing which of the following molecules? a) sucrose b) lactose c) cellulose d) starch e) both A and B

b) lactose

Which of the following relationships between cell structures and their respective functions is NOT correct? a) ribosome: protein synthesis b) mitochondria: site of photosynthesis in plants c) Cytoskeleton: support, organization of cell contents d) nucleus: houses genetic information e) all of the above are correct

b) mitochondria: site of photosynthesis in plants

One of the key innovations in the evolution of eukaryotes from a prokaryotic ancestor is the endomembrane system. What eukaryotic organelles or features might have evolved as a part of, or as an elaboration of, the endomembrane system? a) chloroplasts b) nuclear envelope c) mitochondria d) plasma membrane e) none of these

b) nuclear envelope

Which of the following statements regarding ribosomes are TRUE? a) ribosomes are surrounded by a single membrane b) prokaryotic ribosomes are smaller than eukaryotic ribosomes (excluding the organellar ribosomes) c) Ribosomes are involved in the process of transcription d) The components making up the large and small subunits are assembled in the cytoplasm e) More than one of the above are true

b) prokaryotic ribosomes are smaller than eukaryotic ribosomes (excluding the organellar ribosomes)

Which of the following amino acids is considered a 'helix breaker' due to the fact that its R group is covalently bonded to its amine group a) Isoleucine b) proline c) glycine d) methionine e) phenylalanine

b) proline

Which of the following is FALSE of protein denaturation? a) it can sometimes be reversible if the native conditions are restored b) it may be caused by a pH or a temperature change c) it changes the protein shape d) it disrupts the primary sequence of a protein e) all of the above are true

d) it disrupts the primary sequence of a protein

The amino acid shown below has an R group that is classified as --- a) basic b) acidic c) non polar d) polar uncharged e) hydrophobic

d) polar uncharged

Glucuronate is the ------ form of glucuronic acid a) protonated b) deprotonated c) cation d) ring structure e) glycosylated

b) deprotonated

Which of the following functional groups would NOT be charged in an aqueous solution? a) carboxyl b) hydroxyl c) phosphate d) amino e) All of the above functional groups would be charged in an aqueous solution

b) hydroxyl

True or False? Large cells have a greater surface area to volume ratio relative to small cells (assume cells are similarly shaped) a) True b) False

b) False

Which of the following biological polymers is mismatched with its monomer? a) Cellulose - amino acid b) glycogen - glucose c) starch - glucose d) enzyme - amino acid e) DNA - nucleotide

a) Cellulose - amino acid

Which of the following functional groups would NOT be charged in an aqueous solution a) Hydroxyl b) Phosphate c) Carboxyl d) Amino e) All of the above would be charged in an aqueous solution

a) Hydroxyl

All polysaccharides are carbohydrates but not all carbohydrates are polysaccharides a) True b) False

a) True

Penicillin is an antibiotic isolated from the Penicillum sp. fungi. This antibiotic interferes with the biosynthesis of peptidoglycan. True or False?: Penicillin can be used to treat bacterial infections in mammals without affecting the mammalian cells because mammalian cells do not produce peptidoglycan. a) True b) False

a) True

Sickle cell anemia results from a single point mutation. The wild-type gene contains the codon GAG, whereas the mutant gene contains the codon GTG. True or false - Sickle cell anemia results from the change of an acidic amino acid in the wild-type protein into a non-polar amino acid in the mutant protein a) True b) False

a) True

True or False? All polysaccharides are carbohydrates, but not all carbohydrates are polysaccharides a) True b) False

a) True

True or False? The theoretical resolving power of blue light is 225 nm a) True b) False

a) True

True or false - a ribosome can be viewed ONLY by electron microscopy. It could not be resolved with a light microscope. a) True b) False

a) True

True or false? Robert Hooke is credited with coining the term "cell" based on his observation of cork slices with a light microscope a) True b) False

a) True

A radioactively labeled protein is made by cells and followed through the various organelles in the secretory pathway. After six hours, all of the radioactivity is still primarily in the Golgi apparatus. This suggests that the a) possesses a signal peptide for localization within the Golgi b) Was not properly translated c) underwent post-translational import d) does not possess a signal peptide for localization within the lumen of the rough ER e) all of the above

