Exam 2 - Oxygenation

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Children with pharyngitis are considered non-infectious to others at the onset of symptoms and up to__________ hours after initiation of antibiotic therapy. However, they should not return to school or daycare until they have been taking antibiotics for a full ________ period.

24 Hours; Full-24 Hour Period

Bronchioles become narrowed or occluded as a result of inflammatory process: Edema, mucus, and cellular debris clog the alveoli

Describe the pathophysiology of RSV.

Large, bulky, loose, frothy, foul-smelling stools

Describe the stools of the child with cystic fibrosis.

Physical Exam Chest radiograph

How is the diagnosis of RSV established?

Rhinorrhea, cough, low grade fever, irritability, itching, apathy, anxiety, sleep disturbance, abdominal discomfort, and loss of appetite

Identify 10 objective signs of bronchospasm in children.

respiratory arrest

what is caused by apnea due to failure of the lungs to function effectively.

respiratory syncytial virus

what is the most prevalent etiological agent causing bronchiolitis in young infants?


____________________ is an acute viral infection with maximum effect at the bronchiolar level. The infection occurs primarily in winter and spring.

ANS: B β-Adrenergic agonists and methylxanthines work to dilate the bronchioles in acute exacerbations. These medications do not liquefy secretions or reduce infection. Corticosteroids and mast cell stabilizers reduce inflammation in the lungs.

-Adrenergic agonists and methylxanthines are often prescribed for a child with an asthma attack. Which describes their action? a. Liquefy secretions. b. Dilate the bronchioles. c. Reduce inflammation of the lungs. d. Reduce infection.

ANS: A Because of the urgency of the child's condition, conscious sedation should be used for the procedure. Pediatric spinal trays have smaller needles than do adult trays. Reassuring the parents that the test is simple, painless, and risk free is incorrect information. A spinal tap does have associated risks, and analgesia will be given for the pain. EMLA (a eutectic mixture of anesthetics) should be applied approximately 60 minutes before the procedure. The emergency nature of the spinal tap precludes its use.

A 2-year-old child is being admitted to the hospital for possible bacterial meningitis. When preparing for a lumbar puncture, the nurse's best action is to: a. prepare child for conscious sedation during the test. b. set up a tray with equipment the same size as for adults. c. reassure the parents that the test is simple, painless, and risk free. d. apply EMLA to puncture site 15 minutes before procedure.

ANS: A Asthma presents with a nonproductive cough and wheezing. Pneumonia appears with an acute onset, fever, and general malaise. A productive cough and rales would be indicative of pneumonia. Stridor and substernal retractions are indicative of croup.

A child is admitted to the hospital with asthma. Which assessment findings support this diagnosis? a. Nonproductive cough, wheezing b. Fever, general malaise c. Productive cough, rales d. Stridor, substernal retractions

ANS: A A sweat test result of greater than 60 mEq/L is diagnostic of CF, a high level of fecal fat is a gastrointestinal (GI) manifestation of CF, and a chest radiograph showing patchy atelectasis and obstructive emphysema indicates CF. Gastric contents contain hydrochloride normally; it is not diagnostic. Bronchoscopy and duodenal fluid are not diagnostic. Stool test for trypsin and intestinal biopsy are not helpful in diagnosing CF.

A child is being admitted to the hospital to be tested for cystic fibrosis (CF). Which tests should the nurse expect? a. Sweat chloride test, stool for fat, chest radiograph films b. Stool test for fat, gastric contents for hydrochloride, chest radiograph films c. Sweat chloride test, bronchoscopy, duodenal fluid analysis d. Sweat chloride test, stool for trypsin, biopsy of intestinal mucosa

ANS: B The TPN infusion rate should not be increased or decreased without the practitioner being informed because alterations in rate can cause hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia. Any changes from the prescribed flow rate may lead to hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia.

A child is receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN; hyperalimentation). At the end of 8 hours, the nurse observes the solution and notes that 200 ml/8 hr is being infused rather than the ordered amount of 300 ml/8 hr. The nurse should adjust the rate so that how much will infuse during the next 8 hours? a.200 ml b. 300 ml c. 350 ml d. 400 ml

ANS: B One of the only adverse effects of DNase is voice alterations and laryngitis. DNase decreases viscosity of mucus, is given in an aerosolized form, and is safe for children younger than 12 years. β2 agonists can cause tachycardia and jitteriness.

