Human Development Unit 3

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according to kohlberg's theory of moral development, attainment of the postconventional level of moral development is universal, given that attainment of formal operational development thinking is universal


according to research on Baumrind's theory of parenting styles, parents who are low in restrictiveness and control positively affects children's development by encouraging creativity and self expression


across families, birth order is a stronger predictor of children's development than other factors such as genetic differences


aggressive behavior in both children and adults is largely determined by biological influences


an environmental explanation of sexual orientation is supposed by the fact that the majority of children of gay and lesbian parents identify as gay or lesbian in adulthood


because of immature cognitive development, children's academic achievement is beyond their control


children and parents typically spend more time together in middle childhood than druing the preschool years


differences in the brain and sex hormones are largely responsible for gender differences in childhood


disorders which occur in conduct disorder and depression, and typically successfully treated with medication given that such disorders are largely determined by biological factors.


egocentrism is characterized by one dimensional thinking


in early childhood, having imaginary friends is typically a sign that the child has problems with real relationships


research shows that gender differences in children's play are apparent early in life and that they can be largely explained on the basis of biological sex differneces


research testing the validity of Baumrind's theory of parenting styles is typically experimental


short term and long term memory function in middle childhood are largely undeveloped, and show qualitive inprovement only during adolescence


the increased rates of overweight and obesity in children in the US in recent decades have been primarly caused by genetic changes in population


the vast majority of children of divorced parents are significantly more likely to have long-lasting developmental problems into adulthood


differences in IQ scores in children and adults is mostly attributable to environmental differences, as demonstrated by heritability estimates that typically are far below 50%

false (40-60 percent)

how do children's fears change over time

fear changes from infancy to preschool. number of fears peak between 21/2 to 4, then taper off. preschool marks a decline of fear in loud noises, sudden movement and strangers

How does the nature of parent-child relationships tend to change from EC to MC?

focus on new concerns: school matters, assignment of chores, peer activities. Parents provide less monitoring of childs activities and provide less feedback, spend less time different

How does the basis of friendship formation change from EC to MC

friendships are based on meeting of needs and possessing desirable traits, shared interest, pick friend in similar behavior and personality. Trustworthy, mutual understanding and willingness to disclose personal info

social cognition theory of gender emphasizes the role of learning in the development of gender differences


what is the average heritabilty of IQ scores, what environmental differences relate to IQ

40-60 percent, responsivness parents, appropriate play materials, varied experience, and head start programs

what is the leading cause of death in childhood? Group and SES differences

Accidents are the leading cause of deaths. motor vehicles accidents. boys are more likely than girls to incur accidental injuries at all ages and in all ses groups

Are children of gay and lesbian parents different, on average, from children of heterosexual couples

No, they are the same

Maternal employment has been consistently demonstrated in research to have a detrimental impact on children's development


Various explanations of gender difference and their weakness

Evolution and heredity- gender differneces were fashioned by natural selection in response to problmes in adaptation that were repeatedly encountered by humans over thousands of genderations. What about social and psychological gender differences? Organization of the brain-females and males use their left and right hemispheres of the brain differently sex hormones-the development of gender difference in personality along with anataomical gender, related to prenatal levels of sex hormones...studies have been mixed social cognitive theory-both the roles of rewards and punsihments in gender typeing and the ways in which children learn from watching others and decide what behaviors are appropriate for them cognitive development-children form concepts about gender and then fit their behavior to that concept gender schema theory- propeses that children use gender as one way of organinzing their perceptions of the world.

gender differneces in play

Girls- engage in social play more, and more likely to stray from stereotypical typed toys, more arts and crafts and domestic play, their activities are more closely directed and structured by adults and tend to prefer girl playmates by 2. Boys- more rough and tumbles play, prefer vigourous outside activities like climbing , more time played in group of 5 or more. preferns gender typed toys as early as 3-8 months

what factors influence children's memories and what strategies can be used to improve them?

