General Psychology

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Cade, a nine-year old, almost exclusively plays with boys at his elementary school. Cade's behavior is most likely in the __________ stage of psychosexual development.


the rorschach ink blot test is which type of personality test

projective personality test

rual goes to a psychotherapist because he is suffering from insomnia. the therapist ask him to relax by lying on the couch and encourages him to talk about anything that comes to his mind. the therapist does not use hypnosis. through this process, the therapist hopes to gain a insight into the unconscious processes in rauls mind. the therapist is using what technique

free association

what stage of parental development is characterized by the zygote dividing repeatedly while moving to the uterus

germinal stage

erraneous beliefs that one is being victimized


Which of the following statements is true of the biopsychosocial model that explains the origins of psychological disorders?

Health professionals viewed psychological disorders in terms of a combination of biological vulnerabilities, psychological factors, and sociocultural factors.

________ argues that people are capable of free choice, self-fulfillment, and ethical behavior.


According to Sigmund Freud, which of the following is true of the superego?

It holds up shining models of an ideal self and monitors the intentions of the ego.

__________ refers to a behavior-therapy method for helping people in their interpersonal relations that utilizes self-monitoring, behavior rehearsal, and feedback.

Social skills training

Which of the following is a feature of the germinal stage of prenatal development?

The zygote divides repeatedly while moving to the uterus.

Which of the following statements is true of the hearing capability of newborns?

They cannot hear well until they are three months old.

Chelsea sells used cars and she has noticed over the years that when you initially quote a high price for a car people tend to not have a drastically different counteroffer. This is an example of:

a framing effect.

Joe is suffering from kidney dysfunctionality. Joe's doctor advises him to start taking injections instead of tablets as that would be more effective and would cure him sooner. However, Joe fears hypodermic needles and refuses to be injected. In this scenario, Joe seems to have _________.

a specific phobia

according to baumrind, this parenting style can be described as having high control or restrictiveness, and low warmth or responsiveness

authoritarian parenting style

Psychodynamic and learning theorists suggest that these disorders help people keep disturbing memories or ideas out of mind

dissociative disorders

In the context of the origins of dissociative disorders, both psychodynamic and learning theories suggest that:

dissociative disorders help people keep disturbing memories or ideas out of mind.

According to Piaget, the __________ is the fourth stage of cognitive development in children.

formal operational stage

According to Freud's psychoanalytic theory, the __________ functions according to the pleasure principle.


the name of the concept that infants are born with the innate ability to learn language

language acquisiton device

Which of the following aggravated the psychological problems that inmates of asylums were already facing?


Marco, a three-year-old boy, is about to take a nap. He looks at his mother and says, "I goed to the park." In this scenario, Marco is exhibiting _________.


Extreme, irrational fears of objects and situations, such as hypodermic needles and public speaking are examples of __________.


Which of the following is true of Carl Jung's psychodynamic theory—analytical psychology?

It emphasizes the collective unconscious and archetypes.

The principles of psychotherapy focus on all of the following except for:

Psychotherapy only influences clients' feelings.

According to the __________, persons with a disposition for a psychological disorder may exhibit the disorder when experiencing a major life change, such as a death in the family or sudden move.

biopsychosocial model

which theory or model of intelligence is most frequently used in educational settings


Ryan, a teenager, exhibits erratic behavior. He is very happy at times and at other times he shows signs of extreme depression. Ryan's mother thinks he is possessed and takes him to an exorcist. In this scenario, Ryan's mother supports the __________ of psychological disorders.

demonological model

people who experience episodes of feeling detached from themselves or feeling that the world around them is unreal may be experiencing a disorder called

depersonalization derealization disorder

lauren, who suffers from schizophrenia, often hears a voice telling her she is being watched by the police. this condition is called


According to your text, true language is distinguished from the communication systems of lower animals by all of the following EXCEPT ______. a.


Anaya is a teenager who has just started wearing braces. She hates going to school anymore because she thinks that everyone is looking at her and laughing. She believes that she must look her best at all times. Which concept of Piaget's adolescent egocentrism is best depicted in this scenario?

imaginary audience

Antidepressants ___________.

increase serotonin levels

what is a general mental capability that involves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly, and learn from experience


Kim and her family were involved in a road accident. Kim was the only survivor. Her son and husband were declared dead. When Kim returned home, she started having dreams about people dying in tragic accidents. These nightmares left Kim with a rapid heart rate and feelings of anxiety and helplessness. Kim is most likely suffering from ________.

post-traumatic stress disorder

Which of the following is not a characteristic of middle adulthood?

Both sexes may look better than their earlier adult years.

Which of the following statements about suicide are correct?

Most people who commit suicide do not give warnings about their intentions.

A pregnant woman visits her doctor for a scheduled ultrasound. She hears the strong heartbeat of the developing child. She is also able to see its fingers and toes. She tells the doctor that she frequently feels the baby kick. Which stage of prenatal development is depicted in the scenario?

The embryonic stage.

