Human Sexuality 342 (Love)

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What type of element is composed of physical, sexual love; an end unto itself rather than connected to conception?


What are Hendrick and Hendrick love styles ?

Eros Love highly valued; erotic love Ludus- Deception is acceptable within proper limits; not great depth of feelings Storge- Merge love with friendship; no fire or passion Pragma-"Love planning"; use criteria matching Mania-"Symptom love" based on uncertainty of love Agape- All-giving; nondemanding love


Expectation is that extra partners are within a defined group (like swinging).

what are some challenges to intimate sexual relationships

Jealousy stalking guilt obsession

What are some differences in sex and love ?

Love •Crucial to human happiness •Pervasive •More selective Sex •Value of sex does not supersede love •Sexual feelings are localized •Sex looks for a person rather that the person

What type of love is a marriage between two older adults who have been married for 45 years?

companionate love

companionate love

intimacy + commitment

Romantic love

intimacy + passion - no commitment

consummate love

intimacy+ passion+ commitment

What type of love is a friendship characterized by feeling of closeness and trust?


Ontological Theory

(Ontology - division of philosophy that studies the nature of being From an alternative creation story that in the beginning we (male-female) were one being, but we divided in 'fall from grace' and are now striving to be re-united. ("And the two shall become one flesh")

what type of element is love based on concern for all, spiritual love?


"A woman and a man, if their mutual love depends merely on pleasure or self-interest, will be tied to each other as long as they remain a source of pleasure or profit for each other. The moment this comes to an end, the real reason for their love will also end."


Matching Hypothesis

Both men and women tend to develop romantic feelings and relationships with people who are similar to themselves in physical attractiveness. •In personalities, opposites attract.

Open Relationship

Both partners agree to extra-marital sex, but they must be honest about it and that sex is only recreational sex.

What are some expressions of commitment ?

Fidelity •Staying with the relationship through hard times •Getting engaged •Getting married

What type of love is love at first sight ?


Liking = ?

Intimacy - with no passion or commitment

What Robert Sternberg Triarchic theory composed of ?

Intimacy(phileo) Passions( eros) commitment (agrape)

What term is refer to as closeness and warmth two people feel for each other in growing relationship?

Intimacy- (phileo)

No passion, intimacy, or commitment

Non- love

What type of love is Two work acquaintances ?

Non- love

How was love during the medieval Europe?

Not necessarily based on romance or feelings, marriage was based on economics, politics, family and status.

Complementary Needs Theory (Ego-Ideal Theory)

One tends to select a mate who has personality characteristics lacking in one's self (opposites attract).

what term is refer to as sexual attraction two people have for each other?

Passion (eros)

Attraction-Similarity Hypothesis

People tend to develop romantic relationships with people who are similar to themselves in factors such as physical attractiveness, cultural background, personality traits, and interests •Matching can apply to similarity in ethnicity, age, educational level, and religion

What are the Three Greek elements of love ?

Phileo Agape Eros

"Love is never "finished" and complete; throughout life, it changes and matures, and thus remains faithful to itself. To want the same thing, and to reject the same thing—was recognized by antiquity as the authentic content of love: the one becomes similar to the other, and this leads to a community of will and thought.

Pope Benedict XVI, Encyclical Letter "Deus Caritas Est," January, 2006

what are some Similarities of sex and love

Represents intense emotions •Involves physiological changes •Has a cognitive component •Is expressed in various ways •Need increases with deprivation


Theory which states that we become attracted to one who has characteristics similar to ourselves (age, race, religion, IQ, and social and sexual behavior)


a lifestyle where two lovers embrace the idea of each having multiple lovers—also called compersion

What term refers to decision to love and degree to which you decide to maintain that love?

commitment (agrape)

Empty love =?

commitment - no passion and no intimacy

What type of love is the beginning of an arranged marriage?

empty love


expectation that one will find a mate within own social class, race, religion, age group


expectation that one will marry outside own family group (incest taboo)

What type of love is Whirlwind courtship and marriage; fantasy love


Infatuation =?


Fatuous love

passion + commitment - no intimacy relationship lost romantic edge, even though love each other

What type of element is love of family, friends, other people?


What type of love is a summer fling?

romantic love

What are some expressions of intimacy ?

•Communicating inner feelings •Sharing one's possessions •Sharing one's self •Sharing one's time •Offering emotional support

What are some expressions of passion ?

•Kissing •Hugging •Touching •Making love

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