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Suppose Congress has presented a law to the president that the president believes will infringe upon the due process rights of Americans. Which action can the president take to check Congress' apparent power-grab?

He may veto the bill so that it does not become official law.

A Republican member of the House of Representatives who is responsible for the opposition strategy and coordinating party activity in a Democrat-controlled House would be known as the

House minority leader.

How do the ideas of John Locke and David Hume complement one another?

Hume's idea of limiting government to prevent greed coincides with Locke's belief that people have the right to replace a government that grows too powerful

How does the process of a bill becoming a law differ if it is introduced in the House compared to if it is introduced in the Senate?

If a bill is introduced in the House, it must be presented to the Rules committee before it can move to the floor for consideration.

What is the primary function of the federal bureaucracy?

Implementing laws passed by Congress

The following question(s) refer to the following quote. In Federalist No. 78, Alexander Hamilton wrote: Whoever attentively considers the different departments of power must perceive, that, in a government in which they are separated from each other, the judiciary, from the nature of its functions, will always be the least dangerous to the political rights of the Constitution; because it will be least in a capacity to annoy or injure them. The Executive not only dispenses the honors, but holds the sword of the community. The legislature not only commands the purse, but prescribes the rules by which the duties and rights of every citizen are to be regulated. The judiciary, on the contrary, has no influence over either the sword or the purse; no direction either of the strength or of the wealth of the society; and can take no active resolution whatever. It may truly be said to have neither FORCE nor WILL, but merely judgment; and must ultimately depend upon the aid of the executive arm even for the efficacy of its judgments. Which of the following examples best reflects the statement Hamilton made in the final sentence of the quote?

In 1957, President Dwight Eisenhower sent the National Guard to Little Rock, Arkansas to integrate the schools as ordered in Brown v. Board of Education (1954).

How does the Supreme Court's decision on Gonzales v. Raich differ from its decision on United States v. Lopez?

In Gonzales v. Raich, the Supreme Court upheld the argument that marijuana cultivation and use reasonably fell under the authority of the federal government as part of the commerce clause, whereas it struck down such a claim in United States v. Lopez

Which of the following best explains the trend shown in the graph?

Increased partisanship makes it more difficult for Congress to pass spending bills.

Which of the following statements best describes the viewpoint of American culture expressed in the cartoon?

Inequality makes it difficult for African Americans to achieve the American dream.

The following question(s) refer to the following excerpt from James Madison's March 18, 1786, letter to Thomas Jefferson. The States are every day giving proofs that separate regulations are more likely to set them by the ears, than to attain the common object. When Massachusetts set on foot a retaliation of the policy of Great Britain, Connecticut declared her ports free. New Jersey served New York in the same way. And Delaware I am told has lately followed the example in opposition to the commercial plans of Pennsylvania. A miscarriage of this attempt to unite the States in some effectual plan will have another effect of a serious nature. . . . I almost despair of success. Which of the following best describes the author's perspective and reasoning?

International and interstate trade must be regulated by the central government.

Why is Marbury v. Madison significant?

It established the power of judicial review, affirming that the Supreme Court is coequal with other branches.

How does joining a civil society group impact participatory democracy?

It increases the likelihood that American citizens will participate in political processes.

How is the Government Accountability Office different from other government agencies?

It is a bureaucracy established by Congress, for Congress, instead of for the executive branch.

What was the Antifederalists' most compelling argument against the Constitution?

It lacked a bill of rights to protect the rights of individuals.

How did the structure of the Declaration of Independence justify the American colonies' break from Great Britain?

It listed numerous grievances that clearly violated the human rights that were outlined just before.

How does the system of checks and balances actually hamper the functioning of the bureaucracy?

It requires that bureaucracies respond to all three branches of government, leading to mixed signals and inefficient oversight.

How did the Great Depression threaten American federalism?

It shifted the balance of power between the federal and state governments towards the federal government.

Which argument did the Drug Enforcement Agency make at the Supreme Court to justify their actions against Diane Monson?

It stated that their actions were in accordance with federal law and their authority.

Why is agency capture a problem within the federal bureaucracy?

It undermines the goals of the bureaucracy and can lead to corruption within the government.

How does the War Powers Resolution relate to the authority granted to the president and Congress in the Constitution?

It upholds the authority of Congress to declare war and limits the power of the president as commander in chief.

After a bill has been introduced in either the House or the Senate, what is the next step for the bill?

It will be referred to a committee.

How would the proposed Virginia Plan have created a stronger federal government?

It would have expanded the legislature and given states additional representatives.

What would James Madison argue is the best check on the power of the current political parties in the United States?

Its large size and diversity

Why would Thomas Jefferson have wanted to reject the federal judicial appointments made by John Adams?

Jefferson's political views clashed with Adams', and he likely wanted to appoint judges who he believed would uphold the Constitution instead of working to expand the government.

A political scientist living in the American colonies during the late 1700s believes it is the duty of the people to hold their government accountable and replace a tyrannical government if necessary. Who would this political scientist likely agree with?

John Locke

Who proposed the concept that some rights cannot be provided or taken away by governments?

John Locke

Having social, political, and economic freedoms is characteristic of which self-evident right?


Which ideas form the foundation of American political culture?

Liberty, equality, and rights

The cartoon expresses which of the following viewpoints?

Many Americans are not well informed and hold conflicting views about the role of government.

Which argument would you make to assert the idea that the federal judiciary is not an efficient system for achieving justice?

Many cases end in settlements, and the long appeals process does not guarantee justice will be served.

What was the most contentious issue surrounding the question of slavery during the Constitutional Convention?

Many did not agree on how enslaved people should be counted in terms of representation.

Suppose Congress has passed legislation that would ban American citizens from purchasing or owning firearms of any kind. The law is brought to the Supreme Court, where it is deemed a violation of the Second Amendment. The ability of the Supreme Court to make such a decision was established in

Marbury v. Madison

The principle of judicial review was formally established in

Marbury v. Madison.

Two conservative Republicans booted from House budget panelBy David Lawder Two of the most conservative Republicans in the House of Representatives have been kicked off the House Budget Committee, a rare move that could make it easier for the panel to advance a deal with Democrats to cut fiscal deficits. Representatives Tim Heulskamp of Kansas and Justin Amash of Michigan—both favorites of the anti-tax Tea Party movement—are among those Republicans voting most often against House Speaker John Boehner. . . Heulskamp and Amash cast the only House Budget Committee votes against [Chairman Paul] Ryan's budget plan earlier this year. Which of the following inferences can be drawn from the excerpt?

Members of Congress who defy their party's leadership face political consequences.

We should remember that the Declaration of Independence is not merely a historical document. It is an explicit recognition that our rights derive not from the King of England, not from the judiciary, not from government at all, but from God. —Mark Levin The quotation best represents which concept?

Natural rights

Which of the following best explains the trend shown in the graph?

Newly elected presidents take advantage of a "honeymoon" period with Congress to get their policies passed.

The federal bureaucracy is often limited in its actions by its sheer size, providing additional checks on its own power. Was this check an intentional one by the framers of the Constitution?

No, the Constitution does not require that the federal bureaucracy be so large that it cannot operate effectively.

The belief that it is not the job of the court to overturn legislation is a view held by which type of judge?

One who practices judicial restraint

A president that believes the Constitution is a living, breathing document would likely appoint which type of federal judge?

One who will interpret the Constitution in a way that is consistent with life for Americans today.

Which of the following best describes the viewpoint shown in the cartoon?

Other branches of government check the president.

The graph supports which of the following conclusions?

Over the past four decades, America's wealthiest individuals have been earning a larger share of America's national income.

Which theory states that citizens taking part in political processes is essential to a democratic government?

Participatory democracy theory

The following question(s) refer to the following quote from the Resolution of the First Continental Congress, acting on behalf of the American colonists, dated October 14, 1774.[O]ur ancestors, who first settled these colonies, were at the time of their emigration from the mother country, entitled to all the rights, liberties, and immunities of free and natural-born subjects, within the realm of England. . . . By such emigration they by no means forfeited, surrendered, or lost any of those rights, but that they were, and their descendants now are, entitled to the exercise and enjoyment of all such of them, as their local and other circumstances enable them to exercise and enjoy. . . . The foundation of English liberty, and of all free government, is a right in the people to participate in their legislative council: and as the English colonists are not represented, and from their local and other circumstances, cannot properly be represented in the British parliament, they are entitled to a free and exclusive power of legislation in their several provincial legislatures, where their right of representation can alone be preserved, in all cases of taxation and internal polity. . . .What political philosophy set forth in the quote was incorporated two years later into the Declaration of Independence?

People have the right to elect representatives to the legislatures that govern them.

Which case is an example of the Supreme Court exercising judicial restraint?

Plessy v. Ferguson

A political activist who supports gun control legislation believes that interest groups like the National Rifle Association (NRA) have too much money and influence over lawmakers in Congress. Such a belief is characteristic of which theory?

