Human Growth Quizzes

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Cassandra got divorced, lost her job, and had to move into a new apartment in a run-down section of town. She believes that these set-backs are temporary. She is likely:

to manage her stress better than someone who believes this situation would not change.

Why does post-conventional thinking not typically emerge until adolescence?

Because formal operational thinking is a pre-requisite for post-conventional thinking, and formal operational thought does not emerge until adolescence.

The best way to characterize attachment would be that it is

a reciprocal relationship between child and parent

According to Erikson's theory, what is most critical for a child to develop in the first year of life?

a sense of trust

Mayumi's physician wants to assess her fetus for genetic abnormality. Mayumi is lying on a table on her back, and her physician inserts a needle into her abdomen and draws out fluid for testing. Mayumi is having which prenatal test?


Kramer is eighteen. He has never really questioned his parents' beliefs, simply adopted them as his own. What is Kramer's identity status likely to be?


Which of the following is a moderator of stressful life events?

having understanding and supportive family members

Which of the following are you likely to hear from an 11-year-old answering the question, "What is a friend?"

"Someone who is nice to you."

By what age do children typically start demonstrating a preference for gender-specific toys, such as dolls for girls and toy trucks for boys?

12 to 18 months

Ayla wants her baby to know her voice and love reading. What is the earliest into her pregnancy that she could start reading to her baby and reasonably expect that the baby might be able to hear her?

13 weeks

Liam has a mental age of 14, and a chronological age of 10. What is his IQ?

140 IQ is calculated by mental age divided by chronological age, and then multiply by 100. Fourteen divided by ten is 1.4, and 1.4 x 100 = 140.

Jimmy is socially inept and tends to perseverate on trains and clocks. However, he chatters like a little professor, and his parents report that his language development seemed normal to them. Which autism spectrum disorder does Jimmy most likely have?

Asperger's syndrome

Sarah is sure that she is in labor, and she and her husband rush the hospital. After all, she is only seven months pregnant! She is really embarrassed, when after assessing her, the physician on call tells her that the contractions are not true labor contractions but

Braxton-Hicks contractions

Which of the following is not a component of Sternberg's triangular theory of love?


Which of the following is recommended to those who are supporting a dying person?

Don't minimize the person's pain or need to grieve

Which parents are communicating to their children most effectively about their divorce?

Ellen and Joel sit down together and tell their children they are separating about a month before it happens, but they both still love them dearly and will be their parents no matter what.

Which of the following is one of the criticisms offered by your author regarding the use of punishment with children?

It may cause feelings of anger and hostility.

Which of the following is a true statement about loneliness?

It often involves a lack of social skills.

How might a school empower students in an effective way?

Have students participate in setting the learning goals for each week.

Amanda puts her baby in a high quality day care. What can she expect?

Her child may have higher scores on tests of cognitive skills than children reared at home.

American culture tends to deny the existence of death. Which of the following is an example of how it does that, according to Kübler-Ross (1969)?

How the dead bodies are prepared for viewings

Which of the following comments is most characteristic of a preschooler's self-evaluations?

I am good at things

Which self-description reflects the most complex self-concept?

I am talkative with my parents because they care about what I say, but shy with my peers because they aren't interested in me.

Kyla's daughter is in the middle of the grocery store throwing a huge tantrum because she wants Kyla to buy her some candy. Kyla has explained to her that money is really tight and they can't afford to spend on extra candy right now, and has assured her at her birthday or during the holidays she can have some. Still, her daughter screams, cries, and kicks to show her displeasure. According to Freud, which part of Kyla's daughter's personality is responsible for the tantrum


Dominic hates school and refuses to go. What should his parents do?

Insist that he go to school while at the same time try to understand what underlies his refusal

Lakshmi's three-year-old daughter is really misbehaving-dumping out toys and strewing them about the living room, throwing things at the wall, and making irritating noises. What should Lakshmi do to manage her daughter's behavior most effectively?

Invite her daughter to help her clean up so they can bake a cake together.

Which of the following is true about dependence on others during late adulthood

It is a particularly sensitive topic when it involves toileting activities.

Should you allow your child to work during the school year?

It is all right, but you should limit the number of hours they work to less than 9 or so per week.

Amy is very securely attached to her mother. Then her parents get divorced, Amy's mom has to go to work, and as a result is very stressed. Instead of playing with Amy when she gets home, now Amy's mom barks at her to "be quiet" and "stop interrupting." What is likely to happen to Amy's attachment?

It will become less secure

Which child is most likely to engage in bullying?

Jackson, who is not so great at the academic part of school work

Janelle had her baby and is "rooming in"-meaning the baby stays in the room with her most of the day. Julie had her baby and the baby is spending most of the time in the nursery so that she can get rested and recovered from childbirth. What does research say about how these two mothers will bond with their infants?

