HSCI 120 - Midterm Review

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What are the seminal vesicles?

They are two tubular glands next to the prostate gland, and they secrete a sugary, alkaline fluid that constitutes up to 70 percent of ejaculate; the remaining portion is produced by the prostate gland.

Where does the highest maternal mortality rate occur?

World MMR = 216 Sub-Saharan Africa = 546 MMR -Sub-Saharan Africa has 201,000 number of deaths and 4,000 number of AIDS-related deaths

What are the neurological findings of pedophilia?

-Neuro-cognitive tests demonstrated that pedophiles have lower IQ scores than non-pedophile offenders -Brain response patterns to sexual stimuli can now identify pedophiles from non-pedophiles -Studies suggest that people with certain brain characteristics may be more susceptible to pedophilia

What is Turner's syndrome?

-Missing second X monosomy -People with Turner's syndrome tend to be short, have underdeveloped breasts, and are infertile -More feminine resemblance

What are the female external genitals?

-Mons pubis -Clitoris -Labia majora -Labia minora -Vulvar vestibule -Urethral and vaginal openings -Together, these organs are called the vulva

Describe male sexual fantasies.

-More active roles -Focusing on partners' bodies and what they want to do with them -More explicit sexual acts -More likely to involve multiple partners or group sex -More likely to involve dominance

Describe female sexual fantasies.

-More passive roles -Focus on others' interest in their bodies -More emotional and romantic content -More likely to involve only one partner -More likely to involve submission

What is the theory of Sexual Desire Discrepancy?

-Most common problem among couples in sex therapy -One partner's desire for sex is greater than the other's -Many complex factors contribute to this such as low desire disorder, poor communication, unresolved conflict in the relationship, etc.

What are some physical and hormone-related changes in sexuality in women?

-Most women experience perimenopause during their late 40s -Around 51, most women are postmenopausal -Some women have few problems associated with menopause, while others experience significant menopausal symptoms

What are some characteristics of male puberty?

-Muscle and bone growth (growth spurt) -Acne is prevalent (clogging of oil-producing glands) -Some boys experience a brief period of breast growth -Pubic hair -Voice drops -Changes in blood, skin, and hair Landmark: Ejaculation

What does the Kinsey Scale of sexual orientation propose?

-it proposes that most people do not have exclusively homosexual behaviour or exclusively heterosexual behaviour -Proposes that majority of us display ambisexual behaviour, with varying proportions of homosexual and heterosexual behaviours

What is a pap test?

A test in which a sample of cells is taken from a woman's cervix with a small brush or spatula to detect precancerous changes.

What is the vas deferens?

A thin duct that is part of the spermatic cord, into which sperm stored in the epididymis drain into. -Carries sperm up to the prostate gland; from there, sperm enter the urethra to ultimately exit the penis upon ejaculation

What is the hymen?

A thin membrane that partially covers the vaginal opening, and is believed to protect the vaginal tissues early in life. -It is usually present at birth, and it generally remains intact until first intercourse, when it is commonly torn -Some women are born without a hymen, and some born with one unknowingly tear it during sporting or other non-sexual activities

What is lesbian?

A woman who is primarily attracted to another woman.

What is a miscarriage?

Also called spontaneous abortion. -Most occur within the first 20 weeks of gestation -Most common reason for miscarriage is a defect in the embryo or fetus -Mothers may experience significant psychological consequences

What is the labia minora?

Also referred to as the "inner lips"; they are hairless folds of skin located between the labia majora that contain oil glands, sweat glands, blood vessels, and an abundance of nerve endings, and are important in sexual stimulation and arousal.

What is voyeuristic disorder?

Intense sexual arousal from observing an unsuspecting person who is naked. -Most common of the non-consenting disorders -Necessary part of a voyeur's satisfaction comes from seeing the forbidden and the fear of getting caught

What is myotonia?

Refers to increased muscle tension in genital and non-genital areas of the body during sexual arousal; this tension can cause areas of the body to experience sudden, perceptible muscle spasms.

What is vasocongestion?

Refers to the pooling of blood in the blood vessels of a bodily region, and it can occur in both genital and non-genital areas during sexual arousal.

What is sexual sadism disorder?

Sadists get pleasure from inflicting pain and suffering on others. -To be classified as a disorder, a person has to inflict this behaviour on a non-consenting person, or be personally troubled by sadistic sexual urges and fantasies

What is smegma?

Secretions made up of dead skin cells, oils, and moisture, which can form in the genital folds of males and females

What are some patterns of teen romantic relationships?

Serial monogamy - while in a relationship the partners are monogamous, but when the relationship ends the partners move on to another partner Friends with benefits - another name for casual sex on an ongoing basis -Online obsession

What are the Skene's glands?

Their ducts empty into the urethra, and there is growing evidence based on both their anatomy and secretions that they are the female equivalent to the prostate gland; also believed to contribute to the sensitivity of the g-spot.

What is gender binary?

There are two naturally opposite gender identities that are easily discernible from each other.

What are some characteristics of sex?

-Chromosomes -Gonad development -Prenatal hormonal exposure -Prenatal and neonatal brain differentiation -Internal organs -External genital appearance -Pubertal hormones

What is the concealment-centered model of care?

-"Ambiguous genitalia" and "corrective surgery" -Parents' distress should not be treated by surgery of the child

What are some characteristics of sexuality and adolescent development?

-Conflicts (our society sends a double message) -Adolescent condom use; research indicates that adolescents use contraception inconsistently -Rate of teen pregnancy in Canada is 2.7% of all teen girls; Canadian rate is half of that of the US -Highest rates of teen pregnancy in Canada are in Quebec, the Prairie provinces, and the Territories

What are the three cylindrical spongy bodies within the penis?

-Corpora Cavernosa (2) -Corpus Spongiosum

Describe infertility issues in Canada.

-1/8 couples in Canada has infertility issues -Male infertility affects 1 in 25 men, usually due to low sperm count -Female infertility affects 1 in 12 women, most commonly due to irregular ovulation -Other conditions may cause infertility -Women are having children at later ages than decades previously -Women over 35 who are trying to conceive and are engaging in contraceptive-free sexual intercourse for 6 months or longer without becoming pregnant may be considered to have fertility complications -Having a doctor's referral for 'fertility complications' allows for accessing services in Canada - however, they are still very expensive and hard to access

Describe the results of the intervention in Ghana.

-80% of women in the districts where this intervention took place saw a skilled birth attendant -Better collaboration occurred between tradition birth attendants and other skilled workers

What is involved in a vaginal birth?

-A few weeks before labour begins, the fetus starts dropping so that the widest part of its head is against the woman's pelvic bones (this process is called engagement/dropping/ lightening) -The woman's cervix dilates, and in some cases the amniotic sac ruptures (water breaking)

What is the role of LH in females?

-A surge in LH is necessary for the rupture of the follicle that contains the egg -LH stimulates the growth of the corpus luteum

Describe sexuality during pregnancy.

