Final Exam

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True because plants have mitochondria and the Krebs cycle releases carbon dioxide.

Evaluate the following statement and determine whether it is True or False: "During cellular respiration in plants, the Krebs cycle takes place within the mitochondria and releases carbon dioxide".

Plants with separate sexes are dioecious not monoecious.

Find the mistake in the following statement: "Cycad plants have male cones on separate plants from female cones. They are a monoecious group of plants."

plants can use all colors of visible light for photosynthesis.

From the photosynthetic action spectrum shown, we can correctly conclude that


Fur color in Labrador retrievers is determined by two genes (gene B for coat color and gene E for deposition of pigment). Nose, lip and gum color is determined only by gene B. A black female with black nose and lips (she has a brown mother and a yellow father) is mated with a brown (chocolate) male whose mother was yellow. What is the probability that they will have a puppy that is yellow with a brown nose?

green and yellow

Halobacteria are bacteria that perform photosynthesis without chlorophyll but instead use photosynthetic pigments that appear purple. Their photosynthetic action spectrum is the inverse of the action spectrum for green plants. (That is, the Halobacterium action spectrum has a peak where the green plant action spectrum has a trough.) What wavelengths of light do the Halobacteria photosynthetic pigments absorb?

Several pigments, including chlorophyll a, absorb light that contributes energy to photosynthesis.

The figure on the left shows the absorption spectrum for chlorophyll a, and on the right the wavelengths for photosynthesis. The two patterns are similar, but why are they not exact?

CO2 : RuBP

The fixation phase in the Calvin cycle binds one molecule of ________to one molecule of _____.

The plant cannot produce ATP during photosynthesis. The plant cannot produce NADPH during photosynthesis. The Calvin cycle cannot run.

The herbicide cyanazine kills plants by blocking the movement of electrons at the location indicated above. What effect does this have on the plant? Select all that apply.

Fewer carbohydrates would be produced by the Calvin cycle.

The herbicide diuron is used to control the growth of weeds. It works by causing the weed's thylakoid membranes to become more permeable to protons. How does this herbicide affect the Calvin cycle of the weed?

Huntington's disease

The pedigree shown here could represent a family in which ___________ is present.


The recessive alleles for dumpy wings (dpy) and black body (b) identify two autosomal genes in Drosophila melanogaster. When females, heterozygous at these two genes (dpy+dpy b+b) , were crossed with dumpy-winged, black bodied males, the following classes and numbers of progeny (n=1000) were obtained: Wild-type wings, wild-type body color 218 Wild-type wings, black body color 294 Dumpy wings, black body color 205 Dumpy wings, wild-type body color 283 What is the map distance between these two genes?


The recessive alleles for dumpy wings (dpy) and black body (b) identify two autosomal genes in Drosophila melanogaster. When females, heterozygous at these two genes (dpy+dpy b+b) , were crossed with dumpy-winged, black bodied males, the following classes and numbers of progeny (n=1000) were obtained: Wild-type wings, wild-type body color 218 Wild-type wings, black body color 294 Dumpy wings, black body color 205 Dumpy wings, wild-type body color 283 What percent of the female's gametes are genotype dpy+ b+?

A hydrogen ion gradient drives the synthesis of ATP. Electrons are carried by electron carriers.

Which of the following statements are true of BOTH aerobic cellular respiration and photosynthesis? Select all that apply.


Which of the following tissues transports sugars downward from the leaves of plants?

They have a map distance of zero. They cannot be separated by crossing-over.

Which of these statements are true of two genes that are completely linked? Choose all that apply.


Which term describes ATP production resulting from the capture of light energy by chlorophyll?

They have flagellated sperm. They lack vascular tissue to move food and water throughout the plant.

Why must non-vascular plants, such as mosses, live in moist environments? Select all that apply.

occurs in both XX and XXY individuals. results in the formation of a Barr body. leads to dosage compensation for the X chromosomes. leads to dosage compensation for the X chromosomes.

X-inactivation: (choose all the apply)


You are interning as a genetic counselor. In one of your first cases, you are meeting with a couple who have both undergone genetic testing for the cystic fibrosis allele. You inform them that both are heterozygous for that allele. They are planning to have three children. What is the probability that they will have two children with cystic fibrosis and one who is unaffected by the disease?