Janelle may have a stronger bond with her baby for even up to two years after birth than Julie does.

Who will have the hardest time in adolescence?

Jaycie, who developed breasts when she was 8.

Which thinker suggested that children are innately good?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Sarah is a new mother who believes that she can control how her child turns out by controlling the environment in which her child is raised. Sarah's ideas agree best with which of the following philosophers

John Locke

Sandra is using different breathing patterns to help her manage the pain of her contractions during childbirth. She has a coach that offers social support, massages her, times her contractions, and helps with the breathing and relaxation exercises she has practiced. Sandra is using which method of childbirth?

Lamaze method

Which of the following behaviors best illustrates the presence of visual recognition memory in an infant?

Looking longer at a novel picture than one that has been previously seen.

Angelica is returning to work after staying home with her children for several years. Her eldest child is eleven, and she is worried that her new work status will make him at risk for getting in with the wrong crowd of kids. She doesn't want him turning into a delinquent. What should she do?

Make sure her children, including her eldest, have adequate supervision while she is at work.

Which child is most likely to be perceived as popular?

Monique, who is pretty and a great ball player, and lots of kids are envious of her.

Jon has a son experiencing sleep terrors. He complains about how disruptive these middle-of-the-night events are to his own sleep, as well as his son's. What can you tell him that will offer encouragement that is accurate?

Most children outgrow sleep terrors by late adolescence

Adelheid is in second grade. She longs for a best friend. What can her mom tell her that is consistent with research on friendship in middle childhood?

Most kids your age don't have a single "best" friend, but several. Focus on finding a group you enjoy!

Carolyn wants to help promote her child's language development. Which of the following strategies will be most effective?

Only reinforce the child for accurate statements, but tolerate pronunciation and syntactical errors

Lucia took nine months off from work when she had her baby. At nine months, she went back to work. Her baby sobs inconsolably when she drops her off at day care. What should you tell her based on research on emotional development?

Stranger anxiety tends to peak around nine months, so this sort of reaction to a new situation is normal and about stranger anxiety, not about her working.

Who is LEAST likely to drop out of high school?

Shara, who is from a small town in the middle of nowhere

Frank is facing a dilemma. He knows that his best friend cheated on a test, but it is one that nearly every other student he knows cheats on, and his friend really needs the grade to graduate from high school Frank is trying to decide what course of action to take-tell the school authorities about his friend's cheating, or not. He decides that the principle of loyalty is too important to violate, even though it is wrong to cheat. Frank's moral reasoning is at ________ in Kohlberg's theory.

Stage 6

Janae wants to make sure her daughter, a four-year-old, really remembers as much of their family trip to Disneyworld as possible. What can she do to promote her daughter's memory of this event?

Talk about different things that happened on the trip a lot with her.

Jessica's baby was born without arms, and just stubs for legs. Which teratogen was Jessica's baby most likely exposed to?


Which of the following would LEAST likely be on the Bayley mental scale?

The infant makes a postural adjustment when put to the examiner's shoulder.

Which of the following has research found about children who have suffered from abuse?

They have lower in self-esteem and do poorer in school than their nonabused peers

Which of the following is true regarding how stress affects people during middle adulthood?

Those who believe they have control are less likely to be depressed

Which of the following is NOT a theorist who believed in discontinuity?


Sadie is a teenager. On which topic is she LEAST likely to take her parents' advice?

What to wear on a first date.

Which parent is MOST likely to use a power-assertive technique?

Zena, whose child just aggressively pushed a sibling.

Which of the following children would be most likely to develop in socially and emotionally healthy ways?

a child raised by warm parents

Which of the following represents a "microsystem?"

a child's home

Vygotsky's sociocultural theory suggests that

a child's interactions with adults organize the child's learning experiences.

Postpartum depression is thought to be caused by:

a combination of psychological and physiological factors

Maude turned 40 this past year and now she has quit her job and taken up with a much younger man after leaving her husband of 15 years. According to Levinson, she is experiencing

a midlife crisis

Kübler-Ross's (1969) stages of death include all of the following except


Collin is a baby who loves to put everything in his mouth. One day, he reaches out and grabs his sister's Barbie doll. Holding the doll by the legs, he tries to put the Barbie's head in his mouth to suck on it. He notices right away that the Barbie hair tastes kind of gross and the head is too big to fit in his mouth, so he pulls it away and waves it around instead. According to Piaget, Collin has just displayed


Cynthia has Asperger's disorder. Which of the following is true?

she will not demonstrate significant cognitive or language delays

Jenee is a biracial woman who is very comfortable with her dual racial identities. She is half-Black and half-Asian. She has spent a great deal of time exploring both of these heritages, and has integrated them into her identity. In which stage of ethnic identity development is Jenee?

achieved ethnic identity

Research on emotional regulation has shown:

adolescents who had been securely attached early in life had better emotional regulation than others who had been less securely attached.

