gen bio exam 3 ?

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how many nucleotides make up a codon?


If an organisms DNA contains 20% adenine nucleotides, what percentage of its DNA is composed of guanine nucleotides?


if an organisms DNA contains 17% adenine nucleotides and 33% guanine nucleotides, what percentage of its DNA is composed of cytosine nucleotides?


Select the answer choice that makes this sentence true ____ always pairs with ____ and ___ away pairs with _____

A, T, G, C

TRANSLATION what is the amino acid sequence coded in the following mRNA strand?


Transcribe the following DNA strand T-A-C-G-C-T-A-A-T


the start codon used for translation is


the sequence of the RNA that would result from transcribing the DNA template strand pictures would be


As you hike up a mountain, you realize that the plants and animals present at the base are not the same as those at the top. This observation is the basis of


_____ is the enzyme that helps produce the new daughter strand of DNA during DNA replication

DNA polymerase


DNA replication makes a(n) ________ copy of the DNA strand, while transcription makes a(n) ____ copy of the DNA strand

the concept of artificial selection of traits by humans is centered on the environment creating certain traits.


DNA to RNA protein

The central dogma of molecular biology states that information contained within genes flows in which direction

in the figure shown here which of the following organisms would have the same shared derived trait?

W, Y, and Z

which of the following statements is true about the phylogenetic tree shown here?

a combination of molecular data, fossil records, and anatomical homologies

which of the following examples is one of the genetic drifts

a forest fire kills all plant life south of a highway

which event was not evolved in the permian mass extinction?

a large meteor impact

Today, cheetahs show extreme genetic similarity. This is evidence of

a past bottleneck event

the ___ of a protein can be altered when mutations in the DNA sequence occur

all of the above

which of the following is required for natural selection according to Darwin?

all of the above

which of the following examples does not provide evidence of evolution

all of the above provide evidence

which of the following is NOT true of adaptation?

an adaption evolves quickly, because it is necessary for survival

Similarities due to convergent evolution are called


What does it mean when it is said that humans and apes share common descent?

après and humans descended from the same common ancestors

homologous structures

are often shared by organisms in the same line of descent

in which of the following areas of the globe would you expect to find relatively high amounts of UV radiation ?

areas at high elevation, area at a latitude near the equator

what characteristics do a bottleneck and a founder effect have in common?

both involve a decrease in a populations genetic diversity

all DNA molecules are double stranded, the process of DNA replication begins with one double stranded DNA molecule, and ends with two double stranded DNA molecules. The process of DNA replication is caked semi conservative because

both of the resulting DNA molecules have one strand composed of new nucleotides and the other strand contains nucleotides from the original DNA molecule

based on the risk factors discussed in the film which of the following groups should consider vitamin supplements to avoid rickets ?

children bored to parents with dark skin living far from the equator

the forelimbs of manatees, penguins, seals, and sea turtles are flipper shapes. this is an example of what

convergent evolution to a structure permitting movement in water

If the average leg size of a reptile continually got smaller through generations, this would be an example of

directional selection

the usage of insecticide DDT to control mosquitoes resulted in

directional selection to insecticide resistance in the insects

in the figure shown here the flower color of a population is distributed in a bell shaped normal curve, if the white and yellow flower colors increase in the frequency in the population, this would illustrate

disruptive selection

which of the following is most likely to lead to two distinct species

disruptive selection

which of the following lists the levels of taxonomic classification in order from the most inclusive to the least inclusive

domain- kingdom- phylum- class- order

The sugar glider in Australia and the flying squirrel in North America are both small mammals with large expanses of loose skin between their fore- and hind-limbs allowing them to glide from tree to tree within their respective forest habitats. These two species are distantly related but are very similar in their overall appearance. Darwin's explanation for their similarity is that

each have adapted in very similar ways to similar habits

The genetic code in bacteria is different than the genetic code in animals and plants


deletion or insertion mutations may be silent mutations but point mutations always have a catastrophic on the amino acid sequence


natural selection always produces organisms that are perfectly adapted to their environments


If a finch population with heritable, variable beak size and shape arrived on an island on which only large seeds were available as a source of food, describe the natural selection process that would follow.

finches with larger beaks will easily eat the large seeds and thus more likely survive and produce offspring with similarly large beaks.

