HIS 102 Final Exam

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According to its editor, the fundamental goal of the Encyclopedia was to

"change the general way of thinking."

In 1992, Francis Fukuyama declared that the world had arrived at

"the end of history."

Gabriel Marcel found the answer to the postwar broken world in

***NOT Calvinist theology.

Tensions between Germany and Great Britain in the first decade of the 1900s were raised by all of the following except

***NOT Germany's decision to build a large fleet of battleships. ***NOT Germany's pursuit of colonies.

Which of the following best describes the role of women in guilds in the eighteenth century?

***NOT Guilds permitted women to serve as workers but forbade any women from becoming masters.

All of the following correctly characterize events in the Vendée region of Brittany except

***NOT counter-revolutionaries recruited armies to oppose the Parisian radicals.

In his book Imperialism, J. A. Hobson maintained all of the following except

***NOT imperialism resulted from the need of the rich to find outlets for their surplus capital.

President Franklin Roosevelt's Works Progress Administration attempted to

***NOT nationalize banks, railroads, and heavy industry. ***NOT set up a comprehensive program of wage and price controls for the U.S. economy.

Throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, armies affected population growth in all of the following ways except

***NOT soldiers and camp followers passed contagious diseases throughout the countryside

The romantic poet William Wordsworth

***NOT sought to write poems as the coded identification of social norms designed as a puzzle to be solved. ***NOT emphasized the formless movement of tone and pitch to highlight the aesthetic beauty of language. ***NOT conceived of poetry as the light and airy demonstration of wit meant to express social conflicts.

At the Paris Peace Conference, French premier Georges Clemenceau

***NOT strongly supported the creation of a League of Nations.

The central theme of the writings of Franz Kafka was

***NOT the advantages of liberal democracy over communism.

The leadership of the Dutch people in farming methodology can be attributed primarily to

***NOT the exceptional fertility of their lands.

In the eighteenth century, the advocates for agricultural innovation argued that

***NOT the rights of the nobility over land needed to be reinforced, since until that time only nobles could bring about innovations.

According to Marx, the driving force in history was the

***NOT unfolding of universal consciousness. ***NOT economic relationship between classes.

According to the best estimates, about how many people died in the Second World War?

50 million

What new model for European expansion did Britain establish in Egypt?

A combination of military force, political domination, and an ideology of beneficial reform

What was the policy of détente that Social Democrats in Europe pursued?

A progressive relaxation of Cold War tensions

Which of the following best characterizes the regions to which slaves were carried from Africa to the Americas?

About 90 percent of slaves were transported to Brazil or the Caribbean, with only 3 percent brought to North America.

In 1979, the United States and western Europe were appalled by the Soviet Union's invasion of


How did European response to terrorism differ from the American response?

Americans emphasized the need for warfare, while Europeans emphasized that terrorism was best resolved through police and intelligence measures.

What was the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916?

An agreement between Great Britain and France to divide up parts of the Near East and Middle East after the war

What led René Descartes to his discovery of analytical geometry?

An intellectual vision one night while serving as a soldier

For artists such as the Dadaists and Surrealists, what was the purpose of art?

Art should expose the bankruptcy of modern society and produce radical social change.

How was the Tet Offensive, launched by the Vietcong in January 1968, perceived in the United States?

As a sign that the war was not close to ending

As the war began, how did leading politicians and intellectuals present the war to their publics?

As a test of national power

How did the Hungarian revolutionaries envision a future Hungary?

As a unified, centralized Hungarian nation

Why did Joseph Stalin defeat Leon Trotsky in the struggle for power following the death of Lenin?

As general secretary of the Communist Party, Stalin was more effective at building friends and allies by handing out jobs and promises.

How did the Soviet Union and eastern European communist regimes treat displaced persons returning home after the war?

As politically unreliable because of their exposure to western European society

In the 1880s, America and Australia passed laws to control immigration in order to keep

Asians from immigrating to their lands.

Why did Klemens von Metternich, as Austrian foreign minister, have to oppose the spread of nationalism in Europe?

Austria was a multiethnic empire, and the spread of nationalism among its different ethnic groups threatened to dissolve the empire.

Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, Spain faced an insurgent movement that used terrorism from

Basque separatists.

What did Jean-Paul Sartre mean by the phrase "man is condemned to be free"?

Because life is meaningless, individuals are forced to create their own meaning and define themselves through their actions.

The founder of the National Organization for Women was

Betty Friedan.

Why did the conservative Bismarck pioneer the creation of an expansive system of social welfare?

Bismarck sought to blunt the attraction of socialism to the working classes and give them a small stake in the existing political system.

On what basis have revisionist historians rejected the traditional interpretation that the French Revolution has its origins in growing tensions between the nobility and the bourgeoisie?

Both the nobility and the bourgeoisie were riddled with internal rivalries that precluded identifying these two groups as unified blocs opposing each other.

What was Britain's decisive advantage in its war with China?

Britain had control of the seas.

How did Britain pursue different social policies than most of western European nations in the postwar era?

Britain instituted a cradle-to-grave welfare state.

Britain adopted a policy of appeasement in its relationship with Hitler for all of the following reasons except

Britain was militarily weak, having disarmed after the First World War.

Which of the following best expresses the economic development among European nations in the 1870s?

Britain was still Europe's leading industrial nation, but several countries had closed the gap on Britain.

What was the primary consequence of the First Moroccan Crisis in 1905?

Britain, France, and Russia began to see Germany as a threat.

Which of the following best characterizes the support in Great Britain for the war with Iraq that began in 2003?

British Prime Minister Tony Blair supported the war, but the majority of the population was opposed.

Britain was more ready to conciliate Germany than France following the Versailles peace settlement because the

British had depended heavily on the German market for their exports before World War I

Who were the Luddites?

British handicraft workers who attacked factories and destroyed machinery they believed were putting them out of work.

How did Louis Napoleon believe that the people should be represented in government?

By a strong national leader whose reforms would aid all of the people

How was the flow of goods directed around the globe?

By new communication systems, such as the telegraph, that could direct ships from port to port

Which of the following correctly characterizes the response of various religious perspectives to Copernicus's hypothesis?

Calvin and Luther condemned Copernicus, while Catholic reaction was mild at first and only declared his hypothesis false in the seventeenth century.

In the eighteenth century, what problems were faced by the Church of England?

Church and state officials used the church to provide high-paying jobs to favorites and ignored the spiritual needs of the people.

How did the electric streetcar affect the urban environment?

Cities could expand, for even people of modest means could access new, improved, and less congested housing.

How did class-consciousness form during the industrial revolution?

Class-consciousness formed because many individuals came to believe that classes existed and developed a sense of class feeling.

What idea did Heinrich von Treitschke promote in relationship to colonies?

Colonies were essential to great nations, who would weaken without colonial lands.

The law that outlawed labor unions and strikes in Britain was the

Combination Acts of 1799.

How did romanticism affect music?

Composers abandoned well-defined structures and used a wide range of forms to evoke powerful emotions.

