Hazmat Information

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A hazard class that uses transport indexes to determine the amount that can be loaded in a single vehicle is _____.

...class 7 radioactive materials

There must be a hazardous materials identification number on the ______ and on the ______.

...shipping papers; ...package

Five hazard classes that require placarding in any amount are ______.

..Poison Gas 2.3, Dangerous When Wet 4.3, Explosives 1.3, Explosives 1.2, and Explosives 1.1

You must keep shipping papers describing hazardous materials ______.

.in a pouch on the driver’s door or in clear view within immediate reach while the seat belt is fastened while driving on the driver’s seat when out of the vehicle

Identification Numbers

4 digit code used by first responders to identify hazardous materials. It can be used to identify more than one chemical.

How many placards must a vehicle have?

4 identical placards

The Emergency Response Guide, ERG, can best be explained as _____.

A guidebook for firefighters, police, and industry workers on how to protect themselves and the public from hazardous materials AND a guidebook for truck drivers, dock workers, and shippers on how to protect themselves and the public from hazardous materials

Hazard Class

A materials hazard class reflects the risk associated with it. There are nine different hazard classes.

Column 8

A three-part column showing the section numbers covering the packaging requirements for each hazardous material.

Placarded vehicles must carry which type of fire extinguisher?

B-C Fire Extinguisher

General Loading Requirements

Before loading or unloading, set the parking brake. Make sure the vehicle will not move. Many products become more hazardous when exposed to heat. Load hazardous materials away from heat sources. Watch for signs of leaking or damaged containers: Leaks spell trouble. Do not transport leaking packages. Depending on the material, you, your truck, and others could be in danger. It is illegal to move a vehicle with leaking hazardous materials. Containers of hazardous materials must be braced to prevent movement of the packages during transportation.

How often should you check the tires if your placarded trailer has dual tires?

Check tires every 2 hours or 100 miles

What are the three hazard classes should NOT be loaded into a trailer that has a heater air conditioner unit?

Class 1 explosives, Class 3 flammable liquids, and Division 2.1 flammable gas

Class 8

Corrosives (Battery Fluid)

Shipping Paper

Describes the hazardous materials being transported. Shipping orders, bill of lading, and manifests are all shipping papers.

With Division 1.1, 1.2, or 1.3 Class A or B, how close can you park to a bridge, tunnel, or building?

Do not park within 300 feet

Must know facts about placards

Easily seen from the direction it faces. Placed so the words or numbers are level and read from right to left. At least three inches away from any other markings. Kept clear of attachments or devices such as ladders, doors, and tarpaulins. Kept clean and undamaged so that the color, format, and message are easily seen. Be affixed to a background of contrasting color. The use of "Drive Safely" and other slogans is prohibited. The front placard may be on the front of the tractor or front of the trailer.

Placard Table 2

Except for bulk packaging, the hazard classes in table 2 need placards only if the total amount transported is 1,001 pounds or more including the package. add the amounts from all shipping papers for all the Table 2 products you have on board.

It is very important that you never smoke around which hazard classes?

Explosives, Flammable gas, Oxidizers, Flammable solids, Flammable liquids

Class 3

Flammable Liquids (Gasoline)

Class 2

Flammable gases, Non-flammable, Gases, Poisonous/Toxic, Gases. Examples: Propane, Helium, Fluorine, compressed

Class 4

Flammable solids, spontaneously combustible materials, and dangerous when wet materials. Examples: Ammonium Picrate, Wetted, White Phosphorus, Sodium

Item description on shipping paper

If a shipping paper describes both hazardous and non-hazardous products, the hazardous materials must be: Entered First Highlighted in a contrasting color, or Identified by an "X" placed before the shipping description(ID#, Shipping Name, Hazard Class, Packing Group) in a column captioned "HM." The letters "RQ" may be used instead of "X" if a reportable quantity needs to be identified.

Where do you put a packaging label?

If the diamond label won't fit on the package, shippers may put the label on a tag securely attached to the package.

Where must drivers keep hazardous materials shipping papers

In a pouch on the driver's door, or in clear view within immediate reach while the seat belt is fastened while driving, or on the driver's seat when out of the vehicle.

Column 7

List the additional (special) provisions that apply to this material. When there is an entry in this column, you must reger to the federal regulations for specific information.

Column 4

List the identification number for each proper shipping name. Identification numbers are preceded by the letters "UN" or "NA".

Column 2

Lists the proper shipping names and descriptions of regulated materials. Entries are in alphabetical order so you can more quickly find the right entry.

Class 1

Mass Explosion, Projection Hazard, Fire Hazard, Minor Explosion, Very Insensitive, Extremely, Insensitive. Examples: Dynamite, Flares, Display fireworks, ammunition, blasting agents, and explosive devices

To decide which placards you need, if any, what three things do you need to know?

