Health Online- GROWTH, DEVELOPMENT, AND SEXUAL HEALTH- Personal Hygiene and Health

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Which health risk is associated with tanning beds? -addiction -hepatitis -skin cancer -tetanus

-skin cancer

Which diseases can be transmitted through unsanitary tools used for tattooing and piercing? Check all that apply. -tetanus -melanoma -skin cancer -hepatitis -HIV

-tetanus -hepatitis -HIV

How often should people wash their hands to maintain good personal hygiene? -once per day -at least twice per week -whenever their hands are visibly dirty -whenever they touch unclean surfaces

-whenever they touch unclean surfaces

Use the drop-down menus to complete each sentence. Experts recommend that teens get between ___________ hours of sleep each night. Angelique needs to get up at 7 a.m. to get ready for school the next day, so she should plan on going to sleep around ______________-.

-9 to 10 - 10 p.m.

After school, Angelique attends a concert with her friends. The concert lasts two hours, and the volume is 120 decibels. To safely watch the concert, approximately how many decibels must her earplugs block? -15 -20 -25 -30


______________ more cases of skin cancer are caused by using tanning beds than cases of lung cancer resulting from smoking. About ____________ of adolescents and ___________ of college students have used tanning beds.

-90,000 - 19% - 55%

Which risk is common with both tanning and tattoos? -cancer -hepatitis -irritation -allergic reaction


Which statement describes peer pressure? -A teen lets her friends give her used makeup even though she is worried about passing germs. -A teen decides not to drink alcohol at a party even though she sees other people drinking. -A teen lets his friends know how much their support means to him even though he does not have to. -A teen decides to go to a party and makes some new friends there even though he did not think he would.

-A teen lets her friends give her used makeup even though she is worried about passing germs.

Janell sees an advertisement for a new skin-care product. Which question should she ask herself about the product? -Is the product popular? -Is the ad visually compelling? -Could the company have a bias? -Do the health claims appeal to me?

-Could the company have a bias?

Which effects result from handwashing education? Check all that apply. -Germs are less likely to be transferred from hands to other objects, spreading disease. -Communicable diseases are less likely to spread from person to person. -People are less likely to touch their eyes, nose, and mouth without realizing it. -The number of cases of diarrhea declines by more than 50 percent. -The number of respiratory illnesses declines by about 20 percent.

-Germs are less likely to be transferred from hands to other objects, spreading disease. -Communicable diseases are less likely to spread from person to person. -The number of respiratory illnesses declines by about 20 percent.

What is causing the rising number of skin cancer cases attributable to tanning beds? Check all that apply. -People do not understand that using a tanning bed is dangerous. -More young people are using tanning beds. -Using tanning beds is extremely popular. -More people are using tanning beds than smoking. -Using a tanning bed is more dangerous than laying out to get a tan.

-People do not understand that using a tanning bed is dangerous. -More young people are using tanning beds. -Using tanning beds is extremely popular.

The noise from drag-racing cars can hit 140 decibels. Which statement is the most accurate about hearing loss suffered by racing fans? -The hearing loss cannot be reversed. -It damages hearing later in life. -The damage can be fixed with hearing aids. -It does not accumulate over time.

-The hearing loss cannot be reversed.

What is the main idea presented in the passage? -Tattoos can cause infections through dirty needles. -The safety of tattoo inks has not been studied enough. -Getting a tattoo is a very high-risk activity that is not recommended. -The FDA controls and licenses tattoo parlors.

-The safety of tattoo inks has not been studied enough.

