Hist 382 - Exam 1

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Americans begin negotiations to peacefully acquire California.


California became part of Mexico.


California became part of the united States.

Walker, American Mercenary, led a non authorized invasion and conquered baja california

During a negotiation for the United States to purchase Baja, California in 1853, what happened?

Land grants

How did the Spanish and Mexican government name a reward to service in California?


In the 1840's, most of those who settlers were _______ whose country were consumed to annex California.

The Mexican Era

In the ____ era many white foreigners began moving to california and were highly accepted if they converted to catholicism


John Sutter begins construction on his fort.


Juan Cabrillo landed in San Diego


Junipero Serra began construction on Mission San Diego.


Many of those who were settlers were also _______who were persecuted back east because of their beliefs in marriage practices.


Mexican American War begins

Australians (the ducks)

Most particularly the raiding of the gang violence was particularly of the _____?

Mojave Desert

Much of the South Eastern portion of the state is covered by the vast of what?


The California Missions were legally secularized.


The Gold discovered in the American River.

The Modoc Plateau

The far North Eastern Corner of the state has the geographic feature that is volcanic is named what?


The first Europeans to colonized California?

The Klamath Mountains

The not quit as daunting are the ________ which are along what is now the organ order


The privateer, Hippolyte Bouchard sacks Monterey.

Sierra Nevada Mountains

The tall _______ run across the Easternmost edge of the state.


The vigilante came together again in 1856, this time to suppress the growing power of?


These people came to California by boat during the gold rush?

Bear Flag Revolters

These people declared California to be Independent Republic.

The Chivs

These people worked to see California divided into two states.

Donner party

These people, more than half of them survived a winter in the sierra nevada.

American Protestants

They got together to suppress the growing power of the Irish, and the Irish often distrusted by who in this era?

Yerba Buena

This Pueblo near Mission Dolores had the largest Spanish and was known for its muddy hills and cold wet climate

California Constitutional Convention

This group met in Monterey to apply for stated hood to end slavery.

Sam Brannan

This person bought all the mining supplies in Northern California before announcing the discovery of gold in San Francisco

John Sutter

This person calling his way into getting a Land Grant near Sacramento where he built a fort and called ( )?

James Marshall

This person found gold in the American River but failed to profit off the gold rush

David S. Terry

This person was a leading slave democrat who advocated for the Southern California to be made into a slave state

John C. Fremont

This person was given orders by the President to find ways to cevert the Mexican Government in California

Los Angeles

This place was founded in 1781, near Mission San Gabriel and close to one of Southern California few major rivers

San Diego

This place was the first Spanish Mission and first settlement in California


This place was the slight of the last Spanish Mission and Northern Spanish Mission

California State Militia

This time the vigilanties used supplies and ammunitions from this.

Pacific Ocean

To the West of California is what?


True or False: Many early European Explorers believed California to be an Island


True or False: The majority of the minors during the gold rush were indifferent towards slavery.


What kind of disaster was most devastated to Sacramento in 1850s and 1860s?


What was the Capital of Spanish California

Cow hides, Leather

What was the chief escort of the Mexican Government?

San Francisco Committee of vigilance

What was the name of the vigilante group that was first to organized 1851, raid a gang violence?

Hydraulic mining

Which method are removing gold from the ground is the most damned to California?

Teaching natives to be apart of the spanish army

Which of these were NOT a function of California vision?


Which tribe resistant Spanish colonization in or around San Diego?


Which tribe survive on shellfish in or around Bay Area?


Who built a presidio at Yerba Buena to defend against?

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