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Which example would not be a direct interest group strategy?

Civil disobedience

A state that prevents members from one political party and quite possibly voters registered as independents from voting for another party's nominees has which type of primary?


Which of the following is a procedural move in the Senate that can end a filibuster?


The merging of our informational and entertainment worlds is best exemplified by

Donald Trump's presidential candidacy.

Select all that apply Under what circumstances would a 527 committee be required to report its activities to the Federal Election Commission?

Expressly advocating the election of a federal candidate Engaging in electioneering communications

Presidents are generally less likely to veto minor pieces of legislation. Which chief executive was an exception in this regard?

Franklin Roosevelt

Which of the following is the aspect of radio broadcasts that had the most transformative impact on Americans' consumption of news?


Administrative adjudication can result in which of the following?

Imposition of penalties for rule violation

How do interest groups foster civic participation?

Interest groups provide ways for people to organize to influence government.

Which of the following has/have done the most to revolutionize the modern-day campaign?


Which of the following is a problem with blogging?

It allows people to participate in media-type activities without adhering to journalistic norms and traditions.


Joining because of social associations

Because of Donald Trump's rhetoric during the 2016 campaign, a drop in participation by which of the following groups was most surprising?


Select all that apply Which of the following are duties of the Speaker of the House?

Make majority party committee assignments Guide legislation through the chamber

Select all that apply Which of these resulted from the 1996 Telecommunication Act?

New options were presented to consumers about local and long-distance telephone service, Internet access, and cable and satellite television. Competition was allowed in the communications industry.

What aspect of cellular technology has had the most impact on American patterns of news consumption?


Click and drag on elements in order Place the federal bureaucratic hierarchy in order from top to bottom.

Pres SES Political appointees Career civil servants

Select all that apply Which two of the following were major factors in the the record number of women running for Congress in 2018?

President Trump's rhetoric and behavior toward women Republican attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act

Voters who select a candidate based upon his or her campaign promise to reduce the national debt are using which method of candidate evaluation?

Prospective voting

Select all that apply Which of the following are duties of the White House Office?

Protecting the president's legal and political interests Interacting with Congress to help get presidential policy enacted into law Developing policies favored by the administration Keeping the president informed about policy issues

Select all that apply Which of the following are alleged efforts to suppress the minority vote in some areas?

Providing antiquated voting machines Suspending voter registrations of members of minority groups Decreasing the number of polling stations in cities with minority populations

Which types of interests would belong to the category of public and ideological interest groups?

Religious interests Consumer interests

U.S. president

Resident of the United States for 14 years and a natural-born citizen

U.S. senator

Resident of the United States for 9 years

Voters who determine how they will vote based upon the voting record of the incumbent are using which method of candidate evaluation?

Retrospective voting

Why might voting against their constituents' will on a particular issue be less significant for a member of the Senate than for a member of the House?

Senators have longer terms of service.

Who has/have often been responsible for reporting on current events in American politics?

The media

Select all that apply What are the claims that media critics are making today about both print and electronic media?

They exhibit bias in their selection of what issues to cover. They favor one side of an issue (or one politician) over another. They exhibit bias in their reporting.

What area has traditionally been the vehicle for pork barrel projects?

Transportation bills

True or false: The president pro tempore is third in the line of presidential succession.


Members of Congress may experience conflict between their lawmaking responsibility and their responsibility to represent their constituency when

a policy that is good for the nation as a whole does not coincide with the needs of their constituency.

Majority-minority districts are

an attempt to increase diversity in Congress.

A law that gives government entities the legal authority to spend money is called a(n) ______ law.


If the House and Senate pass different versions of a bill, it must first go to a ______ committee to have any differences reconciled before it can be voted on again by both chambers and sent to the president.


Since the 1790s, the power of the presidency has


Hearings are an effective way for committees to

gather information.

The rise of paid campaign consultants displaced the total reliance of campaigns on

grassroots volunteers.

The powers of the presidency that Joe Biden assumed in 2021 were ______ those George Washington assumed in 1789.

greater than

To many historians, Watergate demonstrated that the

growing power of the presidency offers too many opportunities for abuse.

With regard to voter turnout, African Americans

helped deliver a victory to Joe Biden in 2020 with high turnout in swing states.

Individuals who believe that their participation in the political process matters are likely to have ______ levels of political efficacy.


Since the mid-twentieth century, the general willingness among Americans to elect a woman as president has


Typically, the likelihood of voting ______ as education level increases.


A candidate who already holds an office and is up for reelection is called a(n)


The Speaker of the House is effectively chosen by the

majority party.

Today, individual voters must shoulder ______ responsibility for assessing the accuracy of the information disseminated through new media outlets about candidates.


Younger journalists tend to be _____ previous generations.

more diverse than

Federal civil servants are ______ to belong to a labor union than private sector employees.

more likely

The components of the president's role of party leader include all the following except

negotiating treaties and other international agreements.

Critics worry that the desire for profits will lead the corporate media to feature

news that attracts an audience but is not very important.

A subcommittee is a subset of the members of a ______ committee.


General election candidates are determined from

the primary election winners

In the policy-making process, members of Congress, the executive departments and agencies, and organized interest groups are said to make up the iron ____


Interest groups lobbying for policies representing groups of industries or corporations are known as ___ organizations


Political scientist Richard Neustadt contended that an effective president is successful in using

"the power to persuade."

Approximately how much money did Enron contribute to federal and state party-building activities, leading to public outcry and the passage of campaign finance reform?

$4 million

As of 2020, how many African Americans had been elected to the U.S. Senate?


Which of the following together determine the number of electors in the Electoral College?

100 members representing the number of U.S. senators 435 electors representing the number of members in the House of Representatives 3 electors representing the District of Columbia

Radio first rose to importance in the United States in the


The number of Electoral College votes required to be officially elected as president of the United States is


The current number of corporations responsible for supplying the majority of news to Americans is


What is the voter turnout rate of U.S. citizens at the lowest income level?

50 to 60 percent

______ are nonprofit advocacy groups whose primary purpose is to promote the "social welfare."

501(c) groups

How many electors are in the Electoral College?


What percentage of Americans belong to a voluntary group or association?

80 percent

One study estimated that about _____ of the U.S. population consists of people who are alienated or think government does not listen to them.

9 percent

Which of the following most accurately describes a congressional subcommittee?

A committee that typically handles specific areas of a standing committee's jurisdiction

As a result of the Watergate scandal, which of the following exists today?

A cynicism and pessimism in Americans' perception of their government

In the 2018 and 2020 elections, a number of scientists sought congressional seats. What motivated many of them?

A desire to counter what they saw as attacks on science and reasoning in government

Which of the following plays a major role in the success of the AARP?

A large membership

Becoming an interest group member can satisfy which of the following? (Choose every correct answer.)

A need for a sense of belonging A desire to increase opportunities for occupational advancement

Which of the following are possible motives for declaring a person's candidacy for office?

A sense of civic responsibility An attempt to pursue electoral politics or public office as a career A need to increase name recognition in the community for business purposes

How is legislation proposed in the House of Representatives?

A staff member places legislation in a wooden box on a desk at the front of the House chamber.