a) possesses a signal peptide for localization within the Golgi

Disulfide bonds stabilize the ---- structure of a protein and can be broken by ---- conditions a) tertiary, reducing b) primary, reducing c) secondary, reducing d) secondary, oxidizing e) tertiary, oxidizing

a) tertiary, reducing

Hydrocarbons are insoluble in water because a) the majority of their bonds are non polar covalent carbon-to-hydrogen linkages b) they have less mass than water c) the majority of their bonds are polar covalent carbon-to-hydrogen linkages d) they are hydrophilic e) None of the above. Hydrocarbons ARE soluble in water

a) the majority of their bonds are non polar covalent carbon-to-hydrogen linkages

A lab procedure for protein structure analysis involves placing a cytoplasmic protein in a water-based solvent with a neutral pH. Which of the following would most likely NOT happen next? a) the protein would fold into a different conformation b) the protein would retain the conformation it had prior to entering the solution c) the R-groups of serine would interact with the solvent molecules via H-bonding d) the R-groups of glycine and leucine would orient themselves away from the solvent molecules d) None of the above would happen

a) the protein would fold into a different conformation

The molecular formula for a particular hexose is C6H12O6. What would be the molecular formula if ten of such hexoses were linked together in a polymer? a) C60H12O6 b) C60H118O68 c) C60H102051 d) C36H72O36 e) C60H120O60

c) C60H102051

Goblet cells in the trachea epithelium function to produce and secrete gel-forming mucins. Mucins, the main component of mucus, are a type of glycosylated protein with the ability to aggregate and form a gel matrix. Given their function in the production and secretion of mucins, which of the following subcellulat structures would you expect to be especially abundant in goblet cells? a) Golgi b) peroxisomes c) lysosomes d) rough ER e) Both A and D

e) Both A and D

True or False? A nanometer is one millionth of a meter. a) True b) False

b) False

True or false? Starch is comprised of glucose molecules linked by a (1-4) glycosidic bonds, and is therefore digestible in humans a) True b) False

a) True

The latin phrase 'omniscient cellula e cellula' refers to a cellular pinrciple. Which of the following is the best translation of this phrase? a) all cells arise from preexisting cells b) tissues are composed of similar cells c) cells generally are found in clusters d) organs are composed of tissues and cells e) the cell is the basic unit of structure

a) all cells arise from preexisting cells

GLUT2 was targeted to the PM via which of the following mechanisms? a) cotranslational import b) transportin mechanisms c) translation directly at the PM d) post translational import e) targeting of the ribosomes to the PM

a) cotranslational import

As a cell increases in size, the surface area ----- the volume a) does not increase as much as b) increases more than c) does not decrease as much as d) decreases more than e) None of the above statements are true

a) does not increase as much as

If a particular protein was destined to become a transmembrane protein localized to the plasma membrane, after its N-terminal domain was glycosylated in the lumen of the Golgi, you would expect to find the domain extending into the a) extracellular space b) cytoplasm

a) extracellular space

To generate the observed topology across the plasma membrane, the first signal sequence encountered within the primary structure of the GLUT2 protein had to be a(n) ---- transfer sequence. a) internal start b) interval stop c) C-terminal start d) N-terminal start e) N-terminal stop

a) internal start

Tay-Sachs disease is a human genetic abnormality that results in cells accumulating and becoming clogged with very large, complex, undigested lipids. Which cellular organelle must be involved in this condition? a) lysosome b) membrane-bound ribosomes c) mitochondria d) Golgi e) plasma membrane

a) lysosome

The limit of resolution can be best defined as the a) minimum distance that two objects must be separated to be distinguished as separate objects b) distance that an object must be moved to be distinguished from its background c) medium through which the illumination source must travel d) inverse of the wavelength of light e) magnification power of a microscope

a) minimum distance that two objects must be separated to be distinguished as separate objects

