Exam 3 Quiz Modules

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Implementation of ERP systems is different than many other IT projects. What are the correct statements about the length of an ERP project.

-An ERP project takes 1 to 3 years on average depending on so many different factors. -It is significantly shorter in on-demand or software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions. -ERP is going to change your business and it is not easy to do it very fast. -6 months is considered a short implementation with limited capabilities for a small company.

What are the correct statements on the return on investment in the ERP projects?

-An ERP system promises a very high return on investment. There are so many high promises coming with an ERP system. -Organizations see a fast return on investment in ERP projects. -Paying close attention to return on investment in the ERP projects improve the rewards coming from these projects.

Which of the following statements are correct about the best practices?

-An ERP vendor like SAP is working with many companies from many different industries. SAP is learning from all these companies and improving the processes in the ERP system based these lessons learned -Best practices can improve organizational processes as long as an organization is willing to adapt them faithfully. -They are the best way of doing business practices based on the lessons learned from so many different organizations.

Storage Location

-An organizational unit allowing differentiation between the various stocks of a material in a plant -a place,within a plant, where materials are stored

Purchasing Group

-Key that represents the buyer or group of buyers who are responsible for certain purchasing activities -Channel of Communication for Vendors

What are the correct statements on the challenges of implementing an ERP system?

-Management is typically unexperienced in ERP projects, because that's their first experience with ERP systems. -Employees typically resist for change in the ERP projects. -Two major challenges are decision making challenges and people/organizational culture challenges. -Management typically does not know that the ERP project requires a tremendous effort in leadership to change the organization. -Organizations typically fail to specify objectives and metrics (of their business activities) at the beginning of the project.

What are the correct statements about the cost of an ERP project?

-More than half of the project cost comes from the humanware. Humanware consists of training, consulting and human related implementation costs. -Hardware and software cost is typically half or less than half of an ERP project. -Companies buying ERP systems should be careful about the humanware cost. -Software vendors typically focus on the software and hardware cost in estimating the projects.

Purchasing Organization

-The buying activity for a plant takes place at the purchasing organization -Organization unit responsible for procuring services and materials -Negotiates conditions of the purchase with the vendors

Distribution channel

-The way in which products or services reach the customer -Typical examples of distribution channels are wholesale, retail, or direct sales


-operating area or branch within a company -manufacturing,distrubution, purchasing, or maintenance facility

Business process understanding is key for a successful SAP use. The Procure-to-Pay Process is the most important process in the Materials Management module. Our SAP MM Case Study is based on this process. Order the following tasks from beginning to end.

1. Create a Purchase Requisition 2. Create an RFQ 3. Select the Vendor 4. Create a Purchase Order 5. Vendor ships the products and Sends the invoice. Products arrive at the company first 6.Create a Goods Receipt 7.Create an Invoice Receipt 8. Post Payment to a Vendor

The Order-to-Cash process is the most important process for the Sales and Distribution Module. Order the following tasks from the beginning to the end.

1. Create an Inquiry 2. Create a Quote 3. Create a Sales Order 4. Create an Outbound Delivery 5. Post a Goods Issue and Ship the Products to the Customer 6. Create an Invoice 7. Post a Payment

Chart of Accounts

A classification scheme consisting of a group of general ledger (G/L) accounts. Provides a framework for the recording of values to ensure an orderly rendering of accounting data

Sales Condition Master Data

A combination of a customer and material master data to describe the conditions of sales.

Cost Element

A one-to-one linkage (mapping) between General Ledger expense accounts and CO cost elements is established to permit the transfer of FI expense information to CO.

Revenue Element

A one-to-one linkage (mapping) between General Ledger revenue accounts and CO revenue elements is established to permit the transfer of FI revenue information to CO.

Client (FI)

An independent environment in the SAP system. The SAP company calls each customer as a client and assigns a client number to allow that company to customize a copy of the SAP system for itself.

Credit Control Area

An organizational entity which grants and monitors a credit limit for customers.

Credit Control Area

An organizational entity which grants and monitors a credit limit for customers. It can include one or more company codes

Sales Organization

An organizational unit responsible for the sale of certain products or services. The responsibility of a sales organization may include legal liability for products and customer claims

Business Area

An organizational unit that represents a separate area of operations or responsibilities within an organization and to which value changes recorded in Financial Accounting can be allocated.

What are the correct statements about the benefits of an ERP system.

Better integration with supply chain partners and more managers see more data, leading better oversight.

Which of the following activity tailors the ERP software to meet the customer needs without changing the program code?


Statement of Cash Flows

Considers the associated changes, both inflows and outflows, that have occurred in cash - arguably the most important of all assets - over a given period of time (e.g. monthly, quarterly, or annually).

