FN 253 final exam

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To determine if a food is fortified with a nutrient, where must one look? % daily value "fortified with..." statement on front of package ingredient list FDA website

% daily value

Which of the following statements is FALSE about vitamin A? A food or dietary supplement containing beta-carotene can still be a source of vitamin A even if it does not contain retinol (pre-formed vitamin A). A high intake of carotenoids will lead to vitamin A toxicity. Retinol (preformed vitamin A) is naturally occurring only in foods of animal origin.

A high intake of carotenoids will lead to vitamin A toxicity.

Which of the following is FALSE about the critical period of development? It represents the time during which most organs and structures become fully developed. It occurs during the first 8 weeks of pregnancy. Although most organs and structures become fully developed during this time, problems that occur during this period can still be fixed later, such as in the third trimester.

Although most organs and structures become fully developed during this time, problems that occur during this period can still be fixed later, such as in the third trimester.

Which of the following statements is FALSE? BMI is the easiest way to estimate body fat levels. For most people, the higher their BMI the more body fat they have. BMI indicates one's risk for adverse health conditions associated with excess body fat.

BMI is the easiest way to estimate body fat levels.

Although most cases of hypertension (HTN) are not caused by high sodium intake, why do ALL Americans benefit from limiting their sodium intake? Check all that are TRUE. Blood pressure increases as sodium intake increases. Low sodium intake helps with weight loss and thus lowers the risk of obesity. Risk for cardiovascular events increases as blood pressure increases. Blood pressure levels below 120/80 are associated with lower CVD risk.

Blood pressure increases as sodium intake increases. Risk for cardiovascular events increases as blood pressure increases. Blood pressure levels below 120/80 are associated with lower CVD risk.

Which of the following is FALSE about caffeine? Research in dehydrated athletes shows that caffeine-containing beverages can rehydrate as well as pure water. Habitual caffeine consumption has no negative effect on water balance. The body quickly (within a few days) adapts to new levels of caffeine intake. Caffeine is not a diuretic which explains why caffeine-containing beverages are not dehydrating.

Caffeine is not a diuretic which explains why caffeine-containing beverages are not dehydrating.

Which of the following is FALSE? Cooking foods in lots of water can leach water-soluble vitamins and minerals out of the food. Cooking reduces the vitamin and mineral content of foods because heat destroys them. Preparing foods, such as chopping fresh vegetables for a salad, as close to serving time as possible will help retain vitamin content. Because so many factors in the preparation and handling of food can affect micronutrient content, consumers should eat foods in a variety of forms (frozen, "fresh", cooked, raw, canned).

Cooking reduces the vitamin and mineral content of foods because heat destroys them.

Which of the following is FALSE about potassium? Diets high in processed foods and low in fresh, whole foods provide the recommended amount of potassium. During processing, the potassium content of foods decreases. The typical American diet increases the risk for developing high blood pressure because it tends to be low in potassium and high in sodium.

Diets high in processed foods and low in fresh, whole foods provide the recommended amount of potassium.

Which of the following is FALSE about water loss from the body? The more one drinks, the more water is excreted because the body cannot store water. The body is constantly losing water from evaporation from the skin and lungs (insensible water loss). Dry environments increase insensible water loss. Body heat is released when water evaporates from the skin and this cools the body. Exercising in a humid environment decreases water loss from sweating.

Exercising in a humid environment decreases water loss from sweating.

A multi-vitamin-mineral supplement is recommended for everyone because foods alone cannot meet the nutrient needs of most people. True False


Because alcohol a diuretic, drinking a 12 fluid ounce beer only counts towards 6 fl oz of water intake. True/false


Because iron deficiency anemia is more common among women than men, all women should take an iron supplement daily. True False


Clinical assessment of iron status is not necessary since the symptoms, causes, and consequences of iron deficiency are very clear, even to the average consumer. True False


Half of Americans drink less than the recommendation, which means half of Americans are chronically dehydrated. True/false


High sodium intake is the leading cause of hypertension in the US. True False


It is important to explain the concept of bioavailability to people so that they can adjust their nutrient intake to exceed the RDA/AI. True False


Pure drinking water is a better source of the molecule water than other beverages (e.g., juice, milk, soda, coffee). True/false


The AI for water is 8 glasses of drinking water per day. True/false


The National Weight Control Registry data showed that there are only a small number of effective weight loss diets. True/False


The best way to reduce sodium intake is to get rid of the salt shaker on the dinner. True/false


The most important thing Americans can do to improve their health is to drink more water. True/false