-A woman can safely continue to have sex during pregnancy until the start of labour -The male's penis will not harm the fetus, which is protected in the amniotic sac

What is androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS)?

-AIS individuals have an XY karyotype but develop a female phenotype -Mutations in the androgen-receptor genes prevent the body tissue from masculinizing to some degree -People with complete androgen insensitivity (CAIS) have female genitals and identify as heterosexual

What occurs during the first stage of vaginal birth?

-Average labour lasts 8. hours in a first pregnancy and about half that time for a subsequent pregnancy -Contractions dilate the cervix until it is fully dilated to 10 centimetres, allowing the baby to pass through; this phase, called transition, usually lasts about 30 minutes

Why might a c-section be done?

-Baby is too large -Mother's pelvis is too narrow -Baby is in a breech or transverse position -Umbilical cord will pass through the cervix before the baby

What effects on the pregnant women occur during the third trimester?

-Balance becomes an issue -May feel backache, leg cramps, frequent urination, or swelling in the hands and feet -Healthy weight gain is between 25-35 pounds (less if the woman starts pregnancy already overweight)

What occurs during the second stage of vaginal birth?

-Begins when the cervix is fully dilated and ends with the birth of the baby -In this stage, women "bear down" to help the baby move down the vaginal canal -Once the baby's head is delivered, blood and mucus are cleared from the baby's mouth and nose to induce breathing

What are some characteristics of female puberty?

-Breast growth -Fat deposits and body composition changes -Pubic hair -Bone growth slows after puberty -Changes in blood, skin, and hair Landmark: Menarche

What fetal development occurs during the third trimester?

-By the end of the 7th month, the brain and the nervous system are complete -Fetus usually turns to the head-down position to prepare for delivery

What is congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)?

-CAH individuals are exposed before birth to high levels of androgens produced by the adrenal glands -Cause varying degrees of virilization (development of male characteristics) in female genitals -Condition may be diagnosed at puberty

What are some organic factors in the development of sexual problems?

-Cardiovascular disease and its treatments (medications for blood pressure, etc.) can affect sexual arousal and response -There are other issues after childbirth such as low iron levels, elevated prolactin levels from breastfeeding causing vaginal dryness, interrupted sleep, etc. -Damage to the CNS (multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries) can affect sexual functioning and response -Diabetes can reduce blood flow to the genitals and eventually deteriorate nerve function

Why is there current support for the term affectional orientation rather than sexual orientation?

-Current support for the term affectional orientation rather than sexual orientation, as the latter is thought to overemphasize the sexual component of a relationship -Components of attraction, behaviour, relationship styles, and identification (which are all dynamic and change over time and by different environment states) -The Royal College of Psychiatrists (2014) considers that sexual orientation is determined by a combination of biological and post-natal environmental factors (nature and nurture). There is no evidence to go beyond this and impute any kind of choice into the origins of sexual orientation

What is the DSM-V?

-Currently in 5th edition -Published by the American Psychiatric Association -Used largely to classify mental health disorders and abnormal behaviours -Regarding sexual health, it has sections specific to gender dysphoria, paraphilic disorders, and sexual dysfunctions.

What are some characteristics of sexuality among LGBT adolescents?

-Dating for LGBT teens can be confusing -There is a lack of partners and social disapproval -May date opposite sex partners in order to experiment with sexuality or mask sexual orientation -Bullying of LGBT teens is very pervasive across Canada; bullying can have a variety of detrimental effects, including anxiety, depression, and even suicide

What are the advantages of male circumcision?

-Decrease in infant urinary tract infections -Decrease in some STIs such as HIV and genital warts -Decrease in adult penile cancer -Prevents or corrects phimosis -No differences in penile sensitivity or arousal response

Describe skilled birth attendants worldwide.

-During 2006 to 2013, around 70% of women were assisted by a skilled attendant during childbirth globally -In low-income countries, it is around 46% -In high-income countries, it is around 95%

What are potential complications in pregnancy?

-Ectopic pregnancy -Miscarriage -Hypertension -Gestational diabetes -Stillbirth

What fetal development occurs during the first trimester?

-Embryonic stage lasts the first eight weeks of pregnancy -Placenta and amniotic sac develop -Most of the major organs and systems develop

What body parts primarily synthesize and secrete estrogens and androgens? What other body parts can also contribute to the total quantity of androgens and estrogens in the body?

-Estrogens and androgens primarily synthesized and secreted by the gonads (ovaries and testes) -Adrenal glands and adipose tissue also contribute to total quantity

What are some considerations when measuring puberty over time?

-Ethnicity -Boys experience puberty on average about a year later than their female counterparts -What is being measured (i.e. menstruation, testicle size, ejaculation, breast development) -Nutrition and diet as influencing factors

Describe maternal health globally.

-Every day, approximately 830 women die from preventable causes related to pregnancy or childbirth -99% of maternal deaths occur in developing countries -Young adolescents face higher risk of complications and death due to pregnancy -Skilled birth attendants are a key factor in addressing maternal mortality

What is the role of FSH in females?

-FSH initiates the growth and maturation of ovarian follicles -Leads to the production of estrogens -The rising level of estrogens has a positive feedback effect on LH secretion, but has a negative feedback effect on the production of further FSH: the level of FSH drops as estrogen levels increase

What is the role of FSH in males?

-FSH plays an important role in driving the early stages of spermatogenesis

What are some age-related decreases in sexual response among males?

-Faster resolution and lower degrees of vasocongestion -Erections take longer to occur and require more stimulation -Degree of firmness decreases

What fetal development occurs during the second trimester?

-Fetal movements can be detected as early as 13-16 weeks or as late as 18-20 weeks -By the 5th month, the fetal heartbeat can be heard with a stethoscope -By the 6th month, the fetus is sensitive to light and sound

What is the first warning sign of cervical cancer? What women are at highest risk?

-First warning sign of cervical cancer is cervical dysplasia (growth of abnormal cells), which can be identified through the detection of precancerous cells. -Women at highest risk are those who do not have regular pap tests, who became sexually active at a young age, who have had many sexual partners, and who have used birth control pills for over five years

What is Basson's Model of Female Sexual Response?

-Found that women may engage in sex for non-sexual reasons (ex. to feel emotionally closer to a partner)

What are some adolescent motives for having intercourse?

-Gender differences -"Proving something" -Consequences portrayed on TV

What are some characteristics of gender?

-Gender identity -Gender expression -Gender role -Gender perception -Societal gender roles -Gender stereotypes

Discussion: How do you know what gender you say you are? How can you prove your gender? What are some of the indicators?

-Gender is arbitrary; it is a way of categorizing ourselves -Gender is based on how we feel and does not have any indicators -Gender is something we identify with

What are the female sex hormones?

-GnRH; hypothalamus -FSH, LH, prolactin, and oxytocin; pituitary -estrogen, progesterone; ovaries

What are the male sex hormones?

-Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (NgRH); hypothalamus -Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH); pituitary -Testosterone; testes

Describe the intervention that took place in a case study in Ghana.

-Midwifery program was scaled up and placed within a community-based program which further services rural women -Ministry employed and trained committed retired or unemployed midwives in rural areas to assist and provide post-natal care

What is the HPG Axis?

-Hypothalamus produces GnRH, which travels to the pituitary via the blood supply -The pituitary is stimulated to produce LH and FSH, which travel via the blood supply to the gonads -Upon reaching the gonads, LH and FSH stimulate the synthesis of androgens and estrogens -LH and FSH are responsible for initiating the production of hormones in the gonads; in females they are necessary for ova production and menarche, and in males they are necessary for sperm production

What are the biological perspectives of attractiveness?

-Identifying reproductively valuable partners (attractiveness as a filter for health) -Role of menstrual cycle -Investment theory (women seek strong, financially stable men who will be able to provide for their children for many years) Critiques: Often only address heterosexual relationships

How do oxytocin and vasopressin act synergistically?

-Increases in oxytocin lead to reductions in social stress and increases in affiliative behaviour, and increases in vasopressin lead to aggression and anxiety -Both have a role in stimulating uterine contractions during the birthing process and initiating the milk let-down response

What effects on the pregnant women occur during the second trimester?

-Indigestion and constipation -Breasts enlarge with breast milk, nipples darker -Stretch marks develop on breasts and stomach -Most women report feeling well during this time as the nausea and vomiting have disappeared after the first trimester

How can we assess paraphilic disorders?

-Interview, which includes taking a history of family background, education, health, and sexual and personal relationships -May include intelligence testing, personality inventories, and mental health diagnostics -In criminal cases, may involve penile plethysmography (PPG) to assess paraphilic interest in children

Describe the sperm's journey.

-Into the vagina -Through the cervical mucous -Left or right, following the fallopian tube -Meet the egg in the fallopian tube, but can live in the body for up to five days -200-500 million sperm are in ejaculate -Zona pellucida surrounds the egg -Sperm secretes an enzyme to break down the zona -Zygote is a fertilized egg

What is Robert Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love?

-It has three components of love that combine in various ways and lead to the different kinds of love we experience -Liking (intimacy) -Infatuation (passion) -Empty love (commitment)

What were the findings of a study that assessed knowledge of sexual anatomy among university students, where knowledge was related to 10 female and 10 male reproductive anatomical parts?

-Just over 75% correctly identified female reproductive anatomy -Approximately 50% correctly identified male reproductive anatomy -Only 25% of students knew what a vulva was -Students born in the US were less likely to know reproductive anatomy

What is the role of LH in males?

-LH activates the sperm-producing cells in the testes and the growth of the testes -Causes the testes to secrete testosterone

What are identity labels?

-Labels are social constructions that include not only information about sexual preference, but also engender certain self-perceptions ("I am a lesbian"), as well as worldviews (political support for female solidarity, etc.) -Sexual identity labels people give themselves may well change over the course of time. Those who identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual may have at some point defined themselves as heterosexual -A 1994 nationally representative American study found that most men reported a same-sex experience at some point in their lives, but did not self-identify as gay -Terms such as gay, queer, and heterosexual are more accurately used as adjectives than nouns, as they refer to an identity and not an individual's "essence"

What are the characteristics of an individual with a sexual compulsion?

-Lack impulse control -Often incur social and legal sanctions -Cause interference in interpersonal and occupational functioning -Create health risks

Where does the greatest proportion of unsafe abortions occur?

-Latin America and the Caribbean

What are notable points to consider with the DSM?

-Main goal of this revision was to differentiate between 'atypical sexual behaviour' and 'paraphilic disorder' Criterion A: Describes the paraphilia Criterion B: Specifies the negative consequences of such a behaviour (harm to others, personal distress) -Criterion A and B MUST exist together to diagnose paraphilic disorder -Someone who enjoys receiving pain but is not harming anyone and is not distressed has a paraphilia, not a disorder

What are some of the characteristics of the sexual health of Canadians?

-Majority of Canadians have their first experiences of sexual intercourse before the age of 20 -The Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) indicates that 65% of 18 year olds have had sex (in 2005) -Oral sex is as common as intercourse in teenagers -When youth are asked about whether they used a condom the last time they had sex, about 3/4 said that they did (in 2003) -Chlamydia is the most reported bacterial infection in Canada -Average age of first marriage has increased to nearly 30

How safe does sex tend to be among sexually active older adults?

-Many older adults not prepared to negotiate safer sex -Many people over 40 in Canada admit to not using condoms with a new partner -STI rates are on the rise among Canadian baby boomers, particularly the rate of gonorrhea infection in men over 60

Describe therapy for sexual difficulties.

-Masters and Johnson developed an intensive, brief, behaviour-oriented model of sex therapy -Sex therapy included the notions of goal-oriented sexual behaviour, performance pressure, spectatoring, sensate focus exercises -Couples, not individuals, should be the focus

What occurs during the third stage of vaginal birth?

-May last from a few minutes to over an hour -Sometimes called the "placental phase" -Placenta detaches from the uterine walls and is expelled with other material called "afterbirth"

What are the differences between men and women with sexual fantasies (Ellis & Symons, 1990)?

-Men are likely to fantasize about someone they would like to have sex with; women fantasize about someone they HAVE had sex with -12% of men and 43% of women report they never switch partners during the course of a single sexual fantasy -Women 2.5 times more likely than men to report focusing on their own physical or emotional responses during sexual fantasy

Discussion: What is normal sexuality?

-Normal/abnormal sexuality is highly based on what society tells us -What do we consider to be distressing? -"Abnormal" sexual behaviour can be defined by many approaches (statistical definition, sociological, psychological, medical, etc.) -Sexual behaviour is not two separate categories, and may not even fit on a continuum (which still implies order and preference)

What is Klinefelter's syndrome?

-Often diagnosed until puberty -People with Klinefelter's may show breast development, small testes, shorter than average penises, and low testosterone -More masculine resemblance

Describe the background of a case study in Ghana.

-Only 43% of rural women in Ghana had skilled attendants at birth -Since 2000, the government established an innovative program to ensure maternal care in rural areas

What is our sexuality influenced by?

-Our sexuality is influenced by powerful social and political institutions such as religion, the economy, medicine, and the law.

Where are maternal mortality rates highest in Canada?

-PEI -Yukon -Newfoundland and Labrador

How are atypical sexual behaviours defined?

-Paraphilia is derived from two Greek words: "deviation" and "love" -Mental health practitioners use the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health) -Paraphilias exist on a continuum, ranging from normal to abnormal

Where do sexual fantasies come from?

-Past experience -Dreams -Media portrayals -Stories -May be perceived as positive or negative (or both), wanted or unwanted

What are the male external genitals?