Which of the following is the most accurate description of consumer interest groups such as Public Citizen?

Acting as watchdogs, these groups advocate for legislation that protects the public from unsafe products and unfair business practices.

What is the primary role of the assistant to the president for national security affairs, also known as the national security advisor?

Administering the day-to-day operations of the National Security Council and its staff

Which of the following transfers control over public policy from elected officials to unelected bureaucrats?

Administrative discretion

Select all that apply In addition to the heads of the departments, which of the following officials do presidents often include in their cabinets?

Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency National security adviser Director of the Office of Management and Budget

Select all that apply Which of the following presidents were acquitted by the Senate after being impeached by the House of Representatives.

Andrew Johnson Bill Clinton

U.S. representative

At least 25 years of age

A secret ballot prepared by government, distributed to all eligible voters, and counted by government officials in an unbiased fashion is known as a(n) ______ ballot.


Why do many interest groups form political action committees (PACs)?

Because contributing to a candidate's campaign can help gain access for interest group lobbyists

Why is the Rules Committee considered one of the most important committees in the House?

Because it decides the length of debate that will occur on a bill and whether amendments will be allowed.

Which of the following strongly and positively affects a congressional candidate's ability to raise money and win an election?

Being an incumbent

What two of the following presidents were formally impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives?

Bill Clinton Andrew Johnson

Which of the following is not an expressed power of the president?

Declaring war

Select all that apply Candidates who decide to increase the amount of negative campaigning directed toward their opponents can expect which of the following results?

Decreased voter turnout Increased voter disenchantment with their own campaign

Select all that apply The federal bureaucracy is organized into which of the following bureaucratic structures?

Departments Agencies in the Executive Office of the President Independent regulatory commissions Independent administrative agencies Government corporations

___interest group strategies involve meetings between interest group representatives and policymakers.


Which of the following are key functions of interest groups?

Educate the public about policy issues Protect the common good Serve as part of the system of checks and balances

Select all that apply Critics blame which of the following structural elements of U.S. elections for low voter turnout?

Elections are held on weekdays Elections are held too frequently.

True or false: All vice presidents who have run for president at the end of their terms have been elected to the presidency.


True or false: As a result of the Help America Vote Act of 2002, all states have changed from punch card ballots to electronic voting systems.


True or false: As an individual's education level increases, his or her likelihood of voting decreases.


True or false: Civil servants hired under the merit system can be fired merely because someone with different political beliefs has been appointed to supervise them.


True or false: Executive orders have many limitations.


True or false: The vice president presides over the Senate quite often.


On what two key types of resources do interest groups rely in order to remain effective?

Financing Membership

The redrawing of congressional boundaries to benefit an incumbent, a political party, or some other group is called


What specific advantage do states with early presidential primaries have over states with primaries late in the nomination process?

Greater ability to determine the eventual nominee

Which of the following demographic characteristics are related to both the likelihood of interest group participation and the types of participation engaged in?

Income, Race, Social class, Education

______ and ______ are the best predictors of membership in traditional interest groups.

Income; education

Which of the following has most hampered the ability of Congress to manage social conflict in recent years?

Increased polarization caused by partisan redistricting

In an election, who typically benefits the most from interest group resources and participation?


What happens when the number of seats a state has in the House of Representatives changes due to reapportionment?

Incumbents in the state can lose their seats as districts are redrawn with new constituencies.

Which of the following is a type of executive branch unit created by Congress and the president that is responsible for a narrowly defined function, with a structure that is intended to be protected from partisan politics?

Independent administrative agency

A group that urges the public to call members of Congress as a way to demonstrate support for a piece of legislation are employing which interest group strategy?


What makes indirect interest group strategies different from direct strategies?

Indirect strategies are directed more toward the public than elected officials.

Select all that apply Which of the following are true about nightly news network viewership?

It has been on the decline since 1992. It correlates directly with age.

Which of the following best accounts for instances where members of the president's party fail to vote in favor of one his/her favored policy initiatives?

Other entities have pressured the party members to oppose the measure.

Which one of the following statements about independent expenditures is accurate?

PACs may spend an unlimited amount of money for this purpose.

Which single factor most often determines how a voter will vote?

Party identification

Political appointments can best be characterized as which of the following?


When an interest group endorses a candidate who is running for office, what key function is it fulfilling?

Performing a role in the electoral system

Select all that apply Which of the following are ways in which newspapers have changed in recent years?

Platforms have changed. Sources of revenue have changed. Readership has declined.

Which function is the main responsibility of Congress, to which all other functions of Congress are related to?

Policy making

Before the reforms of the 1880s, how did many civil servants or bureaucrats get their jobs?

Political patronage

In attempting to influence the vote itself, the meddling by Russia challenged which fundamental concept of U.S. democracy?

Popular sovereignty

Historically, which Senate position has been honorary in nature?

President pro tempore

In what case would the Twenty-Fifth Amendment be invoked?

Presidential incapacitation other than death

Select all that apply Which of the following actions are carried out by the president in the role of party leader?

Providing symbolic leadership for members of the president's party Choosing the national party chair Serving as the party's premier fund-raiser

Select all that apply Which of the following influence agenda setting in Congress?

Public discourse House and Senate leaders' goals

Select all that apply How was news information disseminated or circulated when all information flowed from the media to the people?

Radio news Television programs Political leaflets

Select all that apply Which two of the following are responsible for the decline of television networks?

Reliance on digital news sources Media segmentation

Select all that apply Compared to the 1980s, campaigns today involve more of which of the following?

Reliance on digital technologies and the media in general Expert staff specifically dedicated to campaign management

Which of the following led to the creation of cable television systems?

Rural communities could not receive broadcast signals from the big cities.

Which of the following is true about the political advantages of the longer terms in the Senate?

Senators can be insulated from political fallout after unpopular votes that take place early in their terms.

Select all that apply What factors make members of the House of Representatives reluctant to defy the will of the people in their congressional districts?

Short-term lengths make reelection challenging. Smaller districts mean House constituencies are often ideologically unified.

Which group represents the largest agricultural interest group in the United States today?

The American Farm Bureau Federation

How did the Supreme Court rule in the case of The New York Times Co. v. The United States, which addressed the constitutionality of the Nixon administration's efforts to restrict the publication of the Pentagon Papers?

The Court ruled that publication of the Pentagon Papers could continue, thus overruling the Nixon administration.

Which of the following is the newest department in the president's cabinet?

The Department of Homeland Security

The attorney general is the cabinet secretary of which of the following departments?

The Department of Justice

During which of these major events was there an enormous expansion of presidential authority?

The Great Depression

Which chamber of Congress actually drafts the articles of impeachment against the president?

The House

What federal office oversees the evaluation and hiring of candidates for the civil service?

The Office of Personnel Management

Which of the following determines what happens if the president dies and the vice president also dies or is unable to govern?

The Presidential Succession Law

Which of the following determines who succeeds the president in the event the president dies before the term of elected office is completed?

The Presidential Succession Law

Which of the following has the power to impeach the president?

The U.S. House of Representatives

Party-column ballot

The ballot that organizes candidates by political affiliation

What is the trend regarding the number of political action committees since the Buckley v. Valeo decision?

