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Joann Caspar Lavater

popularized physiognomy, which correlated outside appearances to inner virtues. light skin and small features signified high intellect and worthy character


presenting yourself as a member of a different group than the stigmatized group you belong to

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) have increased among teens in recent years because:

romantic relationships between teenagers are relatively short, so they switch partners frequently.


rules and expectations by which society guides the behavior of its members

Wealth of Nations (Adam Smith)

said barter system was inefficient and said that money can store value and can facilitate trading: is inherently social

Max Weber

said capitalism created an "iron cage" from which we cannot escape

Montesquieu (266)

said geographic differences made the different outcomes of each group.

Jaqueline Stevens

said men envy not being able to have babies so they acquire a masculine identity that focuses on acquisition of property and territory, through finance and war.

Hippocrates thoughts on race

said skin color was a result of different environmental factors.

Jeffrey Sach (266)

said that Africa's geography made it hard for an agricultural revolution to occur. africa had poor geographical aspects including dry land and higher disease burden like malaria compared to asia.

Nancy Folbre

said that capitalists owners had lots to gain from women having a weaker position. used the idea of women workers to scare men into letting the employers control them

Jennifer Lee

said that other races are catching up to whites faster than blacks. shows that the gap is really just between nonblacks and blacks.

eyes and ears of the street (Jane Jacobs)(198)

said that social control is implicitly woven into daily lives in neighborhoods

Karl Marx

saw capitalism as flawed and doomed. saw alienation from the product, the process, the people and one's self due to capitalism. believed all relationships become market relationships. says capitalism will self destruct

The War against boys: how misguided feminism is harming our young men (Christina Hoff Sommers)

says that females attempt suicide more often than boys but boys are 40% more likely to be victimized in violent crimes.

Catherine MacKinnon

says that sexuality is constructed as a gender binary with men on top and woman on bottom

Primary groups are characterized by

social groups, such as family or friends, composed of enduring, intimate face to face relationships that strongly influence the attitudes and ideals of those involved

agents of socialization

social institutions, including families and schools, that help to shape individuals' basic political beliefs and values


specialized language that distinguihses a subculture from the wider society

Critique of the Gotha Program

spells out what happens when there are no capitalists taking off an unearned profit; "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!"




standards of behavior

Professor Zuchov is 65 years old, married, and contemplating retirement. He has been dating an 18-year-old freshman for the past six months. In the Judeo-Christian culture, this is an example of _

status inconsistency

Weber believed (255)

status is determined by what society thinks of the particular lifestyle of the community to which you belong.

Claude Steele and Joshua Aronson

stereotype threat: if you prime them with negative stereotypes they will do worse

With regard to biological or genetic differences between people, sociologists have found that:

stigmatized minorities in all countries have lower IQ scores, lower educational attainment, and lower occupational status, indicating that social processes of stratification and stigmatization affect the life chances of these groups.

Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka

1954- court decision that declared state laws segregating schools to be unconstitutional. Overturned Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)

Marital rates among blacks in the United States have declined since: (477)


Role conflict

2 or more social positions held by one person

incarceration stats (229)

2002 5.6 mil adults at some point in term had served time in state or federal prison

2015 poverty line (265)

24,250 dollars. day to day survival for poor people

Horatio Alger Jr


The Power Elite (Wright Mills, 257)

3 major institutional force in American society where decision making has become centralized: economic institutions, political order, military order. The elite are those who possess money, power and prestige.

poverty line

39 percent of african americans below, 32 percent of hispanic below, and only 12 percent of asians and whites below. black family has on average 5 cents of a typical white family's dollar

divorce rate (460)

40% of all marriages end in diorce


First proposed by Lamarck, the theory of evolution through the inheritance of acquired characteristics in which an organism can pass on features acquired during its lifetime.

symbolic ethnicity

a nationality, not in the sense of carrying the rights and duties of citizenship but of identifying with a past or future nationality. For later generations of white ethnics, something not constraining but easily expressed, with no risks of stigma and all the pleasures of feeling like an individual


a nearly universal system involving the subordination of femininity to masculinity

stigma (213)

a negative social label that not only changes others' behavior toward a person but also alters that person's own self-concept and social identity


a nominal compensation or recognition for service performed

corporate crime (218)

a particular type of white-collar crime committed by the officers (CEOs and other executives) of a corporation


a political ideology of a classless society in which the means of production are shared through state ownership and in which rewards are tied not to productivity but to need

estate system (251)

a politically based system of stratification characterized by limited social mobility


a precapitalist economic system characterized by the presence of lords, vassals, serfs, and fiefs

Caste System (251)

a religion-based system of stratification characterized by no social mobility

Kerner Commission

created in July, 1967 by President Lyndon B. Johnson to investigate the causes of the 1967 race riots in the United States. showed that America was split into two societies- black and white.


creating something new; one of three ways that culture changes

street crime (216)

crime committed in public and often associated with violence, gangs, and poverty

ideal culture

cultural guidelines based upon beliefs and values that group members should follow

among schools vs between schools

differences among students within schools were significantly greater (as much as four times as large) than the differences among students between schools (Coleman)

Franz Boas

dismissed the biological basis of discrete races

Double conciousness

division of individual's identity into 2 or more social realities

According to functionalist theories of education, which of the following would NOT be a function of the American education system?

indoctrination into capitalist ideology

Disciplinary techniques (foucault 227)

modes of monitoring, examining, and regimenting individuals that are diffused throughout society.

kinship networks (463)

strings of relationships between people related by blood and co-residence (that is, marriage)

Rosenhan Study (209)

study in which healthy individuals were admitted into mental hospitals after saying they were hearing voices. Once in, they acted normally and still were not labeled as impostors.

Counter culture

subculture that conspicuously and deliberately opposes certain aspects of the larger culture

Secondary deviance (213)

subsequent acts of rule breaking that occur after primary deviance and as a result of your new deviant label and people's expectations of you

Child Development (Brooks-Gunn)(468)

suggests that having a working mother in one's early years can result in lower cognitive achievement and increased behavioral problems for a child.

Anomie Suicide (Durkheim)(203)

suicide that occurs as a result of insufficient social regulation

fatalistic suicide (204)

suicide that occurs as a result of too much social regulation

altruistic suicide (202)

suicide that occurs when one experiences too much social integration

egoistic suicide(201)

suicide that occurs when one is not well integrated into a social group


the biological differences that distinguish males from females

Bourgeoisie (254)

the capitalist class


the form of business that occurs when one seller of a good or service dominates the market to the exclusion of others, potentially leading to zero competition


the formation of a new racial identity by drawing ideological boundaries of difference around a formerly unnoticed group of people

Which of the following is considered an advanced stage of development, according to George Herbert Mead?

the game stage

social mobility (269)

the movement between different positions within a system of social stratification in any given society

vertical mobility

the movement of an individual from one social position to another of a different rank

horizontal mobility

the movement of an individual from one social position to another of the same rank


the movement to protect and preserve indigenous land or culture from the allegedly dangerous and polluting effects of new immigrants

hidden curriculum

the nonacademic and less overt socialization functions of schooling

Strength of Weak Ties (Mark Granovetter)

the notion that relatively weak ties often turn out to be quite valuable because they yield new information

Cult of Domesticity (465)

the notion that true womanhood centers on domestic responsibility and child rearing

Miscegenation (490)

the technical term for interracial marriage; literally meaning "a mixing of kinds"; it is politically and historically charged—sociologists generally prefer exogamy or outmarriage.

traditional family (462)

the two-parent nuclear family with the husband as breadwinner and wife as homemaker. normal family of 1950's only not necessarily "tradition"

informal social sanctions (198)

the usually unexpressed but widely known rules of group membership; the unspoken rules of social life


the violation of a society's formally enacted criminal law

organization structure

the ways in which power and authority are distributed within an organization

Payment per unit, or piecework payment, has more freedom than in-kind payment because:

the worker can do whatever he wants with the cash.