-Penis -Scrotum

What are the sociological perspectives of attractiveness?

-Physical patterns of attraction are largely influenced by ever evolving society (i.e. physical attraction is not innate) -Reinforcement theory (people may be attracted to others who benefit them or make them feel good; social rewards) -Familiarity (a phenomenon such as mere exposure effect suggests that people come to hold more positive attitudes toward familiar stimuli than toward novel, unfamiliar ones)

According to the World Health Organization, what is needed to prevent maternal mortality?

-Political will and commitment -Contraception and safe abortion services -Strong health systems with trained health workers and essential medicines -Improved access to quality care before, during, and after childbirth -Accountability (every death must be counted and its cause recorded) -Health and wellbeing (nutrition, education, water sanitation, and hygiene) -Efforts to reach everyone, everywhere

What are the disadvantages of male circumcision?

-Procedure entails risks such as infection, hemorrhage, shock, and penile mutilation -Heightened pain response to vaccinations

Why is male circumcision done?

-Public health intervention (heterosexual men may see up to 60% reduction in HIV infection risk; reduction of other infections) -Social pressure -Paternalistic ideology

What is the importance of discussing sex?

-Right to safe, pleasurable sexual behaviour and sexual function -Right to sexual expression and freedom -Youth are the highest risk demographic for unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections in Canada -Sexual violence is pervasive -Discrimination against LGBTQ+ populations still very much exists -Learning about anatomy, physiology, and sexual response helps people to be advocates for their own pleasure -Become critical and concerned citizens to how policies may influence you directly

How does sex differentiation occur in an XY male?

-SRY gene on Y chromosome manufactures testis-determining factor (TDF) -TDF prompts the formation of male gonads -Male gonads then secrete androgens at puberty and result in a male-looking body

What is gender schema theory?

-Sandra Bem's theory about a set of ideas that we associate with males and females Traditional Gender Script (TGS) for example: -Men are "oversexed" -Women are "undersexed" -Sex experience enhances a man's reputation but damages a woman's

What do sex chromosomes do?

-Sex chromosomes direct the gonads to begin differentiation -Sex chromosomes carry information on how to differentiate in the course of gonadal and hormonal development

How can sexual activity and other life factors affect hormone levels?

-Sexual activity increases testosterone in men and women -Intimate physical contact (even in a non-sexual nature) can increase testosterone in women -Sexual arousal decreases the stress hormone cortisol -Sexual thoughts (viewing erotica, etc.) appear to increase testosterone levels in men, and estradiol levels in females

What are the characteristics of female "attractiveness"?

-Signals of youth -Clear skin -Breast size -Proportion vs. mass

How does sex differentiation occur in an XX girl?

-Since no SRY gene is present (because no Y chromosome), ovaries will develop -Ovaries will then secrete estrogen at puberty and result in a female-looking body

What are some physical and hormone-related changes in sexuality in men?

-Some men find that it takes longer to get an erection as the penis becomes less sensitive with age -Testicles decrease in size and ejaculations become less forceful -Decreases in testosterone in the brain and body is associated with a decline in sexual desire

Describe sex therapy in the new millennium.

-Still a prominent focus remains on eliminating the sexual symptoms and getting to more normative sexual functioning -The field of sex therapy has grown more fragmented in recent years as individuals with minimal training in sexuality offer treatments -Increasing medicalization of sexuality

What are some ways in which transmysoginy is manifested?

-Studies have shown that feminine boys are viewed far more negatively, amd brought in for psychotherapy far more often than masculine girls -Psychiatric diagnosis directed against the transgender population often either focus solely on trans female/feminine individuals, or are written in such a way that trans female/feminine people are more easily and frequently pathologized than their trans male/masculine counterparts -The majority of violence committed against gender-variant individuals targets individuals on the trans female/feminine spectrum -In the media, jokes and demeaning depictions of gender variant people primarily focus on trans female/feminine spectrum people; often in these cases, it is their desire to be female and/or feminine that is especially ridiculed

What are the male internal sex organs?

-Testes -Seminiferous tubules -Epididymis -Vas deferens -Seminal vesicles -Prostate gland -Cowper's gland

How is pregnancy detected?

-The absence of menstruation is not a definite indication of pregnancy (may be a missed period due to stress, etc.) -High basal body temperature that stays high for two weeks after ovulation indicates the probability that conception has occurred -Chemical tests are designed to detect human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in the woman's urine

Describe sexual dysfunctions.

-There are a wide array of sexual difficulties -Some of these problems are formally listed in the current DSM -Other common sexual problems are not included

What effects on the pregnant women occur during the first trimester?

-Tingling and fullness in breasts -Nausea, tiredness, and change in appetite -Morning sickness

What negative health consequences may arise from FGM?

-UTIs -Cysts -Infertility -Infection -Childbirth and pregnancy complications

What are the characteristics of male "attractiveness"?

-V-shaped torso -Muscularity -Height -Erect posture

What are the female internal sex organs?

-Vagina -Bartholin glands -Vestibular bulbs -Skene's glands -Cervix and uterus -Ovaries -Fallopian tubes

What are some age-related decreases in sexual response among females?

-Vaginal lubrication takes longer, and the amount of lubrication secreted is reduced -Reduction in the amount of vaginal expansion -Wall of vagina becomes less flexible -Resolution phase takes less time, likely due to lower degree of vasocongestion

What did Miller et al (2009) find with gender expression and identity among children?

-Young girls tend to describe other girls based on their appearance (have long hair, wear dresses, etc.) -Young boys tend to describe other boys based on activities (play outside, etc.)

What are two examples of sex hormone variations?

1. Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) 2. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)

What reproductive technologies may be sought for infertility issues?

1. Artificial Insemination: Uses a thin, flexible catheter to insert sperm directly into the vagina or uterus 2. In Vitro Fertilization: Involves surgically removing the eggs from the woman's ovaries, fertilizing them with sperm in the laboratory, and then infecting the fertilized egg into the woman's uterus

What are the three major theories to explain why pubic hair exists?

1. Believed to play a tole in sexual communication through pheromonal signalling, by helping to dissipate volatile compounds 2. It is assumed to provide protective padding during the friction of intercourse 3. It visually signals sexual maturity

What are the three categories of pedophiles, according to which age group of children they are attracted by?

1. Classic type (prepubescent children) 2. Hebephilic type (pubescent children) 3. Pedohebephilic type (both) -Most pedophiles are not violent, nor do they prey on strangers, but rather groom and coerce a specific child in their family or neighbourhood

What are the four types of FGM?

1. Clitoridectomy: Partial or total removal of the clitoris and, in very rare cases, only the prepuce (the fold of skin surrounding the clitoris) 2. Excision: Partial or total removal of the clitoris and the labia minora, with or without the excision of the labia majora 3. Infibulation: Narrowing of the vaginal opening through the creation of a covering seal. The seal is formed by cutting and repositioning the inner or outer labia, with or without removal of the clitoris 4. Other: All other harmful procedures to the female genitalia for non-medical purposes

What are some potential adverse outcomes of the concealment-centered model of care?