Jun's neonate son is breathing irregularly with open eyes and active body movement. Which state is the baby in?

alert activity

Bitsy's baby just tasted something on her pacifier, and is now gagging, spitting, and sticking out her tongue. What taste did the baby encounter?


Low self-esteem is related to

an authoritarian parenting style

Cohen is 3 years old. He comments to his mother about the sun rising earlier and earlier as summer approaches. "The sun wants to come out and play with us." Cohen is displaying

animistic thinking

Life reviews:

are an attempt to make life meaningful.

According to Freud, in the middle childhood period sexual feelings

are latent

In comparison to friendships in earlier childhood, friendships in adolescence ____.

are more likely to stress the importance of self-disclosure and acceptance

Friendships during middle adulthood

are often important for one's well-being

A highly self-reliant child is most likely to have been raised by:

authoritarian parents

Parenting that uses consistent control and firm enforcement of rules and is combined with strong support and affection is called:


Sally tells her son it is time to go to bed. He really wants to stay up late and watch a special show. Sally says, "I know it's really important to you, but it's a school night. How about I record it and then you can watch it after school tomorrow afternoon, honey?" Sally is using a(n) ________ parenting style.


Drew is playing blocks near Becca at school. He accidentally bumps her and makes her knock the top block of her tower off. Becca considers the situation, and decides that what Drew did wasn't wrong because it didn't hurt her tower much and he didn't mean to do it. Becca is demonstrating

autonomous morality

I wish we were like everyone else" said the X sex chromosome to the Y sex chromosome. "All the other chromosomes are part of the ________ club! But they will only let 22 couples in


Marco is playing in the church nursery where he has been dropped off for the first time. He doesn't seem to care at all when his mom leaves, and he seems indifferent to her return, too. Marco shows a(n) ________ attachment.


All of the following activities are considered helpful in promoting cardiovascular fitness in children EXCEPT


Mario was fired from his job of 20 years, experienced the death of his mother, and rarely sees his children after his divorce. He believes that he has bad luck and that everything he does seems to end badly. He is likely to

become depressed.

How has autism been most effectively treated?

behavior modification has been used to increase children's interactions with others

Research on personality development has shown:

by middle adulthood people tend to be stable in the "Big Five" traits.

How can child abuse be prevented?

by strengthening parental skills in the general population

Children who are being raised by their grandparents

can bring new and unanticipated stressors to their grandparents

marital conflict

can cause psychological distress in children

Matt and Lynn neither one have cystic fibrosis. However, their son is born with cystic fibrosis. Matt and Lynn are ________ for cystic fibrosis


Emanuel is watching his preschool teacher pour juice into cups. All of the cups are 8 ounces, but one of the cups is tall and thin while the rest are short and squat. Emanuel points to the tall, thin cup and says "Hey, that's not fair! The person who gets that juice gets more than everyone else!" Emanuel's tendency to focus on the height of the glass and ignore the width of it illustrates


From his work at the Binet Institute in Paris, Piaget concluded that

children's incorrect answers followed consistent cognitive processes.

Augie is 7 months old and cries fiercely and for a long time when his mother leaves him with a babysitter. Augie is probably in the

clear-cut-attachment phase.

Everlee watches her mother bang a peg board with a hammer. Everlee has never played with this toy, and she makes no effort to do so after watching her mom. However, a day later, Everlee's mom walks by a room and notices Everlee has picked up the hammer and is trying to bang the pegboard. Everlee is displaying

deferred imitation

The psychological adjustment of children with lesbian or gay parents has been shown to be:

comparable to the adjustment of children with heterosexual parents

Conrad seems like a mean kid. He is nine years old. Whenever he thinks no one is watching, he kicks the family cat-hard. He tried to set the house on fire, and he is constantly getting into fights at school. Conrad probably has a(n)

conduct disorder

According to Erikson, early experiences:

continue to affect future development

Betty is thinking about lying to her mother. She decides she should not do it, because a good daughter would not lie to her mother. If her mother found out she had lied, she would be disappointed in her. Which level of moral reasoning is Betty engaged in, according to Kohlberg?