Test for the presence of oxygen in light

You are working with a mutant plant that you think has chloroplasts that lack photosystem II (PSII), even though it is able to live. How could you determine if PSII is missing from the plant's chloroplasts?

is surrounded by a cuticle

You find a green organism in a pond near your house and believe it is a plant, not an alga. The mystery organism is most likely a plant and not an alga if it ____________________.


You have performed a trihybrid cross between two peas, both with the genotype PpTtRr for flower color (purple is dominant over white), height (tall is dominant over short), and shape (round is dominant over wrinkled). What proportion of their offspring will have the phenotype purple tall and wrinkled?


nutrient acquisition

vascular tissue

physical and structural support


A botanist discovers a new species of plant in a tropical rain forest. After observing its anatomy and life cycle, he notes the following characteristics: flagellated sperm, functional xylem, separate gametophyte and sporophyte generations with the sporophyte dominant, and no seeds. This plant is probably most closely related to _____________.


A carrier for a recessive genetic disorder.

It is heterosporous. It has separate male and female gametophytes

A desert plant called "flower of stone" is not a flowering plant, nor does it produce seeds. Under arid conditions, its leaflike structures curl up. However, when it rains, it unfurls its leaves, which form a bright green rosette on the desert floor. Consequently, it is sometimes called the "resurrection plant." Close inspection of the leaves of flower of stone reveal tiny, cone-like structures. Each cone-like structure emits spores of two different sizes. Based on this information, which of the following can be properly inferred about flower of stone? Select all that apply.

The flask with duckweed will have the lowest DO at the end of the dark cycle and the highest DO at the end of the light cycle.

A flask of duckweed (an aquatic plant) in water is placed under a bank of lights on a 12-hour light, 12-hour dark cycle, next to a control flask containing only water. Assuming no change in water temperature, which flask will have the lowest dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration, and at what time?


A human male expressing the gene on his X chromosome.

Fewer carbohydrates would be produced by the Calvin cycle.

A mutation occurs in the chloroplasts of a lettuce plant, causing its thylakoid membranes to become more permeable to charged ions. How might this mutation affect the Calvin cycle?


A woman who is a carrier for red-green colorblindness has children with a man who has normal color vision. What is the probability that they will have a boy with red-green colorblindness? (Your answer must be a percentage, for example "99%", not a proportion)


A woman who is a carrier for red-green colorblindness has children with a man who has normal color vision. What is the probability that they will have a child with red-green colorblindness? (Your answer should be given as a percentage, for example "99%", not as a proportion)

NADP+ water ADP

Which of the following molecules are required inputs for the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis? Select all that apply.

Due to the presence of chlorophyll b in both Kingdom Plantae and the green algae.

Aegagropila linnaei is a species of green algae. Why is this plant considered a close relative of members of Kingdom Plantae?


An experiment was performed where plants were grown in the presence of radioactively labeled carbon dioxide (a CO2 molecule where the oxygen atom is radioactive). As the CO2 moves through the photosynthetic pathway, all of the following molecules will be radioactively labeled except ________________________.


An individual with the genotype DdEeFfGg under goes self fertilization. How many different genotypes will there be in the offspring of this cross?


An individual with this genotype produces one type of gamete.


An individual with this genotype produces one type of gamete.

seedless vascular plant.

Asplenium scolopendrium is a small non-flowering plant with vascular tissue. It reproduces via spores rather than seeds. Based on this information, A. scolopendriumcan be classified as a

synthesis of ATP

Assume a thylakoid is somehow punctured so that the interior of the thylakoid is no longer separated from the stroma. This damage will most directly affect the ___________________.

The Calvin cycle. Glycolysis The Krebs cycle. The Electron Transport Chain

At midnight, what is happening in the leaf of a plant? Select all that apply.


At the end of the light reactions of photosynthesis, the cell does NOT have a net gain of ____________________________.

disrupting Photosystem II so the plant cannot produce ATP or NADPH.

Atrazine kills plants by ___________________________________________________.

Plants can use all colors of visible light for photosynthesis. Light of wavelengths 400-500 nm have greater photosynthetic activity than wavelengths between 500-600 nm.

Based on this photosynthetic action spectrum, which of the following statements are correct? Select all that apply.


Based upon the information in this diagram, what is the mode of inheritance for this color pattern in chickens?

A female calico will have either black or orange male kittens.

Calico cats are an example of a mosaic phenotype. Female calicos are heterozygous for the black (B) and orange (b) alleles at a color gene. Which of the following statements regarding calico cats must be true?