True of false - Because mitochondria and chloroplasts contain their own DNA, have their own ribosomes, and are surrounded by a lipid-based plasma membrane, they can be considered living things a) True b) False

b) False

An average size range for a eukaryotic cell is a) 1-10 nm b) 10-100 um c) 1-10 um d) 10-100 nm e) 0.1-1 nm

b) 10-100 um

A physician volunteering in a remote region of Guatemala encounters a patient with what appears to be an acute bacterial infection. The physician is carrying several different antibiotics in her bag that can effectively treat various types of bacteria. Antibiotic X is effective against gram negative species, while Antibiotic Y is used to counter Gram positive species. The physician does a quick Gram stain to determine which antibiotic to use. The cells are violet colored after the staining procedure is completed. Which antibiotic should the physician administer to the patient? a) Antibiotic X b) Antibiotic Y c) Neither d) not enough information

b) Antibiotic Y

Which molecules shown below contain an aldehyde or ketone functional group? a) A and B b) B and C c) B, C and D d) D and E e) E and A

b) B and C

The molecular formula for a particular pentose is C5H10O5. What would be the molecular formula if ten of such pentose were linked together in a polymer? a) C50H118O58 b) C50H82O41 c) C5H10O5 d) C50H100O50 e) C50H90O40

b) C50H82O41

Cell A and Cell B are both cells found within organism X. Although both are rectangular-shaped, they are different sized and carry out very different functions within organism X. Cell A specializes in energy processing and has the dimensions 10um x 20 um x 0.5 um. Cell B is specialized for intracellular signaling with the dimensions 5 um x 0.2 um x 100 um. Which of these two cells has the greater surface area to volume ratio? a) Cell A b) Cell B c) Neither, they are equal

b) Cell B

You are a researcher examining the chemotropic responses of Halobacterium salinarium, a type of Archean found in extremely saline environments. Cells of these organisms are cylindrical in shape and approximately 2um x 3um. You wish to observe the behavior of H. salinarium cells exposed to a salt gradient. Which of the following microscopic techniques are you LEAST likely to use to view these cells? a) transmission electron microscopy b) Differential interference contrast microscopy c) Phase-contrast microscopy d) Fluorescence microscopy e) you could use any of the above instruments

b) Differential interference contrast microscopy

The Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) protein is a transmembrane protein localized to the plasma membrane (PM) in certain cell types. CFTR functions as a chloride ion channel, allowing the movement of chloride ions across the PM. In order to be localized to the PM, the CFTR protein must go through the ----- import pathway a) polycistronic b) cotranslational c) conditional d) post-translational e) none of the above

b) cotranslational

What causes lactose intolerance? a) inability to synthesize lactose due to lack of lactase enzyme b) inability to digest lactose due to lack of lactase enzyme c) allergic reaction to milk proteins d) excessive milk consumption e) inability to digest galactose, a product of lactose breakdown

b) inability to digest lactose due to lack of lactase enzyme

Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a species of diplococci bacteria that causes the sexually transmitted infection gonorrhea. Cells of N. gonorrhoeae have a thin extracellular matriculates surrounded by an outer membrane. How will N. gonorrhoeae appear after exposure to the Gram stain technique? Assume purple is the first stain used, followed by a red counterstain. a) purple b) red c) neither, the Gram stain is not used to detect bacteria

b) red

You are trying to separate a mixture of eukaryotic and prokaryotic ribosomes using a differential centrifugation protocol. After centrifuging the ribosome mixture, which ribosomes would you expect to sediment first? a) 70S ribosomes because they are larger than the 80S ribosomes b) 70S ribosomes because they are smaller than the 80S ribosomes c) 80S ribosomes because they are larger than the 70S ribosomes d) 80S ribosomes because they are smaller than the 70S ribosomes

c) 80S ribosomes because they are larger than the 70S ribosomes

Which of the following is TRUE of a nanometer? a) A nanometer is one millionth of a meter b) A nanometer is about the size of a common bacterial cell c) A nanometer is equivalent to 10 Angstroms d) The nanometer is the most common measurement used in measuring whole cells e) More than one of the above is true

c) A nanometer is equivalent to 10 Angstroms

Which of the following supports the endosymbiotic theory of the evolutionary origin of mitochondria? a) many mitochondrial proteins are cotranslationally imported from the cytoplasm b) mitochondria and prokaryotes DO NOT possess similar membrane components c) Genes necessary for mitochondria function are found in the nucleus d) mitochondrial ribosomes are NOT sensitive to antibiotics e) more than one of the above