A child with cystic fibrosis (CF) is receiving recombinant human deoxyribonuclease (DNase). Which is an adverse effect of this medication? a. Mucus thickens b. Voice alters c. Tachycardia d. Jitteriness b. Voice alters

ANS: A Bronchodilators should be given before CPT to open bronchi and make expectoration easier. Aerosolized bronchodilator medications are not helpful when used after CPT. Oxygen administration is necessary only in acute episodes with caution because of chronic carbon dioxide retention

A child with cystic fibrosis (CF) receives aerosolized bronchodilator medication. When should this medication be administered? a. Before chest physiotherapy (CPT) b. After CPT c. Before receiving 100% oxygen d. After receiving 100% oxygen

ANS: B Viral illnesses cause inflammation that causes increased airway reactivity in asthma. Medications such as aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and antibiotics may aggravate asthma, but not frequently in infants. Exposure to cold air may exacerbate already existing asthma. Allergy is associated with asthma, but 20% to 40% of children with asthma have no evidence of allergic disease.

A nurse is admitting an infant with asthma. The nurse understands that asthma in infants is usually triggered by: a. medications. b. a viral infection. c. exposure to cold air. d. allergy to dust or dust mites.

ANS: A Dyspnea is labored breathing. Tachypnea is rapid breathing. Hypopnea is breathing that is too shallow. Orthopnea is difficulty breathing except in upright position

A nurse is charting that a hospitalized child has labored breathing. Which describes labored breathing? a. Dyspnea b. Tachypnea c. Hypopnea d. Orthopnea

ANS: A The earliest clinical manifestation of CF is a meconium ileus, which is found in about 10% of children with CF. Clinical manifestations include abdominal distention, vomiting, failure to pass stools, and rapid development of dehydration. History of malabsorption is a later sign that manifests as failure to thrive. Foul-smelling stools are a later manifestation of CF. Recurrent respiratory tract infections are a later sign of CF.

A nurse is teaching nursing students about clinical manifestations of cystic fibrosis (CF). Which is/are the earliest recognizable clinical manifestation(s) of CF? a. Meconium ileus b. History of poor intestinal absorption c. Foul-smelling, frothy, greasy stools d. Recurrent pneumonia and lung infections

ANS: D The acellular pertussis vaccine is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics beginning at age 6 weeks. Infants are at greater risk for complications of pertussis. The vaccine is not given after age 7 years, when the risks of the vaccine become greater than those of pertussis. The infant is highly susceptible to pertussis, which can be a life-threatening illness in this age group.

A parent asks the nurse whether her infant is susceptible to pertussis. The nurse's response should be based on which statement concerning susceptibility to pertussis? a. Neonates will be immune the first few months. b. If the mother has had the disease, the infant will receive passive immunity. c. Children younger than 1 year seldom contract this disease. d. Most children are highly susceptible from birth.

ANS: D The acellular pertussis vaccine is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics beginning at age 6 weeks. Infants are at greater risk for complications of pertussis. The vaccine is not given after age 7 years, when the risks of the vaccine become greater than those of pertussis. The infant is highly susceptible to pertussis, which can be a life-threatening illness in this age group.

A parent asks the nurse whether her infant is susceptible to pertussis. The nurse's response should be based on which statement concerning susceptibility to pertussis? a. Neonates will be immune the first few months. b. If the mother has had the disease, the infant will receive passive immunity. c.Children younger than 1 year seldom contract this disease. d.Most children are highly susceptible from birth.

ANS: A Bronchitis is characterized by these symptoms and occurs in children older than 6 years. Bronchiolitis is rare in children older than 2 years. Asthma is a chronic inflammation of the airways that may be exacerbated by a virus. Acute spasmodic laryngitis occurs in children between 3 months and 3 years.

