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Name the cell the following: a. Basophils b. Monocytes c. Lymphocytes d. Eosinophils


What is the correct sequence of epidermal layers from deep to şuperficial in the palm?

stratum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum, stratum corneum

Which of the following statement regarding the Astrocytes is false? a. They repair the damaged myelin sheath in the central nervous system b. They maintain the chemical balance in the brain c. They make a scar in response to any injury in the brain d. They make the blood-brain barrier


Which of the following type of cells is primarily attacked by Cholera? a. Enterocytes b. Enteroendocrine cells c. Parietal cells d. Paneth cell


Which of the following statement regarding ectopic pregnancy is true? a. Presents with minor bleeding with no life-threatening condition b. Implantation occurs inside the endometrium of the Uterus c. The placenta grows over the opening of the uterus d. Most common site of implantation is ampulla of the Uterine tube


This structure is disc-shaped bounded by a membrane that sorts, processes, and packages protein? a. Golgi Apparatus b. Lysosomes c. Ribosomes d. Nucleus

A. Golgi Apparatus

Which of the following is not considered an accessory gland in the Male reproductive tract? a. Seminal Vesicles b. Prostate Bulbourethral gland d. Vas deferens

D. Vas deferens

The neurons that are responsible for integrating information by retrieving, processing, storing and deciding how the body responds to stimuli are: a, Interneuron b. Neuroglial Cells C. Motor Neuron d. Sensory Neuron

a, Interneuron

Which of the following is named as Programmed Cell death? a. Apoptosis b. Necrosis c. Diapedesis d. Oxidative burst

a. Apoptosis

What is the double layer cap on the glomerulus? a. Bowman's capsule b. Distal Convoluted Tubule C. Renal Corpuscle d. Loop of Henle

a. Bowman's capsule

Which of the following vessel allows the exchange of nutrients between the blood and tissues through diffusion? Capillaries b. Arteries c. Veins d. Arterioles

a. Capillaries

Which of the following statement regarding the Apocrine Secretion is false? a. Cell ruptures and releases its contents b. Cell have regenerative capacity c. There is a partial loss of cytoplasm d. Nuclei remain intact

a. Cell ruptures and releases its contents

The level of which of the following cells are increased in the blood during asthma or any parasitic infection? a. Eosinophils b. Lymphocytes c. Macrophages d. Red Blood cells

a. Eosinophils

Which hormone does the kidney produce that stimulates red blood cell production? a. Erythropoietin b. Growth Hormone c. Renin d. Thrombopoietin

a. Erythropoietin

Which of the following type of cartilage involved in bone ossification?. a. Hyaline b. Elastic C. All of the above d. Fibrocartilage

a. Hyaline

Which of the following cell does not contain granules and are classified as agranulocytes? a. Lymphocytes b. Eosinophils c. Neutrophils d. Basophils

a. Lymphocytes

What does Connective Tissue develop from? a. Mesenchyme b. Mesothelium c. Mesangial cells d. Endoderm

a. Mesenchyme

Which of the following structure in the inner ear is a sensory receptor for the hearing? a. Organ of Corti b. Saccule c. Semicircular canal d. Utricle

a. Organ of Corti

Which stage of the follicle is arrested in Prophase? a. Primordial Follicle b. All of these c. Secondary Follicle d. Mature Follicle

a. Primordial Follicle

During Meiosis, synopsis, and crossing-over occurs in which phase of the cell cycle? a. Prophase I b. Prophase II c. Anaphase I d. Metaphase I

a. Prophase I

During which phase of the cell cycle is DNA replicated?" a. S phase of interphase b. G2 phase of interphase c. G1 phase of interphase d. Metaphase during mitosis

a. S phase of interphase

Type of epithelium that lines the majority of Gastrointestinal tract including small intestine? a. Simple Columnar epithelium b. Stratified squamous epithelium c Simple Squamous epithelium d. Simple Cuboidal epithelium

a. Simple Columnar epithelium

A type of intercellular connection in which the two cells has a tight seal together preventing the leakage of fluids between them is termed as _______ a. Tight junction b. Gap junction c. Desmosome d. Hemidesmosomes

