Hackers voca2

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observe 2

Family dinners of the Forsytes [observe] certain traditions. // v. 준수하다 // // conform, follow, comply


The Democrats thought Lincoln was [proceeding] too drastically in his campaign against slavery. // v. 나아가다 // // advance, progress

address 2

The Gettysburg [Address] illustrates someone's sense of responsibility for others. // n. 강연 // speech // lecture, discourse


The Human Genome Project is a scientific initiative that seeks to [codify] all genetic material in the human body. // v. (체계적으로)정리하다 // // arrange, classify, systematize


The New Deal included federal action to [stimulate] industrial recovery. // v. 자극하다 // prompt // activate, inspire // incite, stir

relief 1

The New U챇おU챇ended federal [relief] on a vast scale. // n. 구제 // // aid, assistance, support


The Nile River plain no longer gets its [fertile] soil from the annual flood. // a. 비옥한 // bountiful // productive, fecund, fruitful


The Plus program [facilitates] the purchase of quality investment properties through its unique virtual apartment concept. // v. (일을)용이하게 하다 // make more available

proficiency +

A specialist must have a high level of [proficiency] in his/her area of expertise. // n. 능숙함 // skill // ability, expertise, mastery


A [solitary] man never spoke to anyone. // a. 고독한 // isolated, remote, secluded // // lonely

obliterate +

Adolf Hitler tried unsuccessfully to [obliterate] the Jewish race from the face of the Earth. *race 인종, 종족; 동물의 종, 속 // v. 제거하다 // delete, erase // efface, eradicate, wipe out

cede +

After three months of heavy warfare, the French army finally [ceded] victory to the Spaniards. * heavy warfare 격렬한 전투 * Spaniards 스페인 군대 // v. 양보하다 // yield // surrender, relinquish

property 1

Albert lost all of his [property]. // n. 자산 // estate, havings, possession // // asset

engage 2

All hotel rooms are [engaged]. // v. 예약하다 // reserve // book

speculative 1

An exact date for the appearance of Homo sapiens remains [speculative]. // a. 사실에 기반하지 않은 이론적인, 투기적인, 사색하는 // // theoretical, abstract


Anastasia lifted her head and walked with [haughty] pride into the cabin. // a. 거만한 // // proud, arrogant

rooted +

Barbara and her students studied the origin of anti-American sentiments [rooted] in history. // a. 뿌리깊은, 정착한 // // ingained, fixed, embedded


Baudelaire was one of the first writers to realize that Wilde's art was not [incidental] to his life. // a. 우연한 // // accidental, casual, contingent

wane +

Betty's interest in art history [waned] after she realized her distaste for classical painting. // v. 감소하다 // decrease // decline, fade


Brian deserves to get that promotion since he is a [laborious] worker. *that 강조의 의미로 '저', '그' *since 그래서, 그러므로 // a. 근면한 // // diligent, industrious

redundancy +

By spouting one tired [redundancy] after another, Jason was able to convince everyone present that he was completely full of hot air. // n. 과잉, 장황 // superfluity // wordiness

chart +

Captain Cook [charted] a steady course across the ocean to Polynesia. // v. 지도를 만들다 // map // design


Catherine's flushed face was [quivering] with rage. // v. 떨다 // // shiver, tremble, quake

premise +

Chinese law works on the [premise] that an accused person is guilty until they are proven innocent. // n. 전제 // assumption // supposition


Clear writing is a [hallmark] of good writing. // n. 특징 // feature, a distinguishing trait

recurring +

Darcy had to see a therapist because he kept having [recurring] nightmares about drowning. // a. 되풀이 되는 // recurrent

fairly +

Dr. Madureira always arrives [fairly] early to work to enjoy a couple minutes of silence in preparation for the day. * a couple minutes 몇분 // ad. 꽤 // resonably // moderately, tolerably, pretty

reckon 2

Elizabeth came to [reckon] on staying the rest of her life in the country. // v. 생각하다 // // consider, regard, deem


Environmental scientists have been [preoccupied] with a few known toxicants like mercury. // a. 몰두한 // engrossed // absorbed

vain -

Factory women went on strike to protest wage cuts but it was in [vain]. // a. 쓸모 없는 // // useless, fruitless, unsuccessful


Fish and plankton are [plentiful] in the sea. // a. 풍부한 // abundant // wealthy, rich


Frank had some [misgivings] about what to do. // n. 불안 // // apprehension, doubt, suspicion, distrust


