HLTH405-S5A-202120 Nutrition for Fitness & Sports ~ Module 1-4

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Which of the following constitutes the basic structure of an amino acid?

-An amino group -a carboxyl group -a carbon side chain

Any unabsorbed and/or undigested polysaccharides, such as fiber, that pass through the small intestine

-enter the large intestine, where bacterial digestion and gas formation can occur.-enter the large intestine, where no absorption of carbohydrates occurs.-pass through the system and are eliminated as feces.

The digestive process that takes place in the stomach where food is churned and mixed with stomach acids and enzymes continues for approximately


Which of the following is the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range for fats?

20 to 35%

If a product contains 100 calories and 5 grams of fat per serving, what is the percentage of calories from fat in the product?


Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate are coenzymes that are involved in which of the following processes?

ATP production

Which of the following is the body's direct source of energy for cellular work?

Adenosine triphosphate

Because supplement manufacturers do not have to prove their products' safety, efficacy, or accuracy of ingredients before hitting the market, nutritional supplements could contain which of the following?

All of the ingredients listed on the label Ingredients that are not listed on the label None of the ingredients listed on the label All of the above

Which prohibited substance category, according to the 2013 Prohibited Substances List, contains compounds that mimic the actions of testosterone, build tissue (especially muscle), and enhance recovery?

Anabolic agents

Glutamine and leucine decrease the breakdown of body tissues, thus tilting the metabolic balance toward increased tissue building. As a result, glutamine and leucine are examples of which functional group of nutritional ergogenic aids?


Which athletes should be most concerned about "complementing proteins"?

Athletes who are strict vegetarians and eat only plant foods

Nutrition Facts panels on all packaged foods are required to list which of the following nutrients?


Nutrition Facts panels on all packaged foods are required to list which of the following nutrients?


Macronutrients include which of the following?

Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats

Which of the following foods contains the most vitamin B12?


In the United States, which of the following is not used in fortifying bread and cereal products?


Which of the following is a chemical process that results in the formation of water?


Which of the following body-cooling processes is illustrated by placing a cold water bottle on the skin of the neck?


Which of the following is a commonly used anabolic nutritional ergogenic aid with moderate to high potential to increase anaerobic output (strength/power) in events lasting 6 seconds to 4 minutes?

Creatine monohydrate

Balancing daily fluid losses with intake is critical in preventing the ill effects of which of the following?

Dehydration and Overhydration

Which of the following is the process of breaking down ingested foods into their basic units in preparation for absorption by the cells of the gastrointestinal tract?


Which of the following types of protein is composed of the shortest chain of amino acids?


Which of the following is not a common marketing strategy used by supplement manufacturers to entice athletes?

Display of FDA seal of approval on the products

Due to reported serious illnesses, injuries, and a number of deaths associated with its use, in 2004 the FDA banned which of the following?

Ephedra-containing supplements

The amount of a nutrient that should meet the needs of half of the healthy people in a particular group is known as the:

Estimated Average Requirement (EAR)

An "incomplete protein" is a protein that contains amino acids that cannot be used by the body.


As an antioxidant, vitamin C helps to prevent the oxidation of HDL, which has been shown to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.


Body water is a poor heat conductor.


Calcium is best absorbed from supplements in amounts greater than 500 milligrams.


Condensation is a chemical process in which peptide bonds are broken down and water is released.


Dipeptides are proteins composed of 3 to 10 amino acids.


Growth hormones, erythropoetin, anabolic androgenic steroids, amphetamines, caffeine, beta-blockers, and ephedrine are examples of nutritional ergogenic aids.


Minerals are classified as "major minerals" if they are required in the body in amounts greater than 10 milligrams per day.


Potassium is critical in the formation of ATP and CP.


Regardless of precautionary measures, athletes cannot completely avoid heat-related disorders.


Research has proven a direct link between magnesium deficiency and muscle cramps.


The excessive consumption of proteins offers athletes more benefits than risks with regard to health and sport performance.


The recommended daily intake of folate for adults is 1,000 micrograms per day.


When the carbons in a fatty acid chain are all linked by single bonds, the fatty acid is termed unsaturated.


A "limiting amino acid" is any amino acid that is in short supply in a specific food.


Which government agency regulates the advertising of dietary supplements?


Which of the following is a means of cellular absorption in which protein carrier molecules move substances across membranes driven only by differences in the concentration gradient?

Facilitated Diffusion

Which of the following provides the most calories per gram?


Which of the following terms describes the addition of a vitamin or mineral to a food or beverage in which it was not originally present?


Fatty acids that have been cleaved off glycerol or called what?

Free fatty Acids

Which of the following is the monosaccharide that is most important to the human body?


Which of the following conditions may develop if sodium losses exceed intake during ultraendurance activities, causing blood sodium levels to drop?


Which of the following adaptations to endurance training does not improve an athlete's ability to utilize fats for energy?

Improved transport of fat into adipose tissue

Which of the following is not a major mineral?


What are the function of saliva and the digestive enzymes it contains?

It initiates the enzymatic Digestive process it lubricates the food particles it moistens the food particles

Which of the following is true of doping in sports?

