Exam 2

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Planning is the process of deciding what needs to be done to achieve organizational objectives; identifying when and how it will be done, and determining by whom it should be done.


_____ have been set up to expand job opportunities for women and minorities.

affirmative action programs

Which of the following is NOT one of the four functions of management?


The _____ defines the relationships of authority from one level of organization to the next, from top to bottom.

chain of command

Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric, was known by his employees as "Bloody Jack" because of the downsizing and restructuring he insisted the company do if its various departments were unable to achieve organizational goals. Knowing this nickname, you can assume that Welch used _____ power to accomplish his goals for GE.


_____ involves coordinating and allocating a firm's resources so that the firm can carry out its plans and achieve its goals.

division of labor

_____ is a computerized resource planning system that includes information about the firm's suppliers and customers as well as data generated internally.

enterprise resource planning

The _____, created by the 1964 Civil Rights Act, investigates and resolves charges of discrimination.

equal employment opportunity commission

According to Herzberg, to keep a worker satisfied or motivated, the manager should:

give recognition to employee

Which of the following is NOT one of the five key types of power?


_____ is the horizontal expansion of an employee's job.

job enlargement

When a thermometer manufacture combines glass tubing, mercury, red dye, paint, plastic, and metal to make thermometers, it is an example of:


Cristos Hatzienmmanuil worked to make the Olympics in Athens a success. As a manager of the Olympic venues, he had 20 people who reported directly to him. His _____ is twenty.

span of control

_____ is the degree to which tasks are subdivided into smaller jobs.


Protected classes are:

specific groups that are protected against employment discrimination

The three basic levels of the managerial hierarchy are:

top, middle, and supervisory

The first step in controlling is to:

establish performance standards

According to Theory Y, workers _____ their work.

like delegation and responsibility in

_____ is the management of the production conversion process for both goods and services.

operations management

_____ involves coordinating and allocating a firm's resources so that the firm can carry out its plans and achieve its goals.


_____ provides new employees with information about company policies, salary and benefits, and parking. It also includes work rules and performance expectations.


Manila Water, the provider of the water and sewerage services in the capital of the Philippines has purchased the government owned water and sewerage system for the entire country. It promises to make the nation's water and sewerage system run as efficiently and profitably as the one it operates in Manila. The development, maintenance, and allocation of resources to achieve its goal will require:


_____ classes are specific groups who have legal protection against employment discrimination.


Which of the following is NOT a need identified in Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

psychological needs

Which of the following is NOT an example of a hygiene factor?


_____ involves presenting an accurate and positive image of the firm to those it is recruiting for jobs.

recruitment branding

When faced with an employee performance problem, managers tend to experience two primary emotions: anxiety and anger; anxiety, because the situation often leads to conflict, and anger because the manager realizes, "I did not create this problem. The employee did." No matter how well an attendance policy is written, there are those who will abuse it or push the limits. _____ theory can be used to acknowledge positive behavior with rewards and encourage others to improve their sub-par performance.


_____ is the aspect of production control that involves specifying and controlling the time required for each step in the production process.


The tool most widely used in making hiring decisions is the:

selection interview

Many organizations that experienced success using problem-solving teams expanded the team concept to allow team members to have greater responsibility in making decisions, implementing solutions, and monitoring outcomes. These highly autonomous groups are called:

self-managed work teams

The line organization is designed with direct, clear lines of authority and communication flowing from the top managers downward.


Which of the following factors will be important in the selection of a site for a production facility?

labor costs, proximity to raw materials, access to transportation, and nearness to customers

Cross-functional teams are made up of employees from about the same hierarchical level but different functional areas within the organization.


Human resource management is the process of hiring, developing, motivating, and evaluating people in order to achieve organizational goals.


Management is the process of guiding the development, maintenance, and allocation of objectives.


The skills, knowledge, and abilities a person must have to fill a job are spelled out in a job specification.


_____ are groups of employees who share resources and coordinate efforts so as to help members better perform their individual duties and responsibilities. The performance of this group can be evaluated by adding up the contributions of the individual group members.

work groups

According to the Hawthorne effect,:

workers respond to being paid attention to

Performance appraisals are used most often to make decisions about pay raises, training needs, and advancement opportunities.