Mental repetition or rehersal. putting information in categories. what they are asked to remember, intrest level of child, availability of retrieval cues, what memory measure is being used. Ques help memory, elaborating and asking them questions

does research consistently support the existence of the pygmalion effect no. Some indication that teachers expect less from children in low socioeconomical groups

Are some children right brained or left brained?

No, the functions of the left and right hemispheres overlap, and the hemispheres responds simultaneously when we focus on one thing or another

Overall, accidents are the leading cause of death in early childhood in the US


Physical growth during the preschool years is much slower than during infancy


how in general does Vygotsky's perspective on cognitive development differ from Piaget's?

Vygotsky's -social constructzone of proximal development, scaffolding more emphasis on sociocultural context. Langurage plays important role. education central and views teachers as vital roll. Piaget;s- cognitive context, schemes and stages, education reflects cognitive develoment, teacher is a vital role. Piaget thought brain constructs the world, Vgotsky thinks that the social world!

Zone of proximal development

Vygotsky's term for the situtation in which a child carries out tasks with the help of someone sho is more skilled, usually an adult, who represents the culture in which the child developes

Baumrind's taxonomy of parenting styles and why it can't be concluded that differences in parenting styles are direct cause of childrens development

WARMTH_COLDNESS + RESTRICTIVENESS-PERMISSIVENESS: Authorative-high restrictiveness and control and high warmth and responsiveness Authoritarian-High restrictiveness low warmth and responsiveness Permissive-Indulgent-low restrictiveness and control and high warmth and responsivness rejecting-neglecting: low restrictiveness and control and low warmth and responsiveness. Parentining styles rely on the situation and characterstics of the child

gender role

a cluster of traits and behaviors that are considered stereotypical of females and males


a fixed, conventional idea about a group

growth spurt

a period during which growth advances at a dramatically rapid rate compared with othe periods

postconventional level

a period during which moral judgments are derived from moral principles, and people look to themselves to set moral standards


abstract, generalized accounts of familiar repeated events

preconventional level

according to Kohlberg, a period druing which moral judgements are based largely on expectations of rewards and punsihments

conventional level

according to kohlberg, a period during which moral judgemnets are derived from moral judgments largely reflect social rules and conventions

how does the rate of minor illness change in childhood

age 1-3 average 8-9 sickness a year age 4-10 average 4-6 illnesses a year

how is aggressive behavior in children related to later development, and what factors are related to aggressive behavior in children

aggressive behavior apprears to be generally stable and predictive of social and emotional problems later one, especially in boys. aggressive children more likely to have criminal convictions as adults, abuse their spouses, and drink and drive. aggression in childhood seems to result from a complex interplay of biological and environmental factors and some genetic factors

learned helplesness

an acquired belief that one is unable to control one's environment

self-fulfilling prophecy

an event that occurs because of the behavior of those who expect it to occur

are intelligence and creativity related

arguable, some scientist say creativity requires high levels of intelligence, others say moderate levels required


awareness of and control of owes cognitive abilities

what group differences in prevalence characterize both enuresis and encopresis

boys 2 times more common on bed wetting . Encompresis more common amoung boys

What average gender differences are there in physical development

boys become slightly taller and heavier than girls

the ability to focus one's attention and screen out distractions advances steadily through middle childhood


Gender differences in physical development in MC

boys slightly taller and heavier until 9/10. Girls then begin adolescent growth spurt and surpass boys until 13/14 boys spurt and grow heavier and taller. Boys develop more muscle, and girls develop more fat

at what age, on average, do children show a preferred hand

by age 4 months most infants show a hand preference

what does the occurrence of overrregulariztaion indicate about language development

children acquire more grammatical rules as they learn language

why does self-esteem generally decline during MC? How is self-esteem related to peer relationships

children are able to compare themselves with children and arrive at a more honest and critical self- appraisal, social acceptance by peers is related to self perceived competence in academic and social and athletic domain.