According to Freud, __________ is an anal-retentive trait.


withdrawl from psychtropic medications can cause

rebound anxiety

According to Erik Erikson, the psychosocial development stage of _________ is foundational to healthy development.

trust versus mistrust

As it relates to the placenta, which of the following is accurate?

It prevents the mother and developing child's blood from mixing.

in ________ people forget their entire lives

generalized dissociative amnesia

Lithium is an ______

mood stabilizer

which of the following freudian psychic structures is present in a person at birth


__________ is the best-known form of psychosurgery that is used with people with severe psychological disorders.

Prefrontal lobotomy

The Electra complex involves __________.

a girl longing for her father and resenting her mother

while away at college, kruti realized that her honest personality was due to the high value and reinforcement she put on telling the truth in all situations. what theory best explains this


An songwriter most likely has __________ based on examples in the text and powerpoint.

creative intelligence

according to ainsworth and supporting research, which form of attachment leads to the best outcomes for the child

secure attachment

the embryo is connected to the placenta by the __________

umbilical cord

According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, conservation refers to children being able to ________.

understand that mass can stay the same even when it looks different

Which of the following is an advantage of group therapy used by psychotherapists?

It allows people to receive support from others with similar problems.

Which of these tests is often used to measure emotional intelligence, specifically self-control?

Marshmallow Test

Behaviors or mental processes are suggestive of psychological disorders when they meet some combination of the following criteria. Which of the following is not one of the criteria?

The individual's behavior is socially acceptable

During a math test, Jacob is given the lengths of two sides of a right triangle and is asked to find the length of its third side. He uses the Pythagorean theorem to calculate the length. In this scenario, Jacob has used a(n) _____ to calculate the length of the third side of the right triangle.


According to Ainsworth's strange situation method, upon reunion with their mothers after separation, infants with resistant attachment:

alternately cling to and push their mother away.

According to Jung's hypothesis, which of the following refers to the primitive images contained in the collective unconscious?


Rapid smoking can be a(n) ________ to help a person stop smoking.

aversive conditioning method

behavior therapy is also known as

behavior modification

Jason meets a psychotherapist for the first time. During their session, the therapist tells him that she believes that humans have a natural tendency toward health and growth and that they are free to make choices and control their destinies. She also tells him that therapy is intended to help people get in touch with their genuine feelings. In this case, Jason's therapist is using __________.

centered therapy

In the context of specific phobias, __________ is the fear of tight or enclosed places.


in the context of specific phobias ______ is the fear of tight or enclosed places


Schizophrenia is characterized by ___________.

disturbances in thought and language, perception and attention, motor activity, and mood

People with depersonalization-derealization disorder:

experience episodes of feeling detached from themselves or feeling that the world around them is unreal.

Elizabeth just turned six and she is given an intelligence test at school. The results of the test show that she is functioning intellectually like the average eight-year-old. In this scenario, Elizabeth has a(n) __________ of eight.

intelligence quotient

________ tests are tests that presume the taker will project their personality into their answers.


Biological treatments or therapies include all of the following EXCEPT:


Jill was surprised at how much her therapist challenged her beliefs concerning her social anxiety. Her therapist kept having her make counter-arguments against many of the thoughts she had that pertained to her anxiety. Jill's therapist is practicing what approach?

rational emotive behavior therapy

Jennifer has to choose a doctor and finds two with pictures online. She chooses the man in the suit as a better choice for her doctor, instead of the woman with numerous tattoos and piercings. She later finds out that the man has killed half of his patients. Jennifer's unfortunate choice was likely due to her use of the __________ heuristic.


Mari was trying to lose some weight prior to her prom, so she decided which dress she wanted to get and then decided how much weight she needed to lose. This is an example of ____________.

the means-end analysis

Reasonably stable characteristics of personality that account for consistent behavior are called ______.


reasonably stable characteristics of personality that account for consistent behavior that dates back to hippocrates


your uncle has a stroke and after he recovers, he is able to speak fluently, but his words do not make sense. based on videos we watched in class, he likely has

wernicke aphasia

Among adolescents, your text discusses several contributing factors to suicide behavior, except concerns over ____________.


A similarity between acute stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder is that both:

are characterized by feelings of anxiety and helplessness that are caused by a traumatic event.

According to Piaget, ________ is the inclusion of a new event into an existing schema.


People with _________ alternate between extremes of adulation in their relationships when their needs are met and loathing when they feel scorned.

borderline personality disorder

According to Ainsworth and supporting research, which form of attachment leads to the best outcomes for the child?


Which acronym represents the "Big 5"?


Lisa, a high school student, is suspicious of her classmates. She does not trust them and keeps a distance from everyone at school. Lisa is most likely suffering from __________.

Paranoid personality disorder

Eysenck focused on the relationships between two personality traits: __________ and emotional stability-instability.


Delmar believes that he has been sent to earth to save mankind. He believes that women are evil and that any male who speaks to a female is doomed to be a slave. He often tells people of his grand plan to save males from the influence of females. Nothing one says or does can convince him that his ideas are absurd. Delmar's behavior best exemplifies _________.


Which of the following statements is true of dissociative identity disorder?

Somatoform disorders are characterized by the presence of two or more personalities in one person.

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