c) Genes necessary for mitochondria function are found in the nucleus

Which of the following produces and modifies polysaccharides that will be secreted? a) Lysosome b) Mitochondrion c) Golgi apparatus d) Peroxisome e) Vacuole

c) Golgi apparatus

The protein shown below is on its way to being targeted to the plasma membrane (PM) as an integral membrane protein. How will the protein be oriented across the PM? a) the N-terminus will be cytoplasmic and the C-terminus will be extracellular b) Both N-terminus and C-terminus will be cytoplasmic c) The N-terminus will be extracellular and the C-terminus will be cytoplasmic d) Both N-terminus and C-terminus will be extracellular e) None of the above. The protein will be secreted

c) The N-terminus will be extracellular and the C-terminus will be cytoplasmic

Which of the following types of cells utilize deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) as their genetic material but do NOT have their DNA enclosed within a nuclear envelope? a) fungi b) protists c) archea d) plant e) All of the above have their DNA enclosed within a nuclear envelop

c) archea

Mitochondria are thought to have evolved from ancient bacteria. Which characteristics of a free-living bacteria have mitochondria lost over time? a) ribosomes b) an independent circular genome c) extracellular matrix d) phospholipid membranes e) division by binary fission

c) extracellular matrix

You have isolated a single-celled organism from a vernal pool. The organism is surrounded by a cell wall. You are having problems analyzing the cytoplasmic contents, but you have detected a significant amount of N-acetyl glucose amine (NAG) in the extracellular matrix. Based on these observations, you can confidently conclude that this species is a bacterium a) true because bacteria are the only group of organisms that contain NAG on their cell walls b) False because bacteria do not contain NAG in their cell walls c) false because bacteria are not the only group of organisms that contain NAG in their cell walls

c) false because bacteria are not the only group of organisms that contain NAG in their cell walls

Cells were first observed in the a) early 1400s b) late 1500s c) mid 1600s d) early 1700s e) early 1900s

c) mid 1600s

The element ------ makes up the majority (~65%) go the human body mass. a) hydrogen b) carbon c) oxygen d) calcium e) nitrogen

c) oxygen

In a single molecule of water, two hydrogen atoms are bonded to a single oxygen atom by: a) non polar covalent bonds b) Van Der Waals interactions c) polar covalent bonds d) ionic bonds e) hydrogen bonds

c) polar covalent bonds

Antibiotics can be used to treat bacterial infections in mammals without affecting the mammalian cells because a) some antibiotics target ribosomes and mammalian cells do not use ribosomes for protein synthesis b) mammalian cell walls are synthesized by a different mechanism than bacterial cell walls c) some antibiotics interfere with biosynthesis of the bacterial cell wall and mammalian cells do not have cell walls d) Bacterial cells do not have ribosome e) Both C and D

c) some antibiotics interfere with biosynthesis of the bacterial cell wall and mammalian cells do not have cell walls

The enzyme amylase can break glycosidic linkages between glucose monomers only if the monomers are the α form. Which of the following could amylase break down? a) cellulose b) chitin c) starch d) starch and cellulose e) starch, cellulose and chitin

c) starch

Glucose transporter 2 (GLUT2) is a transport protein localized to the plasma membrane of pancreatic beta cells and hepatocytes. GLUT2 has several domains including: 1) twelve membrane-spanning domains; 2) an extracellular glycosylation domain important for proper GLUT2 structure, 3) large intracellular regulatory domain. What is the highest level of protein structure found in GLUT2? a) primary b) secondary c) tertiary d) quaternary e) beta structure

c) tertiary

Which of the following attributes is common to BOTH prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells? a) the use of proteins as information storage molecules b) membrane-enclosed organelles c) the use of DNA as the information stored molecule d) DNA housed in a nucleus e) more than one of the above