The re-hydrating benefits of sports drinks make them a healthier beverage than other fluids such as water, 100% fruit juice, or milk. True/false


There are many different ways professionals can use to measure body fat levels. True/false


Thirst is a sign that toxic levels of metabolites are in our blood because we are dehydrated. True/false


Toxic levels of water-soluble vitamins are easily reached because water-soluble vitamins can build up in our blood. True False


While the Cooper Aerobics Institute research showed that both aerobic fitness and BMI increase the risk of dying of a heart attack, the data revealed that the biggest risk factor is BMI. True/false


All of the following are TRUE about dietary strategies used for long-term weight maintenance from National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) participants EXCEPT Making many small dietary changes that can be maintained for the rest of one's life. Most eat a low fat (~24% kcals from fat) diet to keep the weight off. Few NWCR participants were physically active; most simply modified their food intake. After weight was lost, they did not "live with abandon" but they continued to self-monitor their behavior (choose foods carefully, weigh self regularly, keep activity logs, etc.).

Few NWCR participants were physically active; most simply modified their food intake.

Which of the following is FALSE about thirst? For most people, simply drinking fluids in response to thirst is sufficient to meet water needs. The elderly are at high risk for dehydration because they have a blunted sense of thirst. Intense exercise enhances our sense of thirst, therefore we do not need to drink during heavy exercise until we feel thirsty.

Intense exercise enhances our sense of thirst, therefore we do not need to drink during heavy exercise until we feel thirsty.

Which of the following statements is FALSE? Iron in foods of plant origin is less bioavailable than the iron in foods of animal origin. Vegetarian diets can provide sufficient iron to meet the needs of men and women. Iron-deficiency anemia is much more common among vegetarians than among omnivores.

Iron-deficiency anemia is much more common among vegetarians than among omnivores.

All of the following are reasons why liposuction did NOT produce the same health benefits as weight loss through lifestyle modification EXCEPT The fat that was vacuumed out of the body was subcutaneous and not intra-abdominal. Liposuction is just rapid weight loss that results in rapid weight regain so no benefits resulted. The benefits of weight loss may be due to lifestyle changes (activity, improved diet) instead of the loss of fat.

Liposuction is just rapid weight loss that results in rapid weight regain so no benefits resulted.

Which of the following statements is TRUE? Peak bone mass is in part genetically determined, which means nothing we do before the age of 30 can change the level of peak bone mass we achieve. Men are at lower risk for osteoporosis than women because their estrogen levels drop at an older age than women. Many modifiable lifestyle factors can slow the natural decline in bone mass that occurs after the age of 30-35.

Many modifiable lifestyle factors can slow the natural decline in bone mass that occurs after the age of 30-35.

In the comparison of 13 beverages, which beverages were MORE hydrating than water? Check ALL that apply. beer coffee tea orange juice milk cola


Which of the following facts were part of the reasoning behind the USDA's decision to fortify refined grains with folate? Check all that apply. Most Americans do not eat the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables. The level of folate intake needed to reduce the risk of neural tube defects cannot be met by eating foods naturally rich in folate (i.e., non-fortified foods). Adequate folate status prior to pregnancy is critical to prevent neural tube defects. Most pregnancies in the US are unplanned. Adequate folate intake by women cannot depend on their wanting to get pregnant. Most women don't know they are pregnant until after the neural tube has fully developed.

Most Americans do not eat the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables. Adequate folate status prior to pregnancy is critical to prevent neural tube defects. Most pregnancies in the US are unplanned. Adequate folate intake by women cannot depend on their wanting to get pregnant. Most women don't know they are pregnant until after the neural tube has fully developed.

All of the following are TRUE about calcium EXCEPT Most women in the US consume well above the RDA for calcium because they take supplements daily. Most American women and children do not meet their calcium needs in part because of fluid milk has been replaced by carbonated and sweetened beverages. New research shows that adequate calcium intake is not important for reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

Most women in the US consume well above the RDA for calcium because they take supplements daily.

Which of the following is FALSE about dehydration? Dehydration is scientifically defined as a loss of body water equivalent to 2% or more of one's body weight. Even if someone doesn't consume any fluids, daily body water losses under normal modern living conditions will not exceed 1%. Negative effects of dehydration will only be seen with fluid deprivation longer that 1 day or heavy sweat losses. A 2% loss of body water is the level of dehydration where negative effects are seen. None of the above are false. All statements are TRUE

None of the above are false. All statements are TRUE

Which of the following is FALSE about B12 deficiency? Older individuals suffer from primary B12 deficiency because they avoid meats. Stomach acid is needed to release B12 from food. Intrinsic factor (IF) increases the absorption of B12. Secondary B12 deficiency is of most concern among older individuals. The early symptom of B12 deficiency (anemia) is reversible, but the nerve damage from long term B12 deficiency is irreversible.