how does an understanding of false beliefs contradict Piaget's characterization of children as egocentric

children are able to seperate their beliefs from those of another person who has false knowledge of a situtation. Children are able to believe that other children have different perspecitives of a situation, they are not so self centered.

what factors explain individual differences in children's activity levels

children become less restless after 2 or 3 and are able to sit longer. They are able to whow and increase in sustained, focus attention

How in general are the lives of children affected by divorce and remarriage? Should parents stay married for the sake of the children?

children of divorce do poorly the year following the breakup: conduct disorders, abuse drugs, poor grades, poor physical health, but rebound after the 1st year. Staying around bickering parents can cause a family climate that has the same effects as a divorce, divorce can be a positive.

what SES differences have been found in children's cognitive development

children reared in poverty perform less on IQ test, and they are at a greater risk for school failure

how is perspective taking related to peer relationships

children with better perspective takin skills tend to have better peer relationships

what accounts for average ethnic group differences in IQ`

culutral attitudes toward education

categorical self

definitions of the self that refer to external traits

how does the rate of fine motor skills development compare to that of gross motor skill development

develop gradually, a bit more slowly than gross motor skills

social cognition

development of children's understanding of the relationship between the self and others

how does attention change into MC

development of selective attention. develope the abiltiy to solve problesm. developement of the capicty of memory and understanding the process of memory

Does maternal employment harm children's development

does not contribute to delinquency, although lack of supervision does. Girls of employed mothers are more achievement oriented, and set higher career goals, children or working mothers are more prosocial, less anxious, and have more flexible gender role stereotypes

how is episodic momory unique relative to other dimensions of LTM

episodic memory is the memory that is uniques to the child and what happens to them

ADHD is a disorder charachterized by excessive inattention, impulsiveness, and hyperactivity, has been determined to be nearly-perfectly inheritable


Infants and young toddlers have greater difficulty recovering from brain damage than adults because their brains have not yet developed the capacity for plasticity


the dynamics of parent's relationships are related to levels of sibling conflict


What is plasticity and what neurological factors make it possible? How does the capacity for plasticity change through the lifespan

growth of new dendrites "sprouting" and the redundancy of neural connections, allow for the damaged areas of the brain to compensate for injuries to particular area, kids can regrow these dendrites, whereas adults will learn the excercises in a new area of the brain

factors that contribute to obesity in MC

heredity, sugary drinks, and less healthful food at school and cc centers. advertising of fattening food, lack of reg physical activity, limited access to healthful foods, larger portions sizes, lack fo breastfeeding and tv and media, parental habits

accoring to HOME what factors contribute to children's development

home environment, parent child interactions at home, parent emotional and verbal responses, avoidance of restriction and punishment, organization of physical environment, avial of appropriate play things,parenatal involvement, variety for daily stimulus

list some general factors related to childrens achievement in school

if teachers expect students to master the curriculum, allocate most of the academic time to student and manage classrooms. emotional climate of classroom (pleasant and friendly atmosphere)

how does self concept change during childhood

in EC developes and grows more complex. Acquire a sense of won abilities and increasing mastery on the enviornmnet. face new experiences that make them fearful or have anxiety

cognitive developments which underpin advance in moral reasoning

influenced by the values of the culture setting they are reared in, but also reflect the unfolding of the cognitive process. moral reasoning is torelated to childs overall cognitive ability. behavior right if it conforms to authority or the rules of the game=moral realism. autonomous morality=social rules can change with situtations

difference between intelligence and achievement

intellegence is percieved as a childs underlying competence or learning ability. achievement involves a child's acquired compentence or performance

how is emotional and cognitive development related to prosocial behavior

it is linked by the development of empathy and perspective taking. They have to be emotionally responsive. they have to have the cognitive ability to know when someone is in need or distress