c) the use of DNA as the information stored molecule

A condensation (or dehydration) reaction in the process in which -- a) water molecules are used as a source of raw material to break down polymers to monomers b) water molecules are attracted to each other c) water molecules are produced as a polymer is formed from monomers d) the bonds between the individual monomers of a polymer are broken by the addition of water molecules e) None of the choices is correct

c) water molecules are produced as a polymer is formed from monomers In

A cell has formed a phagosome as it ingested a food particle. Which of the following events is associated with the breakdown of that food particle? a) Proteins for digestion of the food are made by ribosomes in the Golgi apparatus b) The membrane of the phagosome is derived from the cell wall c) Proteins for digestion of the food particle were initially processed in by post-translational import d) Digestions of the food particle occurs in a compartment enclosed by a membrane that separates the digestion from the cytoplasm e) Enzymes for the breakdown of the food are delivered to the food vacuole from the cytosol

d) Digestions of the food particle occurs in a compartment enclosed by a membrane that separates the digestion from the cytoplasm

The common pathway of entry into the endomembrane system by proteins is best explained by which of the following? a) binding of their mRNA to a special class of ribosomes attached to the ER b) Post translational addition of a common sorting signal to each type of protein c) Addition of carbohydrate tags to each type of protein d) Presence of a signal sequence that targets each type of protein to the ER during synthesis e) None of the above

d) Presence of a signal sequence that targets each type of protein to the ER during synthesis

A certain cell has ribosomes, mitochondria and a cell wall. Based on this information, it could not be a) A cell from a maple tree b) An algae cell (a type of eukaryotic protist) c) A yeast (fungus) cell d) a bacterium e) Actually, it could be any of the above

d) a bacterium

The discovery of green fluorescent protein (GFP) has greatly enhanced our understanding of cells because a) GFP requires a jellyfish-specific cofactor b) GFP is green c) GFP sequences may be readily fused to those of other proteins, enabling researchers to localize endogenous proteins d) all cells naturally express GFP, therefore allowing researchers to visualize living cells with a fluorescent microscope e) None of the above

d) all cells naturally express GFP, therefore allowing researchers to visualize living cells with a fluorescent microscope

Prions are... a) primitive protein particles that are believed to be an ancient precursor of living cells. b) infectious bacteria c) the site of protein synthesis in prokaryotic cells. d) infectious misfolded proteins that cause normal protein molecules to misfiled e) infectious circular RNA molecules that replicate in host cells

d) infectious misfolded proteins that cause normal protein molecules to misfiled

"Multimeric" would accurately describe a protein with ------ subunit(s) a) one b) more than one identical c) more than one different d) more than one subunit, but not enough information about whether the subunits are homomeric or heteromeric e) none of the above

d) more than one subunit, but not enough information about whether the subunits are homomeric or heteromeric

Where would you most likely find the R group of an isoleucine residue within a protein? a) On the outside of the folded chain, in the cytoplasm b) forming hydrogen bonds with other R groups c) forming salt bridges with other R groups d) on the inside of the folded chain, away from the cytoplasm e) forming a peptide bond with the next amino acid in the chain

d) on the inside of the folded chain, away from the cytoplasm

The process by which proteins are synthesized by cytosolic ribosome and then, after translation is complete, transported to a target organelle for import is via which of the following? a) the activity of ribosomes b) the importing protein c) cotranslational import d) post translational import e) transportin mechanisms

d) post translational import

The extracellular matrix of a cell can be found a) underlying the plasma membrane within the cell b) inside the lysosome c) underneath the nuclear envelope d) surrounding the cell outside the plasma membrane e) radiating throughout the cytoplasm

d) surrounding the cell outside the plasma membrane

Functions of the smooth ER include a) detoxifying the cell b) storage of the calcium c) carbohydrate metabolism d) processing cell-secreted proteins e) All of the above EXCEPT choice D

e) All of the above EXCEPT choice D

Hydrogen bonding is involved in stabilizing protein structure. Which of the following interactions does NOT involve hydrogen bonds? a) bonding between the R groups of serine and tyrosine b) secondary structure c) beta sheets d) salt bridges e) All of the above involve hydrogen bonding

e) All of the above involve hydrogen bonding

Which of the following statements regarding glucose is FALSE? a) it is a hexose sugar b) it is considered an aldose based on the position of the carbonyl group c) It is the main source of energy for cells d) It is used to construct glycogen in animal cells e) All of the above statements are TRUE