the reproductive success of an individual relative to other members of the population is known as


the species of finches, tortoises, cacti, iguanas, and many other that are found on the Galapagos islands are found nowhere else in the world. which physical attribute of these islands has not played a role in permitting such unique life forms to evolve

food is plentiful and diverse on every island

a ship carrying a group of Madagascar lemurs with a set of rare eye color alleles wrecks off the coast of the Maldives islands. most of the lemurs make it to shore with the crew members they establish a colony of lemurs on the islands, this is an example of

founder effect

a group of field mice cross a highway and join a new population of field mice on the other side producing off spring with this population, this is an example of

gene flow

All of the genes and all of their associated alleles within a population represent the population's

gene pool

a fraction the original green frog population survives to reproduce and generate the new population. If the survivors of the original population survived by chance then this is an example of what

genetic drift

during a large hurricane, most of the happy faced spiders were killed. by chance a small population of them survived the storm. after many generations they grew into a large population of happy face spiders. this is an example of

genetic drift

Pinus strobus is the scientific name for the white pine. Pinus is the


Darwins ideas on specification differed from lamarcks by which of the following

he said that the species were suited to their environment through no effort/will of their own

which of the following statements apply to the variation of human skin color?

human skin color variation is primarily determined by the type and amount of melanin pigment in the skin the variation in human skin color correlates with in the intensity of sunlight around the world

a phylogenic tree

indicated common ancestors

which individual would be considered the fittest?

individual that has the greatest number of offspring

Evolutionary relationships between organisms are determined by

molecular evidence, anatomical homologies and fossil record

which of the following does not result in a decrease of genetic variation


earth formed during the ____ geologic era


which of the following is not thought to have contributed to the many mass extinction events that have occurred through earths history?

punctuated equilibrium

A female peacock chooses a male as a mate based on his showy plumage and courtship dance. This is an example of

sexual selection

the effects of genetic drift are more significant in

small populations

in the figure shown here the flower color of a population is distributed in a bell shaped normal curve, if the pink flower increases in the frequency in the population, this would illustrate

stabilizing selection

the figure shown here represents stabilizing selection, what happens when an individual is produced that possesses a trait far away from the mean value

that extreme individual will likely not survive and reproduce


the RMA that functions to transfer amino acids in the cytoplasm to the ribosome is called..

In the figure shown here, the letter W represents which of the following?

the common ancestor for Y an Z

If a population lacks variation (fixed), no individual has any advantageous trait, and the environment changes for the worse. What will most likely happen to the population in terms of natural selection?

the entire population will go extinct

which of the following statements are true about the phylogenetic tree shown here?

the green monkey and the rhesus monkey share a common ancestor with the gibbon and chimpanzee

which of the following statements about melanin is most accurate?

the more brown black Melanin an individual has the darker their skin

which of the following is true concerning how light interacts with the pigments in a red tomato?

the pigments absorb blue light

If a population recovers to its original population size after experiencing a bottleneck, which statement is correct regarding this population?

the recovered population shows less genetic diversity that the population prior to the bottleneck.

which of the following statements is true about the previous cladogram and the characters used to derive it ?

the snake and lizard share a common ancestor that does not have characters internal fertilization or amniotic membrane in egg

DNA replication is called semiconservative because

the two DNA resulting molecules each have one new DNA strand and one old strand from the original DNA molecule

which of the following would be considered analogous structures ?

the wings of a fly and the wings of a sparrow

in random mating

there is no influence on mate choice.

Which base is found in DNA but not RNA?


Which of the following processes does not occur within the nucleus?


A primary amino acid sequence is formed during translation


an adaptation may take generations to evolve in a population


cladograms show the sequence of evolution of characters in a clade


convergent evolution gives rise to analogous structures in unrelated taxa


mutations are essential to the survival of living species as they can increase the genetic diversity in a population


mutations change DNA which in turn changes mRNA which in turn potientially changes the amino acid sequence in a protein


part of Darwins theory of natural selection says that in a given population, many more Individuals are produced in each generation than the environment can support


point mutations may sometimes be known as silent mutations which happens when the altered RNA sequences codes for the same amino acid sequence as the original RNA sequence


the process of transcription produces an mRNA sequence from a DNA sequence


the study of biogeography helped Darwin formulate his ideas of natural selection


transcription occurs in the nucleus, translation occurs in the cytoplasm using a ribosome


two organisms present in the same genus are usually more closely related to each other than to organisms in other genera


Why are Australian mammals all marsupial while mammals on other continents are mostly placental?

when the continent's separated from one another, marsupials on Australia did not have the placental competitors that were present in the Americas

in that way does natural selection depend on the specific environment in which organisms live?

when the environment changes, traits that were beneficial to an organism may become harmful vice versa

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