Grade 7 Science The Skeletal System

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What are two ways to help ensure *healthy bones*?

1. *Diet* - balance diet including calcium and phosphorus 2. *Exercise* - weight-bearing activities (running, skating, or dancing) help your bones grow stronger and denser

*5 Functions* of the *Skeletal System*

1. *Provides shape and support* 2. *Enables to move* 3. *Protects organs* 4. *Produces blood cells* 5. *Stores minerals and other materials*

Parts of Bone

1. Spongy bone 2. Compact bone 3. Bone marrow 4. Outer membrane 5. Cartliage

What are *4 types of movable joints*?

*1. Hinge Joint* (ex: knee and elbow) *2. Ball-and-Socket Joint* (ex: arm and hips) *3. Pivot Joint* (ex: neck) *4. Gliding Joint* (ex: wrist and ankle)


*Strong band of tissue that connective that e*bones together* in *movable joints*


A condition in which the *body's bones become weak* and *break easily*


A connective tissue that in more *flexible* than bone and that protects the ends of bones and keeps them from rubbing together


A place in the body where *two bones come together*

*Hinge* Joint

Allows *forward or backward* motion Ex) Knee & *elbow* - bend and straighten your leg

*Pivot* Joint

Allows one bone to *rotate* around another Ex) *neck* - turn head from side to side

*Gliding* Joint

Allows one bone to *slide over* another Ex) wrist & *ankle* - bend and flex as well as make limited side-to-side motions

*Ball and Socket* Joint

Allows the *greatest range* of motion Ex)arm & *hip* - swing freely in a circle

*Compact Bone*

Hard, dense bone tissue that is beneath the outer membrane of a bone - the *canals* (runs through the compact bone) *carry blood vessels* and *nerves* from the bone's surface to the living cells within the bone

About how many bones does a human have in the skeleton (or skeletal system)?

Newborn (275 bones) Adult (206 bones)


The 26 small bones that make up the backbone


The inner *framework* made up of *all the bones of the body* Ex) Newborn (275 bones); Adult (206 bones)


The soft connective tissue that fills the internal spaces in bone - *produces* blood cells and *stores fat* Two types of marrow: red and yellow

*Spongy Bone*

The type of bone tissue that has many open spaces and contains narrow.Layer of bone tissue having many small spaces and found just inside the layer of compact bone - *lightweight* but *strong*

Skeletal system

collection of organ whose primary function is to support and protect the body.The organs in this system include bones ligaments and tendons.

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