The number of PACs dramatically increased and has remained fairly high overall.

Who has the primary responsibility of implementing laws passed by Congress?

The president

Select all that apply What factors do political scientists use to categorize federal bureaucrats?

The process by which they are hired The grounds for which they can be fired The procedures by which they can be fired

Which of the following tends to counter media consolidation?

The proliferation of alternative news sources

Which of the following technologies increased the access of rural communities to television news in the 1970s?

The proliferation of cable television

Which of the following is true of voting by absentee ballot?

The requirements vary from state to state.

If the president dies before the term of elected office is complete, who assumes the presidency in most cases?

The vice president

Who is first in line of succession if the president is unable to complete the term of office?

The vice president

Select all that apply Which of the following make up the National Security Council?

The vice president The national security adviser The secretary of state The president The secretary of the treasury

Which president considered the executive office a "bully pulpit"?

Theodore Roosevelt

Which of the following is the most accurate description of environmental interest groups such as Greenpeace?

These groups use protests and other means to draw attention to issues such as water pollution and climate change.

Those who pay careful attention to political issues are sometimes referred to as the ___ public


Every federal department is headed by an official called the secretary except the Department of Justice, which is headed by the

attorney general.

Newspaper readership in the United States has

been on the decline for the past two decades.

A(n) ___ is a proposed piece of legislation that is considered by Congress.


The hashtag #MeToo was used on social media to

bring the issue of sexual harassment to the public's attention.

The government officials whose decisions are most likely to influence citizens' lives on a daily basis are


Interest groups can be a valuable resource to legislators because they

can provide financial and electoral support.

Attending the funerals of foreign dignitaries is seen as a ______ responsibility of the vice president.


An important characteristic for leaders of interest groups is that they be


The president shapes and administers the nation's foreign policy while acting in the role of

chief diplomat.

The president's role as ______ embodies the values and ideals of the United States both within the nation and abroad.

chief of state

The Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010) decision allows a new classification of organization to _____ federal rules regarding PACs.


Public interest groups are concerned with achieving ______ goods, outcomes that are shared by the general public rather than one specific group.

collective OR Public

Foreign nationals are prohibited from

contributing money to American political campaigns.

Popular voting in presidential primaries results in the selection of

convention delegates.

The role of First Lady has historically been

defined by the women who have occupied it.

The 15 major administrative organizations within the federal bureaucracy that are responsible for major governmental functions are the


Members of Congress are attentive to the concerns of constituents because constituents

determine whether or not they stay in office.

Partisan voting is most apparent when members are voting on major ______ issues.

domestic policy

Congressional oversight of the federal bureaucracy is a way to check the president's power because the bureaucracy is a part of the ______ branch.


When members of the Senate wish to halt or delay the passage of a bill, a(n) ___ may take place.


One of the factors included in the evaluation of an organization's resources is

financial potential.

Perhaps the most important function of the vice president is as

first in the line of presidential succession.

National bureaucratic services are provided to Americans today by all of the following groups except

foreign bureaucrats.

People who lack voting efficacy typically

have a low level of educational attainment.

According to the Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United, corporations and labor unions

have the same First Amendment free speech rights as individuals.

The beginning of a new presidential administration, which is often characterized by higher levels of public approval, is known as the ______ period.


Because media services are now combined into packages offered by only a few large corporations, there is a concern about

how this control will influence the balanced, unbiased reporting of news.

A bill must pass both the House and Senate in ______ form(s) before it can be sent to the president.


Critics typically argue that the media has a(n) ______ bias.


In the large majority of cases, the winner of a congressional campaign is the


Campaign expenditures that are not a coordinated part of a candidate's campaign are known as

independent expenditures.

A(n) ______ consists of the connections among those concerned about a policy and those creating and administering the policy.

issue network

The framers' vision of the Senate was as the

legislative body that safeguards the rights of states and minorities against mass opinion.

As opposed to the grassroots volunteers who were previously used to run political campaigns, campaign consultants are probably

less dedicated to a single candidate.

Select all that apply As compared to three decades ago, Americans are

less likely to get their news from one of the three major news networks. less likely to watch television at all.

Voters who are in the 18- to 29-year-old age bracket are

less likely to vote, due to their mobility.

When it comes to local political offices, the informal eligibility requirements are _____ than they are for higher and more prestigious political offices.

less stringent

A long-standing complaint about the media has been that there is evidence they have a ______ bias.


An example of a direct interest group strategy is


The interest group strategy that includes face-to-face meetings with legislators, hosting legislative receptions and events, and making telephone calls is known as


Professionals typically become members of professional associations due to

membership incentives and services.

The vast majority of the bureaucrats in the federal government are hired according to the ______ system.


If Democrats hold a majority of the seats in the Senate, each committee and subcommittee will have a(n) ______ of Republicans as members.


The Teapot Dome scandal involved

money loaned to a government official in exchange for securing oil field leases.

The presidential administrations of Ronald Reagan and his successors were seen as asserting ______ President Jimmy Carter and his administration.

more power than

The meddling in the 2016 presidential elections violated the idea that nations have the right to self-rule without interference from the outside, which is best referred to as

national sovereignty.

Political polarization in the Senate is ______ when compared to the House.

not as apparent

When the government contracts out bureaucratic responsibilities to nongovernmental institutions, it assumes that the cost of providing services will be decreased because

of lower overhead costs.

For those disenchanted with the two-party system, interest groups

offer an alternative means of participation.

Some scholars believe that ______ challenge Robert Putnam's theory of declining social capital.

online social networks

Today, more Americans get their news from

online sources.

The setting in which an interest group attempts to achieve its goals is referred to as its

organizational environment.

The Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010) decision resulted in the rise of

organizations that allow unlimited contributions with little donor transparency.

Select all that apply Congress has a number of functions other than lawmaking. These include

overseeing presidential actions. setting the national agenda. representing constituents.

The list of top bureaucratic jobs that the president can fill through patronage is called the

plum book.

Congress exercises its ______ power when it passes laws creating incentives for the development of alternative energy sources.


The president's role as party leader is best characterized as which of the following?


The voting irregularities in the 2000 election were the result of

poorly designed ballots.

Members of Congress frequently use ______ as a means of appropriating funds for projects within their districts.

pork barrel politics

Newspapers' use of the "power of the pen" to arouse public opinion began during the _____ era.


The main purpose of a conference committee is to

reconcile differences in the House and Senate versions of a bill.

After the agenda has been set and the policy has been formulated, elected leaders must next

seek approval of the policy.

One example of a corporate or business interest group is

the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA).

In the 2000 presidential election, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that

the absence of a single judicial officer overseeing hand-counted ballots violated equal protection.

In the original version of the Constitution, members of the House were to be elected by the ______, while senators were to be chosen by ______.

the citizenry; state legislatures

As president, Andrew Jackson supported a political philosophy of populism, which emphasized the needs of

the common person.

General elections nationwide are typically scheduled on

the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.

In the House of Representatives, after a member of a legislator's staff drafts a proposed piece of legislation, the House member puts the bill into

the hopper.

The House leadership position of whip acts as a liaison between

the leadership and party members in the House.

