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What conditions are needed for a glacier to form?

Low temperature and excess snow accumulation

saltating particles; surface creep

Pebbles can be moved by __________ in a process known as __________.


Rocks that appear pitted and grooved, and sometimes polished smooth by eolian processes, are termed

initiate the movement of other particles and suppress the movement of other particles

The impact of saltating particles acts to

ice-contact stratified drift

The landform is a kame or what is more specifically called a moulin kame. This involves the combination of meltwater acting with the ice

water and fluvial processes

The major erosional force in the desert is


Which of the following is a depositional landform?


Which of the following is a desert erosional feature?


______deposits in the United States and Europe are derived from glacial outwash deposits


a mass of rocks and sediment carried down and deposited by a glacier, typically as ridges at its edges or extremity.

bajada; pediment

A continuous depositional apron, or __________, may form if individual alluvial fans coalesce into one sloping surface. This feature contrasts with a __________, which is an erosional surface along a mountain front where bedrock is covered by a thin veneer of alluvium.

a glacier

A general term for a mass of perennial ice, resting on land or floating shelf-like in the sea adjacent to land is

They are oriented transversely, or at right angles, to the direction of the wind

Which of the following is correct regarding eolian ripples?

They may range in length from 100 m (325 ft.) to 100 km (62 mi.)

Which of the following is correct regarding valley glaciers?

The ridges and valleys are a product of intense folding

Which of the following is incorrect regarding the Basin and Range Province?

lateral moraine

Which of the following is not a depositional feature formed by, or in association with, a continental glacier?


Which of the following is not an erosional feature formed by an alpine glacier?

Clay is difficult to lift from a surface but is easy to keep suspended in the air.

Which of the following statements is correct regarding the erosion and transport of clay?


Which of the following types of moraines is not oriented perpendicular to the direction of ice flow?


Which of the following would not be found in an alpine glacial valley?


Which sand movement results in the bouncing of particles?

The ice is moving toward its outer margin.

Which statement accurately describes a retreating glacier?

The presence of till indicates

direct deposition by a glacier

1 m (3.28 ft.)

Abrasion is usually confined to a zone which extends up to __________ above the ground.

The glacial ice is moving.

On a glacier, why does glacial ice occur where more snow melts than accumulates during the year?

at lower wind velocities; particle impact

Once particle motion is initiated, subsequent motion can be maintained __________ because of the process of __________.


What is the name of the most recent of the Pleistocene glaciations?

How did Washington's "channeled scablands" form?

An ice sheet dammed a lake and the region flooded each time the dam broke.

35% ; increasing

Arid and semiarid climates cover as much as ____ of Earth's land, and this percentage is ____

lower; more

Because air has a __________ density than water, saltating particles in an eolian environment strike one another with __________ force than do saltating particles in a stream.

deflation and the action of rainwater

Desert pavement is formed by _________.


Elongated, streamlined ridges aligned parallel to the most effective wind direction are called


Formed by material that accumulated in a hole in the ice before the glacier melted and dropped the material down onto the surface under the ice

Glaciation creates many lakes.

How can glaciation impact the landscape?

Glaciers repeatedly scoured the bedrock, leaving depressions that became the lakes.

How did the Great Lakes form?

Glaciers and sea ice are shrinking dramatically.

How have most glaciers and sea ice been changing in the past decade?

Floods are common

Impacts of precipitation on a desert landscape?

Basin and Range

In what physiographic province is most of Nevada?

about 80 percent of wind transported particle

The skipping and bouncing action of saltation accounts for


The smallest features shaped by individual saltating grains are

a dust storm

The suspension of finer particles by wind over significant distances is a phenomenon known as

Cirque, valley, and piedmont

What are the types of alpine glaciers?

Differential weathering

What causes the slope variations in this landform?

The middle of the ice moves fastest.

What describes the rate of glacial movement?


What drainage pattern is generally associated with recent continental glaciation?