A school-age child had an upper respiratory tract infection for several days and then began having a persistent dry, hacking cough that was worse at night. The cough has become productive in the past 24 hours. This is most suggestive of which diagnosis? a. Bronchitis b. Bronchiolitis c. Viral-induced asthma d. Acute spasmodic laryngitis

ANS: A The child on supplemental oxygen requires intermittent or continuous oxygenation monitoring, depending on severity of respiratory compromise and initial oxygenation status. The child in status asthmaticus should be placed on continuous cardiorespiratory (including blood pressure) and pulse oximetry monitoring.

A school-age child has been admitted with an acute asthma episode. The child is receiving oxygen by nasal prongs at 2 liters. How often should the nurse plan to monitor the child's pulse oximetry status? a. Continuous b. Every 30 minutes c. Every hour d. Every 2 hours

high sodium and chloride

A unique diagnostic characteristic of the child with cystic fibrosis is an increased amount of ____________ and ________________ in the sweat.

ANS: D A sweat chloride test result greater than 60 mEq/L is diagnostic of CF. Bronchoscopy, although helpful for identifying bacterial infection in children with CF, is not diagnostic. Serum calcium is normal in children with CF. Urine creatinine is not diagnostic of CF.

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is suspected in a toddler. Which test is essential in establishing this diagnosis? a. Bronchoscopy b. Serum calcium c. Urine creatinine d. Sweat chloride test

Blocked ducts the prevents essential pancreatic enzymes from reaching the duodenum that causes impairment of digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Describe the effects of thickened secretions on the gastrointestinal tract of the child with cystic fibrosis

Voice - Muffled, absent voice, croaking sound on inspiration Chest - Suprasternal/Substernal retractions may be evident Color - Cherry Red Throat - Inflamed, edematous epiglottis

Describe the following areas of assessment characteristic of a child with epiglottitis. Voice: Chest: Color: Throat:

1. Prevent exacerbations 2. To recognize and respond to symptoms of bronchospasm 3. To maintain health and prevent complications, promote normal activities

Identify the principles of self-management of asthma (3)

ANS: A Children with CF require a well-balanced, high-protein, high-calorie diet because of impaired intestinal absorption. Enzyme supplementation helps digest foods; other modifications are not necessary. A well-balanced diet containing fruits and vegetables is important. Fats and proteins are a necessary part of a well-balanced diet.

In providing nourishment for a child with cystic fibrosis (CF), which factor should the nurse keep in mind? a. Diet should be high in carbohydrates and protein. b. Diet should be high in easily digested carbohydrates and fats. c. Most fruits and vegetables are not well tolerated. d. Fats and proteins must be greatly curtailed.

Worsening air pollution, poor access to medical care, or under diagnosis and under treatment

List the reasons for the increase in the prevalence and the morbidity and mortality rates related to asthma in the United States:

ANS: D Enzymes may be administered in a small amount of cereal or fruit at the beginning of a meal or swallowed whole. Pancreatic enzymes are not a contraindication for antibiotics. The dosage of enzymes should be increased if child is having frequent, bulky stools. Enzymes should be given just before meals and snacks.

Pancreatic enzymes are administered to the child with cystic fibrosis (CF). Nursing considerations should include to: a. not administer pancreatic enzymes if child is receiving antibiotics. b. decrease dose of pancreatic enzymes if child is having frequent, bulky stools. c. administer pancreatic enzymes between meals if at all possible. d. pancreatic enzymes can be swallowed whole or sprinkled on a small amount of food taken at the beginning of a meal.

ANS: D Parents have understood the teaching about preventing childhood otitis media if they respond they will keep childhood immunizations up to date. The child should be maintained upright during feedings and after. Otitis media can be prevented by exclusively breastfeeding until at least 6 months of age. Propping bottles is discouraged to avoid pooling of milk while the child is in the supine position.

Parents have understood teaching about prevention of childhood otitis media if they make which statement? a. "We will only prop the bottle during the daytime feedings." b. "Breastfeeding will be discontinued after 4 months of age." c. "We will place the child flat right after feedings." d. "We will be sure to keep immunizations up to date."

ANS: A CF is an autosomal recessive gene inherited from both parents and is inherited as an autosomal recessive, not autosomal dominant, trait. CF is found primarily in Caucasian populations. An autosomal recessive inheritance pattern means that there is a 25% chance a sibling will be infected but a 50% chance a sibling will be a carrier.