Who provided the labor force for Britain's initial colonization of Australia?

Convicted prisoners

To resolve the economic problems of Germany and international tensions in Europe, in 1924 the United States developed the

Dawes Plan.

How was the attention of the National Assembly meeting in Frankfurt diverted from the task of writing a German federal constitution?

Delegates turned attention to Denmark's claims on the largely German-speaking provinces of Schleswig and Holstein.

Why did Prussia and Austria attack Denmark in 1864?

Denmark was attempting to bring two provinces that belong to the German Confederation into a more centralized Danish state.

Which of the following best describes Eastern Bloc living standards in the 1970s?

Eastern Bloc living standards were well below those in the West but well above those in the developing world.

In the 1950s and 1960s, what became the basic objective of all western European governments?

Economic growth

In 1848 in France, what would the government not consider that created a sense of class injustice?

Electoral reform

How did Enlightenment thinkers differ from those of the Middle Ages and Renaissance?

Enlightenment thinkers believed that thought had progressed far beyond that of antiquity, which demonstrated the possibility of human progress.

As literacy expanded, the common people read all of the following except

Enlightenment works on social and political issues.

The largest share of European foreign investment went to

European states, North America, Australia and New Zealand, and Latin America.

After 1860, why did foreign aggression diminish in China until near the end of the century?

Europeans had obtained their primary goal of commercial and diplomatic relations.

Migration out of Europe often followed what pattern?

Families and friends would coordinate their migrations so that they would settle together in a new land.

Railroad construction on the continent

Featured varying degrees of government involvement.

All of the following correctly characterize industrial growth patterns in Europe except

Following the Napoleonic Wars, France experienced a boom in factory production as the economy shifted from wartime to peacetime production.

The Enlightenment reached its highest development in France for all of the following reasons except

France had the highest literacy rates in Europe.

Why was the Great Depression slow to affect France?

France was less industrialized than the other major continental powers in Europe and somewhat isolated from the world economy.

In 1954, Vietnam obtained independence from


The National Assembly granted religious freedom to

French Protestants and Jews.

What was the economic effect of Napoleon's Continental System?

French artisans and the middle class suffered, for they were economically damaged by the blockade of Great Britain.

What part of Bismarck's alliance system did William II abandon?

Germany's non-aggression pack with Russia

The Danish theologian Søren Kierkegaard taught that

God's existence could not be proven but believers must take a leap of faith and accept the existence of a majestic God.

What was the consequence for European national governments in meeting the fiscal standards to join the monetary union?

Governments had to reduce health and social benefits for their citizens.

Why did the Council of Europeans fail to evolve into a European parliament with sovereign rights?

Great Britain consistently opposed conceding any real political power and sovereignty to the council.

Why did Great Britain seek to raise taxes on its American colonies in the 1760s?

Great Britain expected the American colonies to help pay for the expenses incurred during the Seven Years' War.

Why did Great Britain choose to seize land in Africa and Asia in the late nineteenth century?

Great Britain feared that France and Germany would seal off their empires with high tariffs, and Great Britain would lose future economic opportunities.

In their war of independence against the Ottoman Empire, the Greeks ultimately won the support of

Great Britain, France, and Russia.

Slobodan Milosevic's intent, which hastened separatism and civil war in Yugoslavia, was to create

Greater Serbia.

How did the pied noirs complicate the experience of decolonization in Algeria?

Having lived in Algeria for several generations, these European Algerians threatened revolt against France if France did not oppose the Islamic independence movement.

In general, what was Voltaire's attitude toward government?

He believed that a good monarch was the best one could hope for.

Why did Stalin call for the liquidation of the kulaks?

He believed that as landowners they would eventually embrace conservative capitalism and become great enemies of socialist progress.

How did Stalin use the murder of Sergei Kirov?

He blamed the murder on fascist agents within the Communist Party and launched a purge of the party itself that solidified his own control.

In the late 1920s, how did Adolf Hitler shape the Nazi Party's message to appeal to middle-class voters?

He deemphasized the anticapitalist elements of National Socialism and vowed to fight communism.

How did Muhammad Ali reorganize the Egyptian army?

He drafted peasants and hired French and Italian army officers to train the recruits and their Turkish officers.

How did Muhammad Ali finance his modernization of Egyptian society?

He forced farmers to become tenants of large, private landowners who adopted commercial agriculture.

Which of the following incorrectly identifies Napoleon's background?

He gained training as a lawyer before joining the military.

How did Charles de Gaulle undermine the student revolt in 1968?

He granted workplace reforms to the worker allies of the students, which led those workers to abandon the rebellion and return to work.

How did Charles X of France seek to rally political support for himself?

He invaded Algeria and established it as a French territory.

How did Mussolini build support from big business in Italy?

He left big business to regulate itself.

How did Lenin respond to the peasants' seizure of land when he rose to power in 1917?

He mandated land reform in order to offer his approval for what the peasants had already done.

Which of the following best characterizes the presidency of Vladimir Putin in Russia?

He reasserted anti-Western Russian nationalism and re-established semi-authoritarian political rule.

Why did Bismarck enact high tariffs on grain from the United States, Canada, and Russia in 1878?

He sought to win support from both the Catholic Center and the Protestants Junkers, who had large land holdings.

Why did Charles de Gaulle withdraw France from NATO?

He viewed the United States as the main threat to French independence.

Which of the following best describes Boris Yeltsin's role in the disintegration of the Soviet Union?

He was a radical reform communist who embraced the democratic movement and led Russia to declare independence from the Soviet Union.

Which of the following best characterizes the "new fascist man" that Mussolini promoted?

He was to be a virile, patriotic warrior

Why did Hitler have the leadership of the SA storm troopers, roughly one thousand individuals, killed in 1934?

Hitler wanted to win the support of the traditional military, but the SA leaders had expected appointment to top positions in the army.

What was the "Europe First" policy adopted by the Allied Powers during the World War II?

Hitler would be defeated before the Allies mounted an all-out assault on Japan.

In the nineteenth century, the archipelago that is today Indonesia came under the domination of


What composition caused a near riot when first performed in Paris?

Igor Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring

Which of the following correctly characterizes eighteenth-century colonial trade in Europe?

In England, the mercantalist system achieved remarkable success as British trade with its colonies grew substantially.

How was the revolution in Romania in 1989 different from the revolutions in the rest of eastern Europe?

In Romania, the revolution became violent and bloody when communist leaders ordered security forces to slaughter thousands.

How did the reaction of kings and nobles in continental Europe toward the Revolution change over the Revolution's first two years?

Initially pleased by the Revolution's weakening of France, they came to feel threatened by its message.

How did the origins of industrialists change as the industrial revolution progressed?

It became harder to form new firms, and instead industrialists were increasingly likely to have inherited their wealth.

How did the French provisional government respond to the worsening depression and rising unemployment in 1848?

It established national workshops to provide public works jobs.

How did the Union of South Africa function differently than any other territory in Africa?

