FFA Conduct

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General duties of all chapter officers

A sincere desire to work with all chapter members in meeting their leadership, personal, and chapter goals.

When the chapter president announces the result of a vote and you feel it is wrong, what can you do or say as a member?

As a member, I would call for a division of the house which requires the president to call for a revote using a countable method of voting.

FFA Code of Ethics

Demonstrating sportsmanship in the show ring, judging contests, and meetings. Being modest in winning and generous in defeat

FFA Mission

FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.

In an official FFA meeting, ceremonies are 8th out of the ten significant items in a proper business meeting. What are three kinds of ceremonies that could be included in this portion of a meeting?

Greenhand ceremonies, chapter degree ceremonies, honorary degree ceremonies

What are four examples of special features at chapter business meetings?

Guest speakers, slide shows, member presentations, demonstrations

Why are special feautres positioned early on the chapter's meeting agenda?

Guests and speakers are frequently unable to stay through an entire meeting. Therefore, special features are positioned early in the meeting in case your guests or speakers must leave early. Positioning them early will allow them to perform and then leave without further delay.

Should unfinished business be on the agenda before or after committee reports?

It should appear on the agenda before committee reports.

The chapter secretary is expected to have specific items on hand at each meeting. These items serve as valuable resources in answering questions that may come forth in a regular business meeting. What are four of these important items?

Items which should be kept on hand by the secretary include: official secretary's book, copy of the POA, official FFA manual, FFA student handbook, a copy of the constitution and bylaws, and a copy of all committee reports.

What is the FFA Motto?

Learning to do, doing to learn, earning to live, living to serve

Governing rules for the American flag

Never allow the flag to touch the ground or to be used as a drapery or as a costume.

What four items should the secretary have on hand for each meeting?

Official secretary book, copy of the POA, official manual and student handbook, copy of the constitution and bylaws.

Parliamentary law is designed to accomplish four main objectives. What are they?

One thing at a time, courteous to everyone, majority rules, respect rights of the minority.

What is the proper order of business at a chapter meeting?

Opening ceremonies, minutes of the previous meeting, officer reports, special features, unfinished business, committee reports (special and standing), new business, degree and installation ceremonies, closing ceremonies, entertainment, recreation and refreshments

What is one word that describes the key to good chapter meetings?


As chapter meetings are planned, preparations must be made by the officer team well in advance of the meeting date. What are the four major preparations which need to be accomplished?

Post the meeting schedule on the school calendar, make sure officer and committee reports are ready, post the agenda at least a week in advance, assign all responsibilities for guests, programs and recreation.

Specific duties and responsibilities

Prepare and post the agenda for each chapter meeting, prepare and present the minutes of each chapter meeting, place all committee reports in the secretary's file, be responsible for chapter correspondence, maintain member attendance and activity records and issue membership cards, have on hand for each meeting: the secretarys file, copy of the POA including all standing and special committees, official FFA manual and student handbook, copy of the chapter constitution and bylaws

If the chapter has a parliamentarian, what would be four possible responsibilities for this officer?

Responsibilities of the Parliamentarian might include: working knowledge of parliamentary procedure, rule on all questions of parliamentary procedure at meetings, serve as a participant or ex-officio member of the parliament procedure team, conduct parliamentary procedure workshops for members, serve as chairman of the conduct of meetings committee.

Items of official chapter equipment to have in the FFA business meeting room

Secretary's book, the ear of corn, FFA student handbook

Give two or more examples as to when special ceremonies are used at chapter meetings

Special ceremonies are for: greenhand ceremonies, chapter degree ceremonies, and honorary chapter degree ceremonies

Why are special features 5th in the order of business on the agenda instead of after closing ceremonies?

Special features are placed fifth so that they can perform early in the business meeting in case the guests and speakers are unable to stay through an entire business meeting

Standing committees in which a chapter should have in place

Supervised agricultural experience, scholarship, recreation

What is meant by a meeting agenda?

The agenda is a listing of all the different activities that will take place at a chapter meeting. It is an outline of the meeting and the order in which all business will be transacted.

Which chapter officer is to organize the agenda for each meeting?

The agenda is the responsibility of the secretary

What is the reason that the agenda should be made available to all active members several days prior to the next business meeting?

The agenda should be posted in advance so that all chapter members will have a chance to review all business items and develop points for discussion during the business meeting. This will allow all members to come to the meeting with preconceived thoughts and discussion points for the business meeting

Why should the chapter's meeting agenda be posted several days in advance of the business meeting?

The agenda should be posted several days in advance so that all members can prepare to discuss the items of business and also to encourage attendance at chapter meetings

Which chapter officer is responsible for issuing membership cards?

The chapter secretary is responsible for issuing membership cards to the members

During the Greenhand Degree Ceremony, which chapter officer says, "I am proud to add your name to the roll of the chapter"?

