How to Use a Fire Extinguisher

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Close the door

As you evacuate the building, _____ ___ ____ (if there is one) behind you as you leave.

Immediate danger to safety

Assist any person in _________ ______ __ ______, if it can be accomplished without risk to yourself.

Fire spreading rapidly

Before deciding to fight a fire ask yourself the following question: Is the _____ __________ _______ Beyond the point where it started?

Smoke and fire

Closing the door will help to slow down the spread of _____ and ____.


Fires can be very _________.

Discharge the fire extinguisher

Pulling the pin of an extinguisher allows you to _________ ___ ____ ____________.

Know what is burning

Before deciding to fight the fire, you need to ____ ____ __ _______.

Let the fire department handle it

Chances are you will know what's burning, or at least have a pretty good idea, but if you don't, ___ ___ ____ __________ ______ __.

Something in the fire

Even if you have an ABC fire extinguisher, there maybe __________ __ ___ ____ that is going to explode or produce toxic fumes.

Evacuate the building

If the fire is already spreading quickly, it is best to simply ________ ___ ________.

Get out quickly

In case the extinguisher malfunctions, or something unexpected happens, you need to be able to ___ ___ _______.


Once the fire is out, keep an eye on the area in case it _________.

Opens a valve

Squeezing the handle _____ _ _____

Safe distance

Start using the fire extinguisher from a ____ ________ (6-8 feet) then slowly move forward if possible.

Position yourself with an exit

The final rule is to always ________ ________ ____ __ ____ or means of escape at your back before you attempt to use a fire extinguisher to put out a fire.

Accidentally discharged by squeezing the handle

The pin prevents the fire extinguisher from being ____________ __________ __ _________ ___ ______.

Beginning stages of the fire

The time to use a fire extinguisher is at the _________ ______ __ ___ ____.

Pressurized extinguishing agent

The valve releases the ___________ _____________ _____ from the fire extinguisher.

Aim the nozzle

What does the A in P.A.S.S. Stand for?

Pull the pin

What does the P in P.A.S.S. Stand for?

Squeeze the handle

What does the S in P.A.S.S. Stand for?

Sweep side to side at the base of the fire

What does the second S in P.A.S.S. Stand for?


What is the acronym for how to use a fire extinguisher?


When fighting a fire you don't want to become _______.

Hit the fuel

When using an extinguisher, you aim at the base of the flame so that you ___ ___ ____.

Call 911 or activate the building fire alarm

When you see a fire, ____ ___ __ ________ ___ _________ ____ ______.

Not endanger yourself or others

You should always be certain that you will ___ ________ _______ __ _______ when attempting to put out a fire.

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