It functioned as a largely "self-governing" colony.

What was the purpose of the Enabling Act in 1933?

It gave Hitler dictatorial powers for four years.

Which of the following best characterizes the stream-of-consciousness technique in literature?

It relies on internal monologues to explore the psyche.

What did Germany's Auxiliary Service Law require?

It required all men between seventeen and sixty to work at jobs considered critical to the war effort.

Which of the following best describes France's Constitutional Charter?

It secured most of the gains made by the middle class and the peasantry during the Revolution and permitted intellectual and artistic freedom.

How did industrial production in the Soviet Union in 1937 compare with that in 1928?

It was far higher.

Which of the following best characterizes the results of the Marshall Plan?

It was one of the most successful foreign aid programs in history, preventing economic collapse in western Europe.

Which of the following best characterizes the February Revolution in Russia in 1917?

It was the result of an unplanned uprising of people in the capital.

All of the following nations joined the war on the side of the Central Powers except


The major breakthrough in energy and power supplies that catalyzed the Industrial Revolution was

James Watt's steam engine, developed and marketed between the 1760s and the 1780s.

By 1890, how had Japan met the challenge of Western expansion?

Japan selectively adopted those elements of Western society that were in keeping with Japanese tradition.

What was the status of Jews in European colonies in the eighteenth century?

Jews faced numerous political and economic forms of discrimination but were considered to be white Europeans and thus could not be enslaved.

How did the West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl build support for German reunification in East Germany?

Kohl offered the East Germans an economically advantageous swap of East German currency for West German currency.

The British political party that emerged during the 1920s as the champion of the working class and the main opposition to the Conservative party was the

Labour Party.

How did the landlord leasing patterns in Ireland encourage population growth?

Land leases were for short periods of time, which inhibited people from improving their land and encouraged them to have many children as their only source of support in old age.

How did Louis XV damage the sense of his sacred authority?

Louis allowed his common-born mistresses to exercise tremendous influence, which led to scandalous depictions of the king and the court in pamphlets.

How did Mao Zedong gain the support of the peasantry in China?

Mao promised to expropriate land from the large landowners.

How did railroads affect the nature of production?

Markets became broader, encouraging manufacturers to create larger factories with more sophisticated machines.

How did the nature of marriage change by the late nineteenth century?

Married couples increasingly developed stronger emotional ties and based marriage decisions on sentiment and sexual attraction.

Which of the following does not correctly characterize an aspect of the multitiered society established by de-industrialization?

Members of the top tier of society isolated themselves from the rest of society.

How did the new fashion practices demonstrate changes in gender distinctions?

Men increasingly moved away from ostentatious fashions and toward plain dark suits, while women acquired larger and more expensive wardrobes.

How did the goals of middle-class feminists differ from those of socialist women?

Middle-class women fought for the right to vote, while socialist women argued that women's liberation could only occur as part of a working-class revolution.

What did the Petrograd Soviet Army Order No. 1 state?

Military officers were stripped of their authority and power was placed in the hands of elected committees of soldiers.

Which of the following best characterizes the British economy between 1780 and 1851?

Much of the growth of the gross national product was eaten up by population growth.

During the Hundred Days,

Napoleon returned from exile to rule France briefly.

Which of the following correctly characterizes early-nineteenth-century British cities?

Nearly all land was used for buildings.

What type of policies do the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization pursue?

Neoliberal economic policies promoting free markets and trade

How did Isaac Newton's law of gravity bring the Scientific Revolution to maturity?

Newton synthesized mathematics with physics and astronomy to demonstrate that the entire universe was unified into one coherent system.

From the 1960s through the 1990s, violence re-emerged against British authority in

Northern Ireland.

What was the consequence of Roosevelt's agreement with Stalin at the Teheran Conference that the British-American armies would launch a frontal assault on France?

Only Soviet troops would liberate eastern Europe.

How did the British have access to the opium that they smuggled into China?

Opium was grown legally in British-occupied India.

In the former Soviet bloc, who were the winners and losers in economic reconstruction?

Ordinary citizens and the elderly were losers; the young and ex-Communists were big winners.

In most European countries, how was out-migration related to population growth in the late nineteenth century?

Out-migration increased after rapid population growth, as land became scarce.

The Second World War claimed the lives of how many soldiers and civilians?

Over 50 million

Which of the following best characterizes the condition of the peasants in western Europe in the eighteenth century?

Peasants were generally free from serfdom and owned land that they could pass on to their children.

What was the principle of national self-determination that Woodrow Wilson promoted?

People should be able to choose their own national government through a democratic process and live free from outside interference.

What was the religious sensibility of Pietism?

Pietism called for a warm, emotional religion that everyone could experience.

How did the expanding right to vote affect national politics across Europe?

Politicians and parties became more responsive to the people they represented.

What new component of consumer society emerged in the 1920s?

Professional advertising agencies

Which of the following correctly describes late-nineteenth-century prostitution?

Prostitution was a stage of life for many poor young women, which they moved beyond as they established their own homes and families.

Which powers participated in the partitioning of Poland in the late eighteenth century?

Prussia, Russia, and Austria

What were the most popular sports in the late nineteenth century?

Racing and soccer

How did the building of railroads in Latin America, Asia, and Africa facilitate Western economic interests as opposed to regional economic interests?

Railroad lines connected cities to seaports to facilitate Western trade but did not link inland cities to each other.

Which of the following best characterizes the changes in wages in the late nineteenth century?

Real wages rose for the mass of the population, but the gap between the rich and the poor did not decrease.

Which one of the following best characterizes the ideas of Karl Barth?

Religious truth is made known to human beings only through God's grace, not through reason.

The agreements signed at Locarno in 1925 included all of the following except

Russia agreed to return land to Poland in exchange for political influence in the Balkans.

What were both of the two-front wars that military planners had anticipated prior to the First World War?

Russia had assumed a two-front war against Germany and Austria-Hungary and Germany had assumed a two-front war against Russia and France.

The rapid economic liberalization of Russia worked poorly for all of the following reasons except

Russia lost access to many raw materials as its empire collapsed.

Lenin's New Economic Policy was a political compromise with the

Russian peasants.

Which of the following best characterizes education for children outside the home in the early modern era?

Schools for the children of common people taught basic literacy, religion, and some arithmetic for boys and needlework for girls,

Who forced the king and the royal family to abandon Versailles and return to Paris?

Several thousand Parisian women

Why did the Western world fashion the global economic system?

So that the largest share of gains from trade, technology, and migration would flow to the West and its propertied classes

The decisive turning point in the clash between the Soviet Union and Germany came at the Battle of


How did the governments respond to the new science?

States established academies of science to support and sometimes direct scientific research.

Ottoman reformers launched a series of radical reforms in the nineteenth century known as the


How did Lenin and the Bolsheviks' view of the Marxian party in Russia differ from the Mensheviks' view of the party?

The Bolsheviks wanted a small, disciplined party, while the Mensheviks wanted a democratic party with mass membership.

