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How many milliliters are in a liter?


What is the military time equivalent for 2:30 p.m. on a 24 hour clock


If a patient weight 150 pounds, what is the weight in kilograms? (1 pound= 0.45)

67.5 kg

What is the recommended method to asses skin lesions for skin cancer?


Which structure serve as a site of gas exchange between the air and the blood?


What are fever, nausea, vomiting rebound tenderness and abdominal pain symptoms of?


describe the following terms functions: arteries, veins, capilaries,

Arteries-carry blood away from the heart Veins-carry blood to the heart Capillaries- nutrients and waste exchange between blood sand cells

What is the joint or junction between bones on the skeleton called?


Which of following diseases occur only in the male reproductive system?

Benign prostatic hypertrophy

Which disorder has symptoms that include redness, swelling, and drainage of the eye?


what term refers to the sense of community, values, beliefs, speech and dress?


Which disorder is characterized by excessive thirst, excessive hunger, and excessive urination because the pancreas does not create enough insulin?


What is the mechanical and chemical breakdown of food into a usable form?


Which characteristic is demonstrated when a person can express feelings for another person's experience?


Which structure prevents food from entering the trachea and lungs during swallowing ?


What is a set of principles that deal with morality or right versus wrong?


Who is the founder of modern nursing ?

Florence nightingale

What is the term that best describes egg and sperm?


Which health care career pathway provides health education and billing services?

Health informatics

What is the function of the muscular system?

Heat production

Who is considered to be the father of medicine


What are hard masses develop from crystal in the urine?

Kidney stones

Where is urine produced?


Which are risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus?

Low activity level, obesity

Which structure filters foreign particles and contains white blood cells?

Lymph nodes

What are the protective coverings of the brain and spinal cord?


What is the plane that divides the body into equal right and left halves?


identify the functions of the following parts of the digestion system: mouth,stomach, Small intestines and the pharynx

Mouth-gastric juices help to break down food Stomach-complete chemical digestion and nutrient absorption Small intestines- mechanical and chemical digestion of carbohydrates Pharynx-passage of food to the esophagus

What is the blockage of a coronary artery resulting in cardiac tissue death called?

Myocardial infraction

What does the circulatory system pick up from the Digestive System and deliver to the body cells?


What federal law affects how health insurance is handled in matter of patients confidentiality?


What is a function of the immune system?

Protects against disease

Which is a function of the integumentary system?

Protects against infection

Which bone of the forearm is lateral when in anatomical position?


What is the last portion pf the large intestines that function as a temporary storage of solid waste before exertion?


Which of the following is characterized by a tear of muscle or tendon?


Which answer describes the anatomical position?

Standing erect, arms to the side, palms forward

What is the skin sac that holds the testes?

The scrotum

What is the muscular structure where the fetus develops?


Which is a function of the respiratory system?

Warms, moistens and filters incoming air

Which muscle type contains interlaced disc, striations, and is found in only one location of the body?


What is the condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus is found elswherere in the body?


What disorder is characterized by seizures?


What directional term means towards the mid line of the body?


The circulatory system transports ................to the body cells and takes away.............................. from the body cells

oxygen, carbon dioxide

What is another name for oil glands?


What term refers to the ability of the nerves to detect stimuli and send a message to the brain and spinal cord?


Identify three functions of the urinary system

• Maintain composition pf body fluids • Remove waist from the body • Maintain body fluid volume

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