Black and poor women in the United States have come to rely on which of the following in order to manage child care and work responsibilities? (477)

their extrafamilial female networks

structual functionalism

theoretical tradition claiming that every society has certain structures (family, division of labor, gender) that exist to fulfill some set of necessary functions (reproduction of the species, production of goods, etc)

broken windows theory of deviance (215)

theory explaining how social context and social cues impact whether individuals act deviantly; specifically, whether local, informal social norms allow deviant acts

Differential Opportunity Theory (Richard Cloward and Lloyd Ohlin)(217)

theory stating that in addition to the legitimate economic structure, an illegitimate opportunity structure also exists which is unequally distributed across social classes.


this "third gender" category in India includes men who have undergone an emasculation rite involving voluntary castration


thoughts and feelings about an ethnic or racial group, which lead to preconceived notions and judgements(often negative) about the group

Responses to Domination

withdrawal, passing, acceptance, and resistance

gender wage gap

women 35 years and older make 74% to 80% of what their male counter parts earn. for younger people women make 90% less than men

gender differences (472)

women are considered lucky when a man helps out but men don't say that they are extremely lucky or fortunate to have their wives help around the house. men do the stereotypically masculine activities and women disproportionately do the work inside. men have more control over when they help out and what they do. women making more than men makes tensions in the household

The Feminine Mystique (Friedan)(469)

women do s many things around the house and are tired out. they wonder "is this all?"


women earn 81 cents for every dollar men earn on average

money spending within family (470)

women money is used as "fun money" an men's earning are used for essentials.

Carol Gilligan

women see world as human connections and relationships. men see the world as a place governed by impersonal, abstract rules and notions of justice

wealth (260)

a family's or individual's net worth (that is, total assets minus total debts)

Significant others

individuals most important in the development of the self

status hierarchy system (255)

is a system of stratification based on social prestige

social capital in america

is decreasing

Lawrence Bobo

termed the structural linchpin of American racial inequality was from residential segregation

formal sanctions

"official" sanctions enforced by institutions


the mass killing of a group of people based on racial, ethnic, or religious traits

tertius gaudens

the member of a triad who benefits from conflict between the other two members of the group

race matters in the judicial system when people are being determined to have the death penalty


hs and college stats

(263 and top of 264)

Latino families(479)

- have strong ties and relationships together - a lot follow Catholicism - titles and ranks show formalities - high rates of marriage and low rates of divorce - a lot of babies out of wedlock

African American families (477)

- wives out-earn men -female headed families were the result of oppression and discrimination, not the cause -poor quality schools, lack of jobs, and substance abuse makes it difficult for dating, marriage and childbearing

Still a Man's World

-Christine Williams -examined the changed in the nature of jobs based on sex -men working in female dominated occupations (nurses, librarians) tend to benefit from their token status in these occupations

Nancy Chodorow

-Emotional attachments -Boys break from mothers more than girls -Development of masculine and feminine character traits -cycle of reproduced role socialization (mom teach their daughters to be like them, fathers teach their sons to be like them)

women to men wage (476)

0.86 for each man dollar

According to your text, approximately what percentage of the nation's population 16 years and older is functionally illiterate?

14 percent

what percent of kids live in a blended family (step-relations)?


1924 National Origins Act

A law that severely restricted immigration by establishing a system of national quotas that blatantly discriminated against immigrants from southern and eastern Europe and virtually excluded Asians. The policy stayed in effect until the 1960s. (one drop of a non white race made them tainted.)

Beanpole family (464)

A multigenerational family in which each generation has one or very few members.

affirmative action

A policy designed to redress past discrimination against women and minority groups through measures to improve their economic and educational opportunities

Immigration Act of 1965

Abolished the national-origins quotas and providing for the admission each year of 170,000 immigrants from the Eastern Hemisphere and 120,000 from the Western Hemisphere


African Americans have worse jobs, income and housing than white people, about 80/888 respondents of 9% responded that blacks "have less in-born ability to learn". additionally 49.7% said that blacks are worse off because they dont have motivation or willpower to pull themselves up out of poverty.


Any # of people who interact on a regular basis

arabs are perceived as Muslim due to 9/11

Arab is an ethnicity and Muslim is a religious categorization. Arabs are actually mostly Christian (in the U.S). Additionally, must Muslims are not Arab. Muslims are 1/3 South Asian, 1/3 Arab and about a quarter are African American

George Simmel

Argues that capitalism makes true friendship possible

1790 Naturalization Law

First law on naturalization, process of becoming citizen, limiting to free white people legal system controls classifying race and who can become a citizen

Job Queues and Gender Queues

Barbara Reskin and Patricia Roos argue that women end up in lower paid jobs bc they lose their appeal to white men. men flee to better jobs when their jobs become more unskilled and autonomous and then women fill the empty roles of the men that are leaving for better jobs

Pitirim Sorokin (269)

Coined the phrase social mobility - distinguished between vertical and horizontal mobility

Phillip Jackson

Coined the term hidden curriculum 1968

Jeannie Oakes

Conducted study and found that higher track students (typically higher income) were encouraged to be creative, solve problems, and think critically, while students in lower track did mostly drills and memorization

A powerful example of the devaluation of housework in the United States was the original September 11th Victim Compensation Fund. Ultimately, what happened? (475)

Both the deceased's future earnings and his or her estimated contributions to the family's unpaid household work were measured to determine the family's amount of compensation.

sociological imagination

C. Wright Mills an awareness of the relationship between an individual and wider society

Private vs. public schooling

Catholic private schools have best test results and so do non catholic private schools, this is due to kids coming from wealthy and educated families. (Coleman)

code switching (Elijah Anderson)

Changing from one mode of speech to another as the situation demands, whether from one language to another or from one dialect of a language to another. Basically you act differently when you are with the in group versus when you are with your subaltern.

Patricia Hill Collins

Claims that gender intersects with race, class, nationality, and religion.


Clifford Geertz's term to explain the strength of ethnic ties because they are fixed in deeply felt or primordial ties to one's homeland culture

Ideal Type

Construct perfection

Pierre Bourdieu

Cultural capital and social capital

Erving Goffman

Dramaturgical approach

Role strain

Difficulties that arise when same social position impose conflicting demands and expectations


Discarding former behavior patterns and accepting new ones during transition in one's life

Charles Horton Cooley

Distinguished between primary and secondary groups

division of labor

Division of work into a number of separate tasks to be performed by different workers

Rwandan Genocide 1994

During a civil war, the majority Hutus massacred approximately 800,000 of the minority Tutsi people in this small central African country. racial hostility that began with belgian colonization of rwanda. Hutu and TUtsi lived and worked together and got along until Belgian exploreres came around. Belgians gave preferential treatment to the Tutsi who they believed to be superior, even though they were physically indistinguishable. Resulted in brutal oppression of the Hutu by the Tutsi.


Elements or processes of society that may disrupt a social system or reduce its stability EX: MLK, racial equality and civil rights movement is a positive example


Existing cultural items combined into form that did not exist before

Gay New York

George Chauncey says that as long as gay men stuck to their cultural scripts they were not considered abnormal like girly men.

Functionalist Perspective

Harmony and stability

Bernie Madoff (217)

He is the former non-executive chairman of the NASDAQ stock market and the admitted operator of a Ponzi scheme that is considered to be the largest financial fraud in U.S. history.

Gilbert Herdt

He specializes in sexuality and gender identity-based cultures. His studies of the 'Sambia' people — a pseudonym he created — of Papua New Guinea analyzes how culture and society create sexual meanings and practices. reported how young males are initiated into manhood thru a daily ritual of fellatio on older boys and men

Devah Pager (214)

How criminal records impacted job opportunities, White males with a criminal record were more likely to get a call back than black males who don't have a criminal record. Criminal label has an impact on ability to get a job, but so does race.