Lars is playing with his two-month old baby, making silly faces and blowing raspberries on her stomach. He is delighted when she responds with "ooh" and "ahh" and happy expressions. Lars' baby is


As Joshua progresses through middle childhood, he enjoys increasing independence from his parents. When he was younger, his mom would come in and pick out his clothes for the next day for him. By second grade, she would tell him to pick something out for himself. By fourth grade, she doesn't even have to tell him to do it, he just knows it is part of his nightly routine. Occasionally he doesn't do so well with his increasing independence, and his mom has to do more for or with him, but mostly he is enjoying the control he has over most of his daily decisions. The change in Joshua's relationship with his mom illustrates the process of


Jocks, brains, druggies, and nerds are all examples of


Which developmental pattern does self-esteem follow throughout middle childhood?

decreases throughout

Consider the two sentences: "I went to the store to get bread" and "I was at the store getting bread." These sentences share a common ________ structure, but a different ________ structure.

deep; surface

After hearing about her friend's death in a car accident, Lily continued to call her friend's phone and send her email messages. Lily's behavior is likely to be an example of which stage of dying, identified by Kübler-Ross?


Erin is 8 years old. In order to successfully navigate the crisis that Erikson proposed occurs during this stage, Erin will need to:

develop a sense of competence or industry

According to Erikson, the primary task of adolescence is to:

develop ego identity

Research on grief has shown that:

disbelief tends to subside over time and acceptance increases.

McKenna and Piper each have on a princess gown and a tiara. One of them pretends to be the good princess, and the other the bad princess, and they are engaged in a "battle" between good and evil. The girls are engaged in which type of play?

dramatic play

Molly is very predictable. She always is hungry at the same times of day, likes to try new things, and is generally very happy. Which temperament type does Molly have?


Adam is playing in his crib after he awakes from his afternoon nap. His dad stands at the door and listens for a minute as Adam says "bah-bah-bah-bah," pauses and then says "tah-tah-tah-tah" and other cute things that are similar in nature.


Connor desperately needs special education, but his mother refuses to acknowledge this. She insists that he is perfectly "normal" and able to learn in a "normal" classroom. As a result, each year, he falls further and further behind in school. Connor's mom is guilty of which type of neglect?


Which of the following most accurately describes dating relationships in early adolescence?


David is trying to figure out who he is. Sometimes he acts like a belligerent, wild man. Other times, he sees himself more as an introspective, artistic type. Still other times, he feels so plugged into his church and sees himself as potential minister material. According to Erikson, David is involved in which crisis?

ego identity versus role confusion

Amelia is an adolescent. She spends much of her time thinking about who to date, whether or not to go to college, and what career she might choose. According to Erikson, in which stage of psychosocial development is Amelia?

ego identity versus role diffusion

Sasha is participating in an experiment. She sits on one side of a mountain scene and the experimenter sits on the other. The experimenter asks Sasha to describe her view of the mountain scene and Sasha does so. She then asks Sasha to describe what Sasha believes she (the experimenter) can see from the other side. What is this experimenter testing Sasha for?


Which preoperational characteristic tends to suppress the ability to take perspectives?


Cheri's teacher is teaching her new vocabulary words. She has them use the words in a sentence to help them remember the meaning. Cheri's teaching is using a(n) ________ strategy to promote her memory of her vocabulary words.


Jaylyn is pregnant. She has a history of smoking and drinking heavily. Her doctor urges her to curtail these activities, especially during the ________ period of her pregnancy when there are the greatest number of critical periods


Max is very upset about his sister getting all the presents because it is her birthday. He knows he shouldn't be, so he takes deep breaths to calm himself down. Max is engaged in

emotional regulation

Jake is 7 years old and in first grade. About once a week, he accidentally poops in his pants at school. It is mortifying! Jake probably has


Treatment for childhood depression focuses on

encouraging children to do enjoyable things and to develop social skills

According to Erikson, the key "crisis" of young adulthood is:

establishment of intimate relationships.

Wing Tung believes that instincts are critical to understanding human development. He probably studies the ________ perspective.


Robins and colleagues (2002) found in their massive study of self-esteem that:

even for people in their 80s self-esteem levels were above their midpoints for most people.

Mike is a hard-core political conservative. He doesn't agree with most Democratic positions, but he can see how one might make an argument for some of them. The fact that Mike can understand and make arguments for something that he doesn't personally believe in illustrates

formal operational thinking.

Lauren has long hair down to her waist. One day, she goes and gets it cropped very short. Her three-year-old daughter is dismayed, "You're a boy now!" she cries. Lauren's daughter's sense that her mother's gender is different because of a haircut highlights the importance of the concept of

gender constancy

When Susie is asked what she wants to be when she grows up, she states firmly, "A daddy!" Susie has not yet developed

gender stability

Liselle and Julian expect their child to be rowdy and rambunctious. He is, and so even though he is a handful, they don't get too bent out of shape about it. As a result, their son get a lot of freedom that helps him run off his extra energy and he doesn't become any more difficult. This illustrates the concept of

goodness of fit

Baby Helena's mother presses a little rattle into her hand, and Helena's fingers automatically wrap around it. This is an example of the ________ reflex.