George's various experiences [afforded] opportunities for acquiring land. // v. 주다 // provide // give, grant


Harry's workers [deserted] him for the lure of gold. // v. 버리다 // abandon // forsake

confess -

He stood up in the court and simply [confessed] to accepting bribes. *take(accept) a bribe 뇌물을 받다 *give(offer) a bribe 뇌물을 주다 // v. (솔직히) 인정하다 // // admit, acknowledge, own // avow

greet -

Hillary [greeted] the guests who attended the weekly receptions with dignity and charm. // v. 인사하다 // // salute, accost


Pittman's [consummate] dealmaking helped make AOL a marketing powerhouse. *dealmaking 계약체결력 // a. 뛰어난 // superb, complete


In America, many innocent Blacks were [tormented] and killed. // v. 괴롭히다 // // afflict, abuse, bully

make up +

In their creative writing class, the students were told to [make up] a story about dancing mosquitoes. *tell 지시하다 (= order) // 창작하다, 창안하다 // // invent


Ira's father sought to [shield] him from seeing anything causing suffering. // v. 보호하다 // protect // defend, safeguard // guard

assent -

Isabel [assented] to his idea without hesitation. // v. 동의하다 // // accede, consent

harbor 1 -

It is dangerous to [harbor] an escaped criminal. // v. 숙소를 제공하다 // // room, accommodate, board

descent 2

It was estimated that there were fifteen million people of Spanish [descent] in the region. *estimtate 추정하다 // n. 기원 // origin // blood, lineage


Jack's dream of owning a house is [stimulus] for him to work hard. // n. 자극 // motivation // incentive, incitement // provocation, stimulant

daub +

Jeffrey decorated his room by [daubing] red paint in patches all over his walls. // v. 흠뻑 칠하다 // coat, cover, plaster // slather


Jennifer [immersed] the film in developer(현상액). // v. 담그다 // // submerge, dip, submerse

vagary +

Justin's decision to hitchhike around Australia exposed him to the [vagaries] of life on the road. // n. 예측 불허의 변화 // uncertainty, sudden, desire // caprice, impulse, whim

sharp 2

Korolev did not obscure the reasons for the [sharp] change in plans. // a. 급격한 // sudden // abrupt, acute


Law should be [subordinate] to morality. shoud ~해야한다 (= ought to) // a. 종속적인 // // inferior, subject, dependent // secondary


Managers persuade or compel others to [comply] with their commands. // v. 동의하다 // // consent, conform, accede

attain 1

Mango trees grow rapidly and can [attain] heights of up to 90 feet. // v. 도달하다 // reach

current -

Many people view the [current] trend to ban smoking in public places as desirable. // a. 유행하는, 우세한 // // prevailing, prevalent, popular // common

real -

Marcus has discovered the [real] roots of America's past. // a. 실제의 // // factual, authentic, genuine

engage 1

Mr. William [engaged] to visit our home tomorrow. // v. 약속하다 // // promise, contract, pledge


Nixon [announced] his intention to withdraw an additional fifty thousand troops. // v. 공포하다 // // proclaim, publish, declare


No [evidence] proved that the accused committed homicide. *the accused 피의자 *commit (나쁜뜻의로)~행하다 // n. 증거 // proof // sign


Over time, solid debris could [erode] into dust, which could blow into homes and businesses. * over time 오랜 기간에 걸쳐 // v. 침식하다, 부식되다 // wear away

linger 2

Philip [lingered] over his work till late at night. // v. 꾸물거리다 // // lag, procrastinate, loiter // drag, delay

apt 1

Pessimists are [apt] to lack vigor and enthusiasm. // a. ~하는 경향이 있는 // // inclined, prone, disposed

hamstrung +

Police officers claim that they are [hamstrung] by regulations and paperwork. *police officer 경관 // a. 무능한, 무능력한 // // disabled, crippled, lame, ineffective, powerless


Queen Elizabeth II was a [patron] of the arts and science. // n. 후원자 // // protector, supporter, advocate


Reagan's efforts served to create a national network of loyal [partisans]. // n. 지지자 // // adherent, supporter, disciple

assume 1

Roosevelt [assumed] the job of president in 1901. // v. 맡다 // take on // undertake


She was not [pacified] when she saw Mrs. Touchett. // v. 진정시키다 // // calm, tranquilize, assuage


