GACE English 520 Study Companion Qs

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Which of the following strategies would be most appropriate for helping students comprehend new vocabulary in nonfiction texts?

Activate prior knowledge develop framework for new vocabulary

38. Which of the following sentences most likely comes from a piece of writing that defends a particular political view?

"a strong and capable military is the foundation of the peace we enjoy today"

2. Any use of language that calls a fire in a nuclear reactor building "rapid oxidation," the illegal overthrow of a legitimate government "destabilizing a government," crimes "inappropriate actions," and lies "inoperative statements" is language that attempts to avoid responsibility, that attempts to make the bad seem good, the negative appear positive, something unpleasant appear attractive, and that seems to communicate but does not. It is language designed to alter our perception of reality and corrupt our minds. Such language does not provide the tools needed to develop and preserve civilization. Such language breeds suspicion, cynicism, distrust, and ultimately, hostility. What statement would best complete the passage?

"it is insidious, because it can infect and, ultimately, destroy the function of language -- communication among people and social groups."

1. Any use of language that calls a fire in a nuclear reactor building "rapid oxidation," the illegal overthrow of a legitimate government "destabilizing a government," crimes "inappropriate actions," and lies "inoperative statements" is language that attempts to avoid responsibility, that attempts to make the bad seem good, the negative appear positive, something unpleasant appear attractive, and that seems to communicate but does not. It is language designed to alter our perception of reality and corrupt our minds. Such language does not provide the tools needed to develop and preserve civilization. Such language breeds suspicion, cynicism, distrust, and ultimately, hostility. Which of the following is an example of language use similar to that in the quoted phrases within the passage?

"rectification of boundaries" for invasion

55. Mr. Scott's students have repeatedly inserted information from websites into their research papers without considering the websites' credibility. Which of the following URL extensions should Mr. Scott tell his students best indicates a credible website?


48. I'd rather do yoga than run. I'd rather do yoga, then run. Question: What do the two statements mean?

1: writer would prefer to do yoga over running; 2: writer want to do yoga first and run later

I. Americans who do not speak French are at a disadvantage in Paris. II. Americans, who do not speak French, are at a disadvantage in Paris. Which of the following describes the meaning of sentence II?

All Americans are at a disadvantage in Paris.

5. Which of the following novels focuses primarily on the concept of individualism versus collectivism? things fall apart, anthem, lord of the flies, the bluest eye

Anthem by Ayn Rand

Which of the following activities would help a teacher collect data and plan a unit of study that addresses the individual needs of the students? (Concentric circles, K-W-L chart, Book pass, Reciprocal teaching)

KWL chart

Each of the following is an effective discussion technique for a teacher who is facilitating a whole-class discussion EXCEPT: A. having the students sit in a circle instead of traditional rows. B. breaking the class into smaller discussion groups before conducting the whole-class discussion. C. pausing and allowing silence to promote student participation. D. having individual students review for the class the main points of the discussion.


Book: individual obliterated by powerful elite; Big Brother, doublethink, Newspeak, Ministry of Peace, Ministry of Truth, Ministry of Love.

George Orwell's 1984

Zora Neale Hurston is associated with which of the following literary movements?

Harlem Renaissance

Her astonishment, as she reflected on what had passed, was increased by every review of it. That she should receive an offer of marriage from Mr. Darcy! That he should have been in love with her for so many months! So much in love as to wish to marry her in spite of all the objections which had made him prevent his friend's marrying her sister, and which must appear at least with equal force in his own case — was almost incredible! The excerpt above is from which of the following novels?

Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

56. Which of the following follows the proper MLA format for parenthetical citations?

Jones believes Vivaldi deserves more credit (157).

Which of the following student behaviors during a small-group discussion is characteristic of effective oral communication?