With the widespread use of computer-driven mapmaking technology, congressional seats can be configured to ensure that

the majority of a district's population identifies with one party.

If all people made the "rational choice,"

the majority of people would be unlikely to vote.

In 2013, Senate Democrats exercised ______, a maneuver eliminating the possibility of filibusters on federal judicial nominations and appointments to the executive branch.

the nuclear option

Informal eligibility criteria are the characteristics that

voters expect officeholders to have.

A general election determines

who should hold office.

For what reason are national civil servants usually prohibited from going on strike?

They are essential to public safety.

How are issue networks formed?

They are made up of individuals who have interests in and expertise regarding particular policy issues.

Which of the following is true of smaller-circulation newspapers?

They tend to have a smaller proportion of minority journalists.

Why do interest groups use litigation as a strategy?

They use it to shape policy and encourage executive agency enforcement.

Which of the following did families who could not afford a radio often do to access radio broadcasts?

They would often spend evenings at the homes of friends or neighbors who owned radios.

During which president's term(s) in office did the earliest expansion of presidential power take place?

Thomas Jefferson

Select all that apply Which of the following are "costs" of voting in the United States that may keep some people from voting?

Time taken off of work to go vote Registering to vote Waiting in line to vote

Senior executives

Top managers and supervisors who link political appointees to the rest of the federal bureaucracy

True or false: A statistically significant proportion of the American electorate remains unwilling to vote for a qualified woman for president.


True or false: A strong charismatic leader can raise public awareness of an interest group and its activities, thereby making it attractive to new members and contributors.


True or false: Children's television programming frequently reinforces and legitimizes dominant American political values.


True or false: Despite winning a record number of congressional seats in the 2018 midterm election and increasing their numbers in 2020, the proportion of women in Congress is not nearly equal to their proportion in the national population.


True or false: Each branch of the federal government has its own bureaucracy supporting its work.


True or false: Elected officials risk the loss of control over the content of public policy when they delegate administrative discretion to bureaucrats.


True or false: Foreign governments, such as that of China, lobby the U.S. government for favorable trade policies.


True or false: Merit-based civil service jobs are open and accessible to all who wish to compete for a position.


True or false: Modern presidential administrations have used a number of strategies to communicate directly with the public and bypass the news media.


True or false: One of the drawbacks of having an abundance of news sources is the increased necessity of verifying the accuracy of the information being disseminated.


True or false: One of the most common complaints about the media is that they have an ideological bias.


True or false: Online publications tend to have a more diverse staff than media outlets that began in the era of print newspapers.


Which of the following describes the correlation between voter turnout and age?

Turnout generally increases with age.

The ______ Amendment builds on the Presidential Succession Law to account for the possibility that a president may be alive but unable to carry out the responsibilities of the office.


The best-known government corporation is the

U.S. Postal Service.

How does the nature of political campaigns in the United States affect people's likelihood of voting?

U.S. campaigns are long and drawn out, and voters lose interest.

For which of the following groups can the differences in the views, ideologies, and policy priorities of their constituents make it especially challenging to represent those constituents?

U.S. senators

Select all that apply Under which two of the following circumstances do state and local bureaucrats implement national policies?

Unfunded mandates in federal laws Grants-in-aid conditions

Which statement is a possible explanation for an increase in voter turnout?

Voter efficacy is high because the race is competitive.

Select all that apply Which activities are fundamental aspects of political participation?

Voting Elections Campaigns

Select all that apply According to rational choice theory, why might some citizens choose not to vote? (Choose every correct answer.)

Voting is too inconvenient or costly The benefits they get from voting are very low

Select all that apply Which presidents would have been less likely to be elected as president because they were not telegenic?

William Howard Taft Abraham Lincoln

What key Democratic constituency strongly backed the candidacy of Bernie Sanders in the 2016 Democratic presidential primaries?

Young Americans

According to analysts, most legislators use ______ of representation.

a combination of trustee and instructed delegate models

Which of the following is an example of a public outreach campaign aimed at bringing about reforms in the American justice system?


Arrange the following three events in a presidential election year in the correct order, from first to last.

1. Citizens in each state choose delegates to the party's national convention via primaries or caucuses 2. Each Party holds its national convention to formally nominate the party's candidate for president 3. The nominees for president and vice president begin their general election campaigns

During which decade of the twentieth century was there a perception that the presidency had become too powerful?


In what year was the fairness doctrine repealed?


Which factor is not identified in the text as a motivation for people seeking office?

A desire to prevent another person from being elected

Select all that apply Which of the following are elements of Max Weber's bureaucratic structure?

A division of labor Standard operating procedures Specialized tasks Hierarchical structure A hiring system based on competency

Select all that apply Which of the following resulted from the explosion of the new media?

A dramatic decrease in the number of daily newspapers A steady decline in newspaper readership Consolidation of the newspaper industry

Which of the following attempt to influence U.S. government policy via interest-group membership and/or lobbying?

A foreign government International corporations based abroad U.S. citizens of a foreign nation's heritage

Which of the following factors related to an interest group's organizational environment can increase its success?

A lack of competition from opposing interest groups Highly skilled leadership within the group itself

Historically, which of the following was a notable exception to the one-way flow of media information to the consumer?

A letter to the editor

Which of the following best describes a bureaucrat?

A person employed in the executive branch to implement public policy

Which person is least likely to become a member of an interest group?

A person from a working-class background

Which of the following is an example of a common tactic environmental groups employ to generate the public's attention to their issue?

A protest held at the construction site for an oil pipeline

Select all that apply Which of the following are examples of traditional media?

A radio talk show program A nightly news program

Which of the following explains a bill and its intent to the full legislative chamber?

A report

Public agenda

Choice, In 2013, two issues that caught the the public eye were health care and same-sex marriage. In 2013, two issues that caught the the public eye were health care and same-sex marriage.


Choice, In the 2008 presidential campaign, the media initially covered the race for the Democratic nomination by accentuating the gender of Senator Clinton. In the 2008 presidential campaign, the media initially covered the race for the Democratic nomination by accentuating the gender of Senator Clinton.


Choice, The media influence the setting of the public agenda by using their coverage to bring particular policies on issues to the public agenda, such as gun violence. The media influence the setting of the public agenda by using their coverage to bring particular policies on issues to the public agenda, such as gun violence.

Who or what chooses most of the delegates to the national convention, excluding super delegates?

Citizens who vote in the primary elections

Titles VI, VII, and IX of which act have been used to prevent government discrimination in hiring based on race, age, ethnicity, sex, and religion?

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Which membership characteristic relates to interest group success?


Which of the following aspects of interest group membership are important to the group's overall effectiveness?

Cohesion of the group Demographics of the membership Size of the membership The membership's intensity about the issue

Select all that apply Who do House and Senate members often rely upon to inform decision making on legislation due to their policy expertise?

Colleagues Staff members

Who has the power to formally declare war?


If the president chooses to veto a bill,

Congress can override the veto by a two-thirds vote in each chamber.

Because taxation was such an important power to the framers, they required that all taxation measures be granted to


Statutory powers are granted to a president by


Which of the following are not among the types of executive branch organizations?

