Geography Chapter 3

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Which atmospheric zone supports the biosphere and is the region of principle weather activity?

air pressure

the force exerted from the ongoing collision of gas molecules on all surfaces

particulate matter

"PM" diverse mix of fine particles, solid and liquid, that pollute the air and affect human health


"outer sphere" where the atmosphere is less dense and nearly a vacuum


"ozone layer" the layer of the atmosphere that absorbs significant amounts of ultraviolet radiation

noctilucent clouds

A rare, shining band of ice crystals that may glow at high latitudes long after sunset; formed within the mesosphere, where cosmic and meteoric dust act as nuclei for the formation of ice crystals.

not enough molecules to transfer heat

Despite its high temperatures, why would the thermosphere feel cold to humans?


Gases are uniformly mixed.

low atmospheric density

How can the temperature in the thermosphere exceed 1200° C but not be "hot"?


When we measure air _____________ , we are measuring the increased activity of individual molecules, such as nitrogen and oxygen.

acid rain

mix of wet and dry deposition from atmosphere higher than normal amounts of nitric and sulfuric acids


Chlorofluorocarbons. Man made chemicals used as coolants and propellants in aerosols. Potent greenhouse gases that also lead to depletion of the ozone layer.

thermosphere, mesosphere, stratosphere, troposphere

In terms of incoming solar radiation (insolation), which is the correct order?

troposphere and mesosphere

In which two atmospheric zones does temperature decrease with altitude?

temperature to increase with altitude

Ozone converts UV radiation from the sun into heat energy causes what to happen in the stratosphere?


TF> Hydrogen and helium occur at the top of the heterosphere and oxygen and nitrogen dominate in the lower heterosphere.

more acidic

The lower the pH of a liquid,

at the equator

The tropopause altitude is highest ________ because of the AIR EXPANSION from intense heating at the surface.

volatile organic compounds

VOC's; compounds that contain carbon and evaporate very easily

temperature inversion v. air pollution

Vertical mixing of pollutants is halted, trapping the pollutants under the inversion layer

composition, temperatrue, function

What are the three atmospheric criteria scientists use to define layers of the atmosphere?

sulfur oxide and nitrogen oxides

What two pollutants react with water to produce acid rain?


What type of energy is absorbed in the ozonosphere?

1987; 1989

What year was the Montreal Protocol signed and what year did it go into action?

oxygen 21%

Which of the following associations correctly matches the atmospheric component with its approximate relative percentage by volume?


a simple mixture of gases that is naturally odorless, colorless, tasteless, and formless


the upper boundary of the troposphere

Montreal Protocol

aims to reduce and eliminate all ozone depleting substances.

stratospheric ozone

good ozone, produces oxygen molecules to interact with UV radiation and prevent 95% of it from reaching the surface

clean air act

has resulted in the significant reduction in various atmospheric pollutants.

low density

low pressures ( further away from earth) =

photochemical smog

mix of pollutants that results from the interaction of sunlight and the combustion products in CARS EXHAUST

temperature inversion

occurs when surface temperatures are lower than warmer overlying air.

location of thermopause

on average, approximately 480 km (300 mi.) above Earth's surface.

industrial smog

principally associated with coal-burning industries and electrical generation.


the average lapse rate


the coldest point in the atmosphere (-90 degrees C)


the layer of the earth's atmosphere that contains a high concentration of ions and free electrons and is able to reflect radio waves.


the outer boundary of the stratosphere

atmospheric pressure

the pressure caused by the weight of the air in Earth's atmosphere

environmental lapse rate

the rate of temperature decrease with increasing height in the troposphere

solar constant is measure at

the top of the atmosphere (480 km (300 mi)).


the upper region of the hemisphere from 50 to 80 km (30 to 50 mi) above the ground; extremely ratified

lapse rate

The rate at which temperature decreases with an increase in altitude.

photochemical smog

The reaction of automobile exhaust and ultraviolet light produces what


The region of the atmosphere that is so evenly mixed that it behaves as if it were a single gas is the


The single major source for photochemical reactants in the United States are

nitrogen, oxygen, argon

The three stable (i.e., nonvariable) gases in the atmosphere, in order of abundance from most to least, are

nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, trace gases

What is the sequence of gases, from most to least, in terms of percentage within the homosphere?