Parents of a child with cystic fibrosis ask the nurse about genetic implications of the disorder. Which statement, made by the nurse, expresses accurately the genetic implications? a. If it is present in a child, both parents are carriers of this defective gene. b. It is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait. c. It is a genetic defect found primarily in non-Caucasian population groups. d. There is a 50% chance that siblings of an affected child also will be affected.

Cleft palate; Signaled by difficulty swallowing.

The major complication of a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy is ________________, which is signaled by _______________________ swallowing.

ANS: B The family's presence will decrease the child's distress. It is true that mothers of hospitalized toddlers often experience guilt but this is not the best answer. The main reason to keep parents at the child's bedside is to ease anxiety and therefore respiratory effort. The child should have constant monitoring by cardiorespiratory monitor and noninvasive oxygen saturation monitoring, but the parent should not play this role in the hospital.

The nurse encourages the mother of a toddler with acute laryngotracheobronchitis (LTB) to stay at the bedside as much as possible. The nurse's rationale for this action is described primarily in which statement? a. Mothers of hospitalized toddlers often experience guilt. b. The mother's presence will reduce anxiety and ease child's respiratory efforts. c. Separation from mother is a major developmental threat at this age. d. The mother can provide constant observations of the child's respiratory efforts.

ANS: B If a child has acute epiglottitis, examination of the throat may cause complete obstruction and should be performed only when immediate intubation can take place. Stridor is aggravated when a child with epiglottitis is supine. Sore throat and pain on swallowing are early signs of epiglottitis. Epiglottitis is caused by H. influenzae in the respiratory tract.

The nurse is assessing a child with acute epiglottitis. Examining the child's throat by using a tongue depressor might precipitate which symptom or condition? a. Inspiratory stridor b. Complete obstruction c. Sore throat d. Respiratory tract infection

ANS: D, E, F Hydration is important in children with RSV bronchiolitis to loosen secretions and prevent shock. Clustering of care promotes periods of rest. The use of noninvasive oxygen monitoring is recommended. Mist tents are no longer used. Antibiotics do not treat illnesses with viral causes. Cough syrup suppresses clearing of respiratory secretions and is not indicated for young children.

The nurse is caring for a 10-month-old infant with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) bronchiolitis. Which intervention should be included in the child's care? (Select all that apply.) a. Place in a mist tent. b. Administer antibiotics. c. Administer cough syrup. d. Encourage to drink 8 ounces of formula every 4 hours. e. Cluster care to encourage adequate rest. f. Place on noninvasive oxygen monitoring

ANS: B Monitoring cardiopulmonary status is an important evaluation tool in the care of the child with ARDS. Maintenance of vascular volume and hydration is important and should be done parenterally. Seizures are not a side effect of ARDS. Adequate nutrition is necessary, but a high-protein diet is not helpful.

The nurse is caring for a child with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) associated with sepsis. Nursing actions should include: a. forcing fluids. b. monitoring pulse oximetry. c. instituting seizure precautions. d. encouraging a high-protein diet.

ANS: B Children have increased immunity after exposure to a virus. The amount of lymphoid tissue increases as children grow older. Viral organisms are not less prevalent, but older children have the ability to resist invading organisms. Secondary infections after viral illnesses include Mycoplasma pneumoniae and group A β-hemolytic streptococcal infections.

The nurse is teaching nursing students about normal physiologic changes in the respiratory system of toddlers. Which best describes why toddlers have fewer respiratory tract infections as they grow older? a. The amount of lymphoid tissue decreases. b. Repeated exposure to organisms causes increased immunity. c. Viral organisms are less prevalent in the population. d. Secondary infections rarely occur after viral illnesses

Mechanical Obstruction

The primary factor of cystic fibrosis, and the one that is responsible for many of its clinical manifestations, is , ___________________ which is caused by the increased viscosity of mucous gland secretions.

Levalbuterol is inhaled via nebulizer only, which is the quickest onset more than oral forms. Inhalation reduces systemic side effects like tremors, nervousness, and insomnia

What are the benefits of using levalbuterol (Xopenex) instead of albuterol?

Hoarseness, barking cough, inspiratory stridor, respiratory distress from swelling

What are the characteristics of croup symptoms?

Corticosteroids, anti-inflammatory

What class of drugs is used to decrease inflammation in asthma?