Congressional committees

Select all that apply Which of the following have a significant influence on the decisions of legislators?

Constituents Interest groups Political parties

Which type of interest group is not classified as an economic interest group?


Select all that apply What are the duties of the Federal Communications Commission?

Controlling TV and radio ownership Regulating TV stations Regulating radio

Which element of political communication has the Internet facilitated far more effectively than any other media outlet?

Conversations among many participants

Select all that apply The Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United resulted in an increase in which of the following?

Corporate influence in politics Money in politics

Select all that apply Which of the following are considered examples of executive orders?

Creating or changing regulatory guidelines of an executive department or agency Directly enforcing Supreme Court rulings Enforcing specific constitutional provisions

Select all that apply Which of the following are the two types of strategies that interest groups use to advance their causes?

Direct strategies Indirect strategies

Select all that apply Traditionally, what reasons have typically been given by voters in order to obtain an absentee ballot?

Disability Military service Work

Which of the following is a problem with the growth in importance of interest group politics in the United States?

Disadvantaged economic groups are not adequately represented.

When during a term of office should the president expect to experience a honeymoon period?

Early in the new president's administration

Which of the following do most individuals use as their primary sources of information?

Electronic media

Which theory states that a small, close-knit group of people who possess wealth and power control policy making in government?

Elite theory

What are the special presidential powers typically exercised during times of national crisis?

Emergency powers

Which corporation caused the scandal that led to the passage of the Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act of 2002?


Select all that apply As a result of a drive for profits, which two of the following tend to dominate local news broadcasts?

Entertainment Violence

Which of the following is not considered a special presidential power?

Enumerated power

Which constitutional provision did the U.S. Supreme Court cite in Bush v. Gore (2000) to suggest that Florida's hand-counted ballots process was unconstitutional?

Equal protection

Select all that apply Which of the following policy-making functions are explicitly granted to Congress by the Constitution?

Establish courts Tax and spend Declare war Regulate the armed forces

According to some, which of the following would increase voter turnout?

Establishing a national voting holiday

Close presidential advisors, including staff of the White House Office, the national security advisor, and the director of the Office of Management and Budget, are all considered part of the

Executive Office of the President.

Select all that apply Which of the following make up the three "sides" of an iron triangle in policy making?

Executive departments and agencies Members of Congress Organized interest groups

Which of the following is an action taken by presidents during times of national crisis without specific constitutional authorization?

Exercise of an emergency power

Lobbying elected officials includes which of the following activities?

Face-to-face meetings with members of Congress

True or false: Bills can never become law without the president's consent.


True or false: Groups that work for collective benefits are generally able to attract contributions from all individuals who reap those benefits.


True or false: In any given election, two-thirds of the members of the House of Representatives are up for reelection.


True or false: In order to win a federal general election, candidates must secure a majority of the popular vote.


True or false: Like other recent presidents, most of President Trump's staff had a great deal of government experience before joining his administration.


True or false: Media conglomerates take a "hands-off" approach to the news Americans consume on a given day.


True or false: Most congressional bills survive committee scrutiny and are voted upon by the House and Senate.


True or false: Personal experiences play no role in legislative decision making.


True or false: Presidents do not have a significant role in the legislative process.


True or false: Presidents only have three sources of power: expressed, inherent, and statutory.


True or false: The United States Constitution specifically outlines the president's role in managing the economy


True or false: The demographics of Congress are roughly equivalent to those of the American public at large.


True or false: The minority leader's job description varies greatly from the majority leader's job description.


True or false: The power of the presidency did not change at all until Franklin Roosevelt was sworn into office in 1932.


True or false: The president's position on legislation rarely affects the way members of Congress vote on it.


True or false: The turnout among young people in the 2012 election was as high as it was in 2008.


True or false: There is a clear line dividing those who make government policy from those who implement it.


Which constitutional provision was at issue in Buckley v. Valeo?

First Amendment (free speech)

Which president was known for using radio addresses, known as fireside chats, to communicate and connect with American voters?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

The term dark money refers to which of the following?

Funds donated to nonprofit organizations anonymously and used to influence elections

Which of the following best characterizes the role of the president's secretary?


What was the loophole in the Hatch Act?

Groups wanting to evade the Act's donation limits formed additional groups that made donations.

Under which president's administration did the Teapot Dome scandal take place?


Which act banned partisan political activities by most federal government employees?

Hatch Act

Select all that apply In what two ways did President Jefferson expand presidential power?

He established the principle of inherent power with the Louisiana Purchase. He was forced to assume the role of party leader due to the dominance of the opposing party.

In what way was President Trump's administration similar to that of President Reagan?

He had very loyal advisors.

Select all that apply Which of the following accurately describe President Franklin D. Roosevelt's methods of communicating with his constituents on the radio?

He was a master communicator who cultivated a personal relationship with his listeners. He used fireside chats to address his listeners.

Which of the following factors makes interest group membership more likely?

High income level

Select all that apply Which two of the following thwarted any prospect that the Obama presidency would become an imperial one?

His leadership style A congressional majority from the opposition party

When filling political appointments, presidents look for which of the following?

Ideological similarity

Select all that apply Which of the following factors contribute to voter fatigue?

Increased negative campaigning Increased campaign length

Which of the following is based on the constitutional clause that states that "the executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America" and that the president "shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed"?

Inherent powers

A formally organized group that seeks to influence government decision making or policy making is referred to as a(n) BLANK group.


Members of Congress might make policy decisions that lead to an endorsement from which external source?

Interest groups

Which of the following represents a view shared by elitists and pluralists?

Interest groups are an important means for individuals to exercise some control over government.

Which of the following qualifications is a requirement for election to the U.S. Senate?

Must be at least 30 years of age

The president's top advisers on matters related to foreign policy make up part of the

National Security Council.

Select all that apply Which of the following powers does the president have as the nation's chief diplomat?

Negotiate treaties Appoint ambassadors Lead the diplomatic corps Shape and administer foreign policy

Select all that apply Unionized civil servants are prohibited from doing which of the following?

Negotiating salaries Negotiating work hours Striking to get what they want

Which of the following resulted from the technological advances in newspaper publications in the 1830s?

Newspaper advertising offered a new way to generate revenue.

Which of the following is a maneuver used by the presiding officer of the Senate to eliminate the possibility of filibusters by requiring only a simple majority vote on certain matters?

Nuclear option

Which of the following statements does not apply to Senior Executive Service (SES) bureaucrats?

SES employees cannot be moved from job to job.

Which of the following would be least likely to be on the the agenda of a consumer interest group

School prayer

What is the title of the person who heads an executive department


Select all that apply Which of the following roles have the media played throughout U.S. history?

Setting the political agenda Shaping public policy

What constitutional amendment shifted the election of senators from state legislators to popular election in the states?

Seventeenth Amendment

With which issue would public or consumer groups be most likely to concern themselves?

Social Security reform

Solidary incentives are closely linked to which of the following concepts?

Social capital

What was the main tool used by the Russian government to meddle in the 2016 presidential election?

Social media

Which of the following was not used by campaigns in the 1980s?

Social media

Which term describes the aims of those who join interest groups in the hope of getting to know members with similar interests?


