Homeland Security Final Exam

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Who is the Islamic State

-Islamic State in the Levant (ISIL) -grew from Al Qaeda in Iraq -now led by Abu Bakr al Baghdadi (since 2010)


-National Security Act of 1947 -no police or law enforcement functions, either home or abroad -in the war on terror... increasing role in war-fighting (unmanned, armed drone craft; recruitment of surrogates; close coordination with Special forces; operation of secret interrogation sites)

What is takfir?

-excommunication -Anwar Sadat was the first victim

Who is Umar Farouk Abdumutllab?

-underwear bomber (Christmas Day 2009) -affiliated with AQAP -Nigerian citizen -arrested by FBI (given Miranda warning) -Quarles exception available if no rights given

Who was Sayyid Qutb?

-wrote Milestones -believed that Islam and modernity are incompatible -only by resorting Islam to the center of their lives, their law, and their government could Muslims hope to recapture their rightful place as the dominant culture -influenced Ayman al-Zawahiri

Promoted the caravan of the jihad - a calls to arms

Abdallah Azzam

Peace in Ireland resulted from

Reforms that created trust in government institutions and resulted in political.....

The violent struggle of Islam is

The lesser jihad

Mohamed Ibn Saud allied himself with ______ to conquer the Arabian Peninsula.


Anarchist Luigi Galleani was responsible for

Wall Street Bombing in 1920

What are sovereign citizens?

- America founded on common principles -government secretly replaced by are founded on Admiralty Law, the Law of the Sea, and International commerce -US is bankrupt since abandoning the gold standard in 1993, citizens are sued as collateral -they are emancipated or sovereign

What was the Oklahoma City Bombing?

- Aprl 19, 1995 -done by Timothy McVeigh -carried two pages from the Turner Diaries -motivated by Ruby Ridge and Waco -attack was on Murrah Federal Building -(date coincides with the Battles of Lexington and Concord)

Who was the Order Progeny?

- Aryan Nation -SPLC won $6.3 million dollar judgement -Aryan Nation held car occupants at gunpoint -Aryan Nation revival radio host arrested for threatening federal judge

How did Hezbollah's cigarette smuggling?

- North Carolina state tax was 5 cents/pack and no tax stamp was required -Michigan state tax was 75 cents/pack and no tax stamp was required -497,149 cartons purchased and sold -Michigan tax payers lost $3,728,619 -Hammoud convicted of cigarette smuggling, racketeering, and money laundering -sentenced to 155 years; reduced on appeal to 30 years

What is incident command system?

- a standardize, on-scene, all hazards incident management approach that allows for the integration of facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures, and communications operating within a common organizational structure; enables a coordinated response among various jurisdiction and functional agencies, both public and private; establish common processes for planning and managing resources

What is social logic?

- often commands broad social support within the national communities from which they recruit because they are seen as pursing legitimate nationalist goals -suicide terrorism is more likely when the occupier's religious differs from the religion of the occupied -religious difference: increases fear the occupiers will transform the occupied society; makes denomination and, therefore, killing civilians easier; makes it easier to re-label suicides as martyrdom that would otherwise be taboo

What is physical security?

-"Gates, guards, and guns" -access control (limited, channeled ingress) -screening -goal: create a sanitized area for trusted insiders and verified visitors

Who was Boko Haram?

-"People committed to the propagation of the Prophet's teachings and jihad" -based in northeast Nigeria -linked to AQIM -aggressive, persistent attacks against Christians and churchs

Who is the enemy?

-Al Qaeda has focused on the "far enemy" -ISIS focuses on expanding the caliphate to contiguous lands -Baghdadi instructed priorities: rafidi (Shia) [the Assad regime in Syria and Shiites in Iraq], Al-Sulu (Sunni supporters of the Saudi monarchy) and the crusaders and their bases (one of the bases is Israel)

Who is AQAP?

-Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula -based in Yemen -goals: attack the US homeland; attack US and western interest in Yemen; destabilize Yemen government; assassinate members of Saudi royal family

Who is AQIM?