How did the Concordat resolve the crisis over Catholicism in France?

The Catholic Church gained the right to practice religion freely, while the French state gained greater control over the nomination of church officers and church activities.

All of the following correctly describe decolonization of the Belgian Congo except

The Congolese political leaders promoted a Marxist agenda that included the confiscation of all lands and mineral wealth.

What was the goal of the British Corn Laws?

The Corn Laws forbade the importation of foreign grain unless prices in Britain reached very high levels, selfishly benefiting the aristocratic landowners in Britain.

Why did the Dutch fail to maintain their dominance in Asia?

The Dutch East India Company failed to diversify its trade to meet changing consumption patterns in Europe.

Which of the following does not correctly characterize the various socialist parties in Europe prior to 1914?

The French Socialist Party was the most modest due to the powerful labor unions that controlled the party.

Why was West Germany allowed to build an army after 1955?

The German army would permit Germany to defend itself from attack by the Soviet Union.

As Hungary gained its independent status in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, how did it organize its domestic politics?

The Magyar nobility dominated both the peasantry and minority populations through the parliament.

How did the Nazi Party seek to promote the idea of the Volksgemeinschaft?

The Nazis created mass organizations such as the Hitler Youth and held mass rallies to spread Nazi ideology and enlist volunteers.

Which of the following best characterizes the New Left movement?

The New Left movement called for a more humanitarian style of socialism that would avoid the worst excesses of capitalism or Soviet-style communism.

How did the Soviet Union initially organize the eastern European nations as it threw out pro-Nazi regimes?

The Soviet Union created coalition governments of leftist political parties but reserved key government posts for Moscow-trained communists.

What happened to the Ukraine and Belarus that the Soviet Union seceded to Germany in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk?

The Soviet Union reconquered those territories during its civil war.

What did the Korean War demonstrate about Cold War relations?

The United States and Soviet Union would avoid open conflict in Europe but would engage in open conflict elsewhere in the world.

Why did OPEC declare an oil embargo on the United States in 1973?

The United States had aided Israel in its war with Egypt and Syria in 1973.

How did the United States respond to the decolonization movement?

The United States had long opposed empire and encouraged European nations to let go of their former colonies.

What aspect of American foreign policy under President George W. Bush most troubled leaders of the European Union?

The United States was increasingly willing to ignore international opinion and pursue its own interests unilaterally.

In the Lateran Agreement, how did Mussolini resolve the status of the Catholic Church in Italy?

The Vatican was recognized as an independent state that received heavy support from the Italian state.

How did the French armies offer a mixed message to the people whom they conquered?

The armies presented themselves as liberators to the peasants and middle class, but also lived off of the land, requisitioning food and supplies and plundering local treasure.

By July 1794, how had the central government in Paris managed to reassert control over the provinces and gain momentum against the First Coalition?

The central government harnessed the explosive forces of a planned economy, revolutionary terror, and modern nationalism into a total war effort.

Why were extensive social welfare programs slow to form in Great Britain?

The conservative, aristocratic House of Lords resisted the formation of such programs until the king threatened to appoint new nobles who would support the programs.

How did the problem of food shortages change in western Europe in the eighteenth century?

The considerable road and canal building of the eighteenth century permitted food to be more easily transported to regions with local crop failure and famine.

Which of the following best describes the treatment of children in the seventeenth and early eighteenth century?

The disciplining of children was often severe in order to conquer the child's will.

Which of the following correctly characterizes the transformation of the English and Scottish countryside in the enclosure era?

The elimination of common rights and access to land turned small peasant farmers into landless wage earners.

What two fundamental principles of the Revolution were codified into the Napoleonic Code?

The equality of all male citizens before the law and the absolute security of wealth and private property

What is the central theme of the British film Bend It Like Beckham?

The experience of cross-cultural contact in a globalized society

How did the fascist vision of society differ from the communist vision of society?

The fascist vision emphasized a community rooted in the bonds of nationalism, while the communist vision emphasized a society rooted in its classlessness.

Which of the following best characterizes the economic gains of the new imperialism?

The gains were limited because the new colonies were too poor to buy European goods and offered few immediately profitable investments.

Which of the following best characterizes the East German government's response to the nationwide demonstrations against poor wages and working conditions in 1953?

The government permitted Soviet troops to put down the revolt, jailed demonstrators, but then instituted reforms to respond to the demonstrators' strongest demands.

What was the political effect of the attack on the Bastille?

The king's plans to reassert his authority was forestalled, permitting the National Assembly to continue its work.

Which of the following best describes the open-field system of the Middle Ages?

The land was divided into long, narrow strips that were not enclosed by fences or hedges.

What core concept of the Enlightenment was the most important and original?

The methods of natural science should be used to examine all aspects of life.

How did the expansion of the industrial revolution affect the middle class's work life?

The middle class established a range of new professions, which required specialized knowledge and advanced education.

Why did the conflict between the monarchy and the Parlement re-emerge after the Seven Years' War?

The monarchy sought to retain emergency taxes after the war ended.

Where did Nazi administrators initially gain experience in mass murder?

The murder of Germans with physical and mental disabilities prior to the war

How did the process of Italian unification survive the French betrayal of Sardinia in its effort to unify Italy?

The nationalist leaders in central Italy overthrew their local princes and merged with Sardinia.

How did the scientific revolution affect the economy in the seventeenth century?

The new science had few practical economic applications.

In Persian Letters, what did the Baron de Montesquieu use to symbolize Eastern political tyranny?

The oppression of women in a Persian harem

In the eighteenth century, what was the focal point of community cohesion?

The parish church

How did Helmut Kohl's neoliberal policies in Germany in the 1980s affect the Germany economy?

The policies increased unemployment in heavy industry but led to solid economic growth.

From 1701 to 1763, what was at stake in the warfare between Great Britain and France?

The position as Europe's leading maritime power with the ability to claim profits from Europe's overseas expansion

Which of the following best explains David Ricardo's Iron Law of Wages?

The pressure of population growth would always sink wages to subsistence level.

How did the Ottoman Empire's efforts at reform in the latter half of the nineteenth century undermine the empire's stability?

The reforms created equality before the law for all citizens, which increased religious disputes and split Muslims into secularist and traditionalist camps.

How did the urban working class change in the latter half of the nineteenth century?

The sharp distinction between highly skilled artisans and unskilled manual workers broke down as semiskilled groups of workers became more prevalent.

What did Max Planck's study of light and subatomic particles call into question?

The sharp distinction between matter and energy

Why did European slave traders in Africa adopt the "shore method" of trading in the eighteenth century?

The shore method permitted Europeans to move easily along the coast, obtaining slaves at various slave markets and then departing quickly for the Americas.

How did cotton transform the textile industry?

The spinning jenny allowed cotton to be spun more efficiently, helping to solve the problem of the shortage of thread.

Which of the following does not correctly identify the ideas of Sigmund Freud?

The superego is the self-promoting desire for control and power.