With regard to race and college degree completion, which of the following is correct?

In 2010, about 20 percent of blacks aged 25 and older had graduated from college, as opposed to about 30 percent of whites in the same age range.

With regard to race and high school graduation rates, which of the following is correct?

In 2010, about 84 percent of blacks aged 25 and older had graduated from high school, as compared to about 87 percent of whites in the same age range.

Which of the following nations practices a rigid adherence to endogamy?


Howard S. Becker (208)

It is not the act itself that makes it deviant; it is society's reaction to the act. society makes rules and it is not a deviant until society deems it deviant


Judging aspects of another culture based on your own cultural understandings.

Paradoxes of Gender

Judith Lorber argues gender is a human invention and a social institution that establishes patterns of expectations for individuals, orders the social processes of everyday life, is built into the major social organizations of society, such as the economy, ideology, the family, and politics and is also an entity in and of itself. basically gender is socially constructed


Large community in which people are strangers and feel little in common with other community residents

The largest minority group in the United States is: (479)

Latino (17.6% of US pop)

Robert Merton

Made the chart of prejudice and discrimination (page 361)

Malthusian Trap

Malthus's prediction that a rapidly increasing population will overuse natural resources, leading inevitably to a major public health disaster and increased poverty

Which theorist claimed that modern capitalism would not have arisen without the Protestant Reformation, which created the necessary social conditions for capitalism by creating theological insecurity and instilling a doctrine of predestination?

Max Weber

Which theory uses game playing to understand the development of self?

Mead's role-playing theory

Leisure Gap (471)

Men enjoy more free time to spend engaged in activities of their own choosing than do women.

The history of Sexuality

Michel Foucault wrote about how culture is inscribed into our bodies

the curse of ham

Noah put this on his son, Mark. The mark of slavery is considered to be dark skin. This biblically justified having African slaves. They could not be penalized by the government because the first amendment gave religious freedom.

Which of the following trends in current educational achievement is NOT supported by research evidence?

Only girls whose parents are college-educated achieve as much as boys.

resource dillution model

Parental resources are not infinite and each additional child dilutes them.

Pareto vs Mills (257&258)

Pareto sees a benefit in having power centralized but Mills warns of the dangers and says that it hurts the democracy by consolidating power to make major decisions to a few people. Mills says power elite is further stratified: inner core of power elite interchange commanding roles at the top of one dominant institutional order with those in another.

Anticipatory socialization

Person "rehearses" future occupations and social relationships

Stanford Prison Experiment

Philip Zimbardo's study of the effect of roles on behavior. Participants were randomly assigned to play either prisoners or guards in a mock prison. Participants fell into the actual roles due to the surroundings and expectations they were put into. The study was ended early because of the "guards'" role-induced cruelty.

Thomas Malthus (1766-1834)(243)

Populations grow geometrically while food resources produce arithmetically As a result there is intense competition among individuals which thins out the over growing population Eugenicist

MEAD's Stages of the self

Preparatory stage, play stage, and game stage

gene movement

The idea that racial differences in intelligence are genetic

Total institution

Regulates all aspects kf a persons life under a single authority

Degradation ceremony

Ritual where individuals become secondary and rather invisible in overbearing social enviornment

strain theory (205)

Robert Merton's theory that deviance occurs when a society does not give all its members equal ability to achieve socially acceptable goals

straight-line assimilation

Robert Park's 1920s universal and linear model for how immigrants assimilate: they first arrive, then settle in, and achieve full assimilation in a newly homogenous country

Social networks

Series of social relationships that links a perso. Directly to others and through them indirectly to still more people

Social role

Set of expectations for people who occupy a goven status


Small community in which people have similar backgrounds and life experiences (mining town)


Socially defined posiyions within a larger gorup or society (Person can hold more than one status at a time)

Kai Erikson (218)

States that deviance has been pervasive in every society despite the definition of deviance changing

Achieved Status

Status one earns

Ascribbed status

Status one is born with

Master status

Status that dominates other status

sex role theory

Talcott Parson's theory that men and women perform their sex roles as breadwinners and wives/mothers, respectively, because the nuclear family is the ideal arrangement in modern societies, fulfilling the function of reproducing workers

Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson

Tested the effects of the self-fulfilling prophecy; the "spurters" academic performance proved to be consistent with their teacher's biased expectations; they made high grades and made substantial gains in IQ points.

Survival of the Amish

The Amish are more likely to start successful businesses than the general public due to them sticking to their traditions. they don't believe in American ideals and all work together to be successful.

Which of the following statements is FALSE?

The Burakumin of Japan have a history of discrimination, but have similar education achievements as non-Buraku Japanese.

What was the nature of the scandal surrounding the SAT Reasoning Test in the spring of 2006?a. The College Board admitted that there was a scoring error that incorrectly scored more than 4,000 tests, with the errors tending to underestimate scores.b. The College Board admitted that there was a scoring error that incorrectly scored all of the tests taken in October 2005, and that those scores were overestimated by 10 to 25%.c. The College Board announced that new research showed that the SAT does not accurately predict college outcomes.d. The College Board announced that one's high school grade point average (GPA) is a stronger predictor of college GPA in the first year than is the SAT.

The College Board admitted there is a scoring error that incorrectly scored more than 4000 tests, with the errors tending to underestimate scores.

Karl Marx

The Communist Manifesto

Social Darwinism

The application of ideas about evolution and "survival of the fittest" to human societies - particularly as a justification for their imperialist expansion.

equity inequality (364)

The historical disadvantage of minority groups and the way those disadvantages accrue over time

Looking Glass Self

The self product

Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of Project STAR?

The students were aged 13 to 17.

In terms of cross-cultural family forms, which of the following statements is true?

The traditional family is not the dominant form anywhere.

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the notion of traditional family (stay-at-home mom and working father) in U.S. history?

The traditional family was unique to a particular time in history (1950s) and can really be viewed as an aberration.

Which of the following is true regarding single-parent families in the United States and worldwide? (460)

They are on the rise in the United States and worldwide.

Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986

This act imposed even more mandatory minimum sentences. This resulted in huge racial disparities in drug sentences by race.

Gender Divide

Traditionally men are more intelligent but recently this is shifting

Mechanical solidarity is to Gemeinschaft as organic solidarity is to Gesellschaft.


Native Americans

U.S forced them to assimilate to American culture and were put on reservations which caused them to have the lowest average socioeconomic status. have the highest high school dropout rates, and unemployment. also have poor health outcomes. aroud 33% of them die before 45. their race has grown by 39% in the recent past.

Interactionist Perspective

Verbal and non verbal

Max Weber

Verstehen and Ideal type

In terms of how we feel about ourselves, which of the following statements would Charles Horton Cooley argue is NOT true?

We are affected more by how people react to our behavior than by how we interpret their reactions.

With regard to the effects of families on children's educational outcomes, which of the following is true?

When a family goes from two to three children, middle children are significantly more affected by the loss of family resources.

With regard to research on the effects of race and social class on education outcomes, which of the following is true?

When social class characteristics are controlled for, test score gaps between black and white students shrink, black students have a higher high school graduation rate, and black students are less likely to be held back a grade.