Materials hazard class, amount being shipped, and amount of all hazardous materials of all classes on your vehicle

With Division 1.2 or 1.3 Explosive B, how close to the travelled part of the roadway can you park?

Minimum of 5 feet

Class 9

Miscellaneous, hazardous materials. Examples: Polychlorinated, Biphenyls(PCB)

When is it acceptable for non-hazardous materials to be described by hazard class words or identification numbers?


For Division 1.1 or 1.2 Explosives A, should the floor liner required be stainless steel?


What placards, if any, do you need if your load includes 20 pounds of Division 2.3 gas and 1,001 pounds of flammable gas?

None, you cannot load these materials together.

Class 5

Oxidizers and Organic Peroxides. Examples: Ammonium Nitrate, Methlyl Ethyl Ketone, peroxide

What must the shipping papers include?

Page numbers if the shipping paper has more than one page. The first page must tell the total number of pages. For example, "Page 1 of 4." A proper shipping description for each hazardous material. A shipper's certification, signed by the shipper, saying they prepared the shipment according to the regulation.

What should you do in the following scenario: At a rest area you discover your hazardous materials shipment is slowly leaking from the vehicle. There is no phone around.

Park it, secure the area, stay there, and send someone else for help

What are placards?

Placards are used to warn others of hazardous materials. Placards are signs put on the outside of a vehicle and on bulk packages, which identify the hazard class of the cargo.

Class 6

Poison, infectious, substances. Examples: Potassium Cyanide, Anthrax virus

A portable tank differs from a cargo tank in that ______.

Portable tanks are bulk containers, which are not permanently attached to a vehicle

Class 7

Radioactive (uranium)

Communicate the risk

Shippers must warn drivers and others about the material's hazards. The regulations require shippers to put hazard warning labels on packages, provide proper shipping papers, emergency response information, and placards. These steps communicate the hazard to the shipper, the carrier, and the driver.

Package Markings and Labels

Shippers print required markings directly on the package, and attached label, or tag. An important package marking is the name of the hazardous materials. The requirements for marking vary by package size and material being transported.

What shape are Packaging Labels?

Shippers put diamond-shaped hazard warning labels on most hazardous materials packages.

Rules about shipping papers

Shippers to describe hazardous materials correctly and include emergency response telephone number on shipping papers. Carries and drivers to quickly identify hazardous materials shipping papers, or keep them on top of other shipping papers and keep the required emergency response information with the shipping papers:

Column 3

Shows a material's hazard class or division, or the entry "Forbidden." Never Transport a "Forbidden" Material. Placard hazardous materials shipments based on the quantity and hazard class.

Column 6

Shows the hazard warning label(s) shippers must put on packages of hazardous materials. Some products require use of more than one label due to a dual hazard being present

Column 5

Shows the packing group assigned to a material.

Where are the placards put on the vehicle?

They are put on the front, rear, and both sides of the vehicle.

Containment Rules

They tell shippers how to package the materials safely and drivers how to load, transport, and unload the materials.

If your engine runs a pump used during delivery of compressed gas, should you turn off the engine before or after unhooking hoses after delivery?

Turn it off after product transfer, before you unhook the hose

What is the rules for smoking?

When loading or unloading hazardous materials, keep fire away. Don't let people smoke nearby. NEVER SMOKE AROUND: Class 1 (Explosives) Class 2.1 (Flammable Gas) Class 3 (Flammable Liquids) Class 4 (Flammable Solids) Class 5 (Oxidizers)

Hazardous Waste Manifest

When transporting hazardous wastes, you must sign by hand and carry a Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest. The name and EPA registration number of the shippers, carriers, and destination must appear on the manifest. Shippers must prepare, date, and sign by hand the manifest. Treat the manifest as a shipping paper when transporting waste. Only give the waste shipment to another registered carrier or disposal/treatment facility. Each carrier transporting the shipment must sign by hand the manifest. After you deliver the shipment, keep your copy of the manifest.

Do you need to stop before a railroad crossing if you are hauling 100 pounds of Division 4.3 Dangerous When Wet material?


Can you remove an improperly placed placard?

You are only allowed to move an improperly placarded vehicle during an emergency, in order to protect life or property.

A safe haven is ______.

an approved place for parking unattended vehicles loaded with explosives

Drivers placard their vehicle to _____ the risk.


Placard Table 1

materials must be placarded whenever any amount is transported.

A shipment described on the Hazardous Waste Manifest may only be delivered to another _______ carrier or treatment facility, who then signs the ______, giving you a copy which you must keep.

registered; ...Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest

Hazardous Materials Table: Column 1

tells which shipping mode(s) the entry affects and other information concerning the shipping description.

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