Exam 4: Axial Skeleton

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Thoracic vertebrae can be distinguished by __________.

large transverse processes and long inferiorly directed spinous processes

Lumbar vertebrae can be distinguished by

massive bodies and curved articular surfaces

What is the parasympathetic nervous system?

rest and digest

Cervical vertebrae can be distinguished by __________.

transverse foramina and split tip of spinous process

How many thoracic vertebrae?


The vertebral column consists of __________.

26 bones

How many lumbar vertebrae?


How many cervical vertebrae?


What is true of the first cervical vertebra?

All of the above; called the atlas, supports the head, has no body

Which of the following statements is correct regarding the true ribs, or vertebrosternal ribs?

All of the above; first seven ribs, articulate with the sternum directly by costal cartilage, articulate with the thoracic vertebrae

The ________ allow for a wide range of head movements.

Cervical vertebrae

What are the large nerve plexuses?

Cervical, brachial, lumbar, sacral

What type of cartilage attaches the ribs to the sternum

Costal cartilage

Ribs 8 to 12 are called ________ because they do not attach directly to the sternum.

False ribs

Posterior White Column

Fascicles Gracilis: carry fine touch/pressure sensations from lower body to cerebellum Fasciculus Cuneatus: carry fine touch/pressure sensations from upper body to cerebrum

What type of cartilage is an intervertebral disc?


Which of the following includes bones belonging to the axial skeleton?

Frontal bone, hyoid bone, thoracic vertebra, true ribs

What is kyphosis

Hunch back

Why is the lumbar vertebrae the largest?

It bears most of the body weight

Pregnancy is most likely to contribute to which of these conditions?


The region of the vertebral column that is most susceptible to herniated disks is the ____ region.


The superior part of the sternum is called the ________ .


Which are the primary curves? Which are secondary curves?

Primary: thoracic, sacral Secondary: cervical, lumbar

The vertebrae in the sacrum functions

Protecting reproductive/urinary organs, points of attachment for pelvic bones & lower limbs, points of attachment for muscles that move the thigh

Which are the vertebrosternal ribs? What is the other name?

Ribs 1-7; true ribs

Which are the vertebral ribs? What is the other name?

Ribs 11 and 12; floating ribs

Which are the vertebrochondral ribs? What is the other name?

Ribs 7-10; false ribs

An abnormal lateral curvature of the spine is called ________.


Give the clinical term for the condition in which the vertebral laminae fail to unite during development.

Spina bifida

Lateral White Column

Spinocerebellar Tract: carry proprioception sensations to cerebellum

Anterior White Column

Spinothalmic tract: carry paint/temperature sensations to thalamus which relays to cerebrum

Which bone from the pectoral girdle attaches to the axial skeleton?


What is lordosis?

Sway back

Which of the following statements about the ribs is INCORRECT?

The rib articulates with the sternum at the head, capitulum, of the rib

The first cervical vertebra is better known as the ________.


The second cervical vertebra is called the ________.


What are the primary types of vertebra?

cervical, thoracic, lumbar

The five vertebral regions are the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and ________.


What is the sympathetic nervous system?

fight or flight response

The axis ____

has a tooth like process called the dens and is the second cervical vertebra

Which structure protects the spinal column from compression and acts like a shock absorber?

intervertebral disc

Which vertebrae have long, thin spinous processes and possess articular facets on their lateral surfaces to articulate with ribs?


What are the two primary curves?

Thoracic, Sacral

The adult sternum has __________ component(s).


rue ribs have cartilage directly connected to the sternum and are therefore also called ________ ribs.


The term ________ is used to describe an injury caused by displacement of the cervical vertebrae during a sudden change in body position.


An inexperienced EMT administering CPR is unsure where to place his hands during chest compressions and uses too much pressure on the thoracic cage. Which structure in the thoracic cage could easily be broken?

Xiphoid process of the sternum

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