History India - Key Topic 1

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Government of India 1919 What did Britain retain control over?

Military , Foreign affairs, Currency, Communication, Criminal law *MFCCC*

How did the Indian Civil Service react to the Gov of india act 1919?

governance needs to go through more indians less power

• What are tariffs? How did tariffs (or the lack of) affect Indian import and industry?

British government encouraged Indians to support foreign British industry (Lancashire Cotton Industry) 1879: Import duties removed on British Goods o Indians support British industry while indians suffer famine 1882: Imports tariffs removed on British goods • Not until 1917 when protection given to Indian industry • Not until Indian nationalist wanted tariff control in 1900's

How did the British government react to the Amritsar Massacre?

British in India Bombay - cheered Ladies of Punjab praise British at home Parliament: House of lords supported House of commons censure dyer

What was life like for the people of Amritsar after the massacre? What did Dyer enforce?

Dyer scared Amritsar people - easily sets up offensive and restrictive martial laws • Indians had to salaam to Europeans • Crawling order - street where Marcia Sherwood left for dead ( filthy - caste system values purity)

What was the early Muslim League like? When and where did they first meet? Who did they consist of? What was their role, before and after the war? What were their aims? What was the growth of the party like between 1885 - 1914?

First annual meeting? • 1906 • Dhaka Who? • 3000 delegates Aim? • Protect Muslim interests in Indian dominated country • Not for independence • Greater Indian role in running country , still cooperating with raj Growth? • Steadily per meeting

• What as it like to be Christian in early 1900 India? o Where were most populated? o When did most of them come to reside in India?

Christians in India • Deep south of India (founded by Saint Thomas) • Result of 19th and 20th century missionary work

What were the Rowlatt Acts? 1919

Continue to impose wartime control ( extension of Defence of India) o Imprisonment without trial o Trial by judges without jury o Censorship o House arrest of suspects

How would ML react to the Gov of India Act 1919?

Deference of power to provincial government = Better Reserved seats for religions = good

How would Congress React to Gov of India Act 1919?

Deference of power to provincial government = not good Reserved seats for religions = not good

• What key materials did Britain offer to India, and India offer to Britain?

(Britain to India) • Raw materials: cotton, iron, steel • Manufactured goods: engineering products (India to Britain) • Jute, raw cotton, hide, rice, tea, oilseeds, wheat

• How were Indian people invested and used in the government?

(India to British) • Provided colonial employment in government service e.g. Indian civil service + Other civil enterprises: forestry, education, medicine, engineering, Colonial employees provided pensions in retirement from Indian revenue"home charges"

Government of India 1919 How was there more representation in government?

- 10% male indian population enfranchised ( linked to tax payments) - provincial assemblies can enfranchise women - only 1% Reserved seats in provincial legislative council - Regions - Special interest groups - Landowners

What was the reaction from British politicians of the Montagu Declarations? What was the reaction from Annie Besant to the Montagu Declarations? What was the reaction from Annie Besant to the Montagu Declarations?

- Governor of Punjab Lord Dwyer doesnt support increased participation of indians - Montagu fears Viceroy Chelmsford would succumb to reactionaries like Dwyer - Annie Besant not satisfied - ML league's Jinnah not satisfied "sunless dawn" - pointless

How was the relationship between the British and ..... The Princes of India The Indian Civil Service Servants

- Indian Civil Servants and British officers play polo, tiger hunt and join gentlemen clubs together - Maharajahs still have control, princely states w/ tradition maintained

Context - How did World War 1 start and when? When did it end?

1. August 3rd 1914 a. Germany invades Belgium 2. august 4th 1914 a. Britain protects Belgium by treaty and declares war 3. End of august a. Most of Europe at war ends in 1918!

How was india taken over by British Raj?

1. East India Company trades to and fro Britain and India 2. 1857: East India Company's army has "Indian Mutiny" 3. 1858: Government of India Act - British government threatened by East India Company's power 4. British Raj nationalised companies and the economy, eventually whole country

Who is Marcia Sherwood?

10th April 1919: Mission doctor Marcia Sherwood beaten • Saved by hindus

Explain the events of the Amritsar Massacre april 1919 Why were people in Jalianwala Bagh? What was Dyer's rationale for his response?

13th april 1919 1. Thousands gather in Jalianwala Bagh 2. Infantry enter and shoot - 400 killed, 1,500 wounded Why were they there? - Baisakhi day / religious festival, Political meetings to repeal rowlatt act, Mourn dead from riots Why did dyer respond so ruthlessly? General Dyer proclaims all over city • Curfew set • Warned against holding meetings

How did the Muslim League React to Rowlatt Acts of 1919?