1. Creates distrust between the person and the medical system 2. Is based on heterosexual assumptions; assigned boys have optimal sensory preservation of the penis, and assigned girls have optimal preservation of fertility 3. Increases body shame, psychological distress, and feelings of isolation

What are three related processes in gender development in childhood?

1. Detecting gender: Recognizing differences between male and female 2. Having gender: Recognizing in oneself characteristics you share with either girls or boys 3. Doing gender - Matching one's behaviour with male or female stereotypes

What are some potential problems with menstruation?

1. Dysmenorrhea 2. Endometriosis 3. Amenorrhea

What are the three layers of the uterus?

1. Endometrium: Outer layer; this layer is richly supplied with hormone-secreting glands and blood vessels; it is shed during menstruation and regenerates with each menstrual cycle 2. Myometrium: Middle layer; it is muscular, and the elasticity of this layer allows for the stretching needed to accommodate a fetus as it grows, and it contracts during labour to expel the fetus 3. Perimetrium: The deepest layer that is a smooth, thin membrane; it is continuous with a similar layer covering all internal organs that move within the abdominal and pelvic cavity during normal functions

What are the four most common sexual difficulties in men?

1. Erectile dysfunction 2. Rapid (premature) ejaculation 3. Delayed ejaculation 4. Dyspareunia

What are the four stages of Masters and Johnson's Sexual Response Cycle?

1. Excitement Phase: Refers to the processes that signal the beginning of sexual arousal; penile erection and vaginal lubrication occur. 2. Plateau Phase: Refers to a dramatic surge of sexual tension. 3. Orgasm Phase: Involuntary muscle spasms occur throughout the body; it is the briefest of all stages, usually lasting only a few seconds. 4. Resolution Phase: This phase starts right after orgasm if no further stimulation occurs; the sexual system returns to its unaroused state.

What are the four most common sexual difficulties in women?

1. Female sexual arousal disorder 2. Anorgasmia 3. Dyspareunia 4. Vaginismus

What are the four phases of the menstrual cycle?

1. Follicular Phase (days 6-13): The first phase of the menstrual cycle, during which the ovarian follicle matures and estrogen stimulates the growth of the endometrium. 2. Ovulation (day 14): The phase in which the ova is released from the ovarian follicle due to a surge in estrogen and LH 3. Luteal Phase (days 15-28): The third phase of the menstrual cycle, which begins with the formation of the corpus luteum and ends in either pregnancy or involution of the corpus luteum. 4. Menstruation (days 1-5): The phase during which the endometrium sheds from the uterus if a fertilized egg is not present. -The time from ovulation to menstruation is always about 14 days (count backwards from first day of menstruation)

What are the main causes of maternal mortality?

1. Hemorrhage (27%) 2. Other diseases (malaria, hepatitis, anemia) (21%) 3. Infection (16%) 4. Unsafe abortion (14%) 5. Hypertensive disorders (13%) 6. Prolonged labour (9%)

What are the four categories of sexual problems?

1. Intrapsychic 2. Interpersonal/relational 3. Cultural/psychosocial 4. Organic -May be either generalized or situational -May be either life-long or acquired

What are some adverse outcomes of transphobia?

1. Loss of job: Currently under the BC Human Rights Act, gender identity and gender expression are not prohibited grounds of discrimination, and thus people can be fired for being trans in BC. 2. Higher rates of homelessness: The 2011 NTDS report found that transgender people in the US are nearly four times as likely to be living in extreme poverty 3. Poorer access to health care: Over half of trans participants in an Ontario study said they had negative experiences from care received in emergency rooms, 21% having avoided the emergency room for fear of experiencing prejudice

What are the three layers of the vagina?

1. Outermost layer: Vaginal mucosa; the rugae of this wall are soft and moist, and release secretions to maintain a healthy, slightly acidic chemical balance. 2. Middle layer: Is muscular; the muscles of this layer tighten during sexual arousal and contract rapidly and rhythmically during orgasm. 3. Deepest layer: Consists of fibrous tissue; this layer resists expansion of the vagina and helps keep it in place within the pelvis.

What are the two categories of commonly identified atypical sexual behaviours?

1. Paraphilias/paraphilic disorders with consenting partners 2. Paraphilias/paraphilic disorders with non-consenting partners and which are against the law

What are the functions of lubricant secreted by the vaginal mucosa when a woman is sexually aroused?

1. Raises the chances of conception by increasing the alkalinity of the normally acidic vaginal environment, rendering this environment more hospitable to sperm 2. Increases sexual arousal, since penetration can be uncomfortable without lubrication

What factors are considered on the Klein Sexual Orientation Grid?

1. Sexual orientation 2. Sexual behaviour 3. Sexual fantasies 4. Emotional preference 5. Social preference 6. Self-identification 7.Heterosexual/homosexual lifestyle

What are the myths and stereotypes about trans people?

1. Trans people hate their bodies 2. Trans people are just gays and lesbians who want to be straight 3. Trans identities are the direct result of a traumatic life event 4. Trans people are aware of their transgender identity at an early age 5. Trans people are psychologically unbalanced and need medical help 6. Being transgender means you are 'trapped in the wrong body' and want to be the opposite sex 7. All trans people want to alter their bodies using hormones and surgery

What are two examples of sex chromosome variations?

1. Turner's syndrome (XO) 2. Klinefelter's syndrome (XXY)

What are two delivery options?

1. Vaginal birth 2. Caesarean section

What are the two basic physiological mechanisms at play in the sexual response cycle?

1. Vasocongestion 2. Myotonia

What did Kleinplaz and colleagues at Ottawa University find when they studied the question "what makes up great sex?"

8 major themes: Authenticity, being present, connection with a partner, exploration, extraordinary communication and empathy, transcendence, vulnerability, and deep sexual and erotic intimacy

What is the epididymis?

A c-shaped structure covering part of each testis. -Consists of a narrow, tightly coiled tube and has three parts (head, body, and tail) -Immature sperm produced in the seminiferous tubules move through the ducts into the epididymis, where they mature and are once again stored

What is the vagina?

A canal that starts at the vaginal opening and extends into the body. -Connects with the cervix, the lowest part of and entrance to the uterus -Can stretch to accommodate the passage of a baby during childbirth

What is a hormone?

A chemical released by a cell or group of cells (gland) in one part of an organism that affects cells in other parts of the organism via the circulatory system. -Hormones are released into the bloodstream by endocrine glands, such as the gonads and the brain

What is endometriosis?

A condition resulting from the appearance of endometrial tissue outside the uterus and causing pelvic pain (ex. in the fallopian tubes or cervix)

What is sex?