It presents risks to the health of athletes. It has become an epidemic. It challenges the basic tenet of fair play in competition. All of the above

Which of the following organs produce and secrete substances that aid in digestion?

Liver Gallbladder Pancreas

Which of the following is not currently an approved nutrient-content claim?

Low carbohydrates

Which of the following minerals does not affect blood pressure?


The content or potency of a dietary supplement can be influenced by which of the following?

Manufacturing practices The part of the plant used Storage practices Plant growing and harvesting practices All of the above

A polypeptide has how many amino acids?

More than 10

What does blood plasma help to distribute to the billions of cells that make up our bodies' tissues?

Nutrients Oxygen Hormones and immune cells All of the above

What type of bond is formed between the amino acids of proteins?


What is the predominate form of fat in fish, walnuts, and flaxseed?

Polyunsaturated fats

Intracellular and extracellular water content vary due to which factor?

Protein content of the tissues Carbohydrate content of the tissues Electrolyte concentration within and outside cells All of the above

Which of the following is not a function of water?

Provides the body with needed carbohydrates for energy

Which of the following abbreviations represents the recommended daily intake (in grams, milligrams, or micrograms) for a vitamin?


Which of the following are nutritional ergogenic aids used by athletes to improve performance?

Sports drinks Supplements Carbohydrate loading diets All of the above

Which of the following are classified as polysaccharides?

Starches glycogen complex carbohydrates

Once glucose has gained entrance into a muscle cell it can be

Stored as glycogen Converted into fat and stored Used for energy

"Ephedra-free" products containing stimulant botanical ingredients, such as high amounts of caffeine, kola nut, guarana, and green tea extracts, continue to raise safety concerns for athletes.


A "positive nitrogen balance" indicates that dietary protein intake is greater than protein loss.


A lean, muscular athlete with low body fat composition would be expected to have a greater percentage of total body water than an obese, sedentary individual with high body fat composition.


Athletes desiring to either gain or lose weight should increase protein intake to the higher end of the recommended range.


Athletes with megaloblastic anemia will develop symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, and disturbed sleep.


Body heat lost during rest is mostly due to radiation.


Current research supports the idea that athletes have higher protein needs than nonathletes.


Dietary supplements are not intended to be used as a food or as a sole item of a meal or diet.


In addition to water, fluid needs can be met through ingestion of milk, juice, tea, coffee, soda, other beverages, and watery foods.


Intense exercise in hot, humid environments can result in such rapid fluid losses that athletes may have to decrease their exercise intensity and increase their fluid intake to prevent dehydration.


It is crucial that sports nutrition professionals working with athletes know what, if any, supplements are being taken.


Levels of both major and trace minerals can build and become toxic to the body.


Lipids are hydrophobic and lipophilic.


Older adults should rely more heavily on the supplement form of vitamin B12 (versus whole foods) to meet their needs.


Phospholipids are found in both plants and animals and have a unique molecular structure that allows them to be both fat- and water-soluble.


Research indicates that ingesting proteins prior to training can decrease muscle catabolism and increase muscle synthesis.


Sodium, calcium, and potassium are classified as major minerals.


The bioavailability of a mineral can be affected by the body's need for the mineral.


The carbon side chain of an amino acid is what makes it different from other amino acids.


The primary structure of a protein refers to the sequence of amino acids forming that protein.


The vast majority of plant proteins can be classified as incomplete proteins.


Vitamin B6 facilitates the breakdown of glycogen and the production of white blood cells, and has recently been heralded as a protector against heart disease.


Research conducted on products in the prohormones and hormones releasers category of supplements have been shown to have high potential for meeting their claimed actions.


Which of the following is true regarding the structure of proteins?

The shape of a protein often dictates its function in the body.

Although digestion begins in the mouth, where does the majority of digestion occur?

The stomach and small intestine

Which of the following is true of water-soluble vitamins?

They are easily transported in the blood.

Which of the following is true of carbohydrates?

They are the main source of fuel for the body.

Which of the following is not true of sterols?

They contain fatty acids.

Which of the following is a reason why athletes consume supplements?

To improve their health To increase muscle gains To improve strength and power All of the above

Lipids exist in the body primarily in what form?


Which of the following are the three categories of lipids?

Triglycerides, phospholipids, sterols

The USP label can help athletes evaluate supplements. "USP" stands for:

United States Pharmacopeia

Which of the following is a micronutrient?

Vitamin C

Which of the following is an abbreviation for the international agency responsible for promoting a doping-free culture in sport?


Phosphorus is important during endurance events due to its role in

buffering acidic end products of energy metabolism.

Which of the following is the practice of enhancing performance through the use of foreign substances or other artificial means?


Proteins that function to catalyze biochemical reactions in the body are known as


To be considered a dietary supplement, a product must contain at least one or more of the following ingredients except

food additives.

Once glucose is transported to the skeletal muscle to be used for energy or to be stored, it is carried across the cell membrane by specialized proteins called

glucose transporters

An athlete should strive for an optimal HDL level, which is defined as

greater than or equal to 60 mg/dL.

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