Maintaining eye contact with group members to build a team relationship

[He] could not close his ears to the Old Testament challenge: "Canst thou catch Leviathan with a hook?" And does not . . . Ahab become, in his alienation, his sultanism, his pride, blasphemy, and diabolism, finally more monstrous than the beast he hunts? When, on the last day, they confront each other, which is the Monster, [Leviathan] in his "gentle joyousness," his "mighty mildness of repose," or Ahab screaming his mad defiance? Question: The passage above is from a discussion of a novel by


I. Americans who do not speak French are at a disadvantage in Paris. II. Americans, who do not speak French, are at a disadvantage in Paris. Which of the following describes the meaning of sentence I?

Only those Americans who do not speak French are at a disadvantage in Paris.

2. I was a child and she was a child,In this kingdom by the sea;But we loved with a love that was more than love—I and my Annabel Lee;With a love that the wingéd seraphs of heavenCoveted her and me. Who wrote this?


excerpt from a dramatic monologue

She thanked men, — good! but thanked Somehow — I know not how — as if she ranked My gift of a nine-hundred-years-old name With anybody's gift. Who'd stoop to blame This sort of trifling?

Which is the best description of traditional phonics instruction?

Students are taught individual letter sounds first, followed by letter combination sounds and the rules of putting these combinations together to make words.

From the very beginning, I wrote to explain my own life to myself, and I invited any readers who chose to make the journey with me to join me on the high wire. I would work without a net and without the noise of the crowd to disturb me. The view from on high is dizzying, instructive. I do not record the world exactly as it comes to me but transform it by making it pass through a prism of fabulous stories I have collected on the way. I gather stories the way a lepidopterist hoards his chloroformed specimens of rare moths, or Costa Rican beetles. Stories are like vessels I use to interpret the world to myself. — Pat Conroy Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?

The author uses analogies to explain his experience of a particular action.

example of ballad stanza

There lived a wife at Usher's Well, And a wealthy wife was she; She had three stout and stalwart sons, And sent them o'er the sea.

3. For all of these poets, imagination was a supreme organizing and unifying power; it went beyond merely recording and rearranging sense data to create both itself and the world that an individual could know. To see was to create, by composing exterior experience in accordance with basic principles which rise out of the mind in the process of composition. The way we see is who we are. For them, self-analysis became a prime ingredient of all poetry. Question: This passage best describes

Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley

35. Which of the following writing formats is most appropriate for allowing students to share their writing with an audience that has the power to bring about change?

a letter

28. The theme of a piece of writing is a message, a lesson, or an observation about a general idea about life that the author wants to share with the reader. Which of the following is NOT a potential theme?

a mother rescues her son from burning building

15. The human race is said to be growing taller, but human stomachs are evidently becoming rooms with shrinking walls. When oysters were eaten in the past, a serving of only six or a dozen would have been considered ridiculously small. This is what kind of literary device?


Which THREE of the following aspects of writing are most impacted by the audience? A. Word choice B. Supporting details C. Transitions D. Methods of appeal E. Paragraphing

a, b, d

39. Code switching refers to

ability to modify one's language according to audience and purpose

"Motivated to beat the Friday traffic the family left for the beach before dawn." What revisions to the sentence best corrects the student's grammatical error?

add comma after "traffic"

59. "Mary enjoys singing songs, eating spaghetti, and books." Question: The sentence above could be improved by

adding "reading" before "books"

41. As part of an assigned group research project, students must choose an effective medium for sharing their findings with a wider audience. One group of students creates a wiki in order to collaborate on their writing and present their research. Question: Which of the following is the most effective way to demonstrate the weakness of using a wiki for sharing the results of a group research project?

adding incorrect info to the content on the wiki

18. So your customers have ordered a lot of your widgets online. Congratulations! But don't start counting your chickens: You still have some work to do before you make those sales. You can't send customers their products until you calculate taxes and shipping. And more importantly, you still need to determine how to process the customers' preferred methods of payment. The key is to figure out the best software solution for your situation. Which of the following does the author do to gain the attention of the reader?

addresses the reader directly

23. In the excerpt, "scatter the sky" (line 4), "spits and sparkles" (line 5), and "flares, and falls" (line 6) are all examples of


referencing the biblical figures David and Goliath to describe the uneven matchup between 2 sports teams -- this is an example of what kind of literary device?


drawing a comparison between a computer and the brain to show the complexity of how the brain works -- this is an example of what kind of literary device?