Pluralist theory

Which of the following statements best describes the viewpoint in the cartoon? -elephant cartoon

Political parties attempt to nominate justices who share their political ideology.

The cartoon expresses which of the following viewpoints?

Politicians tend to be more focused on public opinion than policy.

Which is an example of the president checking the power of the legislative branch?

President Barack Obama's veto of the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.

The following question(s) refer to the bar chart. The bar chart supports which of the following inferences?

President Donald Trump has nominated more white federal judges than any president since Ronald Reagan.

During Hurricane Katrina, there was a delay in FEMA resources dispatched by the Department of Homeland Security to the victims in New Orleans. Based on the structure and functions of the federal bureaucracy, who likely received most of the blame for FEMA's failure to respond in a timely manner?

President George W. Bush

Which United States president made widespread and frequent use of drones during the War on Terror?

President Obama

In 2008, Congress authorized the Troubled Asset Relief Program to bail out the nation's banks to keep them functioning through the 2008 financial crisis. Although this program was criticized by many as an overreach of the federal government into private institutions, Congress had precedent to do so via

President Roosevelt's New Deal programs.

The following question(s) refer to the bar chart. What is the most logical explanation for the data on the bar chart?

Presidents tend to nominate judges who match the demographics of their political supporters.

Suppose you want to start an after-school club at your high school for pro-life Christians. Your school administrators say you can meet with fellow classmates after school but cannot use school facilities or be a formal club. Which argument would be the MOST effective to convince the administrators to make your club official?

Prohibiting the club from becoming official goes against the precedent set by Board of Education of Westside Community Schools v. Mergens.

How do public approval trends impact a president's ability to take action during a time of crisis?

Public approval often increases during a time of crisis, which would allow the president to expand the power of the executive without much protest.

What would result if the Department of Homeland Security worked with private organizations to coordinate efforts to respond to natural disasters all over the United States?

Public trust in the federal bureaucracy would likely increase and the response to disasters would likely be greater.

In 2017, the controversial Bill C-16 was passed in Canada, which compels its citizens to address transgender people by their preferred pronouns or potentially face harassment charges otherwise. Which argument would be a legitimate critique of the bill?

Punishing citizens for certain types of speech is a step towards authoritarianism.

What was Anwar al-Awlaki accused of?

Recruiting followers for al-Qaeda over the Internet.

Which measure has been proposed as a way to alleviate the shortfall in paying out Social Security benefits?

Reducing the benefits paid to current recipients

How could the bureaucracy be changed in a way that would reduce overhead and increase efficiency?

Reducing the size and scope of the bureaucracy by cutting regulations and devolving responsibility to the states and private organizations

Which issue was sent to a Grand Committee to decide upon during the Constitutional Convention?


Which was a characteristic of the proposed Virginia Plan?

Representation proportional to population

A high school is planning on establishing a student government in which the entire student body would elect a president to represent the interests of students as a whole. Which form of student government does the high school want to establish?


Citizens of a small American town have been dissatisfied with their elected representative in the House of Representatives and are planning to vote for a different candidate in the next election. Which form of government allows the citizens to take such an action?


Why might the regulation process delay the enforcement of a new law passed by Congress?

Rules that are added to legislation must be reviewed by interested parties, the president, and Congress before being implemented.

A citizen of California might be frustrated that the citizens of Nebraska have an equal number of representatives in the


After the Vietnam War, Congress passed the War Powers Resolution to prevent the president from committing the U.S. to a military conflict without the consent of Congress. Which constitutional principle was this law based on?

Separation of powers

Which is a responsibility of Congress?

Setting the federal budget

President George Washington had only three cabinet departments, including the Department of State, which handled foreign policy and diplomatic relations with other countries. Why were the functions of the Department of State so important to George Washington that he dedicated an entire department to them?

Since the United States was a relatively new country, the interactions with other countries had to be strong and upstanding so as to assert America as a powerful nation despite its newfound independence.

The only leadership position in the House of Representatives is the

Speaker of the House.

Which grievance listed in the Declaration of Independence is an example of the King of England infringing upon the inalienable right to life?

Standing armies threatened colonists.

The Agriculture Committee in the House is a permanent committee that develops legislation regarding agriculture, food, and rural development. The Agriculture Committee is an example of which type of committee?

Standing committee

How does the process of selecting federal judges compare to the process of selecting state judges?

State judges are elected by the citizens of that state, while federal judges are appointed by the president.

The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State. The operations of the federal government will be most extensive and important in times of war and danger; those of the State governments, in times of peace and security. As the former periods will probably bear a small proportion to the latter, the State governments will here enjoy another advantage over the federal government. The more adequate, indeed, the federal powers may be rendered to the national defense, the less frequent will be those scenes of danger which might favor their ascendancy over the governments of the particular States. — James Madison, Federalist No. 45 Which of the following best summarizes Madison's argument in Federalist No. 45?

State power is protected by a strong national defense.

Why did the economy fail to thrive under the Articles of Confederation?

States hindered commerce by imposing trade restrictions on one another.

Why might some criticize the use of deadly force on American citizens who have committed or are suspected of terrorism?

Such actions violate a citizen's right to due process.

Suppose that Congress has recently passed a net neutrality bill. Under the new legislation, internet service providers are classified as common carrier services, like telephone companies, and thus are subject to regulation by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC). If internet service providers believe the law's regulations are being unreasonably interpreted by the FCC, how would they most effectively challenge the law?

Suing the FCC in federal court

Which of the following statements best describes the viewpoint expressed in the political cartoon?

Supreme Court decisions do not resolve long-standing disagreements over social policy issues.

In 1993, Congress enacted the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, mandating that anyone seeking to buy a firearm must first undergo a federal background check. One provision in that act required state law enforcement officials to conduct those background checks. In Printz v. United States (1997), the Supreme Court declared that portion of the act to be unconstitutional, reasoning, "The Federal Government may not compel the States to enact or administer a federal regulatory program." Which constitutional provision most logically and directly supports the Court's conclusion in the quoted language?

Tenth Amendment

Many states only agreed to ratify the Constitution on what condition?

That a bill of rights would be added

Which precedent was set by the Supreme Court's decision in Hamdi v. Rumsfeld?

That a president may not compromise the rights of American citizens during wartime.

What was the most significant contradiction within the Constitution?

That slavery was still permitted in a document based on human liberty.

Which characteristic of the executive branch allows the president to act quickly and decisively in an emergency?

That the president can act alone

Why is America's form of representative government preferable to the direct democracy of ancient Greece?

The American system of representative government is far more feasible than the direct democracy of ancient Greece.

What is considered the supreme law of the nation in America?

The Constitution

Which group is part of the Executive Office of the President?

The Council of Economic Advisers

Which of the following statements best describes the impact of the Supreme Court's decision in McCulloch v. Maryland?

The Court ruled that the necessary and proper clause allows the national government to create banks, strengthening national power.

Assume you have just been appointed by the president to serve in a cabinet department that will fund and oversee research into the return on investment for solar panels and wind turbines. Which department have you been appointed to?

The Department of Energy

The dispatch of FEMA resources during Hurricane Harvey in 2017 is an example of which bureaucracy in action?

The Department of Homeland Security

Which department fell under considerable scrutiny following Hurricane Katrina?

The Department of Homeland Security

Suppose it is 2024 and none of the candidates for president have received the majority of votes in the Electoral College. Which body of government will determine the outcome of the election?

The House of Representatives

Which body of government has the authority to introduce bills?

The House of Representatives

The house of representatives . . . can make no law which will not have its full operation on themselves and their friends, as well as the great mass of society. This has always been deemed one of the strongest bonds by which human policy can connect the rulers and the people together . . . but without which every government degenerates into tyranny. —James Madison, Federalist No. 57 Which of the following statements best describes the viewpoint in the quote?

The House of Representatives was created to directly represent the citizens.

The following question(s) refer to the following table. Supreme Court of the United States: Method of Disposition, 1970-2010 Which of the following best describes an inference that can be drawn from the table?

The Justices have decided over time that they should devote more of their limited resources to resolving a smaller number of increasingly hard cases.

A case that has to be appealed from a special court at the state level will usually go to which court next?

The Lower State Court

Which group represented Bridget Mergens in her fight to form a Christian Bible study club at her high school?

The National Legal Foundation

Suppose you are working for the president and are responsible for coordinating foreign policy initiatives. Which part of the Executive Office of the President do you work for?

The National Security Council

Suppose you are part of the president's cabinet and advise him on setting the priorities for national spending. Which group are you a part of?

The Office of Management and Budget

Which piece of legislation is an example of the federal government devolving authority to the state?

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act

How does Congress check the power of the president when it comes to the federal bureaucracy?

The Senate must approve the cabinet secretaries nominated by the president.

Which group would be considered a civil society group?

The Sierra Club

How does the position of the Speaker of the House compare to the Senate majority leader?

The Speaker of the House has more power than the Senate majority leader.