e) All of the above statements are TRUE

When separating the cells that make up whole blood by centrifugation, three distinct layers form: RBCs fall to the bottom of the test tube, followed by a layer of WBCs, and then a layer of platelets. Comparing the three types of blood cells, this means that a) platelets have the largest S value b) Platelets have the smallest S value c) RBCs have the largest S value d) WBCs have the largest S value e) Both B and C

e) Both B and C

A certain membrane spanning protein localized to the plasma membrane begins with a large hydrophilic region called domain A. This is followed by six individual regions, each containing 20-25 hydrophobic amino acids, with short hydrophilic regions in between each of the six individual regions. Finally, a large hydrophilic region called domain B is at the end of the polypeptide chain. If all six hydrophobic domains each cross the membrane once, then it is possible that a) Domain A is intracellular and domain B is extracellular b) Domain A and domain B are transmembrane domains c) Domain A and domain B will both be intracellular d) Domain A and domain B will be on the same side of the membrane e) Both C and D

e) Both C and D

Regarding the molecules shown below, when places in an aqueous environment, how will the molecule behave? a) It will increase protons to become positively charged b) It will accept protons to become positively charged c) It will donate protons to become negatively charged d) It will accept protons to become negatively charged e) It will neither accept nor donate protons and remain neutral

e) It will neither accept nor donate protons and remain neutral

Which sequence reflects the locations that a secretory protein will visit on its way from its production to its secretion outside the cell? a) Rough and/or smooth ER, Golgi complex, secretory vesicle b) Rough ER, Golgi, smooth ER, secretory vesicle c) Rough ER, secretory vesicle, Golgi complex, lysosome d) nucleus, Golgi complex, Rough and/or smooth ER, secretory vesicle e) Rough ER, Golgi complex, secretory vesicle

e) Rough ER, Golgi complex, secretory vesicle

The template sequence of a gene contains the following codon: 5'-CAA-3'. If a point mutation occurred in which the second adenosine was converted to a thymine, what would result in the corresponding mutant polypeptide sequence? a) a polar unchanged amino acid would be replaced by a stop codon b) a nonpolar amino acid would be replaced by a polar uncharged amino acid c) a basic amino acid would be replaced by a nonpolar amino acid d) a polar uncharged amino acid would be replaced by a non polar amino acid e) a non polar amino acid would be replaced by a stop codon

e) a non polar amino acid would be replaced by a stop codon

the ability of neutrophil to chase and engulf a bacterium involved all of the following EXCEPT: a) phagosome formation b) rearrangement of cytoskeletal elements c) receptors on the plasma membrane d) mitochondria e) all of the above are involved

e) all of the above are involved

Stablization of the unique coiled structure of an alpha helix within the native conformation of a folded polypeptide is primarily attributed to a) peptide bonds covalently attached to polar R groups b) glycosylation of polar amino acids c) an abundance of amino acids with electrically charged R groups d) disulfide bridges e) hydrogen bonding between the carbonyl and amine groups within the peptide backbone

e) hydrogen bonding between the carbonyl and amine groups within the peptide backbone

If the surface area of a cell increases by a factor of 100, the volume of that cell will a) also increase by a factor of 100 b) remain the same c) increase by a factor of 10 d) increase by a factor of 100 e) increase by a factor of 1000

e) increase by a factor of 1000

The major structural elements of the cytoskeleton are a) the cytoplasm and cytosol b) the extracellular matrix and the cell wall c) lipids and carbohydrates d) glycolipids and cellulose e) microtubules, microfilaments and intermediate filaments

e) microtubules, microfilaments and intermediate filaments

Specialized cells in the pancreas called alpha cells are involved in large-scale production and secretion of the protein glucagon. Glucogon is a protein that functions as a hormone to regulate blood glucose levels. Given their function, which of the following would you expect to be especially abundant in pancreatic alpha cells? a) lysosomes b) smooth ER c) intermediate filaments d) peroxisomes e) rough endoplasmic reticulum

e) rough endoplasmic reticulum

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