-Al Qaeda in the Lands of the Islamic Maghreb -based in Algeria -joined Al Qaeda in September 2006 -raised funds by: kidnapping for ransom; trafficking arms, drugs, vehicles, cigarettes, and presons

Who was Lashkar-e-Tailba?

-Army of the Pure -recruited volunteers to fight Soviets in Afghanistan (founded with support of ISIS)

What were the Palmer Raids?

-Attorney General Palmer -Goal was the deportation of leftist extremist -Tried early sedition cases against anarchists but was dismissed on Free Speech grounds -Changed strategy to use immigration warrants -Secretary of Labor authorized to issue immigration warrants -arrests organized by J Edgar Hoover

What was the declaration of war?

-August 1996 -Osama bin Laden -"Declaration of War against America's Occupation of the Land of Two holy Places" -published in a London-based Arabic newspaper Al-Quds Al-Arabi

What was Al Qaeda's first strike?

-August 1998 -simultaneous bombings of US Embassies in Nairobi and Dar-es-Salaam -President Clinton responded with cruise missile strikes in Khartoum and Afghanistan

Jew for militarized units

-Hagana (encouraged a general mobilization of enlistments in the Britih army to help fight the Nazis) -following WWII, the British announced plant to improve the living standards of the Arabs (jews were incensed because the Arabs did little to fight the Nazis) -Lech'l and Irgun were formed -the British cracked down -Irgun bombed the King David Hotel and carried out numerous other attacks

What was Hamdi v. Rumsfeld?

-Hamdi was captured in Afghanistan by Northern Alliance -was taken by Guantanamo Bay where they learned he was a US citizen and Saudi citizen -was sent to Norfolk Brig, then to Charleston -habeas corpus petition -Supreme Court ruled some due process is required for citizen-detainees (meaningful opportunity to challenge enemy combatant status, but may then be held indefinitely)

What was the Iman Rapito Affair?

-Hasan Mustaaka Osama Nasr was kidnapped in Milan, Italy on 2/17/03 -he was transported to Ramstein, Germany then to Cairo -in February 2007, Nasr was released -in Movement 2009, an Italian court convicted 22 known or suspected CIA officers, an USAF officer, and two Italian intelligence agents on kidnapping charges -the Americans were convicted in absentia

What was the Irish Republican Army relationship with the peaceful coexistence?

-IRA did not accept peaceful coexistence -civil war between IRA and Irish Republic -Resulted in a political solution and end to violence

What was the birth of Hezbollah?

-Iran send 1,000 members of the elite Islamic revolutionary Guard to Baalbek in the Bekaa Valley

What is the Salfi reasoning?

-Islam views itself as the latest and perfect revelation of God's message (implicit is the destiny of Muslims to lead humanity and spread God's message) -Islam became decadent because it strayed from the righteous path (strength of the umma flowed from its faith and practices, which were pleasing to God (Allah); recapturing the glory required a return to the authentic faith and practices of the Prophet and his companions

Who was Mohamed ibn Abd al-Wahhab?

-Islamic revivalist in the Arabian peninsula -preached an austere form of Islam based on a strict interpretation of the Quran -conquered most of the peninsula and founded the kingdom of Saudi Arabia -ten voiders of Islam

What was the Christian identity movement?

-Jesus paid for the sins only of the House of Israel and the House of Judah -salvation through redemption and race -from British Israelism where white Europeans are the true Israelites -Jews are descendants of Eve and the serpent and Cain; Easu who sold his birthright to Jacob

What was the US vs. District Court?

-Judge Keith Case -domestic terrorism has no foreign power connection -national security exception to warrant requirement rules invalid inc cases involving domestic terrorism -in domestic terrorism we are going to treat it like ordinary crime

Who were the LTTE?

-Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam -secular group -based in Sri Lanka -Tamils: minority ethnic in Sri Lanka -cyanide capsule around neck to avoid capture -two principles: self sacrifice for greater good of Tamil and determination and invincibility

What was the United Nations General Assembly?