The following question(s) refer to the following table. Supreme Court of the United States: Method of Disposition, 1970-2010 What is the most logical inference from the table, using data from the five years shown?

The Supreme Court has been accepting fewer cases for review.

Following the Civil War, how was the concept of federalism applied to the rights of African Americans?

The Supreme Court supported the rights of states to take their own action regarding the rights of African Americans but did not provide protection for African Americans at the national level.

Which amendment of the United States Constitution might a Supreme Court Justice reference when deciding on a case that they believe would otherwise grant Congress too much authority over the states?

The Tenth Amendment

Which measures are included in the Constitution that establish the American system of federalism?

The Tenth Amendment and concurrent powers

Suppose that the Civil War has just ended and some plantation owners in Georgia are still engaged in the trade and exploitation of enslaved African Americans. Georgia is in direct violation of which amendment?

The Thirteenth Amendment

Which measure originated out of the election of 1800?

The Twelfth Amendment

Use the information in this passage to answer the following question(s). On November 20, 2014, President Obama issued a statement removing the threat of deportation for approximately five million undocumented parents and permanent residents who lived in the country for at least five years. Which of the following is the best argument that President Obama exceeded his authority in the situation described?

The action expands presidential power beyond its constitutional limits.

How does the idea of an independent judicial system, as proposed by Alexander Hamilton in Federalist No. 78, compare to the actual judicial system in America, as seen in the case of Caperton v. Massey Coal Co.?

The actual judicial process as observed in Caperton v. Massey Coal Co. is far more politically charged than the ideal judicial system proposed by Alexander Hamilton.

The cartoon expresses which of the following criticisms of the bureaucracy? -digging cartoon

The bureaucracy is inefficient.

Which of the following makes it difficult for the executive branch to control the bureaucracy?

The bureaucracy is large and deals with complex issues.

The cartoon is from India. What is the viewpoint expressed in the cartoon?

The bureaucracy is overly complex and inefficient.

How was judicial independence threatened in the case of Caperton v. Massey Coal Co.?

The campaign of elected judge Brent Benjamin was funded by one of the parties in the lawsuit.

The following question(s) refer to the graph Which inference is most clearly drawn from the graph?

The category receiving the largest federal funding has shifted over time from "Education, training, employment, and social services" in 1975 to "Health" in 2011.

What is the primary difference between a civil society group like a charitable church organization and an interest group like the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)?

The charitable church organization acts in the interest of the common good, whereas the AARP advocates for its own interests

The following question(s) refer to the following quote from the Resolution of the First Continental Congress, acting on behalf of the American colonists, dated October 14, 1774.[O]ur ancestors, who first settled these colonies, were at the time of their emigration from the mother country, entitled to all the rights, liberties, and immunities of free and natural-born subjects, within the realm of England. . . . By such emigration they by no means forfeited, surrendered, or lost any of those rights, but that they were, and their descendants now are, entitled to the exercise and enjoyment of all such of them, as their local and other circumstances enable them to exercise and enjoy. . . . The foundation of English liberty, and of all free government, is a right in the people to participate in their legislative council: and as the English colonists are not represented, and from their local and other circumstances, cannot properly be represented in the British parliament, they are entitled to a free and exclusive power of legislation in their several provincial legislatures, where their right of representation can alone be preserved, in all cases of taxation and internal polity. . . .The quote makes which of the following arguments?

The colonists were entitled to the rights of English subjects.

What was an outcome of Plessy v. Ferguson?

The concept of separate but equal

Which aspect of the Constitution would you use to support a decision on McCulloch v. Maryland that rules in favor of the state instead of the national government?

The concurrent powers that grant both the state and national governments the right to charter banks and levy taxes.

Why might the citizens of a certain state choose to elect a new senator in an upcoming election?

The constituents may feel that the senator no longer represents their values or interests.

No man is allowed to be a judge in his own cause, because his interest would certainly bias his judgment, and, not improbably, corrupt his integrity. With equal, nay with greater reason, a body of men are unfit to be both judges and parties at the same time. — Federalist No. 10 Which of the following principles is reflected in the quote?

The danger of factions

Which is a recent example of the Supreme Court checking the power of the executive branch?

The deadlock at the Supreme Court regarding President Obama's executive order that would have allowed millions of undocumented immigrants to apply for citizenship.

Suppose the state of Idaho has just elected a senator who has, so far, demonstrated that she is willing to go above and beyond to advocate for her constituents by proposing legislation that benefits their interests. Which type of role is this senator playing?

The delegate role

Which statement accurately assesses the effectiveness of the electoral college prior to the ratification of the Twelfth Amendment?

The electoral college was effective but had its flaws in the process of choosing a vice president.

Why was Shays's Rebellion an effective way for James Madison to lure George Washington back into public life?

The events that happened during Shays's Rebellion demonstrated how broken the system under the Articles of Confederation was.

A group of women's rights advocates believes women are not being paid equally to men in the workplace and are concerned that federal anti-discrimination laws are not being effectively carried out. Which branch of government should be blamed for the lack of enforcement of such laws?

The executive branch

How did President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal programs reflect the practice of cooperative federalism?

The federal government worked with state governments to provide financial aid to those in need and give jobs to those who were unemployed.

State Ratification of the U.S. Constitution The table supports which of the following statements?

The first four states that ratified the Constitution did so by wider margins than did the final four.

What is the formal role of the first spouse in the United States government?

The first spouse has no formal role in the United States government

How does the case of the Boyd County High School Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) demonstrate the tension between the two visions of liberty?

The freedom of the students to form a club infringed upon the teachers' freedom from being subject to beliefs they may not agree with.

Given that Switzerland is governed by a direct democracy, which is a critique a Federalist would have of the Swiss government?

The government is susceptible to the dangers of factions.

Use the information in this passage to answer the following question(s). On November 20, 2014, President Obama issued a statement removing the threat of deportation for approximately five million undocumented parents and permanent residents who lived in the country for at least five years. Which of the following powers did President Obama use in the scenario?

The informal power to issue an executive order

In times of military or economic crisis in America, as the president seeks to expand executive authority, which entity has the most effective check on the executive branch?

The judicial branch

The system of federal courts is part of which branch of government?

The judicial branch

The following question(s) refer to the following quote. In Federalist No. 78, Alexander Hamilton wrote:Whoever attentively considers the different departments of power must perceive, that, in a government in which they are separated from each other, the judiciary, from the nature of its functions, will always be the least dangerous to the political rights of the Constitution; because it will be least in a capacity to annoy or injure them. The Executive not only dispenses the honors, but holds the sword of the community. The legislature not only commands the purse, but prescribes the rules by which the duties and rights of every citizen are to be regulated. The judiciary, on the contrary, has no influence over either the sword or the purse; no direction either of the strength or of the wealth of the society; and can take no active resolution whatever. It may truly be said to have neither FORCE nor WILL, but merely judgment; and must ultimately depend upon the aid of the executive arm even for the efficacy of its judgments. Which of the following statements best describes Hamilton's point of view?

The judiciary's power depends on an ability to convince the other branches of the strength of its reasoning.

Why do cabinet secretaries often have to consult with the lower-level members of the federal bureaucracy?

The lower-level members are usually more experienced and have greater knowledge than the appointed cabinet secretary.

Which factor did the Supreme Court consider when making its decision on Board of Education of Westside Community Schools v. Mergens?

The maturity of high school students

How does the merit system established by the Pendleton Act differ from the political patronage system used by Andrew Jackson?

The merit system ensures that only those who are qualified for a position are hired or promoted, whereas the political patronage system allows for hiring and promotion based on political support.

Which part of the Constitution did Chief Justice John Marshall cite in justification of the Supreme Court decision in McCulloch v. Maryland?

The necessary and proper clause

Which portion of the Constitution creates the potential for the legislative branch to grow too powerful?

The necessary and proper clause

Why did smaller, less-populous states prefer the New Jersey Plan?

The plan proposed a unicameral legislature with equal representation.

Suppose state legislatures and the federal courts reviewed a policy that restricted the sale and use of firearms. Which result would likely occur if they found that the policy was failing to lower violent crime rates as Congress stated it would?

The policy would be terminated.

How do the powers granted to the federal government compare to the powers granted to the state governments?

The powers granted to the state governments are generally those that can be more efficiently and effectively implemented at the state level.

Which of the following best describes a constitutional democracy?

The powers of government are both described and limited by the Constitution.

The following question(s) refer to the passage. The idea of a [unitary] government involves in it, not only an authority over the individual citizens, but an indefinite supremacy over all persons and things, so far as they are objects of lawful government. . . . In [that] case, all local authorities are subordinate to the supreme; and may be controlled, directed, or abolished by it at pleasure. In [a federal system], the [regional] authorities form distinct and independent portions of the supremacy, no more subject, within their respective spheres, to the general authority, than the general authority is subject to them, within its own sphere. —James Madison, Federalist No. 39 Which of the following statements best describes the author's perspective and reasoning?