In the U.S. what region is affected by acid rain the most?

industrial activity

Sources of natural variable pollutants and materials include all of the following except


TF. Acid deposition increase in nutrients in forest ecosystems


TF. Acid deposition results in declining fish populations, forest damage, and altered soil chemistry.


TF. Air consists of gases thoroughly mixed so that they behave like a single gas.


TF. CO2 has reached 400 ppm in approximately 2013.


TF. Natural events, such as volcanoes and wildfires, produce air pollution and may cover large areas.


TF. Only exposure to UVA is a concern, not exposure to UVB and UVC.


TF. Temperatures increase with altitude in the troposphere because the higher in altitude, the closer to the sun.


TF. The CFC molecules react with ultraviolet light to release chlorine which then destroys ozone.


TF. The ozonosphere corresponds with the stratosphere.


TF. carbon dioxide occurs in large amounts in the atmosphere relative to other gases

poorly mixed; gravity causes gases of different weight to separate in layers

The heterosphere is the layer of the atmosphere in which the gases are ________ because of ________.

direct contact with high energy solar radiation

The high temperatures in the thermosphere occur because


The highest temperatures in the atmosphere occur in the


The lower layer of the atmosphere

480 km above the earth's surface

The top of the Earth's atmosphere is approximately


Tiny solid and liquid particles suspended in the atmosphere EX: volcanos, dust, wildfires, and anthropogenic pollutants

absorbs harmful uv radiation

Why is stratospheric ozone loss a concern?


as you increase in altitude the air pressure_____


at the sea level, the atmosphere exerts a pressure of

high density

high pressures-

gases of troposphere

water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide

ionosphere and ozonosphere

what are the two specific zones of the atmosphere?


what in the lower troposphere causes lung irritation, asthma, and susceptibility to respiratory illness in humans.

heterosphere and homosphere

Based on COMPOSITION, the atmosphere is divided into TWO broad classifications

two zones

Based on FUNCTION, the atmosphere has_______ that absorb radiation from the Sun

four regions

Based on TEMPERATURE, the atmosphere is divided into________ that ranges from the troposphere to the thermosphere

air pollution

Both natural and anthropogenic gases, particles, and other substances in amounts that cause damage to the environment or are harmful to humans.

hole in the ozone

Chlorine freed from CFCs elsewhere migrate to the Antarctic region, where they are trapped by the polar vortex.

industrial smog

Coal/oil gets burned but not completely combusted (high concentrations of carbon dioxide, particulates, and sulfur oxides)

mesosphere conditions

It contains the coldest portion of the atmosphere along its outer boundary.


0-17 km above Earth's surface, site of weather, organisms, contains most atmospheric water vapor. (temperature decreases with increasing altitude, pressure decreases)


12 to 50 km, Ozone held here, absorbs UV radiation


Given the pH scale is logarithmic where each whole number represents a tenfold increase, a rain with a pH of 3 is how many times more acidic than rain with a pH of 7?


Half of the total mass of Earth's atmosphere lies below an elevation of ________ meters.


Harmful substances in the air, water, or soil


How many CFC molecules does it take to damage thousands of ozone molecules?

stratosphere and thermosphere

In which two atmospheric zones does temperature increase with altitude?

Peroxyacyl Nitrates

(PANs) component of photochemical smog; irritate human eyes and respiratory system functions and damages plants

carbon monoxide

by-product of combustion that is dangerously toxic


"O2" a by-product of photosynthesis.

protects human health in lower troposphere

Which of the following statements about ozone (O3) is false?


Which of the gases listed below has accumulated in the atmosphere as a result of biological processes?


Which stable (nonvariable) gas in the atmosphere is inert and unusable in life processes?

nitrogen dioxide

cycled through the environment via the activity of bacteria.


The outermost region of the atmosphere, based on COMPOSITION, is the

ultraviolet wavelengths

The ozonosphere is critical to life because it absorbs most


TF. Air pressure decreases through the troposphere though increases in the stratosphere.


TF. Anthropogenic pollution includes carbon monoxide, photochemical smog, and volatile organic compounds.


TF. As ozone absorbs the shorter wavelengths of UV radiation, UV energy is converted to heat energy


TF. in the ionosphere, the region principally absorbs gamma rays, X-rays, and interacts with the solar wind


TF. the depletion of ozone in the ozonosphere results from chemical reactions with chlorine derived from CFCs.

ozone, PAN, nitric acid

The main ingredients in photochemical smog are

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