Foundations of the Industrial Revolution Vocab

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John Kay

1704-1764, British inventor who invented the flying shuttle

James Hargreaves

1721-1778, English weaver who invented the spinning jenny

Richard Arkwright

1732-1792, British industrialist who invented the water frame, which used a flowing river as a source of power

James Watt

1736-1819, Scottish inventor who developed and patented a more efficient steam engine

Robert Fulton

1765-1815, American inventor who created the first successful steamboat

Henry Bessemer

1813-1898, Englishman who invented a furnace that could cheaply turn iron into steel


a device used to carrya thread between other threads on the loom


a machine that weaves threads together to make cloth


a unit of measurement of power in the output of piston engines

steam engine

coal powered device that heats water into steam and uses the steam pressure to power a piston


form of long-distance communication developed by Samuel Morse

flying shuttle

highly efficient weaving shuttle mounted on wheels that enabled wider swaths of fabric to be made


organized bands of English textile workers who destroyed textile factories in opposition to the industrialization of their craft

spinning jenny

spinning machine that could spin 16 threads together at one time


steam engine used in rail transportation developed by George Stephenson


strong and light alloy of iron used extensively in the Industrial Revolution in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries

division of labor

system of factory work in which the creation of a product is divided up into smaller tasks performed by individual workers

factory system

system of manufacture developed during the Industrial Revolution in which many laborers worked timedshifts in a single place, paid by a single employer

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