Which practice is part of environmental hygiene? -trimming nails -brushing teeth -washing hands -cleaning up spills

-cleaning up spills

Angelique is a high school sophomore. She has a busy schedule that is packed with athletic activities, a social life, and homework. Often her afternoons and evenings are split between sports and friends, so she stays up late to catch up on homework. Most nights she gets between five to six hours of sleep. As a result, she wakes up each morning feeling tired. Based on Angelique's busy lifestyle, which other consequences might she experience? Check all that apply. -less appetite -dozing off in class -more likely to get sick -being bullied -getting distracted

-dozing off in class -more likely to get sick -getting distracted

A teen is thinking about going tanning because all her friends say that she looks less attractive without a tan. Her aunt tells her about a cancerous mole she had removed. If the teen decides against tanning, which cultural influence was most important to her? -elders -gender roles -peer pressure -religious doctrine


What does Dr. Linos suggest is needed to reverse the growing number of cancer cases? Check all that apply. -ensuring that people who use tanning beds know they can cause cancer -encouraging people to share the dangers of tanning beds with friends and family -banning the use of both cigarettes and tanning beds -informing young people that they too can develop skin cancer -limiting tanning bed use to older adults only

-ensuring that people who use tanning beds know they can cause cancer -encouraging people to share the dangers of tanning beds with friends and family -informing young people that they too can develop skin cancer

Which short-term consequences of sleep deprivation is a student likely to encounter? Check all that apply. -falling asleep in class -missing assignments -low test scores -decreased stress -lack of concentration -fewer friends

-falling asleep in class -missing assignments -low test scores -lack of concentration

Pierre is having trouble getting to sleep at night. Which practice is a way to improve his problem? -watching calming TV before bed -getting out in the sunshine each morning -eating before bed to prevent hunger -going to bed at different times each night

-getting out in the sunshine each morning

Bruno cannot seem to pay attention in class, and he keeps dozing off. To help him get through the day, he has started drinking caffeinated drinks. Due to his part-time job, Bruno is often up late working on homework. When he does go to sleep, he cannot seem to relax. On his way home from work this evening, Bruno has a hard time staying awake while driving. He decides that his sleep patterns are creating an unhealthy and dangerous situation. Bruno looks into ways to make a healthy change. What can Bruno do to get adequate sleep each night? Check all that apply. -go to bed at the same time every night -close the curtains and keep the room dark -watch television in bed at night -start exercising every day -sleep in on the weekends to catch up -do something relaxing before bed

-go to bed at the same time every night -close the curtains and keep the room dark -start exercising every day -do something relaxing before bed

Which health risk may result from tattoos? -infection -skin cancer -hearing loss -ringing in the ears


Use the drop-down menus to complete each sentence. A teen being offered alcohol at a party is primarily being influenced by _______________. A teen thinking about trying a weight loss supplement after seeing an ad is being primarily influenced by _____________. A boy who decides to wear a traditional hairstyle like other men in his family is being primarily influenced by _____________.

-peers -media -family

Which poor hygiene choice will most likely lead to the spread of disease? -not wearing deodorant -trimming one's nails -sharing a toothbrush -having a messy room

-sharing a toothbrush

Extended exposure to certain sounds can be harmful. Which sound may damage hearing? -refrigerator running (40 decibels) -vacuum cleaner running (70 decibels) -hair dryer blowing (80 decibels) -shotgun firing (145 decibels)

-shotgun firing (145 decibels)

On the bus on the way to school, Angelique's friend Jack shows her his new ear piercing. When she asks him where he had it done, he says his friend Georgia did it for him at her house. Jack says she did piercings on a few of their friends over the weekend using a safety pin. What are the possible negative outcomes from Jack's decisions? Check all that apply. -tetanus -nerve damage -hearing loss -allergic reaction -hepatitis

-tetanus -nerve damage -allergic reaction -hepatitis

It is a very warm and sunny day, so Angelique's gym class teacher is taking them outside to play soccer on the field. What should Angelique consider before going out to play? -avoiding drinking water so she is not slowed down -avoiding clothing that covers her arms and legs -wearing SPF 30 or greater sunscreen on all parts of her body exposed to sun -exposing her face, arms, and legs to get extra vitamin D

-wearing SPF 30 or greater sunscreen on all parts of her body exposed to sun

Create a plan to maintain good personal hygiene (including oral hygiene), and explain how you would execute it.

To maintain good personal hygiene, I would need to brush my teeth after every meal and floss at least once a day. I would need to shower regularly, especially after exercise. To protect my hearing, I should avoid loud noises or use hearing protection. To avoid getting sick, I should be careful to wash my hands regularly, especially after using the restroom and before preparing foods.

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