How did the diet of townspeople compare to that of the peasantry?

The townspeople ate more varied diets, since markets provided choices of meats, vegetables, and fruits.

How did the war on the eastern front differ from the war on the western front?

The war on the eastern front remained more mobile, with Germany in a more dominant position.

What did the era of Stagflation in the 1970s demonstrate about the social welfare states in Western Europe?

The welfare state was capable of preventing mass suffering and sustaining political stability and democracy.

During the Prussian revolution in 1848, why did the alliance between middle-class liberals and workers dissolve?

The workers demanded a series of democratic and vaguely socialist reforms

In the wake of the Great Fear, how did the National Assembly restore order?

They abolished all of the old noble and church privileges.

What is the consequence of globalization for national economies?

They are much more vulnerable to worldwide economic panics.

Throughout the First World War, what mistake did military commanders repeatedly make?

They attempted to mount massive offensives designed to break through entrenched lines.

As the Jacobins gained power, what was their reaction to women's political activity?

They banned all women's political clubs and societies.

Why did members of the Convention turn against Robespierre on 9 Thermidor?

They believed that Robespierre might soon have them arrested and executed.

Why did the German military command recommence submarine warfare in the Atlantic despite knowing that it would lead the United States to enter the war against them?

They believed that improved submarines could starve Britain into submission before the United States could come to Britain's rescue

What did the early French socialist thinkers find disturbing about the emerging industrial society?

They believed that industrial society fomented selfish individualism and split the community into isolated fragments.

How did the moderate Social Democrats in Germany put down the radical communist Spartacist Uprising?

They called on bands of demobilized soldiers called Free Corps to crush the uprising.

Why did Nazis treat the northern European states that they conquered preferentially?

They considered the Scandinavian people to be racially related to the Germans.

How did the evangelicals within the Church of England respond to the rise of Methodism?

They copied Methodism's practices in order to appeal to more of the common people.

How did the Nazis seek to give legitimacy to their racial policies?

They established research institutes and academies that measured and defined racial differences in order to present prejudice in the guise of enlightened science.

Why did nationalists oppose the proposed European Union Constitution?

They feared losing political sovereignty and cultural identity.

How did the philosophes evade the work of censors?

They filled their writings with satire and double meanings.

What were the duties of the Einsatzgruppen (Special Action Units)?

They followed the German army into central Europe, systematically murdering undesirables as they moved from town to town.

What was the primary political weakness of the White forces as they fought against the Bolsheviks?

They had a poorly defined political program that failed to unite the enemies of the Bolsheviks.

Which of the following best characterizes the Carlsbad Decrees?

They required members of the German Confederation to root out subversive ideas and to spy on liberal and radical organizations.

Why did social scientists develop statistical methods to test their theories?

They sought to analyze the massive sets of numerical data that governments had collected.

Why did romantics and early nationalists investigate folk songs, folk tales, and proverbs?

They sought to find the unique greatness of every people in its folk culture.

How did older members of the population seek to control the sexuality of working-class youths?

They supported the establishment of sex-segregated employment.

What place did prostitutes generally hold among the common people in towns?

They were accepted members of the community of the laboring poor.

Why did the French commissioners in Saint-Domingue abolish slavery?

They were desperate to rally the rebel slaves to the French cause against the Spanish and English forces on the island.

Why did Protestant countries take the lead in expanding education to all children?

They were inspired by the Protestant idea that every believer should be able to read the Bible.

What problem was faced by most of the underground resistance groups who opposed the Nazis?

They were not well unified, for they had differing political goals.

How did the delegates to the Legislative Assembly that convened in October 1791 differ from the delegates to the Estates General/National Assembly?

They were younger and less cautious; many of them joined political clubs.

Which of the following best characterizes the political goal of the creation of free, compulsory elementary education in France?

To act as a nation-building tool in which all children would be taught secular, republican values

What was the goal of the United States in its overthrow of the government of Saddam Hussein in Iraq?

To create a democratic Iraq that would transform the Middle East in ways favorable to the United States

For what goal did the Soviet government under Stalin aggressively intervene in all aspects of life?

To create a society without classes for social leveling

What was the primary goal of Galileo's experimental method?

To discover what did occur in nature rather than to speculate on what should occur

What was the goal of the Prussian Parliament in the 1850s and 1860s?

To establish that the Parliament held final political authority and that the army was responsible to the Parliament

What was the Nazi Party policy of "coordination"?

To force Germany society to conform to National Socialist ideology

What was Germany's goal in the Battle of Britain?

To gain air supremacy in anticipation of an invasion of Great Britain

What was the primary goal of the opponents of the Nazis in the Protestant and Catholic churches?

To preserve religious life in Germany

What was the purpose of the raucous public rituals in which young men in a village would publicly humiliate a couple that had experienced adultery or abuse?

To regulate personal behavior and maintain community standards

What did the leaders of the Prague Spring hope to accomplish in Czechoslovakia?

To replace rigid bureaucratic planning with local decision making by trade unions, managers, and consumers

What was Mikhail Gorbachev's goal in bringing reforms to Russia?

To revitalize the Soviet system in order to save it

What was the goal of the Committee of Public Safety?

To use dictatorial powers to respond to threats to France from without and within

In addition to the emergence of married career women, why else have European birthrates declined substantially?

Uninspiring economic conditions with high unemployment for young people

How did labor unions in Germany change in the early 1900s?

Unions increasingly focused on basic issues of wages, hours, and working conditions rather than dissemination of socialist doctrine.

How did Bismarck structure the North German Confederation in order to secure the authority of the Prussian Emperor?

Universal male suffrage permitted the emperor to go directly to the people if the middle-class liberals resisted his bills in the legislature.

How did Sardinia and its monarch, Victor Emmanuel, gain the reputation of a liberal, progressive state?

Victor Emmanuel retained the liberal constitution forced upon his father in 1848, which included substantial civil liberties.

How did the Western powers react to the declarations of independence by Syria and Iraq shortly following the First World War?

Western powers invaded the two regions and defeated the independence movements.

How were same-sex relations among women regarded in comparison to same-sex relations among men?

While considered unnatural, same-sex relations among women attracted less anxiety and condemnation than those among men.

In the 1890s, how did Sergie Witte seek to transform Russia?

Witte implemented industrial policies to catch up with the West.

Why did eighteenth-century Britain have a shortage of wood?

Wood was the primary source of heat in all homes in industries.

How was the life of nonagricultural workers transformed between 1760 and 1830?

Workers worked many more days per year.

The long-established customs union among the German states was known as the


The new discourse about children that emerged in the 1760s included all of the following except

a closing of foundling hospitals.

The romantic movement was characterized by all of the following except

a commitment to romantic love as the highest virtue.

Catherine the Great of Russia came to power in 1762 through

a conspiracy led by her lover.

The Zollverein was

a customs union between separate German states.

The primary cause for the substantial population growth in Europe in the eighteenth century was

a decline in mortality.

Throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, armies affected population growth in all of the following ways except

a large number of individuals were killed on the battlefield.