Slavery in America [thrived] because there was a scarcity of labor. // v. 번성하다 // prosper // flourish

manifold +

Social workers deal with [manifold] issues concerning family health and childrens' well-being. // a. 가지각색의 // various // diverse, multiple

engage 3

Sometimes owners [engaged] nurses under contract to look after foundlings. *nurse 보모 *foundling 미아, 고아 // v. 고용하다 // hire // employ

linger 1

Stephen had [lingered] behind Cecilia when she went away after dinner. // v. 남다 // remain // stay, tarry

outstanding 2

Susan has quite a few [outstanding] debts this month. // a. 미결제의 // unpaid // owed, unsettled // remaining


The Cherokee Indians were fed meager [rations] and suffered malnutrition. // n. 할당량 // // assignment, allotment, allocation // apportionment

descent 1

The [descent] into the mountain took a whole day. // n. 하강 // // falling

grateful -

The applicant was very [grateful] to know that Mr. Kravitz was willing to hire him. // a. 감사하는 // // appreciative, thankful, obliged


The battle was unexpectedly [sanguinary] with so many victims. // a. 잔인한 // // bloody, bloodthirsty, cruel // ruthless


The boys [boasted] of their schools, but the schools were dirty. // v. 자랑하다 (- of, - about) // // brag, swagger

suspend 1

The committee members [suspended] judgement for the time being. // v. 연기하다 // // defer, postpone, delay // procrastinate


The top Republicans abandoned President Bush's drug [proposition] for poor seniors. // n. 제안 // suggestion // proposal


The village was flooded after eight hours of [torrential] rains. // a. 격렬한 // // wild, violent


The furniture has been [disposed], but not exactly the way the owner wants. *not exactly 반드시 ~하지 않다 // v. 배치하다 // array // arrange, place in order

reckon 1

The house cost Dan more than what he [reckoned]. // v. 계산하다 // // count, compute, calculate

suspend 2

The labor union [suspended] its strike this morning. // v. 중지하다 // // stop, cease, arrest // interrupt


The mayor [proclaimed] that his administration(행정) would be controlled properly. // v. 공표하다 // // announce, declare, promulgate

disassemble +

The piano had to be [disassembled] when Gabriel moved downtown because it was too big to fit through. // v. 분해하다 // // dismantle, take apart

large 2 -

The pompos rhetorician always speaks in a [large] way. // a. 잘난척하는 // // pretentious, boastful


The rumor was [disseminated] by word-of-mouth. // v. 퍼뜨리다 // spread out, distribute // scatter // disperse


The singer's patriotism was nationally [esteemed]. // v. 존경하다 // respect // prize, value


The soldier survived but suffered [irreparable] facial damage. // a. 돌이킬 수 없는 // irremediable // irrecoverable, irretrievable


There are some [innate] differences between men and women. // a. 타고난 // inborn // natural


There is a [taboo] against walking around naked in public. // n. 금기 // prohibition

giant +

There is a legend that [giants] live in the red oak forests in California, where they hide from normal humans. // v. 거인 // orge

mass -

There were [masses] of people in the main stadium. // n. 집단, 모임 // // collection, aggregation, accumulation, pile

supplement 1

They looked for fruits that could [supplement] their meat diets. // v. 보충하다 // add to

dirty -

They never knew they were making their town [dirty]. // a. 더러운 // // foul, unclean, filthy

fear -

To fully utilize genetic testing, doctors must eliminate patients' [fears]. *genetic test 유전자 검사 // n. 두려움 // // dread, fright, terror // panic


Tracts(지역, 지대) of [luxuriant] plant life and teeming insects populate(서식하다) the Amazon river basin. // a. 무성한, 풍부한 // abundant // exuberant, opulent // teeming

rife with

Washington Post critic Jinny Lee opined that the show was [rife with] highlights and powerful emotional moments. // 가득 찬, 수없이 많은 // full of

intrigue 2

We didn't believe Jim [intrigued] with(~와 함께) the enemy against the government. // v. 음모를 꾸미다 // // plot, conspire

speculative 2

We must find the solution of the problem in a [speculative] way. // a. 심사 숙고하는 // thoughtful // reflective, meditative


William was [stirred] by ideas of idealism and began to write short tales. // v. 자극하다 // agitate // provoke, rouse // spur, excite


Women trial lawyers [predominate] at D.C. Malpractice law firm. // v. 우세하다 // outweigh // prevail, surpass // dominate

intrigue 1

Young Albert was [intrigued] by certain(특정한) mysteries of science. // v. (주의, 관심을)끌다 // // attract, interest

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