-November 29, 1947 -voted to partition Palestine into two separate states, one Israeli and one Arab, with Jerusalem becoming an international city -Israel declared independence on May 15, 1948 -a civil war followed between Israelis and Arabs -Israel faced the combined armed forces of Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, and Jordan -Israel won and seized 50% more land

What happened to the USS Cole?

-October 12, 2000 - was refueling in Aden, Yemen -a skiff approached and detonated -17 killed and 39 wounded -original attack was planned for 1/3/2000 against the USS The Sullivans -the Yemenis arrest al Ouso

Who is the PLO?

-Palestinian Liberation Organization -PLO formed in Jerusalem in 1964 -Fatah formed in Egypt (lef by Yasser Arafat) -Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (1970) (Marxist-Leninists ideology; headed by George Habash) -PFLP hijacked four airliners landed them in Jordan, removed the passengers and destroyed the aircraft (demanded participation in Jordan's government) -King Hussein (Jordan) attacked Palestinian factions and expelled them to Lebanon (period became known as Black September)

Israel invades Lebanon 1982

-Palestinians deported to Lebanon from Jordan attacked Israeli settlements from Lebanon -Israel invaded southern Lebanon with Lebanese Christian Phalangists -Phalangists murdered 2,000 Palestinians in refugee camps

What is the Department of Defense?

-Posse Comitatus Act (those who may be summoned by the sheriff to help enforce the law; generally, US armed forces are prohibited from enforcing US civil law -18 US 1385


-Radiological Dispersion Device (RDD) -use of conventional explosives coupled with a radioactive source ("dirty bomb") -unlikely to produce mass casulaties -likely use cesium 137, colbalt 60, and iridium 192

Who is HAMAS?

-Sunni -Palestinian group -based on the Gaza Strip -uses suicide terrorism -goal: liberation of Palestine; creation of Islamic state; destroy Israel

Critical Infrastructure

-The US PATRIOT act defined critical infrastructure as: systems and assets, whether physical or virtual, so vital to the US that the incapacity of destruction of such systems and assets would have a debilitating impact on security, national economic security, national public health or safety, or any combination of those matters -sectors (original 8) are food and agriculture, banking and finance, communications, emergency services, oil and gas, information technology, transportation system, and water

Who is Jose Padilla

-US citizen -habeas corpus petition -US District Court in SC ruled for Padilla -4th Circuit reversed (citing Congressional Joint Resolution) -"Authorization of use of military force against terrorists"

Fourth Amendment

-US vs. Katz (court ruled no trespass, but that Katz has a "reasonable expectation of privacy" that was violated) -prohibits unreasonable search and seizures -search (government intrusion into an area where a reasonable expectation of privacy exists) -an objective test: reasonableness

Who is Anwar al-Awlaki?

-US-Yemen citizen -influenced imam, powerful orator (fluent in English; Facebook; YouTube) -"Specially Designated Global Terrorist" (Office of Foreign Asset Control [OFAC]) -President Obama approved him as a legitimate target

Who was Danny Pearl?

-Wall Street Journalist -was beheaded by Khalid Sheik Mohammad

Who was Sum Skrinrikyo?

-a messianic cult founded in 1987 by Shoko Asahara -conspiracy theories akin to Christian identity-admired Hitler motivation: political ambition -responsible for the sarin gas attack of the subway in Tokyo

What is an affidavit?

-a written, sworn statement of fact (under oath of affirmation; from the Latin, "he has declared upon oath"; given under penalty of perjury, which increases its veracity/credibility) -in these cases, may contain hearsay (information and belief) [when based on personal knowledge; it carries more weight/credibility] -ex parte - not subject to cross-examination -offered to demonstrate probable cause (determined by a magistrate judge)

What is strategic logic?