The war affected women in all of the following ways except

a new image emerged that highly restricted women's sexuality and public appearance in the new work environment and public places.

The consumer revolution of the eighteenth century led to

a new type of society in which people derived their self-identity as much from their consuming practices as from their work lives.

The Boxer Rebellion was

a rebellion of traditionalist Chinese patriots who wished to expel all Westerners from China.

Giuseppe Garibaldi is best described as

a romantic nationalist.

The typical European immigrant was

a small farmer or skilled craftsperson.

The first and most important of the Great Reforms in Russia was the

abolition of serfdom.

The European promotion of human rights has led the European Union to do all of the following except

adopt increasingly socialist economic policies.

The neoliberal policies of the 1980s promoted all of the following except

adoption of the gold standard for currency.

Advocates of women's rights in the United States and Europe pushed for all of the following workplace reforms except

affirmative action.

In the Historical and Critical Dictionary, Pierre Bayle demonstrated that

all knowledge can be questioned and doubted.

The key demand of the Chartist movement was that

all men be given the right to vote.

William Cockerill was

an English carpenter who built cotton-spinning equipment in Belgium.

Edwin Chadwick gained fame as

an advocate of improved public sanitation.

In the eighteenth century, sugar and tea become commonly consumed products by all social classes for all of the following reasons except

an effort to support colonial expansion by the consumption of colonial products.

The idea of the public sphere that emerged during the Enlightenment refers to

an idealized space where individuals gathered to discuss social and political issues.

According to the text, the American stock market crash of October 1929 was primarily the result of

an imbalance between real investment and speculation.

The War of the Austrian Succession could best be described as

an inconclusive standoff that set the stage for further warfare.

Georges Sorel saw Marxian socialism as

an inspiring but unprovable religion.

James Joyce's Ulysses weaves ironic parallels between the adventures of Homer's hero Ulysses and

an ordinary man's aimless wanderings through the streets and pubs of Dublin.

The doctrine of laissez faire holds that there should be

as little government intervention in the economy as possible.

Friedrich List believed that industrial development should be pursued

as part of a project of economic nationalism led by the state.

According to the text, the Directory continued French wars of conquest begun by early revolutionary governments

because big, victorious armies kept men employed.

The National Assembly that ruled France from 1789 to 1791 passed laws that

broadened women's rights to seek divorce and inherit property.

After the conclusion of World War I, Austria-Hungary

broke apart into several nation-states.

The functionalist architecture of Le Corbusier promoted the idea that

buildings should be built without ornamentation and instead be practical structures with clean, straight lines.

Karl Marx argued that socialism would be established

by violent revolution.

In Stalin's Soviet Union, women

could enter the ranks of specialists in industry and science.

Popular music in the 1960s championed

countercultural lifestyles.

The reformer Robert Owens sought to

create a single large national union for British workers.

The ultimate goal of the plan for an international organization to coordinate coal and steel production in Europe was to

create a single, competitive market in Europe.

In Great Britain, Margaret Thatcher's efforts to encourage low- and moderate-income renters to buy their apartments

created a new class of property owners.

Between 1981 and 1989, Ronald Reagan and the U.S. Congress

cut taxes and ballooned the government deficit.

In the early 1930s, German chancellor Brüning tried to cope with the Great Depression by

cutting government spending and squeezing wages and prices.

The event that directly prompted the Great Reforms in Russia, including the emancipation of the serfs, was the

defeat in the Crimean War of 1853-1856.

In his novels Tess of the D'Urbervilles and The Return of the Native, Thomas Hardy

depicted men and women frustrated and crushed by fate and bad luck.

Edward Jenner received financial prizes from the British government for

discovering that cowpox could be used to vaccinate against smallpox.

Jews made up one of the immigrant groups least likely to return to their native land, primarily because of

discrimination in eastern Europe.

As an inspiration for nationalism, Johann Gottfried von Herder argued that

each people had its own national genius and cultural unity.

Changes in the structure of European society after World War II were primarily the result of

economic and technological transformation.

The principle by which the European powers established their claim to an African territory after the Berlin Conference was known as

effective occupation.

The scientific revolution drew on all of the following for its origins except

efforts to prevent a recurrence of the Black Death.

One of the most important scientific and technological developments in the nineteenth century saw a form of commercial energy useful in communications and manufacturing developed from


Support for economic and political integration in Europe was most strongly supported by the


Francis Bacon formalized the research methods of Tycho Brahe and Galileo into a theory of reasoning known as


The key development that allowed continental banks to shed their earlier conservative nature was the

establishment of limited liability investment.

The Mexican War of 1848

exacerbated tensions between the North and South, as debate erupted over the extension of slavery into territory acquired from Mexico.

Central to improvements in sanitation was the discovery that

excrement from outhouses could be carried off by water through sewers at low cost.

The new elite class in the Stalinist state included all of the following except

financiers with access to needed capital.

The advancement in military weaponry and the space race

fostered a revolution in computer technology.

As a result of the gendered system created by the idea of separate spheres, married women who sought to work outside the home

found that they could not gain well-paying jobs and their wages were less than men's for the same work.

The enlightened policies of Frederick II of Prussia included all of the following except

freeing the Prussian serfs.

The discipline of natural philosophy focused on

fundamental questions about the nature, purpose, and function of the universe.

The English Navigation Acts mandated that all English imports and exports be transported on English ships, and they also

gave British merchants a virtual monopoly on trade with British colonies.

During the First World War, the African colonial subjects of Britain and France

generally supported their foreign masters.

All of the following correctly characterize a young woman's period as a servant except

girls were required to attend weekly religious lessons at the local church.

Following his election to the U.S. presidency in 1968, Richard Nixon

gradually disengaged America from Vietnam.

In the seventeenth and eighteenth century, foundling homes

had horribly high death rates.

All of the following correctly describe Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy except

he argued that humans must overcome their animal instincts, which prevent them from refining their intellectual abilities and moral sensibilities.

All of the following correctly characterize Charles Darwin and his work except

he asserted that genetics provided the mechanism by which favorable characteristics are passed on to future generations.

All of the following correctly characterize the ideas of Sigmund Freud except

he believed that most psychological energy is caused by guilt imposed on children by their parents.

Ismail transformed Egypt in all of the following ways except

he refused to borrow money from Western banks.

John Wesley's Methodism was particularly appealing because

he refuted the doctrine of predestination, insisting that anyone who earnestly sought salvation could gain it.

All of the following correctly characterize a young man's period of apprenticeship except

he would automatically become a master after seven years of training.

According to the text, Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War

helped the Bolsheviks, who could appeal to patriotic nationalism against the Allies.

Some scholars have argued that the neglectful attitudes toward children in preindustrial Europe were conditioned mostly by

high infant mortality rates.

Bismarck's Kulturkampf refers to

his attack on the Catholic Church in the German Empire.

Bismarck's social reforms were motivated primarily by

his fear and distrust of socialism.