1. Increased viscosity of mucous gland secretions 2. A striking elevation of sweat electrolytes 3. Increase in saliva 4. Abnormalities in autonomic nervous system function.

What clinical features characterize cystic fibrosis? (4)

Causes dyspnea, cough, stridor, and hoarseness due to decreased air entry.

What does laryngotracheal obstruction most commonly cause?

pancreatic insufficiency

What is a common gastrointestinal complication associated with cystic fibrosis?

Children may not complete their full antibiotic therapy that requires 10 full days due to their parents stopping the medications to cease GI issues.

What is a potential complication of antibiotic therapy in children?

Used to prevent and control asthma symptoms, reduce the frequency and severity of asthma exacerbations and reverse airflow obstruction.

What is the goal of drug therapy in asthma management?

Acute Laryngotracheobronchitis (LTB)

What is the most common type of croup syndrome?

10-day Antibiotic Therapy of oral penicillin, IM benzathine Pen G, Oral erythromycin for children allergic to penicillin.

What is the treatment for streptococcal sore throat?

Can diagnose cystic fibrosis, because meconium ileum is a bowel obstruction that occurs when the meconium in the infants stomach is thicker and stickier than normal.

What role does meconium ileus have in the manifestation of cystic fibrosis?

Oral Amoxicillin is the drug of choice

When antimicrobial drug therapy is needed, what is the first drug of choice in the treatment of AOM?

ANS: A Administer the medication with a syringe without needle placed along the side of the infant's tongue. The contents are administered slowly in small amounts, allowing the child to swallow between deposits. Medications should be given slowly to avoid aspiration. The medication should be mixed with only a small amount of food or liquid. If the child does not finish drinking or eating, it is difficult to determine how much medication was consumed. Essential foods also should not be used. Holding the child's nasal passages will increase the risk of aspiration

When liquid medication is given to a crying 10-month-old infant, which approach minimizes the possibility of aspiration? a. Administer the medication with a syringe (without needle) placed along the side of the infant's tongue. b. Administer the medication as rapidly as possible with the infant securely restrained. c. Mix the medication with the infant's regular formula or juice and administer by bottle. d. Keep the child upright with the nasal passages blocked for a minute after administration.

ANS: D Short-acting β2 agonists are the first treatment in an acute asthma exacerbation. Ephedrine is not helpful in acute asthma exacerbations. Theophylline is unnecessary for treating asthma exacerbations. Aminophylline is not helpful for acute asthma exacerbation.

Which drug is usually given first in the emergency treatment of an acute, severe asthma episode in a young child? a. Ephedrine b. Theophylline c. Aminophylline d. Short-acting β2 agonists

ANS: A Cool-mist vaporizers are safer than steam vaporizers, and little evidence exists to show any advantages to steam. The cost of cool-mist and steam vaporizers is comparable. Steam loosens secretions, not dries them. Both may promote a more comfortable environment, but cool-mist vaporizers present decreased risk for burns and growth of organisms.

Which explains why cool-mist vaporizers rather than steam vaporizers are recommended in home treatment of childhood respiratory tract infections? a. They are safer. b. They are less expensive. c. Respiratory secretions are dried. d. A more comfortable environment is produced.

ANS: D Preventing dehydration by small frequent feedings is an important intervention in the febrile child. Tepid water baths may induce shivering, which raises temperature. Food should not be forced; it may result in the child vomiting. The febrile child should be dressed in light, loose clothing.

Which is an appropriate nursing intervention when caring for an infant with an upper respiratory tract infection and elevated temperature? a. Give tepid water baths to reduce fever. b. Encourage food intake to maintain caloric needs. c. Have child wear heavy clothing to prevent chilling. d. Give small amounts of favorite fluids frequently to prevent dehydration

ANS: D The preferred site for infants is the vastus lateralis. The deltoid and dorsogluteal sites are used for older children and adults. The rectus femoris is not a recommended site.

Which is the preferred site for intramuscular injections in infants? a. Deltoid b. Dorsogluteal c. Rectus femoris d. Vastus lateralis

ANS: B Epiglottitis is always a medical emergency needing antibiotics and airway support for treatment. Laryngitis is a common viral illness in older children and adolescents, with hoarseness and URI symptoms. Spasmodic croup is treated with humidity. LTB may progress to a medical emergency in some children.