The powers that the Constitution would grant to the national government will not intrude upon the power of state governments.

Which process demonstrates the balance of power and the ability of the executive branch to check the legislative branch, and vice-versa?

The president acts as commander in chief of the army, while Congress may declare war.

President Smith begins slurring her words and speaking incoherently about dropping nuclear bombs on Russia. What is the most expeditious way under the Constitution to avert disaster?

The president can be removed when the vice president and a majority of the cabinet advise the Congress that the president is unfit.

How does the power of the president over the bureaucracy compare to the power of Congress over the bureaucracy?

The president has considerably less power over the bureaucracy than Congress has over the bureaucracy.

Why is it important for a president to choose a nominee for a federal judge position who is aligned with the president's own values with regards to upholding the Constitution?

The president's appointment is usually for a life term and gives the president a chance to have a lasting impact on the American judicial system.

Which process acts as a check by the legislative branch on the executive branch?

The process of impeachment

Suppose Congress has passed a law that makes it illegal to smoke in public spaces and wants to punish those who have smoked in public spaces in the year prior to passing the law. Which constitutional protection prevents Congress from doing so?

The prohibition of ex post facto laws.

Which aspect of Marbury v. Madison motivated Chief Justice John Marshall to strike down the Judiciary Act and establish the principle of judicial review?

The question of whether the nominees were entitled to the remedy they sought.

Which is an example of Congress checking the power of the president?

The refusal of Congress to approve funding for a border wall proposed by President Trump.

How does the style of representation in the House of Representatives differ from representation in the Senate?

The representation in the Senate is the same for each state regardless of population, while the number of representatives in the House of Representatives depends on a state's population.

Suppose the president has nominated someone for a vacancy on the Supreme Court, but a senator in the opposing party does not approve of the president's choice. What can that senator do to change the situation?

The senator may vote against the president's chosen nominee during the confirmation hearing.

Which statement would you cite to defend the argument that the federal bureaucracy is a threat to the American system of federalism?

The size and reach of the bureaucracy make it impossible for average Americans to fully know who is making choices for them in unelected and unrepresentative positions.

A new amendment has passed a two-thirds vote in the House and Senate. Where should activists supporting ratification of the amendment focus their lobbying efforts?

The state legislatures

Who held most of the power under the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union?

The states

Who holds the power in a confederal system of government?

The states

How does Bridget Mergens' experience with forming a Bible study group at her high school compare to the experience of the Boyd County High School students who wanted to form a Gay-Straight Alliance?

The students at Boyd County High School experienced far more backlash than Mergens but achieved greater change within their school district.

Why was a letter to Boyd County High School from the American Civil Liberties Union that referenced the Equal Access Act insufficient in addressing the issue of the formation of a Gay-Straight Alliance?

The students who formed the Gay-Straight Alliance were harassed, and all groups were shut down.

Which event during President Obama's time in office would have resulted in an increase in overall public approval?

The successful assassination of Osama bin Laden

By holding that Congress may regulate activity that is neither interstate nor commerce under the Interstate Commerce Clause, the Court abandons any attempt to enforce the Constitution's limits on federal power . . . —Justice Clarence Thomas, dissenting opinion, Gonzales v. Raich Which of the following statements best describes the viewpoint conveyed in the quotation?

The system of federalism is threatened by the national government's expansion of power under the commerce clause.

What is national debt?

The total amount of money owed by the federal government.

Many legal challenges have been made to the arrest and detainment of suspected terrorists because they often are not told why they are being held. Which constitutional protection are these legal challenges based on?

The writ of habeas corpus

If Angel Raich and Diane Monson's case were reversed and marijuana use was legal at the federal level but prohibited in their state of California, how would the outcome of their case be different?

Their use of marijuana would be permitted based on the supremacy clause within the Constitution.

Why were the Federalist Papers so effective in gaining support for the Constitution?

They addressed concerns with the Constitution by pointing out flaws in the Articles of Confederation.

Suppose a group of women's rights activists in America are pushing for the reconsideration and ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment. Under the constitutional republic, how can these activists achieve their goal?

They can vote for Congressional representatives who can set the amendment process in motion.

Most of the bills that are introduced in Congress fail. Why did the framers of the Constitution make the legislative process considerably complicated?

They did not want laws to be passed based on the populace's fleeting desires.

Why did so many Americans want to keep the Articles of Confederation as they were?

They feared what would result if any changes were made.

Why was the Antifederalists' position more difficult than that of the Federalists during the debates over the ratification of the Constitution?

They had to prove that the proposed government was more dangerous than the existing one.

The cartoon demonstrates which viewpoint about the founding fathers?

They trusted Americans to use good judgment in interpreting the Constitution in the future.

Why might small farmers and those from rural areas opposed the Federalist position?

They were generally distrustful of political elites and a distant central government.

What was the main function of the Riot Act?

To absolve sheriffs and officers from prosecution for killing rioters.

What was the primary function of the Three-Fifths Compromise?

To count an enslaved person as three-fifths of a person for the purposes of calculating a state's representation.

What was the primary function of the Pendleton Act of 1883?

To enforce rules on hiring and promoting members of the civil service based on merit

What is the primary function of the president as outlined in the Constitution?

To enforce the laws written by Congress

What is the main function of the Government Accountability Office (GAO)?

To ensure that executive agencies are using their funds and exercising their authority properly

What was the main function of Article V of the Articles of Confederation?

To establish a unicameral legislature

What is the main purpose of Article III of the United States Constitution?

To establish the judicial branch

What is the purpose of the Twenty-Fifth Amendment?

To establish the line of succession should a president become incapacitated

What was the purpose of the Constitutional Convention in 1787?

To fix the Articles of Confederation and create a stronger national government.

What is the purpose of the Sixth Amendment?

To guarantee the right to a jury trial in all federal criminal cases.

What is the purpose of federal bureaucrats?

To implement regulations and standards that Americans must follow to comply with the law

What is the main function of a select committee?

To investigate specifics related to a scandal or to handle a crisis within the federal government.

What was the primary purpose of the 1842 Apportionment Act?

To mandate single-member districts in the House of Representatives

What was the main purpose of the Equal Access Act of 1984?

To prevent public high schools from excluding religious extracurricular clubs.

Why might a group of veterans during Shays's Rebellion have focused their efforts on local courthouses?

To prevent them from operating effectively.

Which was a function of the Social Security Act of 1935?

To provide assistance programs to the elderly

What is the main function of a political action committee?

To raise money for candidates running for the House of Representatives.

What is the primary purpose of the Controlled Substances Act of 1970?

To regulate the use and possession of certain drugs and other dangerous substances

Why might the Supreme Court invoke stare decisis?

To reinforce a previous decision that can be applied as precedent in future cases.

What was the main purpose of the Judiciary Act of 1801?

To reorganize the lower federal courts

What is the primary purpose of the War Powers Resolution?

To restrict the president's ability to maintain troops in combat

According to Alexander Hamilton, why was it necessary to have an independent judicial branch of the government? Correct Answer

To uphold the checks and balances of the Constitution

What is the primary function of the Supreme Court of the United States?

To uphold the laws of the Constitution

In the 1930s and 1940s, Nazi Germany ruled its people with unlimited power and is an example of which system of government?


Term limits were placed on the president through the

Twenty-Second Amendment

How many votes are required in the House and Senate to propose an amendment to the Constitution?

Two-thirds in both the House and the Senate

What was the main argument made in Federalist No. 51?

Tyranny will be prevented by establishing a system of separation of powers.

How does the concept of popular sovereignty compare to other forms of sovereignty?

Under popular sovereignty, the people grant the government the right to rule, which gives the people more power than other forms of sovereignty.

Cuba is a Communist dictatorship run by a single leader, where the citizens have no say in how the country is run. Cuba is an example of which system of government?


A student who is studying important Supreme Court cases that re-established the balance of state and federal government power in America's system of federalism might include which case in their studies?

United States v. Lopez

Federal nutrition guidelines require public schools to serve healthy lunches to students and limit the amount of "junk food" available in vending machines. A state seeking to challenge these nutrition rules should cite which of the following cases?

United States v. Lopez

What precedent would a president be able to cite if they were faced with Congressional demands to release recorded phone calls, transcripts, or records and did not want to hand them over to Congress?

United States v. Nixon

Which Supreme Court case first recognized the legality of same-sex marriage?

United States v. Windsor

Suppose an interest group that advocates for accessible and affordable health care is lobbying members of Congress on behalf of the Department of Health and Human Services to secure additional funding to develop a public health campaign to increase awareness about changes to the Affordable Care Act. These groups are engaged in which activity?

Using the iron triangle

Which of the following concepts was not included in the original Constitution as drafted in 1787 and ratified in 1788?

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.

An incumbent candidate running for Senate, who has a generally positive track record with her constituents and loyal donors contributing to her campaign, has a challenger who is new to politics altogether. How would this incumbent candidate likely fare in the election?

Well, since the senator has the advantage of name recognition and experience.