Older individuals suffer from primary B12 deficiency because they avoid meats.

Which of the following is FALSE about bone? Bone mineral density is constantly changing throughout our lifespan. Osteoblasts lay down bone mineral. Osteoclasts make the collagen protein in bone. When osteoblast activity is greater than osteoclast activity, bone mineral density increases.

Osteoclasts make the collagen protein in bone.

Which statement(s) is/are TRUE about the types of exercise that are osteogenic (bone building)? Check ALL that are true. Gentle exercises that prevent damage to bone, such as swimming, are osteogenic. Osteogenic exercise generates high muscle contractile forces, such as lifting heavy weights and the ballistic and power movements in many vigorous sports. Activities that create high impact on bone, such as jumping, are osteogenic.

Osteogenic exercise generates high muscle contractile forces, such as lifting heavy weights and the ballistic and power movements in many vigorous sports. Activities that create high impact on bone, such as jumping, are osteogenic.

Which of the following are TRUE about vitamin A and risk of osteoporosis? Check ALL that are true. Osteoporosis risk increases at retinol intakes below the UL. High retinol intakes, even from foods with naturally occurring retinol, are associated with a higher risk of osteoporosis. Beta-carotene conversion to retinol will only happen when the body needs retinol. The best way to get the vitamin A we need and be at low risk of getting too much is to eat plenty of carotenoid-rich foods and keep foods of animal origin to no more than the MyPlate servings.

Osteoporosis risk increases at retinol intakes below the UL. High retinol intakes, even from foods with naturally occurring retinol, are associated with a higher risk of osteoporosis. Beta-carotene conversion to retinol will only happen when the body needs retinol. The best way to get the vitamin A we need and be at low risk of getting too much is to eat plenty of carotenoid-rich foods and keep foods of animal origin to no more than the MyPlate servings.

Based on the reading, which of the following is NOT a population that can benefit from multi-vitamin-mineral supplementation? People with dietary patterns such as inadequate food intake and unbalanced diets People under physical stresses such as drug addition, prolonged illness, and on certain medications People at certain life stages can increase nutrient needs, such as pregnancy People with general symptoms of fatigue since tiredness results from low levels of many nutrients

People with general symptoms of fatigue since tiredness results from low levels of many nutrients

Which of the following is CORRECT about how the body responds to eating a high sodium meal? Check ALL that are correct. Sodium absorbed by the small intestine increases sodium concentration in the blood. Increased blood sodium concentration is detected by the kidneys. When blood sodium levels rise, we feel thirsty. The kidneys respond to increases in antidiurectic hormone (ADH) by conserving water. Drinking water in response to thirst increases blood volume and blood pressure. The hypothalamus responds to a rise in blood pressure by reducing ADH production. The kidneys respond to a rise in blood pressure by increasing urine output. When our thirst is quenched this means our body water stores are full.

Sodium absorbed by the small intestine increases sodium concentration in the blood. Increased blood sodium concentration is detected by the kidneys. When blood sodium levels rise, we feel thirsty. The hypothalamus responds to a rise in blood pressure by reducing ADH production. The kidneys respond to a rise in blood pressure by increasing urine output.

All of the following are TRUE about B12 EXCEPT? Some vegetables naturally contain B12. Some vegetarian foods are fortified with B12. Vegetarians can identify foods fortified with B12 by reading the ingredient list on food packaging. Some types of vegetarians eat foods that naturally contain B12.

Some vegetables naturally contain B12.

Which of the following is TRUE about sports drinks? Check ALL that are true. Sports drinks can re-hydrate better than pure water because sports drinks contain sodium. People under heavy sweat conditions and rehydrating after heavy sweat losses tend to drink more fluid when they have sports drinks than when water is available. The sodium in sports drinks actually prevents proper re-hydration after heavy sweat loss; sports drinks are just a gimmick. Sports drinks are only recommended for athletes. Everyone who experiences high sweat losses needs a sports drink for rehydration because they are specially formulated to be provide the precise level of sodium needed.

Sports drinks can re-hydrate better than pure water because sports drinks contain sodium. People under heavy sweat conditions and rehydrating after heavy sweat losses tend to drink more fluid when they have sports drinks than when water is available. Sports drinks are only recommended for athletes. Everyone who experiences high sweat losses needs a sports drink for rehydration because they are specially formulated to be provide the precise level of sodium needed.