a. Tight junction

Where are podocytes seen? a. Visceral layer of Bowman's capsule b. Juxtaglomerular cells c. Parietal layer of Bowman's capsule d. Macula Densa

a. Visceral layer of Bowman's capsule

All of the following are the functions of the skin except: a. Vitamin B synthesis b. Excretion of waste products c. Protection d. Stores Lipids

a. Vitamin B synthesis

The most correct sequence of early development following fertilization is: a. Zygote, Blastomere, Morula, Blastocyst b. Zygote, Oocyte, Morula, Blastocyst c. Blastomere, Zygote, Morula, Blastocyst d. Blastocyst, Blastomere, Morula, Zygote

a. Zygote, Blastomere, Morula, Blastocyst

Which of the following true about Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum? a. an intracellular organelle to which ribosomes are attached b. involved in lipid synthesis c. non-membrane bound organelle found in Prokaryotes d. synthesis ATP from glucose

a. an intracellular organelle to which ribosomes are attached

Which of the following statements about simple epithelium is false? a. their nuclei do not lie on the same plane giving a false impression of stratification b. they consist of a single layer of cells c. It lines the kidney tubules helping filtration d. It lines alveoli helping diffusion

a. their nuclei do not lie on the same plane giving a false impression of stratification

Which of the following best describes veins? a. thin-walled, large lumens, low pressure, have valves b. thick-walled, small lumens, low pressure, lack valves c. thick-walled, large lumens, high pressure, lack valves d. thin-walled, small lumens, high pressure, have valves

a. thin-walled, large lumens, low pressure, have valves

Which of the following structure does not develop from vascular tunics? a. Choroid b. Ciliary body c. Iris d. Cornea

d. Cornea

Cells that form the Blood-Brain Barrier in the Central Nervous System are: a. Microglia b. Astrocytes c. Ependymal Cells d. Oligodendrocytes

b. Astrocytes

Which of the following is/are components of the adrenal medulla? a. Zona glomerulosa b. Chromaffin cells C. All of the above d. Zona reticularis

b. Chromaffin cells

Which of the following is the hair-like special characteristics on the apical surface of epithelium that moves in a coordinated fashion to propel the substances such as mucus? a. Free Surface b. Cilia C. Microvilli d. Stereocilia

b. Cilia

Connective tissue fibers that have great tensile strength and can be found in liganments and tendons are: a. Elastic fibers b. Collagen fibers c. Reticular fibers d. Yellow fibers

b. Collagen fibers

Tubular invagination such as crypts and pits occurring within the mucosa (embedded in the lamina propria) are not the characteristics of: a. Stomach b. Esophagus c. Colon- d. duodenum

b. Esophagus

From what structure does the corpus luteum originate? a. Fallopian tube b. Follicle c. Endometrium d. Corpus albicans

b. Follicle

Which of the following statement regarding the exocrine gland secretion is true? a. In merocrine secretion, there is partial loss of the cytoplasm and nucleus remain intact. b. In apocrine, apical region regenerate and continue synthesizing secretions after partial loss of cytoplasm c. In holocrine the products are released by exocytosis d. In apocrine secretion, the cell undergoes disintegration and get ruptured to secrete its content

b. In apocrine, apical region regenerate and continue synthesizing secretions after partial loss of cytoplasm

Lymphatic vessels within intestinal mucosa that transports lipids to the circulatory system are called: a. Capillaries b. Lacteals c. Canaliculi d. Crypts

b. Lacteals

In the slide shown below, what are the dark, oval spaces called, and what is found within these black, oval spaces? a. Lamellae and osteocytes b. Lacunae and osteocytes c. Haversian canal and blood vessels d. Haversian canals and osteoclasts

b. Lacunae and osteocytes

Which of the following type of connective tissue is underneath the skin a. Reticular Connective Tissue b. Loose Areolar Connective Tissue c. Dense Elastic Connective Tissue d. Adipose Connective Tissue