How did Congress justify the passage of the Controlled Substances Act?

With the commerce clause of the Constitution

Why might more and more states be willing to legalize the use of marijuana for medical or recreational purposes despite it being illegal at the federal level?

With the growing number of people using marijuana, the federal government would have to expend its resources to jail citizens who would otherwise be considered law-abiding citizens.

Suppose a presidential candidate is running for the first time on a platform that includes promises of sweeping health care reform and the public is generally in favor of the proposed ideas. If the candidate wins the election, when should they try to pass health care reform legislation?

Within the first six months of their election

Would the students of Boyd County High School have been successful in forming a Gay-Straight Alliance if Bridget Mergens had lost her case at the Supreme Court?

Yes, because the American Civil Liberties Union initially cited the Equal Access Act and was successful.

Suppose you are president of the United States during wartime. How do you interpret your authority as commander in chief?

You expand your role as president to make swift, strong decisions.

Suppose the Department of Energy has decided to provide funds to state governments for the purpose of researching, establishing, and implementing any number of clean energy sources in any way the state sees fit. This is an example of

a block grant.

Suppose in the year 2018, the United States generated $21.5 trillion and spent $19.5 trillion. In that year, the United States would have

a budget surplus.

Assume the federal government has decided to provide funding to each state to build charging stations throughout public parks with the condition that the charging stations do not impede on the environment too severely, have at least five charging ports, and are functional within two years. This is an example of

a categorical grant.

A woman who is looking to get involved with her community decides to join a local knitting group that knits hats, mittens, and scarves for the homeless. This knitting group is an example of

a civil society group.

In 2013, Texas Senator Ted Cruz gave a 21-hour speech that interfered with a planned vote on healthcare reforms, which would be considered

a filibuster.

Partisan polarization manifests itself during the end of a president's term in the form of

a lame duck period.

An issue network can be best described as

a temporary web of influence between policymakers, policy advocates, and interest groups to address a specific need.

Congress may override a veto with

a two-thirds vote in both the House and Senate.

Suppose a state's legislature has enlisted a commission to redraw its congressional district boundaries, but upon review notices that the districts each have significantly uneven numbers of constituents. Such redistricting would be

a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Suppose a member of the Securities and Exchange Commission is a former employee of a large investment firm on Wall Street and has been easing the enforcement of regulations on his old firm. This is an example of

agency capture

A political scientist who believes that judges should be appointed and subject to a confirmation process at the state level instead of being elected would likely

agree with Alexander Hamilton in Federalist No. 78.

Given the decisions made by Chief Justice John Marshall during his time on the Supreme Court, he would be characterized as

an activist justice.

In the case Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court ruled that separate educational facilities were unconstitutional. However, after the Court's decision, the president refused to enforce it. This is an example of

an executive check on the judicial branch

In 1863, in the middle of the Civil War, President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation to free the slaves who were not living in the Union. Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation unilaterally due to the increased tension and division within the United States, making it

an executive order

In 2018, President Donald Trump made a unilateral decision without congressional approval that banned a firearm accessory known as a bump stock via

an executive order

Beginning in early 2016, Native American tribes, environmental groups, and human rights advocates began a protest movement against the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, gaining the support of numerous members of Congress. The opposition to the pipeline's construction could be characterized as an example of

an issue network

Suppose a member of Congress is part of a committee in which she reviews the actions of the president's cabinet departments to make sure the funds that were granted the year before are being used properly and the goals of each policy are on track to being achieved. This member of Congress is part of

an oversight committee.

Suppose the federal government has just passed a law that will require all public schools to provide students with enclosed lockers that students can lock with a padlock. The federal government is requiring states to implement this policy with their own funds, making it

an unfunded mandate.

A case has been heard at the state level, where the defendant was convicted and sentenced for a crime he maintains he did not commit. The defendant and his legal team have decided to continue fighting for justice and will attempt to

appeal the case to an appellate court.

The process of deciding on the number of representatives each state gets based on most recent census data is known as


Despite China allowing private businesses to operate within the country, the government has increased its control over the way its citizens communicate and act within society, making it


According to the cartoon, the founding fathers wrote the Constitution to achieve which goal?

balance liberty with the protection of social order

A president may use the State of the Union Address as a tool for

bargaining and persuasion in Congress.

Alexander Hamilton believed that judges could remain independent and uphold liberty and the laws of the Constitution by

being appointed to serve for life terms.

Suppose Congress has just passed a new law that would impose additional standards on public schools for receiving state funding. The Department of Education needs time to determine how the new standards will be applied to public schools, which is an example of

bureaucratic discretion.

In the 2018 case Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, the Supreme Court ruled that the owners of Masterpiece Cakeshop were within their rights to refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple on the basis of free exercise of religion. Doing so sparked a national debate about discrimination against same-sex couples, but also demonstrated that the Supreme Court

can make controversial decisions without the fear of public opinion backlash.

When a new law is created by the legislative branch, the constitutional legality of the bill can be questioned by the Supreme Court. This scenario is an example of

checks and balances.

Suppose the president has decided to sign an executive order that would grant law enforcement officers authority to act swiftly and in their best judgment to deport immigrants who did not arrive legally. Such an action is an example of the president acting as

chief executive

At the end of 2018, the United States government was embroiled in the longest government shutdown in U.S. history, and the House Democrats did not permit the president to issue a State of the Union Address until the government shutdown was ended. Denying the president his ability to give a State of the Union Address impaired his ability to act as

chief legislator.

Cases involving contract violations would fall under the classification of

civil law

When President Bush mobilized reserve troops to fight against the terrorist threat in Afghanistan in 2001, he was acting as

commander in chief.

The following statement appears on the Food and Drug Administration Web site: The objective of FDA regulatory programs is to assure compliance with the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the Act). Specific enforcement activities include actions to correct and prevent violations, remove violative products or goods from the market, and punish offenders. The type of enforcement activity FDA uses will depend on the nature of the violation. The range of enforcement activities include issuing a letter notifying the individual or firm of a violation and requesting correction, to criminal prosecution of the individual or firm. —U.S. Food and Drug Administration:FDA Enforcement Actions The quote refers to which of the following tasks of the bureaucracy?


Laws that cover actions determined to harm the community are known as

criminal laws

A push by activist groups to encourage ethnic minorities, women, and the less-wealthy to run for political office would likely be an effort in favor of

descriptive representation

In 2018, Attorney General Jeff Sessions granted each individual U.S. Attorney the power to decide whether or not to prosecute someone with regards to the use of marijuana. This is an example of

devolving federal power.

In authorizing the president to establish executive departments and seek the advice of the heads of those departments, the founding fathers

did not expect the president to be an expert in all areas of social, economic, or military matters.

Suppose Congress presents a bill to the president that would limit the rights of Americans to speak freely. The president vetoes the bill and upon reconsideration, the bill fails in a vote to override the veto. In this case, the bill

dies and does not become law.

Someone who believes that the authority of Congress may be greatly expanded to fulfill its duties listed in the Constitution would likely

disagree with the decision made in United States v. Lopez.

A motion that is filed by a member of Congress for a bill to be moved out of a committee and onto the floor for consideration is called a

discharge petition

Defense spending is considered

discretionary spending

A Supreme Court Justice who writes the following words, "Generations from now, lawyers and judges will look back at today's ruling with utter contempt," is probably writing a

dissenting opinion

Associate Justice Clarence Thomas disagreed with the Supreme Court's ruling on Gonzales v. Raich and discussed his belief that the decision extended the reach of Congress too far in his

dissenting opinion

A state that sets its own testing standards and develops its own curriculum standards for education without any direction or interference from the national government is an example of

dual federalism.

Suppose a senator has proposed a budget measure that would direct money to his district for the purpose of improving parks. This would be an example of


Following Hurricane Katrina, groups like Habitat for Humanity and Minnesota Helpers stepped up to help the victims of the natural disaster, demonstrating the

effectiveness of private organizations to take quicker and more effective action than federal agencies.

Iron triangles have been criticized because they benefit their members but limit the ability of outside groups to influence the policymaking process. This criticism represents which theory of democracy?


According to John Locke, it is the government's job to

ensure an orderly and functioning society.

The authority of the president to act as commander in chief of the United States army is an example of the president's

enumerated powers.

Someone who has an optimistic view of American democracy might believe that

everyday citizens can make effective change by joining civil society groups.

The president of the United States acts as the head of the

executive branch.

Suppose the president has signed an executive order that bans a certain type of speech and the Supreme Court determines that the president's executive order is unconstitutional. This is an example of the Supreme Court

exercising judicial review.

The decision in Brown v. Board of Education that declared the notion of "separate but equal" unconstitutional is an example of the Supreme Court

exercising judicial review.

Congress passed the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 on the basis that the commerce clause in the Constitution permitted them to regulate the transaction and transport of goods across state lines, including drugs and harmful substances. This is an example of Congress exercising its

expressed powers.