Based on the reading, which of the following is TRUE about the research evidence for whether multi-vitamin supplementation can reduce the risk of chronic diseases? Studies of beta-carotene supplements found they increased the risk of lung cancer in smokers. Vitamin E supplements help reduce the risk of death from heart disease. Vitamin D supplementation reduces the risk of cancer.

Studies of beta-carotene supplements found they increased the risk of lung cancer in smokers.

Which of the following is TRUE about subclinical deficiency? The symptoms of a subclinical deficiency are more noticeable than the symptoms of an overt deficiency. Subclinical deficiencies are linked to sub-optimal health and increased chronic disease risk. Subclinical deficiencies are more serious than overt deficiencies because they quickly lead to serious illness or death. Subclinical deficiency results from a level of nutrient intake much lower than the level that causes overt deficiency.

Subclinical deficiencies are linked to sub-optimal health and increased chronic disease risk.

Based on the reading, which of the following is a concern supplement users need to beware of? Check all that apply. Supplements increase the risk of excessive intakes of certain nutrients. High doses of nutrients can interfere with the body's absorption and use of other nutrients. Due to the lack of premarket regulation, dietary supplements can be contaminated with pharmaceutical drugs or contain nutrients at levels different from what is stated on the label. Since the RDA/AI are set based on level of intake through foods that meet most people's needs, we do not know what level of nutrient intake should be obtained through supplements.

Supplements increase the risk of excessive intakes of certain nutrients. High doses of nutrients can interfere with the body's absorption and use of other nutrients. Due to the lack of premarket regulation, dietary supplements can be contaminated with pharmaceutical drugs or contain nutrients at levels different from what is stated on the label. Since the RDA/AI are set based on level of intake through foods that meet most people's needs, we do not know what level of nutrient intake should be obtained through supplements.

Which of the following is FALSE about the original DASH diet study? The 3 diets differed in the amount of processed and fresh, unprocessed foods they provided. The 3 diets in the study differed in the amount of sodium they provided. The 3 diets differed in the amount of fat, saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol provided. The 3 diets differed in their content of the electrolyte minerals calcium, magnesium and potassium. The DASH diet revealed that sodium is not the only nutrient that affects blood pressure.

The 3 diets in the study differed in the amount of sodium they provided.

Which of the following is FALSE? Bioavailability refers to the degree to which a nutrient in a food can be absorbed. The concept of bioavailability applies only to minerals; we absorb all of the vitamins we consume. The RDA/AI for a nutrient already takes into account the bioavailability of that nutrient in a mixed, omnivorous diet. A food with low bioavailability for a nutrient can still be a good source of that nutrient if the amount present in the food is high.

The concept of bioavailability applies only to minerals; we absorb all of the vitamins we consume.

Which of the following is FALSE concerning why folate fortification of grains has not completely eliminated the occurrence of neural tube defects? Some women are at higher risk genetically and need to take in 1,000ug/d of folate (or 2.5X the current RDA) to effectively reduce their risk. The form of folate added to grains is folic acid which is not as bioavailable as folate found naturally in foods. Grain fortification only increased daily folate intake by about 100ug, which still doesn't bring some women's intake up to the new RDA.

The form of folate added to grains is folic acid which is not as bioavailable as folate found naturally in foods.

A diuretic promotes urine production. True/false


Although 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity (PA) is recommended for overall health, people can get greater health benefits if they do more PA or more intense PA. True/false


Although caffeine is a diuretic, habitual caffeine consumption has no negative effect on water balance because our body quickly (within a few days) adapts to new levels of caffeine intake. True/false


Blood pressures goes up and down slightly throughout the day as the body's water status fluctuates. True/false


Consuming a high sodium meal can result in gaining some water weight. True/false


Cooking can sometimes increase vitamin and phytochemical bioavailability. True False


Foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and animal flesh are good sources of water. True/false


For most people, taking an ordinary multi-vitamin-mineral supplement is generally safe. True False


In a healthy person under modern living conditions, light colored urine is an indication that they are well hydrated. True/false


Obesity is a condition characterized by excess body weight. True/false


Replacing sugar sweetened beverages with drinking water reduces the risk of obesity. True/false


The DASH diet reduced blood pressure in people with hypertension and people with normal blood pressure. True False


The Follow-up DASH study confirmed the findings of the original DASH diet and also showed that lower sodium intakes decrease blood pressure. True False


While sodium affects BP, many other dietary factors do too. True False


Which of the following is/are TRUE about why women and children are at higher risk for iron deficiency than men? Check ALL that apply. Women have higher iron needs than men. Women eat less food than men, so they are less likely to meet their higher iron needs. Women are more likely than men to avoid iron-rich foods such as meats and breakfast cereals. Growth spurts in childhood often result in periods of low body iron levels.