-aimed at political coercion -every group mounting a suicide campaign in the last two decades has had a major/central objective coercing a forcing state to withdraw military forces from what the terrorists view as their homeland -all targeted states have been democracies -terrorists have learned the strategy pays

Black September Emerges

-assassinated the Jordan Prime Minister -took Israeli athletes hostage at the Munich Olympics in 1972 -hijacked airlines -one airliner landed in Uganda -Illich Ramirez Sanches, aka "Carlos the Jackal" attacked a meeting of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries [OPEC], taking 70 hostages

War on Terror

-authorization for use of military force -granted the President the authority to use "all appropriate force" against those whom he determined "planned, authorized, committed, or aided" the 9/11 attacks, or who harbored said persons or groups

What is personnel security?

-background investigation/vetting -polygraph -drug testing

Who is Al Shabbab?

-based in Somalia -seeks to create an Islamic state in Somalia -merged with Al Qaeda in February 2012

What is the joint terrorism task force?

-begun in New York City in 1980 -Partnership of federal, state, and local law enforcement -task force officers are sworn as Deputy US Marshals -FBI is the lead agency for investigating terrorism matters

What was the 14 words?

-came from Hitler's 88 works in Mein Kampf -was about white supremacy

What does CBRN[E] stand for?

-chemical -biological -radiological -nuclear -[high explosive]

What are the access control?

-choke points (resource efficiency [personnel technology] -downside:target of opportunity for suicide bombers

Who were the Muslim Brotherhood?

-created their own hospitals, schools, factories, and welfare societies -acted as a counter-society (rather than counter-government) -provided the only organized, effective resistance to British occupation

What are the core characteristics of suicide terrorism?

-death is essential -no escape plan necessary -no assailant to interrogate -media coverage -psychological weapon


-employ living pathogens or toxins produced by living organisms to attack human beings, animals, and/or plants -production (fermenters) and stabilization (conversion to liquid or free-dry) -aerosol dissemination most effective -examples: anthrax, botulism, and ricin

What is extraordinary rendition?

-extrajudicial transfer of a prisoner from one jurisdiction (country) to another [may involve abduction; used by the CIA to interrogate prisoners in third country prisons; designed to keep prisoners off US soil (habeas corpus)

Bill of Rights

-first amendment (freedom of speech, or religion, of assembly) -fourth amendment (protects people, houses, effects against unreasonable searches and seizures

What is probable Cause?

-from the 4th amendment -whether, given the totality of the circumstances, there exists a fair probability that a crime has been or is being committed -determined by a neutral and detached magistrate judge (there may be an adversarial hearing before the magistrate) -must be affirmed by a grand jury -criminal trail (beyond a reasonable doubt)


-gaseous diffusion -thermal diffusion -gas centrifuge (most-used) -last techniques -electromagnetic deparation

What is homeland security?

-homeland security described the intersection of evolving threats and hazards with traditional governmental and civil responsibilities for: civil defense, emergency response, law enforcement, customs, border control, immigration -umbrella term to protect the US from hall hazards (terrorism; natural disasters) -reduce vulnerability (prevent terrorism) -enhance resilience mitigation, and response to attacks/disasters -facilitate recovery

Calculation of cost and benefit

-invites punitive government reaction -loss of popular support -elitist -letters of Abottabad

What is the defense-in-depth approach/layered approach?

-is the projection of power abroad (military presence); border security; national programs (counterterrorism); regional/state programs (fusion centers); local programs; harden individual targets; personal security

What are the ten voiders of Islam?

-judging by non-Islam laws and believing they are superior to divine law -supporting or helping non-believers against Muslims

Are religious-oriented terror groups more likely to use WMD?

-lack a constituency of supporters more moderate in the beliefs -believe they are fulfilling the will of a higher power (provides justification for committing indiscriminate actions of violence)


-poisonous, man-made gases, liquids, or powders that, when absorbed through the lungs or skin, have incapacitating effects on humans and animals -difficult to detect, easy to make, inexpensive, and effective -types: blister agents; blood agents; choking agents; nerve agents

Who was Abdullah Azzam?