The current U.S. Senate is similar to the unicameral legislature under the Articles of Confederation in that both

favor less populous states over more populous ones.

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate. — United States Constitution, Article V Which of the following principles is reflected in Article V?


The ability of an American citizen to enact change by getting either Congress or their state legislature to pass legislation is an example of


An American man who has been suspected of radicalizing young teens online and convincing them to join the terrorist group ISIS has been arrested and imprisoned. The president who ordered his capture and detainment did not notify the man of the charges brought against him and has not had a trial to be convicted of any crime. The man is well within his rights to

file a petition for a writ of habeas corpus.

Suppose it is 2019 and a same-sex couple has decided to move to a different state to be closer to family. After they move, they find that the state they have moved to refuses to recognize their marriage. The state is in clear violation of the

full faith and credit clause of the Constitution.

President Richard Nixon attempted to reduce the authority of the national government by

funding policies with block grants.

Suppose that a Midwestern state has recently redrawn its districts in a way that benefits the interests of agricultural farmers. Such redistricting is known as


President Donald Trump is well known for his frequent and sometimes tactless use of the social media platform, Twitter. President Trump's announcements of policy initiatives and plans on Twitter is an example of

going public

Exclusive powers can be defined as powers that are

granted to the national government and not to subnational governments.

A political scientist who is studying the effects of increased partisan polarization might focus on


In order for someone to be considered a candidate for the United States Senate, he or she must

have at least nine years of citizenship.

Treason and bribery are considered valid reasons for Congress to

impeach the president or any other civil officer of the United States.

In the late 1700s, a wealthy educated male would have most likely been

in favor of the newly proposed Constitution.

Democracy can be defined as a system of government

in which the people hold the power.

Suppose you are a justice on the Supreme Court and must decide on a case in which the constitutionality of a law recently passed by Congress has been called into question. You prefer to exercise judicial restraint, and as such you

issue an opinion that defers the judgment of the law to the legislative branch for consideration.

The Constitution is "not a living document," [Justice Scalia] told the Southern Methodist University crowd in 2014. "It's dead, dead, dead. . . . The judge who always likes the results he reaches is a bad judge." The quote supports which philosophy?

judicial restraint

Those in favor of judicial activism believe that

justices should overturn legislation when necessary.

International and interstate trade must be regulated by the central government.


Which of the following is most likely to lead to the situation shown in the cartoon?

legislative deliberation

The following question(s) refer to this excerpt of proposed House Resolution 184 introduced by Representative Hakeem Jeffries in the House Judiciary Committee on March 9, 2017. RESOLVED: That the President is requested, and the Attorney General of the United States is directed, to transmit, respectively (in a manner appropriate to classified information, if the President or Attorney General determines appropriate), to the House of Representatives, not later than 14 days after the date of the adoption of this resolution, copies of any document, record, memo, correspondence, or other communication in their possession, or any portion of any such communication, that refers or relates to the following: (1) Any meeting or communication that occurred between Senator Jeff Sessions and any representative of the Russian government, including his meetings with the Russian Ambassador to the United States, Sergey I. Kislyak, on July 18, 2016, and September 8, 2016. (2) Senator Sessions' testimony before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary on January 10, 2017, including but not limited to his statement that he "did not have communications with the Russians. "What congressional power was used in passing this resolution?

legislative oversight

Suppose a member of the House of Representatives has spent the past week discussing upcoming legislation with other members of the House and has been working hard to convince members to vote in favor of the legislation. This person would be considered the

majority whip

Attempts to increase descriptive representation in Congress might include trying to increase the

membership of women or minorities.

President Obama introduced several new pieces of legislation during his presidency, expanded the government by gaining more power as president from Congress and making unilateral decisions during wartime, received a lot of positive media attention, and worked with a large staff. Such characteristics would make President Obama a

modern president

Suppose a criminal case is brought to a court to be decided upon for the first time. This court will have

original jurisdiction over the case.

A court that has the authority to hear a case first has

original jurisdiction.

In 1838, a dispute over the boundary between Rhode Island and Massachusetts resulted in a lawsuit that was brought immediately to and decided upon by the Supreme Court. This is an example of the Supreme Court exercising

original jurisdiction.

Suppose a member of Congress is part of a committee that ensures funds are being spent efficiently and elected officials are acting in accordance with the law. This member of Congress is participating in


Which of the following is an example of judicial review by the Supreme Court?

overturning a president's executive order about immigration because the order violates the Constitution

Someone that is appointed to the Department of Education based on their extensive experience as an educator and their unique success with implementing new methods of teaching would be

part of the federal civil service.

What do the maps illustrate?

partisan gerrymandering

The power of like-minded groups to impact the policymaking process is known as

pluralist theory

The executive, legislative, and judicial branches are examples of

political institutions.

Suppose a president who has just been elected to office is deciding who to appoint to a cabinet position and decides to nominate several of the people who had worked on his campaign. This is an example of

political patronage.

Those who participated in Shays's Rebellion were most likely to be

poor farmers

In a debate about the scope of the American government providing social welfare programs, one student argues that such programs are conducive to helping Americans realize the American Dream, while the other argues that such programs run contrary to the inherent right to

pursue happiness through hard work, sacrifice, and one's own skill set.

Suppose a group of Congress members have successfully passed a new bill that would improve the interstate highway system to make it safer and more efficient for drivers. Once the president has signed the bill into law, the next hurdle for the policy would be

receiving the proper funding to implement the policy.

According to ABC News, the average chocolate bar contains eight insect parts. Anything less than sixty insect pieces per 100 grams of chocolate (two chocolate bars' worth) is deemed safe for consumption by the Food and Drug Administration. This is an example of bureaucratic:


Suppose a teacher's union has organized a nationwide boycott of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) since they believe it is harmful, not beneficial, to students' education. In an effort to stop the boycotts from happening, representatives in Congress have agreed to make changes to the existing legislation. To make the most effective change, Congress should

remove the requirement for standardized testing.

A system in which the government's power comes from the people is known as


The Supreme Court's decision in Baker v. Carr

required congressional districts to have roughly the same number of constituents.

Suppose that in an upcoming presidential election, a state that historically votes Democratic has decided to leave the Independent candidate off the ballot. This is an example of the state exercising its

reserved powers.

An increasing federal deficit will likely put an end to

revenue sharing

The function of an appellate court is to

review and potentially revise or overturn the decision made by a lower court.

If the Supreme Court were to hear a case regarding the issue of firearm ownership in California and decided that the legislation in question violated the Second Amendment and that no state may infringe upon the Second Amendment, this would be an example of

selective incorporation.

A political scientist who was dissatisfied with the Articles of Confederation might attend the Annapolis Convention with the hope that

significant changes would be made to the government.

The case of Angel Raich and Diane Monson using medical marijuana within the state of California, where it is legal, while it is illegal at the federal level is an example of the

tensions and complications that can arise under the American system of federalism.

The students at Boyd County High School who were prevented from forming a Gay-Straight Alliance received legal assistance from

the American Civil Liberties Union.

Federal district courts were established by

the U.S. Congress.

The following question(s) refer to these two graphs: What is the most likely explanation for the pattern or trend described in your answer to Question 7?

the aging of the Baby Boomer generation

States like California, Alaska, and Oregon have legalized marijuana despite it being illegal at the federal level. This discrepancy between state laws that have legalized marijuana and the federal law is an example of

the conflicting nature of American federalism.

Suppose a member of Congress received campaign contributions from a group committed to fighting climate change by exploring clean energy options. Once elected, that member of Congress joins a committee that authorizes additional funding to the Department of Energy for the purpose of researching and implementing clean and renewable energy sources. This is an example of

the iron triangle

The Supreme Court's decision to uphold certain parts of President Trump's travel ban on immigrants from predominantly Muslim countries while striking down other parts of it as unconstitutional is an example of

the judicial branch checking the executive branch.

Minnesota does not charge sales tax on clothing purchases. If Minnesota were to pass a law that allows businesses to charge sales tax on clothing purchases made by visitors from other states, Minnesota would be in violation of

the privileges and immunities clause.

Suppose evidence has come to light that the president has provided financial assistance to violent non-state actors in foreign countries to assist in a plot to harm the American people. The House of Representatives may issue articles of impeachment on the grounds that the president has committed


Suppose the state of California has elected an incumbent representative to the House of Representatives who has suggested that he knows what is best for the citizens of California in his district and will use his experience and knowledge to achieve his goals. This representative is playing the

trustee role

When the president is trying to get members of Congress on both sides of the aisle to support his or her policies and programs through direct appeals like phone calls, the president is

using bargaining and persuasion.

