Health Final

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% of calories from carbs, protein, and lipids


1 gram of protein contains 7 calories


A compound in food that can be converted into an active vitamin inside the body is known as a(an):


A deficiency of what vitamin produces a characteristic cracking and redness at the corners of the mouth (cheilosis)?


A disease in which abnormal bulging pockets are formed in the colon that is seen in people consuming low fiber diets is


A food that represents a visible fat would be

intestinal bacteria

A non-food source of vitamin K is:

vitamin K

A person who has taken antibiotics for several months because of a severe bacterial infection may develop a deficiency of:

negative nitrogen balance

A person with wasting of muscle is cancer or Alzheimer's disease is in what type of nitrogen balance?

epidemiological study.

A study conducted in several countries where a high intake of fish and a low intake of animal fat were correlated with a low rate of breast cancer death is an example of a(n):


A young man who is a sedentary college student needs how much protein if he weighs 200 pounds?


According to most dietary guidelines, what percentage of the days total energy intake should be furnished by carbohydrates? (AMDR)


Amino acid supplements are recommended for all athletes to improve performance

adding garbanzo beans to her salad would provide the protein combination she needs

An adolescent girl has decided to adhere to a vegetarian diet and has selected a tossed green salad, whole-wheat crackers, and apple juice for lunch. What would you advise her about her complementary protein sources?

B-6 -pyridoxine

An athlete who consumes a high-protein diet would have an increased need for:


An individual has developed heart disease and high blood lipid values and does not want to go on lipid-lowering prescription medications because of their side effects. Which vitamin has been used by physicians in treatment plans as a more natural treatment for heart disease? It can cause the skin to turn red in color for a short time after taking it.

cis to trans

An oil that is partially hydrogenated sometimes changes one or more of its double bond configurations from

vitamin B12

An strict vegetarian (vegan) is at special risk for ____ deficiency


Antibodies are identical large proteins in the blood that are effective in destroying multiple types of invading foreign particles.

vitamin C

Antioxidant nutrients that actively scavenge and quench free radicals in the body include


Any food providing 10% or more of the Daily Value for a nutrient is considered to be a ____ source of the nutrient.


Approximately what percentage of the lipids in foods are triglycerides?


Based on the USDA MyPlate, at least _____ of the plate should be occupied by fruits and vegetables at each meal.

a non essential nutrient

By definition, a vitamin is all of the following except:


CDRR nutrient


Carbohydrate and protein each provide _____ calories per gram


Casein protein is high quality protein in milk.

must be supplied by the diet

Characteristics of the essential fatty acids include:


Cholesterol is the best known of the:

lower blood pressure

Compared to meat eaters, vegetarians tend to have:

Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (UL)

Concerned about the toxic effects of added nutrients in fortified foods and supplements, when eaten in addition to staple foods, scientists established the ____ category of the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI).

vitamin A

Cooking a food in liberal amounts of water is least likely to affect the vitamin content of

folate and vitamin C

Current recommendations for fruit and vegetable intake are for us to consume a variety from each category on a daily basis. The two vitamins that rely heavily on our consumption of leafy greens and citrus fruits, as well as other fruits and vegetables, are


Digestion of starches takes place in the small intestines and also in the


Donna has started reading books on weight loss and fitness and has decided to join the local gym to increase her physical activity. She also considers joining a Weight Watcher's program to learn how to improve her food habits. In which stage of behavior change is Donna in right now?


Drinking alcohol will increase this lipoprotein

lactose intolerance

Each of the following is known to be linked to excessive intake of fats EXCEPT

spaghetti and tomato sauce

Examples of complementary protein combinations include all of the following except:


Exercise will raise this lipoprotein


Food to which nutrients have been added


Foods rich in beta carotene include:


Foods that have been subjected to any process such as addition of additives, milling, or cooking are called _____ foods.

protein intakes at 1.2-1.8 gms/kg

For athletes, the path to bigger muscles includes


Fortified plant sources of vitamin D available in the United States include:


Galactose occurs mostly in fruits and honey


Groups of people who are at risk for developing marginal deficiencies and may benefit from taking vitamin supplements include all of the following except

positive association

Having cake and ice cream as part of a birthday celebration is an example of which food choice factor?