The chapter secretary is the officer that is responsible for stating this part and adding the names to the chapter roster.


The cross section of the ear of corn, which is a symbol of unity

What is a major responsibilty of the executive committee prior to each chapter meeting?

The executive committee is responsible for developing the agenda and posting it several days before each business meeting so that all FFA members know what is going on at the meeting.

What persons are responsible for planning the agenda for a business meeting and posting it several days prior to each meeting?

The executive committee which is composed of chapters officers and committee chairpersons develops the agenda for each FFA meeting.

In your opinion, what are the five best things about your FFA chapter's meetings?

The five best things about our chapter's FFA meetings are: well planned, organized recreational activities for all members, interesting guest speakers, capable officers, chapter pride, and the ability to conduct business efficiently.

Proper use of the FFA Jacket

The jacket is to be worn only by members. The jacket should be kept clean and neat.

What are the three major items emphasized in official FFA ceremonies?

The major items emphasized in official ceremonies are: the purpose of the meetings, duties of the officers and significant recognition to others.

At an FFA meeting, the secretary reads the minutes of the previous meeting. Following this reports, the president asks for corrections and additions. What are two ways the minutes are approved?

The minutes can be approved as read by the secretary or as amended if any amendments were made to the report.

What is the official salute of the FFA Organization?

The pledge of allegiance

As meetings are planned, what preparations must be made in advance by the officer team?

The preparations which need to be made in advance are: place the meeting schedule on the school calendar, make sure officer and committee reports are prepared, post agenda several days in advance, have officers visit each class to discuss agenda, and assign all responsibilities for the meeting.

What is the reason for following the suggested order of business that is outlined in the Official FFA Manual?

The reason for following this order is so that significant items of business will not be overlooked and to increase participation of the members.

When you received the greenhand FFA degree, a special ceremony was conducted. Which officer stated in this ceremony that he or she was responsible for adding your name to the roll of your local FFA chapter?

The secretary

Which chapter officer is responsible for preparing and posting the chapter agenda?

The secretary

During the opening ceremonies, the secretary calls the roll of members. What are two methods the secretary may use in securing an accurate count to report to the membership?

The secretary can take the roll of members by using a roll call or checking membership records beforehand and having each member sign in at the door.

What chapter officer is to keep the POA wallchart up to date?

The secretary is responsible for keeping the POA wallchart up to date

The chapter's secretary, treasurer, and reporter are all responsible for keeping important records of the chapter. What specific kinds of records are to be kept by each of these three officers?

The secretary is responsible for the agenda, minutes of the previous meetings, committee reports, chapter correspondence, activity records, membership cards, and the secretary's book.

What chapter officer is to prepare and post the agenda for each chapter meeting?

The secretary is the officer that is responsible for posting and preparing the agenda for each chapter meeting.

What are two ways that items of business are introduced at chapter business meetings?

The two ways that items of business can be introduced are either as new or old business.

One of the ten essentials of a successful FFA chapter is that the chapter has well planned, regularly held chapter meetings. How can this be accomplished?

This can be accomplished by having monthly meetings, scheduled at a regular time and guided by a sound agenda.

Why is it essential that the chapter conduct well planned regularly held meetings?

This is important because it will provide the efficient transaction of business and encourage attendance at all chapter meetings.

What are two main reasons for posting the agenda on the chapter bulletin board several days in advance of each FFA business meeting?

Two major reasons for posting the agenda in advance are so that members are aware of what items of business will be discussed at the meeting and secondly to make preparations to discuss the items of business.

What are two major responsibilities of the FFA secretary in regard to a successful chapter business meeting?

Two major responsibilities of the secretary are to prepare the agenda and take the minutes for each FFA meeting.

What is unfinished business?

Unfinished business brings before the group an item of business that was discussed at a previous meeting, but no action was taken on the matter.

Explain the difference between unfinished business and finished business

Unfinished business brings before the group an item of business that was discussed at a previous meeting, but no action was taken on the matter. New business is items of business that are coming before the group for the first time for the members to discuss and take action upon

Regarding the order of business for a chapter meeting, unfinished business is fifth on the agenda. What is meant by unfinished business?

Unfinished business is business which has been postponed or tabled from the previous meeting that has not been dealt with in its entirety. Thus, unfinished business is carried over from a previous meeting to the current one so that it can be completed.

Essentials of a successful chapter

Well planned, regularly held meetings

Can this suggested order of business for regular meetings ever be changed to better suit individual chapter needs?

Yes, it can be changed to better suit the chapter's needs so that their business meetings can be operated effectively.

To accomplish this mission, FFA

develops competent and assertive agricultural leadership

A well-planned POA will

ensure that chapter activities meet the needs of its members

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