memory and knowledge relation

knowledge in particualr areas increase the capacity to sotre and tertrieve info more effectively. show more knowledge of strategies to facilitate memeory

gender identity

knowledge of one is female or male

how do children commonly demonstrate symbolic thought

language, drawings, pretend play

what are the cognitive advancement, and weaknesses of children in the concrete operational stage

less egocentric- recognize people see things different ways because of different situations and values. Decentration- focus on multiple parts of a problem. understand laws of conservation. show transitivity- prinicple if a>b and b>c the A>C. class inclusion (more dogs or more animals

what factors contribute to toilet training

maturation and the ability to inhibit reflexes

What general processes contribute most greatly to the development of gross motor skills in EC

maturation of the nervous system Children acquire motor skills by teaching themselves and observing other children

How do major illnesses differ in children from developed countries versus those living in developed countries? What factors contribute to these differences

may major childhood diseases have been eradicated in the US due to vaccines and antibiotics, they remain fearsome for developing countries

What causes ADHD

maybe a link to brain chemical dopamine. ADHD reflects lack of executive control over brain and over mortor and more primitive funcions

weaknesses of culture free test of IQ

middle class children still out perform lower class children. they are more likely to have more experience with the items that are tested with. do not predict academic success as well as other intelligent test

how does older childrens memory strategies change

more likely to use elaborate strategy-tie the unknown to something known. encod visual info as sounds, reheral of info using route reherasal or repetition, they put meaning into new things to help them remember

advantages of bilingualism

more thaon one langualge contributes to the complexity of the child's cognive processes, more cognitive flexibility.

factors that contribute to motor development in MC

muscle grow stronger and neural pathways that connect cerebellum and cortex become more myelinated. Inborn differences make some have better depth perception and acurty. girls and boys are similar in motor acitivity. boys have more strength and girls coordination and flexibility. at puberty boys differences become greater

What factors contribute to greater sibiling conflict

parents play favorites, relationship between parents or parents and child are troubled

what does the typical treatment of conduct disorder, depression, and anziety disorders have in common

parents playing a key role and addressing the problem cognitively.

how do peers contribute to socioemotional development, and upon what basis do children form friendships

peer interactions foster social skills:sharing, helping, taking turns, and dealing with conflict. physical and cognitive skills develop through peer interactions, they provide emotional support. Kids forge friendships through shared postive experience and feelings of attachment

What are peers important to development

peers afford practice in cooperating, relating to leaders, coping with aggression impulses including own, and can be confidants

primary weakeness of theories of multiple intelligence

peopel question if abilities in music and art are really "intelligences" or just skill

What are the characterisitcs that warrant the dx of learning disability

perfoming lower level expected for their age and intelligence and when no evidence of ther handicaps such as vision and hearing or intellectual difficulties are present. or not hindered by socioeconomic disadvantages

How does the rate of physical development in early Childhood compare to that during years prior

physical growth is slower than infancy. Gains about 2-3 inches in height/ 4-6#s a year

how does play contribute to development

play helps children develop motor skills and coordination, contributes to social development: share and take turns, supports congvitive qualites as curosity, exploration, symbolic thinking, and problem solving...even some impulse control

difference between mantenance reherasal and eblaborative rehersal

rehersal is just repeating the info, but elaborate rehersal is tying new material to known material



how is intellectual diability defined, and what causes it

signifigant limitations in both intellectual functioning and in adaptive behavior, whih covers many everyday social and practical skills. Caused by, biological, chromosomal abnormalities, brain damage, accidents and pregnancy complications

how do night terrors and somnambulism differ from nightmares

sleep terrors are more severe than anziety dreams. They take place during deep sleep, nightmares take place during lighter REM, sleep waking also occurs during deep sleep. Sleep terrors and somnambulism decrease as kids develop. They reflect inmaturity of the NS

how do intelligence scores in childhood relate to scores later in life

strong correlation at 9/10 years of age

gender stability

the concept that one's gender is unchanging

gender constancy

the concept the one's gender remains the same despite changes in appearance and behavior