Which type of croup is always considered a medical emergency? a. Laryngitis b. Epiglottitis c. Spasmodic croup d. Laryngotracheobronchitis (LTB)

Throat cultures are performed to identify if an infectious agent is bacterial or viral & diagnosis.

Why are throat cultures often performed in children who present with respiratory symptoms?

A tongue depressor could trigger complete airway obstruction.

Why should the nurse not use a tongue depressor to examine the throat of a child with suspected epiglottitis?

Respiratory tract infections

_____________ account for the majority of acute illnesses in children.

Long-acting B-agonists

_______________ are the major therapeutic agents for the relief of bronchospasm.


_____________________ is required for a definitive diagnosis of objects in the larynx and trachea.

Contact and Standard Precautions with hand washing, not touching nasal mucosa, or eyes. Glove/Gown

__________________________ precautions are employed with patients who have RSV.

False, because they are a viral infection.

T or F: Antibiotics are the treatment of choice for RSV.


T or F: Small children characteristically explore matter with their mouths and are prone to aspirate a foreign body.


The ____________filter and protect the respiratory and alimentary tracts from invasion by pathogenic organisms and play a role in antibody formation.

age of the child the season living conditions preexisting medical problems.

The etiology and course of these infections are influenced by the what?

Absence of spontaneous cough, presence of drooling, agitation

What three clinical observations are predictive of epiglottitis?

Chest/Abdominal Thrust CPR

What two lifesaving procedures should a nurse be able to implement to treat aspiration of a foreign body?

Contact and Standard

What type of precautions are used for hospital personal with a child with RSV?

Self-terminating airway obstruction that is induced with vigorous activity that can be reversed. Pt. have a cough, SOB, chest pain/tightness, wheezing during exercise.

Describe exercise-induced bronchospasm.

Inhaled aerosolized short-acting B2-agonists and continuous administration. System corticosteroids can be used to reduce the affects of inflammation.

What are the drugs of choice for treating status asthmaticus?

Enlarged, edematous tonsils that meet in the middle (kissing tonsils)

What are the typical symptoms of tonsillitis?

Hyperventilation, tachypnea, increasing respiratory effort, cyanosis, and decreasing O2 sats

What are three symptoms of a child in severe respiratory distress?

airway clearance

What is the goal of pulmonary therapy in treating cystic fibrosis?

ANS: A In bronchial asthma, spasm of the smooth muscle of the bronchi and bronchioles causes constriction, producing impaired respiratory function. In bronchial asthma, there is increased resistance in the airway. There are multiple causes of asthma, including allergens, irritants, exercise, cold air, infections, medications, medical conditions, and endocrine factors. Atopy or development of an immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated response is inherited but is not the only cause of asthma.

A nurse is conducting an in-service on asthma. Which statement is the most descriptive of bronchial asthma? a. There is heightened airway reactivity. b. There is decreased resistance in the airway. c. The single cause of asthma is an allergic hypersensitivity. d. It is inherited.

ANS: A Antibiotics should be given for their full course to prevent recurrence of infection with resistant bacteria. Symptoms may subside before the full course is given. Hearing loss is a complication of AOM. Antibiotics should continue to be given. Medication may take 24 to 48 hours to make symptoms subside. It should be continued

An 18-month-old child is seen in the clinic with AOM. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim) is prescribed. Which statement made by the parent indicates a correct understanding of the instructions? a. "I should administer all the prescribed medication." b. "I should continue medication until the symptoms subside." c. "I will immediately stop giving medication if I notice a change in hearing." d. "I will stop giving medication if fever is still present in 24 hours."

ANS: A, D Antibiotics are indicated for a bacterial pneumonia. Often the child will have decreased pulmonary reserve, and the clustering of care is essential. Antitussive agents are used sparingly. It is desirable for the child to cough up some of the secretions. Fluids are essential to kept secretions as liquefied as possible.