Lacey's baby is entirely pink, has a pulse of 120 beats per minute, flexed arm and legs, regular breathing and a lusty cry. Which part of the Apgar scale does this description NOT include


Older people who are more likely to stay in their own homes the longest

have stronger ties to the community in which they live

Rob has had a little too much to drink when he leaves the stadium, and he stumbles into a glass trophy case. He has to be rushed to the emergency room because he has been cut by the broken glass, and is bleeding profusely and it does not seem to be stopping or slowing at all. Rob has which genetic abnormality?


Zackary uses the word "up" to mean various things. Sometimes it means "pick me up" and sometimes it means "get me out of bed" and sometimes it means something is up high that he wants his parent to get for him. For Zackary, "up" is an example of a(n)


According to Erikson, which of the following is considered a turning point in development?

identity crisis

Xena looks in the mirror and sees a pimple. Oh my gosh, she thinks, I can't go to school like that. Everyone will be looking at me. I'm so embarrassed. Xena's belief that others around her are paying as much attention to her pimple as she is illustrates the

imaginary audience.

Tara and Shawn have tried to have children and are infertile. Tara has had eggs harvested, and they have been placed in a petri dish where they were fertilized using some of Shawn's sperm. Now those fertilized ova are being injected into Tara's uterus. Tara and Shawn are using

in vitro fertilization.

Tomas is unable to focus on a task for a long period of time. He just stares off into space and zones out. He is quiet when this happens, but he rarely completes his work at school. Which aspect of ADHD is Tomas demonstrating?


Henry is an extremely aggressive child. It may be because in utero he was exposed to very high levels of


Kirk's son just pulled someone's hair. Kirk grasps his arm and says firmly, "Don't do that! It hurts her!" The fact that Kirk explained to his son that pulling hair hurts is the reason behind the rule of "don't pull hair" illustrates Kirk using a(n) ________ approach to child rearing.


Nine-year-old Jenna is struggling in school and doesn't have many friends. According to Erikson, she may develop a sense of ________ if these difficulties continue.


Four-year-old Kassin's mom finds him in the kitchen one morning, climbing up on the counter to get the cereal box down. He already has the milk and his bowl and spoon out. "I can get my breakfast myself, Mommy!" he declares with pride. Kassin's behavior is reflective of which of Erikson's psychosocial crises?

initiative versus guilt

As four-year-old Monsee plays with her dolls, she talks to herself, First we will go to the store, after I get you dressed. Monsee continues to narrate her activity to herself, illustrating

inner speech

Evie is very bright, but she brings home poor grades in school. This illustrates the distinction between

intelligence; achievement

Belle was an excellent mother to Jean. Jean was very securely attached to Belle. Jean had Missy. Missy was quite securely attached to Jean. This example illustrates

intergenerational transmission of attachment.

Jada is depressed. She is most likely to attribute the causes of her failures to ________ factors.

internal, stable, and global

According to Daniel Levinson and his colleagues, the midlife transition:

is a shift when people start to think of how much time they have left to live.

Sexism in the classroom

is demonstrated when teachers remind the girls to be more 'ladylike' while accepting impetuous behavior from boys.

What happens to self-esteem throughout middle childhood?

it declines

Are peer influence and parental influence in conflict during adolescence?

it depends upon the domain under consideration

Piaget's cognitive-developmental theory has been criticized because:

it focused almost exclusively on maturational processes

Which of the following is true of hospice?

it focuses on dying with dignity and with as little pain as possible

Which of the following is true about the influence of peers?

it is an important part of the socialization process

Which is the most accurate statement about rape?

it is most common among women ages 16-24.

Joahn has recently discovered she is pregnant. She is hoping it is a boy. You can tell her that

it is slightly more likely that she will have a boy than a girl.

Jeremy is interested in studying the origins of autism. He compares how similar people from different families are, and notices that parents and children seem quite similar on the degree to which they display autism symptoms. Aunts and uncles display somewhat less similarity to their nieces and nephews. First cousins display even less similarity to each other. What sort of study is Jeremy doing?

kinship study

Helping a child cope with the death of a loved one can include

letting the child express his/her feelings

Erikson labeled the stages of his theory based on:

life crises

Andrew wants to study what factors influence well-being at different stages of life. He believes that different factors will influence this during childhood as compared to young adulthood, middle adulthood, or late adulthood. Andrew takes a

life-span perspective

Amanda is getting ready to have a C-section, and she has been numbed below the waist. She is awake, however, throughout the process because she received a(n)

local anesthetic

Pam is studying the development of premature babies over time. During 2005, she selected 50 preemies from her NICU, and each year since then she measures their performance on a variety of cognitive and physical tasks. Pam is using a ________ research strategy.