Louis Napoleon's great success with the economy included all of the following except

his government prevented the formation of labor unions or laws permitting labor strikes.

In his Essay Concerning Human Understanding, John Locke claimed that

human development is determined by education and social institutions.

After the Franco-Prussian War, Prussia

imposed a harsh peace on France.

Scholarly statistical studies of the condition of members of the British working class indicate that

improvement did not come until after 1820.

Japan opened its shores to Western trade

in response to U.S. military pressure.

The growth of the middle class in the postwar era has been attributed primarily to

increased demand for experts and managers.

The Swedish response to the Depression involved

increasing state spending on public works projects and increasing social welfare benefits.

The Crystal Palace exhibition of 1851 commemorated the

industrial dominance of Britain.

The Russian zemstvo was the

institution for local government established by the Great Reforms.

Joseph II of Austria responded to calls to grant civil liberties to Jews by

issuing edicts intended to integrate Jews more fully into society, including eligibility for military service.

In Great Britain, the Great Reform Bill of 1832 accomplished all of the following except

it granted the vote to substantial farmers but not the middle-class urban population.

The weakness of Big Science was

its high cost.

The strength of popular religion in Catholic countries reflected

its importance in community life.

The Factory Act of 1833

limited the work of children and thereby broke the pattern of families working together in factories.

In the 1970s, the new ecologists sought to lessen the effects of industrial development on the natural environment and

link environmental issues to issues of poverty, inequality, and violence.

Most immigrants to Europe today

live is separate city districts marked by poor housing and crowded conditions.

Bismarck's alliance system was designed to isolate France and

maintain peace between Russia and Austria-Hungary.

The theories of Albert Einstein asserted that

matter and energy are interchangeable, linking the apparently infinite universe with the subatomic world.

The all-important goal of the architects of the Meiji Restoration was to

meet the threat posed by outside powers.

Grigori Rasputin was assassinated by

members of the high aristocracy.

According to Olympe de Gouges,

men and women should be equal in the eyes of the law.

Many Europeans and Americans embraced the Greek Revolution for all of the following reasons except

merchants sought access to Greek markets for trade.

The parliamentary governments of Germany in the mid to late 1920s were dominated by

moderate businessmen.

In the early twentieth century, the traditional arts and amusements of people in villages and small towns was overshadowed by

modern mass media such as cinema and radio.

All of the following correctly characterizes middle-class morality except

morality was based on natural law rather than on Christianity.

The pattern of late marriage in early modern Europe resulted primarily from the

necessary precondition of economic independence.

In the Tennis Court Oath, delegates to the National Assembly swore

not to disband until they had written a new constitution.

When Germany refused to make its second reparations payment, France and Belgium

occupied the Ruhr district.

Poland differed from the other Eastern Bloc states because

of its independent agriculture and vigorous church.

Unlike other political parties, the Marxian socialists

organized themselves into an international organization.

According to the text, the French military victories after the winter of 1793-1794 were largely due to

patriotism and the superior numbers supplied by the draft.

In 1848 in France, the Second Republic instituted all of the following reforms except

permitting both men and women to file for divorce.

A striking feature of the salons was that

philosophes, nobles, and members of the upper middle class intermingled.

Logical positivism argued that

philosophy is only the logical clarification of thoughts.

The most important factor influencing the peaceful mid-century reforms in Great Britain was

political competition between the aristocracy and the middle class.

The idea of the industrious revolution is best understood as a result of

poor families choosing to reduce leisure time and the production of goods for household consumption in order to earn wages to be used to buy consumer goods.

The primary purpose of Fontenelle's Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds (1686) was to

popularize the findings of the scientific revolution.

British economist Thomas Malthus argued that

population always grew faster than the food supply.

The Impressionist artists sought to

portray their sensory perceptions by capturing fleeting moments of color and light.

Copernicus's theory of the universe

postulated a sun-centered view of the universe.

In its invasions of Georgia and Chechnya, Russia sought to maintain political influence in former Soviet lands and

preserve control over the region's energy resources.

Johannes Kepler believed that the elliptical orbit of planets

produced a musical harmony of heavenly bodies.

According to Joseph Proudhon, property was

profit stolen from workers.

Following the First World War, one of the most difficult domestic problems faced by governments was

providing care for the large number of injured veterans.

Georges Haussmann is remembered for

rebuilding Paris.

Some scholars conclude that due to European population declines, Europeans need to

recognize that Islam is now a valid European religion and vital part of European life.

The National Assembly instituted all of the following reforms except

recognizing women as holding full civil rights.

To improve the rural economy and the lives of peasants, Empress Maria Theresa

reduced nobles' power over their serfs.

The greatest impediment to nation building in the United States was

regional differences exacerbated by slavery.

According to recent scholarship, during the eighteenth century the guild system

remained flexible as masters adopted new technologies and circumvented impractical rules.

The spinning of thread for the loom

required the work of several spinners for each loom, which led merchants to employ the wives and daughters of agricultural workers.

The Bretton Woods agreement of 1944 accomplished all of the following except

requiring all western nations to abandon the gold standard.

The Helsinki agreement of 1975 called for

respect for human rights and the recognition of existing political boundaries.

After World War II, the Soviet Union

returned to the rigid dictatorship of the 1930s.

The Dreyfus affair

revived republican distrust of Catholicism.

According to the text, in the summer of 1789 the National Assembly was driven toward more radical action by

revolutionary actions of French peasants and the common people of Paris.

According to the text, one danger that threatened young girls who were living away from home in domestic service was

risk of sexual attack by males in the households they served.

Soft pastels, ornate interiors, and sentimental portraits are all characteristics of the style known as


It is estimated that between 1993 and 2003, illegal immigration into the European Union

rose from 50,000 to about 500,000 persons per year.

The German government's printing of money to pay unemployment benefits to workers striking in the Ruhr against the Franco-Belgian occupation of 1923 led to

runaway inflation.

The Berlin Conference of 1884-1885

set up the terms for the division of most of Africa among European colonial powers.

The concept of the reading revolution refers to the

shift from reading aloud texts perceived as authoritative to reading many different texts rapidly, silently, and individually.

Socialist parties become more moderate by the late 1800s for all of the following reasons except

socialist leaders saw revolution as a threat to their now respectable positions in society.

The Englishman Jethro Tull

sought to critically analyze farming methods and develop better methods about farming through empirical research.

In Germany, Fritz Harkort

sought to match English achievements in machine production as quickly as possible, even at great, unprofitable expense.

All of the following are examples of how totalitarianism owed much to the practices and attitudes adopted by governments during the total war of World War I except

states sought to ethnically cleanse their populations.

With the United States' failure to ratify the Versailles treaty, many French leaders placed their hopes for future security on

strict implementation of the treaty.

The wave of social unrest that almost toppled de Gaulle's Fifth Republic was begun by


As the nineteenth century progressed, the upper middle class

tended to merge with the old aristocracy.

The breakthrough implication of Louis Pasteur's work was

that diseases were caused by specific living organisms that could be controlled.