Peggy McIntosh

White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack of privileges that puts white people at an advantage


a business decision to move all or part of a company's operations abroad to minimize costs

Plessy vs. Ferguson

a case that was brought to supreme court by black lawsuits to challenge the legality of segregation. The court ruled that segregation was legal as long as it was "equal"

Panopticon (228)

a circular building composed of an inner ring and an outer ring designed to serve as a prison in which the guards, housed in the inner ring, can observe the prisoners without the detainees knowing whether they are being watched

union busting

a company's assault on its workers' union with the hope of dissolving it

social equality

a condition in which no differences in wealth, power, prestige, or status based on nonnatural conventions exist


a condition in which people are dominated by forces of their own creation that then confront them as alien powers; according to Marx, the basic state of being in a capitalist society


a consciousness-raising movement to get people to understand that gender is an organizing principle of life. The underlying belief is that women and men should be accorded equal opportunities and respect


a constraining process that forces one unit in a population to resemble other units that face the same set of environmental conditions


a defined territory and people with a common culture

structural hole

a gap between network clusters, or even two individuals, if those individuals (or clusters) have complementary resources

small group

a group characterized by face-to-face interaction, a unifocal perspective, lack of formal arrangements or roles, and a certain level of equality

large group

a group characterized by the presence of a formal structure that mediates interaction and, consequently, status differentiation


a group of people who share a set of characteristics - typically, but not always, physical ones - and are said to share a common bloodline

reference group

a group that helps us understand or make sense of our position in society relative to other groups


a group that is part of the dominant culture but is differentiated from norms in one specific aspect


a group that is similar to a small group but is multifocal

Loving vs. Virginia

a landmark civil rights decision of the United States Supreme Court, which invalidated laws prohibiting interracial marriage. unanimously


a legal entity unto itself that has a legal personhood distinct from that of its members, namely, its owners and shareholders

biological determination

a line of thought that explains social behavior in terms of who you are in the natural world


a line of thought that explains social phenomena in terms of natural ones

Project STAR

a longitudinal, four-year study, provided evidence that schools with smaller classes significantly benefited their students compared to schools with larger classes


a sense of aimlessness or despair that arises when we can no longer reasonably expect life to be predictable; too little social regulation; normlessness

Affirmative Action

a set of policies that grant preferential treatment to a number of particular subgroups within the population- typically women and historically disadvantaged racial minorities

social network

a set of relations- essentially, a set of dyads- held together by ties between individuals

80/20 Rule (Pareto Principle) (257)

a small # of people (20%) cause a disproportionally large effect (more like 80%)


a social position; the set of social arrangements that are built around normative sex categories

bourgeois society

a society of commerce (modern capitalist society, for example) in which the maximization of profit is the primary business incentive


a society where status and mobility are based on individual attributes, ability, and achievement


any social network that is defined by a common purpose and has a boundary between its membership and the rest of the social world


a subculture deliberately and consciously opposed to certain central beliefs or attitudes of the dominant culture


a subordinate, oppressed group of people

elite-mass dichotomy system (257)

a system of stratification that has a governing elite, a few leaders who broadly hold power in society

middle class (262)+

a term commonly used to describe those individuals with nonmanual jobs that pay significantly more than the poverty line—though this is a highly debated and expansive category, particularly in the United States, where broad swathes of the population consider themselves middle class.

upper class (260)

a term for the economic elite


a two-directional relationship, following a pattern in which an original statement or thesis is countered with an antithesis leading to a conclusion that unites the strengths of the original position and the counterarguments

family wage

a wage paid to male workers sufficient to support a dependent wife and children


a way of dividing students into different classes by ability or future plans

social deviance

any transgression of socially established norms

dramaturgical approach

actors (society) costume, makeup

Impression management

actors and costumes dramaturigical approach

real culture

actual behavior within a culture

Game Stage

actual tasks and relationships simultaneously

Robert Park

advanced new ideas about culture's importance in determining human behavior

In contrast to Simmel, Karl Marx believed that friendship under capitalism is not possible because:

all relationships become market relationships.

Ozzie and Harriet

american sitcom in the 1950s and 1960s which became synonymous with the 1950s ideal american family life


an alternate gender role in Brazil in which males take on certain physical traits and sexual behaviors typically associated with females


an economic system in which most or all of the needs of the population are met through nonmarket methods of distribution


an economic system in which property and goods are primarily privately owned; investments are determined by private decisions; and prices, production, and the distribution of goods are determined primarily by competition in an unfettered marketplace

class system (253)

an economically based hierarchical system characterized by cohesive, oppositional groups and somewhat loose social mobility

steam engine

an engine that uses the expansion or rapid condensation of steam to generate power.

self-fulfilling prophecy

an expectation that causes you to act in ways that make that expectation come true.

sexual harassment

an illegal form of discrimination, involving everything from inappropriate jokes on the job to outright sexual assault to sexual "barter" - all intended to make women feel uncomfortable and unwelcome, particularly on the job

socioeconomic status (SES) (260)

an individual's position in a stratified social order

Total Institutions (Erving Goffman)

an institution in which one is totally immersed and that controls all the basics of day-to-day life; no barriers exist between the usual spheres of daily life, and all activity occurs in the same place and under the same single authority

glass ceiling

an invisible limit on women's climb up the occupational ladder


an organization of workers designed to facilitate collective bargaining with an employer

collective resistance

an organized effort to change a power hierarchy on the part of a less-powerful group in a society


an overemphasis on credentials for signaling social status or qualifications for a job

Peter Bearman

analyzed sexual habits of teens and found that there us a unspoken rule of no cycles of four, you don't date the ex of your ex's gf or bf

in group

another term for the powerful group, most often the majority


another term for the stigmatized or less powerful group, the minority

H. H. Goddard

applied eugenic thinking. tested handful of immigrants arriving at Ellis Island and claimed that 70% of immigrants from eastern and southern europe were morons who posed a threat to the well being of the nation.

status-attainment model (271)

approach that ranks individuals by socioeconomic status, including income and educational attainment, and seeks to specify the attributes characteristic of people who end up in more desirable occupations

Gay and Lesbian Couples (489)

are as successful at raising successful offspring as heterosexual families. argument against these couples is that they will wreak social havoc on the social concept of a family. opposition also argues that families purpose is to have kids and gay marriage doesn't produce kids

(272) families with higher socioeconomic status...

are likely to have more success in preparing their children for school, entry exams, and ultimately the job market because they have greater access to resources that promote and support their children's development

Jerry Jacobs and Kathleen Gerson

argue that taking parental leave sends a negative message to their employers and will result in a dead career

Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)

argued for a link between inner character and outside physiognomy and further claimed that these individual markers were also imprinted on an entire nation's moral life.

The Great Risk Shift (Jacob Hacker, 264)

argued income insecurity has increased for the middle class.

Heidi Hartmann

argued men still have a vested interest in maintaining their privileged position

power and morality (Pitirim Sorokin)

argued that schools are sorting machines and once they are sorted they are taught different skills and are socialized towards the ways deemed most appropriate for their future positions

gayle robin

argued that the oppression of women needed an explanation.

Max Weber (254)

argues that class is a group that has as its basis the common life chances or opportunities available to it in the marketplace.

Nitsan Chorev

argues that globalization barriers are overcome by the shifting of policy making from congress to executive and judicial branches

Conflict Perspective

assumes social behavior best understood in terms of conflict of tension between competing groups EX: Have v. Have Nots

Espenshade, Chung, and Walling (2004) studied admission to elite colleges and found that Group A was four times more likely to gain admission, and Group B was three times more likely to be admitted. Groups A and B are, respectively:

athletes and legacy students.