"Afterward John remembered that first night as a daze of many colours, of quick sensory impressions, of music soft as a voice in love, and of the beauty of things, lights and shadows, and motions and faces." Which of the following literary devices is used in the sentence?


4. Dr. Johnson was observed by a musical friend of his to be extremely inattentive at a concert while a celebrated soloist played virtuosic flurries of notes on his violin. His friend, to induce him to take greater notice of what was going on, told him how extremely difficult it was to follow the performance. "Difficult do you call it, sir?" replied the doctor. "I wish it were impossible." Question: The tone of Johnson's statement suggests that he was

annoyed by the performance of the solo player*

30. After hearing his students discuss what a tragedy might be, a teacher observes that they have misconceptions that may interfere with their understanding of a tragedy they will be reading. He prepares a list of statements about what constitutes a tragedy, and asks students to indicate whether they agree or disagree with each statement. After reading the play, the class will discuss what their misconceptions were and how they have revised their thinking. Question: Which of the following comprehension strategies did the teacher use?

anticipation guide

37. The longer school day proposed for Chicago's public schools next year does not guarantee that students will be productive in classes; in fact, students will probably become less productive. Question: The thesis is best associated with which of the following modes of writing?


11. For thou hast sent her a mantle of green,As green as any grass,And bade her come to the silver woodTo hunt with Child Maurice. This is an example of what kind of poetry?

ballad stanza

A student comes across the unfamiliar words "intercontinental," "interglacial," "interface," and "intercept" in his reading. The student can use his knowledge of affixes to understand that all of the words share which meaning?

between; among

"They became lords of sounds and lesser things. They passed nations through their mouths. They sat in judgment." Which of the following is the best way of describing these sentences? A. They emphasize the weariness the sitters feel after a long day's work. B. They are used to paint a picture of the way in which the sitters wish they spent their evenings. C. They are a vivid way of describing the ease and authority the sitters feel during the evening. D. They highlight the contrast between the feelings of the sitters and the feelings of the bossman.


Which of the following text features should a student examine first when determining the main idea of a passage in an informational text? A. Table of contents B. Italicized words C. Headings D. Captions


47. A key difference between written and oral discourse is that in written discourse the writer

cannot rely on elements of paralanguage to reveal attitude

Weeks before they decided on their destination, the seniors had already begun a massive fundraising project to help finance their class trip. When they were offered the choice between Rome and London, an overwhelming majority chose Rome. Then preparations began in earnest. In the months that followed, the students' enthusiasm escalated until the day the plane finally took off, carrying them toward an experience they would remember forever. What best describes the organization of this paragraph?

chronological order

49. As she ran down the stairs, Cinderella lost her glass slipper. Question: The sentence is best classified as


"Every day was a happy day, and every night was peaceful." This sentence can best be classified as what kind of sentence?


3. The term regionalism, once honorably used in the United States to identify the literature of a young and far-flung nation, now too often suggests narrowness and parochialism, a mentality afflicting authors too timid to make it in the big city. Such _________ are, of course, unfair; a novel set in Manhattan's East Side, for example, can be many times more provincial than a tale from the hills or the hollows. What term correctly fills the blank?


52. Which of the following cognates is most different in meaning and usage from its original Latin root?


8. If you were to go merely by the quantity of his imitators, you could argue that Dashiell Hammett was a more important writer than James Joyce. He gave his imitators more than an attitude; he gave them a cast of characters, a resilient plot, a setting, a repertory of images, a style, a keyhole view of society, an ethos, and, above all, a hero. Sam Spade is an old American type brought up to date, Hawkeye become private eye with fedora and street smarts instead of leather stockings and wood lore, his turf the last frontier of San Francisco. The passage discusses the:

creation of a new popular genre

5. "He was a most disagreeable companion. . . . His conversation was a procession of one." Question: This comment by Florence Nightingale about an unidentified man shows most clearly that she is

critical of his vanity

17. So your customers have ordered a lot of your widgets online. Congratulations! But don't start counting your chickens: You still have some work to do before you make those sales. You can't send customers their products until you calculate taxes and shipping. And more importantly, you still need to determine how to process the customers' preferred methods of payment. The key is to figure out the best software solution for your situation. The word in the passage that most clearly indicates the desired audience is