b. Loose Areolar Connective Tissue

The _________ helps form the cytoskeleton the cell? a. Mitochondria b. Microfilaments c. Endoplasmic Reticulum d. Nuclear envelope

b. Microfilaments

Which of the following endocrine gland does not produce their own hormones but rather stores and releases the secretions produced by other parts of the body? a. Pineal gland b. Neurohypophysis C. Adenohypophysis d. Adrenal medulla

b. Neurohypophysis

Which of the following cell are found in the Lacunae? a. Osteoclast b. Osteocytes c. Osteoblast d. Osteogenic cell

b. Osteocytes

Which of the following is the primary function of Renin? a. Increase sodium absorption in the kidney b. Regulates blood pressure c. Water reabsorption in collecting duct d. Stimulating adrenal medulla to secrete epinephrine

b. Regulates blood pressure

Which of the following statement about rods is not true? a. Rods provide detailed information about the vision scene b. Rods contribute little to color vision c. Rods are responsible for night vision d. Rods are highly sensitive to light

b. Rods contribute little to color vision

Which of the following statement true regarding Leydig cells? a. Has FSH (Follicle-Stimulating Hormone) receptor b. Secrete testosterone c. Secrete inhibin Hormone d. Secrete seminal fluid

b. Secrete testosterone

Which of the following statement is true about the merocrine secretion? a. Whole-cell breaks down to secrete the product b. Secretion occurs by exocytosis C. Releases product from its apical surface in vesicles d. Releases product into the blood

b. Secretion occurs by exocytosis

Which of the following statement regarding the epithelial cells is true? a. they have very low mitotic activity b. They receive nutrients through diffusion c. They have a direct blood supply d. they are highly vascular tissues

b. They receive nutrients through diffusion

What is the role of tropomyosin in muscle contraction? a. Binds to Troponin C to initiate muscle contraction b. To prevent myosin from attaching to the actin filament c. All of these d. To Release Calcium from Sarcoplasmic Reticulum

b. To prevent myosin from attaching to the actin filament

The function of the proteins embedded in the cell membrane is to a. Produce energy for the cell b. Transport materials in and out of the cell c. Carry genetic information d. Store excess water

b. Transport materials in and out of the cell

Which of the following anatomical structures is not a part of the conducting zone? a. nasopharynx b. alveoli c. terminal bronchioles d. bronchi

b. alveoli

Which of the following is true about Centrioles? a. causes Necrosis b. important for organizing spindle fibers C. is membrane-bound organelle d. causes Apoptosis

b. important for organizing spindle fibers

A history of the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease which presents with productive cough with purulent sputum and dyspnea and causes inflammation of bronchi with permanent dilation of large airways to suggest: a. Emphysema b. Pneumonia c. Bronchiectasis d. Asthma

c Bronchiectasis

Which of the following statement regarding Apoptosis is false? a. It is a non-inflammatory process b. Cell volume decrease c. Cytoplasmic contents are released d. forms apoptotic bodies

c. Cytoplasmic contents are released

Macula Densa is what part of the nephron? a. Proximal Convoluted Tubule b. Glomerulus c. Distal Convoluted Tubule d. Bowman's Capsule

c. Distal Convoluted Tubule

What type of fibers is most abundant in the Pinna? A. Reticular Fibers b. Collagen fibers c. Elastic Fibers d. Purkinje Fibers

c. Elastic Fibers

Which of the following occurs within the submucosa in most regions of the GI tract? a. relatively few blood vessels b. Auerbach's plexus c. Ganglia of Meissner plexus d. several layers of smooth muscle

c. Ganglia of Meissner plexus

Which of the following structure of the eye contain melanin pigments? a. Cornea b. Ciliary body c. Iris d. Conjunctiva

c. Iris

Which of the following cells are the first responders to any microbial infection in the body? a. Monocytes b. Lymphocytes c. Neutrophils d. Basophils

c. Neutrophils

Which of the following is the funetion of rough endoplasmic reticulum: a. Lipid synthesis b. Transporting protein c. Protein synthesis d. Drug detoxification