-resurrected active participation in defensive jihad -Afghans' duty to repel invaders having failed, required help from other Muslim ("join the caravan of jihad") -eternal duty until last piece of land held by Muslims is reclaimed -helped create HAMAS (Islamic counterweight to the secular PLO)

Homeland security is built on what three key concepts?

-security -resilience -customs and exchange


-threat of an Improvised Nuclear Device (IND) -don't forget that we built nuclear weapons using 1942 technology -only significant barrier: highly enriched uranium or plutonium

Article I Section 8

-to regulate commerce with foreign nationals, and among the several states, and with the Indian Tribes -to establish post offices and post roads -to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into expectation the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this constitutional in the government of the United States, or in any department

What is secularization?

-was given fresh impetus by the nationalist/anti-colonialist movements after WWII -in 1968, none of the 11 active, identifiable international terrorist groups was motivated by religion -in 1980 the first religiously motivated terror groups emerged (following the 1979 Iranian evolution; even so, only 2 of the identifiable 64 group were religious motivated)

When is lethal force against a US citizen used?

-when a US citizen who is a senior Al Qaeda operational commander or affiliated force; in a foreign country; outside the area of active hostiles -three conditions: ~~an informed high-level US official determined that the targeted Al Qaeda commander is an imminent threat for violent attack against the US ~~capture is not feasible (and the US continues to monitor to determine whether capture becomes feasible) ~~the operational is conducted in a manner consistent with applicable law of was principles

What are the operational requirements?

-willingness to die -willingness to kill

Salafi Islam is founded on the belief that ________.

Authentic Islam, as practiced by the Prophet and his companions, is necessary to restore Islam to establish a just social...

Who came up with the idea of propaganda by deed

Carlo Piscane

What is fitna?

Chaos or disunity of the two civil wars resulting in the Sunni-Shia split (Sunnis accepted the legitimacy of the first three successors (caliphs) following the death of Mohammed; Shias accepted only the fourth caliph, Ali, a cousin of Mohammed, believing descendants are the rightful successors) -implication: revolt against Muslim rule would introduce fitna and is, therefore, taboo

What court case determined totality of the circumstances surrounding probable cause?

Illinois vs. Gates

What was the Ann Arbor Bombing?

It was an attack against the CIA in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The White Panther Party was responsible

The US vs. District Court, the _____ was ruled invalid

National security exception to the warrant requirement in cases of domestic terrorism

According to Bruce Hoffman, terrorism is ineluctably a _______ concept in its aims and motives.


"The Lexus and the Olive Tree" was written by

Thomas Freedom

______, an Egyptian, founded Al-jihad, became the #2 at Al Qaeda and is now the leader.


Who had an emphasis on individual action or operations carried out by small cells


What was SHAC's template for shutting down the HLS?

direct action on HLS's finances, insurance, audit, customers, and suppliers

What are behavioral assessments?

elicitation -the Israeli approach (profiling)

Execution videos

example of propaganda by deed

"The Lexus and the Olive Tree" was written about


What is the difference between international and domestic terrorism?

international terrorism - transcends national boundaries (by means which they

Is terrorism the moral equivalent to war?

no because we have rules about warfare which were set up by the Geneva Conventions. Established national states use war by conventional means

What is salafiyyah?

restoration of authentic Islam; advocated the defeat of Western powers that prevent the establishment of the true Islamic state

What are anti-vehicle barrier ratings?

state department rating system --50 mph = K12 --40 mph = K8 --30 mph = K4

Globalization in terms of "The Lexus and the Olive Tree" is characterized by two struggles

the drive for prosperity and retaining cultural identity

What is the greater jihad?

the individual nonviolent struggle to live a good Muslim life

What is individual logic?

types of suicide: --egoistic [ordinary suicide that we see; high personal trauma; low attachment to society] --altruistic [excessive integration into society;duty] --fatalistic ["drinking the Kool-aid" (cults); oppressive regulation of personal beliefs; brainwashing]

What is the theory of propaganda by deed

violence was necessary to draw attention to, or generate publicity for, a cause

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