How many amino acids are considered to be essential amino acids?


How many different kinds of amino acids make up proteins?

20-35 grams per day

How many grams of fiber per day does the American Dietetic Association suggest for an average adult?


If a food product states that it contains 16 gms of sugar, how many teaspoons would this be?

the body converts amino acid residues to glycogen or fat.

If amino acids are oversupplied:

not be concerned as long as the diet as a whole provides average amounts that approximate the recommended intakes.

If someone did not meet the recommended intakes for the fat-soluble vitamins one day, you would tell him to


If this lipoprotein is high your risk of heart disease is decreased

Fiber in the colon provides short-chain fatty acids that provide energy to keep the colon cells healthy and resistant to chemical damage causing cell changes.

If you are asked for advice on whether diets high in fiber can reduce colon cancer risk, what would you reply

the USDA food guide

If you were trying to teach someone how to select a healthy diet which of the following would be the easiest to help them pick the best foods.


In comparison to the composition of carbohydrates and fats, which element found in proteins makes them unique?


In early food deprivation, the nervous system uses ________ as fuel.


In hemochromatosis, which mineral is absorbed at too high a rate?

ketones, protein

In later food deprivation, ________ help feed the nervous system and so help spare body ________.


In terms of the process of change, how many stages of behavior modification are typically described by psychologists?

people addicted to alchohol

In the U.S. scurvy is seldom seen today except in

1 cup cooked legumes.

In the USDA Food Guide, one ounce of meat is equal to all of the following except

refined carbohydrates have increased along with caloric intake

In the past three decades, carbohydrate intake in this country has:


In what organ does protein digestion begin?

Formulate a hypothesis and make a prediction that can be tested.

In which step of the scientific method is a tentative solution to the problem or an answer to the research question constructed?

fat cell number theory

Julie was overweight as a child, and now as an adult seems to always be heavier than she would like. She loses weight but finds it difficult to maintain her lower weight. Which weight theory seems to be responsible for Julie's predicament?

Grains: oz Proteins: oz dairy: c Fruits: c Veggies: c

List the 5 food groups. What is the unit of measure for each food group?

Vitamins Minerals Water Protein Carbs Fats (lipids)

List the 6 nutrients found in food

1. Giving energy 2. protecting and insulating organs 3. absorbing fat soluble vitamins

List three function of fat in the body.


Made in the small intestines


Monosaccharides need no digestion and are absorbed directly into the blood.


Of the following commonly eaten foods, which makes the greatest contribution to riboflavin intake?


Of the following foods, which likely contains the most easily digestible protein?


Of the following foods, which would be the only source of vitamin B12?


Omega 3 and omega 6 are examples of what class of fatty acids?

Set small, achievable goals.

Once a weakness is identified, what is the next step in behavior change?


Once in the bloodstream, the absorbed carbohydrates travel to the liver, which converts them to:


One of the characteristics of a nutritious diet is that the foods provide enough of each essential nutrient, fiber, and energy. This principle of diet planning is called

Youre wrong, because sucrose occurs naturally in many fruits and vegetables and processed foods

One of your friends makes the statement that her diet contains no sucrose because she does not consume table sugar. What would be an appropriate response to this statement?

women with low calcium intake and little exposure to the sun who have repeated pregnancies and periods of lactation.

Osteomalacia most often occurs in:


Over 75% of the world's people, as they age, lose most of their ability to produce the enzyme ________.


Pancreatic enzyme that breaks down lipids


Pellagra is a ____ deficiency disease.

folic acid

Poorly-planned vegetarian diets typically lack all of the following except:

macular degeneration.