Which of the following questions can a student ask to best determine whether an author is using the persuasive technique of pathos in a passage? A. Does the author use tone and style to convey authority on the subject to the audience? B. Does the author use credible and reliable sources to convince the audience of the argument? C. Does the author use facts and sound reasoning to substantiate claims made to the audience? D. Does the author use personal connections and stories to appeal to the audience's emotions?


7. A teacher displays the following sentence from an informational essay and then asks students which word in the parentheses is the best choice for the sentence. Each restaurant in the district is (noted or notorious) for its mouthwatering cuisine. Question: In the activity, the teacher is focusing students on which of the following?


In preparation for a writing unit on short stories, a teacher presents students with several examples of short stories and works with them to identify defining characteristics of the genre. Which of the following best describes this instructional strategy?

discipline-based inquiry

50. A style manual will best help the student in which of the following areas of writing?

documenting sources

10. But wherefore rough, why cold and ill at ease?Aha, that is a question! Ask, for that,What knows,—the something over SetebosThat made Him, or He, may be, found and fought,Worsted, drove off and did to nothing, perchance. This is an example of what kind of poetry?

dramatic monologue

41. In preparation for a class discussion, students in a high school English Language Arts class work in pairs to formulate an opinion about the discussion topic. After working in pairs, the students then share their opinions with the class. The technique described best supports students' productive participation in the class discussion by

encouraging individual accountability

6. NASA will launch its newest mission to watch the Sun, the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS), on June 26. IRIS will show the interface region, the lowest level of the Sun's atmosphere, which has never been observed before. Question: The excerpt is a good model for showing students how an author effectively makes the text comprehensible to readers by giving them which of the following?

explanation of technical language

using transitional words and phrases is appropriate for which writing modes? (expository, narrative, and/or persuasive)

expository, narrative, persuasive

developing a topic with facts and examples is appropriate for which writing modes? (expository, narrative, and/or persuasive)

expository, persuasive

Students are reading the following passage from the National Park Service's website. "Ten miles long and nearly 500 feet deep (152.4 m), Lake McDonald, the largest lake in the park, is a direct result of glacial carving. High peaks surrounding the lake all show evidence of the power of glaciers to carve even the hardest of rock. The powerful glaciers that carved the broad U-shaped valley that Lake McDonald sits in also carved smaller hanging valleys with wonderful waterfalls that are accessible by numerous hiking trails." Which of the following best identifies the intended audience of the passage?

families interested in visiting Lake McDonald

ballad stanza

four-line stanza in iambic meter in which 1st and 3rd unrhymed lines have 4 metrical feet and the 2nd and 4th have 3 metrical feet

58. Which of the following is NOT a practice associated with the writer's workshop model?

giving weekly spelling tests

64. Which of the following instructional strategies is LEAST likely to support students who struggle in writing?

grading all assigned writing and correcting mechanical errors

Anna feels that she is confusing "who" and "whom" in her narrative. She wants to correct her error. Which of the following reference materials will best help Anna accomplish such a task?

grammar guide

mettle . . . metal; nun . . . none -- The pairs above are examples of


16. If one could bring together the shells of all the oysters humans have ever consumed, they would stack up in piles that would reach to the stars. This is what kind of literary device?


24. In an editorial about recycling, an author writes, "My parents, who only have two people in their household, consume enough bottled water in one week to quench the thirst of the entire state of Rhode Island. Not surprisingly, they do not recycle the bottles!" The author uses which of the following rhetorical strategies?


exaggerating effects of heavy backpacks on students in effort to propose digital texts -- this is an example of what kind of literary device?