Corn cobs and kernels are the fruit and seeds of the corn plant Zea mays. Cells of the sporophyte have 20 chromosomes within each nucleus. How many chromosomes should be in an endosperm nucleus?

oxygen, water ; water, oxygen

During cellular respiration, _____ serves as an electron acceptor and _______ is produced. During photosynthesis, _____ serves as an electron donor and _______ is produced.

sunlight, NADH and FADH2

During photosynthesis, the energy used to pump protons across the thylakoid membrane comes from _______ , whereas in cellular respiration the energy used to pump protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane comes from ___________.

carbon dioxide

Each fall, oak trees drop their acorns. A lucky acorn will germinate, take root, and grow into a mighty oak tree. The dry biomass of this mighty oak comes from _____________________. (Note: this questions is asking about the DRY biomass - this means that all of the water has been removed from the tree before it is weighed).

Incorporation of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere into organic molecules in the leaves.

Each spring, farmers plant about 5-10 kg of seed corn per acre under commercial corn production. By the fall, each acre of corn will produce approximately 4-5 metric tons of harvested corn. Which of the following processes causes this huge increase in biomass from tiny seeds to large corn plants?

The lack of any protective covering to combat desiccation.

Early plants made the move to land from water. Occupation of land was advantageous to plants because there was direct access to sunlight and herbivores were not yet well established. Which disadvantages had to be overcome by ALL plants for a terrestrial life?


How many different gametes can an individual with the genotype DdEeFFGg produce? Note: All of these genes assort independently.


If photosynthesizing green algae are provided with CO2 containing heavy oxygen (18O), later analysis will show that all of the following molecules produced by the algae contain 18O except

ATP production will decrease.

If the electron transport chain between Photosystem II and Photosystem I begins to work inefficiently then

the light reactions alone

In a plant, the reactions that produce molecular oxygen (O2) take place in _______________________________.

spores via meiosis.

In an organism that undergoes alternation of generations, the sporophyte stage produces

Test for the presence of oxygen in light

In order to study photosynthesis, you have attempted to create a genetically modified strain of plants that have a nonfunctional Photosystem II. How can you determine if you have successfully created plants with a nonfunctional Photosystem II?


In photosystem II, electrons are excited and transferred away from the photosystem to the electron carrier NADPH. From which molecule or structure do the photosystem II replacement electrons come?


In plants, water vapor exits and CO2 enters a leaf through the


In the Calvin cycle, if NADPH begins to run out, what would be the first compound to accumulate?


In the plant Antirrhinum, flower color is due to the action of two genes, C and P. For either gene, a homozygous recessive genotype results in white flower color, regardless of the genotype at the second gene. If you cross two plants that are genotype CcPp, what is the ratio of purple to white flowers in their offspring?

regeneration of RuBP

In the process of carbon fixation, RuBP attaches a CO2 to produce a six-carbon molecule, which is then split to produce two molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate. After phosphorylation and reduction produces glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P), what more needs to happen to complete the Calvin cycle?

Compound X will decrease, 3PG increase.

In this diagram, Compound X is the CO2 acceptor. If light is cut off, the first effect would be that

meiosis ; fertilization

In this diagram, letter A refers to _______________ and letter B refers to ____________.


One gene has multiple effects of the phenotype.


One gene influences the expression of another gene.

The G3Ps are used in Phase 3 to regenerate the RuBP molecules used in Phase 1.

Only 1 of the G3P molecules produced in Phase 2 of the Calvin cycle is exported from the cycle. What happens to the remainder of the G3P produced in Phase 2 of the Calvin cycle?

converts light energy to chemical energy

Photosynthesis _______________________________________________________________.

The light-dependent reactions take place in the thylakoid membrane, and the Calvin cycle takes place in the stroma.

Photosynthesis can be divided into two steps: the light-dependent reactions and the Calvin cycle. Which of the following is true regarding these two steps?