Labor Statistics

average hours of full time employee- 1970:42.7 hours 1988:43.6 hours 2007:45.9 hours 2012:42.5 hours

In ethnomethodology, the ideas we take for granted that underlie our behavior and which we violate at our risk are called ________.

background assumptions

1902 Chinese Exclusion Act

banned Chinese from America

women having children at later age than ever before (461)

because they are focusing on professional careers. they marry at 27 on average while the age they have babies after varies. women who have kids later are more likely to have twins

divorce rates have been rising since the 19th century (460)

because... divorce is becoming less and less of a social and religious taboo

Emile Durkheim

behavior must be understood within larger social context Anomie


believed all races are one species


believed that different races were different species


body of facts and beliefs that a society accumulate over time

David Reimer

botched circumcision --> sex reassignment surgery --> Brenda --> David --> committed suicide due to not knowing what to do

Bowling Alone (Robert Putnam)

many people are spending more time alone because of technology and media- covers issue of decreasing civic engagement

The black ghetto was manufactured by whites through a set of deliberate, conscious practices.

boundaries between neighborhoods were policed by whites, first with threat of violence, and then with neighborhood associations that institutionalized housing discrimination. if a black family did move to a white neighborhood, the white people would just move away. redlining was also used by the Home Owners Loan Corporation which said that black neighborhoods were ineligible for loans. african americans were then removed from certain neighborhoods so they could have "urban renewal" and were placed in public housing projects. imprisonment of blacks is also very high and some argue that this is due to the racism from white people.

Failing at Fairness

boys called on more in class than girls. boys interrupt girls and get away with it. boys and girls receive two different educations

Janet Lever

boys enjoy complex rules with clear objectives girls enjoy games that teach sharing and cooperation


broad ideas about what is good or desirable that are shared by society; values provide the basis for norms, folkways, mores, and laws

Entrepreneur Don Aslett (474)

built business around demsticcleaning devices and says that the mentality is that if you clean, you're a scumball. the labor that women do in the household is overlooked

Adam Davidson

came up with rent seeking and productivity enhancing

On the Natural Varieties of Mankind (Johann Friedrich Blumenbach)

cataloged variation by race including differences in head formation, science called phrenology. measured skull qualities and determined which races were what

Sarah Fenstermaker Berk (469)

characterized family as a "gender factory" or sorts, where women and men learn to take on distinct roles paralleling the divide between public and private spheres.

Endogamy (456)

marriage between people of the same social category

E. Mavis Hetherington and John Kelly argue in For Better or for Worse, that (488)

children of divorce adjust well and it doesn't always cause depression and lower future socioeconomic success. high parental conflict is bad- with or without divorce

Philippe Aries argued that in the preindustrial family, (463)

children were treated as small adults. they didn't warrant any special attention.

Your grade level and amount of experience determine your:

civil service salary.

Charles Murray (482)

claimed high welfare benefits made it more attractive for some to go on welfare than to look for a job

Judith Wallerstein The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce (487)

claims that divorce scars children making them depressed and leaving them with insecurities that follow them into adulthood.

irony of deterrence theory (222)

closely watching people and punishing offenders, more crime is promoted and these people are more likely to commit crimes after they are released. they are not being rehabilitated and are wasting tax money in prison

Barbara Risman (476)

coined term fair families: husbands and wives equally split roles of breadwinner and homemaker

Social capital

collective benefit of social network ex: friends


gender category for navajo people. they have ambiguous genitalia and perform masculine and feminine tasks. can marry any gender without loss of social status

Play stage

communicating through symbols and role taking

Deirdre McCloskey

converted from man to woman with surgery and hormone changes

stats (264)

cutting average CEO's salary in half would still leave them in the richest 40% but cutting a middle income family wealth in half would send them into major financial crisis and cause bankruptcy

The citizens who have the most to lose by not being politically active are the group most vulnerable to changing political and policy definitions of what constitutes a social right. Who makes up this group?

deserving poor


desire, sexual preference, and sexual identity and behavior

people who live together before marriage are more likely to divorce (460)

due to these types of people not believing that divorce is bad or sinful since they are already having premarital sex

rent seeking

economic activities that aim to move value from one person or company to another without increasing value

productivity enhancing

economic activities that increase the total economic value available to society


efficiency, predictability calculability

Shamus Khan

elite schools like St. Paul convert birthright into credentials and for kids not born into it, kids who work hard to go there are given advantages over other kids who don't have these types of advantages



Xavier Salai-i-Martin (268)

estimates that there were around half a billion fewer poor people in the world by the turn of the 21st century compared to before 1970s. "all indexes show a reduction in global income inequality between 1980 and 1998"

beyond the melting pot (Nathan Glazer and Daniel P. Moynihan)

ethnicity was fluid and circumstantial. people were bonded to their culture because it was in their best interests to maintain it.

conflict theory of gender

gender roles result from male dominance in career fields

Marc Ramirez (222)

ex convict who turned into social worker and lawyer talks about how there is no support system for people who get out of prison so they turn back to crime


ex: during the holocaust Jews fled from Poland, the Great Migration is also another example

Discipline and Punish(Michel Foucault, 225)

examines penal system and how they represent transformation in social control.

Gender Roles

expectations regarding proper behavior, attitudes, and activities of male and females.

Michael Hout's interview on the value of a college degree explains some of the difficulties for certain families to send their children to college. (264)

explains that the price of college is rising and is incredibly high. people are discouraged to take the risk of paying for college because the people who really need it live in the neighborhoods who see the droupouts with lots of debt so they are discouraged from paying and going to college.

Culture lag

falling behind with up to date technology having a Nokia phone in a smartphone culture

nuclear family (Parsons, 457)

familial form consisting of a father, a mother, and their children. functionalist idea and said it was necessary because it was the most compatible for fulfilling societies needs

blended families (489)

families made up of adults and their children from previous marriages. 1/3 of children in the US fall into this category

The Future of Marriage (Jessie Bernard, 469)

family is a battleground for the power to make collective decisions

Sociologist Marjorie Duvall in Feeding the Family shows (469)

family ties are constructed through women's acts of shopping, preparing meals and serving them. Women are doing gender.

Culture Shock

feeling disoriented, uncertain, out of place, or fearful when immersed in an unfamiliar culture


fewer than 50% of american hs students tell surveryors that they have had sexual intercourse.


finding something that already existed; one of three ways that culture changes

Culture Industry

force that standardizes the goods and services demanded by consumers


formally defined norms that are enacted and enforced by political institutions

espenshade and chung

found that eliminating affirmative action would decrease black and Hispanic acceptances rates by one half to two thirds

Paula England

found that half of the students at midwestern universities previous sexual partner was someone they slept with once

Jennifer Pierce's study

found that lots of women are in law but very few of them are at high positions. furthermore they are discriminated against for being women

Making Ends Meet: How Single Mothers Survive Welfare and Low-Wage Work Kathryn Edin and Laura Lein find that all single mothers prefer self reliance to welfare dependency (480)

found that single mothers are often unskilled or semiskilled and have less education than the average, their employment options are limited to low-wage work that rarely provides benefits. found that they could only make enough to cover 3/5 of their expenses

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (241)

french revolution. acknowledged that there will always be some inequality but social inequality is resulted from some privileges and lack of access to resources


front stage you play the part of stereotypes of your race in front of the dominant group while when you are with your subaltern you present a different self, called code-switching.

The Division of Labor in Society (193)

functionalist approach to explain social cohesion. 2 ways to hold society together: mechanical or segmental solidarity

Emile Durkheim

functionalist perspective

durkheim and mertons theories were.......


cultural universals

general cultural traits that exist in all cutures

Informal norms

generally understood but not precisely recorded and govern everyday behavior EX: washing hands, smile


german kids attend school for four years at the age of 6 and then they are recommended by the teachers into a certain type of secondary schooling based on their performance. final decision belongs to parents unlike in the U.S where it belongs to the student

Non-verbal communication

gestures, facial expressions, and postures

Sigmund Freund (1856-1939)

girls and boys are grown up being socialized for their specific gender roles creating this difference between men and women.


group of three


group of two

secondary group

groups marked by impersonal, instrumental relationships (those existing as a means to an end)

Zimbardo (215)

had two cars. one abandoned in a safe neighborhood and one in a ghetto. ghetto car lost all important parts while the other was untouched. next experiment he put a damaged car in the good neighborhood and then it got even more destroyed and people came to graffiti on it. social cues matter in the way people act. people thought it was ok to mess the car up more bc it was already messed up.