How many heads of independent administrative agencies serve at the pleasure of the president?


Which of these statements accurately describes powers that Congress has been given in the Constitution?

Some are very specific, and others are vague.

Do authorization laws mandate the spending of federal money to achieve a law's goal?


Yellow journalism played an important role in helping to secure America's entrance into which war?

Spanish-American War

The most powerful leader in the House of Representatives is the

Speaker of the House.

What can citizens in some states do if they are seriously dissatisfied with an officeholder's performance?

Sponsor a recall election

Which of the following terms refers to a permanent committee in Congress that has a defined legislative jurisdiction?

Standing committee

Which of the following is guaranteed the right to conduct elections by the Constitution?

State governments

Which of the following accurately explains the importance of the necessary and proper (or elastic) clause in the Constitution?

The elastic clause has allowed Congress to pass legislation in areas that are not specified in the list of its enumerated powers.

Select all that apply In which of the following ways was the media environment changing by the 1830s?

The field of journalism was flourishing. The influence of advertising was growing. More Americans were literate. New technology allowed for the creation of the penny press.

Which one of the following statements accurately describes the effect of party competitiveness upon voter turnout?

The greater the party competitiveness, the higher the turnout.

Which of the following factors can be used to predict an interest group's prospects for success?

The group's financial and other resources The group's organizational environment

How has cellular technology changed Americans' consumption of the news?

The increased access has increased news consumption.

Select all that apply Which of the following are members of the House leadership?

The minority leader The majority leader The majority whip

Select all that apply What legislative powers does the president possess?

The power to define the Congressional agenda in the State of the Union speech The power to propose legislation to Congress

Select all that apply The degree of competition in the general election is influenced by which of the following?

The presence and strength of incumbency The degree of party competition The level of the office

Which of the following is constitutionally charged with ensuring that the "laws be faithfully executed"?

The president

How much control does the president actually have in managing the national economy?

The president and the president's priorities exert a strong influence on the nation's economy.

Which of the following is an example of the president's role as party leader?

The president generally chooses the chair of the national party.

Who chairs the Senate in the vice president's absence?

The president pro tempore

What does the president do when executing a pocket veto?

The president waits 10 days for the bill to "die."

Select all that apply Which of the following is a source of informal presidential power?

The president's political skills The president's charisma The president's power to persuade

Which of the following White House Office staff members serves as the president's main spokesperson?

The press secretary

Which of the following methods is most often used to select committee chairs?

The seniority system

Which model of representation means that a legislator may act in opposition to the clear wishes of constituents, such as in cases where an action is for the good of society?

The trustee model

Which of the following presidential powers most integrates the executive into the legislative process?

The veto

Select all that apply Which of the following are part of the executive branch?

The vice president The offices in the White House The cabinet

Which of the following best explains why more shadow bureaucrats provide services to Americans today than in the past?

There has been more contracting-out in recent years.

Which of the following is true of the members of the Senior Executive Service?

They link political appointees to the rest of the federal bureaucracy.

Why is it challenging for U.S. .senators to represent the views of their constituencies?

They represent entire states, which may include many different ideologies.

The Louisiana Purchase, which established the principle of the inherent powers of the president, took place during the administration of which of these presidents?

Thomas Jefferson

True or false: Political action committees (PACs) are limited in the amount of money they can contribute to political campaigns.


True or false: The Affordable Care Act, which reformed the U.S. health care system, was an assertion of the power Congress has under the necessary and proper clause of the Constitution.


True or false: The Constitution is far more explicit in defining the responsibilities of Congress than it is in defining the functions of the other branches of government.


True or false: The Executive Office of the President serves as the launch pad for the implementation of policy and carries out the day-to-day responsibilities of the presidential office.


True or false: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is charged with making sure that only "decent" content is broadcast on public airwaves.


True or false: The number of modern federal bureaucrats is about equal to the total U.S. population of 1789.


True or false: Today, the American people are just as likely to watch cable television as they are to watch one of the three original television networks.


In 34 states, registered voters can cast a ballot in person during a designated period before Election Day, a practice known as

early voting.

Although anyone can formulate a public policy, only ______ can officially introduce policy proposals into the lawmaking process.

elected officials

Two factors that impact the success of interest groups are a group's organizational resources and its organizational


All of the following are parameters by which applicants for jobs covered by the merit-based civil service system are analyzed and ranked, except


Explicit grants of authority given to presidents by the Constitution are known as ______ powers.


The requirement that stations holding broadcast licenses present controversial issues of public importance and do so in a manner that is honest, fair, and balanced is known as the

fairness doctrine

The term that describes voters' disenchantment with the lengthiness of campaigns is voter


Defining a problem that has made it to an agenda and developing a plan of action to address the problem is part of the step in the policy process that is referred to as policy


The process by which the media set a context that helps people to understand important events and matters of shared interest is ___


With regard to agenda setting, bureaucrats

have a firsthand view of societal problems and ideas of how to address them.

Select all that apply By the 1970s, Congress had shifted the focus of independent regulatory commissions to the ways in which business practices affect the

health and safety of consumers. environment. health and safety of workers.

A purposive incentive to join an interest group is based on an individual's belief in the interest group's


The actual charges against the president for high crimes and misdemeanors are known as the articles of


Implied powers not explicitly granted to the president by the Constitution are known as ______ powers.


All of the following are categories of federal bureaucrats, except

inspectors general.

The purpose of pork barrel projects is to show constituents that their representative

is actively working for them in Congress.

PACs can spend money for advertising for a candidate so long as such spending

is not coordinated with a candidate's campaign.

The "necessary and proper" clause was also called the elastic clause because

it increased the powers of Congress beyond the language of the Constitution.

A committee that is composed of members of both chambers of Congress is known as a ______ committee.


Select all that apply The framers structured Congress in a way that

kept it from becoming too powerful. made it an effective check on the president. made it powerful enough to govern.

One broad category that political scientists use to classify interest groups is by the

kinds of issues that concern them.

Professional lobbyists are almost always


Many conservatives point to studies indicating that a majority of newsroom reporters identify themselves as

liberal or Democrat.

The practice in which members of Congress agree to vote for a bill in exchange for their colleague's vote on another bill is called


If Congressperson A agrees to vote for a defense bill that has funding for a project in Congressperson B's district in exchange for Congressperson B's vote in favor of farming subsidies that benefit Congressperson A's district, the action is referred to as


Unlike other categories of bureaucracies, government corporations are expected to

make enough money to cover their costs.

In the 2020 elections, Latinx continued to see

marked success in gaining congressional representation.

All of the following are included in the measurement of a group's organizational resources except

marketing effectiveness.

A legislative committee recommends changes to the full chamber concerning a particular bill during


Prior to the 1880s, bureaucrats were hired under the ___ system.


The hiring principles of the ___-based civil service system are open competition, competence, and political neutrality.


Since the early twentieth century, presidents have been ______ to veto unfavorable legislation.

more likely

Voter turnout in Oregon was ______ what was initially predicted after the state implemented their vote-by-mail policy.

more than

At the turn of the twentieth century, journalists began to expose corruption and abuses in government and industry, a practice called


A constitutional requirement for running for the office of president of the United States is that the candidate must be a ______ citizen.