Customer Master Data

Contains all of the information necessary for processing orders, deliveries, invoices and customer payment.

Material Master Data

Contains all the information a company needs to manage about a material.

Personnel Structure

Describes an employee's position within the company. It is defined by employee group and employee subgroup.

Organizational Plan

Describes in which function an employee is acting. It is an object oriented structure and objects can be assigned to each other. Organizational unit (departments or regions), position (clerk, supervisor...), person, cost center, and job are examples of objects.

What is the difference between the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and the EAI (Enterprise Application Integration) systems?

ERP is typically more expensive than EAI and ERP typically provides more benefits than EAI

Final state of the manufactured products.

Finished goods

HR master data are structured in _______. They are collections of data fields that are logically linked.

Info types

Which of the following is the most important problem that an ERP system solves?

Information Silo

The Finance Department checks multiple documents to see if they match before making a payment

Invoice, Goods Receipt, and Purchase Order

Which of the following concept is a previously invested IT with a single focus, slow, non-extensible, non-Integra table, and high cost to maintain information system?

Legacy Information Systems

Which of the following master data contains all the information a company needs to manage about a material?

Material Master Data

What are the following storage locations are in the GBI?

Miscellaneous, Finished Goods, Raw Materials, Trading Goods, Semi-Finished Goods

Which of the following HCM data helps to map different contractual relationships of an employee? If you think about WNE, an employee may work at the IT Department and get salary for it. The same employee may be an adjunct faculty and teaching an IT course, and get course-based compensation for it. This HCM data helps WNE tracks the IT employee and adjunct faculty roles for the same employee.

Person ID(Reference Personnel Number)

Balance Sheet

Presentation of an organization's Assets, Liabilities, and Equity at a point in time.

Income Statement

Presentation of an organization's revenues and expenses for a given period of time (e.g. monthly, quarterly, or yearly).

Goods that are purchased for use in manufacturing to produce other products.

Raw Materials

Operating Concern

Represents a part of an organization for which the sales market is structured in a uniform manner.

Company Code

Represents an independent legal accounting unit. Balanced set of books required by law are prepared at this level.

Enterprise Plan

Represents formal and financial structures in a company. Each employee needs to be assigned to this part. Basically consists of company code, personnel area, and personnel subarea.

Cost Center

Responsible for cost containment, not responsible for revenue generation, such as copy center, security department, and maintenance department

Profit Center

Responsible for revenue generation and cost containment. Typically organized based on region (such as states), function (such as department), and product (such as DXTR1000, PRTR1000...).

Incompletely produced goods.

Semi-finished goods

Which of the following are the target audience for the CO (Controlling) module?

Senior Management, Executives, Employees

Which of the following are the primary audience for the FI (Financial Integration) module?

Shareholders, Legal Authorities, Auditors, Executives, Senior Management, and Employees

As an SAP certified business professional, when someone asked about the most important impact of ERP on organizations, which of the following two terms would you say? These are the most important two key terms related to this impact.

Standardization and Integration

In the CO module, which of the following master data provides the foundation for accurate and effective allocations between cost objects?

Statistical Key Figures

Internal Order

Temporary cost center responsible for cost containment, not responsible for revenue generation, such as company picnic, trade show, or recruiting campaign.


This document a legally binding offer to deliver specific products or a selection of a certain amount of products in a specified timeframe at a pre-defined price. It has an expiration date and the customer must make a decision before this expiration date.


This document is a customer's request to a company for information or quotation in respect to their products or services without obligation to purchase.


This is designed to collect transactional data that provides a foundation for preparing internal reports that support decision-making within the enterprise.

Financial Accounting

This module is designed to collect the transactional data that provides a foundation for preparing the standard portfolio of reports.

Talent Manager

This process is concerned with career planning as well as further training of employees and is integrated in personnel planning. Firstly, this process includes analyzing and applying of careers, individual development plans and following plans.

Personal Administration

This process is used to create and maintain personnel master data.

Organization Management

This process is used to model the organizational structure of the enterprise. Organizational units, jobs, and positions are organized in it. It is used to define workforce requirements and personnel cost planning.

Goods or materials that are purchased with the intent of resale.

Trading Goods

General Ledger (G/L) Accounts are the unique combination of Company Code and Chart of Account.The General Ledger contains a listing of the transactions effecting each account in the Chart of Accounts and the respective account balance.


Which of the following is the correct order of tasks in the employee recruitment process?

Vacancy, Job Advertisement, Application Data, Profile Match, and Hiring as Employee

ERP consists of which of the following components

database, procedures, suite of software, a set of processes


independent environment in the SAP system

Company Code

smallest organization unit for which you can maintain a legal set of books

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