Population studies suggest that people whose diets lack foods rich in beta-carotene have a higher incidence of:


Produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder emulsifies fat


Products sweetened with sugar alcohols are not considered safe.

olive oil

Recent recommendations suggest that we consume monounsaturated fats in the place of saturated fat. Which of the following items would achieve this goal?


Research has shown that the risk for spina bifida is lowered by taking supplements of


Scientific studies have consistently demonstrated that increased blood insulin levels cause excess body fatness and obesity.

intervention study

Scientists have developed a new type of margarine containing plant ingredients they think will lower blood cholesterol levels in people who use the margarine. They want to test this by having some people use the new margarine for a while and then compare their cholesterol levels with those of a group of people who use regular margarine. This is an example of what type of research design?


Sickle-cell disease is an example of an inherited mistake in the amino acid sequence.


Starvation causes loss of lean body tissue as well as loss of fat.

lower blood pressure

Studies show that diets high fish such as salmon and tuna can


The AMDR recommends ____ percent of total calories as the minimum amount of protein.


The B vitamins act as part of:


The DRI for protein for healthy adults is ____ grams per kilogram of body weight.

added sugars

The Dietary Guidelines encourage Americans to consume less:

estimating the nutrient needs of persons with medical problems.

The Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) are appropriately used for all of the following except


The U.S. Enrichment Act of 1942 was amended in 1996 to include which vitamin?


The Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, which is often observed in poorly nourished alcohol abusers, is known to respond to supplements of


The a vegan needs to supplement the diet with vitamin B-12.


The amoungt needed but evidence is less strong

Insulin: lowers blood glucose Cortisol: raises blood glucose. Glucagon: raises blood glucose

The body produces two hormones that raise the amount of glucose in the blood and one that lowers the amount of glucose in the blood. List these 3 hormones and indicate which ones raise and which one lowers blood glucose


The energy giving nutrients fall into ____ classes.


The first organ to respond to a rise in blood glucose levels is the:


The food a person usually eats and drinks

high saturated and trans fat intake.

The main dietary factor associated with elevated blood cholesterol is:

to help synthesize proteins that help clot the blood.

The main function of vitamin K is:

reduce the incidence of birth defects called neural tube defects.

The main reason for fortifying enriched grain products with folic acid is to:

Low concentration of blood protein albumin

The major reason that person has swelling in kwashiorkor?

130 grams per day

The minimum amount of digestible carbohydrate to feed the brain and reduce ketosis in an average-sized person is:


The most energy-rich ( most calories) of the nutrients is

linolenic acid

The oils found in walnuts, soybeans, flaxseed, and wheat germ represent a good source of preformed


The predominant type of diabetes mellitus is associated with the inability to produce insulin.


The protein energy deficiency disease is


The sequences of amino acids that make up a protein molecule are specified by:

the vitamin A precursor in carrots becomes activated to form rhodopsin in the eye.

The statement, "Eat carrots because they are good for your eyes," is correct because


The thiamin deficiency disease is known as:

limit phenylalanine in the diet

The treatment for PKU is to


The vitamin D deficiency disease in adults is known as:


This lipoprotein carries triglyceride made in the liver


This lipoprotein carries triglyceride made in the small intestine


This lipoprotein will increase if the diet is high in saturated fat

nutrient density

Three ounces of beef stew offers about the same amount of iron as three ounces of water-packed tuna, but the beef contains over 300 calories while the tuna contains about 100 calories. This is an example of:

calorie control

Todd is a 26-year-old personal trainer who requires 3,000 calories per day. Todd is very conscientious about his diet and ensures his daily food intake does not exceed or fall below 3,000 calories. What characteristic of a nutritious diet does Todd's diet display?

excess is excreted in the urine

True statements concerning the water-soluble vitamins include:

maintaining healthy mucous membranes

Vitamin A plays an important role in:


Water makes up about ________ percent of human body weight.


What amino acid is used to synthesize the important neurotransmitter serotonin?

Soluble fiber: oatmeal, nuts Insoluble fiber: carrots, wheat bran Benefits: helps normalize bowel movements, lowers cholesterol.