Sexual Behavior in the Human Male

half of a two part book series on human sexual behavior Dr. Alfred Kinsey. said 10% of men were gay


harmful or negative acts (not mere thoughts) against people deemed inferior on the basis of their racial category, without regard to their individual merit


has been declining in the united states. in 1950s 35% of workers in the private sector were covered by labor contracts compared with 6.6% 2013. other countries have lots of unions but the U.S has very few due to hostility of management

Asian Americans

have more success in the U.S compared to Latinos and African Americans. are called the "model minority"

Na people of southern China

have no institution of marriage or anything like that. people reproduce sponatneously


having insufficient math skills to function in society, is experienced by 30% of the population aged 16-65

social integration (Durkheim)

how well you are integrated into your social group or community

resource dilution model

hypothesis stating that parental resources are finite and that each additional child gets a smaller amount of them. birth order plays a part in which child gets the most resources

Luncheon of the Boating Party

idea that like the painting (everyone watching someone but no direct eye contact), people are watching to see if we follow social sanctions


ideas about the nature of reality

Preparatory stage


math proficiency

in 2013 only 27% of U.S 8th graders tested were proficient in math

As discussed in Chapter 12, in which cultures would it be acceptable for a man to marry his 14-year-old cousin?

in Victorian England and in some modern-day Muslim tribes

The Invention of Women

in West Africa, in Yoruba there was no gender per se but people stratified themselves through seniority

Neoclassical economists typically look at a member's power in the family as a direct expression of that member's utility to the family unit. This measure of power tends to be based on gender and what other factor?


conformist (205)

individual who accepts both the goals and strategies to achieve them that are considered socially acceptable

rebel (206)

individual who rejects both traditional goals and traditional means and wants to alter or destroy the social institutions from which he or she is alienated

Ritualist (205)

individual who rejects socially defined goals but not the means

Social class or socioeconomic status (SES)

individual's position in a stratified social order that is composed of any combination of parental educational attainment, parental occupational status, family income, and family wealthF

Adam Smith argues that money is:

inherently social.

institutional racism

institutions and social dynamics that may seem race-neutral but actually disadvantage minority groups

non-material culture

intangible world of ideas created by members of society

Lingering eye contact with another individual is most aligned with which "distance zone" of personal space?

intimate distance

Auguste Comet

investigation of behavior coined term "sociology"

civic inattention

is the process whereby strangers who are in close proximity demonstrate that they are aware of one another, without imposing on each other - a recognition of the claims of others to a public space, and of their own personal boundaries.

The Obama White House tends to differ from the previous one because:

it has turned to the traditional African American three-generation household.

Pink Collared Jobs

jobs done by women; teachers, nurses, receptionists, etc

Which term refers to the formalized rights, duties, and responsibilities of a person?

juristic person

Extended family (459)

kin networks that extend outside or beyond the nuclear family

last names

last names can tell us about our chances of success and link us to success of our distant ancestors

Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882

law that suspended Chinese immigration into America. The ban was supposed to last 10 years, but it was expanded several times and was essentially in effect until WWII. The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was the first significant law that restricted immigration into the United States of an ethnic working group. Extreme example of nativism of period

Formal norms


National Association for the Advancement of White People (NAAWP)

leader of KKK made this to have a political approach at his racist ideals.


lifelong process in which people learn appropriate attitudes, values, and behaviors


marriage to someone outside one's social group

Eugenics led by Sir Francis Galton

literally meaning "well born"; a pseudoscience that postulates that controlling the fertility of populations could influence inheritable traits passed on from generation to generation

Cohabitation (460)

living together in an intimate relationship without formal legal or religious sanctioning


loss of direction felt in society when social control of individual behavior becomes ineffective ex: Purge

laissez-faire racism

maintaining the status quo of racial groups by persistent stereotyping and blaming of minorities themselves for achievement and socioeconomic gaps between groups

Which of the following is not one of the five functional requisites that every society must fulfill to survive?

maintaining traditional gender relations


making known or sharing existence of an aspect of reality

formal social sanctions (198)

mechanisms of social control by which rules or laws prohibit deviant criminal behavior

social control (198)

mechanisms that create normative compliance in individuals

African Americans

median outcome in the U.S is 62.6% of that of whites. aged 25 to 39 black men, 7% are in jail.

Mandurucu villagers of South America

men & women sleep on opposite sides of the village and only meet to have sex.

Men and Women of the Corporation (Kanter)

men and women have roles in the company in things that they are more naturally suited for. even when women rise to management, they become the minority

Symoblic interactionism theories on deviance (207)

micro theories that zoom in on the individual. uses interactions to try and understand social deviance

Elliot Essman asserts that America is a(n) ____________ because the very wealthy do not have much impact on the country in general.

middle class nation

exchange mobility (271)

mobility in which, if we hold fixed the changing distribution of jobs, individuals trade jobs not one-to-one but in a way that ultimately balances out

structural mobility (270)

mobility that is inevitable from changes in the economy

Jennifer Senior Interview (473)

modern day das are spending three times as much time as their father's spent with them. they are trying to imitate their wives and them spending time with their kids leads to happier marriages, better health and longer lives.

George Simmel

money depersonalizes exchanges. talked about how wages are now guaranteed unlike trading. said salary was better then wages but civil service salary was even better as it depends on grade level and amount of experience, not productive value of the worker


money received by a person for work, from transfers (gifts, inheritances, or government assistance), or from returns on investments

Bill Cosby is concerned with black underachievement in the American school system. He suggests that:

more African American parents actually parent.


mothers dont take care and nurture their daughters. daughters are told to seek advice from other women besides their mom.

The Pecking Order (Conley, 468 & 485)

mothers who worked while raising children: adult daughters and sons eventually attained jobs that were more or less equivalent and made about the same income. however for non-working parents daughters in the future earn much less than sons and are less likely to graduate from college. this is due to daughters not having same-sex parental role model. in families with limited resources, the first and last child seem to fare better. inequality starts in the home and it is not a haven. everything from timing of divorce to parent's hostility influence a kids educational attainment, future earnings and socioeconomic success.


multi-dimensional set of social processes that create, multiply, stretch and intensify worldwide social exchanges and interdependencies

supermom (475)

myth that a mom can cook, clean, climb the career ladder, take care of her kids and be a great partner for marriage. moms who try to be like this burn out quickly and their marriages take a hit.

Adam Ferguson and John Millar and Thomas Malthus argued that inequality was (243)

necessary. argued that inequality arises from surpluses that some people conserve and increase their worth. this leads to them working harder to gain more which causes social growth.

Which term refers to the end result of negotiations among multiple players, enforcing rights, imposing sanctions, or encouraging business at a regional or worldwide level?

new rules

Scientific Racism

nineteenth-century theories of race that characterize a period of feverish investigation into the origins, explanations, and classifications of race


the material and non-material knowledge, language, values, customs, and physical objects that are passed along generations

When studies control for family background characteristics, the SAT:

no longer predicts college grades very well.