In the eighteenth century, the biggest increase in British foreign trade was with

the British colonial empire.

The Great Depression did not hit Britain as hard as the United States or Germany, in part because

the British economy gradually reoriented away from international markets and toward production of consumer goods for the domestic market.

In The Condition of the Working Class in England, Friedrich Engels stated that

the British middle classes were guilty of "mass murder" and "wholesale robbery."

Native opponents to European colonial rule drew on all of the following except

the Christian call for love and charity.

Khrushchev's de-Stalinization campaign included all of the following except

the Communist Party permitted elections at the local level from among competing communist candidates for office.

Germany's initial offensive was stopped on the outskirts of Paris at the Battle of

the Marne.

Stalin argued that

the Soviet Union could build socialism on its own.

By the time of the Yalta Conference, the position of the Soviet Union was much stronger in negotiations with the United States and Great Britain for all of the following reasons except

the Soviet Union had developed the technology to detonate a nuclear warhead.

In The Decline of the West, Oswald Spengler argued that

the West would soon be conquered by East Asia.

Some Europeans warned that Europe's rapidly growing Muslim population were not only a security danger, but also threatened

the West's Enlightenment tradition of freedoms, representative government, and toleration for difference.

During the revolutions of 1848 in central Europe, an alliance of reforms included all of the following except

the clergy.

With the development of Spanish colonial society, by the eighteenth century

the colonial elite came to believe that their circumstances gave them different interests and characteristics from those in Spain.

The difficulties faced by the continental economies in their efforts to compete with the British included all of the following except

the complexity of the new technology.

At the end of the twentieth century, international trade was deeply affected by the development of the Internet and

the deregulation of financial systems.

The 1970s marked the arrival of a broad-based feminist movement for all of the following reasons except

the development of tools of mass communication.

Comte believed that application of the positivist method would result in

the discovery of the eternal laws of human relations.

The 1991 Persian Gulf War clearly demonstrated

the effort of the United States and Western Europe to promote an international consensus under U.S. guidance.

The goals of the Treaty of Rome in 1957 included all of the following except

the elimination of borders.

The text argues that the decline of western European birthrates is due to

the entrance of married women into careers and the related drive for gender equality.

Improved economic conditions in the nineteenth century led to

the expectation that married women would not work outside the home.

Theodore Herzl was

the founder of the Zionist Jewish national movement.

According to the text, the underlying reason for the illegitimacy explosion of 1750-1850 was

the growth of cottage industry and peasant migration to the cities.

The decline in illegitimacy rates after 1850 was probably the result of

the higher incidence of marriage for expectant mothers.

Count Henri de Saint-Simon believed that

the key to progress was proper social organization.

My Secret Life explored

the life of a sexual adventurer from the servant-keeping class.

The leadership of the Dutch people in farming methodology can be attributed primarily to

the necessity to provide for a densely populated country.

Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points called for all of the following except

the punishment of war criminals.

Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring sought to expose

the rampant overuse of pesticides.

The event that finally galvanized NATO action against the Bosnian Serbs was

the slaughter of thousands of citizens in Srebrenica.

Eugène Delacroix's work celebrated all of the following except

the transforming power of industrialization.

Abbé Sieyès's answer to the question, What is the third estate? was that it was

the true strength of the French nation.

The most influential aspect of René Descartes's theories of nature was that

the universe functioned in a mechanistic fashion.

Following the war, the principle of national self-determination was flawed in its application in all the following ways except

the victorious powers sought to create puppet states throughout central Europe.

In her great novel Middlemarch, George Eliot examined

the ways in which people are shaped by their social environment as well as their inner striving and moral choices.

Rudyard Kipling's "white man's burden" referred to

the white race's supposed duty to civilize inferior, nonwhite races.

The rural putting-out system had all of the following competitive advantages except

the workers had to purchase the raw material themselves, saving the merchant capital expenses.

According to the text, one of Karl Marx's most important criticisms of the French utopian socialists was that

their appeals to the wealthy to help the poor were naive.

Merchant capitalists complained bitterly about

their inability to directly supervise and direct the work of rural laborers.

The British won the American component of the Seven Years' War because

they diverted men and money from Europe to the American theater.

Middle-class families spent considerable portions of their income on food because

they gave frequent, large dinner parties as their favored social activity.

Workers resisted moving from cottage work into factories for all of the following reasons except

they received substantially lower wages than cottage work.

During the 1950s, the Christian Democrats across Europe endorsed all of the following positions except

they supported socialist economic policies.

Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary were the most successful Eastern European nations at economic modernization because

they were flexible in the adoption of economic policies and had an enthusiastic entrepreneurial class.

All of the following were true of the French clergy on the eve of the French Revolution except

they were under the complete control of the papacy.

According to the text, one of the social functions of the labor aristocracy's strict moral code was

to maintain their unstable social and economic position.

The essence of Willy Brandt's policies toward the Eastern Bloc was

to seek peace and reconciliation.

According to the text, German Social Democrats recovered their losses of the 1907 election and became the largest party in the Reichstag in 1912, in part because they

took on a more patriotic tone and broadened their base.

Christianity in colonial societies in the Americas

took on distinctive characteristics through a complex process of cultural exchange that made Christianity more comprehensible to indigenous peoples.

In addition to supervising labor and birth, midwives generally

treated female medical difficulties.

All of the following correctly characterize nursing and wet-nursing practices except

upper-middle-class women nursed their own children to prove their motherly devotion.

Mussolini was expelled from the Italian Socialist party for

urging Italian entry into World War I.

Britain and France finally confronted Hitler with the threat of war when he

used the pretext of German minorities in Danzig to threaten Poland.

The tendency to hire family units in the early factories was

usually a response to the wishes of the families.

The diet of the poorer classes consisted largely of bread and


In the late nineteenth century, masturbation was

viewed with horror.

Vincent Ogé

was a free man of color in Saint-Domingue who led a failed revolt.

Within the family, the operation of the loom

was considered a man's job, reserved for the male head of household.

Vladimir Putin

was elected president of Russia in 2000.

Following the failure of his program of nationalization and public investment in the early 1980s, French president François Mitterrand

was forced to introduce austerity measures.

Joseph II's conversion of labor obligations to cash payments

was opposed by both nobles and peasants.

Among the laboring classes, guild masters

were a small minority of the population who jealously guarded their membership.

Generally, the offensives on the western front

were depressingly similar slaughters of massed infantry units.

The allied powers at the Congress of Vienna

were lenient in their treatment of the defeated France.

Jews in Palestine proclaimed the state of Israel

when the British withdrew from Palestine in 1948.

In the "separate spheres" pattern of gender relationships,

women generally stopped working outside of the home after the first child was born.

All of the following marked changes in child-rearing practices except

women increasingly hired wet-nurses to free them to care for other children.

Rousseau believed that

women were best suited to a passive role in social relations.

All of the following correctly characterize the role of women in the new science except

women were forbidden from publishing learned treatises.

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