What are the two Major Classes of Fiber? List two food sources of each class. List two health benefit of added fiber.

organic, energy-yielding, essential

What characteristics BEST describe a carbohydrate

bone loss

What is a potential problem with excessive protein intake?

a nutrient that must be obtained from food

What is an essential nutrient?

bright yellow skin

What is one symptom of a beta-carotene excess in the diet?

lipoprotein lipase (LPL)

What is the enzyme on the surface of fat cells that allows fat to be absorbed into the cells?

fatty acids

What is the immediate precursor for the eicosanoids?

small intestines

What is the major absorption site for digestible carbohydrates?

130 g

What is the minimum daily amount of dietary carbohydrate necessary to spare body protein from excessive breakdown (adequate intake)


What is the name of the animal polysaccharide composed of glucose units?

high fructose corn syrup

What is the predominant sweetener used in formulating beverages?


What is the primary form of carbohydrate in the blood?

lowers blood glucose levels

What is the primary function of insulin?


What is the primary organ that converts fructose to glucose following absorption?

small intestine

What part of the gastrointestinal tract is the predominant site of dietary fat hydrolysis (digestion)?


What percentage of total calories is recommended to be provided by carbohydrates?

laboratory studies

What type of research studies are performed under tightly controlled conditions and are used to determine mechanisms of cause and effects?

epidemiological study

What type of research studies populations and is often used to search for correlations between dietary habits and disease incidence?

epidemiological studies

What type of research studies use population-based information from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) to determine correlations between dietary practices and health?


When amino acids are broken down for energy, the nitrogen is stripped off and changed by the liver into:

saturated fat, cholesterol

When looking at a food label, what kinds of lipids are required to be listed on the label?


When the body faces a severe carbohydrate deficit, it is forced to turn to ________ to make glucose for energy.

saturated fat

When using the nutrition fact panel on a food label, which of the following goal is NOT to meet 100% of DV?

emotional comfort

When you are ill with a cold, you fix a bowl of chicken noodle soup to eat to feel better. What factor drives your food choice in this situation?

small intestines

Where is lactase produced in the body?


Whey is the name of one of the proteins in eggs


Which chemical floods the bloodstream when the blood glucose concentration drops and cells need energy?


Which condition is the DASH diet designed to help people manage?


Which hormone is responsible for regulating the basal metabolic rate?

fatfold measurement

Which method of assessing body fatness uses a caliper?


Which mineral deficiency during pregnancy causes cretinism?


Which mineral is essential to sperm production and taste perception, and assists in immune function?


Which mineral works with an enzyme system to protect body compounds from oxidation?


Which mineral's most vital role is to help form hemoglobin and collagen?


Which of the following BMI values would indicate a person is overweight (but not obese)?

the side chain

Which of the following accounts for the differences among the various amino acids?


Which of the following amino acids is used to make the B- vitamin Niacin


Which of the following animal-derived proteins is classified as a poor-quality protein?

plant foods only

Which of the following are allowed in the diet of a vegan?

fructose, glucose, and galactose

Which of the following are the monosaccharides

40 mg/dl

Which of the following blood glucose concentration is most consistent with hypoglycemia?


Which of the following blood glucose levels is within normal range if measured while you are fasting?


Which of the following carbohydrates is NOT found in foods from plants?

iron-deficiency anemia

Which of the following condition responds the most from using nutrients not medications.


Which of the following describes a fatty acid that has one double bond?

diet should be adequate in supplements to avoid deficiencies

Which of the following diet recommendations is NOT recommended for those with diabetes?

vitamin C

Which of the following enhances iron absorption?

saturated fats, added sugars, sodium

Which of the following food constituents should be limited in our daily diet to reduce the risk of chronic disease, thereby illustrating the principle of "moderation"?


Which of the following food groups does not provide significant protein?