59. Prefix: not; Root: believe; Suffix: possible to be Question: Which of the following words can be defined based on the word roots listed above?


Science fiction: readers claim to either love it or loathe it; either they avoid it like poison or they devour favorite works and authors like chocolate addicts gulping down fudge truffles. The author of the passage compares certain readers with "chocolate addicts" primarily in order to

indicate depth of readers' feelings about sci fi

32. A high school teacher wants to meet the needs of reluctant readers who are required to read Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities. Which of the following materials is most likely to motivate these students to become engaged in the book?

interactive setting software

15. I was walking by the Thames. Half-past morning on an autumn day. Sun in a mist. Like an orange in a fried-fish shop. All bright below. Low tide, dusty water and a crooked bar of straw, chicken-boxes, dirt and oil from mud to mud. Like a viper swimming in skim milk. The old serpent, symbol of nature and love. Which of the following best characterizes the language used to describe the Thames?

it moves from the local and vernacular to the mythic

60. "No, but I ben rich wunst, and gwyne to be rich agin. Wunst I had foteen dollars, but I tuck to specalat'n', en got busted out." Question: Which of the following best describes the use of dialect in the excerpt?

it provides info about the character

40. Which of the following is a small-group discussion strategy?

jigsaw (group reads text and teaches content to another small group)

43. A class is creating a blog about ways to get involved in the community. Students will take turns updating the blog throughout the school year. Question: Which of the following lessons will target the objective of using the blog as a tool for students to interact with each other through technology?

leaving and responding to comments

42. Students in a high school English Language Arts class are divided into small groups to discuss an expository text that they recently read. To best encourage students to initiate discussion within their groups, the teacher should provide students with a

list of sample questions relating to the text

9. An Ace of Hearts steps forth: the King unseenLurked in her hand, and mourned his captive Queen:He springs to vengeance with an eager pace,And falls like thunder on the prostrate Ace.The nymph exulting fills with shouts the sky;The walls, the woods, and long canals reply. This is an example of what kind of poetry?

mock epic

56. The parking lot is open to members only from 5 A.M. to 7 P.M. Question: Which of the following will resolve the ambiguity of the sentence above?

move "only" to after 7 PM

29. Which of the following criteria would be LEAST important in evaluating the information provided in an expository article from an Internet source?

number of links to other sites

1. The epic Beowulf and its shorter elegiac contemporaries, "The Wanderer" and "The Seafarer," were all originally written in what language? old, middle, elizabethan, early modern english


Selecting a new car requires each buyer to weigh a number of factors. First to be considered is the car's appearance. Next, and even more critical, are the car's performance and safety ratings. Most significant to any prospective buyer, however, is the car's price. What best describes the organization of this paragraph?

order of importance

In a holistic evaluation of student essays, evaluations are made on the basis of the

overall quality of each student's essay in relation to the topic

"The change in temperature was barely discernible, but Mallory was able to notice it as soon as she walked outside." Based on the context of the sentence, which of the following is the best definition of the word "discernible"?


"The sun was gone, but he had left his footprints in the sky." This sentence contains what literary device?


providing justification for opinions is appropriate for which writing modes? (expository, narrative, and/or persuasive)


At the border of two countries there is a port where fishermen work. The fishermen do not speak the same language, so they communicate using one that has been invented by them for the purpose of trade. This language does not have any fixed rules of grammar. The scenario above most accurately describes which of the following types of language?


dramatic monlogue

poem written in form of speech of individual character; compresses into a single vivid scene a narrative sense of the speaker's history and psychological insight into the character

12. A leaf falls to earth / While butterflies float near. / For each, a mirror. Question: To make this poem fit the structure of a classic haiku, the author should change

second line, float to hover

I. Americans who do not speak French are at a disadvantage in Paris. II. Americans, who do not speak French, are at a disadvantage in Paris. The sentences can best serve as illustrations of which of the following?