Outwash plain

What is an example of a landform that is composed of drift but not till?

Lake Bonneville

What is an example of a pluvial lake?


an exposed mountaintop that is completely surrounded by glacial ice. The bedrock sticks up through the top of the mass of ice

Sand dunes

are depositional features

Buttes, mesas, and inselbergs represent

erosional remnants of a once extensive and continuous rock layer.

The Basin and Range Province was formed by

faulting and tensional forces resulting from the fact that North America overrode a subducted ocean plate and was raised and stretched in the process.

recessional moraine

formed by a stationary glacier while material is piled up at its front. The till or unsorted debris in front of this landform clearly indicates that the glacier has advanced farther than the current location


formed when a chunk of ice is buried in drift while material accumulates around it. When the ice block melts, the overlying material settles, leaving a depression.


formed where two cirques erode through the ridge separating them. This produces a lowering of the ridge or a smooth saddle across it that forms a pass.


steep bowl-shaped hollow in the top of a mountain. It is formed by an alpine glacier eroding backward into the mountain

lateral moraine

the ridge of material that accumulates along the side of the glacier. It is composed of the material it either picks up or material that falls on the ice and gets buried by snowfalls

Outwash Plain

very flat, gently sloping, layered deposit beyond the unsorted debris deposited by a glacier. It can also form on top of ground moraine as the glacier is retreating


winding or snake-like elongated hill. One forms from the deposits that accumulate on the bottom of a stream on or in the ice. When the glacier melts, those materials are dropped down and form the winding ridge

V; U

Unlike a stream-cut valley that assumes a characteristic __________-shape, a glacially-carved valley evidences a characteristic __________-shape.


Unsorted and unstratified glacial deposits (not landforms) are called


What is an example of deflation?

Running water

What is generally the most important erosional agent shaping the desert environment?

Desert Pavement

What is illustrated in the photo?


What is illustrated in the photo?


What is shown in the photo from Colorado?


What is shown in the photo?


What is shown in the photo?

Ice wedge

What is shown in the photograph?


What is snow with a granular texture when transitioning from snow to glacial ice?

Zone of ablation

What is the part of the glacier below or beyond the snowline?


What is the process associated with wind as an agent of erosion?


What is the process of a glacier breaking off into a sea or lake?


What is the term for a glacier lifting and removing a chunk of bedrock?

Roche moutonnée

What landform is shown?


What landforms are illustrated?


What location is noted for fossil sand dunes?


What periglacial process disrupts soil by mixing it and results from frost action?

Changes in Earth's orbit and axial tilt

What possible explanation for Pleistocene glaciations is called by the name Milankovitch cycles?


What process is associated with water that is plastic and flows?


What process sandblasts rocks?


What provides evidence that the surface ice of a glacier is not as plastic as interior ice?

silts and clays

What size material comprises the dust in a dust storm that extends thousands of feet above the ground?


What term describes a sandblasted rock?


What term describes an intricately rilled and barren landscape in horizontal sedimentary rocks?


What term describes the internal structure of a sand dune?


What term refers to the windward side of a dune?


What type of desert is most likely to have a desert pavement?


What type of desert is shown?

The Dust Bowl

What was the result of overgrazing, poor soil management practices, and high winds in Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and eastern Colorado in the 1930's?

About 10,000 years ago

When did the last Pleistocene glaciation end?

terminal moraine

When the glacier is advancing, it is pushing and carrying the load it contains forward. When it finally stops advancing and covering new area, it begins dumping the load at its front. This forms a ridge of unsorted glacial till

medial moraine

When two valley glaciers join together, they form a __________ at the point at which they merge

In Death Valley

Where are playas and alluvial fans most likely to be found?


Where is loess most likely to be found?

South of Sahara

Where is the Sahel?

Death Valley, California

Where is the lowest elevation in the United States?


Which erosional landform is formed by two valley glaciers eroding down adjacent valleys and narrowing the ridge that separates the two valleys?