Which of the following food proteins has the best assortment of essential amino acids for the human body

roasted turkey

Which of the following foods contains cholesterol?

margarine, gravy, and jelly

Which of the following foods do not fit into any of the five major food groups in the USDA Food Guide


Which of the following foods is highest in folate?


Which of the following foods is richest in vitamin B6?


Which of the following foods provide a large amount of starch?


Which of the following foods provides almost no carbohydrates?

orange juice

Which of the following foods would provide fructose in the diet


Which of the following ingredients found on a food label is a protein?

may raise blood cholesterol

Which of the following is NOT a health-related effect attributed to dietary fibers?


Which of the following is NOT a long-term complication of diabetes

Is a part of cell DNA and RNA.

Which of the following is NOT a major role of calcium?

nutrient deficiency diseases

Which of the following is NOT a typical complication immediately following gastric surgery?

Their pancreas makes little or no insulin.

Which of the following is a characteristic of a type 1 diabetic?

must be supplied by the diet

Which of the following is a feature of an essential amino acid?


Which of the following is a good source of eicosapentanoic acid (EPA)?


Which of the following is a protein is used in digestion to breakdown nutrients.

gastric contractions

Which of the following is considered a physiological influence to begin eating?

The incidence of blood infections increases.

Which of the following is correct concerning hemochromatosis?

it is secreted by the stomach

Which of the following is correct concerning the hormone ghrelin?


Which of the following is most likely to occur from a prolonged dietary deficiency of vitamin A?

high LDL

Which of the following is not a desirable blood lipid value?


Which of the following is not among the common signs of pellagra?

promotes weight gain and feeling of fullness

Which of the following is not an effect of fiber?

intrinsic factor

Which of the following is required for the absorption of dietary vitamin B12?

whole foods

Which of the following is the best and safest source of phytochemicals?


Which of the following is the preferred fuel for most body functions?


Which of the following is the second-most important factor that influences food choices made by U.S. consumers?

linoleic acid

Which of the following lipids is an essential nutrient?

Low-density lipoprotein

Which of the following lipoproteins contains the highest percentage of cholesterol?


Which of the following nutrients is not required by law to be added to refined grain products?


Which of the following nutrients yields energy, but also provides materials that form structures and working parts of body tissues?

coconut oil

Which of the following on the food label is saturated fat?


Which of the following parts of a wheat kernel is especially rich in vitamins and minerals?

basal metabolic rate

Which of the following represents the largest component of energy expenditure?

Bile is released directly into the small intestine.

Which of the following statements best describes individuals who have had their gallbladder removed?

It has the ability to lower blood cholesterol.

Which of the following statements concerning lecithin is not true?


Which of the following vegetable oils is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids?

half cup cooked dry beans

Which of the following vegetables would provide the most carbohydrate?


Which of the following vitamins are made by bacteria that live i the GI tract

Sue, who is 35 lbs overweight

Which of the following women is least likely to develop osteoporosis?

reduce the intake of saturated and trans fat in your diet to lower LDL levels in the blood

Which of the following would be the best dietary advice for someone who needs to lower her blood cholesterol levels?


Which of the following would be the best dietary source of vitamin C?

English muffin

Which of the following would be the most nutrient-dense choice from the grains group?

boneless pork loin

Which of the following would have the least fat in a 3 ounce serving?

nuts and seeds

Which of the following would provide the highest amount of vitamin E?

yogurt with live culture

Which of the following would you recommend for a person with lactose intolerance?

Roast beef, carrots, noodles, and tea

Which of these meals is lacking in vitamin C?

Vit D, vit C

Which vitamin is required to absorb calcium? Which is required to absorb iron?

pork tenderloin, green peas, brown rice, and strawberries.

You are planning a meal that includes a hamburger on a bun, coleslaw, and French fries. To have a more nutrient-dense meal, you should eat

choose one that lists liquid oil as the first ingredient.

You are trying to teach someone how to select an appropriate margarine to protect against heart disease. Therefore, you would tell the person to:

Gluten-free weight-loss diets offer no advantages over other low-calorie diets.