A system that utilizes long production runs resulting in high-volume, standardized products is called a(n) _____ process.


Hans Guten makes furniture according to the specifications of the customer who ordered it. Each piece of furniture he makes is unique. He only makes one piece of furniture at a time. Guten is engaged in:


_____ is the process of grouping jobs together so that similar or associated tasks and activities can be coordinated.


Based on the expectancy theory, managers who want to motivate their employees should:

determine what factors might counteract the effectiveness of a reward, determine rewards valued by each employee, link rewards to performance, and make sure the rewards are adequate for the level of performance

A company that is centralized has given a great deal of decision-making authority to lower-level managers.


The first step in setting up a control process is to measure performances.


The _____ is a 1993 law that requires employers to provide unpaid leave for up to twelve weeks.

family and medical leave act

A German company specializes in building laboratory rooms for handling dangerous viruses and bacteria. Each room is designed to have a completely separate life support system that allows the users to examine and identify the viruses and bacteria without contaminating any other area. What type of a layout would be used to construct such a room?


_____ are incentive programs based on group productivity. Employees share in the financial gains attributed to the increased productivity of their group.

gain sharing plans

Managerial skills fall into four basic categories. What are they?

global management, conceptual, human relations, and technical skills

_____ theory is based on the premise that an individual's intention to work toward a goal is a primary source of motivation.

goal setting

A _____ is a formal complaint, by the employee or by the union, that management has violated some part of the contract.


The goal of inventory management is to:

hold down costs and maintain accurate levels of inventory

There is a facility in California that takes off-the-shelf Ford Mustangs and hones them into high-performance vehicles. The assembly line at this facility is simply a line of cars on hand-pushed carts that are moved from station to station, but many of the operations that are typically performed in an assembly plant do take place here. Using this system the company has turned out over 8,000 vehicles, more than any other American specialty vehicle manufacturer. This is an example of:

mass customization

Spalding produces large numbers of golf balls all at once. Spalding puts the golf balls in inventory and distributes them around the world. Spalding uses:

mass production

Hershey's hot cocoa mix combines dry milk, whey, corn syrup, processed cocoa, aspartame, and artificial flavorings and colors. This conversion process is an example of:

the assembly process

Decentralization is usually desirable in a company when:

the firm is operating in a dynamic environment, the firm is very large, the firm is geographically dispersed, employees are willing to take responsibility

According to _____, workers respond to attention from superiors, and they like their opinions to be valued.

the hawthorne affect

Wes Johnston overheard his manager say, "Work is as natural as play, and workers seek more job responsibility." This statement supports:

theory y assumptions

_____ management emphasizes the use of quality principles in all aspects of a company's operations.

total quality

A company that uses departmentalization groups jobs under the authority of one manager for the purposes of planning, coordination, and control.


A labor union is an organization that represents workers in their disputes with management over wages, hours, and working conditions.


A manager who makes one-directional decisions and seeks no input from her subordinates can be described as having an autocratic leadership style.


A study of the tasks required to do a job well is called a job analysis.


Arranging a firm's human and material resources to carry out plans is called organizing.


Human resource management is the process of _____ people in order to achieve organizational goals.

motivating, evaluating, developing, and hiring

The informal channels of communication of an organization are often referred to as the grapevine, the rumor mill, or the intelligence network.


The equity theory is concerned with:

how fairly a worker is treated compared to coworkers

List the three basic categories of managerial roles.

informational, interpersonal, and decisional

In many companies, workers are trained by assigning them to several different jobs over a period of time. This regular shifting of assignments is called:

job rotation

The purchasing function, sometimes called _____, is an important part of any firm's production strategy.


_____ is the process that converts inputs into outputs that can be sold as goods and services.


According to Maslow, people need to feel secure, to be protected from physical harm, and to avoid the unexpected. These needs are called _____ needs.


An organization's _____ is its general purpose or reason for existence.


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