Japanese Burakumin

no physical difference from Japanese citizens but they are discriminated against

Cultural capital

non-ecomomic goods reflected in knowledge of language and arts


norm of behavior that the violation of calls for strong punishment from the group


norms deemed highly necessary to welfare of a society EX: Killing someone


norms that lack a moral significance; everyday habits and conventions


norms with a moral dimension - those that are vital to the well being of a society


not all sibling have similar educational outcomes. middle child

Viviana Zelizer (470)

notes that the distinctions between household incomes help protect a man's status and sense of masculinity when a wife also takes on a breadwinner role in dual income families

Six Degrees of Separation

notion that everyone in the world is separated from all other individuals by at most six additional nodes in a social network

social categories

obvious, unchangeable characteristics like ethnicity, race, age, gender, religion


occurs when a person's sex or gender is the basis for judgment, discrimination, and hatred against him or her

white-collar crime (218)

offense committed by a professional against a corporation, agency, or other institution

There are two producers of wagon wheels that together are the exclusive providers to a large community. The executives of these companies meet to set minimum prices and production levels, thereby ensuring that they each will make a higher profit than they would in a free market. This is an example of a(n):


Retreatists (205)

one who rejects both socially acceptable means and goals by completely retreating from, or not participating in, society


one's ethnic quality or affiliation. It is voluntary, self-defined, nonhierarchal, fluid, and multiple, and based on cultural differences, not physical ones per se.

SAT (correlated with race, ethnicity and class)

only accurately predicts college outcomes for white students, shows that it is not very meritocratic

Manifest functions

open, stated, conscious functions intended and recognized consequences of an aspect of society

Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

our reality is constructed and defined by the language of our culture, thus our experience is limited by the language

non-whites lag behind whites on a number of social outcomes, from income and educational attainment to crime rates and infant mortality rates

page 363

parents' wealth

parents' wealth is a strong predictor of children's teenage and young adult outcomes.

loose connection (Robert Wuthnow)

people are worried about what they see as a breakdown of families and neighborliness and a concurrent rise in selfishness.

24/7 information economy

people choose to work more than they have to because they do not want to miss out on money that can be made and they worry about job insecurity

Arlie Hoschild

people dont take maternity leaves because they want to avoid the chaos at home

Cultural Relativism

people's behavior from the perspective of their own culture

legal immigration to america is based on

people's family preferences and ties

Deterrence Theory (221)

philosophy of criminal justice arising from the notion that crime results from a rational calculation of its costs and benefits

Some critics claim the Carlyle Group uses insider political knowledge, or ____________, to dominate heavily regulated markets.

political arbitrage


the member of a triad who attempts to resolve conflict between the two other actors in the group


process of introducing a new idea or object to a culture

Under feudalism, what was one of the major resources that was exchanged among lords, vassals, and serfs?


FBI consultant Robert Hare claimed that in the pursuit of profits for shareholders, corporations exhibit many of the same traits as:


specific deterrence (221)

punishment inflicted on criminals to discourage them from committing future crimes

Howard Winant

race neutral rhetoric that makes racial hegemony rely more on culture and nationality. new line of thinking is called laissez faire racism

Which of the following is NOT an element of socioeconomic status?

racial background

Barbara Risman equated gender inequality, in the form of marriage, to:


Peter M. Blau and Otis Dudley Duncan (271)

ranked occupations into a status hierarchy to study social attainment process

Durkheim found that within religions, Protestants killed themselves the most(201)

reason: bc Protestantism is premised on individualism leaving them not as integrated

Duncan Watts

redid Milgram's experiment with emails & statistical models and found that only half of the worlds people are all connected by six degrees

George Bush 2001 tax cuts (page 365)

repeal of tax cuts that only affected richest 1.4 %, african americans did not benefit from this tax repeal while other races did and this is evidence of unintended racism in policies.

Massy and Denton

residential segregation inflicts poverty through a culture of segregation. people live in ghettos where the norm is to sell drugs, drop out of school and do crime which creates an endless cycle which results in the decline of their neighborhood.

The study that analyzed the sexual networks of teens at 12 high schools is an example of how network analysis can inform transmission phenomena such as the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). An advantage of network analysis over interpretive sociology is that it can:

reveal patterns in social structures that might not become evident through answers to direct questions.


rewards and punishments used to encourage people to follow the norms

Dennis Gilbert, The american clsas structure in an age of growing inequality (261)

rich have far more power than their numbers.

Marxist theorists like Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis believe

schools are unwitting pawns of the capitalist classes and tach the skills that are conducive to maintaining self dominant and subordinate positions in the workforce, such as discipline, obedience, punctuality, and dependability.


scientific study of social behavior and human groups ex: social life, community, society

You believe that you have received an unfair grade on a paper, but you know that arguing with your professor would do little good. You leave the classroom and angrily throw the paper into the nearest trash can. Steven Lukes would call this the:

second dimension of power.


segment of society that shares distinctive pattern of mores, folkways, and values that differs from larger society

gender roles

sets of behavioral norms assumed to accompany one's status as male or female

Adrienne Rich

sexuality in america is compulsory heterosexuality


sharing between cultures; one of three ways that culture changes

Bronislaw Maliknowski (457)

showed that family is a universal human institution and even showed that rodents have families

Arlie Hochschild (471-472)

showed that women worked roughly 15 hours longer each week than men during their "second-shift"

Flat Broke with Children: Women in the Age of Welfare Reform by Sharon Hays (482)

shows that many women are forced t take low-paying jobs with no future and little career stability and are driven to marry for financial support. single mothers end up in poverty, homeless or seeking alternatives to get by like illegal things. impossible to have a strong career and be a responsible mother for these people

domestic abuse (470)

sibling on sibling violence is the most common but it usually results from problems of parents like anger issues or heavy use of authority. 1/3 of kids who get abused, go on to have abusive relationships with their own children. IPV (intimate partner violence) has happened to 1/3 of women and 1/4 of men. resulted in 2,340 deaths

social cohesion (193)

social bonds; how well people relate to each other and get along on a day-to-day basis

In contrast to Putnam's claims that civic engagement (and social capital) has declined, sociologist Robert Wuthnow contends that:

social capital never declined or disappeared, but merely changed forms.

organic solidarity (193)

social cohesion based on difference and interdependence of the parts

mechanical/segmental solidarity (193)

social cohesion based on sameness

innovator (205)

social deviant who accepts socially acceptable goals but rejects socially acceptable means to achieve them

Singh Thind

supreme court case where he was denied american citizenship bc he did not qualify as a "free white person" even though he served for the country in WW1. at that point asian indians were considered caucasians by anthropologists.

Linda Waite and Maggie Gallagher in The Case for Marriage(488)

talk about how married families are better because they have more money, time to spend with their kids, and enjoy stronger emotional bonds and have more social capital that will be helpful for their kids futures

Haven in a Heartless World by Christopher Lasch (483)

talked about how home is a haven from the world and a place where people can relax with a caring women who shields their husbands from work politics and labor


talked about how total institutions such as prisons and mental health hospitals become breeding grounds for secondary deviance.

Andrew Cherlin on "marriage go round" (486)

talks about how marriage is highly valued but so is individualism so divorce is prevalent. young people have harder times finding jobs due to lack of experience which also contributes to delayed marriage.