Your neighbor has placed herself on a gluten-free diet to help her lose weight. What advice would you give her


a lipid that is liquid at room temperature


a lipid that is solid at room temperature


a phospholipid which is a major constituent of cell membranes

type 1

always requires insulin


average caloric needs based on age, sex

chronic disease

cancer, heart disease and cancer

ultra processed foods

canned soup, fast foods, frozen pizza, candy

type 1 and 2

carbohydrate counting is recommended

milk protein



cause of death is directly related to diet

nutrient density

comparison of nutrient to calories


condition produced by inadequate or excessive nutrients


corn oil


digestion starts


egg protein

hormone like compound made from 20 carbon fatty acid


type 1 and 2

exercise is recommended


feeling of fullness

calories or kcals

food scientists measure food energy in


fructose + glucose


general term for a set of reference values used to plan and assess nutrient intakes of healthy people.


glucose + galactose


glucose + glucose

protein in wheat



good cholesterol




hormone that triggers bile release


intestinal enzyme that breaks down protein

small intestine

major site of absorbtion


making an oil into a solid fat by changing saturation


milk sugar

type 2

most common form of diabetes


must be provided in the diet

type 2

obesity is a risk for this form of diabetes

not a food group



one of the sterols manufactured in the body


one of the three main classes of lipids which is similar to a triglyceride


one of the three main classes of lipids with a structure similar to cholesterol


pancreatic enzyme that breaks down protein


peanut oil


protein making part of cell


reducing sodium for hypertension is an example

gestational diabetes

seen in pregnancy


source is corn oil, safflower oil, sesame oil,


source is flax and walnuts



empty calories

sugar, solid fat, and alcohol


swelling of body tissue


the amount needed by 98% of population with strong evidence


this enzyme produces glucose and fructose to be released

type 2

type of diabetes characterized by insulin resistance

type 1

type of diabetes that is autoimmune


used in research and public policy


used on food labels only


where galactose is changed to glucose

it contains more calories per teaspoon than sugar

which of the following is the correct concerning honey?


which of the following sugar alcohols is calorie free

fruits, vegetables

whole foods

the liberation of maltose from starch.

After chewing a piece of bread for awhile, you begin to experience a slightly sweet taste. This taste results from:

folic acid

All of the following EXCEPT ___________are antioxidants.


All of the following EXCEPT ________needs to be listed on the food label.

it is high in protein

All of the following are characteristics of a diet recommended for a diabetic EXCEPT:


All of the following are classified as major minerals EXCEPT:

decreased risk of kidney stones

All of the following are consequences of consuming a diet that produces chronic ketosis EXCEPT:

research results confirm the benefits of diabetics applying glycemic index principles.

All of the following are correct about applying the glycemic index EXCEPT:

deficiencies are common among certain Asian people.

All of the following are correct concerning chloride EXCEPT:


All of the following are good food sources of vitamin C except:

a high level of physical activity

All of the following are likely to result in an "apple" profile of obesity EXCEPT:

being African American

All of the following are risk factors for osteoporosis EXCEPT:


All of the following are significant sources of vitamin D except

raised IQ

All of the following are symptoms of anemia EXCEPT:


All of the following are symptoms of lactose intolerance EXCEPT

spread unhydrogenated spreads on whole-wheat toast.

All of the following are tips to include calcium-rich foods in your meals EXCEPT:


All of the following are used to treat obesity EXCEPT:

reduced urination

All of the following are warning signs of diabetes EXCEPT:


All of the following cause denaturation of proteins except:

chronic lung disease

All of the following diseases EXCEPT are related to poor nutritional choices

French fries

All of the following foods contain active vitamin A(retinol) except:

vitamin K

All of the following nutrients EXCEPT are required to be on a food label

fruited yogurt

All of the following would be good foods to provide calcium for someone who is allergic to milk EXCEPT:


bad cholesterol


beans, peas, lentils


blood glucose between 100-125 gms/dl


breakdown of a protein using heat


breakdown of amino acid

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