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What is the legal drinking age?


What are side effects?

A reaction to medicines other than intended.

Describe how your body reacts to stress.

Alarm - high alert Resistance - adapts and reacts Fatigue - tire and lose ability to manage

Why do teens begin using tobacco?

Believe it will help with stress, make them mature, and movie influences.

What are the benefits of living tobacco free?

Better cardiovascular endurance, sense of freedom, less stress, and more confidence.

List the factors that influence alcohol's effects.

Body size, gender, food, rate of intake, amount, medicine.

List the harmful effects of tobacco use.

Brain chemistry changes, respiration and heart rate increase, dulled taste buds, bad breath, smelly hair, skin, and clothes, yellow teeth, bronchitis, emphysema, coronary heart disease, and arteriosclerosis.

Explain the causes and effects of depression.

Causes physical- medical condition, psychological - traumatic event, social - living in a harmful environment Effects changes in thinking - self destructive thoughts and trouble making decisions, changes in feelings - be apathetic, sad, irritable, or angry, changes in behavior - emotional, change sleeping, eating, and hygiene habits, withdraw from social situations

What are the health risks to unborn children and infants?

Children are more likely to get asthma and slow lung development. Infants can suffer from growth and developmental problems and are more likely to die from SIDS.

Explain how you improve your self-esteem.

Chose friends who respect you, focus on positive aspects, use supportive self talk, work on accomplishments, consider mistakes learning opportunities, try new activities, write down your goals, exercise, volunteer, accept things you can't change, change the things you can change

Define medicine interaction and list examples

Combining two or more medicines to change effect - additive interaction, antagonistic interactions, and synergistic effect

What are the warning signs of drug use?

Constantly talking about drugs, stopping activities, changing sleeping habits, and has difficulty concentrating.

Define club drugs and list examples.

Designer drugs found at concerts and parties. Ecstasy, roofies, GHB ketamine, meth, LSD.

What are the warning signs of suicide?

Direct statements, indirect statements, writing poems about death, suicide threats, death obsession, withdrawal from friends, changes in personality, hygiene, appearance, unusual behavior, sense of shame, deterioration in school work, giving away personal belongings, substance abuse, stomachaches, headaches, fatigue, boredom, violent actions

Define alcoholism.

Disease where a person had a dependence upon alcoholic drinks.

Explain how you can manage your anger.

Do something to relax, channel your energy in a different direction, talk with someone you trust.

Define binge drinking.

Drinking 5 or more alcoholic drinks in one sitting.

What physical symptoms can stress cause?

Headache, weak immune system, high blood pressure, bruxism, digestive disorders

What does HELP stand for?

Healthful - does choice have health risks? Ethical - does choice represent what you value? Legal - does choice go against any laws? Parental approval - would your parents approve of this choice?

Know the differences between harmful and healthful relationships

Healthful - promotes self respect, productivity, health, and isn't violent or abusive Harmful - interferes with productivity and health, harms self respect, and included violence and drugs

What are healthy alternatives to drug use?

Hobbies, sports, community activities.

List the health risks of marijuana use.

Increased appetite, risk of infertility, changes hormone levels, low testosterone levels, risk of birth defects.

How does alcohol affect driving?

It can cause slow reflexes, reduced ability to judge speeds and distances, and have reduced concentration.

List the effects of inhalants.

Liver and kidney damage, blindness, brain damage, paralysis, cardiac arrest, and death.

What are the types of depression?

Major - intense and lasts for months Mild - less severe symptoms but can last for years Adjustment disorder - reaction to a specific life event

Know the difference between medicines and drugs

Medicines - drugs used to prevent diseases Drugs - substances that change the function of the body and mind

What is the main addictive substance in tobacco?


What is the difference between prescriptions and over-the-counter medicines?

Prescription - medicines dispensed with approval of physician Over the Counter - medicines you can buy without a doctor's prescription

Define alcohol poisoning.

Severe physical reactions to an alcohol overdose.

List the short-term and long-term effects of drinking.

Short Term - brain, cardiovascular, digestive system changes Long Term - addiction, loss of brain function, brain damage, digestive lining irritation, fatty liver, hepatitis, cirrhosis, heart damage, and high blood pressure

How can you help a friend if they are talking about suicide?

Show that you care, seek professional help, talk seriously, show empathy, stress temporary nature of that problems or feelings.

What is the required information on medicine labels?

Special instructions, doctor's name, patient's name, pharmacy name and address, date prescription was filled, prescription number, and refill information.

Define abstinence.

To refrain from something

How does the addiction cycle work?

User takes drug for short term pleasure, has withdrawal, takes drug again.

List the effects of steroids.

Weak tendons, weight gain, acne, high blood pressure, liver and kidney tumors, HIV, violent behavior, mood swings, depression, and paranoia,

What are the questions you should ask yourself before initiating a friendship?

What do I know about this person? Does this person have good character? Do my parents know this person? Will my parents approve of spending time with this person?

What are food labels and what are they required by law to show?

a panel of nutritional info that are required to show: name of food, net weight, name and address of manufacturer, ingredients, and nutrient content


ability to understand how someone else feels

Define Risk Behavior and list the six risk behaviors.

actions that could threaten your health or others health. tobacco use unhealthy diet not enough physical activity alcohol and drug use sexual behaviors behaving in a way that could lead to injuries or violence

What are Amino Acids?

building blocks that make up proteins


condition of feeling uneasy about what may happen

List the characteristics of mentally healthy people.

enjoy challenges, act responsibly, have control over their lives, can express emotions, can deal with stress, is positive, and makes responsible decisions

What are the tips for maintaining healthy relationships?

exchange thoughts, feelings, and beliefs


fear of something specific

Define Lifestyle Factors and list seven examples.

habits related to how a person lives 1. get 8 hours of sleep 2. eat a healthy breakfast 3. eat nutritious foods 4. be active for 30-60 minutes each day 5. have a healthy weight 6. don't smoke 7. don't use alcohol or drugs


having skills to do something

What are the influences on your health?

heredity, physical environment, social environment, culture, attitude, behavior, the media and tech


how much you value yourself

What are the warning signs of depression?

irritable, loss of interest, change in appetite and weight, difficulty sleeping, physical signs of nervousness, loss of energy, feeling of worthlessness, difficulty concentrating, recurrent thoughts of death

List three conversation keepers and three conversation killers

keepers - asking questions, making eye contact, being positive killers - talking about yourself, complaining avoiding eye contact

What are Nutrients and Calories?

nutrients - substances in food that help with body processes calorie - unit of energy produced by food

Role Model

person whose success is an example for you

What are some techniques to manage stress?

practice relaxation techniques. redirect your energy, seek support


prolonged feeling of helplessness, sadness, and hopelessness

Be able to use all the refusal skills.

refusal skills are: firmly saying no, explaining why, offering alternatives, standing your ground, and leaving if necessary.

Deciding to abstain from sex is a ______ decision.


Personal Identity

sense of yourself as an individual

List examples of short-term and long-term goals

short term - making a good grade on a test, making a sports team long term - getting into college, saving money for a car


signals that tell your mind and body how to react

Know the different kinds of carbohydrates and how they work in the body.

simple - sugars that enter the bloodstream rapidly and provide quick energy, provide calories but few vitamins and minerals complex - starches and fibers

List the three elements of health

social, physical, mental/emotional

Define Action Plan

strategy to achieve goals

Chronic Stress

stress associated with long term problems


the act of becoming aware through your senses


the reaction of the body and mind to challenges and demands

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