Lawson has ADHD. He goes to a "normal" classroom for school, but his teacher has him sit in a special spot where it is easier for him to focus. Lawson is allowed to complete much of his work in a standing position rather than a sitting position, and he has a check sheet on his desk to help him stay focused. All of these accommodations allow Lawson to function effectively in the "normal" classroom. Lawson has been


Which of the following is true about gender and cognitive abilities during adolescence?

males score higher on tests of visual-spatial ability

During the first year of a child's life:

marital satisfaction declines

Levinson and colleagues' theory called "seasons of life":

may be less applicable to today's women than previously

Depression in childhood:

may be masked by behaviors such as conduct disorder and physical complaints

What ability would not be necessary for object permanence to occur?

memory skills

When Jada takes a field trip, her school environment intersects with the community setting her class is visiting on the field trip. This intersection represents Bronfenbrenner's


Greg is studying for his science test. He first memorizes all the key terms, and then tests himself over them to see what requires further study. Greg's strategies display


According to Robert Havighurst, Keeping our performance at work at a satisfactory level is considered a developmental task during

middle adulthood

Tori wants to have her baby at home, not at a hospital. She will probably need to have a ________ in attendance at her home birth, to assist with the birthing process.


Priti uses the word "dog" to refer to pretty much any four-legged animal-she calls cats, cows, horses and goats dogs. Priti is demonstrating


"Who is your best friend?" Liselle asks her daughter. "Reese," she replies. "Why do you pick Reese?" Liseslle asks. Her daughter replies, "Because she is our neighbor and we both like to swing and play Legos together." Liselle's daughter's reply illustrates that she is at which of Selman's stages of understanding friendship?

momentary physical interaction

Because Margaret was raised speaking both Chinese and English at home, she understands that the letters used in a given language are arbitrary. Different symbols in Chinese and English can represent the same sound. This understanding will promote ________ in Margaret than her monolingual peers.

more cognitive flexibility

Which of the following is true regarding bullying

most children across the world report incidents of bullying

Critiques of Kübler-Ross' stages of dying have suggested

most people die from terminal illnesses which is not relevant to the stages

Kirk has a genetic predisposition for epilepsy, but it doesn't manifest itself until he drops some weights on his head during a weight room accident. Kirk's epilepsy is an example of a(n)

multifactorial problem

Jamil is studying children's friendship patterns. He gains permission of parents at an elementary school to watch children playing together on the playground. He unobtrusively sits down on a bench and records how many invitations to play each child receives and from whom. Jamil is using which method for gathering information?

naturalistic observation

According to Erikson's psychosocial theory of development, people who are unable to have children:

need to find substitutes to their need for generativity

Paulo is often nervous and moody. He would score high in which of the five personality factors of Costa and McCrae?


According to Kohlberg's cognitive-developmental theory, children progress at different rates through his stages of moral development and

not all children (or adults) reach the highest stage

Teddi and Rhonda are engaged in an argument. Rhonda thinks that children will "be what they will be" and that there is little a parent can do to change that. Teddi believes that parents determine their child's developmental path by the kinds of parenting strategies that they use. Teddi argues for ________ while Rhonda argues for ________.

nurture; nature

Charlie is sitting in his bouncy seat holding a small rattle in his hand. He drops the rattle to the floor. He doesn't seem to cry or even look for it. It is as if the rattle doesn't exist for him any longer now that he isn't seeing or touching it. Charlie's has not yet developed

object permanence

Bharat is watching the other kids on the playground play kickball. He has never played kickball, but after a while he joins in and seems to understand the game perfectly. He plays just like the other children. This illustrates which type of learning?

observational learning

Treatment of depression in older adults:

often requires methods similar to treatment used for younger people

In late adulthood, self-esteem may be lower than in middle adulthood because:

older people may suffer a lot of life changes that involve loss in their lives during late adulthood.

Amir has promised his father he won't go into the woods ever. When Amir sees his younger sister running off into the woods and no adults are around, he tries to decide what to do. He decides that his father will be angry if he runs into the woods, but that if he explains to his father why-to rescue his sister-his father will have the same information as Amir now has and will no longer be angry. Which of Selman's levels of perspective taking does Amir's reasoning illustrate?


Which of the following children would be most likely to demonstrate prosocial behavior

one whose parents explained how their behavior affected other.