What neurological change results in the increase in brain size during EC

the continuing myelination of nerve fibers. completion of myelination of the neural pathways facilitates fine moter, balance, and coordination

is birth order a strong predictor of individual children's development

the difference is a group difference and does not apply to all first or later-born children

What factors are related to school readiness

the diversity and inequity of child's early life experiences. individual differences in young child's development and learning. The degree to which the school establishes reasonable and appropriate expectations of capabilities

autobiographical memory

the memory of specific episodes or events

long term memory

the memory structure capable of relatively permanent storage on info

sensory memory

the structure of memory first encountered b sensory input. Information is maintained in sensory memory for only a fraction of a second

working memory

the structure of memory that can hold a sensory stimulus for up to 30 seconds after the trace decays

what are the weaknesses in preoperational childrrens thinking and why do these weaknesses occur

the validity of concept is good, but timing of emergence of skills is not so good. Piaget underestimates kids abilities and focuses too much on maturation.

attributional style

the way in which one is disposed toward interpreting outcomes (successes and failures) as in tending to place blame or responsibility on oneself or on external factors

what is the relationship between language acquisition and cognitive development

they are interwoven, they gain capicity to sescriminate between animal on basis of features, and they are acquring words to cover broader categories

sleep terrors differ from nightmares in that sleep terrors occur during deep sleep and nightmares occur primarily during light REM sleep


how do children demonstrate understanding of pragmatics

they show pragmatism when they adjust their speech to fit the social situation. Big words for doctor or teacher with higher formality

whate gender and indvidual differences in motor development are present in ec and middle

throught ec boys and girls are similar in motor skills, girls are somewhat better at balance and percision and boys, throwing and kicking. Boys do more rough and tumble

Better sanitation, and medications and immunizations, have greatly reduced the incidence of serious childhood illnesses in developed countires


From early to middle childhood the basis for the formation of friendships shifts from superficial characteristics, such as shared activities and geographic closeness, to internal, psychological characteristics, such as emotional needs and personality traits.


Learning disabilities are disorders characterized by inadequate development of specific academic, language and speech skills


SES is correlated with children's performance on standardized test of intelligence and likelihood of school failure


The development of perspective taking is related to socioemotional developmental outcomes such as peer relationships


While both boys and girls become more slender and lose some baby fat during the preschool years, boys become slightly taller and heavier than girls


While myelination of motor neural pathways largely accounts for increasing fine motor skills, development of gross motor skills in early childhood is greatly influenced by practice and observational learning


a weakness of Baurind's theory of parenting styles is that it ignores genetic influences of children's development


according to gender schema theory, children actively attempt to conform to their own perceptions and definitons of gender


average differences in IQ scores across ethnic groups refelct average differences in SES


changing one's speech to fit a particular social situation demonstrates pragmatics


children in the concrete operational period of cognitive development can focus on more than one dimension of a problem at a time and are less egocentric than younger children


children's school readiness depends on both cognitive and socioemotional development


childrens self-concepts become less superficial and concrete during childhood


cognitive developmental change is related to a typical decline in self esteem in middle childhood


conservation is the understanding that properties of objects remain the same, even if you change their superficial characterstics


differences in children's cognition are related to the incidence of both prosocial and aggreassive behavior


gender constancy refers to the conservation of gender


in middle childhood, boys develop relatively more muscle, and girls develop more fat


in middle childhood, males and females are more similar than different in most motor activites


intellectual disability is influenced by both biological and environmental factors and is defined upon the basis of IQ scores


memory of personal experiences is the least stable dimension of long-term memory


the elaborative strategy for improving memory, the intentional formation of associations among information, is a more effective strategy thn rote rehersal


young children are able to use retrieval cues provided to them by adults to remember things


what processes account for the rapid development of vocabulary in childhood

word learning is fast mapped

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