22 of 22 on indian legislative council opposed act • Mohammed ali Jinnah (muslim league leader) - wrotehip furious letter to viceroy Chelmsford - his colleagues and him Resigned from councils • Indians: Raj seen as duplicitous: - Support montagu declaration - but Support rowlatt acts???? Repealed in 1922

How did Indians react to the Rowlatt Act in Amritsar? Who is Kitchew and Pal?

30th march and 6th april: 1919 • Kitchew and Pal organise Hartals - stoppage of work: Hindu-muslim solidarity - Riots and unrest occur due to organiser arrests 11th April 1919: british lose control of Amritsar • Banks stormed, 3 europeans killed, 100 european women seek refuge

What was the early Indian National Congress like? What were their aims? What was the growth of the party like between 1885 - 1914?

Aim? • Not for independence • Greater Indian role in running country , still cooperating with raj Growth pre-war • 1885:73, 1888:600, 1914:100,000 Role post-war • Vehicle for political nationalist movement

What was the Defence of India act 1915? What was its aim? When was it supposed to last? What did it lead to?

Aim? • Stop perceived anti war / revolutionary activities What? Viceroy had power to issue regulations o To ensure public safety, To defend india, Protest forbidden When? • Duration of war, 6 months after war, Expected to be repealed in 1919

How did British react to Gov of India Act 1919?

House of commons - Left MPs: not enough - Right MPs: too much

What was the indian mutiny? How did this affect relationships between the British Raj and Indians?

Indian Mutiny (1857) Coating Army's gun barrells with Beef and Pork fat

What was the early Indian National Congress like? When and where did Indian National Congress first meet? Who did they consist of? What was their role, before and after the war?

Indian national congress First annual meeting? • Bombay • 1885 Who? • Representing British India provinces • Hindus • High caste Role? • Not a movement • not a political party • Discussion forum

How were castes both strict and interdependent with one another?

Interdependence People relied on support of castes below and above them Strict and separate: outcaste's: marriage / social relationship out of caste

What was the punjab sub- committee? What did it find?

Investigates Amritsar thousands of witnesses, hundreds of statements india creating policy to create resentment and anger martial law liften censorship lifted: journalists criticise government

• How much money did india invest in India by 1910? o Where did the money go?

Investments in money (British to India) • £360 million by 1910 (1/10 of British overseas investment) • 1/2 of which went towards loan/subsidies for o Railway development o Tea coffee plantations

How did you join the ICS? Could indians join?

Joining Indian civil service? • Leadership and all run intelligence over qualifications ( elephants and taxes) • Work in India with district officer • Attend British University • Competitive exams in London Indians in Indian Civil Service? • little provision o Exams held in London o British universities (1919 Rangoon and Delhi : exam centres set up)

What was the Hunter Commision? What did it find?

Lord Hunter investigates Amritsar 1919 november 3 commisioners condemn massacre Finding No conspiracy to overthrow raj Governor of Punjab Dwyer reprimanded - Dyer would raze to ground - No warning - would use machine guns

• Who did the viceroy appoint to the council? o How did Morley and Minto view the India Councils Act of 1909? o Who did morley appoint to his london based group of advisors?

Minto • Appoints Satyendra Sinha to be law advisor on executive coucil • viewed Indian Councils Act as essential defensive action Morley • Morley appoints two indians to london based group of advisors • Viewed act as progress towards colonial self-government

What was the Government of India act 1919? What happened to the provincial councils?

Montagu Declaration 1917 Montagu-chelmsford reports 1918 GOI act 1919 Constitution giving dyarchy of power more indians in government reserved seats provincial power

What was the partition of bengal?

Partition of Bengal (1905) Viceroy Curzon splits bengal: Hindus - West Bengal Muslims - East Bengal

• What were the princely states? o How many states in India were under the control of princes? How big were they? o How did the Treaty agreement of britain for the protection of india affect the princes? o What aspects of government did they have control over?

Princely states made 35% of India = 562 states • Some large states: hyperbad - 14 million people, • Some small states:kathiwar - 200 people How much authority in reality? • Languages, laws, holidays, ministers, rulers × Treaty agreement of Britain (protection of india): o cannot instigate action which opposes interests of British Raj

Government of India act 1919 What happened to the provincial councils?