c. Protein synthesis

Spermatogenesis takes place in the a. Prostate gland b. Ejaculatory duct c. Seminiferous tubules d. Seminal Vesicles

c. Seminiferous tubules

Which of the following is not primarily a connective tissue? a. Blood b. Muscle c. Tendon d. Bone

c. Tendon

In muscle contraction, calcium binds to which of the following troponin complex? a. Troponin I b. Troponin T c. Troponin C d. Tropomyosin

c. Troponin C

Brunner's glands can be located: a. in the submucosa of gastro-duodenal junction b. in Barrett's esophagus c. in the submucosa of the duodenum d. in the mucosa of the duodenum

c. in the submucosa of the duodenum

Where this tissue can be located? a. Skin b. None of the above c. Ligaments d. Lungs

c. ligaments

The hormone that stimulates the growth of the Ovarian follicles releases from which of the following endocrine gland? a. Pineal Gland b. Adrenal Cortex c. Neurohypophysis d. Adenohypophysis

d. Adenohypophysis

A major plasma protein that maintains the blood osmotic (oncotic) pressure is ____________ a. Globulin b. Fibrin C. Erythropoietin d. Albumin

d. Albumin

During which phase of the cell division cycle, the pair chromatids are separated and being pulled to the opposite ends of the cell? a. Prophase b. Interphase c. Metaphase d. Anaphase

d. Anaphase

Each of the following is a primary tissue type except one. Identify the exception. a. Epithelial tissue b. Muscle tissue c. Connective tissue d. Bone tissue

d. Bone tissue

Which of the following does NOT occur during skeletal muscle contraction? a. Tropomyosin slides over and exposes the binding site on actin b. Myosin heads attach to actin forming cross-bridge C. The l-band shorten and H zone disappear d. Calcium binds to Troponin I to initiate muscle contraction

d. Calcium binds to Troponin I to initiate muscle contraction

Which epithelial cell surface specialization is used to move mucous and particles along the surface? a. Desmosomes b. Microvilli c. Stereocilia d. Cilia

d. Cilia

At the caudal end of the primitive streak, ectoderm and endoderm fuse and form which of the following structure? a. oropharyngeal membrane b. Neural groove c. Notochord d. Cloacal membrane

d. Cloacal membrane

The presence of myelin increases the: a. Ability of the axon to regenerate after injury b. Electrical resistance of the axon membrane c. Tensile strength of the axon d. Conduction speed of the axon membrane

d. Conduction speed of the axon membrane

Dead epithelial cells in the most superficial layer of the skin have strong links between them and are held together by a junction called a. Hemidesmosomes b. Tight junction c. Gap junction d. Desmosomes

d. Desmosomes

Which of the following statement regarding connective tissue is incorrect? a. Areolar connective tissue is a loose type of connective tissue and presents underneath the skin b. Adipose tissue reserves energy and helps to insulate against heat loss c. Dense regular connective tissue is present abundantly in tendohs and ligaments d. Elastic Dense Connective Tissue provides the framework in Lymphoid Tissue

d. Elastic Dense Connective Tissue provides the framework in Lymphoid Tissue

Closer to the heart, arteries would be expected to have a higher percentage of ___________ a. Collagenous fibers b. Endothelium c. Smooth muscle fibers d. Elastic fibers

d. Elastic fibers

The process of bone growth at the epiphyseal plate in the long bones is similar to ___________ a. Intramembranous ossification b. None of the above c. All of the above d. Endochondral ossification

d. Endochondral ossification

Which of the following statement regarding the connective tissue sheath for skeletal musele is correct? a. Perimysium surround the individual muscle fiber b. All of the above statements are correct c. Epimysium surrounds each muscle fascicle and separates them from one another d. Endomysium surrounds the muscle fiber within muscle fascicle

d. Endomysium surrounds the muscle fiber within muscle fascicle

The main components of the connective tissues are: a. Matrix and Cells b. Fibers and Cells c. Fibers and ground substance d. Fibroblast and ground substance

d. Fibroblast and ground substance

What type of ossification is takes place in skull bones? a. Extamembranous ossification b. Endochondral ossification c. None of the above d. Intramembranous ossification