Congress has a number of functions other than lawmaking, including

oversight and agenda setting.

Ensuring that laws are being administered by the executive branch in the way intended by Congress is an important function of Congress and is known as


In the 1830s, when more Americans could read and breakthroughs in technology had occurred, a new kind of newspaper was introduced called the ___ ___ because it sold for a penny.

penny press

Andrew Jackson was the first president to derive significant power from the


When national law takes precedence over state and local laws, and state and local officials are forced to implement national policies instead of their own, this process is called


Initiatives differ from referenda because initiatives are usually

propelled to a vote by citizens and interest groups.

The organization and administration of independent regulatory commissions is designed to

protect them from partisan pressure.

The Internet has revolutionized campaigns by

providing a mechanism for increased political engagement.

Litigation by an interest group is often used to challenge

public policies.

The main goal of political action committees is to

raise and spend money to influence the outcome of elections.

A 527 committee's purpose is to

raise money for political activities.

Which term describes the action of removing an elected official from office by popular vote?


An election in which citizens can vote for or against a measure proposed by a state legislature is called a(n) ______.


Since 1965, the number of state and local employees has more than doubled, while the number of federal employees has

remained fairly stable.

After a committee agrees to the wording of a bill, the committee issues a ______ to the full chamber that explains the bill and its intent.


As they fill in the details necessary to implement legislation, bureaucrats play a policy-making role through the process of

rule making.

Despite many other differences among the states, all states use

secret ballots.

The difference between shadow bureaucrats and traditional bureaucrats is that

shadow bureaucrats perform governmental jobs without being actual employees of the government.

Employees on the payroll of private organizations that implement public policy through a government contract are called

shadow bureaucrats.

The idea behind the closed primary is that voters

should choose the party's nominee for the general election only if they are party members.

Select all that apply The effect of the reforms enacted after the national political party conventions in 1968 was to (Choose every correct answer.)

significantly increase the influence of party voters. make the delegates more representative by setting aside slots for different groups.

President Franklin Roosevelt was able to use the veto to prevent the passage of even ______ because he was an exceptionally strong president.

small pieces of legislation

Compared to other industrialized democracies, the United States has a(n) ______ proportion of women serving in the national legislature.


President Trump transformed the presidency through his use of

social media.

An incentive that causes a person to join an interest group because of the social associations it offers is a(n) ______ incentive.


Power clearly granted to presidents by congressional action is known as ______ power.


The 1996 Line Item Veto Act, which gave the president the ability to strike down specific line items on an appropriations bill while allowing the rest of the bill to become law, granted the president a(n) ______ power.


As evidenced by the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act after the publication of Upton Sinclair's The Jungle, one of the most important results of muckraking was to

stimulate reform.

The constitutional basis for inherent powers is known as the ______ clause.

take care

Which of the following resulted from the abuses revealed by Upton Sinclair's novel The Jungle?

the Food and Drug Administration the Pure Food and Drug Act

Since the Senate is smaller than the House, it does not require a Rules Committee. Instead, the Senate utilizes ______ consent agreements to limit debate on the floor.


In the Senate, terms of debate are defined through

unanimous consent.

Compared with their percentage of the overall population of the United States, women and minorities are ______ in Congress.


If a vote in the Senate is tied, the __________ ____________ breaks the tie.

vice president

Representatives are following the politico model when they

vote according to their constituents' preferences on important matters but follow their conscience otherwise.

When voting in a presidential primary, voters are selecting

which candidate's delegates will attend the nominating convention.

Both political parties in the House have a ______, who acts as a go-between with the leadership and the party members in the House.


A presidential primary election strategy that was aimed at increasing the political importance of southern and rural states became known as

Super Tuesday.

Select all that apply Which of the following functions do news media perform?

Socialize children to the political culture Provide political information Provide a forum for political conversations

Which of the following contributes to concerns about corporate bias?

The drive for profits

In as presidential election year, when does the general election campaign officially begin?

After the party conventions

Which of the following terms describes the process used to determine what public policy issues the federal legislature should consider?

Agenda setting

Select all that apply Why are voters more likely to vote for an incumbent?

An incumbent is a "known commodity." Incumbents have name recognition.

What is the primary difference between interest groups and political action committees (PACs)?

An interest group pursues the group's broad goals, while PACs raise and spend money to influence election outcomes.

What type of organization is the AFL-CIO?

An umbrella organization representing unions

What is the current status of political parties in the United States?

Both political parties are struggling to win the approval of the American people.

Civil servants

Bureaucrats hired through a merit-based system and who have job protection

How can Congress override a president's veto?

By a two-thirds vote of both houses

In which of the following ways can media consumers be certain that the information they are receiving is accurate?

By checking on news sources independently By relying on media outlets with a track record of adhering to journalistic standards

Select all that apply Which of the following are ways in which Congress manages societal conflict?

By compromising and negotiating on issues By taking stands on issues By representing a wide range of views and interests

How do political scientists generally categorize interest groups?

By what kinds of issues concern them and who benefits from their activities

Select all that apply Which three of the following have played the greatest role in the evolving nature of presidential power?

Changes in public attitudes about the role of government Expansion of the federal government Presidential personality and will

Which of the following is least likely to be a role the president plays in domestic politics?

Chief diplomat

Select all that apply Which of the following are roles the president plays in conducting foreign policy?

Chief diplomat Commander in chief

Which of the following are considered roles the president plays in domestic politics?

Chief economist Chief executive Party leader

The Women's March, which began in response to President Trump's inauguration in 2017, is a grassroots movement that has created entry points for new activists. Of the following key functions of interest groups, which two are best exemplified by the Women's March movement?

Interest groups provide average citizens with an avenue of access to activism. Interest groups mobilize citizens and stimulate them to participate in civic and political affairs.

Select all that apply What effect did Kamala Harris's presence on the Democratic ticket in 2020 have on the race for the White House? (Choose every correct answer.)

It appealed to many younger voters who value diversity. It solidified Biden's support among women, particularly women of color. It may have improved turnout among Asian American voters.

Today the Executive Office of the President has evolved to have which function?

It assists the president in managing and overseeing the bureaucracy.

Which of the following is an accurate statement about the use of the seniority system to choose committee chairs in Congress?

It does not always mean that the person with the longest tenure will become chair.

Which statement describing the 2018 Supreme Court case Janus v. United States is true?

It ended compelled union dues for public employees and will have a widespread impact on the strength of public employee unions.

Which of the following statements best describes a majority-minority district?

It is a district where minority members are clustered together, creating a majority of voters.

Which of the following statements about gerrymandering is true?

It is a legal redrawing of political districts to benefit a specific political party.

In what way does a children's show that depicts an election, such as the presidential election in Bikini Bottom on SpongeBob SquarePants, socialize children to American political culture?

It reinforces the importance of participating in our democracy.

Which of the following statements about redistricting is true?

It sometimes makes incumbency less important in elections.

What is an impact of the party-column ballot style?

It strengthens parties because voters tend to vote "straight-ticket" or for one party only.

What was the result of the Federal Corrupt Practices Act of 1925, which aimed to regulate campaign finance as a result of the Teapot Dome scandal?