The following question(s) refer to the quote. On July 10, 1832, President Andrew Jackson sent the following message to the United States Senate:The bill "to modify and continue" the act entitled "An act to incorporate the subscribers to the Bank of the United States" was presented to me on the 4th July instant. Having considered it with that solemn regard to the principles of the Constitution which the day was calculated to inspire, and come to the conclusion that it ought not to become a law, I herewith return it to the Senate, in which it originated, with my objections. A bank of the United States is in many respects convenient for the Government and useful to the people. . . . [D]eeply impressed with the belief that some of the powers and privileges possessed by the existing bank are unauthorized by the Constitution, subversive of the rights of the States, and dangerous to the liberties of the people, I felt it my duty at an early period of my Administration to call the attention of Congress to the practicability of organizing an institution combining all its advantages and obviating these objections. Which of the following terms describes Jackson's message?


When were the Articles of Confederation formally ratified?


In 2018, Brett Kavanaugh was selected to serve as a justice on the United States Supreme Court through which process?

A Senate confirmation process

The Federalists and the Antifederalists disagreed upon which major issue?

A bill of rights

Suppose you are the first spouse to the newly-elected president and want to continue the work of First Lady Michelle Obama and champion healthy lifestyles for children and teens. Which initiative do you decide to champion as first spouse?

A campaign to lower barriers of entry into after-school sports programs

Suppose a new bill has been introduced that would make changes to existing education policies and roll back the federal government's involvement in public education. Which type of committee should be established to work out the different versions of the bill from the House and Senate?

A conference committee

In 2018, President Donald Trump signed an executive order that banned the sale and possession of a firearm accessory known as a bump stock. Which type of Supreme Court would likely declare President Trump's executive order unconstitutional?

A conservative Court acting as judicial activists

Which of the following best describes the function of the iron triangle?

A coordinated and mutually beneficial effort between the bureaucracy, Congress, and interest groups to achieve shared policy goals

How does the function of a court with appellate jurisdiction compare to that of a court with original jurisdiction?

A court with appellate jurisdiction relies on the arguments and decisions made by lower courts, whereas a court with original jurisdiction acts as a fact-finder.

Why might states prefer receiving a grant-in-aid as opposed to an unfunded mandate?

A grant-in-aid would provide at least some funding for the policy initiative, whereas an unfunded mandate requires the states to implement national policy with their own state budgets.

Suppose the subjects of a totalitarian government have successfully overthrown their leader and are planning a new form of government that will grant them greater personal and economic freedom and prevent future tyranny. Which element should they include in their new government?

A list of basic rights

How many votes are necessary for the whole impeachment process in Congress?

A majority in the House and two-thirds vote in the Senate

Which position would be considered part of the federal bureaucracy?

A member of the Department of Homeland Security

Suppose the state of Kansas has decided to change the way it selects judges to serve at the state level and adopts a method that is truer to Alexander Hamilton's ideal of an independent judiciary. Which system would Kansas likely adopt?

A process of appointment and confirmation by the Kansas government

Which type of state would have been in favor of the proposed Virginia Plan?

A state with a relatively large population

What is federalism?

A system that divides power between the state and national governments

What happens after articles of impeachment have been successfully passed in the House of Representatives?

A trial is held in the Senate to convict or acquit the accused official.

In 2016, a federal state of emergency was declared in Flint, Michigan when it was discovered that the water in the city was heavily contaminated. Many felt that the lack of previous knowledge of the contamination was due to the downtrodden socioeconomic climate of the city and argued that the water disproportionately affected African Americans. How might the Environmental Protection Agency avoid future incidents like the one in Flint, Michigan?

Actively strive for a representative bureaucracy that includes low-income or African American members

A political scientist who believes that the key to a good executive branch leader is energy and the ability to take strong, swift action would likely agree with

Alexander Hamilton.

Who was it that noted the uniquely American phenomenon of diverse citizens joining like-minded groups in the 1830s?

Alexis de Tocqueville

Given the decision made in Marbury v. Madison and the precedent of behavior set by judges on federal courts and the justices on the Supreme Court, how would you modify Article III of the Constitution?

Amend the article to include the principle of judicial review.

In recent elections, the Electoral College has been attacked as undemocratic by many Americans. How might someone rebut this argument about the Electoral College?

America is not a pure democracy, but rather a constitutional republic, and the Electoral College is another system of representation.

Which of the following arguments would a proponent of the pluralist system of political participation most likely make?

American democracy is furthered when groups representing all points of view help make public policy.

Why are entitlement programs classified as mandatory spending and are locked into the federal budget year after year?

Americans depend upon the receipt of such benefits, and as such, the programs cannot be cut.

Why was the federal government under the Articles of Confederation made to be intentionally weak?

Americans had just experienced tyranny under the rule of Great Britain and did not want to duplicate it with another powerful government.

Which statement reflects the difference between an incumbent congressional campaign and the campaign of a new congressional candidate?

An incumbent campaign will generally focus on connecting more with individual constituents, whereas a new candidate would spend more time generating name recognition and fundraising.

What is a bureaucrat?

An official who is employed within an executive department or agency

Why were Antifederalists opposed to a federal judiciary?

Antifederalists feared that a federal judiciary would impose the personal views of justices to decide what was constitutional.

A federal court of appeals has listened to the arguments and reviewed the facts of a case and has affirmed the previous district court decision. What would the next step be for the legal team on the losing side of the case if they want to get the decision overturned?

Appeal to the Supreme Court

Which of the following is a criticism of a patronage system in a democratic government?

Appointees are frequently not qualified to serve the public interest.

Which of the following constitutional provisions gives Congress and the president expressed power over the national defense?

Articles I and II

The graph supports which of the following conclusions? -recession graph

As of January 2011, there was more than an 18 percent gap between the growth of federal and private-sector employment.

Which system of government was America under prior to declaring independence from Great Britain and adopting the Constitution?


The President of the United States has the authority to use military force against terrorists and their associates under the

Authorization for Use of Military Force Act.

Suppose the president of the United States suspects an American citizen of going to Syria to join a terrorist network and create propaganda to be used in the United States against more Americans. The president has precedent to take which action against the citizen?

Authorizing a drone strike to attack them.

Which president prioritized diversity in their cabinet appointments?

Barack Obama

Why would President Obama's appointment of Justice Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court in 2009 raise concerns for those who believe in a strictly independent judicial system?

Because of her past remarks on the importance of identity in judicial decisions.

Suppose it is the 1780s. You have been reading all about the newly-proposed Constitution and are skeptical about the establishment of a federal judiciary, which you think would diminish the rights of states and individuals. To this end, you mostly agree with the writings of


A group of students is debating about whether or not America would benefit from a different form of government. One group of students believes that the Constitution gives the federal government too much power. Which paper supports that group's argument?

Brutus No. 1.

Suppose that a pipeline bursts and causes a massive oil spill contaminating the water supply in a nearby national park. In response, the president issues an executive order calling for new policies regarding the safety and location of pipelines, but the order leads to a dispute between the Departments of Energy, Transportation, and the Interior about how exactly it should be implemented. The process of resolving this dispute corresponds with which role of the federal bureaucracy?

Bureaucratic adjudication

How did the War on Terror expand the power of the executive branch?

By appealing to the looming threat of terrorism against Americans, the president implemented policies and measures without the approval of Congress to combat those threats.

How is the president able to influence the federal bureaucracy?

By appointing members of the bureaucracy

How would an average American citizen get a bill introduced in Congress that would require public schools to provide before- and after-school daycare?

By contacting their representatives and pressuring them to introduce such legislation

How does the Preamble of the United States Constitution establish the notion of popular sovereignty?

By declaring that the people of the United States of America are the ones granting the government its power.

Why would efforts to improve substantive representation be more beneficial than efforts to improve descriptive representation?

By focusing on substantive representation, Congress would better reflect the interests of American citizens as a whole.

According to some political scientists, how might a focus on substantive representation help alleviate the negative effects of partisan polarization?

By focusing on the interests and policy preferences of Americans, members of Congress are better able to represent their constituents instead of political parties as a whole.

How did Thomas Jefferson and other signers of the Declaration of Independence believe the King of England was violating the colonists' right to liberty?

By imposing unfair and damaging taxes

How did President Bush violate the rights of Yaser Hamdi in 2001?

By imprisoning him without notifying him of his crimes or due process.

How do federal systems of government prevent one level of government from encroaching on the powers of the other?

By instituting constitutional protections

How does Congress check the power of the Supreme Court?

By setting the size of the Supreme Court

Despite not having the ability to formally introduce and write legislation, how is the president able to influence the legislative process?

By threatening to veto a bill before it even comes across his desk

Select the pair of examples that matches the presidential role with the correct enumerated constitutional power.

C. Chief executive - Issues executive orders

Select the pair of answers that matches a branch of government with the correct check on the bureaucracy.

C. Supreme Court - Issus decisions overturning regulations

How does the position of a top-level cabinet secretary differ from that of General Service employee?

Cabinet secretaries often change with administrations, whereas General Service employees tend to be career civil servants.

Which statement might a congressperson make to argue that Social Security benefits should remain classified as mandatory spending?

Changing benefits or the taxes to pay for them would produce a political backlash against lawmakers.

Which type of cases are handled in state-level special courts?

Child custody

How does Bill Clinton's Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) compare to Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)?