An infant has developed staphylococcal pneumonia. Nursing care of the child with pneumonia includes which interventions? (Select all that apply.) a. Cluster care to conserve energy b. Round-the-clock administration of antitussive agents c. Strict intake and output to avoid congestive heart failure d. Administration of antibiotics

ANS: A Eliminating tobacco smoke from the child's environment is essential for preventing OM and other common childhood illnesses. Nasal decongestants are not useful in preventing OM. Children with uncomplicated OM are not contagious unless they show other upper respiratory tract infection (URI) symptoms. Children should be fed in an upright position to prevent OM.

An infant's parents ask the nurse about preventing OM. Which should be recommended? a. Avoid tobacco smoke. b. Use nasal decongestant. c. Avoid children with OM. d. Bottle-feed or breastfeed in supine position.

ANS: D OME is characterized by feeling of fullness in the ear or other nonspecific complaints. Fever is a sign of AOM. OME does not cause severe pain. This may be a sign of AOM. Nausea and vomiting are associated with otitis media

Chronic otitis media with effusion (OME) is differentiated from acute otitis media (AOM) because it is usually characterized by: a. fever as high as 40° C (104° F). b. severe pain in the ear. c. nausea and vomiting. d. a feeling of fullness in the ear.

48 - 72 hrs

Current literature indicates that waiting up to ____________ hours for spontaneous resolution is safe and appropriate management of AOM in healthy infants over 6 months and in children.

ANS: A Vasoconstrictive nose drops such as phenylephrine (Neo-Synephrine) should not be used for more than 3 days to avoid rebound congestion. Drops should be discarded after one illness because they may become contaminated with bacteria. Vasoconstrictive nose drops can have a rebound effect after 3 days of use. Drops administered before feedings are more helpful.

Decongestant nose drops are recommended for a 10-month-old infant with an upper respiratory tract infection. Instructions for nose drops should include which action? a. Avoid using for more than 3 days. b. Keep drops to use again for nasal congestion. c. Administer drops until nasal congestion subsides. d. Administer drops after feedings and at bedtime.

acute inflammation of supraglottic structures

Define epiglottitis.

Children who continue to display respiratory distress despite vigorous therapeutic measures.(albuterol, epinephrine)

Define status asthmaticus.

ANS: C After children have taken antibiotics for 24 hours, they are no longer contagious to other children. Sore throat may persist longer than 24 hours after beginning antibiotic therapy, but the child is no longer considered contagious. Complications may take days to weeks to develop.

It is generally recommended that a child with acute streptococcal pharyngitis can return to school: a. when sore throat is better. b. if no complications develop. c. after taking antibiotics for 24 hours. d. after taking antibiotics for 3 days.

ANS: C The growth of children on long-term inhaled steroids should be assessed frequently to assess for systemic effects of these drugs. Cough is prevented by inhaled steroids. No evidence exists that inhaled steroids cause osteoporosis. Cushing syndrome is caused by long-term systemic steroids.

It is now recommended that children with asthma who are taking long-term inhaled steroids should be assessed frequently because which disease or assessment findings may develop? a. Cough b. Osteoporosis c. Slowed growth d. Cushing syndrome

ANS: B Arterial blood gases are the best way to monitor carbon monoxide poisoning. Pulse oximetry is contraindicated in the case of carbon monoxide poisoning because the PaO2 may be normal. The child should receive 100% oxygen as quickly as possible, not only if respiratory distress or other symptoms develop.

The nurse is caring for a child with carbon monoxide poisoning associated with smoke inhalation. Which is essential in this child's care? a. Monitor pulse oximetry. b. Monitor arterial blood gases. c. Administer oxygen if respiratory distress develops. d. Administer oxygen if child's lips become bright, cherry red.

ANS: A For postural drainage and percussion, the child should be dressed in a light shirt to protect the skin and placed in the appropriate postural drainage positions. The chest wall is struck with a cupped-hand, not a flat-hand position. The procedure should be done over the rib cage only. Positioning precedes the percussion.

The nurse is teaching a mother how to perform chest physical therapy and postural drainage on her 3-year-old child, who has cystic fibrosis. To perform percussion, the nurse should instruct her to: a. cover the skin with a shirt or gown before percussing. b. strike the chest wall with a flat-hand position. c. percuss over the entire trunk anteriorly and posteriorly. d. percuss before positioning for postural drainage.


cessation of breathing

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