A description of one's biological characteristics, including reproductive organs, secondary sex characteristics, hormones, and chromosomes. -Sex is a category; categories are social constructs, therefore sex is also a social construct

What is compulsive sexual behaviour?

A disorder in which the person experiences intense sexually arousing fantasies, urges, and associated sexual behaviour.

What are the courtship disorders?

A disturbance of one or more phases of developing partnered sexual activity (looking for a partner, talking to a partner, non-genital physical touching, sexual intercourse). -Individuals lack the proper social skills to approach sex in a consenting manner -Legal ramifications and consequences vary

What is intersex?

A general term used for a variety of conditions in which a person is born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn't seem to fit the typical definitions of male or female. -Congenital conditions in which anatomical, gonadal, or chromosomal sex is atypical -True hermaphrodites are very rare in humans -Estimated to be 25+ different variations

What is the G-spot?

A highly sensitive area on the front vaginal wall; includes the Skene's glands and ducts, as well as adjacent vaginal and urethral tissues. -Stimulation of the glands and the tissue around them can lead to sexual arousal, orgasm, and in some women, ejaculation -Like the semen of male ejaculation, the fluid of female ejaculation exits from the urethra

What is the vaginal opening?

A highly sensitive region located in the posterior area of the vulvar vestibule.

What is vasopressin?

A hormone that is perhaps best known for its involvement in fluid balance and cardiovascular and autonomic regulation, but like oxytocin, it is involved in multiple aspects of human social/sexual functions.

What is oxytocin?

A hormone that is strongly associated with childbirth and lactation, as well as maternal behaviour and bonding. -Oxytocin levels rise with sexual arousal, cervical-vaginal stimulation, and orgasm -Plays a role in establishing social bonds that can lead to sexual arousal -Befriending and affiliating is thought to require the synthesis and release of oxytocin to allow each of the individuals to let down his or her guard in order to be in close proximity to others

What is transsexual?

A medicalized term for someone who has transitioned from one sex to another.

What is pansexual?

A person who experiences various forms of attraction toward all gender identities and expressions, regardless of whether or not they fall within the gender binary. -Pan = all -This does not mean that pansexual people are attracted to every single person or expression or gender identity

What is asexual?

A person who generally does not feel sexual attraction or desire toward any group of people or individual. -A spectrum -Not the same as celibacy -Not defined by whether or not sexual arousal occurs -Forms of attraction may develop, usually apart from sexual attraction

What is bisexual?

A person who is attracted to both genders. -Although "bi" does mean two, many bisexuals do not only identify as attracted to two genders, but many or all genders -Freud believed we are all born bisexual -Most bisexual people have a history of heterosexual relationships before they have same-sex interests -Often receive little credit or acknowledgement as a legitimate orientation -Relatively small number of people identify as bisexual

What is gay?

A person who is primarily attracted to a member of the same gender or sex. -Usually used to describe a man who is attracted to another man in current society

What is fetishistic disorder?

A person's sexual fixation on some object rather than another human being, and attachment of great erotic significance to that object. Media fetishes: Texture of the object Form fetishes: Shape of the object -No legal ramifications in Canada

What is the milk let-down response?

A series of neural events that leads to milk ejection from the mammary glands.

What is the corpus luteum?

A temporary, functional cyst that develops out of a Graafian follicle after the follicle has released its egg. -Its major function is to produce progesterone

What is the clitoris?

An exceptionally sensitive organ that has approximately the same number of nerve endings as the glans of the penis; it is important for female sexual response. -Has two externally located components, the glans and the shaft, which are situated just below the pubic symphysis -Also has two substantial, internally located crura (roots) that project inward from each side of the shaft and run backward along the bars of bone that define our true anatomical bottom -The glans and shaft of the clitoris are covered by the clitoral hood -The glans of the clitoris is a small knob of tissue that appears smooth, round, and somewhat transparent; it can be seen under the clitoral hood when the hood is retracted, but the shaft cannot be seen

What is sexual orientation?

An identity category defined by whom one is attracted to. -It is a combination of emotional, romantic, sensual, sexual, and/or affectionate forms of attraction -These attractions may not be congruent with one another

What is aromantic?

An individual who does not experience romantic attraction. -Doesn't preclude them from feeling other forms of love or attraction -Aromantics may be interested in "dating" - type relationships with no romance involved or platonic life partnerships

What is queer?

An umbrella term sometimes used by LGBATQ+ people to refer to the entire community. -It is the reclaiming of a slur used against the LGBTQ+ community in the past -It is important to note that the word queer is an in-group term, and a word that can be considered offensive to some people (depending on their generation, geographic location, and relationship with the word)

What are the vestibular bulbs?

Are bulbs of the clitoris; they lie on either side of the vagina, near the vaginal opening and along the crura of the clitoris; they are composed of erectile tissue similar to the corpus spongiosum of the penis and fill with blood during sexual arousal.

What is a stillbirth?

Babies born dead within the last trimester of pregnancy. -A recent study indicates that in develop countries 5 in 1000 babies are stillborn, while the rate in undeveloped countries is 25 in 1000

What are other specified paraphilic disorders?

Bestiality: non-human animals Asphyxiophilia: Strangulation and suffocation Coprophilia: Feces Urophilia: Urine Necrophilia: Dead person Hyphephilia: Particular texture Klismaphilia: Enemas Stigmatophilia: Pierced/tattooed

How can we treat paraphilic disorders?

CBT and Relapse Prevention: Challenging offenders' disordered thinking, making offenders disclose the offense to the group, and making a safety plan to avoid risks Self-Esteem and Social-Skills Training: Development of healthy social skills, mood management, etc. Satiation Therapy: Redirecting sexual impulses to a more desirable target through masturbation, then masturbating again to the undesired fantasy

What did Ruble et al (2006) find with gender expression and identity among children?

Children as young as five may endorse gender stereotypes.

What did Martin & Ruble (2004) find with gender expression and identity among children?

Children socialized with their own gender group may have stronger attitudes about gender differences (us vs. them)

When is the optimal time for conception?

Days 9-16 of the menstrual cycle

What is cisgender?

Describes when gender identity is congruent with the sex/gender assigned at birth.

What are the ovaries?

Endocrine glands that produce estrogens, most notably estradiol, and progestins, mainly progesterone. -Estrogens influence the development of physical sex characteristics in females and, along with progesterone, regulate the menstrual cycle -Progesterone also plays an important role in preparing the uterine lining for pregnancy -Ovaries also produce eggs

What do the wolffian ducts consist of?

Epididymis, vas deferens and ejaculatory duct

What is biastophilia?

Erotic interesting in committing rape. -Prefer rape to consensual sex -Not all rapists have biastophilia, and not all individuals with this disorder have committed rape (intense fantasies)

What do the mullerian ducts consist of?

Fallopian tubes, uterus, and upper vagina

What is frotteuristic disorder?