Drift and till

Which is the correct description of the pictured material?

Lake Michigan

Which of the Great Lakes is most noted for its sand dunes?

cols and horns

Which of the following are erosional landforms created by alpine glaciation?


Which of the following basin and range features would you not find in a basin?

pediments faults horsts and grabens alluvial fans

Which of the following can be found in the Basin and Range province?

stratified drift

Which of the following is a depositional landform created by glaciation?

alluvial fan

A characteristic cone-shaped depositional feature in the desert that usually forms at the mouth of a canyon is known as a(n)

cirque glacier

A glacier that is confined in a bowl-shaped recess is called a


A paternoster lake is a singular lake filling a small cirque basin behind risers of rock material (T/F)?


A pyramidal peak formed by abrasion is __________.

an esker

A stream flowing under a continental glacier can produce a feature called ___________


A tarn is a lake in a

an ice cap

Alpine glaciers include all of the following except

77 %

Approximately what percentage of the world's freshwater is frozen?

rugged and hard-edged; lack of chemical weathering

Desert landscapes tend to be __________ in appearance because of the __________.


Drowned glacial valleys are known as

till plains; downstream

Drumlins are formed in __________, and their tapered ends point __________

inverted spoons; in swarms

Drumlins look like __________ and they occur __________

The river water was originally allocated during an exceptionally wet period

Which of the following is an issue facing Colorado River water users?

26 percent, and as much as 35 percent if all semiarid climates are considered

Dry, arid climates occupy approximately what percentage of Earth's land surface?


During the Pleistocene ice age, many areas of the southwestern United States were covered by large lakes (T/F)?


During the height of the Pleistocene ice age, the glaciers extended as far south as the Ohio and Missouri river systems (T/F)?


Erosion by alpine glaciers __________ the ruggedness of the landscape.

a mountain range that was sculpted by alpine glaciers

Horns and cirques are typical features in

Which of the following is correct regarding the snowline?

It decreases in elevation with increasing latitude


Louis Agassiz developed a theory to explain the presence of boulders that differ in composition and origin from the ground on which they rest. He regarded these glacially deposited forms as

high; of evaporation of water containing dissolved salts

Playas are likely to contain __________ concentrations of salt because __________.

widely spaced

Small sized sand that is blown in a strong wind will produce ripples that are

What factor contributes to the angular nature of arid landforms?

Soil in deserts is thin or absent.

yardang formed by abrasion

Some think the Sphinx in Egypt was initially a ______________.

glacial drift

The general term for all glacial deposits is

till plain; outwash plain

The material deposited behind a terminal moraine (i.e., the side on which the ice was located) forms a(n) __________, whereas that deposited in front of the terminal moraine forms a(n) __________.


The material in a glacial moraine is

it was deposited by glacial meltwater

The presence of stratified, or sorted, glacial sediment indicates that

the equatorial low-pressure region and the ITCZ

The spatial distribution of Earth's dry regions are attributable to all of the following factors except

seasonally thaws

The surface layer of permafrost _________.


________ is a lake in the bottom of a cirque

Outwash fan

_________is a fan-shaped body of sediments deposited by braided streams from a melting glacier

A drumlin

a continental depositional feature


a mountain that has been eroded on all sides by alpine glaciers, so that it has been steepened to a pyramid-shaped peak


a rock fragment that has been transported by a glacier, eroded and smoothed during transportation, and then deposited in an area where that material is not surface bedrock

Roches moutonnées form as a result of

abrasion on the stoss side and ice plucking on the lee side of a rocky outcrop

Kettle holes are formed by

ice that melts after having been buried by glacial sediments


it is a hill shaped like an inverted spoon without the handle. It forms when the glacier deposits unsorted glacial material underneath the ice and then drags the till a short distance

Erratics are

rocks that are not native to an area.

Till plains refer to

unsorted coarse deposits characterized by low, rolling relie

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