HLHS111-31A Quiz Chp. 3

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Students in a course are all required to give a presentation to the rest of the class that is worth 80 percent of their grade. Which of the following is true about stress in this situation?

Every student will perceive the situation differently and may feel stressed or not stressed.

Experiencing a natural disaster such as earthquake would be considered what type of stressor?

Experiencing a natural disaster such as earthquake would be considered what type of stressor?

Headaches, stomachaches, and poor sleep patterns could all be symptoms related to which of the following?

Headaches, stomachaches, and poor sleep patterns could all be symptoms related to which of the following?

If you are feeling particularly stressed, which of the following would be the healthiest way to decrease your stress level?

If you are feeling particularly stressed, which of the following would be the healthiest way to decrease your stress level?

Not having enough money to pay your electric bill is an example of what type of stressor?

Not having enough money to pay your electric bill is an example of what type of stressor?

Which of the following is true about stressors?

Our past experiences can influence whether or not we perceive something as a stressor.

Which of the following is true about stress?

There are both good and bad forms of stress.

Which of the following is true about stress hardy individuals?

They believe their lives have meaning and purpose.

People who are usually hurried, competitive, driven, and impatient are said to exhibit what type of personality?

Type A personality

Which of the following is true about the stress hormone, cortisol?

Which of the following is true about the stress hormone, cortisol?

What are the three characteristics of stress hardiness?

challenge, control, and commitment

Receiving a prestigious award in front of a large group of your peers and coworkers is an example of which of the following?


What is the body's physiological response to continuous stress, which includes three phases?

general adaptation syndrome

You just had a huge fight with your romantic partner. This would be an example of what kind of stress?


Being asked to take on a large project at work that you feel incapable of handling is an example of which of the following?

job stress

Which of the following is the physical and emotional states that we experience as a result of changes and challenges in our lives?


What is the part of the nervous system that controls breathing, heartbeat, and blood pressure?

the autonomic nervous system

Which of the following produces hormones?

the endocrine system

Which of the following is the stress response phase in which the body breaks down due to trying to keep up with increased demands from stress?

the exhaustion phase

After dealing with a stressor, our body attempts to return itself back to normal. What system is responsible for returning our body to homeostasis at this time?

the parasympathetic nervous system

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