Women have higher iron needs than men. Women eat less food than men, so they are less likely to meet their higher iron needs. Women are more likely than men to avoid iron-rich foods such as meats and breakfast cereals. Growth spurts in childhood often result in periods of low body iron levels.

When is adequate nutrient intake important for delaying the onset of osteoporosis? childhood and adolescence young adulthood (20-40's) older adulthood, especially for women after menopause (50+ years old) adequate nutrition is important throughout life to delay osteoporosis adequate nutrition cannot help delay the onset of osteoporosis

adequate nutrition is important throughout life to delay osteoporosis

A balanced diet containing a wide variety of nutrient dense foods will help which of the following people obtain all the micronutrients they need from foods? an omnivore (person who "eats all things") a lacto-ovo-vegetarian a vegan This guideline is useful for all of the people listed above.

an omnivore (person who "eats all things") a lacto-ovo-vegetarian a vegan

For someone living in Wisconsin, vitamin D is _______ from October to March. non-essential essential essentially conditional optionally essential

essentially conditional

Bone mineral density increases most when our bones are growing the most, such as in adolescence. True False


People who eat highly fortified foods should not sun bathe because they risk vitamin D toxicity. True False


Young women who lose their periods can still have strong bones as long as they exercise and take calcium supplements. True False


Which of the following conditions increases water loss from the body? Check ALL that apply. fever high fiber intake high protein intake clothing or gear that prevent sweat from evaporating high sodium intake

fever high fiber intake high protein intake high sodium intake

Which body fat compartment is associated with greater health risks? intra-abdominal subcutaneous


refined grains are fortified with this nutrient


Which of the following is TRUE about sodium in foods? Check ALL that are true. Salt and other additives contribute sodium to processed foods. Tasting a food for saltiness will tell someone if a food is high in sodium. The only way to truly know the sodium content of packaged foods is to look at the Nutrition Facts. Canned foods are always high in sodium. If a packaged food has less than 5 ingredients, a consumer can be assured it is low in sodium.

look up

Which of the following is FALSE osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a condition in which a person is losing bone mineral. People with osteoporosis can break a bone as a result of non-traumatic event, such as falling or sneezing. 25% of people who suffer a hip fracture die within 1 year. More than 50% will need some assisting device, such as a cane, walker, or wheelchair, for the rest of their life.

none, all are true

Which is the biggest source of sodium in our diet? processed foods salt added at the table salt added during cooking at home sodium naturally occurring in fresh foods

processed foods

Which of the following are modifiable lifestyle factors known to increase the risk of osteoporosis? Check ALL that apply. smoking age low physical activity levels sun tanning abusing alcohol genetics

smoking, low PA levels, abusing alcohol

In healthy and pre-hypertensive individuals, which of the following is NOT a lifestyle factor recommended for lowering blood pressure? regular physical activity losing weight if overweight or obese not drinking alcohol to excess taking blood pressure lowing medications adopting a DASH eating pattern

taking blood pressure lowing medications

The two major classes of vitamins differ in a fundamental chemical property: fat- vs. water-solubility. This difference has important implications in all of the following EXCEPT how the vitamins are absorbed into the blood how the vitamins are stored, metabolized and excreted by the body the amount present in foods the level of intake that results in toxicity

the amount present in foods

The bioavailability of a nutrient can be affected by which of the following? Check ALL that apply. the form of the nutrient substances in the food that contains the nutrient substances in other foods consumed at the same time as the nutrient

the form of the nutrient substances in the food that contains the nutrient substances in other foods consumed at the same time as the nutrient

Carotenoid-rich foods are orange, dark yellow, and dark green fruits and vegetable. True False


Eating dark green, leafy vegetables is one of the dietary recommendations for reducing the risk of osteoporosis. True False


Males generally have stronger bones than females. True False


found naturally occurring onlyin foods of plant origin

vitamin C

found naturally occurring onlyin foods of animal origin

vitamins B12 and D

found naturally occurring primarily in foods of plant origin

vitamins E and K

Sports drinks have which 3 key ingredients: water, CHO, caffeine water, sodium, caffeine water, CHO, sodium water, sodium, potassium

water, CHO, sodium

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