Fantasizing about or engaging in rubbing up against a non-consenting person for sexual pleasure. -Usually occurs in crowded public areas where the perpetrator can say it was accidental

What is vaginismus?

Fear of penetration or pain from vaginal penetration (may include all attempts at penetration, including tampons, fingers, etc.) -Causes involuntary spasms at the entrance of the vagina -May be a lot of underlying fear and reluctance to engage in intercourse for a variety of reasons -Treatment has traditionally involved dilators to open the vagina gradually, in combination with relaxation therapy -This treatment addresses being physically able to accomplish intercourse, without addressing whether intercourse is either desired or pleasurably anticipated

What are the typical sex chromosomal karyotypes for females and males?

Female = XX Male = XY -Sperm and egg combine to form a fertilized egg (single cell)

What is transvestic disorder?

Individuals who find cross-dressing sexually arousing and are emotionally distressed by this pattern. -This fetish is usually harmless, and men who engage in it are typically married and educated -Usually start cross-dressing at around age 8.5

What is sexual masochism disorder?

Intense arousal from being made to suffer, being beaten and humiliated. -To be classified as a disorder, these sexual urges to hurt must cause significant personal impairment or distress

What is exhibitionistic disorder?

Intense arousal from exposing your genitals to an unsuspecting person. -More common in men than women -It is the victim's reaction that excites the flasher -Verbal exhibitionist disorder

What is an ectopic pregnancy?

Fertilized egg implants somewhere other than the lining of the uterus. -Most common cause is that the fallopian tube is obstructed -Very important for women to seek medication treatment is an ectopic pregnancy grows and ruptures

What is transgender?

Gender identity is incongruent some or all of the time with the sex/gender assigned at birth.

What is dyspareunia (for women)?

Genital or pelvic pain. -Itching or burning in the vulva or vagina, or deep pain within the pelvis during sexual activity (especially intercourse) -Diverse causes include endometriosis, STIs, vaginal infections, etc. -Often physicians will examine a woman and find nothing wrong, giving her the impression that perhaps she is imagining the pain

What is the homologous male organ to the female clitoris?

Glans penis.

What is the Maternal Health Millennium Development Goal?

Goal: By 2015, reduce the maternal mortality ratio by 75%

What is homophobia?

Hostility or fear of gay people. -Stigma arising from social ideologies about gay people -Negative feelings or attitudes towards non-heterosexual behaviour, identity, relationships, and community can lead to homophobic behaviour

What are the Yogyakarta Principles?

In 2006, in response to well-documented patterns of abuse, these principles were developed: -Non-discrimination in the workplace -Right to sex reassignment surgery and therapy -Expressing sexuality without state interference -Participate in family life

What is the refractory period?

In males, it is the period of time following orgasm in which another orgasm cannot occur regardless of stimulation received. -Females, on the other hand, do not have a refractory period and can more readily experience multiple orgasms

What is erectile dysfunction?

Inability to have an erection. -Difficulties may be generalized or particular -Diverse causes; disease, stress, drugs, etc. -PDE-5 inhibitors (ex. Viagra) may help, but do not replace subjective arousal

What is female genital mutilation (FGM)?

Involves the partial or total removal of the external female genitals for cultural/non-therapeutic reasons. -Mostly occurs before age 15 -125 million girls and women are alive today who have been cut in some way -Occurs in East & West Africa, Yemen, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates, although practices are not geographically bound (29 countries around the world) -Mix of cultural, religious, and/or social factors -In 2012, the UN adopted a goal for elimination of FGM

What is gender?

It is a social system which gives qualities of masculinity and femininity to people, objects, actions, among other things. -These characteristics are not static and change over time and across cultures -Gender is how we understand and see ourselves

What is transmisogyny?

It is steeped in the assumption that femaleness and femininity are inferior to and exist primarily for the benefit of maleness and masculinity.

What is cisnormativity?

It is the assumption that your parts equal your gender. -Everyone is assigned a gender according to their sex -Sex and gender are not the same thing; sex is male and female in Western society, while gender is the variation in how we express ourselves

What is conception?

It is the process in which a single fertilized egg develops into a human being. -Typically happens when penetrative intercourse is engaged in; man ejaculates inside the woman's vagina (allowing sperm into her vagina) -Otherwise, artificial insemination (depositing of sperm)

What is the prostate gland?

It lies directly below the bladder and secretes a thin, milky, alkaline fluid, resulting in a chemically safe environment to maintain sperm. -The alkalinity of semen counteracts the harmful acidity of the male urethra and the female vagina

What does LGBTT2SQIAAPP stand for?

L - Lesbian G - Gay B - Bisexual T - Transgender T - Transsexual 2S - Two-Spirited Q - Queer/questioning I - Intersex A - Asexual A - Aromantic P - Pansexual P - Polysexual

What is the homologous female organ to the male scrotum?


What is female sexual arousal disorder?

Lack of arousal which may generate other symptoms, such as lack of lubrication. -Causes include lack of attraction to partner, stress, fear of pregnancy or STIs, or does not know/cannot ask for the stimulation she needs -What can help is to take a close look at what is contributing to the lack of excitement and pleasure

What are the bartholin glands?

Lie just inside the labia minora on the left and right sides of the vagina; their function is unknown, although some assume that their minute secretions just before orgasm contribute to vaginal lubrication.

What is the function of the two corpora cavernosa?

Lie side by side on the upper part of the shaft and continue inward for quite some length as the crura, or roots, of the penis anchored to the pubic bones.

What are the seminiferous tubules?

Long, thin, coiled tubes that are packed into the testes. -Sperm production occurs in these tubules after the onset of puberty -Sperm storage also takes place in these tubules -The interstitial cells are located between the tubules, and they produce male hormones (androgens), most notably testosterone, which they secrete directly into the bloodstream

What is the homologous male organ to the female Skene's glands?

Prostate gland.

What is rapid ejaculation?

Most common difficulty in men. -Most current definitions of "how fast is too fast" focus on felt distress by both partners over a lack of sufficient pleasure -DSM labels a man a premature ejaculator if he ejaculates within 60 seconds of penetration, 75% of the time -Many men who suffer from rapid ejaculation feel a great deal of guilt and shame because they feel they are letting down a partner -Many people in fact prefer manual or oral stimulation over intercourse to orgasm

What is delayed ejaculation?

Most under-reported sexual dysfunction in men. -Most men with DE can orgasm alone but have trouble ejaculating through penetrative sex -Secondary DE may be caused by antidepressants or antipsychotic drugs -The man may be erect, but may have low levels of arousal that interfere with being able to achieve orgasm -Men who use PDE-5 inhibitors (ex. Viagra) can have sex even when not particularly excited and cases of DE have increased

What is BDSM?

Often confused with the DSM definition of sadomasochism. -Part of Bondage, Discipline, Domination and Submission - consensual and planned out activities BD - Use of restraints and discipline DS - Elaborate "play scripts" with a Dom and Submissive -Sexual sadism and masochism are often grouped together as sadomasochism -Many participate willingly in a BDSM lifestyle -Many argue that this behaviour should not be pathologized

What is gender identity?

