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diffusion and acculturation

what are considered external mechanisms?

invention and innovation

what are considered internal mechanisms?

1. don't be ethnocentric 2. culture is integrated 3. change operates in a cultural context 4. innovations must fit the cultural context

what are the assumptions made in applied anthropology?

Lewis Henry Morgan's three stages

what did Carl Marx use as his model of class conflict and class warfare?

foragers (hunt and gather) and horticulturalists (gardeners)

what do gebusi classify as?

social developers tried to grow hybrid corn; it was successful for awhile but then women realized it doesn't make good tortillas so production decreased

what happened with the hybrid corn in new mexico?

cultural adaptation

social adaptation by cultural means; allows human groups to survive and thrive in challenging environments

1. preparatory rites and ceremonies that result in separation of initiates as a group 2. a liminal or "in-between" period of category transition for initiates 3. climactic rites of social celebration and reintegration

stages of rites of passage according to the gebusi?

fatalistic outlooks

"I cant do anything to change life; things will happen the way they happen; god's will"

professional ethics


participant observation

Bruce Knauft uses _____________ to study the Gebusi culture.

norms of modesty

I am not going to let that male doctor look at my private parts; women in a burkka


a discovery of a new item, idea, or principal that becomes socially shared; can include recycling of ideas

synchronic ethnography

a reflexive ethnography that leaves more room for interpretation, focuses on how the culture is at one point in time

culture (in gebusi terms)

a shared and public system of meanings, beliefs, and values

horitculturalists for bananas domesticate pigs by gaining their trust and when they are ready to eat them they lure them in with food and kill them

how do gebusi obtain their food?

cultural change

alters practices and beliefs but can reinvent them in new ways over time; happened to the Gebusi when Australians pacified their tribal enemies while introducing them to modern goods such as knives and axes

diachronic ethnography

an objective, factual ethnography with more participant observation that focuses on how the culture has been over time

sedentary because they live in permanent villages

are they mobile or sedentary?


smallest units of meaning in a language

1. gender discrimination 2. sorcery

challenging features of social domination and disorder that are downplayed in gebusi culture?

observe rather than change

cultural anthropologist strive to __________a diverse group of people rather than ___________ their beliefs, customs, and behaviors.


cultural borrowing; the spread of certain items, ideas, or practices from one culture to another

corporate descent groups

descent clans that are named, endure throughout time, and have collective rights and obligations

they practice homosexuality sometimes for initiation but they are heterosexual in marriage

describe gebusi sexuality


event where male shamans attempt to communicate with spririts; mostly a male event that excludes women; sorcerers are often killed and eaten; male bonding encouraged

historical particularism

every culture has its own cultural history and should be examined separately

longitudinal fieldwork

extended research over longer periods of time


foragers are part of the ____________ stage of Lewis Henry Morgan's unilineal evolution


gebusi clans are ___________________.


gebusi communities are _______________.

1. christianity 2. new settlement in the gasumi corner 3. schools 4. market (women sold crops for money rather than balanced reciprocity) 5. empowerment of women 6. sense of time 7. music 8. sporting events against rival villages but sports were a blend of modern and traditional 9. independence day ceremonies that mocked their culture 10. adameni (love lotion)

gebusi in 1998

1. bruce had trouble traveling back; nomad airport closed because gov't didn't have any money to keep airspace clear; government workers left on last place 2. administers got paid to run gebusi area from elsewhere 3. no more services; returned to traditional ways and embraced old elements of culture 4. unilineal path to westernization was stopped when services were withdrawn 5. new longhouse; sign of male initiation 6. cultural renaissance

gebusi in 2008

1. syncretism continued 2. more foraging; more time spend in jungle 3. market shut down 4. took up canoeing because warfare ceased 5. kept newly introduced crops because they offered a better diet 6. exon mobile pipe potentially was going to be built over gebusi territory

gebusi in 2013


gebusi language included ___________ that are not distinguished or heard as different sounds in english


gebusi sorcery relies on spiritual guidance through ________________.


good company; a gebusi concept that is emotionally powerful and widely shared

they are clan exogamous (don't marry relatives) and community endogamous (marry within village)

how are gebusi both exogamous and endogamous?

they have semi-permanent living spaces, always go into the forest but have permanent longhouses that they live in

how are gebusi considered betweeners?

patrilineage, corporate descent groups, and patriclans

how can you describe gebusi lineage and kinship?

male dominant, gender violence (ex: Sialam and Dugawe)

how can you describe gender relations in gebusi culture?

archaeology historical records life histories ethnographic restudies impact studies historical reviews of culture change

how do anthropologists study change?

they didn't work very hard, spent hours socializing and lazing about obtaining food and doing work that flowed with the environment rather than being burdens; most nights get 9 hours of sleep

how were the gebusi between 1980 and 1982?

gift exchange/reciprocity

important ways that Gebusi human social interaction are established and reinforced; Gebusi use food-giving and names between friends

rite of passage

initiation is a _________________


our way is the best and most perfect way; the only way

cultural ideology

term for when people assert and share their cultural values as a positive belief system

sister exchange

the alternative to bride price that gebusi pay


the blending of indigenous and foreign trades to form a new system

sister exchange

the gebusi desire to balance the marriage between of women between lineages or clans


the most common way to bring about culture change


the origin and spread of artifacts, traditions, and ideas through borrowing between cultures


the stage of Lewis Henry Morgan's unilineal evolution that came after foragers figured out how to cultivate plants; includes horticulturalists


the stage of Lewis Henry Morgan's unilineal evolution that came after the invention of writing and the alphabet; includes complex agriculture

1. savagery 2. barbaism 3. civilization

the stages of Lewis Henry Morgan's unilineal evolution

1. separation 2. liminality 3. incorporation

three phases of a rite of passage?


true or false: Lewis Henry Morgan feels that all the world's societies pass through the three stages


true or false: gebusi value interpersonal relationships


true or false: gebusi were hard workers


true or false: the Gebusi appreciated nearby Australian colonial presence

bogay: parcel sorcery based on imitative magic ogowili: assault sorcery based on magical attack by warriors against the victim

two major types of sorcery?


we always did it this way; it was good enough for my ancestors it is good enough for me

felt wrong selling camel milk but they drank it themselves. economic problems arose so they conformed to their neighbors beliefs, giving up their own ethnocentric beliefs and started marketing camel milk

what happened with the raikka of india and their camels?

rich got richer and the poor got poorer; all profit wen to the elite group of people and the regular farmers standard of living decreased

what happened with the sisal growing problem in Brazil?


what kind of book is "at home in the world"?


what kind of book is the gebusi?


what kind of descent do gebusi practice?

ethnographic restudies

when an anthropologist brings a young anthropologist with them to finish their work when they die

impact studies

when an anthropologist plans change with intention and study the culture before and the impact afterwards

life history

when anthropologists go find an old person and ask them to tell them everything they remember from their life


when two societies have contact with one another over a long space of time and one culture influences the other

rainforest in papua new guinea

where do the gebusi live?

unilineal evolutionists armchair anthropologists

who completes historical reviews of culture change?

the dead person's worst enemy

who is the blame often put on for death?

Franz Boas

who studied historical particularism?

relative values

your way may be better but I like my way; books in electronic format vs. paperback books

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