Provincial legislative council enlarged Enfranchise women Controlled: Health , Education, Local - self gov, Public works, Agriculture *HELPA* little helpers but nothing more reserved seats

How did pollution and purity play a part in someones caste position? Was your caste position temporary or permanent?

Purity and pollution? Caste position dictated by persons purity and pollution • Work closer to = lower caste o Human waste, Animal waste, Dead bodies Temporary or permanent? • Pollution could be temporary or permanent o Women were polluted following birth: could be purified o Some people could never be purified o Born into caste with no social mobility

• Who were the indian civil service? o What role did they play? o Who made up the ICS?

Role? • Enforced British laws rules and regulations in India Who? • Power fed through whole political system: o from crown to local officers • Generally young men

• What as it like to be Sikh in early 1900 India? o Where were most populated? o When did most of them come to reside in India?

Sikhs in India • Localised groups - punjab • Grew out of Muslim Hindu interaction in 17th-century

What other economic effects did the Indian World War Involvement have on Indian people?

The Bad • Taxation increases • Rising prices .....Disrupted trading (Exchange rate problems): Imported goods increase in price (190%) ..... shortage of fuels ...... monsoon season (1918-1919) famine / shortages The Good • Some profiteers, speculators benefitted (investors) • Increased demand for goods at home: Mill owner sees treble profits

How did the British React to Rowlatt Acts of 1919?

Viceroy Chelmsford allowed act to go ahead • Appointed officers supported act • Montagu deemed rowlatt act necessary to quell rebellion, But extremely offensive

Government of India act 1919 What happened to the central councils?

Viceroy advised by 3 indian civilian council (of 6) - Could enforce law ignoring them Central legislative council enlarged

• How were the british a separate society in India? How did they live? o High earning british people? o Lesser british officials? o Children and family of british?

Wealthy raj officials lived on like Indians in life of luxury • Lawyers bankers and high earning British people: o Lived 18th century East India company houses • Lesser british officials o In new bungalows in important cities: modras, calcutta, bombay, delhi • Children and family of British o Looked after by army • Home was: britain, england o Returned for • Holidays ( when not in raj's summer capital poona of course) • Schools • Permanent move w wives • Would create homes that would look like those in Britain o Furniture, books, China

What was the Montagu declaration of 1917? Who wrote it, announced it, agreed upon it, and where?

Who? • Announced by montagu in house of commons • Agreed with British government • Made with lord Chelmsford What? • Statement telling fresh approach to governance of India • associations of indians in every branch of administration • Implicitly committed giving India self-governance - "Progressive realization of responsible governments in India" - "Gradual development of self governing Institutions" • NO TIME SCALE! • Stated that Montagu would travel to India to take soundings (assessment of India) ( soundings would form montagu chelmsford report)

Why did Indian troops move from France to the Middle East (Iraq) in 1915? Why was this a bad move for both the British and Indians?

Why do this? - cold conditions lower morale - easy to transport men and resources Why did this flop? - Indian industry not advanced enough to produce weapons / replacements - need supplies, couldnt divert them to Iraq Bad move! 1915 Besieged in Kurt- Al- Amara 1916 Surrender to Turks Put in P.O.W camps where they die

• What did the India Councils Act of 1909 change the face of the administration? o Who agreed on these reforms? o How did the viceroys executive council change? o How were provincial councils changed? o How were muslims and minorities accounted for?

limited increase of indian involvement in governance of British india during WW1 • Viceroys Executive Council o 60 indian reps elected o 27 / 60 elected from territorial constituencies and special interest groups, provincial councils enlarged, majority of non officials executive council

• What was the Suez canal and how did it affect trade?

o (1869) Suez canal between red sea and Mediterranean Sea • Cheaper and faster trade

• How did an increasingly democratic raj affect the Raj? o Who was in support of and against a more democratic raj?

o Early Raj: Less democratic = political decisions made by Raj for the people = Muslim minority not a problem o Later Raj: More democratic = political decisions made by people = outvoted by Hindus • no representation in politics • national / provincial assemblies

What economic contribution did indians give to the allied war effort?

£180 million quid!!!!! by 1918

• Name three reasons why Britons believed India should have been added to the empire?

• "Civilise the native Indians"? • Economic benefits? • Altruism of the British ?

Who were the council of India? o Where did they work from? o Who did they work / advise for? o Why was flawed about their advise?