Ian watches Luke building a Lego construction. Ian makes some suggestions on how to design the construction, but doesn't join in the play with Legos. Ian and Luke are engaged in ________ play which is ________.

onlooker play; nonsocial

What are freud's psychosexual stages?

oral, anal, phallic, latency, genetial

Which is most important to the self-esteem of those in late adolescence?

parents and peers are equally important

Why might boys and girls show gender-stereotyped toy and activity preferences?

parents may encourage this through toy purchases and their actions

According to Erikson's psychosocial theory, stagnation occurs when

people fail to create a legacy

Fifteen-year-old Miguel believes he can't really get an STD, so he has unprotected sex with numerous partners. Miguel's belief illustrates the

personal fable

Cross-cultural research on the Big 5 personality factors has shown:

personality traits may have an inborn component

Emmie is learning a new song at school. To the tune of "Camptown Races" she sings, "Bring your ball and bring your bat, Buh! Buh!" As she sings, she learns to associate the letter B with the sound "buh". Emmie is learning letters using the

phonetic method

Research on activity theory has shown

physical activity is associated with lower mortality rates in late adulthood.

Blood type is determined by a single pair of genes, meaning it is NOT a(n) ________ trait.


The more time parents spend reading to their children, the more ready the children are for kindergarten. This illustrates a(n) ________ correlation.


Tyson's son hates eating vegetables, but Tyson always gives his son a dessert after his son eats his vegetables. Consequently, his son eats his vegetables more and more frequently so that dessert will be served. The dessert in this example is a(n)

positive reinforcer

Carly has a two week old infant, and cannot sleep at all. Even when the baby sleeps, she can't seem to fall asleep herself. The other day, she thought she saw spiders all over the wall and went nuts. Her husband is worried that she is acting really bizarre. Carly may have

postpartum psychosis

Katerina is a 1 month old baby. She has just discovered her hand. She lowers it out of view, then brings it into view, then lowers it out, and brings it back. She does this over and over. Katerina's behavior is an example of a(n)

primary circular reactions.

Lacey believes that attachment is all about forming a trust with a caregiver. Lacey's perspective fits best with the ________ theory of attachment.


Research indicates that insecure attachment at one year of age predicts

psychological disorders at age 17

Which of the following is NOT an example of a feminine stereotype?


Tim tells his two-year-old son, "Take that train set and go put it in your closet." Tim's son does not tend to produce a sentence like this, but he completely understands his dad and goes to put the train set in the closet. The fact that Tim's son understood this statement suggests that these words fall into Tim's son's ________ vocabulary.


Having blue eyes is an example of a(n) ________ trait


Social support

reduces the effects of stress

The phrase "Birds of a feather flock together":

reflects the likelihood that similar people are more likely to remain as partners

Bernard's mom just had a baby sister. Although Bernard was toilet trained before the baby arrived, after she and mom come home from the hospital, he starts wetting the bed and pooping in his pants again. Bernard is displaying


Mamie is trying to remember the names of the kids who sit at her table in kindergarten. She repeats them over and over. Mamie is engaged in


Marital satisfaction is:

related to one's confidence in being able to influence a marriage for the better.

Caleb is a premature baby boy. He was born at 25 weeks gestation. His breathing is irregular, and he often stops breathing. Caleb has

respiratory distress syndrome.

Baby Noah feels his mother brush her fingers lovingly on his cheek and turns towards them, displaying the ________ reflex.


Running, playing, wrestling, laughing, and making faces are all part of

rough-and-tumble play.

Kendall is a seventh grade boy who sits in front if Jessica in class. During class, he reaches back and tries to feel Jessica's leg. It makes Jessica uncomfortable, but she doesn't want to say anything to call attention to herself. She is very upset about it. Jessica is experiencing

sexual harassment.

Connor has trouble interacting with other kids his age because he has Asperger's syndrome. His special education teacher will sometimes bring a peer into her room to work with Connor on conversation skills. She gives Connor a list of topics to discuss with the peer and a list of questions he might ask the peer. This list of topics and questions is an example of what idea from Vygotsky's sociocultural theory?


Tatum is learning how to pour his own milk on his cereal. His mom stands ready and offers support as needed when the milk jug seems a little too heavy for him, but for the most part he is able to do it himself. Tatum's mom is offering Tatum


Because of their tendency to experiment with their environments, Piaget referred to children like his son, Laurent, as little ________.


An infant fusses mildly when his mother leaves and seeks interaction and comfort from her upon her return. This infant is showing ________ attachment.


Cindy is in an experiment where her mom puts rouge on her nose and has her look in a mirror. What is being studied about Cindy?


A mother leaves the room and her infant starts to cry excessively. This may represent:

separation anxiety

Robin is playing with her crayons. They are in varying stages of "used up," so some are still quite long and pointy, and others are little stubs that are almost gone. She arranges them from tallest to shortest, demonstrating that she can perform a(n) ________ task.