d. Intramembranous ossification

Which of the following is true about the connective tissue shown below? a. It stores fat b. It mostly contains reticular fibers along with some collagen fibers c. It provides insulation d. It has more ground substance than cells and fibers

d. It has more ground substance than cells and fibers

The whitish tips of filiform papillae in the tongue consist of: a. Goblet cells b. Collagen C. Taste Buds d. Keratinized epithelial tissue

d. Keratinized epithelial tissue

The cell below undergoing Meiosis II. What phase of Meiosis II is the cell in? a. Telophase II b. Anaphase II C. Prophase I| d. Metaphase II

d. Metaphase II

Epithelial cells that are adapted for absorption or secretion usually have ________ at their apical surface. a. Many mitochondria b. Golgi complexes c. Nuclei d. Microvilli

d. Microvilli

Diapedesis refers to a. Engulfing of bacteria or foreign bodies b. Migration of erythrocytes in the blood vessels c. None of the above d. Migration of Leukocytes in the blood vessels

d. Migration of Leukocytes in the blood vessels

Type of cell division that divides the cytoplasm of the zygote is always: a. None of these b. Meiosis c. Budding d. Mitosis

d. Mitosis

Which of the following plexus is located between the longitudinal and circular smooth muscle layers of musclaris propria? a. Choroid plexus b. Sympathetic Plexus C. Meissner's plexus d. Myenteric plexus

d. Myenteric plexus

Which of the following cell is involved in blood clotting? a. Neutrophils b. Monocytes c. Lymphocytes d. Platelets

d. Platelets

Which of the following statement is incorrect regarding cell organelles? a. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum is involved with lipid synthesis b. Lysosomes contain hydrolytic enzymes that digest food particles c. Mitochondria are involved with energy production in the form of ATP from glucose d. Ribosomes are involved with packaging and sorting proteins

d. Ribosomes are involved with packaging and sorting proteins

An especially leaky type of capillary found in the bone marrow certain other tissues is called a _____________ a. Continuous capillary b. Fenestrated capillary c. None of the above d. Sinusoid capillary

d. Sinusoid capillary

Which of the following organelle is responsible for fat metabolism? a. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum b. Ribosomes c. Cell membrane d. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

d. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

Which of the following statement regarding the characteristics of the muscle is true? a. Cardiac muscle is non-striated but is involuntary b. Skeletal muscle is non-striated but is voluntary c. Cardiac muscles are striated but are voluntary d. Smooth muscle is non-striated but is involuntary

d. Smooth muscle is non-striated but is involuntary

Which of the following statement regarding the characteristics of the Cardiac muscle is true? a. Striated and Voluntary b. Non-striated and Involuntary c. Non-striated and Voluntary d. Striated and Involuntary

d. Striated and Involuntary

Which of the following is not true regarding Adipose Tissue? a. All statements are correct b. They provide insulation against heat loss c. They provide cushion, support and protect the organs d. The nucleus is present in the center of the cell

d. The nucleus is present in the center of the cell

Which of the following extraembryonic membrane is the site of (red blood) cell production during the initial phase gestation? a. Syncytiotrophoblast b. Chorion c. Amnion d. Yolk Sac

d. Yolk Sac

Taste buds occurs most commonly: a. on the tips of filiform papillae b. anywhere in the stratified squamous epithelium of the tongue c. in the crypts of lingual tonsils d. on the sides of fungiform and circumvallate papillae

d. on the sides of fungiform and circumvallate papillae

What function do fibroblasts serve in connective tissue? a. secrete heparin that prevents blood clotting b. release histamine associated with allergies and inflammation C. carry on phagocytosis d. secrete proteins that become fibers in the connective tissue matrix

d. secrete proteins that become fibers in the connective tissue matrix

All of the followings are the characteristics of Schwann cells except: a. They produce myelin sheath for the peripheral nervous system b. They don't produce myelin sheath at the nodes of Ranvier c. They myelinate one axon at a time d. They form the blood-brain barrier

d. they form the blood-brain barrier

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