2, 3, 1

Place the origin of these plant life history traits in the correct sequence, from oldest to the most recent (1=oldest, 3=most recent). Sporophyte dominant, gametophyte independent 3 Sporophyte dominant, gametophyte dependent 2 Gametophyte dominant, sporophyte dependent 1


Plants can be grown experimentally without light. What key supplemental ingredient is needed for this to occur?

only in the light but respire in light and dark

Plants photosynthesize _____________________________________________.

moving through ATP synthase and providing free energy

Protons moving across the thylakoid membrane participate in ATP production by _______________________________________.

dioecious imperfect flower

Pussy willow trees are an important source of food for both insects and birds. This photo shows the flowers of the pussy willow; male and female flowers are found on separate trees. Select all of the terms below that apply to this plant

1,3-bisphosphoglycerate G3P RuBP

Refer to the figure. If the carbon atom of each of the incoming CO2 molecules is labeled with a radioactive isotope of carbon, which organic molecules will be radioactively labeled after one cycle? Select all that apply.

exposed seeds

Which of the following characters is seen in the gymnosperms (non-flowering seed plants), and is not seen in other seeded vascular plants?


Which of the following features is found in ALL plants?

spores are single cells and seeds are not.

Spores and seeds share the same basic function - dispersal. However, they differ because:

The Calvin cycle requires ATP and NADPH, which require sunlight to be produced.

The Calvin cycle is considered light-independent because it can occur in darkness. However, most often the Calvin cycle takes place in sunlight. Which of the following explains why?

imperfect ; monoecious

The Elephant-Foot yam is a large, strange flowering plant with a terrible odor. Male and female flowers are separate but found on the same plant; they bloom at separate times to avoid self-fertilization. The flowers of this plant are _______________________ and the plant is _________________________.

reactions initiated in photosystem I.

The NADPH required for the Calvin cycle comes from


There are two types of Mexican hairless dogs. Some have hair but most do not. The gene responsible for hairlessness is inherited as an autosomal dominant; it is lethal in the homozygous form and puppies with this genotype are not born. Dogs that have hair are homozygous recessive. If two Mexican hairless dogs without hair are mated, what proportion of puppies in the litter are expected to be hairless? (Your answer must be a proportion - for example - 1/9 - not a percentage)

a seed that is enclosed in an ovary.

There is a lot of morphological diversity among the plants recognized as Angiosperms. One feature that they all have in common is

No, because carbon fixation depends on a supply of chemical energy that can only come from plants with photosynthetic pigments - none of which are white.

This is the plant Lophophytum mirabile and it lives in the Amazon. It has cell walls made of cellulose, a waxy cuticle and stomata, and shows alternation of generations . It is a completely white plant. Is this plant able to fix carbon?


This pedigree shows the pattern of inheritance of _______________ in a family.

No, this plant does not have chlorophyll so it cannot fix CO2.

This plant (Monotropa uniflora) is commonly found in temperate forests through Europe and North America. Is this plant able to fix CO2?


This plant gets its sugars from fungi that, in turn, take their sugars from trees. What is the relationship between this plant and the trees?

Pollination is the process of moving pollen from the male plant to the female plant while fertilization is the process of a sperm fusing with an egg.

Which of the following is most accurate regarding the differences between pollination and fertilization?

This statement is true because plants require oxygen for respiration which occurs in the mitochondria.

True or False? Plants need oxygen for cellular respiration and respiration occurs in the mitochondria.

RuBP will decrease, 3PG will increase.

Using this diagram, answer this question: If light is cut off, what will the immediate effect be?

photosynthesize less than non-variegated plants

Variegated leaves are rarely found in wild plants but are common in garden plants and houseplants because people like their appearance. They are most likely rare in wild plants because variegated plants

chemicals used to kill plants

What are herbicides?

a chemical used to kill weeds in agricultural fields

What is atrazine?

To make sugars from carbon dioxide

What is the main purpose of the Calvin cycle?

synthesize simple sugars from carbon dioxide

What is the primary function of the Calvin cycle?

reduction of NADP+ to NADPH

What is the role of the reduced Photosystem I primary electron acceptor in the light reactions?

an electron

When a photon of light energy reaches a reaction center chlorophyll molecule, what becomes excited?

splitting water

When light strikes chlorophyll molecules, they lose electrons, which are ultimately replaced by ______________________________________.

splitting water molecules.

When oxygen is released as a result of photosynthesis, it is a direct by-product of

Experiment 1

Which experiment will produce 18O?

waxy cuticle



gas exchange

jacked gametangia

protection of embryos

wind pollination and wind seed dispersal

select the most likely pollination and seed dispersal mechanism. TREE A

wind pollination and animal seed dispersal

select the most likely pollination and seed dispersal mechanism. TREE B

animal pollinator and animal seed dispersal

select the most likely pollination and seed dispersal mechanism. TREE C

animal pollinator and wind seed dispersal

select the most likely pollination and seed dispersal mechanism. TREE D

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