Jonah wants to insure that his teen daughter has adequate nutrition. What can he do to promote this that will have the greatest impact?

serve a healthy breakfast every day

There is a significantly higher incidence of ____ by stepparents than by biological parents.

sexual abuse

Gender differences in peer intimacy and support:

show that girls' friendship networks are smaller and more exclusive than those of boys

Little Peyton is playing with her toy kitchen while she watches mom in the "real" kitchen. When she makes "lunch" for her mother, her mom smiles at her and says "what a great cook you are!" When Peyton plays with a baseball bat, her mom frowns and says, "Put that thing away! It's too wild for inside." Through these interactions, Peyton acquires a sense of what is gender appropriate behavior for her according to

social cognitive theory

Xiu sees a clown for the first time and isn't sure how to react. He looks up at his dad and sees his dad smiling and laughing, and begins to smile and approach the clown, too. Xiu just engaged in

social referencing.

Many students take the ACT or SAT as part of the college admissions process. In these tests, students' scores are compared to all the other students taking the test. Both the ACT and SAT are examples of

standardized tests

Evolutionary psychologists believe that there are increased risks in stepfamilies due to

stepparents being less devoted to other people's children

Research on aggression has found

that children may learn to be aggressive by watching others

An individual's identity is dependent upon the development of interpersonal relationships. What would Erikson assume about this person?

that she/he is in middle age

Dieter is playing with his baby. He has two blankets sitting in front of them, and he hides a rattle underneath the blanket on the right over and over. His baby delights in "finding" the rattle under that blanket. Then, right in front of the baby, Dieter switches the game and hides the rattle under the blanket on the left. His baby still lifts up the right blanket looking for the rattle. Dieter's baby has displayed an example of

the A-not-B error.

Boys are more likely to commit crimes such as ____, whereas girls are more likely to commit crimes such as ____.

violent crimes; status offenses

Research on religious involvement in older adults has found that:

the various opportunities afforded by such activities is associated with less depression

Manny is playing with his older cousins. His older cousin wants to play a trick on their moms, and suggests that they hide their moms' coffee tin so that they won't be able to make their afternoon brew. Manny and he move the coffee tin to another cabinet, but Manny is puzzled. Of course his mom will know they moved it here! Manny doesn't understand that his mother didn't see them move it, and so does not know. Manny has not yet developed a(n)

theory of mind

Which of the following statements about conflict among siblings is true?

these conflicts can help children develop social competence

Many adults find the middle years:

to be an opportunity for new direction and fulfillment.

Ariana is at the hospital and has very strong contractions. Her obstetrician performs an exam and determines that the baby's head is moving into her vagina, indicating the process of ________ has begun.


Sharlene was born as a girl, but feels like a "mistake" was made and that she should have been a boy. She would prefer to be male, acts in male ways, and is considering various medical procedures to allow her to live as a man. Which of the following terms best describes Sharlene?


Maya is extremely short for a woman and is infertile. She has low estrogen levels, and cognitive problems such as problems with visual-spatial skills, mathematics, and non-verbal memory. Maya probably has

turner syndrome

Middle-class teens are ________ as likely to be employed as low-income teens and work ________ hours than them.

twice; shorter

How many morphemes are in the work "jumped"?


Celeste is pregnant after years of trying in vitro fertilization. Her doctor says that she sees a blastocyst. How many weeks along is Celeste's pregnancy, based on her doctor's comment?

two weeks or less

To achieve ego integrity during the last stage of Erikson's psychosocial theory, in order to achieve success one must

understand the inevitability of death

Diti is seven years old. She is rolling out a ball of play-doh. Her little sister thinks that she has magically made "more" play-doh when she flattens the ball into a large "pancake" shape. Diti laughs at her, comments "Silly girl! It's the same amount. It just changed shape!" Diti has

understood the law of conservation.

Markesha wants to minimize the chances of her baby dying from SIDS. What advice below should she NOT follow?

use a soft mattress

What sort of test is Sherrill likely to outperform her fraternal twin brother on?


Chanel thinks her baby boy looks just awful. He was quite premature, and when she views him in the incubator, she sees oily white goo all over him. She thinks it looks disgusting, but Chanel's nurse tells her it is just


If a child's mirror neurons are not working properly, on which of the following tasks will they show the greatest deficit?

watching someone show them how to ride a bike

The results of Rene Spitz's research ________ the results of Harry Harlow's research.

were consistent with

Which of the following is not one of the factors that researchers believe contribute to the development of attachment relationships?

whether the child was breastfed by his or her mother

Nduta's mom points to a bike and says "bike". Nduta automatically assumes that her mom is referring to the bike, not the wheel of the bike or the handlebars or the gears. This illustrates the

whole object assumption.

Can insecurely attached children become more securely attached?

yes, if they experience secure attachment with another person they are close to

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