Clinton's TANF placed greater restrictions and limitations on social welfare programs and gave more authority to the states than Roosevelt's AFDC.

Which state permits the use of marijuana for recreational purposes?


The following question(s) refer to the following excerpt from James Madison's March 18, 1786, letter to Thomas Jefferson. The States are every day giving proofs that separate regulations are more likely to set them by the ears, than to attain the common object. When Massachusetts set on foot a retaliation of the policy of Great Britain, Connecticut declared her ports free. New Jersey served New York in the same way. And Delaware I am told has lately followed the example in opposition to the commercial plans of Pennsylvania. A miscarriage of this attempt to unite the States in some effectual plan will have another effect of a serious nature. . . . I almost despair of success. Which provision in the Constitution most specifically addresses the problems described in the excerpt?

Commerce clause

After the Revolutionary War, but prior to the adoption of the Constitution, the United States was under which system of government?


Suppose that the slow government response following an earthquake in California creates a harsh public outcry. In response, the president promises to allocate more resources to FEMA so that such a situation does not occur again. Who would the president have to persuade in order to see this promise fulfilled?


Who has control over how much money each bureaucratic department, bureau, and agency can have?


The following question(s) refer to the quote. On July 10, 1832, President Andrew Jackson sent the following message to the United States Senate: The bill "to modify and continue" the act entitled "An act to incorporate the subscribers to the Bank of the United States" was presented to me on the 4th July instant. Having considered it with that solemn regard to the principles of the Constitution which the day was calculated to inspire, and come to the conclusion that it ought not to become a law, I herewith return it to the Senate, in which it originated, with my objections. A bank of the United States is in many respects convenient for the Government and useful to the people. . . . [D]eeply impressed with the belief that some of the powers and privileges possessed by the existing bank are unauthorized by the Constitution, subversive of the rights of the States, and dangerous to the liberties of the people, I felt it my duty at an early period of my Administration to call the attention of Congress to the practicability of organizing an institution combining all its advantages and obviating these objections. What is President Jackson's perspective in the quote?

Congress cannot establish a bank of the United States.

There never can be danger that the judges, by a series of deliberate usurpations on the authority of the legislature, would hazard the united resentment of the body intrusted with it, while this body was possessed of the means of punishing their presumption, by degrading them from their stations. —Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 81 Which of the following statements summarizes the argument made inFederalistNo. 81?

Congress may check the Supreme Court through impeachment.

During the last week of July 2017, members of the Federal Communications Commission testified before Congress about net neutrality rules. In the same week, the House Homeland Security Committee heard testimony about the role of technology in policing the border. These hearings are an example of

Congressional oversight of executive agencies

Which of the following pairs of statements correctly describes both federal and unitary systems?

D. Power is constitutionally shared between the national and state governments. - The national government may grant certain powers to the states

Select the pair of answers that best explains why the incumbency advantage is higher in the House of Representatives than it is in the Senate.

D. Smaller districts - Represents entire state

The following question(s) refer to this excerpt of proposed House Resolution 184 introduced by Representative Hakeem Jeffries in the House Judiciary Committee on March 9, 2017. RESOLVED: That the President is requested, and the Attorney General of the United States is directed, to transmit, respectively (in a manner appropriate to classified information, if the President or Attorney General determines appropriate), to the House of Representatives, not later than 14 days after the date of the adoption of this resolution, copies of any document, record, memo, correspondence, or other communication in their possession, or any portion of any such communication, that refers or relates to the following: (1) Any meeting or communication that occurred between Senator Jeff Sessions and any representative of the Russian government, including his meetings with the Russian Ambassador to the United States, Sergey I. Kislyak, on July 18, 2016, and September 8, 2016. (2) Senator Sessions' testimony before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary on January 10, 2017, including but not limited to his statement that he "did not have communications with the Russians." Select the response that matches the most likely motivation of the resolution's sponsor and the most likely outcome of the resolution, given the fact of a Republican majority on the House Judiciary Committee.

D. To begin impeachment proceedings against the president and his top aides - Support for the resolution to require the president and attorney general to testify before Congress

John Locke's concept of natural rights and the social contract emphasizes which pair of concepts and definitions?

D. Popular Sovereignty - Political Equality among citizens

Assume you are part of the Congressional Budget Office and are responsible for finding areas of the federal budget to cut back on to reduce federal spending. Which area of the budget can you reasonably suggest?

Defense spending

Which cabinet department established by George Washington is still in place today?

Department of State

The following question(s) refer to these two graphs: In examining the data found in Graphs 1 and 2, what pattern or trend would you most likely predict for the anticipated budget for fiscal year 2035?

Discretionary expenditures will consume a decreasing share of the federal budget.

Many Americans believed that the federal law might shift to favor the legalization of medical marijuana under which president?

Donald Trump

The following question(s) refer to the passage. The idea of a [unitary] government involves in it, not only an authority over the individual citizens, but an indefinite supremacy over all persons and things, so far as they are objects of lawful government. . . . In [that] case, all local authorities are subordinate to the supreme; and may be controlled, directed, or abolished by it at pleasure. In [a federal system], the [regional] authorities form distinct and independent portions of the supremacy, no more subject, within their respective spheres, to the general authority, than the general authority is subject to them, within its own sphere. —James Madison, Federalist No. 39 Which constitutional concept is best reflected in the passage?

Dual federalism

Which argument would you make to defend the reinstatement of earmarks in Congress?

Earmarks allow Congress to better advocate for their constituency.

Concerns that large companies like the e-commerce giant Amazon are not paying enough in taxes reflects which theory of democracy?


A candidate running for the House of Representatives has promised constituents that she will push for legislation to reform campaign finance laws so that the wealthy elites and business owners do not have greater influence on policies than American citizens. Such legislation is based on which theory?

Elitist theory

Which of the following describes the purpose of the Hatch Act?

Ensuring that federal workers cannot become overly-partisan by engaging in politics

What is the main function of the president in relation to the executive branch bureaucracy?

Ensuring the departments are properly executing laws and policies

Two students are debating the role the federal government should play in education. One student argues that education has traditionally been handled by the states and should continue as such. How should the student in favor of federal involvement in education respond?

Federal policy ensures that all students receive an equal education regardless of where they live.

Those who supported the new Constitution and wanted a stronger national government were known as


Suppose a law has been passed that censors certain political viewpoints on social media sites. A judge who is exercising judicial review might rule that such a law is unconstitutional as it violates the

First Amendment

The following question(s) refer to the graph. What is the significance of the data on the graph, and how do the data relate to American government and politics?

For over fifty years, the federal government has become increasingly involved in state and local governmental affairs.

The provision that anyone born in the United States is an American citizen can be found in the

Fourteenth Amendment

Despite the Supreme Court's ruling on Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, which stated that, even during times of war, a president may not violate the Constitutional rights of Americans, the National Security Agency continued to engage in surveillance programs on U.S. citizens, which some argue violated the

Fourth Amendment

Following Bridget Mergens' struggle to form a Bible study club at her school, which other group also experienced resistance from their school when attempting to form a club?

Gay-Straight Alliance

Suppose you are a member of the federal bureaucracy. You earned the position based on your educational qualifications and performance on a competitive examination, and it has led to a long career in the civil service. Which classification of federal employee do you likely fall under?

General Service

Who was the first president to authorize a drone strike that killed an American citizen?

George W. Bush

Who was selected as the president of the Constitutional Convention?

George Washington

Suppose a free speech advocacy group is attempting to stop legislation that would infringe upon American citizens' First Amendment rights, but they lack money to donate to a pro-free speech candidate's campaign. What is another way this group might be able to influence this legislation?

Get supporters to participate in a campaign to contact representatives and voice their opinion.

Which step is crucial for anyone who wants to influence the policymaking process?

Getting on the policy agenda

Suppose you are a policy advisor to the president who wants to get education reform legislation passed, a policy that is popular with most Americans. Since Congress is controlled by the opposing party, however, passing legislation is more difficult than usual. Which tactic do you suggest to the president that will have the best chance of enacting the desired policy without damaging public opinion?

Going public as a way to urge Americans to put pressure on their representatives in Congress.

A student is asked to provide an example of a Supreme Court case that highlights the conflicts that arise between state and federal governments when it comes to the system of federalism in America. Which Supreme Court case should the student name as the BEST example?

Gonzales v. Raich

How does John Locke's concept of a social contract compare to the form of government that existed in Great Britain at the time?

Great Britain's government at the time stated that kings were granted the right to rule by God, whereas Locke's concept of a social contract dictated that leaders were granted the right to rule by the people.

Why was it important to Alexander Hamilton that there be only one executive leader?

Having two leaders would weaken the ability to protect the nation.

A high school sophomore who belongs to his school's chapter of a Gay-Straight Alliance feels he is being discriminated against in the classroom by a teacher due to his membership in the group. How can this student utilize the political process to make quick and effective change?

He can seek legal assistance and file a lawsuit against the school or teacher.

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