Ruth Schwartz Cowan in More Work for Mother: The Ironies of Household Technology from the Open Hearth to the Microwave (474)

talks about how time-saving devices like the washing machine and microwave have paradoxically increased the amount of time women spend doing work since the standards of household cleanliness rise with these devices

why difference of income growth (263)

technological sector expands, jobs are created with high skill level with correspondingly high salaries or at very low levels with no upward mobility like people working at starbucks or for uber. most popular job category for people with no more than hs educaion is food preparation and service


tendency to assume that one's own culture and way of life represents the norm or is superior to others

Stanley Milgram

tested six degrees of separation by having people send letters to different people to try to reach final destination

Christopher Carrington found (475)

that homosexual couples value housework more and do two times as much housework as heterosexual couples because they see it as a way of legitimizing their households

Foucault says (227)

that society now uses penal practices to have social control rather than torturing.

glass escalator

the accelerated promotion of men to the top of a work organization, especially in feminized jobs

one-drop rule

the belief that "one drop" of black blood makes a person black, a concept that evolved from U.S. laws forbidding miscegenation

labeling theory (207)

the belief that individuals subconsciously notice how others see or label them, and their reactions to those labels over time form the basis of their self-identity


the belief that members of separate races possess different and unequal traits


the belief that one's own culture or group is superior to others and the tendency to view all other cultures from the perspective of one's own

Social capital is:

the collection of relationships that can facilitate the actions and behaviors of others.

material culture

the concrete tangible objects of a culture

hegemonic masculinity

the condition in which men are dominant and privileged, and this dominance and privilege is invisible


the connection between two people in a relationship that varies in strength from one relationship to the next; a story that explains our relationship with another member of our network


the degree to which ties are reinforced through indirect paths within a social network

"Savage Inequality" (Jonathan Kozol)

the disparities in education between schools of different classes and races- black kids were disproportionally sorted into special education classes and classes that taught them skills of blue collared jobs


the economic condition that exists when a handful of firms effectively control a particular market

primary deviance (213)

the first act of rule breaking that may incur a label of "deviant" and thus influence how people think about and act toward you

equality of outcome (249)

the idea that each player must end up with the same amount regardless of the fairness of the "game"

equality of opportunity (247)

the idea that everyone has an equal chance to achieve wealth, social prestige, and power because the rules of the game, so to speak, are the same for everyone

equality of condition(248)

the idea that everyone should have an equal starting point

contradictory class locations (Erik Olin Wright, 254)

the idea that people can occupy locations in the class structure that fall between the two "pure" classes


the inability to read or write well enough to be a functioning member of society

social capital

the information, knowledge of people, and connections that help individuals enter, gain power in, or otherwise leverage social networks

human capital

the knowledge and skills that workers acquire through education, training, and experience

BP Deepwater Horizon

the largest oil spill in the US. Oil from the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico leaked into the Gulf for more than one month. Chemical dispersants were used to break up the spill into tiny particles


the legal or social practice of separating people on the basis of their race or ethnicity.

free rider problem (250)

the notion that when more than one person is responsible for getting something done, the incentive is for each individual to shirk responsibility and hope others will pull the extra weight

Social Regulation (Durkheim)(200)

the number of rules guiding your daily life and, more specifically, what you can reasonably expect from the world on a day-to-day basis

Agricultural Revolution

the period around 1700 marked by the introduction of new farming technologies that increased food output in farm production: seed drill, selective breeding and corp rotation

ontological equality

the philosophical and religious notion that all people are created equal

C. Wright Mills's term for interlocking directorates is which of the following?

the power elite


the practice of having more than one sexual partner or spouse at a time


the practice of having multiple husbands simultaneously


the practice of having multiple wives simultaneously


the practice of having only one sexual partner or spouse at a time


the presence and engaged coexistence of numerous distinct groups in one society

cultural relativism

the principle that an individual's beliefs and activities can only be understood in terms of his or her own culture.

cultural transmission

the process by which one generation passes culture to the next; though language and symbols, culture is passed along across time within a society


the process through which academic, social, and cultural ideas and tools, both general and specific, are developed

functionalist on education

the rise of education is just supply and demand. jobs are becoming more and more technical so they require a more educated work force. students get more education to respond to employer demand

divide et impera

the role of a member of a triad who intentionally drives a wedge between the other two actors in the group

service sector

the section of the economy that involves providing intangible services

organization culture

the shared beliefs and behaviors within a social group, often used interchangeable with corporation culture


the social identity of a person who has sexual attraction to and/or relations with other persons of the same sex

cultural particulars

the specific ways that each society exhibits culture within the categories of cultural universals


the sum of stories contained in a set of ties

cultural capital (Pierre Bourdieu)

the symbolic and interactional resources that people use to their advantage in various situations (3 types embodied, objectified and institutionalized.)


the technical term for interracial marriage literally meaning " a mixing of kinds" it is politically and historically charged- sociologists generally prefer exogamy or outmarriage.

Solomon Asch Experiment

to take a look at the pressure on members of a group to conform to the thinking of the majority- people struggled with answering correctly due to the majority choosing the same wrong answer

global divide

top 1 percent of adults hold 46% of the world's wealth whereas the bottom half of global population only holds 1% of the world's wealth


totality of learned, socially transmitted coutoms, knowledge, material objects, and behavior "American Dream"

Barbara Ehrenreich (481-482)

tried to make ends meet with low wage work and found that: she had to eat cheap food (often unhealthy), stopped shopping, worked multiple jobs and still didn't have enough money to support herself. she showed that people don't fall into these positions because they don't work hard

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's master-slave dialectic (245)

two directional relationship. both are reliant on each other

Latent functions

unconscious or unintended functions may reflect hidden purpose

informal sanctions

unofficial rewards and punishments that guide behavior - any member of the group within a culture can administer these

reproductive labor

unpaid work performed to maintain the well-being of the individual, family, or community rather than for pay or for profit. it stresses the value of social reproduction by all the tasks that women performed daily which kept their working husbands lives running smoothly

stats (260)

upper 1% had an average net worth that was 228 times greater than that of the median american family. CEO's averaged 295 times higher than that of an average american worker. top 1% income grew by 31.4% but all other americans barely grew at all only 0.4%

Charles Horton Cooley

used sociological perspective to examine face-to-face groups mirror = eyes of society

people try marriage again after divorcing (460)

usually ends in divorce again

Suicide (Durkheim)(200)

utilization of the scientific method to try and explain rates first empirical study revealing how social forces affect human behavior rates are influenced by integration and regulation clearly related to the links people have with social groups proposed 4 types: based on social integration and moral regulation

Thorstein Veblen, The Theory of the Leisure Class

wealthy maintain their lifestyle by collecting rent and other investments. only way to join was being born into it or marriage


when a state proclaims racial equality, white privilege is let off the hook and goes unnoticed.

recidivism (221)

when an individual who has been involved with the criminal justice system reverts to criminal behavior

Credentialism (conflict)

when lots of people achieve high levels of education, companies screen them by increasing job requirements which leads to more people getting credentials, often more than they actually need for the job

stereotype threat

when members of a negatively stereotyped group are placed in a situation where they fear they may confirm those stereotypes

doing gender

when people perform tasks based upon the gender assigned to them by society and, in turn, become their gender (symbolic interactionalism)

An American Dilemma (1944 Gunnar Myrdal) (363)

whites think about relations and want to stay as far from blacks as they can. blacks cared more about equal chances of earning a living.

second shift (Arlie Hochschild, 471)

women's responsibility for housework and child care- everything from cooking dinner to doing laundry, bathing children, reading bedtime stories, and sewing Halloween costumes

Zelizer showed that (474)

women's unpaid work commanded a price tag in the distribution of monetary rewards for surviving members of 9/11 bombing. sept 11 fund had the job of administering 7 billion dollars to the survivors. funds were at first distributed to families based on deceased's estimated future earnings and didn't count unpaid household work. people protested this and eventually the fund allowed for a case-by-case review of compensation based on the lost economic value of household services that would have been provided by the deceased

Proletariat (254)

working class

The Communist Manifesto

working class should overthrow existing system

The Feminine Mystique, Betty Friedan

written by Betty Friedan, journalist and mother of three children; described the problems of middle-class American women and the fact that women were being denied equality with men; said that women were kept from reaching their full human capacities. argues that black women face unique oppressions that white women dont

quantitative aspects of the group

written by george simmel. talks about dyad and triad and roles of people in groups

Vilfredo Pareto felt that a few select elite leaders could successfully hold power in a society, as long as they were able and knew what they were doing. This has become known as the Pareto principle and is one of the basic ideas behind what we refer to as a meritocracy.


John Gray, author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus (1992), takes the position that the different temperaments, emotions, and languages of males and females are rooted in:


Coleman Report (1966)

•School resources has no effect on student achievement -Family background and peers do

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