It was ineffective because it did not have an enforcement mechanism.

All civil servants obtained their jobs through patronage prior to the assassination of which president?

James A. Garfield

Which president was elected in 1976 partly in reaction to the Watergate scandal?

Jimmy Carter


Joining because certain services or activities are available only to members


Joining because of similarly held beliefs

Select all that apply Interest groups engage in which of the following activities in order to influence legislators' decisions?

Lobbying Grassroots activism Financial contributions

Iron triangle

Long-term collaborative efforts among bureaucrats in an agency, an interest group, and a legislative committee to set an agenda and formulate policy

Select all that apply Experts believe that the correlation between income level and the likelihood of voting may be attributed to which of the following? (Choose every correct answer.)

Lower-income individuals tend not to have as much leisure time. Lower-income individuals believe government does not listen to people like them.

Select all that apply Nonvoting has an impact on our democratic system by doing which of the following?

Making elections less representative Maintaining low efficacy

Which two U.S. senators sponsored the campaign finance reform legislation that was enacted in 2002?

McCain and Feingold

Which factor is responsible for the increase in campaign expenses?

Media expenses

Which of the following characteristics of President Trump's staff differed from the staffs of other "imperial" presidents?

Members of his staff were loyal to Trump personally rather than to the office of president or to the Republican Party.

In the 2020 primary elections, complaints emerged over alleged efforts to suppress voter turnout of which of the following?

Minority voters in Wisconsin

Which of the following is true of current African American representation in the U.S. Congress?

More African Americans serve in Congress than at any other point.

Political appointees

Officials who acquire their jobs through the patronage system

Which of the following has/have increased participation among groups that have not historically joined interest groups?

Online interest groups

Key factors in an interest group's organizational environment include which of the following? (Choose every correct answer.)

Opposition Leadership

Select all that apply The president performs which of the following roles in the capacity of chief executive?

Oversees the implementation of laws in the federal bureaucracy Appoints cabinet secretaries Appoints people to positions in the Executive Office of the President

A(n) ______ is an entity whose specific goal is to raise and spend money to influence the outcome of elections.


Which of the following would be an exercise of Congress's power under the necessary and proper clause rather than an enumerated power?

Passing a law that reforms the immigration system

The law that initiated the transition from patronage to the merit system for hiring civil servants was the _______ Civil Service Act.


The documents detailing U.S. involvement in Vietnam from the 1940s to the 1970s, whose publication the Nixon administration tried to restrict, were known as the ______ Papers.


Select all that apply Which of the following are examples of indirect strategies employed by interest groups in advancing their interests?

Public outreach Electioneering

Which term describes the behavior of an individual who joins an interest group because of moral conviction about a particular issue?


Which of following media are subject to government regulation?

Radio Television

Which of the following best explains the meteoric success of the radio?

Radio provided an immediacy that newspapers could not match.

Which of the following is the function members of Congress fulfill when they articulate and vote for the position that best reflects the views of their constituents?


Which term refers to a bureaucracy that resembles the larger population whom they serve in terms of demographic characteristics such as race, age, ethnicity, sex, religion, and economic status?

Representative bureaucracy

Select all that apply Which of the following events resulted in an increase in partisan voting?

Republican retake of Congress in 1994 Rise of the Tea Party in 2010 Watergate scandal

With whom did the concept of the nuclear option originate?

Richard Nixon

In the House, the ___ Committee is responsible for determining the debate and amendment procedures for each bill prior to it going to the floor for debate.


A report issued jointly in January 2017 by U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies stated with "high confidence" that the government of which nation had conducted a sophisticated campaign designed to influence the 2016 presidential election?


What type of committee typically handles specific areas of a standing committee's jurisdiction?


Which issue would not be a concern of the largest agricultural interest group?

Subsidized housing

Select all that apply Which of the following are the roles of the vice presidency?

Succeeding the president should that become necessary Performing any duties dictated by the president

Which of the following is true about the use of the "power of the pen" to arouse support for the patriot cause throughout the American Revolution?

Taking sides in an internal conflict was a new role for the press.

Which of the following types of workers would be members of a public employee union?

Teachers Police

When television was introduced and an audience could see the candidates on a fairly regular basis, it was almost mandatory for them to be ___ the term used to describe someone who looks good on TV.


Issue network

Temporary collaboration of bureaucrats, elected officials, and interest groups who lobby to set an agenda and to influence policy formulation

Which of the following researches policy and keeps the president informed about policy issues on the horizon?

The White House Office

Office-block ballot

The ballot that organizes candidates by the position they are seeking

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission involved which issue affecting interest groups?

The ban on unions and corporations promoting or targeting federal candidates

What occurs after a conference committee reconciles differences in the House and Senate versions of a bill?

The bill goes back to both chambers for a vote.

Blogs have elevated which of the following in the American political arena?

The citizen journalist

Select all that apply Independent administrative agencies differ from executive branch departments in which of the following ways?

The decision-making functions of agencies, but not departments, are intended to be protected from partisan politics. Agencies have a narrower function than departments.

Which of the following is a primary determinant of how often a president is likely to exercise his or her veto power?

Whether the president's party has a majority in Congress

Which term refers to the irresponsible and sensationalist approach to news reporting that characterized the journalism that helped precipitate the Spanish-American War?

Yellow journalism

As chief executive, the president

administers the federal government.

When elected officials delegate to bureaucrats the authority to decide the best way to implement a policy, this authority is called

administrative discretion.

The fundamental difference between the influence campaign in the 2016 election and other concerted attempts by politicians to influence how the American electorate think is that in 2016 the influence was

done by a hostile foreign government.

Unanimous consent agreements require that ______ agree to the terms of debate on a given piece of legislation.

all senators

A designation within a spending bill that provides for a specific expenditure is called

an earmark.

Those who do not see low voter turnout as a problem argue that low voting rates signify that voters

are satisfied with the status quo.

The segment of voters who pay careful attention to political issues are referred to as the

attentive public.

Select all that apply According to some scholars, democracies with low voter turnout are more likely to breed

authoritarian leaders. corruption.

A(n) ______ law provides the plan of action for addressing a given societal concern and identifies which executive branch unit will put the plan into effect.


Select all that apply The power of taxation, among other powers, was given to Congress

because it is more representative of the people. to limit the power of the president.

Any large organization with a division of labor, specialization of job tasks, vertical chain of command, and standard operating procedures is called a(n)


The framers wanted a legislative branch that could govern

but not exercise tyrannical rule.

The leaders of the top executive departments are collectively known as the president's


One consequence of having a congressional "safe seat" is that a House member

can generally be partisan without an unfavorable political outcome.

An interest group pursues broad policy goals, whereas a PAC

concentrates on raising money and donating to political campaigns.

Paid professionals who specialize in the overall management of political campaigns or an aspect of campaigns are known as campaign


In the 2018 midterm elections, in the face of possible candidacies of many female candidates, many congressional incumbents

decided not to seek reelection.

After Congress passed the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, significantly reducing barriers to voter registration, voter turnout

did not increase.

Merit-based civil servants can be fired for all of the following reasons, except

disagreeing with the president.

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