semantics of punctuation

19. So your customers have ordered a lot of your widgets online. Congratulations! But don't start counting your chickens: You still have some work to do before you make those sales. You can't send customers their products until you calculate taxes and shipping. And more importantly, you still need to determine how to process the customers' preferred methods of payment. The key is to figure out the best software solution for your situation. The excerpt appeals to its target audience by

praising the success of the target audience

39. Our watch will adjust the date automatically for the next 50 years, even during leap years. It will stay accurate to within 10 seconds a year, no matter how many times you adjust it for time zone changes. And it requires you to replace the battery just once a decade. There's only one conclusion — you should change your thinking about watches. Question: The advertising strategy most present in the passage is

presenting range of special features

31. Because mistakes of all kind are so common, we tend to have a soft spot for errors and those who make them. The first comedy album to sell a million records was Radio Bloopers, issued in 1954. We have made best sellers out of such books as Murphy's Law, a compendium of sayings that touch on the general tendency both to make mistakes and to marvel at the foul-ups of others. Question: The author of the passage supports the statement made in the first sentence by

presenting supporting examples

Freewriting, brainstorming, clustering, and idea mapping are most important during which stage of the writing process?


A student is standing in front of the class delivering a presentation. Some students in the back of the room note that they are having trouble hearing what the presenter is saying. Which of the following suggestions to the presenter would best address this problem?

project your voice by relaxing rib cage and maintaining good posture

51. A person who drives an older car would do well to keep a set of jumper cables in the trunk, in the event that your car suddenly refuses to start up. Question: Which of the following is a grammatical error found in the sentence above?

pronoun shift

A student is conducting a research project and has learned of a website that may have useful information. The domain extension for the site is .org. Which of the following assumptions about the website is correct?

site might belong to a nonprofit agency

On a dark, secluded street stood three abandoned houses. The first had broken shutters and shattered windows. Next to it stood a dilapidated structure badly in need of paint. Adjacent, amid debris, stood a shack with graffiti scrawled across the door. What best describes the organization of this paragraph?

spatial order

"He decided to *quickly clean* the house before his parents returned." The marked phrase can best be described as a

split infinitive

64. With respect to the English language, the development of the dictionary has contributed most to which of the following?

stabilization of spelling

65. Which of the following is the best example of a kinesthetic activity that benefits English-language learners who are learning new vocabulary words?

students draw pictures to define the vocab words

61. Which of the following describes an appropriate peer-review activity?

students evaluate each other's written drafts and offer revisions

60. Which of the following is an important principle of process writing?

students may need to move back and forth through writing stages

"*Whenever the mood strikes her,* Angela takes a short walk around the block." The marked portion can best be described as a/an __ clause.


55. Which of the following lists contains words that are pronounced differently depending on whether they are used as nouns or verbs?

suspect, conscript, present

37. Two political activists from opposite sides of an issue are invited to speak to a teacher's eleventh-grade English class. Which of the following describes the activity that would be most effective for the teacher to use to encourage students to evaluate each speaker's point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric?

teacher record presentation and asks students to review in small groups, then present analysis of speakers' arguments to the class

63. Students have written a creative response to a story they have read. Which of the following might be an effective strategy for assessing what they have written?

teacher works with students ahead of time to develop scoring guide so they know the expectations

65. Which of the following best defines the term "vernacular language"?

the dialect of a specific population

49. Which of the following reference materials would be most appropriate in helping the student avoid the redundancy of using a particular word?


38. Formal oral discourse is more likely than informal oral discourse to be characterized by each of the following EXCEPT

use of active voice

31. Aristotle moved from place to place in the Lyceum while he taught. He was the prototype of *peripatetic* teachers. So say those who enjoyed not only hours, but days, walking with C. S. Lewis or Francis Schaeffer. Question: To determine the meaning of the indicated word in the passage above, a student would find which of the following most helpful?

use of context clues

62. Which of the following strategies should a teacher recommend that students apply to best help them select credible sources for a research project?

verifying info they obtain against that in other sources

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