• 15 non-Indian men in London • Had experience in India before living/working there • Advice to Secretary of State is out of date and inappropriate

o What was the population of muslims in India? o Where in India were they a majority / minority? o Where in India did they hold most political economic power? o Outline at least 3 of the 5 pillars of islam

• 20% of Indians (largest majority religion) Populative power • Majority in North West and North East • Minority in most states • Minority in south (excluding hyperbad - muslim mughal empire in 16/17th centuries) Political economic power • Northwest = equals hold influential positions • North-east equals = peasantry Muslim beliefs • Allah, Shahadah, Zakat,Fawm, Salah, Hajj

What was it like to be hindu in early 1900 India? What was the population of hindus in India? Outline three hindu beliefs What was the caste system?

• 70% Hindu • Brahman • Finding a eternal soul/atma/self • Samsara: birth/rebirth

• Who was the secretary of state for India? o What was his role? o Who worked for him / advised him?

• Advised by council of India • Develops government policy

What did Montagu find on from his soundings of India? 1917 - 1918 What did these findings form the basis for?

• British administration is poor o Too slow o Too complex and unclear o Prevents radical reform, Stifles innovation Findings formed basis for Montagu - Chelmsford reports

• What did India provide militarily to Britain in asia?

• British authority and power in Asia

How did the war change relationships between the British and the Indians?

• Compromises to be made between raj and people seeking greater autonomy o British owed India for war efforts o Believed that people had right to self-determination; democracy o Fears: Anarchy to be avoided such as overthrow as Russian overthrow of monarchy Causes Montagu Declaration of 1917

What military contribution did Indians give to the allied war effort?

• Engrained in Indian culture and tradition to serve the emperor and fulfil duty's o from letters on the front:" fighting for king / empire not india" Entrusted with wide range of roles - from combatant to support staff Travelled extensively - France to Middle East Huge contributions - half of allied fighting force in Neuve Chapelle - 800,000 enlisted as combatants by 1918 Dead 64,000 indians in WW1

• What was life like for british indians who were the "inberweeners / underclass?" o What jobs did they have? How did they pay? o How were anglo indians not fully accepted? o Why were the british inbetweeners/ underclass necessary?

• Generally poor / less priveledged o Missionaries who worked closely to indians o Businessmen working in lower echelons of trade • Anglo indians not fully accepted (110,00 at turn of 20th century) • consigned to lowliest pews • consigned to charitable gestures like childrens christmas parties • make up to lighten complexion, european garms to be british • called britain "home" but never been ther • British needed the inbetweeners / underclass to administer India o backbone of labour - railways, postal and telegraph services

• Why would the Indians be grateful to the British? • How did the introduction of English language affect Indians?

• Grateful for providing shelter, food, occupations (even career structures) English language was unifying - common language across varied subcontinent • English language brought to light many political concepts - democracy, imperialism, nationalism × English language was divise - necessary for indians to enter prestigious Indian Civil Service

What did the Rowlatt commision find? 1918 What did the findings of the commision lead to?

• Isolate these centres of revolutionary activity o Bombay, Punjab, Bengal • Continue to impose wartime control ( Defence of India) o Imprisonment without trial, Trial by judges without jury, Censorship, House arrest of suspects Effects Findings used to justify Rowlatt Acts Proposals incorporated in Rowlatt acts

How did the partition of bengal affect relationships between the Muslims and Hindus of India?

• Muslims prosper from land, Angering Hindus • Hindus felt like minority in East, Muslims felt like minority in West

What was the Rowlatt Commision and Who headed the commision? What was it's aim? why?

• Raj appoint Scottish judge ST rowlatt to head rowlatt commision Aim? • Investigate revolutionary conspiracies • Political and economic issues created danger for Raj

What role did the viceroy play? How was he appointed? Where did he work in?

• Represented the British crown in India Extremely important: • Twice salary of British Prime Minister • 700 staff • British Appointed (Westminister) • Worked from Delhi

Who was Edwin Montagu?

• Secretary of state in India • Liberal who worked with Morley in Indian Office before war • Partook in activites organised by princes

What effects did the Indian World War Involvement have on British Raj?

• local distress and disturbances e.g. from provincial legislators to viceroys office o Petty violence o Food riot o Rioting • Mainly sporadic opposition to Raj; harder to develop into coalesced campaign o lead to withdrawal of: • indian civil service • troops to Europe • British civilians

How did indians react to the outbreak of WW1? Did they cooperate with the British? Congress? Muslim League? Princely States?

• met with loyalty and support for Britain, from all of indian society o congress o Muslim league o Mohandas Gandhi urged people to show support and share responsibility o bal tilak declared loyalty o princely states • 27 of largest states offered armies to support Britain • loyalty, hospital shop for Britain

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