One's understanding of their own gender.

What is the homologous female organ to the male testes?


What is dyspareunia?

Pain during intercourse. -Causes may include STIs, non-cancerous/cancerous diseases of the prostate or testes -Treatment for dyspareunia is to treat the underlying disease

What is dysmenorrhea?

Painful menstruation, typically involving abdominal cramps. -Causes smooth muscle to contract and affect the size of blood vessels -Causes skin sensitivity -Pelvic edema (bloating and pressure) Solutions: Masturbation and aspirin; hormonal contraceptives

What is anorgasmia?

Persistent inability to achieve an orgasm. -Primary vs. secondary -Some women are not encouraged to find pleasure in their own bodies and discover what they enjoy -Inaccurate images in the media that falsely portray female response such as women coming easily from penetration (vaginal or anal)

What is the penis?

Plays an essential role in sexual pleasure, reproduction, and urination. -Consists of three sections: the root, the shaft, and the glans -Foreskin is a retractable fold of skin that protects the glans when the penis is flaccid

What is amenorrhea?

Primary: Absence of first menstruation Secondary: Had menstruation in the past but no longer occurs (ex. because of diet, weight, stress, etc.)

What is the role of progesterone?

Progesterone increases the complexity and energy stores of the endometrium

What is Kaplan's Three-Stage Model?

Proposed a model of sexual response containing three phases: desire, excitement, and orgasm. -Includes psychological aspect of response (desire phase)

What is the difference between a sexual thought and a sexual fantasy?

Sexual Thought: Not erotic, just has a sexual context; we don't have control over whether we have these thoughts or not Sexual Fantasy: The most common sexual behaviour; we do have control over whether we have sexual fantasies or not

What is pedophilic disorder?

Sexual interest in children who are below the age of puberty. -Sexual maturity is often defined in a society as the age of consent -Pedophiles can be attracted exclusively to children, or be non-exclusive pedophiles (attracted to both adults and children)

What is the labia majora?

Sometimes called the "outer lips"; they are pads of fatty tissue that are richly supplied with nerve endings and are important for sexual arousal, and they also provide padding and protection for the sensitive labia minora, clitoris, and vaginal opening.

What is socialization?

The ways in which society conveys to the individual its norms or expectations for his or her behaviour. -Children are taught what is appropriate for their gender (reinforcement) -Media influences (TV) -Even new media such as video games shows violence against women and reinforces stereotypes -Media literacy is protective against stereotype-based messaging in media

What is a C-section?

The baby is delivered through an incision that is made through the abdomen wall of the uterus.

What are the cervix and uterus?

The cervix is the lower third of the uterus; it is located at the top of the vagina and contains mucus-secreting glands. The major function of the uterus is to hold and nourish a developing fetus during pregnancy.

What is the scrotum?

The loose pouch of skin that contains the testes and hangs directly under the base of the penis.

What are the testes?

The male reproductive glands that are analogous to the female ovaries; they secrete male sex hormones (androgens) and produce sperm. -The spermatic cord suspends each testis in the scrotum and contains the vas deferens, blood vessels, and nerves -Within the testes are the seminiferous tubules and interstitial cells, both of which are involved in sperm production and storage

What is gender expression?

The performance of one's gender; in particular, how it is communicated through behaviour, clothing, voice, and hairstyle, among many other forms of presentation.

What is heteronormativity?

The prevalent cultural assumption that all people are heterosexual unless stated otherwise. -Heteronormativity leads to the oppression of those who are not heterosexual, and leads to privileging heterosexuality -In addition, heteronormativity also affects heterosexuals who may not "seem" heterosexual, because it creates norms associated with hetero- and homo-sexualities -Heterosexism minimizes LGBTAQ+ people and assumed heterosexuality is the gold standard of "normal" behaviour -Even more pronounced degrees of heterosexism, which may cause acts of violence and hatred, come from homophobia, biphobia, and queerphobia -Internalized homophobia may cause gay/lesbian people to hate and fear themselves

What is questioning?

The process of questioning, exploring, and discovering one's own sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.

What is gender role?

The role that society deems appropriate for each gender. -They are the norms that people aim to follow to fit in with the gender they have been assigned, or wish to be perceived as -Typically in real life these are faulty if the roles are rigid, considered absolute and universal

What is the mons pubis?

The rounded fatty pad of tissue that covers the pubic symphysis (the place where the left and right sides of the pelvis meet in the midline)

What is the sexual response cycle?

The sequence of events that occur when a person becomes sexually aroused and engages in sexually stimulating activities.

What is the vulvar vestibule?

The teardrop-shaped area of the vulva inside the labia minora; the word "vestibule" means "entranceway", and within the vestibule lie the vaginal and urethral openings. -The vestibular area is well-endowed with nerve endings and blood vessels; it consists of erogenous tissue, which is sensitive to pleasurable stimulation

What is the function of the corpus spongiosum?

The thinner spongy body that lies under the pair of corpora cavernosa. It runs the length of the penis - with the urethra running through the middle of it - and expands at the end of the penis to form the glans.

What is puberty?

The time during which there is an enlargement and maturation of the genitals, gonads, and secondary sex characteristics. -Many develop close intimate relationships or experience first love -Average age of puberty onset for girls has been getting younger

What is the urethral opening?

The urethra is the tube that transports urine collected in the bladder to where it is expelled from the body; in general, the urethral opening is not highly sensitive to sexual stimulation.

What is gender perception?

The ways one's gender is perceived by others, generally based on gender expression -Because it is based on gender expression, it may be falsely perceived

What are the fallopian tubes?

Transport the ova from the ovaries to the uterus. -Eggs move down the fallopian tubes via waves of movement in microscopic hair-like projections, called cilia, and peristaltic contractions of muscle in the walls of the tubes.

What are the Cowper's glands?

Two structures that lie on each side of the urethra, and their ducts empty into the urethra. -During sexual arousal they secrete a small amount of clear, slippery, alkaline fluid (pre-ejaculate) that is believed to counteract the acidity of the urethra and prepare the urethra for the flow of seminal fluid.

What is fertility tourism?

Usually involves in-vitro fertilization and donor insemination in locations where donors are much less expensive and/or the technology is available for less. -Medical tourism involves international travel with the intent of addressing medical care needs of the traveler that occurs outside of arranged cross-border care -Usually paid for out-of-pocket -Estimates of up to 25,000 couples annually search globally for assisted reproductive technology -Israel is a destination for IVF; India and a select few Asian countries are central for donor insemination

What is two-spirited?

Usually used to indicate a person whose body simultaneously houses a masculine spirit and a feminine spirit. -A modern umbrella term used by some Indigenous North Americans -Not specifically about gender expression or identity; also sexual orientation, sexuality, and attraction

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