History 12

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According to the above chart, what caused the so-called 'dot-coms' to crash (fail)?

Because by 2000 there were no 'tangible' profits (profits that you can literally see/hold) from many dot-com companies because they were losing money/going bankrupt.

Why did small business owners generally oppose Clinton's universal health care plan?

Because it would be too expensive for them, they felt.

What is the central/main idea of Bush's address from above?

Bush argues in this statement that the United States will do whatever is necessary, wherever it is necessary, to combat and eliminate terrorism and those individuals and countries who sponsor it.

"While Congress could achieve a balanced budget by statute, past efforts...have failed. It is simply too easy for Congress to change its mind...The constitutional amendment is unyielding in its imposition of discipline on Congress to make the tough decisions necessary to balance the federal budget. Over the past half-century, Congress has demonstrated a total lack of fiscal discipline evidenced by an irrational and irresponsible pattern of spending. This reckless approach has seriously jeopardized the Federal government and threatens the very future of this Nation." -Senator Strom Thurmond What would a balanced budget amendment force Congress to become, according to the above quote from Strom Thurmond?

Congress would be forced to become more fiscally responsible (more frugal/responsible with spending)

"President Lincoln Declares Martial Law;" "President Roosevelt Issues Executive Order to Detain Japanese Americans;" "President Bush Orders Terrorist Suspects Held at Guantanamo" What do the above historical newspaper headlines imply about presidential powers?

Each headline above is linked with an event that caused a national emergency or crisis in our history. In each case above, the President has responded to the crisis by using his constitutional authority as President to protect the general welfare of U.S. citizens and the republic. This exertion of Presidential authority has historically been supported by the Supreme Court.

----Transcript of President Clinton's speech on Bosnia. November 27, 1995 As used in the second paragraph, what does the word 'mission' most nearly mean?

Having a job to accomplish

Why is the man in the above cartoon reading a newspaper, do you think?

He is most likely unemployed or looking for a better job because of the outsourcing of U.S. jobs overseas.

What conditions existed in Eastern Europe (think the former Yugoslavia) and in the Middle East that created challenges for President Clinton following the end of the Cold War Era?

In Southern and Eastern Europe, there was tremendous tension among ethnic groups that composed the former Yugoslavia. This tension led to 'ethnic cleansing' of the Muslim ethnics by predominately Christian Serbs. In the Middle East, radical religious groups (radical Islamic extremists) caused continued unrest and instability in that part of the world.

"We have suffered great loss. And in our grief and anger we have found our mission and our moment...Our Nation—this generation—will lift the dark threat of violence from our people and our future." —President George W. Bush, September 2001 What event prompted the above response from President Bush?

The attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on 9/11/2001.

. Identify one piece of evidence that President Bush uses to support his claim and then discuss HOW this evidence supports it.

Several references are made by Bush in reference to terrorism, but the statement: "What we have found in Afghanistan confirms that, far from ending there, our war against terror is only beginning..." best supports the central idea of his speech. What he implies here is that the United States will do what is necessary in other countries---with or without their help---to combat terrorism as it has in Afghanistan to this point in the war on terror. He later references places that compose an 'axis of evil', and that these types of regimes can expect a similar experience as the Taliban in Afghanistan if they continue to support, protect, and promote terrorist activity around the world.

What does the above political cartoon imply about a global economy and American workers?

That globalization of the economy and the outsourcing of American jobs to foreign workers is having a negative impact on the typical American worker.

When we look at the economic policy trends indicated in the above timeline, what conclusions can we draw from them?

That the government will change its economic policies in accordance with the economic conditions at any given time so as to best handle the economic situation---whether it be positive or negative at that point in history.

What does the above political cartoon imply about the current condition of the Social Security system?

That the system could possibly go bankrupt or be unsustainable in the future because of the huge number of baby-boom retirees that will strain the system in the coming years.

"We have suffered great loss. And in our grief and anger we have found our mission and our moment...Our Nation—this generation—will lift the dark threat of violence from our people and our future." —President George W. Bush, September 2001 What does the above quote imply about our country's role regarding terrorism?

That we are not going to ignore terrorist aggression but will make fighting it a national priority.

Which U.S. cabinet department was created as a result of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001?

The Department of Homeland Security, headed by Tom Ridge.

According to the above chart, what group continues to interfere with Afghanistan's efforts to establish a democracy?

The Taliban

What actions did the United States take in the early 1990's to assure its goal of world peace?

The United States began to embark on such things as peace keeping missions and attempting to re-establish democracy which led to taking on the role of 'world police'.

How did U.S. foreign policy change after the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon in 2001?

The United States began to launch 'pre-emptive' strikes on suspected terrorist positions around the globe. Examples are striking at positions in Afghanistan in 2001 and in Iraq in 2003.

----Transcript of President Clinton's speech on Bosnia. November 27, 1995 What is the central/main idea in the above passage?

The United States must continue in the role of 'world policeman' in order to maintain peace and stability in the world. This role can mean acting diplomatically or using military strength when necessary...whatever the situation calls for.

As used in the fifth paragraph, what does the word 'commitments' most nearly mean?

The duty to accomplish something or an obligation to accomplish something.

What can we infer about the U.S.'s commitment to Afghanistan when we consider that we are still fighting there as of 2017?

The fact that we have been in Afghanistan for nearly 16 years at this point indicates a great commitment on the part of the U.S. to establish a free, democratic government in Afghanistan that will eventually be strong enough to defend itself.

"While Congress could achieve a balanced budget by statute, past efforts...have failed. It is simply too easy for Congress to change its mind...The constitutional amendment is unyielding in its imposition of discipline on Congress to make the tough decisions necessary to balance the federal budget. Over the past half-century, Congress has demonstrated a total lack of fiscal discipline evidenced by an irrational and irresponsible pattern of spending. This reckless approach has seriously jeopardized the Federal government and threatens the very future of this Nation." -Senator Strom Thurmond What was causing budget deficits, according to Thurmond above?

The irresponsible spending of Congress (A lack of fiscal responsibility on their part).

What types of countries were most NEGATIVELY affected by the economic conditions between 2008 and 2009?

These would be historically wealthy, first-world, developed industrial nations like the United States and countries in Western Europe.

What has been the most difficult foreign policy development for the United States since the end of the Cold War Era?

Trying to deal with radical terrorist groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS, which are primarily operating in the Middle East with a network that is present worldwide.

What organizations benefited the MOST from the original development of e-mail?

When the U.S. Defense Department linked government agencies, defense contractors and scientists by electronic mail.

According to the chart above, what best describes the economic growth from 2008 to 2009?

World economic growth slowed down considerably from 2008 to 2009. In some cases, there was NEGATIVE economic growth in comparison.

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